How to completely collect Rubik cube. Impossible possible, or how to assemble the main models of the Rubik cube

How to completely collect Rubik cube. Impossible possible, or how to assemble the main models of the Rubik cube
How to completely collect Rubik cube. Impossible possible, or how to assemble the main models of the Rubik cube

This article presents a step-by-step instruction for beginners, with which you can assemble the rubble cube with a layered method. Compared to the rest of the methods, this method is simple enough, because you will not need to memorize a lot of consecutive actions. The development of the layer-by-layer method will help you soon smoothly move to the method of the rapid assembly of Jessica Friedrich, thanks to which the cube competition is collected in less than 20 seconds. In order to conquer this cunning puzzle of Erno Rubik, you will need patience and diligence. Good luck!


Part 1


Check out the three types of elements. In the Rubik Cube there are three basic types of elements, the definition of which depends on their location in the cube.

  • Central Elements are located in the center of the cube on each of its sides surrounded by other eight elements. Each such an element cannot be moved, and it has only one color.
  • Corner Elements are located on the corners of the cube. Each element has three different colors.
  • Side Elements are located between the angular elements. Each such an element has two different colors.
  • Note. Elements of the same type cannot become elements of another. The angular element will always be in the corner of the cube.

Learn to distinguish between the six sides of the cube. Each side of the Rubik Cube has its own color, which is determined by its central element. For example, the party in the center of which is located a red element, will be "red face", even if there is no other red elements nearby. Nevertheless, sometimes the parties are better called depending on their position regarding the party to which you are currently looking. Here are a few terms that will be used in this manual:

  • F. (Frontal) - lift the cube to the eye level. Directly in front of you and will be the front side.
  • Z. (Rear) is the opposite side, which is not visible when you hold the cube in your hands.
  • IN (Top) - side facing up.
  • N. (Lower) - side facing down.
  • P (Right) - the side located to the right of you.
  • L. (Left) - side located to the left of you.
  • Slide the rotation of the cube clockwise and against it. When determining the side of rotation, the face is assumed that the working line is currently in front of you. Thus, one-accounting instruction (for example, L.) Means that you need to turn the side of 90 degrees clockwise (quarter turn). If the letter is facing an apostrophe (for example, L ") The side must be rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise. Here you have a few examples:

    • F " It suggests that the front side must be rotated counterclockwise.
    • P It suggests that the right side you need to turn clockwise. That is, the right side you need to rotate from yourself. To understand the cause, turn the front side clockwise, and then turn the cube in such a way that this side becomes right.
    • L. It suggests that the left side you need to turn clockwise. That is, the left side needs to rotate.
    • IN" It suggests that the upper side you need to turn counterclockwise, if you look at the top down. That is, rotate for yourself.
    • Z. It suggests that the rear side needs to be rotated clockwise, if you look at the cube on the back side. See, do not confuse anything, since this rotation is similar to the rotation of the front side counterclockwise.
  • Add a two to repeat the command. The figure "2", standing after the designation of the parties, means that you need to turn the side by 90 degrees, and at 180. For example, H2 means that the bottom side must be rotated 180 degrees (half turn).

    • In this case, you can not specify which way to make a turn. The result will be the same.
  • Learn to determine the specific element in the cube. Sometimes the instructions will talk about some particular element in the cube. For this, all parties will be indicated, part of which is the element. Here are some examples of the location of the elements:

    • NZ \u003d side element, which is part of the rear and lower sides.
    • WFP \u003d Angular element located between the upper, frontal and right side.
    • Note. If the instructions say about square (one-color sticker), the first letter will indicate which side is the square. For example:
      • LFN Square → Find an angular element that is part of the left, frontal and lower sides. The square of the desired element is on the left side (according to the first letter).

    Part 2

    Build top
    1. Turn the cube so that the White Center is located on the side of the B, and even if it is in this position. The task of the stage is to arrange the side white elements around the center so that they formed the cross on the white side.

      • It is assumed that you have a standard Rubik Cube in your hands, in which the white side is located opposite the yellow. If you have an older version of the cube, further instructions will hardly help you.
      • Do not remove the white center from the top. Do not accomplish the most common error in this step.
    2. Move the white side elements upstairs to form a cross. Rubik's cube has many initial configurations, and describe the step-by-step instructions for each of them is simply impossible, but we will give you some tips:

      • If the white side square is located in the lower layer of the parties P or L, turn this side once so that the white square is in the middle layer. Go to the next step.
      • If the white side square is located on the middle layer of the parties P or L, turn the side, which is located next to this white square (F or h). Continue rotate the side while the white square is not on the bottom side. Go to the next step.
      • If the white side square is located on the bottom side, start turning this side until the white square is directly opposite the empty (not white) side element of the upper side. Turn the cube so that this empty element is on the VF (the upper side next to the frontal). Rotate F2 (half turn clockwise) so that the White Square is at the VF site.
      • Repeat similar actions for each white side square until they all turn out on the upper side.
    3. Extend the cross down to the angular elements. Take a look at the upper side elements of the parties F, P, Z, and L. It is necessary to make it so that there is a central element of the same color next to each such element. Here, for example, if the side square of the FV (the front side next to the top) has an orange color, then the central square f should also be orange. Here, how to achieve this for all four sides:

      • Rotate in until at least two central elements of the upper layer do not match the color with the central elements of the middle layer. In the case of a coincidence of all four elements you can skip the residue of the step.
      • Turn the cube so that one of the wrong side elements is on the side of the F (and the White Cross still remained on the side of the B).
      • Make F2 and make sure that one of the white side elements is now on the side of N. Remember the color of the other square of this white rib (element per FN). Suppose the square has a red color.
      • Rotate the side N until the red square is under the red center.
      • Turn the red side by 180 degrees. The side white element should return to the side of V.
      • Inspect the side of N for the appearance of a new white side square. Take a look at the color of another square of the same item. Suppose he is green.
      • Rotate the side N until the green square is right under the green center.
      • Turn the green side by 180 degrees. After all the manipulations, the White Cross had to return to the side of the sides, and the side elements on the sides of the F, P, Z and L are accurately over the center of the corresponding color.
    4. Move the white corner element on the white side. When performing this step, you can easily get confused, so read these instructions carefully. The result of the following actions will be the appearance of a white angular element on the white side next to the white center and ribs.

      • Find a white corner element on the N. The angular element will have three different colors: white, x and y (by this time the white side can no longer be on the side H).
      • Rotate the side N until the angular element of the white / x / y will be between the sides of the X and Y (do not forget that the side x is the side with the element x in the center).
      • Turn the cube so that the angular element of the white / x / y is in the NFP position. Do not pay attention to what position will be different colors of this element. The central squares of F and P should coincide with the colors of X and Y. By the way, the upper side still remains white.
      • From now on, there are three options:
        • If the white square is on the side of the F (in the PPN position), apply Fn. "
        • If the white square is located on the side P (in the PNN position), apply P "N" P.
        • If the white square is on the side H (in the NFP position), apply F H2 F "N" FN ".
    5. Repeat the process with the rest of the corners. Perform similar actions to move three other white angle on the white side. As a result of this step, you must get a completely white upper side. The upper layer consisting of three squares must coincide with the color of the central element on the sides of the F, P, Z, and L.

      • Sometimes the white corner element accidentally falls on the side of the (white), but it turns out in the wrong position, which is why the color of the other two squares does not coincide with the center of this side. In this case, turn the cube so that this element is in the WFP position, and then apply fp. "Now the white square will turn out to be on the side N, and you can move it to the desired position according to the combinations described above.
    6. Part 3.

      Assembling middle layer
      1. Find the side element on the side n, on which there is no yellow color. The white side is still in the upper position, and the incomplete yellow side is in the bottom. Look over the side H and find the side element on it, on which there is no yellow color. Mark two squares of this item as follows:

        • Let the square on the side H be color X.
        • And the other square - the colors of Y.
        • This should be a side element. Do not try to move the corner.
      2. Turn the entire cube so that the center of the color x is on the front side. Turn the cube along its vertical axis (like when turning the globe). Stop when the side with the center of the color x will be on the front side.

        • At the same time, the parties in and H should remain unchanged.
      3. Turn the side of N. Rotate the side n in any direction until the side element X / Y is not in the NZ position. Square X should hit the side H, and the square y - to the side of Z.

        Twist the cube, relying on the color position of Y. The necessary movements will depend on where the center is located with the color of Y:

        • If the color of Y coincides with the color of the part of the face P, apply FN "N" P "N" P.
        • If the color of Y coincides with the color of the part of the side l, apply f "n" f n l l ".
      4. Repeat these actions until the two top layers do not collect. Find another side element on the side N, on which there is no yellow square (if there is no such anymore, go to the next step). Perform similar previous steps to move the item to the correct position. As a result, on the sides of the F, P, Z and L, the top and middle layers will coincide in color.

      5. Amendments if all side elements of the side H have a yellow square. Be sure to check all four side elements on the side of N. Each of them has two colored squares, none of which should be yellow, otherwise all your actions in this section will go to the pump. If none of the side elements fall under this description (and the two upper layers are not yet completed), make the following changes:

        • Lay the side element containing a yellow square.
        • Turn the cube so that this element is in the PP position. The white side should remain on the side of the in (move it does not side, but the entire cube).
        • Apply FN "N" P "N" P.
        • Now on the side N should not be the side elements with a yellow square. Return to the beginning of the section and repeat all the steps described for this side element.
      6. Part 4.

        Assembling a yellow side

        Turn the cube so that the yellow side is up. The cube will be in this position until the assembled.

      7. Collect the cross on the yellow side. Pay attention to the number of yellow side items on the side in (do not confuse the angular elements with side). You have four options:

        • If on the side in there are two opposite yellow side elements, rotate the side in until both items are in the positions of the VL and VP. Apply z l in l "in" s ".
        • If there is two neighboring yellow elements on the side, move them to the POF position and VP (forming an arrow when one looks back and the other is left). Apply z in l in "l" s ".
        • If there is no yellow element on the side, apply one of the algorithms described above to move two yellow side elements upstairs. Then use the algorithm again, which corresponds to their location.
        • If there are four elements on the side, you have successfully gathered a yellow cross. Go to the next step.
  • Human intelligence needs permanent workouts at no less than the body in physical exertion. The best way to develop, expand the abilities of this quality of the psyche - to solve crosswords and solve puzzles, the most famous of which, of course, is a rubble cube. However, not everyone can collect him. Certain the knowledge of the schemes and the formula for solving this intricate toy will help to cope with this task.

    What is a puzzle toy

    The mechanical cube from plastics, the external face of which consists of small cubes. The size of the toy is determined by the number of small elements:

    • 2 x 2;
    • 3 x 3 (the initial version of the Rubik cube was 3 x 3);
    • 4 x 4;
    • 5 x 5;
    • 6 x 6;
    • 7 x 7;
    • 8 x 8;
    • 9 x 9;
    • 10 x 10;
    • 11 x 11;
    • 13 x 13;
    • 17 x 17.

    Any small cubes can rotate in the three sides along the axes presented in the form of a fragment of a fragment of one of the three cylinders of a large cube. So the design has the ability to rotate freely, but at the same time small parts do not fall out, but hold by each other.

    Each facet of toys includes 9 elements painted into one of the six colors, who are opposite each other in pairs. The classic combination of shades is:

    • red opposite orange;
    • white opposite yellow;
    • blue opposite green.

    However, modern versions can be painted in other combinations.

    Today you can meet the cubes of Rubik of different colors and forms

    It is interesting. Rubic cube exists even in the blind version. There, instead of color squares there is a embossed surface.

    The goal of assembling the puzzle is to streamline small squares so that they forbing the face of a large cube of one color.

    History of appearance

    The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating belongs to the Hungarian architect Ern Rubik, who, in fact, created not a toy, but a visual allowance for his students. In such an interesting way, the resourceful teacher was planning to explain the theory of mathematical groups (algebraic structures). It happened in 1974, and after a year the invention was patented as a puzzle toy - the future architects (and not only they) to the intricate and bright guide were so attached to the soul.

    The release of the first series of the puzzle was timed to the new 1978, but to the world the toy came out thanks to the entrepreneurs of the Tiborou of Lanza and the Kreker.

    It is interesting. Since the appearance of the Rubik Cube ("Magic Cuba", "Magic Cuba") was sold about 350 million copies around the world, which puts the puzzle in the first place in popularity among toys. Not to mention dozens of computer games based on this assembly principle.

    Rubik Cube is a sign toy for many generations

    In the 1980s, the residents of the USSR met with the Rubik cube, and in 1982, the first world championship was organized in Hungary in Hungary - speedcubing. Then the best result was 22.95 seconds (for comparison: in 2017, a new world record was installed: 4.69 seconds).

    It is interesting. Lovers to collect a multicolored puzzle are so attached to the toy that some competitions on the assembly at the speed are not enough. Therefore, in recent years, the championships in solving a puzzle with closed eyes, one hand, legs have appeared.

    What is a Formula for Rubik Cube

    Collect the magic cube - it means to make all the small details so that the whole line of one color turned out, you need to use the algorithm of God. This term denotes a set of a minimum of actions that will allow allowing a puzzle having a finite number of moves and combinations.

    It is interesting. In addition to the Rubik's cube, the algorithm of God is applied to such puzzles as a pyramid of Mefefet, tajnik, the Khanyan tower, etc.

    Since the magic cube of Rubik was created as a mathematical manual, its assembly is declined by formulas.

    Rubik cube assembly is based on the use of special formulas

    Important definitions

    In order to learn to understand the schemes of solving a puzzle, you need to get acquainted with the names of its parts.

    1. The angle is the combination of three colors. In the cube 3 x 3 there will be 3, in version 4 x 4 - 4, etc. In the toy 12 corners.
    2. The edge designates two colors. They are in a cube of 8 pieces.
    3. The center contains one color. All of them 6.
    4. The face, as already mentioned, is simultaneously rotating puzzle elements. They are also called "layers" or "slices".

    Values \u200b\u200bin formulas

    It should be noted that the assembly formulas are composed on Latin - it is precisely such schemes are widely represented in various manuals for working with a puzzle. But there are also Russified versions. In the list below are both options.

    1. The front line (front or facade) is an anterior face that is color to us [F] (or F - Front).
    2. The back edge is a face that is the center from us [s] (or b - back).
    3. The right face is the line that is on the right [n] (or R - Right).
    4. The left line is the face that is on the left [l] (or L - left).
    5. The bottom line is the face that is located at the bottom [n] (or D - DOWN).
    6. The upper face is the face that is at the top [in] (or u - up).

    Photo Gallery: Parts of the Rubik Cube and their Definitions

    To clarify the designations in the formulas, we use the Russian version - it will be clearer with newcomers, but for those who want to go to the professional level of speedcubing without an international system of designations in English can not do.

    It is interesting. The international designation system is adopted by the World Cube Association (WCA).

    1. The central cubes are marked in the formulas of one lowercase letter - F, T, P, L, B, N.
    2. Corner - three letters on the name of the faces, for example, the FPV, FLNI, etc.
    3. Capital letters F, T, P, L, B, H denoted elementary operations of rotation of the corresponding face (layer, slice) of the cube 90 ° clockwise.
    4. The designations f ", T", P ", L", in ", H" correspond to the turn of the faces of 90 ° counterclockwise.
    5. NOTES F 2, P 2, etc. They say a double turn of the corresponding face (F 2 \u003d FF).
    6. The letter C denote the rotation of the middle layer. The substitution index shows from which face the face should be viewed to do this turn. For example, with P - from the right edge, with H - from the side of the lower, with "L - from the side of the left, counterclockwise, etc. It is clear that with H \u003d C" B, with n \u003d c "l and t. n.
    7. Letter O - Rotate (turnover) of the entire cube around its axis. O f - from the front side of the facade clockwise, etc.

    Process recording (F "P") H 2 (PF) means: Rotate the front face counterclockwise 90 °, the same - right face, turn the bottom line twice (i.e., 180 °), turn the right line 90 ° Clockwise, turn the front face of 90 ° clockwise.


    Novice is important to learn to understand the formulas

    As a rule, in the instructions for assembling the puzzle in classic colors, it is recommended to hold a puzzle with a yellow center up. This board is especially important for beginners.

    It is interesting. There are sites, visualizing formulas. And the speed of the assembly process can be installed independently. For example,

    How to solve rubble puzzle

    There are two types of schemes:

    • for newbies;
    • for professionals.

    Their difference in the complexity of formulas, as well as assembly speeds. For beginners, of course, their respective level of ownership of the puzzle instruction will be more useful. But they, having trained, will be able to fold a toy in 2-3 minutes.

    How to assemble the standard cube 3 x 3

    Let's start with the assembly of the classic 3 x 3 Rubik cube using a circuit of 7 steps.

    The classic version of the puzzle is a rubble cube 3 x 3

    It is interesting. The reverse process used to solve those or other incorrectly arranged cubes is a reverse sequence of the action described by the formula. That is, the formula needs to be read right left, and rotate layers counterclockwise, if direct movement is indicated, and vice versa: directly, if described the opposite.

    Step-by-step assembly instructions

    1. We start from the assembly of the cross of the upper face. The desired cube is lowered down by turning the corresponding side face (P, T, L) and remove on the front line of the operation H, H "or H 2. We finish the stage of removal by a mirror turn (reverse) of the same side edge that restores the initial position of the rooted rib layer. After that, we carry out an operation a) or b) of the first stage. In the case of a) the cube came out on the front line so that the color of his front face coincides with the color of the facade. In the case of b) a cube must not only move to the top, but also to deploy it So that it is correctly oriented, becoming at his place.

      Collect the cross of the upper line

    2. The desired angular cube is found (having colors F, B, L) and the same admission, which is described for the first stage, is displayed in the left corner of the chosen facade face (or yellow). There may be three cases of orientation of this cube. Compare your case with a pattern and apply one of the operations of the second stage A, bilted in. Points in the scheme marked the place to which the desired cube should be. We search for the remaining three corner cubes on Cuba and repeat the described reception to move them into our top fair places. Result: The upper layer is selected. The first two stages almost none of anyone cause difficulties: it is quite easy to follow their actions, since all the attention is paid to one layer, and what is done in the two remaining - it does not matter.

      We select the top layer

    3. Our goal: to find the desired cube and first lead down the facade face. If it is at the bottom - by a simple turn of the bottom face to coincide with the color of the facade, and if it is on the middle layer, it must first be lowered down any of the operations a) or b), and then combine the color with the color of the facade face and do the third stage operation a) or b). Result: Two layers are collected.The formulas given here are mirrored in the full sense of the word. It is possible to clearly see it, if you put on the right or to the left of the cube mirror (edge \u200b\u200bto yourself) and do any of the formulas, in the mirror: we will see the second formula. That is, the operations from the facade, the bottom, the top (not participate here), and the rear (also does not participate) the signs of the sign on the opposite: it was clockwise, it was counterclockwise, and vice versa. And the left edge changes with the right, and, accordingly, changes the direction of rotation to the opposite.

      Looking for the desired cube and take it down on the facade edge

    4. The goals are given operations moving onboard cubes of one face, which are not violated by the finite account of the order in the collected layers. One of the processes to choose all the on-board faces, is given in the picture. There is also shown and what happens with other cubes of the face. Repeating process by selecting another facade face, you can put all four cubes in place. Result: Ribe parts stand in their places, but two of them, or even four, can be incorrectly oriented. Important: Before proceeding to perform this formula, we look at which cubes are already standing in our places - they may be incorrectly oriented. If not one or one, then try to turn the upper face so that two, located on two adjacent side edges (FV + PV, PV + TV, TV + LV, LV + FV), got into place, then orient the cube so As shown in the figure, and we perform the formula given at this stage. If it is not obtained by turning the upper face to combine parts belonging to neighboring faces, then we carry out the formula at any position of the cubes of the upper face, once and try again by turning the upper edge to put 2 parts on two adjacent side of the sidelines.

      It is important to check the orientation of the cubes at this stage.

    5. We consider that the unfolded cube should be on the right face, in the figure it is marked with arrows (PV cube). In drawings A, B, and in presented possible cases of the location of incorrectly oriented cubes (marked with points). Using the formula in case of a), perform an intermediate turn to "to output the second cube to the right face, and the final turn in the upper line will return to its original position, in the case of b) the intermediate turn to 2 and the final, too, in 2, and in case c) an intermediate turn in need to be done three times after the coup of each cube and complete also by turning V. Many confuses the fact that after the first part of the process (PS N) 4, the desired cube unfolds as it should, but order in the collected layers is broken. It knocks down Sure and some makes it halfway almost collected cube. After performing an intermediate turn, not paying attention to the "breakage" of the lower layers, perform operations (PS N) 4 with the second cube (the second part of the process), and everything becomes in its place. Result: the cross is collected.

      The result of this stage will be collected cross

    6. The corners of the last face put into place, using an 8-way process, convenient for memorization, is a direct, rearrangement of three angular parts in a clockwise direction, and the reverse, rearranged three cubes in the direction counterclockwise. After the fifth stage, as a rule, at least one cube will sit on his place, albeit incorrectly oriented. (If, after the fifth stage, none of the angular cubes sat on its place, we use any of two processes for any three cubes, after that, exactly one cube will be in its place.). Result: All angular cubes occupied their places, but two of them (and maybe four) can be oriented incorrectly.

      Corner cubes are sitting in their places

    7. We repeated many times the sequence of turns of the PF "P" F. Turn the cube so that the cube that we want to deploy was in the upper right corner of the facade. The 8-way process (2 x 4 stroke) turns it to 1/3 turns clockwise. If at the same time the cube has not yet been oriented, repeat the 8-hodovka again (in the formula it is reflected by the index "N"). We do not pay attention to the fact that the lower layers will come to the mess. The figure shows four cases of improperly oriented cubes (they are marked with points). In the case of a), an intermediate turn in and finalizing in ", in the case of b) - intermediate and final turn to 2, in the case of c) - the turn of the B is performed after the reversal of each cube to the correct orientation, and the final in 2, in the case of d) - an intermediate turn in is also performed after the reversal of each cube to the correct orientation, and the final in this case will be the turn of V. Result: The last edge is collected.

      Possible errors are shown by points

    Formulas for fixing the position of cubes can be shown like this.

    Formulas for correcting incorrectly oriented cubes at the last stage

    Essence of the Jessica Fritrich method

    There are several puzzle assembly methods, but one of the most memorable is the option developed by Jessica Friedrich - University professor at Binghemton (New York), developing data hiding techniques in digital images. As a teenager, Jessica was so fascinated as a cube that 1982 became the world champion in speedcubet and later did not leave her hobby, developing formulas for the rapid assembly of "magic cube." One of the most popular folding options for Cuba is called CFOP - according to the first letters of four assembly steps.


    1. We collect the cross on the upper face, which is composed of cubes on the ribs of the bottom face. This stage is called Cross - Cross.
    2. We collect the lower and middle layers, that is, the face where the cross is located, and the intermediate layer consisting of four lateral parts. The name of this step F2L (First Two Layers) is the first two layers.
    3. We collect the rest of the face, not paying attention to the fact that not all the details in their places. The stage is called OLL (Orient The Last Layer), which is translated as "orientation of the last layer".
    4. Last Level - PLL (Permute The Last Layer) - is the correct placement of the cubes of the upper layer.

    Video Instructions by Friedrich Method

    The way that was proposed by Jessica Friedrich, liked the inteidcubers so much that the most advanced lovers are developing their own techniques to accelerate the assembly of each of the stages proposed by the author.

    Video: Acceleration of the Cross assembly

    Video: Collect the first two layers

    Video: We work with the last layer

    Video: The last level of assembly in Friedrich

    2 x 2.

    Rubik 2 x 2 cube or Rubic mini-cube also folds in layers, starting from the bottom level.

    Mini-cube is a lightweight version of the classic puzzle

    Instructions for beginners on light assembly

    1. We collect the bottom layer so that the colors of the four latter cubes coincided, and the remaining two colors were the same as the colors of neighboring parts.
    2. We proceed to streamline the upper layer. Please note that at this stage the goal is not to combine the color, but to put cubes in places. We start with the definition of the color of the top. Here everything is simple: it will be the color that did not appear in the lower layer. Rotate any of the upper cubes so that it falls into position when three colors of the element intersect. Fixing the angle, we have elements of the remaining. We use two formulas for this: one to change diagonal cubes, the other is for neighboring.
    3. Complete the top layer. All operations are carried out in pairs: rotate one angle, and then another, but in the opposite direction (for example, the first clockwise, the second counter). You can work immediately with three corners, but in this case the combination will be only one: either clockwise or counterclockwise. Between the rotations of the angles, turn the upper face so that the angle is performed in the upper right corner. If we work with three corners, then correctly oriented from them put back on the left.

    Corner rotation formulas:

    • (WFPV · P "in" F ") ² (5);
    • Cf · cf "· in" F · in "f" (6);
    • FVF² · LFL² · VLV² (7).

    For rotation of the three corners at once:

    • (PVPV "P" F "B") ² (8);
    • FV · f "in · fv² · f" c ² (9);
    • B2 in "L²f" L "Fishing" F "(10).

    Photo gallery: Cube assembly 2 x 2

    Video: Friedrich method for cube 2 x 2

    We collect the most difficult versions of the cube

    These include toys with the number of parts from 4 x 4 and up to 17 x 17.

    Cube models on many elements usually have rounded corners for convenience of toy manipulations.

    It is interesting. Currently, the development of version 19 x 19 is being developed.

    It should be remembered: what they were created on the basis of a cube 3 x 3, so the assembly is built in two directions.

    1. We collect the center, so that the elements of the cube 3 x 3 remain.
    2. We work according to the schemes for assembling the initial toy (most often cube users use the Jessica Friedrich way).

    4 x 4.

    This version is called "Rubik Revenge".


    Assembling models of 5 x 5, 6 x 6 and 7 x 7 is similar to the previous one, only for the basis of the center we take more cubes.

    Video: Assembling Cube Rubik 5 x 5

    We work on the decision of the puzzle 6 x 6

    This cube is quite uncomfortable in work: a large number of small details requires special attention. Therefore, video instructions are divided into four parts: for each assembly stage.

    Video: How to assemble a center in a cube 6 x 6, part 1

    Video: mating of the rader elements in a cube 6 x 6, part 2

    Video: pairing of four elements puzzle 6 x 6, part 3

    Video: Rubik 6 x 6 Cube Final Assembly, Part 4

    Video: Collect puzzle 7 x 7

    How to solve puzzle-pyramid

    This puzzle is mistakenly considered a variety of Rubik's cube. But in fact, the toy of Mefefet, which is also called the "Japanese Tetrahedron" or "Moldavian pyramid", appeared several years before the visual benefit of the architect teacher.

    Pyramid Mephfert erroneously called Puzzle Rubik

    It is important to know its device to work with this puzzle, because the work mechanism plays a key role for the assembly. Japanese tetrahedron consists of:

    • four axis elements;
    • six friable;
    • four corner.

    Each part of the axis has a small triangles facing three adjacent faces. That is, each element can be rotated without the threat of its falling out of the design.

    It is interesting. There are 75,582,720 options for the location of the pyramid elements. Unlike Rubik's cube, it's not so much. The classic version of the puzzle has 43 252 003 489,856,000 possible configuration options.

    Instruction and scheme

    Video: A simple pyramid assembly technique

    Method for children

    The use of formulas and the application of methods for accelerating the assembly for children, just beginning to familiarize with a puzzle, will be too complex task. Therefore, the task of adults is to simplify the explanation as much as possible.

    Rubik's cube is not only the opportunity to take a child with a useful and interesting occupation, but also a way to develop patience, perfection

    It is interesting. Child learning is better to start with a model 3 x 3.

    Instruction (cubic 3 x 3):

    1. We are determined with the color of the upper face and take the toy so that the central cube of the right color is at the top.
    2. We collect the upper cross, but at the same time the second color of the middle layer was the same as the color of the side faces.
    3. Expose the corners of the upper face. Getting Started to the second layer.
    4. We collect the last layer, but begin with the restoration of the sequence of the first. Then the angles put so that they coincide with the central details of the faces.
    5. Check the location of the average details of the last face, changing if necessary, their location.

    Build a Rubik Cube in any of its variations - excellent training for mind, way to remove stress and distract. Even a child is able to decide the puzzle, using an age-available explanation. Gradually, you can develop more intricate assembly methods, improve your own time indicators, and there before the speedcubet competitions are not far. The main, perseverance and patience.

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    Do you know what kind of toy deserves the title of the most implemented in the world? No, not beauty Barbie and not even designer LEGO. The absolute leader of sales is a thing of much more intellectual - Rubik's cube. This year, a bright puzzle of Hungarian origin celebrates forty-first birthday. For four decades, she tried to conquer millions. And today we will tell Method how to collect "Cube Rubik" using only two movements and one little secret.

    In 1980, the mailing list was opened for fans of Rubik Cube. Since then, thousands of connoisseurs of puzzles, among which the stunning number of mathematicians, engineers and programmers, combined efforts to find "God algorithm": Method, how to collect a cube for the minimum number of moves. In July 2010, the programmer from Palo Alto Thomas Rokiki, Mathematics Teacher from Darmstadt Herbert Cotssib, Mathematics from Kent University Morley Davidson and Google Inc. John Detritra has proven that each ruging cube configuration can be solved by no more than 20 moves. BUT current record - 4.94 seconds. Well, the method described below does not guarantee a high-speed solution. But why not check the theory in practice?

    Just turn the left edge.

    Now turn the top face.

    Repeat these two combinations with each other. How many times? Until you collect!

    Video demonstration This method has already collected more than 14 million views. Of course, there were many dissatisfied in the comments who could not solve the puzzle. Maybe they simply did not repeat the combination for a long time?

    Didn't pay attention to how the edges of the cube in the hands of professionals fly rapidly? It turns out that there is a little trick. To speed up the process, you need to use ... lubricant! Liquid silicone is suitable.

    Turn the edge of the cube to the position as in the photo.

    How to assemble a ruby \u200b\u200bcube

    Rubik Cube is a famous puzzle toy, designed and patented by Hungarian architect Ern Rubik in 1974-1975. A few years after the start of mass release, in the 80s, the toy produced the real "boom", becoming a leader in the number of sales around the world.

    Puzzle is popular to this day. And although it is often possible to find it on sale among children's products, it would be not entirely correct to call this three-dimensional puzzle puzzle.

    Today, high-speed cubes will be held worldwide worldwide. Participation is taken by people of all ages, and the nominations are divided into disciplines (by the number of faces).

    Current high-speed assembly record for classic 3x3x3 cubes is less than 5 seconds! Impressive, isn't it? Especially if you consider that the average cube assembly time at an unprepared person can take from several hours to several years.

    In order for the cube assembly to bring you only pleasure, and later occupied no more than 20 minutes, we suggest you read the instruction in which the most common assembly algorithm will be described in detail. After that you will not wonder: Rubik Cube How to collect all the faces?

    First glance

    Before collecting Rubik's cube, you need to get acquainted with the main elements of which it consists. This will not only help better understand the principles of which it functions, but also to deal with the terminology in order to further use the formulas for the rapid movement of the faces, cubes.

    Recall that in the article we will discuss the standard or classic version of the 3D puzzle, a cube 3x3x3. In total, such a design has 20 moving elements that are conveniently located on the frame (i.e., a fixed basis). Namely - 12 ribs and 8 corners. The core or medium, central, the cube of the face (plane) for the moving element is not considered. Already knowing only this fact you can build a strategy for the first assembly stages. After reading the article you will not be asked questions, Rubik's cube How to collect right?

    The ribs are not considered for the moving elements. Move them independently will not work either.

    The classic version of the 3x3x3 cube consists of 6 main colors: white, yellow, blue, green, red and orange. But today, of course, you can meet other options. Including the faces that, after successful assembly, be a whole picture (according to the type of puzzle).

    Main elements

    1. Central elements of the cube or "core" are all 6. one for each side. They never participate in moving, so always are in their place. If you do not know how to collect Rubik's cube correctly, we give you a hint: you need to start with the central elements, the core. That is, the other elements of the puzzle must be built around correctly located cores. The colors of the central elements fully correspond to the color of the sides.
    2. Corner elements - cubes located in the corners. In total, the classic puzzle model (3x3x3) 8 cubes, each of which has 3 multi-colored sides, depending on which it is exactly what it is adjacent. For example, a cube on the junction of white, green and red face will consist of precisely these colors. Therefore, during the assembly, it is important to consider this information. That is, ensure that each color of the angular element corresponds to the desired side is a central element (core).
    3. Ribs - cubes that are between the angular elements and consisting of two different colors (depending on which the face they are adjacent). In total, there are 12 pieces in the model 3x3x3. Therefore, during the assembly it is important to ensure that each side of the edge corresponds to the color of the central cube (core).
    4. The side (layer) is a 3x3x3 cube plane, consisting of 9 cubes of one color. In total, there are 6 sides of different colors in the classic cube.

    The assembly of the cube is carried out precisely due to the rotation of the parties. At the same time, we clearly see that by moving, for example, clockwise one side, the corner elements of the cube remain angular, and ribs - ribs. It is this information that gives us a reason to believe that each element described above belongs to a specific type, which always remains unchanged. Rotate a puzzle a couple of times in hand, you can begin to think about how to collect a ruby \u200b\u200bcube using just the knowledge gained about its main elements?

    Alternate assembly of the cube

    There is a huge number of diverse combinations and secrets for quickly assembling a cube. Most of them are suitable for professionals. Those who are just acquainted with the puzzle recommend starting from the most common method of alternate assembly.

    With its help, the first one (top layer) is going, then the middle and only then the bottom side. This method will help to better understand the principles of the cube assembly, it is easily remembered, and part of the formula (especially for the assembly of the last, bottom side) can be used independently and subsequently collect the puzzle almost independently.

    Cube Rubik How to assemble the first layer?

    The first thing to be done is to choose the side with which the assembly process will begin. Further, in the article, all subsequent steps, formulas and tips will be described according to the selected party. In our case, yellow, respectively, the lower, the opposite layer for the yellow will be white (this order is found in almost all models of classic cube).

    You are free to choose any other color, but in order to avoid confusion with the wording, we recommend doing everything strictly according to the instructions. Otherwise, in the last assembly stages, you just get confused with flowers.

    Rubik Cube How to Collect Cross?

    So, the color from which the assembly will start selected is yellow. Therefore, proceed to the "Cross" assembly. To do this, find the yellow side on the disassembled cube, that is, the layer of which will be the yellow color of the central element of the Rubik cube. How to collect it quickly:

    There is no certain algorithm for assembling the cross. Therefore, it is best to try to do it yourself. It is not as difficult as it seems. If you are not able to assemble the cross yourself, then further steps may seem too complicated.

    If you can't collect the cross from the first time, then leave the puzzle at rest for several hours or even days, and then with new forces try to collect the cross. Note that you will have to collect the cross 4 times, that is, for each side of the cube.

    Rubik Cube How to Collect Corners?

    As soon as the cross is assembled, then the following elements - corners need to be returned to its place. If you manage to cope with the previous task, you can easily, then the solution will not seem complicated by something difficult. During the assembly of the angular elements, it is important to remember that it is not enough to simply put the yellow angle in place yellow. It is necessary that each of the three colors of the selected angle correspond to the color of the core. In other words, the yellow edge of the angular cube should be on the yellow side, blue on blue, and green on green. The algorithm will be as follows:

    1. Take a cube so that just the assembled cross was at the top (looked at you).
    2. Laying the right angle on the bottom layer of the cube. At the same time, special attention is paid to how the remaining two faces of the selected cube.
    3. Scroll down the bottom side (in our case white, because it is exactly the opposite of the yellow) so that the selected angle is just under the place where it must be supplied. That is, in parallel.

    Yellow cube "looks" to the left.

    1. Turn the lower side to the left (clockwise).
    2. Turn the side face to be supposed to put an angle of "on yourself", that is, lower it down.
    3. Return the bottom face to your place (the one we turned in paragraph 1), that is, turn it right.
    4. Return the side face from P.2 in your place up.
    5. After the actions made, the yellow cube from the position "looks to the left" will return to its rightful place.

    By analogy with this method, return the cube from the "Looking Right".

    If the desired angle is located below, that is, on the bottom side of the cube, it will be necessary to raise it first, and then return from the position "looks to the right."

    Attention! If you cannot find the yellow corner at the bottom, then it is at the top, it is simply not in place. In order to return it to a legitimate place, you just need to move it down, and then return from the position "looks to the left" or "see right" according to the formulas.

    The actions described on the return of the angles must be repeated until the first layer is fully assembled.

    Assembly of the middle layer or letter t

    As soon as the top layer is fully assembled, that is, all the corners and ribs will be in their places, then you can start assembling the middle layer. The first thing you need to do is return the cubes in the place in such a way that they formed the letter T. To do this:

    1. Turn the cube so that the selected (and already fully assembled) by you as the main color (in our case yellow) turned out to be below.
    2. In the upper layer (in our case with a white core), find the edge on which there are no white cubes (on all sides!).
    3. Turn the top layer until the edges of this cube and cores are connected and do not form a cherished letter.
    4. As soon as you collect the first inverted T, you can go to the next step. Namely, the movement of the selected cube on "its place". Therefore, the algorithm will differ depending on the initial position of the rib.

    From the initial position of the cube you need to move to the right

    From the initial position of the cube you need to move to the left

    Attention! If the cube you need (in our case, the one on which there is no white color) you can not find, then it means that it is on medium facet, but not in its place. Move it to the top layer and then return the letter T.

    Remember that this step will have to repeat 4 times. That is, first draw up the letter T, and then return the ribs into place for each layer. After that, the first two layers will be collected and you can go to the next step, which will help you understand how to quickly collect a cube to a victorious end.

    Second Cross

    Before collecting 3 layer of Rubik's cube completely, the first thing to do is to collect a cross. By analogy with the initial step. But it is only complicated by all the fact that it is necessary to do this in such a way as not to disturb and not confuse two just collected layers.

    The first thing to do is to move all four ribs of the cube, on which there is white color to the top. This situation is not excluded at which the edges will already be in their places. In this case, this stage can be safely skidding and moved to the following. For other cases in which it is still necessary to return the white ribs to the top, we recommend using the following algorithms. They differ from what position are in.

    If they are near:

    If they are opposite each other

    Attention! If no white-colored cube is correct (this situation is not excluded), that is, they are not on the upper side, then do not be afraid. It is necessary to simply do any of the above described algorithms. After that, white cubes will move to the right place. As soon as this happens, depending on the situation obtained, again do one of the algorithms described above.

    We combine the ribs

    As soon as the cross is assembled, it is necessary to correctly combine each edge with a central cube of each individual side in color, that is, with the core. It is necessary to do this consistently, not paying attention to other elements, including corners. Even if they are right now, do not be afraid that after this stage they will not fall out.

    To start:

    1. Take the cube just the collected cross up and turn this layer until at least two ribs coincide with the color with two other parties, or rather their cores.
    2. Depending on which of the suggested situations proposed below, it will be possible to drive the ribs, use the algorithms described below.

    If the side edges are located next to each other:

    This situation is not excluded when the side edges will be opposite to each other.

    The final stage

    After the actions described are done, and the ribs stand in their places, the only thing remains to be returned to their locations. For this, depending on each specific situation, you can use completely different methods and formulas.

    We will use the universal algorithm that allows you to change the corners in some places depending on the position of the selected position. At the same time, the remaining elements of the cube will remain intact.

    If you all did exactly according to our instructions, we congratulate it! You just collected Rubik's cube! You can use the described above algorithms and in order to come up with the universal formulas that will help you quickly move the elements of the cube from one position to another or collect cross.

    Once inventor Erno Rubik gathered his cube for a month, and a modern record - a few seconds.

    Many years have passed, and the interest in the Rubik's cube is increasing. There is even a rug cube assembly competition! On many sites, enthusiasts are discussed which cube assembly schemes are easier to remember which rules it is easier to perform which algorithms are faster, and what fingers for what to keep.

    Let us not be going to participate in competitions, but just want to learn, or even just learn how to collect Rubik's cube - the general principles of solving this puzzle. Newcomers do not need to learn detailed algorithms and schemes. Remember 2 or 3 formulas, and practice to better learn knowledge. I will try to explain the easiest way I managed to find by studying at the same time much unnecessary :). Full assembly instructions fit on this small web page.

    There are different assembly strategies, and for sure there are other simple rules. We will not even consider options. This is the topic for self-study.

    If you keep the cube exactly, by one face (side) to myself, then his verses are indicated by the words: F. Ront (the face is close to you), IN Rod, L. EVO, P Ravo.

    The instruction for assembling a cube consists of formulas. The formula is recorded part of the assembly algorithm, which performs part of the task. The correct formula changes in places or turns some kind of cubes without disturbing the position of the others. The formula is a sequence of the first letters of the words denoting the edges of the cube: F, B, L, P. On this page, the face is marked in red. Letters can be with strokes.

    The letter in without a stroke indicates the top of the top face clockwise 90 degrees.

    The letter in the touch indicates the turn of the upper face counterclockwise 90 degrees.

    The letter in two strokes denotes the top of the upper face 180 degrees.

    Formula 1. VP "in" "PP VP

    For memorization:
    VP VP VP, first and third time p ", second time in" "

    (2 long-range cubes of the upper crosse change in places)

    Formula 2. P "VLV" PVL "B"

    For memorization:
    PVLV PVLV, first the strokes on the edges, then in the second pair

    (Cyclically move 3 near corner cubes of the upper face)

    Formula 3. F "P FP" The desired number

    For memorization:
    Forward - Forward - Back - Back

    (The near corner cube turns without changing its place)

    Formulas need to remember. The remaining rules must be understood. In my experience, with my bad memory, the formula "Forward-back" I never forgot, in the formula PVLV I forgot where the strokes, and in the fomule I forgot the order of letters in and P. In the end, I learned the hardest PVLV formula, and I remembered that the letters of VP go in another jog than in the word PVLV.

    You probably noticed that the central cubes always remain in place. Therefore, to assemble one face, you need to collect "cross" and angular cubes of the same color as the center.

    A pair of angular cubes

    Order assembly

    (1) Lower Cross.
    (2) 2 lower layers. In turn we collect 4 pairs of angular cubes.
    (3) Upper Cross in the color of the center
    (4) Formula 1 to correct the upper cross
    (5) Formula 2 for the correct arrangement of corner cubes of the upper face
    (6) Formula 3 for rotation of the corner cube. Turn the top face with another wrong angular cube to yourself. Again, execute the formula 3., etc. While the entire upper face will not be correct.

    Nizhny Cross

    2 lower layers

    Upper cross is assembled

    Upper Cross Fixed

    Corner cubes are collected

    Corner cubes are fixed

    It is convenient to collect the necessary cubes in the upper layer, following the safety of the already collected two lower layers:
    (1) Rotate, for example P. At the same time, a pair of cubes of one corner rises into the top layer
    (2) Rotate the upper face in or in "or in" "
    (3) reverse rotation (P ")

    After that, the lower cross and one of the lower corners are completely restored. A pair of cubes that you raised upstairs should be either not yet collected (then not sorry), or should remain inseparable pair with further manipulations until you return them to place after reaching another goal.

    I wish you success! After a few hours of study, you can collect Rubik's cube in a couple of minutes.