What action indicates the verbs of the perfect species. Perfect and imperfect view of the verb

What action indicates the verbs of the perfect species. Perfect and imperfect view of the verb
What action indicates the verbs of the perfect species. Perfect and imperfect view of the verb

In modern Russian is a pair (binary) opposition to the perfect and.

The verbs of the perfect species indicate the action limited to the internal limit.

The verbs of the perfect species may have the following private values:

1. Specific factual value.

Indicates a single action in its integrity: entered, wrote, shouted.

  • - I has entered, the old man read the newspaper in the chair ...
  • (A. N. Tolstoy)

2. Total value.

Indicates the integrity of the action combined by the general result or purpose; Used lexical indicators of the type twice, three times, several times and etc.

  • Bulat Tuganovsky knocked three times Briefly and decisively.
  • (A. I. Kookin)
  • Mum hang a lot pancakes.

3. Cash-efficient value.

The main thing is the end result of the action: the schoolboy came, his father returned.

  • - You probably oMET In your dance shoes.
  • (V. A. Soloohin)

Grammatical features of the verbs of the perfect species

1. In the verbs of the perfect species will have two forms - and. There are no forms! This incompatibility is explained by the grammatical values \u200b\u200bof the perfect species and present.

2. The verbs of the perfect species form the synthetic forms of the future time: see - see, sew - with a silence.

  • write - writing vS.iy, writing nN.oh
  • tell status vS.iY, status nN.oh

4. The verbs of the perfect species form: say - said in , see - wind in , put - put in Write - writing in .

And imperfect.

The verbs of the imperfect species denote the action, not limited to the internal limit.

The verbs of the imperfect should have the following private values:

1. Specific and process value. Indicates a single action in its process implementation by the subject.

  • Sleep or reads.

The following shades are specifically and process value:

but). underlined duration (type lexical indicators are used long, all night long, whole month):

  • - Here we are from this hill, it means, let's swim we will sail all day...
  • (V. Ya. Shishkov)
  • You're too long tell about it.

b). An attempt to perform an action:

  • And he run ...

in). unsuccessful attempts to achieve the desired result:

  • I urged, urged, but never convinced.

d). Configibility:

  • Something was built here.

2. Unlimited long value.

  • The earth rotates around the Sun, the moon rotates around the earth.

3. Potentially constant value.

  • He speaks German.

Grammatical features of the verbs of an imperfect

1. In have forms of all three times (present, past and future time):

  • write - I write, wrote, I will write
  • read - I read, read, I will read

2. The verbs of the imperfect form form: work - i will work, you will work, will work, we will work, you will work, will work.

3. of the present time (can form communion of the past time): read - Chita yuschi (valid, inf. BP.), Chita i eat (Padding, inf. BP.), Chita vS IY (Valid, POST. BP), Chita nN (Persay, POST. BP).

4. Form: Read - Chita i , speak - talk i , tell - telling i , work - work i Building - Straw ismiling, worry - wave ismiling

The verbs are perfect or imperfect.
The verbs of the imperfect species denote the action unfinished, they do not contain indications on the limit or the boundary of the action. For example: to gain, write, decide. These verbs answer the question of what to do?
The verbs of the perfect species denote the action completed, limited to some limit. For example: Dial, write, solve. These verbs answer the question of what to do?
The verbs of the imperfect look have three times: the past, present and future (complex). For example: to recruit - gained, I type, I will dial.
The verbs of the perfect species have two times: the past and future (simple). For example: Dial - scored, gain.
Among the verbs of the imperfect species denoting the action unfinished, repeated, multiple verbs are allocated. For example: twitch, shove, sharpen.
Among the verbs of the perfect species denoting the action completed, single verbs are allocated. For example: push, scream, pull out.
As a rule, verbs form species pairs having the same lexical value. Wedway: decide - decide, write - write, lead - bring.
Some verbs do not have paired species forms. For example: to crumble, prevail, and other verbs of the imperfect species do not have paired forms of the perfect species. The verbs of the perfect species should be praying, you need to need to be needed and others do not have paired forms of the imperfect.
Some verbs depending on use or the value of an imperfect species, or the value of the perfect species (bivide verbs). Wed: Every day, our part attacks the enemy (Nasty, BP- imperfect) - the battalion will move at dawn and attacks the enemy (Bud * BP.- Perfect View).
The bivide verbs include, for example: to attack, arrest, influence, guaranteeing, to make, use, explore, execute, confiscate, pass, pray, inherit, form, examine, promise, organize, hurt, investigate, telegraph, export, etc.

More on the topic § 76. Types of verb:

  1. 16. verb as part of speech; Features of the morphem structure and the word selection of the verb. System of lexico-grammatical discharges and morphological categories of verb
  2. 11. Verba as part of speech: semantics and grammatical categories. Syntactic functions of the verb. Portable use of forms of inclination and time of the verb.

The verb is part of the speech that meets us hardly more than anyone else. It has a number of permanent and changing signs, which belongs to the view. With this category, each of us came across school times. Often she put in a dead end and called questions.

This article will help you remember what is and to learn to determine it. Examples of tasks that you encounter will help to work out acquired knowledge.

The view is one of the permanent signs belonging to the verb. It reflects how the speaker sees the course of action in time: the ending, which is repetitive, one-time.

The view can be regarded as a category that changes the words, and as the one that classifies them. In modern Russian, this group includes only two options.

Reply to the question: "What are the types of verbs?" The answer of modern linguists to this question consists of two positions: perfect and imperfect.

Imperfect species

We found the answer to the question: "What is the type of verb?" We now turn to get acquainted with each of them.

The verbs of the imperfect species transmit the meaning of action without pointing to its completion. The words of three types are falling under this category:

  1. Denoting long action. For example: "He looked into her for a long time," "She was infinitely walking down the street."
  2. Transferring a recurring action. Example: "Every morning she sits down and the bus", "He goes to school day after day."
  3. Permanent action. Consider an example: "The city is on the hills."

The verbs of the imperfect species in many cases are accompanied by adverbs "long", "often", "usually" transmitting the frequency with which the action takes place.

The words of this type can be expressed in three times: the present, which has passed, future.

Now you know what the next paragraph will tell about the words belonging to the second type.

Perfect view

The verbs belonging to the tremendous form transmit the value of the completion of the action. Limit it with a temporary framework. The words of this type can express:

  1. The action that ended with the achievement of any result. For example: "Marina drew a beautiful picture," "Dad scored a nail into the wall."
  2. Action whose boundary is determined by its start. For example: "The wonderful music began to play in the hall," "The girl fell out a wonderful romance."
  3. A single action provided that the word is formed with the help of a suffix "Well": "He accidentally pushed me in the corridor," "from anger he kicked his foot briefcase."

The words of the perfect species appear only in the forms of past and future simple time. We remembered what the verb of the perfect species is. Let us turn to more complex material.

Viewing couple

The verbs of both types sometimes form species pairs. This category includes homonymic words that have the same meaning, but with different semantic shades. Consider examples:

  1. Justify and justify. In the first case, we see a completed action, in the second - long.
  2. Doubling and double. The first word transmits the value of the action that ended in achieving the result. The second shows the duration.

Most often, such verbs are formed from one basis. But there are exceptions, such as "take and take" or "catch and catch."

What are the types of verbs yet?

In modern Russian, single and bivide verbs are encountered. The first type includes words that have the form of only one of the species. This category includes verbs of an imperfect species in the following criteria:

  1. The action does not seek to achieve any result. Most often it expresses emotions. For example: hate, regret, expect.
  2. The verb expresses the state of a person: cry, dream, silent, chat.
  3. The word denotes movement. Examples: Run, jump, dance.
  4. The verb transmits the action with the value "slightly": to smoke, sleep.
  5. The word has the value of the action accompanying another, as in the case of "smoking" or "dance".
  6. The verb has a value associated with professional activities. For example: to carpent, to learn.
  7. The action has a mutual character. Example: brazily through, overload.

The same type includes the verbs of the perfect species:

  1. Containing several prefixes in their composition: forget, to take.
  2. Denotent action that occurred instantly. For example: I hung, I slew.
  3. Which show that the action has come to its logical completion. For example: to svewon, to bother.
  4. Dignifying the beginning of the process: jump, cry.
  5. Expressing redundant value. Example: diplomatic, adult.

Dyavid verbs

The verbs are of the form, devoid of formal expression. Depending on the context, they can be attributed to a perfect either to an imperfected form.

Similar words can be divided into three groups:

  1. Words with many years of history. Some of them: promise, hurt, marry, execute.
  2. Part of the verbs ending on "" For example, take: promote, explore, investigate.
  3. Verbs, mainly foreign-speaking origin, which have in their composition "Oova" suffixes, "Irova". Examples: Storage, encodify, telegraph.


To determine which types of verbs are found in tasks, it is necessary to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Look, whether the word is suitable for the Criteria of the single or bivide verb.
  2. If there is a prefix, in most cases it will be a perfect view.
  3. In order to accurately determine what type of verb, you need to ask him a question. "What to do?" - imperfect species. "What to do?" - perfect view.

Let's go to a small training. Determine what kind of words belong:

  • pray (bivide verb);
  • cook;
  • start (nesov. View);
  • consider (nonsense. View);
  • find (sov. View);
  • walk (single verb of non-rigs. Views);
  • to begin (single verb of rings. Views);
  • writes (Nesov. View).

Indicate, the verb of what kind is found in the sentence:

  1. He deeply regretted about the happening (single verb of an imperfect form).
  2. I used to sleep until lunch (the first verb of the perfect species, the second - single-imperfect form).
  3. He asked me a tricky question (perfect view).
  4. Every day he looks out the window in anticipation of something (imperfect).
  5. He loved to teacher in the company (single verbs of an imperfect form).
  6. The first spring thunderstorm (single verb of the perfect species).
  7. He got a job as a seller in the clothing store, in order to close a little (the first verb is a perfect view, the second is, and at the same time, but at the same time it is at the same time).

From this article you learned what type of verb is. Got acquainted with the words of the single and bivide type. Considered examples of exercises with explanations. And we received recommendations that will help you easily determine the type of verb.

I stumbled upon the task associated with the definition of the form, you can easily specify the word, even if the words are originally complicated.

My first friend, my friend priceless! And I blessed fate when my yard secluded, Sad snow digging, Your bell accelerated (A.S. Pushkin). It was written on December 13, 1826

Pay attention to the phonetics of communion. This is poetry, high style, the pronunciation of it is not welcome here.

From the story of the letter. The letter E, was created to designate the soft version of the impact sound of the O, which appeared as a result of the final consolidation in the language of special phonetic alternation of vowel sounds, for example: village - Siel, Ice and Loda (they used to spoke ice - ice.).

Arriving in conversational speech, A new pronunciation in the second half of the XVIII century began to actively penetrate the literary language. In high-style genres, such as tragedy, it was considered for a long time unacceptable, the longest reading is preserved in the philosophical lyrics. But gradually the variability disappears, a soft shock sound about finally fastened in language.

And when did the name appear? These are East Ax. "Russian grammar" 1831 year. It could hardly sound in linguistic science. Therefore, we can conclude: the perfect view - this is the tradition of pronunciation communion "performed" with the value "finished"

It can also be noted that there is no special confrontation between the communion "perfect" and the adjective "perfect", Expressing the highest degree of any positive quality: the perfection of the creation assumes and its completion too.


1) Discussion of the name of the verb species is not new, for example, here is the material on the same topic (ё?) Low view of the verb

In the XVII-XVIII centuries. Linguistics only began to deal with the classification of verbs. According to drafts, it can be seen how long and gradually M.V. Lomonosov installed the number and names of the species. But the work did not disappear for it: it was his classification that I exposed the problem, made the obvious existence of an additional category, the allocation of which researchers took up from the very beginning of the XIX century.

In the literary pronunciation of the XVII-XVIII centuries. The church-Slavic traditions were strong, where the sound of E is replaced by e. Therefore, I have a strong suspicion that the words of type "perfect", "secluded" were pronounced as "perfect", "secluded" (by analogy with "Life", "yours"). Accordingly, it was written: "Perforage View". If so, then historically, the correct "perfect", but in meaning - "perfect".

2) More about the history of the study of verb species:

The category of the species that came to replace the rich system of Russian times, in the writings of a number of scientists (N.I. Grech, A.H. Vostokova, etc.) was not clearly selected from the category of time. OH. East in "Russian grammar" allocated three types: an unknown (imperfect), perfect and multiple. In addition to three species, he allocated eight forms of time. It was not possible to delimit the categories of appearance and time.