How to play together in "minecraft" on a local network or via the Internet. How to play "Minecraft" on a local network: tips

How to play together in
How to play together in "minecraft" on a local network or via the Internet. How to play "Minecraft" on a local network: tips

A new game always means great opportunities and bright emotions. It's very cool to install it and go to the end, guessing the entertaining tricks and solving the tasks. At first, everything seems new, interesting, unusual, but over time the gameplay becomes boring, while remaining loved and interesting. What can be done? Connect friends to solving current problems and start conquering virtual spaces with them.

Minecraft is exactly the kind of game in which it is much more interesting not to act alone. Connection is possible via a local or public network. Since not everyone knows about team play methods, this informational overview has been prepared. Let's learn how to play Minecraft online with a friend.

About two ways

There are two effective ways - more complex and very simple. Let's start with the tricky one:

  • Open the game, create your game world.
  • Press the exit key and open the world to the web (there is a corresponding item in the menu).
  • Set the settings similar to those of the game world.
  • Open the game world again with a dedicated button.
  • Enter the IP address of the PC in chat (to do this, open the game, select the letter "T" from the menu and enter a numerical value instead of zeros).
  • Give your IP to a friend so that he can connect to cooperative play.

The second method is much simpler and also "works". To start cooperative friendly gameplay:

  • Start the game and create a new world. Open it to the network with the previously specified working settings.
  • Start another Minecraft, enter the game under a different nickname, open the menu item "Multiplayer". Rewrite the IP (the arrow points to it) and send it to a friend.

The last possible option is to download the launcher from the Survival Minecraft website and play with your friends using it.

Via the Internet or local network

The easiest way to connect is via the Internet. In this case, you will need to decide on the server, download the client, register the server address at login and start the game. Do not forget to close the territory if you prefer team games only with acquaintances. There are tons of game servers out there, and most of them are available around the clock. There are servers heavily loaded with players, and there are completely free sites.

It is even easier to configure access over the local network. To do this, you need a cable, two or more PCs, a game client (there may be no Internet). Computers are connected to each other using a cable, in the Network Control Center you will need to go to the section for changing adapter settings, and then LAN connections. Then select "Properties" - "Network" and install protocol 4 (TCP / IPv4). Mark it as "Next IP Address" and write "IP"; "Subnet mask"; "Default gateway". The procedure must be carried out on both computers.

The ways

There are two methods by which you could play with other people.

  • The local network.
  • Internet.

In essence, they are very similar and do not differ in many respects, but each has its own nuances that need to be remembered. For example, you can create your own map long and hard, and then make it available for local play. Do not forget to make a copy, otherwise it will be very disappointing when other players destroy what you painstakingly created.

Anyway, you will need some things, without which you will not be able to play with other people. This is the Internet, a Minecraft client, "direct" hands. You also need to remember that you will have to make changes to the computer settings, so be careful, all responsibility for bringing the PC to a non-working state will fall on your shoulders. Now let's figure out how to play Minecraft with friends.

The local network

Let's imagine that there are a couple of computers with no Internet access, and they are located in the same room. Moreover, a local network exists and is configured between them. In this case, you can play Minecraft online. 2 friends have to install the same client version on both computers. Now the sequence of actions is quite simple:

  1. One of the players must create a single player game with the desired settings.
  2. After that, he needs to press ESC and open the game for multiplayer.
  3. A message will appear in the chat about the start of the server with a specific IP-address. This is what you need to remember.
  4. The client also starts on the second computer. Only another player enters the multiplayer mode already. If the game does not automatically find the server, then you need to add it by entering the IP that you remembered a little earlier in the search bar.

Thus, the question of how to play together in "Minecraft" on a local network is solved.

Imaginary network

If your computers are separated by vast distances and connected exclusively by the Internet, you can also play on a pair. There are different ways how to play together in "Minecraft" over the Internet, so first we will consider an option that does not require advanced computer settings.

To do this, you need to download and install a utility such as Hamachi. Both friends must install it and register, after which one of them creates a server room in the program, to which his friend must connect. This method creates a virtual private network - an analogue of a home local network, only organized via the Internet. The shrewd user, probably, has already realized that further actions are similar to the previous paragraph. There is only one "but". If your computers cannot see each other, then add Hamachi to the firewall and antivirus exceptions.


If you do not want to be wise again? Theoretically, if you download the same version of the client from one site and perform all the same manipulations as in the first case, you will be able to connect to a friend. On the other hand, you can use Minecraft. Download it on any site specializing in this game, install and run. After that, you will only have to send your address to the people with whom you would like to play together. There is nothing complicated about it. So good luck with your cube world exploration and multiplayer attempts. And most importantly, if something does not work out, do not lose heart and try again and again, then you will certainly succeed.

Minecraft was originally a single player game, but over time it became possible to play online, both with your friends and on public servers. And not so long ago, developers from Mojang added the ability to create your own game servers inside the game itself and this is called The realms... Now you do not need to study the rules for installing and configuring the server and constantly maintain it. However, this feature is not free. But today is not about that.

Now there are enough open, public, free servers on the Internet where everyone can play Minecraft over the network without having to configure and install something for a long time. Below we will explain in detail how to do this.

How to start playing Minecraft online

  1. Download and install Minecraft with any available latest. We will show on an example that is relevant for today.
    1. You can also (one of the popular) and run Minecraft from under it.
  2. Start the game.
  3. In the menu, click " Online game«.
  4. Click " Add«.

  5. In the fields, enter “ Server name"And his" The address". Server addresses can be found on the Internet. For example, look here: or here: Just copy the server address and paste it into the game. In our example, this is The address might look like ip address: port(for example or name: port(as in our case). And so and so right, the main thing is to copy the entire address. The name of the server can be anything that is convenient and understandable for you. How to fill in the fields press " Ready«.

  6. You will see the added server on the screen (if everything is written correctly). All its parameters will also be indicated there: its real name, what game modes are supported and how many players are online now. To enter the server, click " Connect«.

  7. We are waiting for a few seconds and voila, we are on the server. Now you need to register. In the console (key "T") type / register password password, where "password" is just your invented password for entering in English letters, you need to type it twice in a row.

This article describes the process of playing online with a friend, via hamachi (via LAN), if you are interested in other information, for example, how to play Minecraft online on multiplayer servers, then read one of the relevant articles:

(in multiplayer, on the server)
(how to play, what to do)

So, the easiest way to play minecraft together with a friend is to use the Hamachi program. With this program, you will not have any problems with opening ports, that is, you do not need any sysadmin skills. The program is free, you can download it here -. Download and install it on both computers.

1st player

1. Run the Hamachi program on the first computer, enable it:

2. Create a network. Enter any name, password, confirm password:

3. Enter Minecraft, start the game in single player mode. In the game, press the "Escape" keys on the keyboard - "Open for the web" - "Open the world for the web".

Remember the port that the game gave you via chat - "The local server is running on the port ...". We need to transfer this port to the second player, but first he must receive an IP address.

2nd player

4. Launch the Hamachi program on the second computer, click "Network - Connect to an existing network", enter the network name and password that the first player created in step 2.

4. Copy the IPV4 address and paste it into a notepad, after the address without a space we put a colon (:) and add the port number that the 1st player gave us after completing the 3rd point, for example, we get the following address:

Since the advent of multiplayer in the game, users have the opportunity to play for several people, connecting their PCs into one network. From the article you will learn how to play Minecraft on a server or with a friend over the network and how to create your own virtual server. Here are some interesting solutions.

Playing through Hamachi

Let's figure out how to play Minecraft by Hamachi. Download the Hamachi Windows client. Then unzip the archive and install the program. Uncheck Install LastPass during installation.

When Windows completes the installation, you can start working in the program:

  1. Press the power button.
  2. The registration / login window will pop up.
  3. To create an account, you just need to enter your email address and come up with a password.
  4. Check the box to accept the license agreement.

After successful registration, you can start creating your Hamachi server. To do this, in the main window, click "Create a new network". Then fill out three forms:

  • network name (identifier);
  • password;
  • its confirmation.

If successful, the newly created virtual server will appear in the program window. Here you can also see the permanent IP address given by the application.

It remains to connect to the server. Everyone who is going to enter the created server must also install the program and register in it.

  1. Click Network.
  2. Then - "Connect to an existing network."
  3. Enter the server ID and password.
  4. Your computer appears in the contact list.

Check the connection between computers. Right-click on a visiting friend and select Check Availability. You will be presented with a console, which will show the sending / receiving of data packets. If the message "Exceeded the waiting interval for the request" pops up, the connection is interrupted.

The main problems in this case lie in the work of the brandwall and antivirus. They should be disabled.

Now you know how to play on a server in Minecraft through hamachi.

Connecting to a Minecraft server

You can create two types of server.

To play with friends, all users must have the same version of the game clients. You can create a server of two types:

  • built-in - runs in the game client;
  • dedicated - you will need to download the server assembly separately.

The second option is preferable.

To connect to the embedded server, create a new world, press "Esc", open the server to the network. It is important to find out the port here - it is registered in the game chat and looks like this: 56777.

With this option for creating a server, the port will be random every time.

The second player just need to start Minecraft, go to the "Network game", select "Direct connection" and enter the Hamachi address, and then the port, in turn, separated by a colon. It looks like this - "".

To connect to a dedicated server, you will have to download the assembly. It is necessary to register the Hamachi IP address in the settings. To do this, go to the server folder and open with notepad. Find the lines server-ip = and server-port =.

After the first line, write down the IP address where the server will be located. On the second line, write down the port. Usually it is already the default - 25565. Save changes. Now the second player can go into the "Multiplayer game" and click "Add". It remains to register Hamachi's IP address and port in the line. As a result, the newly created one will appear in the list of available servers.

LAN play

We will tell you how to play together in Minecraft by connecting computers with each other. Computers can be connected with a network cable or Wi-Fi.

In the first case, go to the Network and Sharing Center and select "Change adapter settings". Find your network card in the list. The name can be Ethernet, or whatever. Right-click on it and go to properties. In the list that opens, find IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4) and go to its properties.

Turn on "Use the following address" and write:

  • IP address: 192.168.0.X (X is any number in the range from 1 to 255);
  • subnet mask:

Do the same for the second computer. Different devices must have different IP addresses. Now it remains to check the connection between the computers. Open a command prompt (Start-All Programs-Accessories-Command Prompt) and type ping 192.168.0.X (the X address of the other PC).

After adding a world or opening it for the network, you can start the game. The user of the second PC prescribes the address and port of the first one in the game.

When connecting via Wi-Fi, you can find out the wireless LAN address through the command line. Just type and enter "ipconfig" and the required information will appear in the window.


You can go to any server offered on the Internet by typing their name and address in multiplayer. Creating your own virtual server or connecting to another computer over the network is a little more complicated. With the above instructions, these steps will be much easier.

Video: How to play on a server in Minecraft.