Maria Kravchenko: "To ask her husband's money seemed to me humiliating. Maria Kravchenko: Star Comedy Woman Pregnant from producer Maria Kravchenko Pregnant

Maria Kravchenko:
Maria Kravchenko: "To ask her husband's money seemed to me humiliating. Maria Kravchenko: Star Comedy Woman Pregnant from producer Maria Kravchenko Pregnant

The popular show "Comedy Woman" for more than 10 years remains one of the brightest and attracting the attention of projects on television screens. Its participants created a lot of recognizable images that are easy to meet in ordinary life among friends and acquaintances.

The actresses won great popularity in Russia and beyond, turning the television entertainment program into a real touring theater. Each of the girls is unique in its kind. One of the central participants "Comedy Vumen" is an actress Maria Kravchenko, whose biography and personal life is considered in this material.


The future star of the modern comedy genre was born on January 13, 1985 in the Khabarovsk Territory, the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Mary's family, like many in the provinces, worked in the industrial industry, there were no people creative professions among relatives and friends. Little Masha grew up an active and artistic child, constantly played homemade views and stood playing the theater with dolls.

Maria Kravchenko in childhood with his parents

Parents decided that for the development of creative abilities would not prevent her daughter to a music school, where Maria began to learn the game on the piano. She loved to do, but, becoming older, told his relatives that she did not want to associate life with the keys, and would look for himself in other directions. The girl attracted foreign languages, her dream was the work of the translator.

Student years

Having finished high school in his hometown, the girl entered the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, at the Pedagogical Faculty. One of the fellowship of Mary was Catherine Varnava, which can also be seen in the "Comedy Woman" show. The friendship of these talented and active girls has grown into a joint passing of KVN. They played in paired scenes, together thought out the performances, wrote scenarios for the institute team.

Among the students there were some more artistic and passionate scenes of girls, so in 2003 the "MISIS team" was formed. The female team existed until 2005, distinguished on several student festivals. Many began to lose enthusiasm, vital priorities changed.

Maria in youth with a close friend of Catherine Varnava

Maria Kravchenko and Ekaterina Varnava did not plan to stop, feeling a great attraction to the game on the stage, after a while they received an invitation to enter the KVN team "team of small peoples", the wide circle of the audience in 2005.

In the Premier League KVN 2005, the team acted already with new participants. Maria participated in comedy scenes with such partners as Nikolay Gigani and Renat Fathullin. Then the "team of small nations" ranked 4th. In 2006, Kravchenko with her team managed to get to the highest league, but the guys were weaker than other teams and did not pass in the final. After that, the "national team" began to decay.

M. Kravchenko as part of the team "The team of small nations"

Kravchenko and Varnava moved to the women's team "their secrets", formed in the walls of the Moscow Finance and Law Academy. The team performed at the Sochi Festival of 2007, at the Voice Kivin Festival in Jurmala, and also made his way in 2008 to the Higher League, where it was decided to stop gaming activities in the usual composition.

Participation in "Comedy Vumen"

Girlfriends Kravchenko and Varnava received the main thing from the performances in the composition of various teams - participation in the shooting and attention of the viewer. They began to learn, invite to large festivals, and most importantly - girls got the opportunity to take part in the new comedy project "Made in Woman".

Actress in "Comedy Vumen"

The project had a club format, actresses opposed a small public with humorous etudes in various bright images. In 2008, the Entertainment Channel TNT showed interest to the project and acquired the right to issue a television version. The first releases instantly made the show one of the most rating on the screens.

The only role in the film "Women against Men"

Heroine Mary Kravchenko - noisy and broken girls from bad companies that do not follow the tongue and outstanding unsurpassed speech turnover immediately remembered and became loved by the public. The image was perfect for any situation that Maria shown on the stage - the case in the club, a quarrel with her husband, a dialogue with a friend and others.

Family and personal life

The personal life of Mary Kravchenko from "Comedy Wumen" was for quite a long time under the veil of the mystery. The image of the sharp on the tongue of the courtyard in the sports pants and with seeds in his pocket put an imprint on real life. The guys like the type began to show excessive attention to the actress, not realizing that the Masha's free time was more like a real Turgenev laryrship. They dreamed of a music school and classic literature to meet a well-developed man who would invite her to the theater or a museum, and not on a shop or in the entrance.

In search of a man, Mary Kravchenko came to the project "Let's get married." There she chose one of the three contenders for the relationship, but outside the shooting site, communication did not make a proper impression on the girl.

Maria Kravchenko with her husband Konstantin Zolotarev

In 2014, Maria first frankly told about his novel with the producer Comedy Club Production by Konstantin Zolotarev. They knew about the existence of each other since the launch of the "Comedy Woman" show, but personally met only a few years later. Relationships began to develop rapidly, a week after the acquaintance, Maria and Konstantin began to live together. Beloved Mary shortly before that divorced his wife, which he currently helps to bring up two common daughters.

On the set of the film "Women Against Men" In 2014, a man made an offer to Mary, who played one of the main roles in the film. Producer made a surprise girl, coming into Cuba without warning, knocking on the door of the hotel room at sunrise and presenting the cherished ring.

Actress on the set of the program "Where Logic"

In the spring of 2015, in the personal life of Mary Kravchenko, another significant event was happening - the photos of her husband and a newborn daughter appeared in its social networks and caused a huge number of congratulations. For Konstantin Zolotarev, Victoria's daughter became a third child.

Maria returned to work in September 2016, starting shooting the new season of the female project. This is a large-scale show that only becomes perfect over the years. The image of Kravchenko is now much wider than was at the very beginning of her creative path. A woman appears in the most unexpected role, surprising fans with their unlimited by any frames of talent.

Maria Kravchenko with his girlfriends from "Comedy Vumen"

Now Actress is 32 years old and she continues to receive offers from directories, building great creative plans. In July of this year, she joined the composition of the actors of the first part of the comedy "Women against Men" to develop the second part. The release date of the continuation of a romantic and funny film about the relationship within three completely different pairs has not yet been disclosed, but the actors regularly share with shared pictures on their pages. Going on tour, Maria leaves a daughter with parents who are glad to help.

The KVN and the comedy woman's humorous show Comedy Woman Maria Kravchenko seems to be born in order to merry people and raise them mood. Her sparkling jokes and reincarnation in the "Ponte Girl" were so bought to the image of Masha, which is not perceived in a different way.

But the transfer of the comedy image to life was not so pleasant as fans of the artist. Starry is good, but if those who like nothing with reality are attracted to you, then be ready for problems.

Childhood and youth

Maria Kravchenko was born in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in the frosty January 1985. There was no artist in the family of future artist artist. To the theater and cinema, none of the parents or relatives had a relationship. Dad worked at the school of physical education teacher, mother - technologist at the textile factory.

In the provincial city, which was famous for the industry, few young people dreamed of becoming an actor. Not dreamed of this and Kravchenko. Although it is worth noting that Masha grew up a creative and artistic child.

Parents noticed and took her daughter to music school. But it would be not true to say that Masha adored music lessons. She mastered the game on the piano, but did not dream of the whole further life to sort out the keys and participate in the academic concerts of Philharmonic.

Therefore, the girl continued to search for himself in another direction. She undertook to study foreign languages, planning that he would become a teacher of English.

After graduation, she went to the capital. Maria did not escape the temptation to try to enroll in the theater university, but quickly failed at the exams. In order not to return home and not to lose time, she, as she planned earlier, went to the introductory to the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys to the Pedagogical Faculty.

Already during the study, Maria met with, familiar today, all and every star "Comedy Woman." Girls brought a great sense of humor and the desire to realize themselves.

KVN and Comedy Woman

After several rehearsals, Kravchenko and Varnabaw appeared on the institute scene. Together, they played comic miniatures who liked a fun student brethren. Soon, a few more female students joined friends. At one moment, the girls understood that this is a fun community nothing else like the finished women's team KVN. For a shorttenance, it was called "MISIS".

However, not all team participants turned out to be as talented as Maria Kravchenko and Katya Varnaba. Perhaps, therefore, the female team of KVN did not discharge fame and loud successes. The girls participated in several festivals and KVN forums, but, without seeing prospects, they lost their past enthusiasm.

In 2005, the "MISIS national team" began to decay. Mary Kravchenko and her faithful girlfriend did not agree with such a development. Girls decided that it was too early to put the point on the career of comedy artist, because everything was just beginning. Ideas and ideas were a lot. Therefore, the actors left the dilapidated team and joined the strong team of KVN "The team of small nations".

Maria Kravchenko as part of the team "The team of small nations"

Under the auspices of the club of cheerful and resourceful Maria Kravchenko and her colleague received a new impulse. The girls began to perform at various festivals. Often, these were comedy scenes in which Nikolay Gigani and Renat Fathullin, team colleagues participated.

Creative biography of Maria Kravchenko began to turn new chapters. In 2005, Masha's debut on a large scene took place. "The team of small nations" spoke in the Premier League KVN. The team was waiting for success. The guys got to the final, but took only the 4th step.

Maria Kravchenko and Ekaterina Varnava on the scene of KVN

Next year, Maria Kravchenko, together with the players, the teams again hit the screens of televisions: "The team of small nations" performed in the Higher League. But the first game turned out to be the last. The team repeated the sad story of the "Misius national team".

Artists failure only harden. They decided not to turn off the selected path. The girls joined another KVN team to the women's team "their secrets". At the Sochi Festival, the female "battalion" flew out of the championship after the first speech. But Mary Kravchenko and her unchanged colleague in the asset were at that time 12 performances in various teams that KVN lovers saw on TV. The girls were recognized.

In 2007, Maria Kravchenko, still in the ranks of the "its secrets" team, tried the forces in the new comedic project Made in Woman. Soon the show got a new name - Comedy Woman. It passed a little time, and the producers of the TNT channel drew on the comedy show. Debut "Comedy Wumen" on TNT took place in November 2008. From the first appearance of a humorous project on the screen, Maria Kravchenko turned into his central person and the main heroine.

Maria Kravchenko performs in the image of the courtyard

Having taken it scenic image of a broken girl, which knows the price, I liked everything and remembered. Masha was familiar with many representatives of this type still in her youth in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Therefore, the image created by it was surprisingly realistic. Kravchenko becomes the permanent participant of the "Comedy Woman".

Later, the actress replaced the image of the courtyard on the role of his wife, which constantly saw her husband. Her partner on comedy scenes became.

Together, they appeared in the miniatures "Temperature of her husband", "on guard of the child's sleep", "Winning in the lottery" and others.

In recent years, Maria Kravchenko pleased fans by the appearance in the "Supermarket of Love" in the group. As it turned out, Masha's musical education was useful. Also, the actress sings in the project "Comedy Wume". Together with her over the vocal numbers, Ekaterina Baranova is working and.

I tried Kravchenko my strength and on theatrical scene, fulfilling the role in the entrepreneurial play "Wedding". According to Mary, working on the same platform with professional actors, she realized that she had nothing to learn from the masters. In addition, their collective game clearly lost professional cavancers, the success of which always depends directly from the sense of partner.


Talent Actresses did not remain unnoticed by producers and high-quality film directions. In 2011, Maria played the Comedy "The Best Film 3D" Celebriti. In Kinokartina, it was about the director of the loser, which receives a chance to creatively manifest itself. In the main acting, comedians of the TNT channel and the Russian-star star were involved - ,.

In 2015, the actress debuted in the lead role. She reincarnated into the heroine Sonya in the comedy "Women against Men" about three couples of newlyweds, who managed to quarrel with each other during a joint wedding trip. In the film, in addition to Kravchenko and, who played the spouse of her heroine, shone ,. After 2 years, the filming of the second film of the franchise "Women against Men: Crimean Vacation" ended.

Personal life

The image of "Gopnitsa", which the train reached out for Maria in real life, played a cruel joke with her. The same guys began to be gathered around her, for which "Bloomy Romance" was close and native. But the intelligent and different from the on-screen heroine girl dreamed of other men with whom there is something to talk about, you can go to the museum or theater. But there was no such next.

At one time, Mary Kravchenko remained unsettled. In search of happiness and second half, the girl even went to the project "Let's get married." But the guy, at first glance, what Masha dreamed about, in real life turned out to be different.

And yet the artist waited for her narrowed. In early 2015, fans spoke about the pregnancy of Masha. And in the spring of the same year it became known that Maria Kravchenko became a mom. She gave birth to a daughter from the producer of Konstantin Zolotarev, who removed his wife in the project "Women against Men." Previously, creative people were familiar to the KVN games, but there they were shared by almost a whole generation of players: the future husband was older Maria for 9 years and was perceived by the club's veteran.

Offer to marry a man made actress in Cuba, where he flew down behind Maria, secret from her. Early in the morning, Konstantin called the beloved room, which was already on the 5th month of pregnancy. The groom touchingly stood on one knee and presented a dedication ring with a diamond and a harvested bouquet.

For Zolotarev marriage with Kravchenko second. From his first two children - Barbara and Sofia. In marriage with Masha, a third daughter was born, named Victoria. In "Instagram", Maria Kravchenko immediately after the birth of the firstborn laid out a photo of a cot newborn.

Later, the girl was baptized in the Orthodox church, the godfather of Victoria became a friend and colleague Maria Ekaterina Varnaba.

Maria Kravchenko now

In 2018, the actress starred in a frank photo shoot for the Maxim magazine, and later entered the ranking of the 100 sexiest women in the country according to this publication.

The actress demonstrates an excellent physical form after the birth of a child, appearing on the beach pictures in a swimsuit. The perfect figure she supports individual training with an instructor. Now, with a rise of 153 cm, its weight is 49 kg.


  • 2011 - "The best movie 3D"
  • 2015 - "Women against Men"
  • 2018 - "Women against Men 2: Crimean Vacations"

29-year-old actress and star of the humorous show Comedy Woman Maria Kravchenko is pregnant. Father of the Future Child is the producer of TNT TV channel Konstantin Zolotarev.

Maria Kravchenko and Konstantin Zolotarev have been found for about a year. In the summer it became known that Maria Kravchenko was pregnant. Now Maria Kravchenko is in the fifth month of pregnancy.

"On pregnancy Mani, I learned a month and a half ago. I starred with her in the episode of the film" Women against Men. "Kostya arrived in one day. Groups "hands up!" Sergey Zhukov.

Another colleague actresses by the same picture Natalia Rudova said: "At the premiere of March 5, she will already be with a big tummy, I'm glad for her, she literally glows from happiness."

For Kravchenko, it will be the first child, and her beloved man will be the Father for the third time. Despite the fact that Konstantin divorced Natalia's first wife, they were able to preserve friendly relations, because they have two children - a ten-year-old Varvara and two-year-old Sofia.

"We divorced not so long ago from the bones, but they bring up children together. We absolutely do not have disagreements. He's a beautiful father and friend, loves daughters very much," Konstantin Zolotarev's former wife quotes Starhit.

Future parents themselves prefer not to comment on rapid information.

Maria Kravchenko -actress, participant of the project "Comedy Woman", a former participant in the teams of KVN "MISIS national team", "team of small nations" and "their secrets".

Maria Kravchenko was born on January 13, 1985 in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. He studied at MOU SOSH No. 41. He graduated from the music school in the piano.

In 2006, she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys in the specialty "Teacher of English.

Until February 2013, he worked at the Moscow Finance and Law Academy by the head of the Youth Program Department, and is also a participant of the "Comedy Woman" show.

    Maria Kravchenko - Comedy Woman star.

    Masha Kravchenko's novel with Producer TNT Konstantin Zolotarev led to the fact that she became pregnant.

    Maria will give birth to a child in the spring of this 2015.

    Before that, she did not have children. But Konstantin will be the Father for the third time. Because he has two daughters from his first wife.

    The rumor that Maria Kravchenko, which is known to the audience by Comedy Vume, pregnant, apparently turned out to be truthful. This news wrote such sources as news of the regions of Russia, Starhit,, TopBeauty,

    Konstantin Zolotarv, producer of TNT TV channel, will be the future dad. He already has two kids from the previous marriage, and now he is looking forward to the third. Information about pregnancy was also confirmed by each other singer Sergey Zhukov and Colleague Maria Actress Natalia Rudova.

    But here 7 denies the pregnancy of the girl.

    Perhaps the sun will clear up at the premiere of a woman's film against men in which Maria Kravchenko was shot. This event will occur on March 5th, so waiting for a long time.

    More than a year ago, these were just rumors, but now this is already confirmation of Maria Kravchenko from Comedy Vume At the very case, the mother will soon become her first child, dad of this baby is the producer of TV channel TNT Konstantin Zolotarev, he will already have a third child.

    In December of the past, some media from the words of close acquaintances published the news that Maria Kravchenko was already on the fifth month of pregnancy and this means that very soon the Help will have a firstborn. At the father of the child, Konstantin Zolotarev, it will be the third child, with his previous family, he had a close relationship.

    About Maria Kravchenko has long been rumored that it is supposedly pregnant, but for the year this year has not been confirmed. However, recently in the network began to write again that Masha Kravchenko becomes Mom.

    They write about it here.

    Yes, and many television viewers noticed that in the last season, the commander Vumen Maria Kravchenko was noticeably replenished and rounded. It turned out that she was pregnant.

    Father of the Future Child - Producer Konstantin Zolotarev. He has 2 children from the first wife. And Mary this will be the firstborn. The birth of which is scheduled for the spring of 2015, that is, it is very soon.

    In no way I can satisfy your curiosity, because no information on this is not available. Although I admit that on the 29th year of life it is quite possible. And Maria Kravchenko in life has already achieved something and can afford it.

    At the time of creating the question, the information was not relevant. Well, now this rumor has found confirmation already in several sources. Father will be the producer of TNT - Konstantin Zolotarv. However, the star itself still did not officially do.

    Maria Kravchenko from the gambling is actually pregnant now, officially she herself did not declare it, but everyone already speaks about it. Mary Kravchenko is the firstborn, but the father of the Child has the producer of the TNT television channel, this is already the third child.

    There is no possibility to check what the participant Comedy Vume Maria Kravchenko is pregnant.

    No information about pregnancy, no photos where there is a hint of pregnancy.

    Rumors about pregnancy girls and women often go, as well as that, and suddenly, the man (actor) is a homosexual.

    The news of the pregnancy of Maria Kravchenko appeared last 2014, and according to her the familiar people, the period was not at that time for about 6 months, that is, it would be very soon for her mom. The father of the child was the producer of the TNT Channel Zolotarv Konstantin. The girl is already 30 years old, it's time to think about children.

08.12.2014 12:20

29-year-old actress and star of the humorous show Comedy Woman Maria Kravchenko is pregnant. The father of the future child is the producer of TNT TV channel Konstantin Zolotarev.

Maria Kravchenko and Konstantin Zolotarev have been found for about a year. In the summer it became known that Maria Kravchenko was pregnant. Now Maria Kravchenko is in the fifth month of pregnancy.

"On pregnancy Mani, I learned a month and a half ago. I starred with her in the episode of the film" Women against Men. "Kostya arrived in one day. Groups "hands up!" Sergey Zhukov.

Another colleague actresses by the same picture Natalia Rudova said: "At the premiere of March 5, she will already be with a big tummy, I'm glad for her, she literally glows from happiness."

For Kravchenko, it will be the first child, and her beloved man will be the Father for the third time. Despite the fact that Konstantin was divorced with the first wife of Natalia, they were able to preserve friendly relations, because they have two children - a ten-year-old Varvara and a two-year-old Sophia. "We divorced not so long ago, but they bring up children together. We have absolutely no disagreements. He is a wonderful father and friend, loves her daughters, "- quotes the former wife of the producer of Konstantin Zolotareva Starhit.

The future parents themselves prefer not to comment on the soon adding information. Mary Kravchenko - actress, the participant of the project "Comedy Woman", the former participant in the KVN team "Misiis national team", "team of small nations" and "their secrets".

Maria Kravchenko was born on January 13, 1985 in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. He studied at MOU SOSH No. 41. He graduated from the music school in the piano.

In 2006, she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys in the specialty "Teacher of English.

Until February 2013, he worked at the Moscow Finance and Law Academy by the head of the Youth Program Department, and is also a participant of the "Comedy Woman" show.

Maria Kravchenko from the Comedy is pregnant?

There is no possibility to check that the participant of "Comedy Vumen" Maria Kravchenko is pregnant.

No information about her pregnancy, no photos where there is a hint of pregnancy.

Rumors about pregnancy girls and women often go, as well as that, and suddenly, the man (actor) is a homosexual.

Moderator chose this answer to best comment tostorus 10 months ago

The rumor that Maria Kravchenko, which is known to the audience for the "Comedy Woman", pregnant, apparently turned out to be true. This news wrote such sources as "News of the regions of Russia", "Starhit", "", "TopBeauty", "".

The future dad will be Konstantin Zolotarev, the producer of TNT TV channel. He already has two kids from the previous marriage, and now he is looking forward to the third. Information about pregnancy was also confirmed by each other singer Sergey Zhukov and Colleague Maria Actress Natalia Rudova.

But here "7" denies the pregnancy of the girl.

Perhaps everything will become clearer at the premiere of the film "Women against Men", in which Maria Kravchenko was shot. This event will occur on March 5th, so waiting for a long time.


Rows of pregnant women replenished: Maria Kravchenko is pregnant!

The star Comedy Woman is preparing to become a mother. All the details of the celebrity pregnancy on TopBeauty.Always someone out of the stars is waiting for a child, and the world, holding his breath, is waiting for the appearance of a kid to the light. Now under the sight of the cameras are pregnant Blake Lively and Jessica Bil. It seems that Mary Kravchenko also arrived in their slender series! It's no secret to anyone that the star has been found with the producer of TNT Konstantin Zolotarev, but the fact that the couple has planned children, no one knew. Maria Kravchenko is now in the fifth month of pregnancy and for her it will be the first child. But her chosen one has already twice his father and his wife broke up not so long ago, but to a fateful meeting with the star Comedy Woman. Skitris and humorist will become a mother in spring 2015. We hope that this time Konstantin will still be able to keep the family.