The olympics in brazil are official. When the Olympic Games start in Rio de Janeiro

The olympics in brazil are official.  When the Olympic Games start in Rio de Janeiro
The olympics in brazil are official. When the Olympic Games start in Rio de Janeiro

It's only been 6 months since the Rio Olympics closed, and most of the Olympic venues are already falling apart. The reason is simple - the city does not have enough money to service them, it also fails to attract athletes and tourists there, so the entire Olympic Park is empty and abandoned. And given the crime that reigns in Brazil, it's not hard to guess that in a year everything will be taken apart brick by brick. They have already begun to steal wiring, fire extinguishers and equipment.

In general, the Olympics are often a big problem for the city. I have been to many former Olympic venues, and it is very rare to integrate them into a calm city life. Even in Moscow, built for the 1980 Olympics, numerous stadiums and sports facilities today look like foreign bodies in the urban environment.

I suggest taking a walk through the Olympic Park in Rio and see how it looks six months later.

Photo: Nacho Doce / Reuters

This is Maracanã, the largest stadium in Brazil. In 2016, the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic and Paralympic Games were held here. And it was here that the football matches of the Olympics were played. The stadium is now abandoned ...

The reason is that the authorities, the organizers of the Olympics and the owners of the stadium could not agree on which of them would pay the nearly $ 1 million bill for electricity and maintenance of the facility. As a result, the electricity was turned off ...

Photo: Vanderlei Almeida / AFP / Getty Images

The stadium was not built from scratch. It has existed here since 1950, and in 2010-1012 it was simply restored. The restoration cost 400 million euros and was timed to coincide with the 2014 FIFA World Cup. During the 2016 Olympics, the stadium was little used. The last event was held here in December, it was a charity match. Since then, the stadium has been completely abandoned.

Photo: Silvia Izquierdo / AP

But even two months was enough ... Vandals tore up thousands of seats.

Photo: Silvia Izquierdo / AP

Electronic scoreboards were stolen.

Photo: Silvia Izquierdo / AP

The upholstery on the armchairs was torn apart. Although some hoped that things would be different. For example, here is a quote from Mauricio Santoro, a political scientist at the State University of Rio de Janeiro: "Maracana" is the main symbol of how the games are organized. Most people will never go to a golf course or other Olympic venues. But with "Maracana" everything is different. This is the pearl in the crown. "

Photo: Silvia Izquierdo / AP

This is how the stadium looks from the outside. The Rio de Janeiro Football Federation fears that it will only get worse. Formally, the stadium is the home arena for four football clubs, but they do not use it.

Photo: Vanderlei Almeida / AFP / Getty Images

Olympic water stadium. Its facade was decorated with translucent canvases created by the Brazilian artist Adriana Varejo, now they are torn and torn.

Photo: Nacho Doce / Reuters

And the training pool is filled with rainwater, mud and dead insects.

Photo: Pilar Olivares / Reuters

This is how the water center looks inside.

Photo: Pilar Olivares / Reuters

And this is the Olympic golf course, in the arrangement of which they invested 16 million euros. After the Olympics, the Brazilian Golf Confederation was unable to attract enough players here. There is not enough money to maintain the facility.

Photo: Nacho Doce / Reuters

The modular golf houses built for the Olympics are now also abandoned.

Photo: Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP / Getty Images

On the fence around the Deodoro sports complex he sees an announcement: “We are closed for the renovation of the pool, will be back in January. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! " In general, the territory around "Deodoro" after the Olympics was going to be turned into a large park. But in December, the mayor's office canceled the contract with the company that was supposed to do this. Now the local Olympic committee is looking for a new contractor who could take over the management of the sports complex.

Photo: Pilar Olivares / Reuters

This is Carioca Arena, where basketball, fencing and martial arts competitions were held.

Photo: Pilar Olivares / Reuters

And this is the Olympic Tennis Center. In early February, a beach volleyball competition was held here, and until that moment the facility was also abandoned.

Photo: Pilar Olivares / Reuters

Photo: Pilar Olivares / Reuters

Teresa Williamson, director of a non-governmental organization that supports slum dwellers, said the Olympic Park was abandoned due to the general economic downturn in the city. the fastest fall is now observed here. Absolutely everyone suffers losses. "

Photo: Silvia Izquierdo / AP

Photo: Chris McGrath / Getty

According to city residents, the only positive moment left after the Olympics is the improvement of the public transport system. But it also affected only prosperous regions.

Photo: Mario Tama / Getty

No country in the world has successful cases of exploiting the Olympic legacy without a complete reconstruction. A normal city does not need so many sports facilities of this capacity. In London, for example, after the Olympics, the former Olympic Park began to be built up with housing, it was almost completely redone. In Sochi, the mountain cluster has turned into a resort, which is good. True, the railway line turned out to be unprofitable, and trains run very rarely now. It is quite possible that over time it will have to be dismantled, because after the Olympics it is not profitable to drive empty trains. But the problem with stadiums. Most of the time, the Olympic Park in Sochi is empty. The gigantic asphalt spaces that were needed in 2014 are now idle. They are very expensive to maintain, and there is nothing to maintain. And the Olympic Park must be reconstructed, of course, otherwise it will remain a monument to the Olympics, sucking a lot of money to maintain order.

August 14, 2016.

On the ninth day of competition, Russian athletes won 3 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals.

Gold of Russia was brought by Greco-Roman wrestler Roman Vlasov (up to 75 kg), gymnast Aliya Mustafina (uneven bars) and tennis players Ekaterina Makarova and Elena Vesnina (doubles). Silver was won by gymnast Maria Paseka (vault) and shooter Sergei Kamensky (rifle, 50 m, three positions), bronze - cyclist Denis Dmitriev (individual sprint) and yachtswoman Stefania Elfutina (RS: X).

Russia has won the first medal in sailing since 1996. In the RS: X class (windsurfing) 19-year-old Stefania Elfutina won bronze.

Frenchwoman Charlene Picon became Olympic champion, Chinese woman Chen Payne won silver.

From the very first day, August 8, Stefania Elfutina joined the fight for medals and never once lost contact with the leaders. After the first day of competition, she walked the second, after half of the planned flights - the third, another day at a distance of one point she approached the leader of the regatta - Flavia Tartaglini from Italy. At the end of the penultimate racing day, Elfutina became the leader in the overall standings. Alas, after one of the many protests, Tartaglini got an extra point and caught up with Elfutina. And since she has a victory in one of the flights, and the Russian woman does not, the Italian returned to the leading position.

The alignment before the Medal Race - the "medal race" where all points are doubled, was as follows: Tartaglini - first (55 points), Elfutina - second (55), Chinese Chen, French Picon and Israeli Davidovich (60 ). It turned out that in a bad scenario, the Russian woman could be left without medals at all, especially considering that she scored all the points due to stability, never having won a single flight during the entire regatta.

Officially, the women's Medal Race in the "RS: X" class was supposed to start at 14:05 local time, but time passed, the information was contradictory, and nothing began. Finally, at 15:35, the start was given. The wind was not strong - about 10 knots (15 is considered good). But a red flag was lit in front of Elfutina. All the rivals went into the race, and the Russian woman had just started.

“I’m very ashamed, but I still don’t understand why they gave me a warning,” she said to journalists after Elfutin: “There are no complaints against the judges, so I deserve it. But what exactly happened - I don't know right now. "

Probably only she knows that in half an hour almost calmly it cost her to rise from the last, tenth, to sixth place, overtaking the favorite, Tartaglini, and snatch this bronze: “I just thought that I had two options: to surrender and wait another four years or do something. And then I decided: no, four years is too much, I'll try now. "

She was desperately "gliding", trying to accelerate and reach far-gone rivals! Of course, it was lucky that the wind was very weak: Elfutina is good in such weather thanks to her physical strength, and this allows her to support the board in "planing" much longer than her competitors (she says that she calmly performs 20-25 pull-ups, but maybe more).

For sure - this moment will go down in the history of our sailing sport.

Based on materials by E. Slyusarenko "Championship".
Photo by Zimbio.

Aliya Mustafina is a two-time Olympic champion.

She outstripped the main rival American Madison Kochian in the exercise on the uneven bars by 0.067 points. The German Sophie Scheder became the bronze medalist.

“Everything went well,” Aliya said after the performance: “Moreover, I think it was my best combination of four made at the Olympics. It turned out to be cleaner than the others. I made this combination upon arrival here in Rio. 5, and performed from base 6, 8. I came to the hall one day and realized that I did not want to perform with a simple program, that I would gather all my strength and do a difficult one.

In the all-around, I did not show my maximum on three apparatus at once - on the balance beam, on the uneven bars and in the floor exercise. But on the other hand, it would be very difficult for me to overtake the American women, only in case of their mistakes it was possible. "

The last days did not subside: athletes, stars and ordinary fans were preparing for this grandiose sports festival. For our country, alas, this time it was overshadowed, because of which many Russian athletes, including the entire athletics team, could not take part in the 2016 Games. But we won't. The organizers tried to do everything to please the audience and so that this Olympics, which became the first for Brazil, will be remembered by everyone.

Olympic Games 2016 Opening

The current Olympic Games are the first for South America and the second for Latin - in 1968 the Games were held in Mexico. Rio de Janeiro has claimed to host the Olympics more than once: in 1936, 1940, 2004 and 2012. Preparations for a large-scale event went on for several years, and the funds of the Brazilians were limited due to the economic crisis: for example, according to rough estimates, only $ 20 million was spent on the opening ceremony - this is half the cost of the ceremony in London four years ago and, according to rumored to be four times less than Beijing spent on the opening of the Games.

If 40 percent of Brazilian homes have no sanitation, how can you spend billions on shows?

- asked the Brazilian organizers.

And yet, even with such a modest budget by the standards of the world community, the Brazilians managed to arrange a colorful show - with special effects, video projections, dances and songs. In total, about 35 thousand people were involved in the opening ceremony, and the TV audience of the event was about four billion people!

The venue was the Maracanã stadium, where a large-scale performance dedicated to the history of Brazil and its future took place:

Athens, Beijing and London told about the history and heroic past of their countries, and we will show what we should become in the future,

- explained shortly before the start of the Olympics, the creative director of the opening ceremony.

A record number of giant LED screens and video systems, the latest audio and video equipment were installed in the arena, which made it possible to transform the entire stadium into an organism pulsating in a single rhythm.

The ceremony began with the appearance of two air figures and a short greeting from the host. Dressed in all white, she made a speech about peace and love, after which the Brazilian anthem played - it was played by the famous samba performer Paulinho da Viola.

Then the arena turned green and turned into a forest: the video projection symbolized the birth of life in Brazil - first there was a forest, the basis of the country's life, and only then did people appear.

One scene at the stadium followed another: the arrival of Europeans on ships, the appearance of Japanese immigrants who taught Brazilians judo, the construction of megacities, the first airplane created by aviation pioneer Alberto Santos-Dumont ...

Of course, one of the highlights was the appearance on the arena of a delightful one. The Brazilian supermodel, who conquered the world and ended her professional career, nevertheless once again took to the podium, albeit impromptu, to walk in front of tens of thousands of spectators.

Gisele Bundchen

The ceremony was continued by the musical part: a medley of Brazilian hits of various directions. Samba, rap, folk songs - what was not there. Some of the songs were sang along with the whole stadium!

All this was accompanied by dancing artists in the arena, because without dancing, Brazilian culture is difficult to imagine. They paid tribute to the Brazilian national martial art of capoeira, which combines elements of dance and acrobatics, accompanied by national music.

But all this was a prelude to the main theme - environmental problems of our time, which became the central theme of the entire opening ceremony. The Brazilians decided to focus on environmental issues, directing the show, and proudly called the 2016 Games the first environmental Olympics (that's why the ceremony began with a video projection of the forest!). For Brazil, ecological problems are very acute, because the massive deforestation of the jungle in the 20th century caused serious damage to the country.

But at the ceremony it was not only about Brazil, but about the fate of the entire planet - global warming, which will change the map of the world once and for all. The organizers presented this threatening picture visually, showing how the world's oceans will wipe countries and cities from the face of the earth if the temperature rises by another 4 degrees.

The world must unite in the face of the threat to save the planet for posterity - such a call to humanity was thrown by the Brazilians at the opening ceremony. And therefore, all the participants in the parade of athletes this time planted tree seeds - each team was given special bags, which the athletes placed in special cabinets. A forest will then grow from these seeds: it will have 207 species of trees - exactly as many countries take part in the current Olympics.

The parade of athletes was opened by the delegation of Greece, as always, because it was in this country that the Olympic Games originated, and Brazil closed. Interestingly, the schedule for the appearance of the national teams at the stadium was unusual, not in the alphabetical order we are used to. All because they started from the Portuguese language.

Each of the 207 teams was greeted with applause and shouts, but of course we were waiting. Our athletes - only 250 people - appeared on the arena only 159th in a row.

The legendary volleyball player and Olympic champion Sergei Tetyukhin became the standard bearer of the Russian team. Other national teams carried flags by no less famous athletes, whose names are known all over the world: for example, the most titled Olympian in history, Michael Phelps, became the standard bearer of the United States.

The parade of athletes lasted several hours, during which the music did not stop at the Maracanã stadium. Finally, all the teams took their places, and the final part of the ceremony began.

On the arena, artists with huge mirrored cabinets lined up in Olympic rings, which, to the amazement of the audience, opened and suddenly turned into a real jungle - there was a tree in each cabinet. A riot of greenery swept the stadium, after which fireworks burst out.

There was still an official part ahead: after the fireworks, representatives of the IOC and other officials said their speeches (about the refugee team, world peace, sports festival, unity and much more), who declared the 2016 Olympics officially open.

Not without a touching moment: the legendary Kenyan runner Kipchoge Keino appeared at the stadium, who was presented with a special award - the Olympic Laurel Branch for his contribution to the development of the Olympic movement.

Thomas Bach

Well, what next? And then the whole stadium turned into one big party: samba sounded in the arena, because 12 of Rio's best samba schools appeared on the field at once. Everybody danced, young and old. There was only one thing left to light the Olympic flame. This honor was entrusted to several eminent athletes of Brazil at once, who lit the Olympic cup. And that after a few minutes began to rise into the air, after which a structure in the form of a sun hung over the stadium.

Fireworks flew into the air again. And again the stands were filled with enthusiastic shouts. The ceremony is over and the competition has just begun. In a few hours, the first sets of medals will be played in Rio - we hope the Russians will be able to prove themselves!

During these three weeks of the Olympics, we will follow the success of our team and tell you about all the most interesting things that happen in Rio. In the meantime, we suggest that you recall the last opening ceremony and watch the vivid shots.


Incredible facts

Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil starts on August 5 and runs until August 21, 2016.

The opening and closing ceremony will take place at the Maracanã Stadium, and during the games, about 16,000 athletes will compete, playing 306 sets of awards in 42 sports.

More than 1.6 million foreign tourists visit Rio de Janeiro every year. It is the most visited city in Brazil, as in 2015 alone, about a million tourists came to Rio for the carnival.

Here are some interesting facts about the 2016 Olympics that you would like to know.

Summer olympic games 2016

1. For the first time in history, the Olympic Games will be held in South America... Rio de Janeiro was voted in in 2009, leaving cities such as Chicago, Madrid and Tokyo behind.

2. The Olympic torch relay began on April 21 in the homeland of the Olympic Games in Olympia, Greece, passing through Brazil in a little more than 90 days, and ending his journey in Rio de Janeiro on August 5.

3. The opening and closing ceremony will be held at Maracanã Stadium, which holds the record for the largest number of football fans.

Although it currently holds about 78,000 people, it was able to collect 173,000 fans during the 1950 FIFA World Cup final. It also hosted the 2014 FIFA World Cup final.

4. It is expected that about 10,500 athletes from 206 countries will take part in the Olympics by playing 306 sets of awards.

5. Competitions will take place in four different zones: on Copacabana beach- where the beach volleyball competitions will take place, in Barra da Tijuca- where is the Olympic Park, in Deodoro- where water sports competitions will take place, Olympic CenterBMX and centers for equestrian sports, as well as in Maracana where there are two large stadiums.

Sports in the 2016 Olympics

6. Golf will return to the Olympics after a 112-year hiatus... The International Olympic Committee decided to re-incorporate this sport, the competition for which was last held in 1900 and 1904.

7. For the first time, Olympians born in 2000 will participate in the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

According to the rules, athletes born before January 1, 2003 can take part in the competition, but in some sports there are other age restrictions. The youngest participants will most likely compete in sports such as gymnastics and diving.

8. A team of athletes who were forced to leave their country will take part in the competition. The IOC said that about 5-10 private traders the refugee national team will compete under the Olympic flag.

9. The mascot of the 2016 Olympics is "Vinicius" Is a blue-yellow character representing the fauna of Brazil.

It looks like a cat or a monkey that can fly and stretch its limbs and body.

It was named after a Brazilian musician Vinicius di Moraes, who became one of the author of the famous composition in the genre of bossa nova "The Girl from Ipanema". Organizers hope the mascot will help them raise R $ 1 billion ($ 398 million) from merchandise sales.

10. In total, the Olympic Games presented 7.5 million tickets which range in price from $ 40 for some swimming events to nearly $ 3000 for the best seats for the opening ceremony.

The most popular competitions are football, basketball, volleyball and handball.

11. The organizers are planning prepare about 60,000 meals a day to feed athletes... Traditional Brazilian dishes such as rice, black beans and grilled meats, tapioca, cheese rolls and acai berries will be served.

Participants in the Olympic Games 2016

12.In the Olympic Games 2016 it is expected participation of 70,000 volunteers mainly from Brazil, USA, UK, Russia and China.

13. For the Olympiad involved about 85,000 soldiers and police Is the largest security team formed to host the event in Brazilian history, twice the size of the security forces attending the 2012 London Olympics.

14. The organizing committee has provided taxi drivers in Rio de Janeiro with the opportunity to sign up for free online English courses.

15. The motto of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro was "Viva sua paixão", which translates as "Live your passion".

The 2016 Summer Olympics will be held in Rio de Janeiro from 5 to 26 August 2016. At this time, it is winter in Rio de Janeiro, the air temperature is usually 18-25C. Sports fans are waiting for the live broadcast of the competition. Time in Rio de Janeiro differs by six hours from Moscow.

Did you know which city Russia proposed to host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games? No, not Sochi. St. Petersburg. A certain pattern is visible: if it is decided to hold the Winter Games in Sochi, then the Summer Olympics 2016 should be held at least in St. Petersburg, although Murmansk would be more logical.

The rules of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) do not prohibit holding two Olympiads in a row in one country. The previous time the United States hosted the XIII Winter Olympics in 1980 and the XIII Summer Olympics in 1984 in a row (and before that, the same cities hosted the Winter and Summer Olympics of 1932). Also in one year, the winter and summer games were hosted by France in 1924. In 1940, two Olympiads were supposed to be held in Japan, but because of the war, the Olympic Games were canceled. So there were chances, but as soon as the decision to hold the Olympics in Sochi became known, Russia withdrew its application. There are seven cities left.

Since September 2007, representatives of the Olympic Committee have studied the candidate cities, and in June 2008 the first round of voting took place. Madrid, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo and Chicago won. The cities of Doha (Qatar), Baku (Azerbaijan) and Prague (Czech Republic) received too few votes and dropped out of the competition. Another year passed, and in October 2009, Rio de Janeiro won by a majority vote. The Brazilians came to vote with a representative delegation, which included the famous football player Pele, the writer Coelho and the President of Brazil. The main disadvantage of Rio de Janeiro was an underdeveloped transport network: for the Olympics, it was necessary to significantly expand airports, build a transport ring around the city, and connect the Olympic facilities with high-speed highways. The country's leadership has allocated billions of dollars for this purpose, significantly more than other contenders, and Brazil won in. For the fifth time in the history of the modern Olympic Games, Brazil applied for the right to host the Olympics, but for the first time it was satisfied. The Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro will be the first Olympic Games on the South American continent.

In 2012, after another check of the readiness of the Olympic facilities, the International Olympic Committee discussed the option of transferring the 2016 Summer Olympics to another city. The IOC vice-president sharply criticized the preparation of sports facilities in Rio de Janeiro - sports facilities were built with a significant delay in schedule, transport problems were not resolved quickly enough. Interestingly, based on the results of the discussions, two reserve cities were selected: London and Moscow. The Russian representative to the IOC confirmed its readiness to reconstruct the Olympic facilities left over from the 1980 Olympics and build new ones necessary for the new sports that have appeared in the program. But this was not required, for 2013 the Brazilians were able to catch up with the schedule, and in the spring of 2014 the final decision was made not to postpone the 2016 Summer Olympics from Rio de Janeiro.

Some of the Olympic facilities were built for the 2007 Pan American Games. The arenas are divided into four clusters.

The main cluster is Barra, which houses the Olympic village, arenas for boxing, tennis, basketball, gymnastics, and a velodrome. In Barre, there is the Maria Lenk water park, which will host diving and water floor competitions.

Maracanã is the main stadium of the games, which will host the opening and closing ceremonies, football matches. Close to Maracana, the João Havelange complex was built, which will host athletics competitions. There is also Macaranazinho - a volleyball competition hall.

Water cluster - Copacabana is named after the most beautiful beach in Rio de Janeiro. It will host sailing, rowing, swimming and triathlon competitions. It is one of the largest water sports facilities in the world. The Marina de Gloria port can comfortably accommodate ten thousand spectators. The only drawback of Copacabana is its location, if a separate track is not built, athletes will have to travel from the Olympic village through the entire rather big city.

Deodoro is located near Maracanã and will host fencing, equestrian, shooting and mountain bike competitions.

The symbols of the 2016 Summer Olympics are already known - this is a cute unknown animal Vinicius and a symbol of the revived Brazilian fauna Tom. The bright mascots of the games are painted in traditional Brazilian blue, yellow and green colors. These images won the popular vote, their names were also chosen "by the whole world."

Mini-centers will be built for journalists in each cluster.

Less than a year left before the games, we are looking forward to it. And we wish good luck to our athletes.