Evgeny Loza: marry not hurry! Evgenia Loza: "Even during the filming of the bed scenes of the series" Vostok-West "there was not a drop of constraint Eugene Lose 7 days.

Evgeny Loza: marry not hurry! Evgenia Loza: "Even during the filming of the bed scenes of the series" Vostok-West "there was not a drop of constraint Eugene Lose 7 days.

Actress Evgeny Loza believes that it is impossible to refuse from the gifts of fate. Therefore, when she was offered a role in the Russian-Turkish TV series "East - West", which comes out on the "home" channel, Zhenya agreed without thinking. OK! Talked with the actress about how she had to learn Turkish and why she never starts service novels

Photo: Dmitry Zhuravlev

J.yenya, with its Turkish partner on the film crew of the film "Vostok - West" you spoke English?

Sure. And he, and I pulled my English during this time. But mostly we communicated on the mixture of English, Russian and Turkish. In the frame, Adnan speaks Turkish, and I am in Russian. This is very difficult.

So you had to learn Turkish?

Without it, it did not cost. ( Laughs.) I had to learn some phrases. At first, when we were filmed in Russia and I had to speak Turkish, for me it was a real carriage: just a set of letters, I did not understand anything. When the stage of filming in Turkey came, many words I already knew, and I was easier.

And how many shooting continued in Turkey?

A few days in Istanbul and a month in Bodrum. But the main unit was filmed in Kiev.

Managed to combine work with rest?

Unfortunately, it did not work rest. But I can say that it was a pleasure to work in such landscapes. Although the difficulties were also. We arrived in Turkey at the height of the summer, in the world. One thing in this weather is to relax, and another is to work. It was not always possible to eat, sleep, relax where air conditioners were. All the time stood a terrible heat. We even faced the technique, and some members of the film crew even lost consciousness.

How did you move such heat?

Fortunately, it did not reach the fain flock, because I had my carriage with air conditioning and everything came to me cool. ( Smiles.)

But after such filming, you probably have not visited the thoughts about what you need to go on vacation to the sea?

Honestly, no. I wanted to leave somewhere in the forest, in the autumn weather ...

Zhenya, what is it like to play love with a partner who does not speak Russian?

In principle, love is not a word and not actions, this desire to concern. This is what is transmitted through the eyes ... And in the actor's game, we helped the knowledge of the material with which we work. Words were superfluous ... ( Laughs.) But of course it was difficult. First of all, because I needed not only to learn my text, but also know the text of my partner. I had to specify the words, after which you had to express certain emotions, because when Adnan said, I did not hear anything, I had only one thought in my head - not to lose a thread and correctly join, respond ...

Interestingly, it's not difficult to play when your partner is so good?

On the contrary, I love beautiful people and receive real aesthetic pleasure from communicating with them. ( Smiles.) I confess, I can not fall in love with the set. I clearly delimit the characters and real people.

That is, the service novels are impossible for you in principle?

Of course, no one is insured. I do not argue that I have a cold mind and I forbade myself to fall in love at work. Just until it happened. I still need a man more earthly profession. If I chose a creative way, then my man should stand firmly on his feet and keep me like a balloon for string. Two people soaring in the clouds are too. ( Laughs.)

Zhenya, I know that you play mom in this picture. For you, this is already becoming a good tradition. And you yourself remember how many screen children put on the light?

We must count! ( Laughs.) I, of course, I doubt that this mom played by me will look like Mom's role in life. This is a invented image depending on the circumstances. Play mom in the movie is easy, but very scary - after all, other people's children. I almost happened to have a real nervous breakdown, when I had to take a ten-day baby on the hands and still bathe him. I sincerely do not understand the parents who give his child to shoot, because the actors may accidentally harm this fragile being. Perhaps this is the only difficulty in filming with babies.

And if older children?

Then the main thing is to adjust the child to the working way. There are kids naughty, hooligans, but I still manage to find points of contact.

Zhenya, and your parents do not ask when you give them grandson?

Well, with mom and dad we have this question for a long time closed. In general, everyone understands the features of my character, profession, so now they are already calm.

And what is this characteristic of character?

I am very autonomous and self-sufficient. If the girl did not get married to twenty-five years, then her claims to the future chosen one are increasing. But so far, apparently, I did not meet that man myself I need. All my relatives and friends know that I did not have the goal as soon as possible to marry and give birth to a child. If this has not yet happened, it means that I have not yet found my person. All this understands and do not twitch me.

To meit seems if you decide to do something, then nothing will stop you. Or I'm wrong?

I am a person who is easy to go along the road cooked by him fate. I still have everything went very smoothly. In the profession the same. Since childhood, I knew what I would do. For me it was natural, without any particular effort. There are stories when girls from the province come to Moscow, in the first year they do not go to the institute - go to work, in the year they come and as a result become actresses. I moved to Moscow with my parents from the Luhansk region, graduated from school here, immediately entered the theater institute, began to work. Everything happened by itself.

Nevertheless, get to school-studio MCAT is not so easy.

What accepted me is just a big luck. I can not say that I, for example, was well prepared. When I went to the institute, I didn't have the idea that the theater was. Before that there was some kind of amateur circle. I was taken to school-studio MCAT with the condition that I am in half a year getting rid of the dialect. The head of the course Konstantin Arkadyevich Rykin said that everything is fine, but if I have to say, we will have to say goodbye. I was engaged with the best teachers of Moscow, and in the evening came home where everyone was talked to Surgique. I begged my parents: "Let me do with you?" He brought them books, showed how and what to do, but, naturally, everything was useless. I needed even two years so that my speech was clean.

Zhenya, are you the first actress in the family?

Discoverer. ( Smiles.) Although after I decided on the profession, once, revising the photos of my deceased grandmother, my father's mom, accidentally discovered the pictures among them, on which it is depicted in the costumes, on stage. No one told me about it, but, as it turned out, the grandmother performed on the scene of the local theater. And I, how much I remember, constantly satisfied the concerts at the grandmother in the village, wrote scenarios, put mini-performances ... From ten years I have already worked at the local theater, we did the performances, told trees and performed on all urban holidays. Parents engineers hoped that I was closer to the eleventh grade, I distorted and choose a "more decent profession."

Did they relate to this as a hobby?

They discouraged me. Did not consider acting a serious occupation. But everything happened as I wanted to me.

I looked at your filmography: starred in the cinema you started on the first courses of the institute. Teachers treated this normally?

Of course, we were not allowed to remove. The very first shooting fell for the summer vacation period. I agreed, because I was told that they would end up at the beginning of the school year. But there are shooting shoots, everything was delayed, I had to be explained with Konstantin Arkadyevich. He was very unhappy. But then it was necessary to choose to work or learn. As a result, I had to quit the institute. I believe that all the same, the main basins were obtained in the first second courses.

Now you do not think that I need to make it necessary?

Honestly, no. For the first years, I felt the lack of theory and practice, I understood that I was a black product. But throughout all these years I left the filming with some luggage, I was able to work with such actors, directors and artists that the missing experience was replenished every time. So, I think, no, I do not want to learn.

And to the opinion of the colleagues with whom you work, listen?

It seems to me that the artist who ceases to listen is either the tired artist or finished developing. As adult artists can learn from me, so I'm learning from them. And I hope that I will not stop doing this under any circumstances.

When we communicated with you last time, you admitted that you dream to buy an apartment in Moscow. Managed to implement a dream?

Unfortunately, the earnings of Russian artists does not allow to buy an apartment in Moscow. While I live on removable and save. ( Smiles.)

And if you live with parents, it will not be possible to accumulate faster?

And to whom at thirty two I want to live with your parents? With all his openness I am introvert and love to relax in my company. At such moments, I have a reboot. Parents live across the road, and when I painfully come to them. It is important for me that I cared for me. Mom will bring breakfast, medicines ... But in general, it is more comfortable to live alone.

How comfortable! For dinner you can go to my mother.

Yes! My favorite cutlets and borsch are never translated into the refrigerator from the parents.

Today at 21:00 on TV channel "Davad" will be held the premiere of the first Russian-Turkish series "East-West". The main roles in the project were assigned actress Evgenia Lose and Adnan Kochu from Turkey. The Russian actress played the role of a married woman Tatiana, dreaming of becoming Mom. Heroine relations with her husband at a certain point went into a dead end, she stopped feeling necessary, feeling tenderness and tremies to his spouse. The couple decides to go to Sunny Turkey to combine a working trip with a reception at the famous medic, which should help them get a chance to become parents. However, a meeting with the doctor leads to completely unexpected consequences. We met with the actress at the presentation of the project in the city of Belek. Evgenia Loza was as always smile, friendly and completely quietly asked for a waiter in Turkish.

Zhenya, because the shooting of the "East-West" series was held in Turkey, I understand that you come here already how to go home?

There is such. I myself did not expect it from myself, but when it flew here again, I realized that it was already like a small homeland. So much time we already spent here, and so much was on the set of Turkish artists, even on our side ... Indeed, somehow calm myself here. Even today, I got up on the border control in the Turkish queue. She was at times less, and it could not but buy me because I did not sleep all night. I realized that I already had the right. Supervously recalled at least some Turkish words, so that at least somehow justify its appearance there before the border guard (laughs). Could not remember even the elementary "hello", but in time it came to mind "Meraba!" The crusher smiled, and I easily missed me.

On the set I had to learn to be expressed in Turkish, some words to learn? Surely then used them in everyday life?

Indeed, when I returned from filming to Moscow and met with friends or sat down in a taxi, I unwittingly broke out "Teschakur Ederim" ("Thank you" in Turkish. - Approx. Starhita), and Merabashechki. That is, a kind of Russian-Turkish slang appeared, and entered His Adnan Kocha, the executor of the leading role in the series. To all words, he added the ending "Oshko" - "Thank you" and so on. We have "Merabashki" and "Teschchard". Therefore, when he returned to his friends, which, naturally, not in the subject, I was simply not understood. Naturally, to our Turkish partners to be more comfortable with us and warmer, we willingly used some words in their tongue.

And colleagues answered the same?

And how! Adnan generally learned Russian so that we also tried to talk carefully with him. He could not add "I understand everything", and we were already careful, of course.

It is no secret that passionate relations are often tied between Russian women and Turkish men. By and large, the situation in which your heroine Tatiana was turned out to be "East-West" serial, quite common. Was it in your life?

No, nothing like this happened to me. I do not know, because of what, but I had a kind of stereotype to this expense. It is very difficult for me to understand a Russian man, what to talk about foreigners. It is very important for me to hear, listen, and that I understood me. That vocabulary that I have in Russian does not give me opportunities even to put it in English so as to fully convey what I want to say. For me it is very important - with a foreigner I can not talk about everything, explain everything ... All these sparks of passion in the resorts, perhaps, went by the party. As for Russian-Turkish love stories, of course, there are positive examples. My friend, a girl with whom we studied together at school, married Turk. For more than ten years, they have been happily live in Istanbul, raise children. This is a really rare case, I did not meet any such examples. As a rule, it ends with a break, broken with heart, devastated wallet and so on.

Do you have any such connections? What was to work with handsome-turki on the set?

I remember when we just arrived, someone from the local group we warned us about what should be careful. I am very grateful for what we explained: you should not be kept on the courting of local. Turkish men are still those loving, they will talk, they lack your ears, heart. Anyone, communicating with them, can feel like a queen, and our women really lack it. But it's not necessary to dissolve in this and lose your head. All this ends exactly at the moment when a man seeks his goal. We told it, I think, just "the traitor of his nation", a very good friend for our film crew. For me personally, thank God, this information was useless, but she was releasing and helped to understand the nature of the Turkish man.

You said that Russian men do not always understand ... What does this mean?

Perhaps due to age, I always want to analyze something, to understand something for myself. Now I am working to turn off the self-analysis and simply surrender to the feelings. Nevertheless, I need to find all the time in all the new meanings.

Well, you are a horoscope cancer, you are typical of you ...

If you believe the latest news about the appearance of the 13th sign of the zodiac, it comes out that I am twins. I refuse to believe it and I do not accept this point of view. My world collapsed - all my analyzes and reflections simply lost the meaning (laughs).

Astrological forecasts have something for you?

I can not say that, having acquainted with a man, running reading the characteristics of his sign of the zodiac, but in general, of course, I'm interested in this.

From the very beginning of your acting path, the image of the Turgenev Baryshni was secured. Did you stop the roles of an amplua?

Of course, I'm tired of this ... But Tatyana from the series "East-West" is completely different. Here and the age of the other, and characteristics, and experience. Initially, the heroine scenario was 35 years old, it was three years more than me. Nevertheless, I like that I switched this age barrier, I'm rebuilt. Thanks to the director Denis Eleonsky for giving such an opportunity. By the way, he invited me to the next project, where I can try the image of a strong, hard, bitch, offended girl. Everything is your time, and my characters change with me.

Your heroine in the series is eager to become a mother, for her it is a sick topic. And what is your personal attitude to motherhood?

Honestly I can say, I am not very close to the situation of my heroine. To say that I woke up the maternal instinct, I can not. Because for me it is originally a child - it is primarily the fruit of love of two people who understand and feeling each other. Due to the fact that I did not meet such a man, I do not have a question about the child. Just give birth to him for myself, in my opinion, not quite right. I am not an egoist, I do not want the child to live in an incomplete family. But there are such women who want the baby, and from the very childhood they carry the strollers some, dolls ... I have never happened to me. Now I do not have such a need to become my mother. I understand that, probably, it's time, and relatives from time to time raise this question.

Often you have to answer uncomfortable questions of relatives about the child?

Now everything is less likely. It was probably between 22 to 28 years old. Now they have already calmed down.

I know that you have a very close relationship with your grandmother. Sometimes you even take a vacation to spend it with her in the Krasnodar Territory ...

Yes it's true. She is the only grandmother and grandfathers who stayed with us. Our elder. Once a year I try to choose time and visit it, to stay nearby. After filming the series immediately went by car to her. I have a wonderful, wayward ... This is such an aristocratic nature! She has already been 87 years old, name is Valentina Ivanovna. But this is a person with absolutely straight back. She herself makes charging, repair, glue wallpaper - all herself. For her, I - the lights, which heats it. She is very proud of. What I do is largely for my grandmother - so that she is longer happy, it was longer with us.

Does she follow what you do? Breasts familiar?

Yes, and very actively. Once I came to her, she even called her friend from the local newspaper to take my interview. Proud, in one word. If you go with her together in the store, sometimes draws the attention of others to the fact that the actress came to them. I confuse, of course, but I see how it is important for her.

Grandma watching television series?

Playing a major role in mystical horror "Peak Lady. Black rite, "fragile and graceful actress proved that the image of a strong woman is also on the shoulder. In an interview with Evgeny Loza explained why he does not marry and who prepares exquisite dishes.

Mom I'm only in the movie

- Eugene, with what difficulties in working on the role you encountered?

- Fortunately, I did not have to reincarnate in the peak lady. My heroine is a mother ready for everything to save and protect your child. The role is dramatic, but not negative. After reading the script, I was surprised that I was offered the role of a 13-year-old mother's mother. But, apparently, it was time to change the roles ( smiles).

- For this age role, you specifically made?

- emphasized all my outlined wrinkles ( smiles). I played young mothers in the movie, but the teenager's mother became for the first time. With Alina (actress Alina Babak. - Ed.) We easily found a common language.

- Did you think about your own children yet?

- For me, a child is the fruit of love. Since my man I have not yet met, I don't want children yet. Yes, and parents never insisted especially. Mom always said: "Zhenya, marry not hurry, matured, then and your choice will be conscious." The process was a little delayed ( laugh), But while I'm not ready to get married. I had a civil marriage experience who taught me a lot.

- One women like being independent, others, on the contrary, want to hide behind a strong man's back. What is closer to you?

"I used to cope with the difficulties herself and not seeking a man to shift his problems to him." I have long been providing myself and the family, I decide all the urgent questions. Nearby I want to see a man who will support me in everything.

- What should a young man do to attract your attention?

- There are no recipes. I don't like a person or not. Maybe even one who does not deserve it.

- That is, the colors and gifts to achieve your location is impossible?

- Of course not. I believe only in love.

Chubby cheeks disappeared forever

- How do you feel about mysticism?

- I do not exclude the presence of something otherworldly in our world. But I try not to dwell on it.

- Did any mystical things happen to you?

"There is an episode in the film, when a peak lady comes to the victim and slices a strand of hair. And here on the set, during the makeup, the girl-stylist suddenly says: "Where is your bang?" I look in the mirror and see that on the one hand I really do not have strands of hair! Of course, I immediately thought about the peak lady.

And from recently, I began to be afraid of spiders. One day I am lying in a hotel room, I try to fall asleep. The room lights only the TV screen. I open my eyes and see a huge shadow of spider, which moves right on me! I cried with a cry, turned on the light, and it turned out that all the corners hang big, fatty spiders!

- It was not scary to look in the mirror? After all, a peak lady may appear there.

- A couple of times there was such a thought. I generally try not to look into the broken old mirrors. They say it is unfortunately.

- And if the black cat goes the road? Choose another path?

- No, but I will take a button for the button! ( Laugh.) Apparently, this is already a reflex from distant childhood.

- Remember yourself in thirteen years?

- Sure. I was a pretty complex teenager. I did not like my appearance. I was very thin and against the background of the bullshit Ukrainian classmates looked ridiculous. But now, when I consider my children's photos, I think: what I'm a beauty!

- You grew up in Ukraine, and local cuisine is characterized by calorie and welded dishes. But it did not affect your figure ...

- With nature you will not argue! I have very good metabolism. Sometimes it should be corrected, and it does not work. True, since I moved to Moscow, my diet has changed much. I do not eat fatty, sharp, roasted, even Ukrainian borsch cook without a roaster and sala. I use meat rarely, and only stew. There is a diet-menu, fruit and freshly squeezed juices on the set. During this period, I usually strongly lose weight.

Once I had very heavy shooting, many stressful situations. This affected the psyche: I was lazy to eat. From the food I chose what was not necessary to chew. When I got on the scales, I did not fall in fainting: I weighed 43 kilograms! Gradually, I managed to return the initial weight. True, I lost some of your charms irrevocably. I mean cheeks ( laugh). Despite Sudobu, I always had chubby cheeks.

New project - new shoes

- Eugene, it is difficult for you to imagine with a vacuum cleaner or a cloth in your hands. What are you in everyday life?

- Previously, I hated cleaning and almost did not prepare - the housekeeper was engaged in it. And now I even like to keep the economy itself. Despite the fact that I live alone, I love to prepare some exquisite dish. And recently did the repair in the apartment, he herself came up with the design, went shopping.

- You can easily part with money?

"If you like some thing and there is an opportunity to purchase it, I will not think for a minute." It is inconvenient, because sometimes some thing is urgently needed, but she is in the parent apartment. Mom scolds me for spending too much money on clothes. I have a tradition: after the first shooting day in a new project I buy beautiful shoes or sneakers. Bags and shoes are the most expensive things in my wardrobe. I have such a big thing that things have to be stored in two apartments ( smiles).

- Apparently, you can't save ...

The fees will decrease - the requests will decrease. There were times when I had to sit every six months without work. Then you begin to consider each penny. But as soon as the money appears, you quickly forget about difficulties.

- In secular events, it is important for you to stand out or it is enough to look elegant?

- Previously, I chose extravagant outfits: purple leggings, green dresses. Now I like laconic femininity more. But, to be honest, I am not a lover of parties, so I rarely appear on them.

- Do you use the services of stylists?

- Not. I choose the outfit itself, make makeup and hairstyle. I sorry to spend time on hiking in the beauty salons.

- What projects will see the audience with your participation?

- I hope that the premiere of the series will soon be held. Guardian law" A week ago, the filming of the film " Forever and ever" And at the beginning of the year I starred in the series " Witch" In short, mystical gave out a year ( laugh).

- Probably, and really did not really work?

- A year ago, it was possible to get to Cannes for three days. In general, for two or three years, I had no full-fledged vacation. Then there is no suitable company, then time.

- I am sure that many men would dream of vacation with you!

- I do not even doubt! ( Laugh.) That's just, I would not go on a journey far from every day. Not even with all friends is ready to spend a vacation: from some I have a head in a couple of days. Something to Europe, I would love to go and alone, walked - there you can from morning to night, and I would not be bored. And my dream is to be on the sea with snow-white sand and palm trees.

Talled Margarita Gorlya

November 23, 2017.

The star of the series "Vostok-West" frankly told about his personal life and search for an ideal man.

Photo: Domestic Channel

Fans of the Russian-Turkish series "" are eagerly awaiting the second season. And he already removed! The premiere will be very soon. We overtake the executor of the leading actress by Evgeny Lozu in Turkey, where the domestic channel told about the novelties of this television season.

"The tie of the series is pretty banal - a Russian girl fell in love with Turk. When you first read the script, what emotions have experienced?

- Indeed, I heard many similar stories in life. But at the same time the series "" is not completely about me. I am very weakly imagine to imagine that I could link my fate with a person from another state.

- Another faith?

- And this too. Before I started to act in this project, Turkey for me was a purely resort country. And I knew the Turks only as attendants in hotels. And now I got acquainted with the mass of intelligent, smart, interesting, hardworking people.

- But they still could not fall in love with the Turk?

- Not. I sometimes find it difficult to understand even the person who speaks with me in the same language. And here also the difficulties of translation ... Absolutely different mentalities, another childhood. It is difficult to connect fate with a person with whom we have grown differently, were in different conditions.

- With the partner of the TV series Adanany Komocheh, did you make friends with this?

- Yes. With Adanan, thank God, we managed to find a common language almost immediately. He is an open person, interesting, with a wonderful sense of humor. We manage to joke, not even understanding each other (laughs). This is about many things.

Only friendship connects with Adanany Kurcha, although both actors are now free. Photo: Domestic Channel

- Do you communicate in English?

- Oh, we have a mixture of languages \u200b\u200b- both English, and Russian, and Turkish, and even a certain language of Tarzan - gestures, facial expressions.

- On the set of another Turkish series - "" - some actors in the end created families. At your adman, the heart did not eat?

- The fact is that the beauty of a man never played for me an important role in choosing a life satellite. Yes, you can fall in love with visually, as in the picture. But then what? I am more important communication. I look like a person expresses his thoughts as he behaves. With adman, it is difficult for us to raise some serious topics, talk about something, philosophizing, so everything comes down to simple communication and humor.

"I understand man for a very long time."

- When the series has already come out, someone from acquaintances told you: "Zhen, you as if I played me?"

- I wrote strangers in social networks very much, most often in Instagram. Recognized that this is like their story and that they could tell some more interesting details. I understand that the story in the series is not taken out of the air, the plot is based on real events.

"Your heroine, in essence, a resort novel happened. Have you ever had to worry about this?

- Not. I am very serious about it. I do not happen any service or resort novels. I understand a person for a very long time before letting it with him. Not a single vacation in the resort would have enough for this.

- You are not married?

- Not. Because, I repeat, I choose very scrupulously.

- Ksenia Sobchak to marriage said that she became very picky for men. And Anfisa Chekhov, on the contrary, admitted that over the years she stopped waiting for the Prince and agrees to tolerate some shortcomings in a man. It seems that these are two types of girls after thirty ...

- It seems to me that we are talking about different periods of life. When Ksenia said that he did not see sense to change his life for someone, try to please him, she experienced the stage of freedom - she enjoyed the life of an independent, self-sufficient woman, she had no sharp need for a male shoulder. And anfisa, probably, at some years went further - she played free and realized that she would like and male warmth, and support. During this period you dream to meet a person with whom you will just go through life. And in this case, of course, I agree with the anfisa - you can make a man some parting. Teenage maximalism is already running.

The tie of the series "East-West" begins with a spa novel. The actress itself admits that he never worried about the like. Photo: Instagram.com.

- At what stage are you now?

- I am between these stages. I never had a goal of getting married. I'm just waiting for a man who will "mine", with whom we will be together, shoulder to the shoulder, Plikch-o-Plіch (I'm in Ukrainian already). So that it was a man for whom I would like to cook with pleasure, for example ...

- What should he be?

- Oh, this is a question of Caverns. Perhaps this is the reason for my current loneliness. The fact is that I still have no idea what my man should be.

- Okay. How should he not be?

- It is important that it be without bad habits. Not a womanist. Responsible. Funny. Well, more precisely, with a sense of humor. Smart necessarily. Probably, it's not good to talk about former, I do not like to do this. But I had a young man in which I fell in love with a greater extent because I understood: I can learn something from him. It was a very clever man who taught me a lot, I could form with him.

It remains to hope that I will meet a person who will not know about my work

- Stretch behind him?

- Yes, necessarily. And, probably, it is also not good to talk about it, but I would like to meet a person who knows how to earn - nefanatically. Fanatism, I think, also a bad habit. 24-hour work, women series, excessive hobbies sports - all this is bend. Do not accept fanatics.

- Did you meet with a football player?

- Yes, there was nothing there! Lord, it is fiction!

- You dial in the search engine "", and immediately in the first lines ...

- …Marat Izmaylov. Yes, it is a catastrophe, with which I live for many many years.

- How did it happen?

- Yes, very simple. I was on the birthday of my friend - singer Heraclius Pizza. He introduced me to my friend Marat, we immediately photographed. And in the morning, in some newspaper, our photo was published with the signature that Marat Izmailov brought his bride Eugene Lozu. After some years, even children were attributed to us. First one child, then another. Although I saw this person then for the first time in my life! But yes, it was fun ...

- You did not discuss this with Marat?

- We somehow intersected in the general company. I say: "Did you see?" - "Saw". Dared to the soul.

"Many men are taught with the actress"

- By the way, about children. Do you feel any inner readiness for them?

- For me it is very scary. I understand what kind of colossal responsibility. This is necessary to devote my life to another person. I already have, probably, all girlfriends with children, and some even two. Many I baptized.

- How many gods do you have?

- Three. I enjoy communicating with them. But again I understand that I do not recognize my girlfriends. Everything completely changes. I probably will be ready for this. But as I do not have a zaqotty in marriage, so I do not have a quicker on motherhood. Just next to me there is no man for whom I would wanted to marry and give birth to a child.

- How old are you ready to wait?

- I do not have such an installation.

- And if it does not work?

- Well, I still hope that I will meet. And in general, of course, what should I do? If not, so no.

- And yet in what, in your opinion, the cause of female loneliness? Case in you? Or man crushed around?

- I do not want to blame anyone. Probably the reason and in me including. But there is, of course, and "Damn Profession". Many men who hypothetically might like me, are afraid of ties with the actress. A lot of labels hang on our brother. In my case - to our sister. I am not urba, but a pretty girl - some men fear and that. On the other hand, if someone rushes on the beauty and success of the girl, then this also does not characterize it from the best side. It turns out a vicious circle. I will not walk and speak to all right and left that I am serious. It remains to hope that someday I will fly in the plane in the trunk down jacket, with a beam on my head, unwrapped, and at that moment I will meet a person who will not know about my involvement in acting.

- But then he learns. Suddenly there will be against the contact with the actress?

- I could not refuse from the profession. It is important for me that he treats my profession with respect to my profession and took my choice.

Private bussiness

Evgenia Loza was born on July 6, 1984 in the mining city of Anthracite (Ukraine). When the wife was 15 years old, her family moved to Moscow. He arrived at the acting department of the MCAT Studio (Course Konstantin Raykin), but because of the filming in the series "Marsh Turkish" and "Kamenskaya" she had to leave the institute. Played in such films and serials as "Sakura jam", "Closed School", "And the snow falls ...", "Hero of our time", "Moth", "Trail of Salamandra", etc.

Laura Chuguevskaya

Tricolor TV Magazine Observer

Evgenia Loza: "Even during the filming of bed scenes of the series" East-West "there was no constraint"

A lot of TV shows about love, but on Monday, October 17, the TV channel "Davad" will show the first Russian-Turkish series "East-West" about love without and outside the borders. The history of the couple of Tatiana (Yevgeny Lose) and Igor (Yakov Kucheravsky), who went to Istanbul for Eco Procedure, was based on real events.For shooting in the series I had to break over 500 objects of the dishes and give to fall three (!) Types of artificial snow. Actress Evgeny Loza told Tricolor TV Magazine about other details of the "East-West", a new Hermes bag, model business, yoga and many other things.

On account Evgeny Voza, almost fifty works in the cinema

Eugene, what did you have to learn for the filming in the series?

For three days I learned to swim more or less normally and dive. Not from the tower, of course, jump, but still. I came to the shooting area, braking my results to the director, and he says: "Brasss? But we would be a crawl. " I had to go to the pool again.

How did you work with the actor Adanan Kochoefamous for the series "Magnificent century"?

We immediately found a common language, the language barrier did not interfere with us at work. It has passed quite a bit of time, and we have become friends truly, on the set we reigned atmosphere of fun, we often joked for each other. Adnan is an excellent actor and a brought-up man. Even during the filming of bed scenes, there was not a drop of constraint between us and everything happened very cozy and comfortable.

How did your relationship with the director?

At one time I was even offended by Denis for the fact that he gives instructions to all the actors except me! At first I tried not to give me values, but at one point I could not stand it and I asked directly: "Denis, why don't you advise I anything"? It turned out that with him the same we see the role of Tatiana and my work does not need his comments. I have long been broken in the compliments to Denis, because he is a stunning person, very cheerful, kind and able to surprise childishly. Our whole film crew is a big gift for fate, for which I am incredibly grateful.

You were a student school-studio MCAT, the course of Konstantin Raykin, but left learning due to a dense shooting schedule. Never spare about this decision?

Sometimes I was a little uncomfortable to be among the graduate actors, but I never regretted this decision. Who knows how my fate would have happened if I had this crust? Perhaps in the future I would like to go to acting courses, but not exactly in Russia.

Evgenia has two small passions - bags and shoes

Recently, the popularity of hooligan cinema is gaining popularity. Remember at least "Suicide detachment"and "Deadpool". Would you like to play in the movie of this genre?

I recently looked at the New Zealand comedy "Real Gaps". This is 100% trash, but very cool movie! I would like to play in something like that, because under my cute appearance, so many hells are hidden that you can't even imagine. (Laughs.)

You have played only one play. Is this your desire or so develop circumstances?

I was repeatedly called in the entrepreneurs, but I feel much more comfortable on the set. What I like the movie: the whole process is not going on in front of the viewer, and there is something deeply intimate. You fulfill your work, and you are already watching it out of the house. I do not know that it is natural modesty or hidden complexes, but I do not see myself on the theater scene. Although I madly love to go to the performances of my colleagues, and I even have a series of posts in Instagram called "Zhenya Theater". (Laughs.)

And about the model business with your external data ever thought?

When we just arrived in Moscow, my mother immediately took me to the model school. It was the end of the 90s, when a boom began in the country to open such institutions. And, as it is easy to guess, most of them were sweat. It was on him that we came across. After a couple of classes, I came there and saw a coffee shop on the site of the model school. But I can not say that he was very upset about this. Still, I like more to be filmed for magazines as an actress than models. Although if Chanel makes me a proposal to become a face of their brand, I will not refuse. (Smiles.)

The series "East-West" tells the story of the difficult love of Tatiana and Kemal

Actress, model ... You have also started a musical career?

You need to take a maximum of life! And although I dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood, I was interested to try myself and as singer. It seems to me that you always need to look for yourself in different professions to find what will have to do. Now friends require me to create a designer line. To be honest, I do not see anything special in my style, but since I rarely can find the thing I need in stores, I do not exclude opportunities for time to retrain the designer.

Can you call yourself a shopaholic?

If earlier I could spend the last money for your favorite dress, now it has become more judicious in this regard. The largest article of my expenses - bags and shoes. In particular, after the end of the filming in the "East-West" series, I made a gift myself and bought Hermes bag, whose heavenly blue color simply did not leave me another choice.

But I don't want to overpay for clothes, so I often look into the same Zara and the Fair of Young Designers. By the way, my favorite thing is a dress-dress dress from one Ukrainian brand. But in general, my wardrobe is huge! And no matter how much things have been distributed, their number does not change - some kind of mysticism. (Laughs.)

How do you support yourself in such a great form?

I was learned from childhood that after myself you need to leave an empty plate. Grandma even frightened me by the fact that the bread died to me would come to me at night, and I, a poor child, fell asleep in fear. (Laughs.) Only recently, I managed to get rid of this feeling of guilt, and I could easily leave an abdicted dish. As for diet, I do not recognize them. However, I do not use too fat and fried dishes, I do not like sweets and do not make night swells on the fridge, because I can not sleep on a full stomach. The only dessert that I could eat infinitely - "Napoleon"my grandmother. Fortunately, she lives 1000 kilometers from me, otherwise my figure would have come to the end. ( Laughs.)

And sport do you do?

Like everyone, I plan to start training in the very near future ... While my sports is limited to yoga a couple of times a month. Even a bike, bought a year ago, is untouched. And the code from his castle, I generally ever remember. (Laughs.)