Description is. Types of speech in Russian

Description is.  Types of speech in Russian
Description is. Types of speech in Russian

The search engine algorithm is designed in such a way that pages of online stores without product descriptions are practically not indexed. This means that products without descriptions will not be included in the search results, and customers, accordingly, will buy them less. Additionally, with the help of clear and useful descriptions perhaps it will be possible to persuade a doubting customer to buy, who has not yet decided what exactly he needs and where to buy it. But don't overestimate the role of product descriptions on your website.

Unfortunately, not all managers know how to write a high-quality product description and how it should be. That is why online stores are often filled with such descriptions that they not only do not sell the product, but also spoil the customer's impression of the store as a whole.

Why the description does not guarantee success

Description is just one of the blocks of information on the site. In addition, not all clients read them. Much more often, attention is paid to the photograph of the product, its price, characteristics and customer reviews. If all of these elements or one of them are missing or poorly presented on the page, users are likely to leave the site without reading the descriptions.

In order for the online store to work effectively, some beautiful descriptions few. All elements of the product card must be of high quality.

What should be the description of the product

Many online store owners do not understand that the placement of standard descriptions from the manufacturer's catalog or a competitor's website sometimes not only does not bring any benefit to the resource, but can also do harm. Let's figure out how to make the product description of an online store high-quality.

Item Description Length

The optimal amount of text for product descriptions is 400-800 characters.

If the description on your site is smaller, there is a risk that it will not fit any interesting and significant data that may influence the decision to purchase a product. Also, the text of a smaller volume gets worse in the index of search engines.

Large text is often difficult to read and understand. Especially considering that many people neglect its high-quality design on the site. A volume of more than 800 symbols is appropriate only for specific goods, the purchase of which is rarely impulsive - medicines, sophisticated equipment.

Who needs uniqueness

Product descriptions in online stores must be unique.

What is the minimum acceptable percentage of uniqueness to choose, which program to use to determine its level depends only on you. In order to answer these questions, go through the content exchanges and see how competitors have it. However, don't go after 100% uniqueness.

If you choose a program based on shingle text uniqueness check, for such small volumes of text it is almost impossible to achieve 100% uniqueness without losing logic and meaning. Usually 80-90% uniqueness is enough.

Keywords in description

Keywords must be used in product descriptions. In this case, it is best to include not high-frequency keywords, but medium and low-frequency ones. Thus, the page of a specific product will increase the likelihood of reaching the top of the search results for your query.

For example, the page of the Redmond RMG-1203 electric meat grinder will not appear in the top of the search results for the query "buy an electric meat grinder". Much more chances if you move on the queries "buy Redmond RMG-1203 with delivery at low cost."

Useful information

Ideally, descriptions should not completely duplicate characteristics. They should provide the reader with additional useful information about the product. The more specifics about the product, the better.

You can write everything - from how it fits in your hand mobile phone and is it convenient to dial the number with one hand, before what method is it better to wash and dry the curtains so that they do not lose their original appearance for as long as possible.

Frequent mistakes when writing descriptions

Errors in writing descriptions are common not only for newbies in online commerce, but also for well-known stores. Let's deal with them and never repeat them again.

Descriptions copied from the internet

A real scourge for online stores. Thousands of stores persistently copy product descriptions from each other and wonder why their entire sites or individual product pages drop out of search results.

Search engines work in such a way that sites with copied content are rarely indexed. Even if you manage to get indexed, all other things being equal, you will definitely be below the original source.

Search engines react badly to such "pranks" and, as well as with copied descriptions, can bypass your site. In addition, by copying descriptions for similar products, you can accidentally deceive the client.

When search engines find two similar products with the same description on the site, they perceive these pages as duplicates and leave only one in the index. Miscellaneous Description will show search engines that the pages are also different.

An abundance of keywords

Descriptions consisting only of keywords has long been in the past. Search engine algorithms are designed in such a way that, with excessive use key phrases, you will simply be dropped out of the SERP. Yandex and Google robots are getting smarter every day and guard the interests of ordinary users and mark such texts as spam.

Too long text

All the best, even the best, should still be in moderation. Do not make product descriptions on the site in the form of long canvases of text. It is difficult to read them, they look ugly, and all the same malicious search robots are vigilant to make it convenient and useful for users.

But, if you are selling a completely new product, write an interesting and structured description exactly as much as you need. After all, who will buy an item about which he does not know anything and it is not at all clear how and for what to use it.

Where to get unique descriptions

All of the above is good, but you probably already have a question in your head. Where to get unique descriptions product cards? You can write them on your own or order them from copywriters.

Writing descriptions in-house

It doesn't matter if you start writing texts yourself, or entrust it to one of your subordinates. This method has both pros and cons.

  • the performer knows the topic, understands what he writes about, knows good and bad sides goods;
  • the performer can pick up the described object, twist it and touch it, and therefore convey this valuable information about real use to the consumer;
  • if a store has an assortment of thousands, or even tens of thousands of goods, you will have to hire a separate employee in the staff, pay for his vacation and sick leave, organize additional workplace;
  • not everyone can clearly explain their thoughts on paper, it will take a long time to choose from among the employees whom to entrust this business, often to the detriment of basic responsibilities;
  • when looking for a new employee, you will have to spend time on interviews, selecting applicants and testing their knowledge and skills.

When is it worth writing descriptions yourself:

  • a specific product that an incompetent author is unlikely to write about;
  • small number of items;
  • there is an employee who is able and willing to do this job.

Ordering descriptions to a copywriter

  • the copywriter knows how to write a product description and arrange it correctly;
  • a huge number of copywriters from which you can choose on your own;
  • low time and money costs - you can simply post a vacancy on any freelance exchange and choose the candidate you like.
  • it is highly likely that the copywriter has never come across your product and cannot always find interesting and useful information about the product;
  • the services of experienced copywriters are quite expensive, and those who are willing to work for a “thank you” often produce poor quality texts as a result;
  • you can get caught by a scammer and lose time and money.

When to order descriptions from a copywriter:

  • if you need to quickly write descriptions for a large number goods that do not require special knowledge (clothes, toys, everyday goods);
  • when there is no way to pull out one of the existing employees for writing or organize a workplace for a new one.

And finally, how to organize the job of writing descriptions:

  1. Prepare a list of pages or products that need a description.
  2. Look at how competitors are doing, decide on the requirements for the text.
  3. Choose an artist - from store employees or responding copywriters.
  4. Explore the portfolio by similar topics or ask to complete a test task.
  5. Check the received work through an anti-plagiarist, not only the copywriter, but also your employee is able to try to cheat. At this stage, you can cut off low quality texts and send them for revision.
  6. Add descriptions to product cards on your site.

Depending on the content of the statement, our speech can be divided into description, narration, reasoning. Each type of speech has distinctive features.

According to the functional semantic features in the Russian language, the following types of speech are distinguished:

  • narration. Transmits an action in development in a temporal sequence.
  • description. Characterizes static pictures, conveys their details.
  • reasoning. Conveys the development of thought in relation to the subject of thought.
Description- This is an image of any phenomenon of reality, an object, a person by listing and disclosing its main features. For example, when describing a portrait, we will indicate such signs as height, posture, gait, hair color, eye color, age, smile, etc .; the description of the room will contain such features as size, wall decoration, furniture features, number of windows, etc .; when describing a landscape, these features will be trees, river, grass, sky or lake, etc. Common to all types of description is simultaneity manifestation of signs. The purpose of the description is for the reader to see the subject of the description, to present it in his mind.

The description can be used in any style of speech, but in the scientific description of the subject should be as complete as possible, and in the artistic one the emphasis is on only the brightest details. Therefore, linguistic means in the scientific and artistic style are more diverse than in the scientific one: there are not only adjectives and nouns, but also verbs, adverbs, comparisons, various figurative uses of words are very common.

Examples of descriptions in scientific and artistic style.

1. Apple tree - purple ranet - frost-resistant variety. Fruit round shape, with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm. Fruit weight 17-23 g. Juice is average, with a characteristic sweet, slightly astringent taste.

2. Linden apples were large and transparent yellow. If you look at the sun through an apple, it shines through like a glass of fresh linden honey. In the middle were black grains. You shake, it happened, a ripe apple near your ear, you can hear how the seeds are thundering.

(According to V. Soloukhin)

Narration is a story, a message about an event in its temporal sequence. The peculiarity of the narrative is that it talks about the following actions. For all narrative texts, the common thing is the beginning of the event (the outset), the development of the event, the end of the event (the denouement). The narration can be conducted from a third person. This is the author's story. It can also go in the first person: the narrator is named or designated by the personal pronoun I.

In such texts, verbs are often used in the form of the past tense. perfect kind... But in order to give the text expressiveness, others are used simultaneously with them: the verb in the form of the past tense of the imperfect form makes it possible to highlight one of the actions, indicating its duration; verbs of the present tense allow you to imagine actions as if taking place in front of the eyes of the reader or listener; forms of the future tense with a particle like (how it jumps), as well as forms like clap, jumping help to convey the impetuosity, unexpectedness of an action.

Storytelling as a type of speech is very common in genres such as memories, letters.

Sample storytelling:

I began to stroke Yashkina's paw and think: just like a baby's. And he tickled his palm. And the baby will pull his paw - and me on the cheek. I didn't even have time to blink, but he slapped me in the face and jumped under the table. He sat down and grins.

(B. Zhitkov)

Reasoning- this is a verbal presentation, explanation, confirmation of any thought.

The composition of the reasoning is as follows: the first part is a thesis, that is, a thought that must be logically proved, substantiated or refuted; the second part - justification of the expressed thought, evidence, arguments supported by examples; the third part is a conclusion, a conclusion.

The thesis must be clearly provable, clearly formulated, convincing arguments and in sufficient quantity to support the thesis put forward. There must be a logical and grammatical connection between the thesis and the arguments (as well as between the individual arguments). For the grammatical connection between the thesis and the arguments, introductory words are often used: firstly, secondly, finally, so, therefore, in this way. In the text-reasoning, sentences with unions are widely used, however, although, despite the fact that, because. An example of reasoning:

The development of the meanings of a word usually goes from the particular (concrete) to the general (abstract). Let us ponder the literal meaning of such, for example, words as education, disgust, previous. Parenting literally means feeding, disgust is turning away (from an unpleasant person or object), the previous one is going in front.

Words-terms denoting abstract mathematical concepts: "segment", "tangent", "point", originated from completely specific action verbs: cut, touch, stick (poke).

In all these cases, the original concrete meaning acquires a more abstract meaning in the language.
Also see the article about

paradigm, word forms DESCRIPTION














+ DESCRIPTION- T.F. Efremova New Dictionary Russian language. Interpretive and derivational

a) Verbal - oral or written - picture of smb.., smth.

b) Statement of smth.... how component scientific study of phenomena.

Synonyms for DESCRIPTION- Dictionary of Russian synonyms




image, recreation, display, outline, display; definition, definition; manual, reference book, instruction; reproduction, story, nosography, iconography, proskinitariy, story, statute, diagram, skaz, everyday life description, narration, anthropography, presentation, explication, composition, history, description, description, presentation, interpretation, pittoresque, sketch, life, outline, outlining, delineation, transmission, periple, relational

+ DESCRIPTION- Small academic dictionary of the Russian language



I AM, Wed

Action by verb. describe (in 1 and 2 digits).

Now, bypassing what is known from the newspapers, I will pass directly to a description of my personal meeting with Chernyshevsky. Korolenko, Memories of Chernyshevsky.

A verbal, oral or written representation of someone, smth.

The first chapter (Eugene Onegin) presents something whole. It contains a description high life Petersburg young man at the end of 1819. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin (Preface to the first edition of Chapter I).

Lena's mother, going to the general store, immediately recognized him (Voropaeva) by the description of her daughter. Pavlenko, Happiness.

An essay that aims to scientifically describe smth.

Geographic descriptions.

Grishino turned out to be an ordinary village. So, obviously, it would be said about it in any description. Paustovsky, Cordon "273".

Synonyms for DESCRIPTION- Dictionary of Russian synonyms 2

V school curriculum the theme is always present: "Types of speech: description, narration, reasoning." But after a while, knowledge tends to be erased from memory, so it will be useful to fix this important issue.

What are Speech Types? What functions do they perform?

Types of speech: description, narration, reasoning - this is how we talk about a subject. For example, let's imagine an ordinary table in the office or at home in the kitchen. If you need to describe this item, then you should tell in detail how it looks like, what is on it. Such text will be descriptive, therefore, it comes about the description. If the narrator begins to talk about what this table is for, is it too old, is it time to change it to a new one, then the chosen type of speech will be called reasoning. A text can be called a narration if a person tells a story about how this table was ordered or made, brought home and the rest of the details of the appearance of the table on the territory of the apartment.

Now a little theory. Speech types are used by the narrator (author, journalist, teacher, announcer) to convey information. The typology is determined depending on how it will be presented.

Description is a type of speech, the purpose of which is a detailed story about a static object, image, phenomenon or person.

The story tells about the developing action, conveying certain information in a time sequence.

With the help of reasoning, the flow of thought about the object that caused it is transmitted.

Functional and semantic types of speech: description, narration, reasoning

Types of speech are often called functional-semantic. What does it mean? One of the meanings of the word "function" (there are many others, including mathematical terms) - role. That is, speech types play a role.

The function of description as a type of speech is to recreate a verbal picture, to help the reader see it with his inner vision. This is achieved through the use of adjectives in various degrees comparison, adverbial turns, other speech means... This type of speech can most often be found in an artistic style. A description in a scientific style will significantly differ from an artistic one by unemotional, clear flow of the story, the obligatory presence of terms and

A narrative is characterized by the depiction of an action, a situation, or a specific case. Using verbs and short, succinct sentences is created This type of speech is often used in news reports. Its function is notification.

Reasoning as a type of speech is characterized by a variety of styles: artistic, scientific, business and even colloquial. The pursued goal is to clarify, to reveal certain features, to prove or disprove something.

Features of the structure of speech types

Each type of speech has a distinct structure. The narrative is characterized by the following classic form:

  • tie;
  • development of events;
  • climax;
  • denouement.

The description does not have a clear structure, but it differs in such forms as:

  • a descriptive story about a person or animal, as well as an object;
  • detailed description of the place;
  • description of the state.

Examples of this kind are often found in literary texts.

Reasoning is fundamentally different from previous types of speech. Since its purpose is to convey the sequence of a person's thought process, the reasoning is constructed as follows:

  • thesis (statement);
  • arguments, along with the examples provided (proof of this statement);
  • final conclusion or conclusion.

Speech types are often confused with styles. This is a gross mistake. Below we will explain how styles differ from types.

Types and styles of speech: what are the differences?

In Russian textbooks, the concept of What is it and is there a difference between styles and types appears?

So, the style is a complex of certain speech means used in a specific area of ​​communication. There are five main styles:

  1. Colloquial.
  2. Publicistic.
  3. Formal business (or business).
  4. Scientific.
  5. Art.

To see you can take any text. The type of speech that will be presented) is present in both scientific and journalistic styles. we choose for daily communication. It is characterized by the presence of colloquial expressions, abbreviations and even slang words... It is appropriate at home or with friends, but upon arrival at an official institution, for example, a school, university or ministry, the style of speech changes to business with elements of scientific.

Newspapers and magazines are written in a journalistic style. Using it, news channels broadcast. Scientific style can be found in educational literature, it is characterized by many terms and concepts.

Finally, art style... He wrote books that we read for our own pleasure. Comparisons (“the morning is beautiful, like the smile of a beloved”), metaphors (“the night sky pours gold on us”) and other artistic expressions are inherent in him. By the way, description is a type of speech that is quite common in fiction and, accordingly, in the style of the same name.

The difference is that you can describe, reflect or narrate using different styles... For example, when talking about a flower in an artistic style, the author uses a lot of expressive epithets to convey to the listener or reader the beauty of the plant. A biologist, however, will describe the flower from the point of view of science, using generally accepted terminology. In the same way, you can reason and narrate. For example, a publicist will write a feuilleton about an inadvertently plucked flower, using reasoning as a type of speech. At the same time, the girl, using a conversational style, will tell her friend how a classmate gave her a bouquet.

Using styles

The specificity of the styles of speech makes it possible for their successful neighborhood. For example, if the type of speech is description, then it can be supplemented by reasoning. All the same flower can be described in the school wall newspaper, using both scientific, journalistic and artistic style. This can be an article about the valuable properties of a plant and a poem praising its beauty. In a biology lesson, a teacher applying scientific style, will offer students information about the flower, and then can tell a fascinating legend about it.

Speech type description. Examples in literature

This type can be conventionally called an image. That is, when describing, the author depicts an object (for example, a table), natural phenomena (thunderstorm, rainbow), a person (a girl from a neighboring class or a favorite actor), an animal, and so on ad infinitum.

Within the framework of the description, the following forms are distinguished:


Description of the state;

Examples of landscape, you can find in the works of the classics. For example, in the story "The Fate of a Man" the author cites short description early post-war spring. The pictures he recreated are so alive and believable that it seems as if the reader is seeing them.

In Turgenev's story "Bezhin Meadow", landscapes also play important role... With the help of a verbal image of the summer sky and sunset, the writer conveys the powerful beauty and power of nature.

To remember what a description is as a type of speech, it is worth considering another example.

“We went out for a picnic out of town. But today the sky was gloomy and became more inhospitable towards evening. At first the clouds were heavy gray shade... They covered the sky like a theater stage after a performance. The sun had not yet set, but it was already imperceptible. And then lightning appeared between the gloomy shutters of the clouds ... ".

The description is characterized by the use of adjectives. It is thanks to them that this text gives the impression of a picture, conveys color and weather gradations to us. The following questions are asked for a descriptive story: “What does the described object (person, place) look like? What signs are inherent in it? "

Narration: an example

Discussing the previous type of speech (description), it can be noted that it is used by the author to recreate the visual effect. But the narrative conveys the plot in dynamics. This speech type describes events. The following example tells about what happened to the heroes little story about the thunderstorm and the picnic further.

“… The first lightning bolts did not frighten us, but we knew that this was only the beginning. We had to collect our things and run away. As soon as the simple dinner was packed into backpacks, the first raindrops fell on the bedspread. We rushed to the bus stop. "

In the text, you need to pay attention to the number of verbs: they create the effect of action. It is the image of the situation in the time interval that are the signs of the narrative type of speech. In addition, to a text of this kind, you can ask questions “What came first? What happened next? "

Reasoning. Example

What is reasoning as a type of speech? The description and narration are already familiar to us and are easier to understand than the text-reasoning. Let's go back to friends caught in the rain. One can easily imagine how they are discussing their adventure: “… Yes, we are lucky that the summer resident-motorist noticed us at the bus stop. It's good that he didn't pass by. It is good to talk about a thunderstorm in a warm bed. It’s not so scary if we’re at the same stop again. A thunderstorm is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. You cannot predict where the lightning will strike. No, we will never go out of town again without knowing the exact weather forecast. The picnic is good for sunny day, and in a thunderstorm it is better to drink tea at home. " The text contains all the structural parts of reasoning as a type of speech. In addition, you can ask him questions typical for reasoning: “What is the reason? What follows from this? "


Our article was devoted to the types of speech - description, narration and reasoning. The choice of a particular speech type depends on what we are talking about in this case and what purpose we are pursuing. We also mentioned the characteristic speech styles, their features and close relationship with the types of speech.

Functional and semantic types of speech - such types monologue speech, which have their own goals and objectives, the same type of content, composition and speech characteristics. The following types of speech are distinguished - description,,

Description as a functional-semantic type - definition, subject and purpose

Description is a type of speech that lists permanent or temporary features of a subject.

Speech type - description (definition)

Description subject is defined initially and is revealed through the enumeration of signs, permanent and temporary.

The description is static, the action does not develop, while the description can be given both in the present (which is most often found, verbs are used in the form of the present tense, imperfect form), and in the past and future tense (in this case, the time acquires a relative, generalized character). In the description, the combination of the tenses of the verb is impossible.

Purpose of the description

Purpose of the descriptiond give the addressee the most complete picture of the subject.

Features of the description

The leading part of speech in this type is noun, adjective.

The description is characterized by the use of simple sentences, often with homogeneous members of the sentence.

Construction principle- parallelism (uniformity of constructions), intonation - enumeration.

1. Origin - designation of an object (subject of description), general idea about the subject;

P. The main part - enumeration of signs from more essential to less essential;

When describing an object, it is necessary to ensure the unity of the image, the unity of the view of the object and the logical sequence in its description.


This is the most short view descriptions. It consists in correlating a concept with the closest generic concept (Antonyms are words ...) and indicating the species differences of a given concept or phenomenon (Antonyms are words with the opposite meaning).

When defining the concept, you can use an example-illustration.

(The Russian economy is the economy of the period of transition from right-hand traffic to left-hand traffic. - definition-comparison; Poetry is something opposite to prose. - definition - contrast; "Blue orange" - this is lexical incongruity - definition - example).


This is a kind of transformation of the definition and is distinguished by an expanded form of presentation of the material. For example,

The ratio of language and speech can be likened to the ratio of watch parts and assembled watches. Language provides material for the structure of speech. Just as it depends on the watchmaker what the watch will be, so it depends on the speaker what his speech will be.


Another kind of description. When compiling a characteristic, it is necessary to indicate only the essential features of a given object or phenomenon, while with a detailed description, both essential and insignificant features are indicated (depending on the purpose of the author).

Watch our presentation on this topic:

A characteristic flaw in the preparation of a description text may be the selection of features or their incorrect order in the presentation.

Materials are published with the personal permission of the author - Ph.D. OA Mazneva (see "Our Library")

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