What kind of heroes of the comedy are not grown-ups can be called positive. The role of positive characters in the comedy Minor (Fonvizin D

What kind of heroes of the comedy are not grown-ups can be called positive.  The role of positive characters in the comedy Minor (Fonvizin D
What kind of heroes of the comedy are not grown-ups can be called positive. The role of positive characters in the comedy Minor (Fonvizin D

The topic of negative characters has not been sufficiently studied yet, so we decided to fill this gap by studying negative characters films and books. They appear not only in fairy tales, but also in classical ones. No work or film can do without negative characters.

What a negative hero should be

It is quite difficult to unambiguously describe the appearance and character traits of a negative character. But most often the negative hero is evil and unbalanced, and he is also often endowed with bad habits... For example, the negative character Wolf from the cartoon "Well, wait a minute" rarely appears without a cigarette, and in action films, villains always use drugs. The villains' appearance also leaves much to be desired, especially compared to the stately, fit goodies.

Note that sometimes in adult films it is quite difficult to determine which of the characters is negative. At first glance, it seems that both evil and good character and behave in about the same way, and only additional attributes or signs help to understand who is who.

But when we talk about children's literature or cartoons, we always see a clear division, because they must not only understand where the villain is, and where the good character is, but also see for themselves an example in good characters, and strive to become the same. That is why they are always endowed with kindness, they are obedient and study hard.

The interaction of good and bad characters

In most cases, there is a confrontation between the characters, which can be expressed openly or remain simply at the level of words and tension. A common motive is the creation of obstacles in the path of the hero to his goal, which is usually expressed in the form of saving the world or his comrade.

Also, the bad guy almost always loses at the end. There are, of course, a couple of works where the opposite is true, but they are very little known, which means they do not deserve attention.

Negative heroes in movies

Usually, negative characters in films are easy enough to identify. Mostly they yearn for world domination or simply want to destroy as much as possible more people... It doesn't have to be people, as bad creatures can be aliens, zombies and others. mythical creatures... Good characters usually kill or arrest bad ones, and everything ends with a happy ending.

However, everything is not always so simple, and if the content of the film is close to life, then it becomes almost impossible to clearly distinguish between the boundaries, because each person carries traits of both good and bad. And then it becomes clear that positive and negative characters exist only in our imagination.

Negative heroes on the example of "Minor"

Each book necessarily contains the writer D.I. Fonvizin was no exception. Using the example of the classics, you can well trace the actions of the characters and their characteristics.

The comedy features a whole family. So, the landowner Prostakova and her brother Skotinin are the main negative characters. The undersized, he is the son of Prostakova Mitrofan, completely adopted all the negative traits of his mother.

If we talk about what qualities negative characters are endowed with, then we can list the stupidity and unwillingness to learn, laziness, indifference to everything except money and the absence of any feelings, even relatives or sons. The only exception is Prostakova, because, although in a peculiar way, she loves her son with all her soul.

In comedy, positive and negative characters interact in different ways. The undersized Mitrofan, for example, longs to marry the virtuous Sophia. This does not bother his uncle at all, who himself plans to marry her and enjoy the girl's riches. One gets the feeling that Skotinin is ready to do anything to realize his cherished dream- to start breeding pigs.

We can say that heroes personify all the worst that exists in the serf peasantry. They are clearly opposed by positive characters who value education, not money, first of all. What is only Prostakova's indignation at the fact that Sophia can read. In the eyes of a woman, a girl is absolutely useless.

If we are talking about what the negative heroes are, then the Minor-Mitrofanushka in this regard is indicative.


Let's start with the fact that Mitrofanushka is far from being so small - he is already 16, and he is going to get married. The character is impenetrably stupid, the teacher even compares him to a tree stump, saying that this person cannot be trained. Nevertheless, he does not give up trying, although the training is rather more for the sake of visibility.

Mitrofan was not used to doing anything at all, because there was always a mother or servants nearby, so he is very lazy. Moreover, he, like his mother, is ready to go to cruelty for the sake of gain.

At the end of the work, the main character is sent to serve in the army. One can only hope that at least there he will be able to learn something.

Negative heroes of fairy tales

The perception of negative heroes in fairy tales can be considered indicative, because children must clearly understand whether a good character is in front of us. That is why qualities are especially exaggerated in fairy tales and fables. So, for example, Baba Yaga, the main villain of folk legends, often craves to eat the main character, a child.

If we talk about appearance, then from here it is also immediately clear what kind of character is in front of us. The negative heroes of fairy tales live in the forest, they are old and look scary, for example, Koschey or Leshy. These creatures are ready to intrigue people even for no reason, just to spoil.

The positive and negative heroes of fables also have a vivid belonging, and it is the latter who are especially often ridiculed by the authors. And this is not surprising, because the most frequent plot is when the villain tries to do a dirty trick, but he himself gets into it. it The best way teach children that you should not deliberately try to harm someone.

The Dragonfly from Krylov's fable also shows reluctance to do anything. So, she does not even think about the future, frivolously resting all summer. The ant is opposed to her, he is hardworking and thrifty.

Baba Yaga

Without a doubt, Baba Yaga is the most evil and frequent character in children's fairy tales. She lives alone in the forest, but sometimes a black cat or birds live with her.

Usually the villain is trying to drag the child to her in order to make him work, or she simply tries to eat him. However, she is not averse to trying adults, because in fairy tales Baba Yaga often tries to eat heroes.

This negative character appears to be old, twisted, wrinkled and with bone leg, which reflects the spiritual qualities.

However, one should not forget that Baba Yaga is not an absolute evil in all fairy tales. Sometimes she acts as an assistant, giving the heroes the necessary items or advice, however, for this they must defeat Yaga.

/ / / What is the role positive characters in Fonvizin's comedy "Minor"?

The comedy of Denis Fonvizin has a vivid gallery of images, both negative and positive. The role of the first in exposing the vices of society in the 18th century. Mrs. Prostakova and Skotinin personify the ignorance and cruelty of serf-owners, Mitrofanushka - laziness and unwillingness to learn. The author helps us to judge the qualities of a character, starting with their first and last names. If we read about Skotinin, then we understand that this hero behaves like an animal. Prostakova is a simple ignoramus, whose designs, though mean, are not far off. And Mitrofanushka - "revealed by the mother" - really looks like his mother, Prostakova.

The main idea of ​​comedy is in portraying far from comedic problems of society: inhuman serfdom, autocracy and malevolent upbringing. Negative characters help readers understand these problems more deeply, while positive ones show that these problems can still be dealt with.

The fact that the hero is positive can also be learned from his name. There are several such characters in the comedy: Starodum, Sophia, Pravdin, Milon. Each of them has an important role to play.

- nobleman, uncle the main character Sophia. He is the girl's guardian, but leaves for Siberia for long time, leaving her in the care of the Prostakovs. The surname Starodum comes from the phrase "old thoughts". That is, the writer hints that this hero thinks in the old way. One would think that this is bad, because you need to live in step with the times. However, the time of the action in the play was the time of the willfulness of cruel serf-owners, who worried only about their estates and did not think about the development of culture. Starodum received his education and upbringing even during the reign of Peter, the tsar, who was for enlightenment. And therefore, the "old" time was just more progressive than the "new". The hero cannot accept that the nobles care only about their own benefit, and have forgotten about their duty to their homeland. Therefore, he leaves his villages and leaves for Siberia, where he can honestly earn a fortune.

- a wise girl, which is clear from the meaning of her name. She got a good education, therefore he looks at the Prostakovs with irony, seeing their ignorance and greed. The heroine is not a rebel, but fights for her love. She does not agree to marry Mitrofan or Skotinin, because she is in love with Milo.

- a nobleman, a member of the governorship, who is entitled to audit the villages. For a couple of days he stops at the Prostakovs' estate and gradually realizes that they are cruel serf-owners. He is asked to read Starodum's letter, but he replies that he does not read letters intended for others. Pravdin justifies his name, because he always speaks the truth and despises lies.

And after Prostakova behaves badly in relation to Sophia, she decides to excommunicate her family from the management of their villages. Pravdin is the embodiment of harsh justice in comedy.

Milon is a brave officer, Sophia's beloved. He is a worthy man.

Positive characters play the role of a noble force that opposes ignorance and cruelty in the guise of negative characters.

", - one of first-class works Russian literature. The playwright depicted in it, first, the ignorant old education of noble children; secondly, the gross arbitrariness of the landowners, their inhuman treatment of the serfs.

About the main characters of the play, Mrs. Prostakova , and her son, Mitrofanushka , you can read in especially dedicated articles on our site: Characteristics of Mrs. Prostakova in Fonvizin's "Nedorosl" and Mitrofan's characteristics in Fonvizin's "Nedorosl". Next, we sketch out the other characters in the play.

Heroes of the "Minor" Fonvizin

Prostakova's husband , the father of Mitrofan, is a timid and weak-willed person, so downtrodden and intimidated by his wife that he has neither his desires, nor his opinions. “In front of your eyes,” he says to his wife, “mine can't see anything.”

Skotinin, brother of Prostakova , - a comic face. He is depicted a little caricatured with his exaggerated passion for pigs, which he himself innocently explains as follows: "People in front of me are clever, and among pigs I myself am smarter than everyone else." He received the same upbringing as his sister, and is just as rude as she: he treats pigs “not like an example better than people”; but in his whole figure there is a kind of comic good nature, which, however, stems from extraordinary stupidity. His name, just like the names of others actors, selected by Fonvizin in accordance with the properties of their characters or occupations.

Fonvizin. The undersized. Maly Theater performance

A few strokes, but very vividly, depict Mitrofan's teacher, retired sergeant Tsyfirkin and seminarian Kuteikin. Tsyfirkin teaches Mitrofan arithmetic, which his name hints at; this is an honest old soldier. Kuteikin says that he left the seminary without completing the course: "being afraid of the abyss of wisdom." He is a completely ignorant person; the only thing that remained with him from his stay in the seminary was his manner of using often Church Slavonic expressions; moreover, Kuteikin is greedy and greedy, “an insatiable soul,” as Prostakova characterizes him.

The name of another teacher - a German Vralman- very aptly composed of the Russian word "liar" and the German word "mann" (man). In the person of Vralman, Fonvizin shows what kind of foreign teachers in those days taught noble children "all sciences." Vralman was a coachman for a long time: having lost his job, he became a teacher, only in order not to starve to death. In the Prostakovs' house, as a foreigner, he is given special honor and preference over other teachers. He receives a salary of three hundred rubles a year, while the honest Tsyfirkin should receive only ten. Prostakova lists all the benefits that Vralman receives in their house: “we sit down at the table with us; our women wash his linen; where necessary - a horse; at the table - a glass of wine; for the night - a tallow candle. " Prostakova is pleased with the German: "he does not bond a child." The cunning Vralman found a wonderful way to please his mistress, while at the same time hiding his ignorance: not only he himself does not teach Mitrofanushka anything, but he also prevents other teachers from studying with him, indulging Mitrofan's laziness, praising him in every possible way in front of his adoring mother.

In the face Eremeevna, The “mother” of Mitrofan, Fonvizin was the first to depict the type of an endlessly devoted, selfless serf serf, which in Russian literature was reflected in several images, male and female. Savelich, in "The Captain's Daughter" by Pushkin, Evseich, in "Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson" by Aksakov, Natalia Savishna - in "Childhood and Adolescence" by Leo Tolstoy. In life, this type is known to everyone in the person of Pushkin's nanny, Arina Rodionovna. How many of us have a dear, beloved face associated with the name "nanny" ... It is surprising that this very type is found only in Russian literature, in the Russian people!

But unlike other heroes and heroines of Russian writers similar to her, Eremeevna is a completely unhappy, unappreciated creature: it is not for nothing that she serves in the Prostakovs' house! For her faithful forty years of service and love, she receives only insults, abuse and beatings. "Am I not zealous to you, mother?" in tears she says to Prostakova, “you don’t know how to serve more ... it’s not just glad that you don’t regret your belly ... but everything is disagreeable.” Tsyfirkin and Kuteikin ask her how much she gets for her service? - "Five rubles a year, but five slaps a day," replies Eremeevna sadly. Even her pet, Mitrofanushka, is rude to her and insults her.

In DI Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor", along with negative characters, there are also positive ones. Vivid images The negative characters undoubtedly had a great influence on the readers, but one cannot fail to note the huge role of the positive characters in the comedy.

The comedy is written on the topic of the day, that is, its task is to ridicule and draw attention to the problems and vices of society in the eighteenth century. The ignorance and rudeness of the nobility are hallmark that time.

The author showed people whose arbitrariness was not limited either by law, or by education and enlightenment, or moral concepts... For this, there are negative characters in comedy, but what are positive characters for? Indeed, at first glance, in order to ridicule the vices of society, one can limit oneself to only negative characters.

There are several goodies in this work, and each of them has its own function. First positive hero - Starodum, Uncle Sophia, whose inheritance the Prostakovs want to receive. Starodum is a hero who expresses the attitude of the author. In my opinion, in every work there should be such a character, whose views on life are reasonable and coincide with the author's, who conveys the truth to others.

Pravdina can also be called a positive comedy hero. Its function is to restore justice. He reveals and limits the atrocities of Prostakova. He calls on society to stop such arbitrariness. This was perceived by the public as the beginning of progress and transformation.

Thus, the positive characters in the comedy of D.I. Fonvizin have a huge role. They expose the evil and rudeness of people, call for the suppression of such atrocities, are an example of nobility.

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The original idea of ​​Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor" is to reveal the theme of education, which is very relevant in the era of the Enlightenment; a little later, socio-political issues were added to the work. The title of the play is directly related to the decree of Peter the Great, who banned the possibility of serving and marrying young, uneducated, ignorant noblemen.

History of creation

The first manuscripts of the sketches of "The Minor" date back to about 1770. To write the play, Fonvizin had to rework many works with the appropriate ideology - the works of Russians and foreign contemporary writers(Voltaire, Rousseau, Lukin, Chulkov, etc.), articles from satirical magazines and even comedy, written by the Empress Catherine II herself. Work on the text was fully completed in 1781. A year later, after some obstacles from the censorship, the first production of the play took place, and the director was Fonvizin himself, and the first publication of the play took place in 1773.

Description of the work

Step 1

The scene begins with a heated discussion of the caftan made for Mitrofanushka. Mrs. Prostakova scolds her tailor Trishka and Prostakov supports her in an effort to punish the negligent servant. The situation is saved by the appearance of Skotinin, he justifies the would-be tailor. This is followed by a comical scene with Mitrofanushka - he manifests himself as an infantile young man, moreover, very loving to eat tightly.

Skotinin discusses with the Prostakov couple the prospects of his marriage to Sofyushka. The only relative of the girl, Starodum, unexpectedly sends the news about Sophia's acquisition of an impressive inheritance. Now the young lady has no end to the suitors - now the "undersized" Mitrofan appears on the list of candidates for husbands.

Step 2

Among the soldiers who stopped in the village, by chance, Sofyushka's fiancé, officer Milon, turns out to be. He turns out to be a good acquaintance of Pravdin, an official who came to deal with the lawlessness that is happening in the Prostakovs' estate. At a chance meeting with her beloved Milon learns about Prostakova's plans to arrange the fate of her son by marrying a now wealthy girl. This is followed by a quarrel between Skotinin and Mitrofan over the future bride. Teachers appear - Kuteikin and Tsyfirkin, they share with Pravdino the details of their appearance in the Prostakovs' house.

Step 3

Arrival of Starodum. Pravdin is the first to meet Sophia's relative and report to him about the atrocities taking place in the Prostakovs' house in relation to the girl. The entire host family and Skotinin greet Starodum with hypocritical joy. The uncle's plans are to take Sofyushka to Moscow and marry her off. The girl obeys the will of her relative, not knowing that he chose Milo as her husband. Prostakova begins to praise Mitrofanushka as a diligent student. After everyone has dispersed, the remaining teachers Tsyfirkin and Kuteikin discuss the laziness and mediocrity of their undersized student. At the same time, they accuse the crook, the former groom of Starodum, Vralman, of interfering with the learning process of the already stupid Mitrofanushka with his dense ignorance.

Step 4

Starodum and Sofyushka are talking about high moral principles and about family values - true love between spouses. After a conversation with Milo, making sure of the high moral qualities young man, uncle blesses his niece for marriage with her beloved. This is followed by a comic scene in which the unlucky suitors Mitrofanushka and Skotinin are exposed in a very unfavorable light. Learning about departure happy couple, the Prostakov family decides to intercept Sophia on the road.

Step 5

Starodum and Pravdin conduct pious conversations, hearing the noise, they interrupt the conversation and soon learn about the attempted kidnapping of the bride. Pravdin accuses the Prostakovs of this atrocity and threatens them with punishment. Prostakova on her knees begs for forgiveness from Sophia, but as soon as she receives it, she immediately accuses the servants of being slow in kidnapping the girl. A government paper arrives, announcing the transfer of all the Prostakovs' property to the custody of Pravdin. The scene of paying debts to teachers ends with a fair outcome - Vralman's deception opens, the modest workaholic Tsyfirkin is generously endowed, and the ignorant Kuteikin is left with nothing. The happy young people and Starodum are preparing to leave. Mitrofanushka listens to Pravdin's advice to go to serve as a soldier.

main characters

Considering the images of the main characters, it is worth noting that speaking surnames The characters in the play express the one-liner character of their character and leave no doubt about the author's moral assessment of the characters of the comedy.

The sovereign mistress of the estate, a despotic and ignorant woman who believes that all matters, without exception, can be solved with the help of force, money or deception.

His image is the focus of stupidity and ignorance. Possesses amazing weakness and unwillingness to make decisions on his own. Mitrofanushka was called a dwarf not only because of his age, but also because of his total ignorance and low level of moral and civic education.

A kind, sympathetic girl who has received a good education, possesses high level internal culture. Lives with the Prostakovs after the death of his parents. With all my heart she is devoted to her fiancé - Officer Milon.

Man personifying the truth of life and the word of the law. As a government official, he is on the Prostakovs' estate in order to sort out the illegalities that are happening there, in particular, unfair abuse with the servants.

Sophia's only relative, her uncle and guardian. A successful person who has managed to realize his high moral principles.

Sophia's beloved and long-awaited groom. A brave and honest young officer distinguished by high virtue.

A narrow-minded, greedy, uneducated person who does not disdain anything for the sake of profit and is distinguished by a high degree of deceit and hypocrisy.

Analysis of the work

Fonvizin's "Minor" is a classic comedy in 5 acts, in which all three unities are strictly observed - the unity of time, place and action.

The solution to the problem of education is the central moment of the dramatic action of this satirical play... The accusatory sarcastic scene of Mitrofanushka's exam is a true culmination in the development of an educational and educational theme. In the comedy of Fonvizin, two worlds collide - each of them with different ideals and needs, with different styles life and speech dialects. The author innovatively shows the landlord life of that time, the relationship between the owners and the common peasant people. Complex psychological characteristic heroes gave impetus to the subsequent development of the Russian everyday comedy as a theatrical and literary genre of the era of classicism.

Final conclusion

Fonvizin's comedy became unique for contemporaries iconic work... In the play, there is a vivid opposition of high moral principles, real education and laziness, ignorance and willfulness. Three themes are brought to the surface in the socio-political comedy "The Minor":

  • the topic of education and upbringing;
  • the theme of serfdom;
  • the theme of condemnation of despotic autocratic power.

The purpose of writing this brilliant work is clear - the eradication of ignorance, the education of virtues, the fight against the vices that struck Russian society and the state.