What the peoples of the Mari Territory will follow Islam. Mariyza

What the peoples of the Mari Territory will follow Islam. Mariyza
What the peoples of the Mari Territory will follow Islam. Mariyza

The origin of the Mariy Nor

Question about origin mary Narod It is still controversial. For the first time, the scientifically based the theory of ethnogenesis of Mari residents expressed in 1845, the famous Finnish linguist M. Kastresen. He tried to identify Mariers with the chronicle. This point of view was supported and developed by T.S. Semenov, I.N. Smirnov, S.K. Kuznetsov, A.A.Pititsyn, D.K.Selienin, M.N.Yantemir, F.E.Gorov and many others Researchers II half of the XIX - I half of the twentieth centuries. With a new hypothesis in 1949, a prominent Soviet archaeologist A.P.Smirnov, who came to the conclusion about Gorodetskaya (close to Mordve) basis, other archaeologists, ON Bader and V.F. Gröng, at the same time defended the thesis about Dyakovsky (close to as) the origin of Mariers. Nevertheless, the archaeologists have already managed to convincingly prove that Merry and Marie although they are relative to each other, but are not the same people. In the late 1950s, when the permanent Mari archaeological expedition was acting, its leaders of A.Khlikov and G.A. Archipov developed the theory of the mixed Gorodetsky-Azelian (Volzhsky-Perm) basis of the Mari people. Subsequently, G.A. Archipov, developing this hypothesis, further, during the opening and study of new archaeological monuments, proved that the Marytskoye-Dyakovsky (Volzhko-Finnish) component prevailed in a mixed basis, the component and the formation of the Mari Ethnos, which began in the first half of the Millennium of our era In general, it was completed in the IX - XI centuries. At the same time, then the Mari ethnos began to share for two main groups - mountain and meadow marries (on the latter, compared with the first, the azelinsky (permony) tribes had a stronger influence. This theory as a whole is now supported by the majority of archaeologists engaged in this problem. The Mari Archaeologist V.S. Patrushev nominated a personal assumption that the formation of the ethnic basis Marie, as well as Mary and Murom, took place on the basis of the population of Akhmylovsky appearance. Linguists (I.S. Malkin, D.E. Kazansev), who rely on language data, believe that the territory of the formation of the Mari people should be searched for not in the Vyatsky-Vyatka interfluve, as archaeologists consider, but south-west, between the eye and Sura. The archaeological scientist T.B.Nikitina, given the data not only archeology, but also linguistics, came to the conclusion that Praodina Marijtsev is located in the Volga region of the Occasky Mezhda Meternreach and in the Pottherzhye, and the Promotion east, to Vyatka occurred in VIII - XI explosive, in the process of which contact and mixing with azeline (permony) tribes were carried out.

The question of the origin of the ethnonyms "Marie" and "Cherems" remains complex and unexplained. The meaning of the word "Marie", self-discharge of the Mari people, many linguists are derived from the Indo-European term "Mar", "measures" in various sound variations (translated as "man", "husband"). The word "Cheremis" (the Russian Mariers called the Marytsev, and in a somewhat different, but the phonetically similar ways - many other nations) has a large number different interpretations. The first written mention of this ethnonym (in the original "C-R-Mis") is found in the letter of the Khovar Kagan Joseph, the Sanovnik Kordovsky Khalifa Hasday Ibn-Shape (960s.). D.E. Kazansev Following the historian of the XIX century. G.I.Pertyatkovich came to the conclusion that the name "Cheremis" gave Marrian Morden tribes, and translated this word means "a person living on the sunny side, in the east." According to I.G.Ivanov, "Cheremis" is a "man from the Chers or Chora tribe", in other words, the name of one of the Mari tribes, the neighboring peoples subsequently distributed to the whole ethnos. The version of the Mari Local Lowers of the 1920s and the beginning of the 1930s, F.Egorova and M.N.Yantemir, who suggested that this ethnonym is as follows to the Turkic term "military person". F.I. Hordev, as well as supported His version I.S.Halkin defended the hypothesis about the origin of the word "Cheremis" from the ethnonym "Sarmat" through the mediation of Turkic languages. A number of other versions were also expressed. The problem of the etymology of the word "Cheremis" is also complicated by the fact that in the Middle Ages (up to the XVII - XVIII centuries) so called in some cases not only Mariers, but also their neighbors - Chuvash and Udmurts.

Marities in the IX - XI centuries.

In the IX - XI centuries. In general, the formation of the Mari ethnos was completed. In this timemariyzasettled on an extensive territory within the middle Volga region: the south of the watershed of the winds and the southern and the river of the Pijmas; north of the river drunk, Verkhovyv Civilian; east of the river Unchai, Ukey's mouths; West of Ileti and the mouth of the Killemia River.

Farm marytsev It was integrated (farming, cattle breeding, hunting, fishing, gathering, Bortfreathe, crafts and other activities related to the processing of raw materials at home). Direct evidence about the wide distribution of agriculture marytsev No, there are only indirect data, indicating the development of extinct-fire agriculture, and there is reason to believe that in the XI century. The transition to Painted Agriculture began.
Maryzham In the IX - XI centuries. Almost all grain, legumes and technical crops, cultivated in the Forest Lane of Eastern Europe, were known. Sliced \u200b\u200bagriculture was combined with cattle breeding; The stall content of livestock prevailed in combination with free grazing (they built mainly the same types of pets and birds as now).
Hunting was a significant help in the farm marytsevAt the same time in the IX - XI centuries. Ferry mining began to wear fishing character. The guns of the hunt were onions and arrows, various traps, sinks and a west were used.
Mariy The population was engaged in fishing (near rivers and lakes), accordingly, river shipping developed, while natural conditions (a thick network of rivers, difficult forest and marsh terrain) dictated the priority development of river, and not land routes of communication.
Fisheries, as well as gathering (first of all, forest gifts) were focused solely on domestic consumption. Significant distribution and development of marytsev Received Bortney, on the flight trees even set the signs of property - "Tysta". Along with the fur honey was the main subject of Mari exports.
W. marytsev There were no cities, only rustic crafts were developed. Metallurgy due to the lack of a local raw material base developed due to the processing of imported semi-finished products and finished products. Nevertheless, blacksmith craft in the IX - XI centuries. W. marytsev It has already been separated into a special specialty, with non-ferrous metallurgy (mostly, it is a blacksmith-jewelry - the manufacture of copper, bronze, silver jewelry) was mainly engaged in women.
Making clothes, shoes, utensils, certain types of agricultural equipment was carried out in every farm in the free from farming and animal husbandry time. In the first place from branches of home production stood weaving and leather business. Len and hemp used as a raw material for weaving. The most common leather product was shoes.

In the IX - XI centuries. mariyza Weed-based trading with neighboring peoples - Udmurts, Merey, IMAY, MORDER, MOROM, Meshchery and other Finno-Ugric tribes. Trading ties with Bulgarians and Khazars, which were at a relatively high level of development, went beyond the scope of natural exchange, there were elements of commodity-money relations (a lot of Arab Dirham was found in the ancient Ghoulines of that time). In the territory where they lived mariyzaBulgarians even founded trading factors such as Mari-Lugovsky Seliya. The greatest activity of Bulgarian merchants falls at the end of X - the beginning of the XI centuries. Any explicit signs of close and regular links of Mariers with Eastern Slavs in the IX - XI centuries. Not yet discovered, the things of Slavic-Russian origin in the Mari archaeological monuments of that time are one.

The totality of the existing information is difficult to judge the nature of contacts. marytsev In the IX - XI centuries. With their Volga-Finnish neighbors - Merey, Meshchera, Mordvoy, Murom. However, according to numerous folklore works intense relations marytsev As a result of a number of battles and small shyskki, the latter were forced to leave the Vyatvy-Vyatsky interfluce, retreating east to the left bank of Vyatki. At the same time, among the existing archaeological material, no traces of armed conflicts between mariers And Udmurts were not found.

Relations marytsev With Volzhsky Bulgarians, apparently, were not limited to trading only. At least, part of the Mari population, which bordered with the Volga-Kama Bulgaria, paid this country to tribute (Harad) - at the beginning of both Vassalu-Mednikogeniary of the Khazar Kagan (it is known that in the x century. And Bulgars, and mariyza - Ts-R-Mis - were subjects of Cagan Joseph, however, the first were in a more privileged position as part of the Khazar Kaganate), then as an independent state and a kind of successor of Kaganata.

Marities and their neighbors in the XII - early XIII centuries.

From the XII century. In some Mari lands, the transition to steam agriculture begins. Unified funeral ritemarytsevThe cremation disappeared. If earlier in everyday lifemariy Men often met swords and spears, now everywhere they were supplanted onions, arrows, axes, knives and other types of light cold weapons. Perhaps it was caused by the fact that new neighborsmarytsev It turned out to be more numerous, better armed and organized peoples (Slavs-Rus, Bulgars), with whom it was possible to fight only by partisan methods.

XII - the beginning of the XIII centuries. were marked by a noticeable growth of Slavic-Russian and the fall of the Bulgar influence on marytsev (especially in the record). At this time, Russian immigrants appear in Mezhdury Uzhzhi and Vetlogi (the town of Radilov, first mentioned in the annals for 1171, settlement and Selishche, Linde, Vesl, Vatoma, where settlements were still met marytsev And the eastern measure, as well as on the upper and secondary villages (the city of Hlynov, Kotelnich, settlements on the Pijm) - at Udmurt and Mari lands.
Territory of settlement marytsevcompared to the IX - XI centuries, significant changes It did not undergo, however, the gradual displacement to the east continued, which was largely due to the promotion from the west of the Slavic-Russian tribes and the Slavic Finno-Ugroms (first of all, the Merry) and, possibly by the Mari-Udmurt confrontation. The movement of Mryynovsky tribes to the East occurred in small families or their groups, and the settlers that came to the taught luggage, most likely mixed with the relative Mari tribes, completely dissolved in this environment.

Under the strong Slavic-Russian influence (obviously, with the mediation of Meredan tribes) was material culture marytsev. In particular, according to archaeological studies, instead of the traditional local stucco ceramics, the dishes made on a pottery circle (Slavic and Slavic Ceramics) comes, the appearance of Mari decorations, household goods, tools of labor has changed under Slavic influence. At the same time, among the Mari antiquities of the XII - the beginning of the XIII centuries, there are much less Bulgarian things.

No later than the beginning of the XII century. The inclusion of Mari lands to the system of Old Russian statehood begins. According to the "Tale of Bygone Years" and "the word about the killed Russian land", "Cherems" (probably it was the Western groups of the Mari population) already then paid tribute to Russian princes. In 1120, after a number of attacks of Bulgar to Russian cities in Volgo-Poshigh, who had a place in the II half of the XI century, began a response series of campaigns of Vladimir - Suzdal Princes and their allies from other Russian principalities. The Bulgarian conflict, as it is believed, broke out on the basis of the collection of Dani from the local population, and in this struggle the advantage was steadily leaning towards the side of the feudal northeast Russia. Significant information about direct participation marytsev There is no Russian-Bulgarian wars, although the troops of both opposing parties have repeatedly passed through the Mari lands.

Markets in the composition of the Golden Horde

In 1236 - 1242. Eastern Europe has undergone a powerful Mongol-Tatar invasion, a significant part of it, including all the Volga region, was under the authority of the conquerors. At the same time, Bulgars,mariyza, Mordva and other peoples of the Middle Volga region were included in the Jucie Ulus or the Golden Horde, an empire founded by Khan Batym. Written sources do not report the immediate invasion of Mongol-Tatars in the 30s - 40s. XIII century on the territory where they livedmariyza. Most likely, the invasion of the Mary settlements, located near the areas undergoing the most cruel ruins (Volzhsko-Kama Bulgaria, Mordovia) - this is the Right Bank of the Volga and the Left-Bank Mari lands adjacent to the Bulgaria.

Mariyza Submitted to the Golden Horde through the Bulgarian feudalists and the Khansky Darius. The main part of the population was divided into administrative-territorial and submitted units - uluses, hundreds and dozens, which were led by the accountable Khan administration, the Centulties and the Decals - representatives of local nobility. Mariyza, like many other people subject to the Golden-Town Khan, had to pay Yasak, a number of other servings, carry various means, including military. They preferably supplied the fur, honey, wax. At the same time, the Mari lands were on the forest north-western periphery of the empire, away from the steppe zone, he did not differ in both the developed economy, so there was no hard military police control here, and in the most difficult and remote area - in the spent lug and on the adjacent The territory is the power of Khan was only nominal.

This circumstance contributed to the continuation of the Russian colonization of Mari lands. There were more Russian settlements on the Pijm and Middle Vyatka, the mastering of the speech, the Occasky interfold, and then the Lower Sura began. In the record, the Russian influence was especially strong. Judging by the "Varvuzhsky Chronicler" and other Zavolzhsky Russian chronicles of late origin, many local half-phth princes (kuguza) (Kai, Kai-Yaralthem, Bai Beard, Keldibeks) took baptism, were in vassal addiction from Galician princes, concluding the military sometimes against them Unions with gold rods. Apparently, the similar situation was on Vyatka, where the contacts of the local Mari population were developed from Vyatka Earth and the Golden Horde.
The strong influence of both Russians and the Bulgar was felt in the Volga region, especially in his mountainous part (in the Little-Sundar settlement, Yuliah, Ozelosky, Krasnoselisky Seliach). However, here the Russian influence gradually grew, and Bulgarian-goldordinsky weakened. By the beginning of the XV century. The transverse of Volga and Sura actually became part of the Moscow Grand Duchy (before that - Nizhny Novgorod), in 1374, the Kuryysh fortress was founded on the lower Sura. Relations between the Russians and Mari men were difficult: peaceful contacts were combined with periods of wars (mutual raids, hiking of Russian princes on the Bulgaria through the Mari lands from the 70s. XIV centuries, the Attacks of the Histieters in the second half of the XIV - the beginning of the XV centuries, the participation of Mariers In the military actions of the Goldenophintsev against Russia, for example, in the Kulikovsky battle).

Mass relocations continued marytsev. As a result of the Mongol-Tatar invasion and subsequent raids of steppe warriors, many mariyzawho lived on the right bank of the Volga, moved to a safer left bank. At the end of the XIV - the beginning of the XV centuries. In the northern districts and the east were forced to move the left-bank Marine Maine, who lived in the river rivers, Kazanka, Ashit, because the Kama Bulgars rushed here, which rescued from the troops of Timur (Tamerlan), then from Nogai warriors. Eastern direction of Marytsev's resettlement in the XIV - XV centuries. It was also due to Russian colonization. In the zone of Marytsev's contacts with Russian and Bulgaro-Tatars, assimilative processes were processed.

Economic and socio-political position of Mariers in the Kazan Khanate

Kazan Khanate originated during the decay period of the Golden Horde - as a result of the appearance of the 30s - 40th. XV century On the Middle Volga Region of the Golden Town Khan Ulu-Mohammed, his courtyard and combat forces, which, together played the role of a powerful catalyst in the consolidation of the local population and creating state Education, equivalent to another decentralized Russia.

Mariyza were not included in the Kazan Khanate for a violent way; Dependence on Kazan arose due to the desire to prevent an armed struggle with the aim of joint confrontation between the Russian state and in the order of the current tradition of the payment of Dani by Bulgarian and the Goldenordan representatives of the authorities. Allied, confederative relations established between the Mariers and the Kazan Government. At the same time, there were noticeable differences in the position of the mountain, meadow and north-western Mari in the composition of Khanate.

At the main part marytsev The economy was comprehensive, with a developed agricultural basis. Only North-Western marytsev Due to natural conditions (they lived in the area of \u200b\u200balmost solid marshes and forestry), agriculture played a secondary role compared to forestry and cattle breeding. In general, the main features of the economic life of Mariers XV - XVI centuries. did not undergo significant changes in comparison with the previous time.

Mining mariyza, those who lived, like Chuvashi, Eastern Mordvo and Sviyazh Tatars, on the mountain side of the Kazan Khanate, were allocated to active participation in contacts with the Russian population, relative weakness of ties with the central regions of Khanate, from which they were separated by a large Volga River. At the same time, the mountain side was under a fairly rigid military police control, which was associated with a high level of economic development, the intermediate position between the Russian lands and Kazan, the growth of Russia's influence in this part of Khanate. In the right bank (due to its special strategic status and high economic development), foreign troops were somewhat more often invaded - not only Russian warriors, but also steppe warriors. The position of the mountain people was complicated by the presence of trunk water and land on Russia and in the Crimea, since the posttoyalty was very hard and burdensome.

Meadow mariyza Unlike mountain, they did not have close and regular contacts with the Russian state, they were more connected with Kazan and Kazan Tatars in political, economic, culturally. In terms of its economic development of meadow mariyza Not inferior to mountain. Moreover, the left bank economy on the eve of the fall of Kazan developed in a relatively stable, calm and less rigid military-political situation, therefore contemporaries (A.M. Kurbsky, author of Kazan history) describe the well-being of the population of the meadow and especially the Arski side most enthusiastic and colorful. The dimensions of the paid population of the population of the mountain and meadow sides were also not very different. If the burden of warning service was more felt on the mountain side, then on meadow - construction: it was the population of the left bank who built and supported the powerful fortification facilities of Kazan, Arska, various casualties, sitting in proper condition.

Northwestern (Vetry and Cochays) mariyzawere relatively weakly drawn into the orbit of the Hanic authorities due to the remoteness from the center and due to relatively low economic development; At the same time, the Kazan government, fearing Russian military campaigns from the north (from Vyatka) and the North-West (from Galic and Ustyug), sought to allied relations with the windy, Cokshai, Pijan, Yaraski Mari leaders, who also had a benefit in support of the cesspasizing Tatar actions in relation to the outskirts of Russian lands.

"Military democracy" of medieval Mari.

In the XV - XVI centuries. mariyzaLike other nations of the Kazan Khanate, except Tatars, were at the transitional stage of development of society from primitive to early refortel. On the one hand, the selection occurred within the framework of the Ralea Union ( neighbor community) Individually family property, the pacecellular labor flourished, the property differentiation grew, and on the other hand, the class structure of society did not gain its clear outlines.

Mari patriarchal families united into patronized groups (satuned, tuk, surrum), and those in larger landing unions (TITES). Their unity was based not on blood bonds, but on the principle of neighborhood, to a lesser extent - on economic relations, which were expressed in various kinds of mutual "lists" ("in"), joint ownership common races. Palemary unions were, among other things, unions of military mutual assistance. Perhaps the tyste was geographically compatible with hundreds and uluses of the period of the Kazan Khanate. Hundreds, uluses, dozens managed by centuries or hundreds of princes ("Schÿdövuly", "Puddle"), the foremen ("Luvuly"). Sotniki assigned some part of the Yasaka charged by them in favor of the Khan treasury from subordinates of ordinary communities, but at the same time used their authority as smart and courageous people as skillful organizers and military leaders. Centuries and forens in the XV - XVI centuries. We have not yet managed to break with primitive democracy, at the same time the government of representatives knew more and more inheritance.

The feudalization of the Mari Society accelerated due to the Turkic-Mari synthesis. In relation to Kazan Khanty, ordinary community officers act as a feudal-dependent population (in fact they were personally free people And they were part of a peculiar semi-serving class), and to know - as serviced vassals. Among Marytsev began to stand out in a special military estate, representatives of nobility - Mamici (Imilds), Bogatyri (Batyr), who probably already had some relevant to the feudal hierarchy of the Kazan Khanate; On the lands with the Mari population began to appear feudal possessions - Belyaki (administrative and consulting districts given by Kazan Khans as a reward for the service with the right to charge Yasaka from land and various commercial land, which were in the collective use of the Mari population).

The domination of military-democratic orders in the medieval Mari society was the environment where immanent impulses were laid for raids. The war, which was previously led only to take revenge on attacks or to expand the territory, now becomes constant fisheries. Property stratification of ordinary communists, economic activities which are difficult to have sufficiently favorable natural conditions and a low level of development of productive forces, led to the fact that many of them began to more extent to contact their communities in search of funds to meet their material needs and in the desire to raise their status in society. Fodalized to know, which has been to a further increase in wealth and its socio-political weight, also sought outside the community to find new sources of enrichment and strengthen their power. As a result, the solidarity of two different layers of communities arose, between which "Military Union" was formed for the purpose of expansion. Therefore, the power of the Mari "Princes" along with the interests of the nobility still continued to reflect and generally extensive interests.

The greatest activity in raids among all groups of the Mari population was shown by the North-Western mariyza. This was due to their relatively low level of socio-economic development. Meadow and mountainous mariyzaEmployed labor took less active participation in military campaigns, in addition, the local protoferic tip had other than military, ways to strengthen their power and further enrichment (first of all, by strengthening ties with Kazan)

Attachment of the Mountains to the Russian State

Entry marytsev The Russian state was a multistage process, and the first mountains were joinedmariyza. Together with the rest of the population of the mountain side, they were interested in peaceful relations with the Russian state, while in the spring of 1545 a series of large treasures of Russian troops on Kazan began. At the end of 1546, Mountains (Tugai, Atchika) made an attempt to establish a military union with Russia and, together with political emigrants from among the Kazan Feudalov, the overthrow of Khan Safa-Hire and the construction of the Moscow Vassal Shah Ali's throne in order to prevent new invasions Russian troops and finish with the despotic prosecutor's internal policy of Khan. However, Moscow at that time had already taken a course on the final joining of Khanate - Ivan IV was married to the kingdom (this testifies to the nomination of his claim to the Kazan throne and other residences of the Goldenordian kings by the Russian state destination). Nevertheless, the Moscow government was not able to take advantage of a successfully started insurgency of Kazan faeodals led by Prince Kadysshi against Safa-Gurya, and the assistance proposed by mountain people was rejected by Russians. The mountain side continued to be considered by Moscow as an enemy territory and after winter 1546/47. (Hiking to Kazan in winter 1547/48 and in winter 1549/50).

By 1551, a plan to join the Kazan Khanate to Russia was ripe in Moscow government circles, which provided for the rejection of the mountain side, followed by turning it into a support base for capturing the rest of the Khanate. In the summer of 1551, when a powerful military outpost was erected at the mouth of Sviyagi (Sviyazhsky fortress), it was possible to accomplish the mountain side to the Russian state.

Causes of rougoms mariyza And the rest of the population of the mountain parties to Russia, apparently, appeared: 1) Entering the numerous contingent of Russian troops, the construction of the city-fortress of Sviyazhsk; 2) escape into Kazan of the local anti-Moskovskaya group of feudal groups, which could organize resistance; 3) population fatigue from devastating invasions of Russian troops, his desire to establish peaceful relations by restoring the Moscow Protectorate; 4) the use of Russian diplomacy of the anti-grocery and promotional moods of mountain people in order to directly inclusion of the mountain parties to Russia (on the actions of the population of the mountain side seriously affected the arrival at a swive together with Russian voivpets of the former Kazan Khan Shah-Ali, accompanied by five hundred Tatar feudalists who entered the Russian service); 5) bribing local nobility and ordinary warriors-militia, the liberation of mountain people from taxes for three years; 6) Comparatively close connections of the peoples of the mountainside with Russia in previous joining years.

Regarding the character of the attachment of the mountain side to the Russian state among historians, there was no consensus. One part of scientists believes that the peoples of the mountain side became the composition of Russia voluntarily, others argue that it was violent capture, the third adhere to the versions about the peaceful but forced character of join. Obviously, in the joining of the mountain side to the Russian state, they played their role as the causes and circumstances of a military, violent and peaceful, non-violent nature. These factors mutually complemented each other, giving it to entering the mountain marine marines and other nations of the mountain parties to Russia an exceptional peculiarity.

The accession of the left bank Mariers to Russia. Cheremis War 1552 - 1557.

Summer 1551 - in spring 1552. The Russian state provided a powerful military-political pressure on Kazan, the implementation of a plan for the gradual liquidation of Khanate was launched by the device of Kazan governorship. However, in Kazan, anti-Russian sentiments were too strong, they probably grew as pressure from Moscow increases. As a result, on March 9, 1552, Kazan refused to let into the city of Russian governor and accompanying his troops, and the entire plan of the bloodless joining of Khanate to Russia collapsed overnight.

In the spring of 1552, the anti-Moskovskoye uprising broke out on the mountain side, as a result of which the territorial integrity of Khanate was actually restored. The reasons for the uprising of the mountain people were: the weakening of the military presence of Russians on the territory of the mountain side, the active offensive actions of the left-bank Kazan, in the absence of response measures from the Russians, the violent nature of the mining parties to the Russian state, serving Shah Ali beyond the limits of Khanate, in Casimov. As a result of large-scale punitive treasures of the Russian troops, the uprising was suppressed, in June-July 1552. Mountain people re-made the oath of the Russian king. So, in the summer of 1552, the mountain marine marines finally entered the Russian state. The results of the uprising convinced mountain people in the futility of further resistance. The mountain side, being the most vulnerable and at the same time important in the military-strategic plan of the Kazan Khanate, could not become a powerful focus of the national liberation struggle. Obviously, such factors as the privileges and all kinds of gifts provided by the Moscow Government of Mountain People in 1551 played a prominent role, provided by the Moscow Government, the existence of multilateral ties of the peaceful nature of the local population with Russians, complex, contributable Relationship with Kazan in previous years. As a result of these reasons, most mountain people during the events of 1552 - 1557. There was a loyal power of the Russian sovereign.

In the period of the Kazan war 1545 - 1552. Crimean and Turkish diplomats conducted an active work on the creation of the Anti-Moskovo Union of Turkic Muslim states to resist the powerful Russian expansion in the eastern direction. However, the unification policy failed due to the industrial and anti-cycle position of many influential Nogai Murz.

In the battle for Kazan in August - October 1552 participated on both sides great amount The troops, while the number of precipitated exceeded the number of besieged at the initial stage in 2 - 2.5 times, and before the decading storming - at 4 - 5 times. In addition, the Russian state troops were better prepared in military-technical and military engineering; Ivan IV armies also managed to defeat the Kazan troops in parts. October 2, 1552 Kazan Pala.

In the first days after the Kazan take, Ivan IV and his environment conducted events to organize the management of the conquered country. For 8 days (from 2 to 10 October), the priests were given to the oath and the Tatars. However, the main part of the left-bank Mariers did not show humans and already in November 1552 the Mari Mary of the meadow rose to the struggle for their freedom. The anti-Moskosie armed speeches of the peoples of the Middle Volga region after the fall of Kazan, it is customary to call the Cheremis Wars, since marries showed the greatest activity, at the same time the rebel movement on the Middle Volga region in 1552-1557. is, in essence, the continuation of the Kazan war, and the main goal His participants were the restoration of Kazan Khanate. People's liberation movement 1552 - 1557 On average, the Volga region was caused by the following reasons: 1) defend its independence, freedom, the right to live in their own way; 2) the struggle of local nobility for the restoration of orders existing in Kazan Khanate; 3) a religious confrontation (Volga peoples - Muslims and pagans - seriously feared for the future of their religions and culture as a whole, because immediately after taking Kazan Ivan IV began to destroy the mosques in their place orthodox churches, destroy the Muslim clergy and pursue a policy of violent baptism). The degree of influence of Turkic-Muslim states on the course of events on average Volga region was insignificant, in some cases potential allies even interfered with the rebels.

Resistance movement 1552 - 1557. Or the first Cheremis war developed by waves. The first wave is November - December 1552 (individual outbreaks of armed performances on the Volga and near Kazan); Second - winter 1552/53 - early 1554. (the most powerful stage that swept all the left bank and part of the mountain side); Third - July - October 1554 (the beginning of the recession of resistance movement, split among the rebels from the Arsk and coherent); The fourth is the end of 1554 - March 1555. (Participation in the anti-Moskovsk armed speeches of only Left-Bank Mariers, the beginning of the leadership by the Mamich Berdem by the Mamich Berdham by the Mamich Beredem); Fifth - end 1555 - summer 1556. (a rebel movement under the leadership of Mamich-Berdya, support for his Arsk and coastal people - Tatars and Southern Udmurts, Mamich-Berdya captivity); Six, last - end 1556 - May 1557. (widespread cessation of resistance). All waves received their impulse on the meadow side, while the left-bank (meadow and north-western) Mari shifted themselves as the most active, uncompromising and consistent participants in the resistance movement.

Kazan Tatars also took an active part in the war 1552 - 1557, fighting for the restoration of the sovereignty and independence of their state. But still their role in the rebel movement, with the exception of some of his stages, was not the main thing. This was due to several factors. First, Tatars in the XVI century. experienced a period of feudal relations, they were classically differentiated and such solidarity, which was observed in the left-bank Mariers who did not know the class contradictions, they no longer had (in many ways, because of this, the participation of the Tatar society in the Anti-Motor rebel movement was not distinguished). Secondly, inside the class of the feudal police, there was a struggle between the birth, which was due to the influx of foreign (Ordane, Crimean, Siberian, Nogai) and weakness of the central government in Kazan Khanate, and this successfully used the Russian state, which could drag to its side a significant group Tatar feudalists before the fall of Kazan. Thirdly, the proximity of the socio-political systems of the Russian state and Kazan Khanate facilitated the transition of the feudal nobility of Khanate to the feudal hierarchy of the Russian state, while the Mari Profofodal Tip had weak ties with the feudal structure and the other state. Fourth, settlements of the Tatars, unlike most left-bank Mariers, were in relative proximity to Kazan, major rivers and other strategically important ways of communication, in the area where there were few natural barriers that could seriously complicate the movement of punitive troops; In addition, it was usually economically developed areas attractive to feudal exploitation. Fifth, as a result of the fall of Kazan in October 1552, it was destroyed, perhaps the bulk of the most combed part of Tatar troops, armed detachments of the left-bank Mariers then suffered to a much lesser extent.

The resistance movement was suppressed as a result of large-scale punitive operations of Ivan IV troops. In a number of episodes, rebel performances took the form of civil war and class struggle, but the main motive remained the struggle for the liberation of its land. The resistance movement ceased due to several factors: 1) continuous armed clashes with the royal troops, which brought innumerable victims and destroying to the local population; 2) mass hunger and epidemic of plague, which came from the Savolzhsky steppes; 3) Left-Bank Mariers lost to support their former allies - Tatars and South Udmurts. In May 1557, representatives of almost all groups of meadow and northwestern marytsev They brought the oath to the Russian king.

Cheremis Wars 1571 - 1574 and 1581 - 1585. Addresses the joining of Marieca to the Russian state

After the uprising 1552 - 1557. The royal administration began to establish a rigid administrative and police control over the peoples of the Middle Volga region, but at first it was possible to be done only on the mountain side and in close proximity to Kazan, while on most of the meadow the authorities of the administration was nominal. The dependence of the local left-bank Mari population was expressed only that it paid a symbolic tribute and exhibited warriors from his environment whose sent to the Livonian war (1558 - 1583). Moreover, the meadow and northwestern Mariets continued to make raids on Russian lands, and local leaders actively established contacts with Crimean Khan in order to conclusted the Anti-Military Union. It is not by chance that the second Cheremis War 1571 - 1574. Began immediately after the hike of the Crimean Hana Davlet-Hire, who ended with the seizure and burning Moscow. The causes of the Second Cheremis War were, on the one hand, the same factors that prompted the Volga peoples to start an anti-Moskoy rebel movement shortly after the fall of Kazan, on the other hand, the population, which was under the most stringent control on the part of the royal administration, was displeased with increasing the volume of duties, abuse and a shameless arbitrariness of officials, as well as a strip of failures in the tightened Livonian war. So in the second major uprising of the peoples of the Middle Volga region, national liberation and antipodeal motives were intertwined. Another distinction of the Second Cheremis war from the first was a relatively active intervention of foreign countries - Crimean and Siberian Khanate, the Nogai Horde and even Turkey. In addition, the uprising embraced the neighboring regions, which have already entered the time of Russia - the Lower Volga region and the Ural. With the help of a whole complex of measures (peace negotiations with the achievement of a compromise with representatives of the moderate wing of the rebels, bribers, insulation of the rebels from their foreign allies, punitive hikes, the construction of fortresses (in 1574, Cochaisk, the first city in the territory of the territory The modern Republic of Mari El)) The Government of Ivan IV Grozny managed to first split the rebel movement, and then suppress it.

The next armed presentation of the peoples of the Volga region and the Viurary, which began in 1581, was caused by the same reasons as the previous one. The new thing was that the tough administrative-police supervision began to spread on the meadow side (putting into the local population of the heads ("Watchmen") - Russian seruners who carried out control, partial disarmament, confiscation of horses). The uprising began in a subdomain in the summer of 1581 (the attack of Tatars, Khantants and Mansi to the possessions of Stroganov), then the excitement returned to the Left Bank Mariers, they soon joined the mountain marine marines, Kazan Tatars, Udmurts, Chuvashi and Bashkirs. The rebels blocked Kazan, Sviyazhsk and Cheboksary, committed distant trips to the departure of Russian territory - to Nizhny Novgorod, Hlyunov, Galich. The Russian government was forced to urgently stop the Livonian war, concluding a truce with the Rouch Respiracle (1582) and with Sweden (1583), and to throw significant forces to the doubt of the Volga population. The main methods of the struggle against the rebels were punitive campaigns, the construction of fortresses (in 1583, Kozmodemiansk, in 1584 - Tsarevokokshaysk, in 1585 - Tsarevosanchursk), as well as peace negotiations, during which Ivan IV, and after his death actual The ruler of Russia Boris Godunov promised those who wanted to stop the resistance to amnesty and gifts. As a result, in the spring of 1585, "finished by the sovereign of the king and the great prince Fedor Ivanovich All Russia Cheremis in the age of the world."

The entry of the Mari people into the Russian state can not be unequivocally described as evil or good. Both negative and positive consequences of entering marytsev The system of Russian statehood, closely intertwining each other, began to manifest itself in almost all areas of the development of society. but mariyza And other nations of the Middle Volga region collided in general with a pragmatic, discreet and even soft (compared to Western European) imperial policies of the Russian state.
This was due not only to fierce resistance, but also a minor geographical, historical, cultural and religious distance between the Russians and the peoples of the Volga region, as well as rising to the early medieval traditions of multinational symbiosis, the development of which in the future led to what is commonly called the friendship of the peoples. The main thing is that, despite all the terrible shocks, mariyza Nevertheless, they have been preserved as an ethnos and became an organic part of the mosaic of a unique Russian super eton.

Materials were used - candles S.K. Methodological manual "History of the Mari People of the IX-XVI centuries"

Yoshkar-Ola: GOU DPO (PC) with "Mari Institute of Education", 2005


The origin of the Mariy Nor

The question of the origin of the Mari People is controversial so far. For the first time, the scientifically based the theory of ethnogenesis of Mari residents expressed in 1845, the famous Finnish linguist M. Kastresen. He tried to identify Mariers with the chronicle. This point of view was supported and developed by T.S. Semenov, I.N. Smirnov, S.K. Kuznetsov, A.A.Pititsyn, D.K.Selienin, M.N.Yantemir, F.E.Gorov and many others Researchers II half of the XIX - I half of the twentieth centuries. With a new hypothesis in 1949, a prominent Soviet archaeologist A.P.Smirnov, who came to the conclusion about Gorodetskaya (close to Mordve) basis, other archaeologists, ON Bader and V.F. Gröng, at the same time defended the thesis about Dyakovsky (close to as) the origin of Mariers. Nevertheless, the archaeologists have already managed to convincingly prove that Merry and Marie although they are relative to each other, but are not the same people. In the late 1950s, when the permanent Mari archaeological expedition was acting, its leaders of A.Khlikov and G.A. Archipov developed the theory of the mixed Gorodetsky-Azelian (Volzhsky-Perm) basis of the Mari people. Subsequently, G.A. Archipov, developing this hypothesis, further, during the opening and study of new archaeological monuments, proved that the Marytskoye-Dyakovsky (Volzhko-Finnish) component prevailed in a mixed basis, the component and the formation of the Mari Ethnos, which began in the first half of the Millennium of our era In general, it was completed in the IX - XI centuries. At the same time, then the Mari ethnos began to share for two main groups - mountain and meadow marries (on the latter, compared with the first, the azelinsky (permony) tribes had a stronger influence. This theory as a whole is now supported by the majority of archaeologists engaged in this problem. The Mari Archaeologist V.S. Patrushev nominated a personal assumption that the formation of the ethnic basis Marie, as well as Mary and Murom, took place on the basis of the population of Akhmylovsky appearance. Linguists (I.S. Malkin, D.E. Kazansev), who rely on language data, believe that the territory of the formation of the Mari people should be searched for not in the Vyatsky-Vyatka interfluve, as archaeologists consider, but south-west, between the eye and Sura. The archaeological scientist T.B.Nikitina, given the data not only archeology, but also linguistics, came to the conclusion that Praodina Marijtsev is located in the Volga region of the Occasky Mezhda Meternreach and in the Pottherzhye, and the Promotion east, to Vyatka occurred in VIII - XI explosive, in the process of which contact and mixing with azeline (permony) tribes were carried out.

The question of the origin of the ethnonyms "Marie" and "Cherems" remains complex and unexplained. The meaning of the word "Marie", self-discharge of the Mari people, many linguists are derived from the Indo-European term "Mar", "measures" in various sound variations (translated as "man", "husband"). The word "Cheremis" (the Russians called the Mariers, and in a somewhat different, but phonetically similar to the phone - many other nations) has a large number of different interpretations. The first written mention of this ethnonym (in the original "C-R-Mis") is found in the letter of the Khovar Kagan Joseph, the Sanovnik Kordovsky Khalifa Hasday Ibn-Shape (960s.). D.E. Kazansev Following the historian of the XIX century. G.I.Pertyatkovich came to the conclusion that the name "Cheremis" gave Marrian Morden tribes, and translated this word means "a person living on the sunny side, in the east." According to I.G.Ivanov, "Cheremis" is a "man from the Chers or Chora tribe", in other words, the name of one of the Mari tribes, the neighboring peoples subsequently distributed to the whole ethnos. The version of the Mari Local Lowers of the 1920s and the beginning of the 1930s, F.Egorova and M.N.Yantemir, who suggested that this ethnonym is as follows to the Turkic term "military person". F.I. Hordev, as well as supported His version I.S.Halkin defended the hypothesis about the origin of the word "Cheremis" from the ethnonym "Sarmat" through the mediation of Turkic languages. A number of other versions were also expressed. The problem of the etymology of the word "Cheremis" is also complicated by the fact that in the Middle Ages (up to the XVII - XVIII centuries) so called in some cases not only Mariers, but also their neighbors - Chuvash and Udmurts.

Marities in the IX - XI centuries.

In the IX - XI centuries. In general, the formation of the Mari ethnos was completed. In this timemariyzasettled on an extensive territory within the middle Volga region: the south of the watershed of the winds and the southern and the river of the Pijmas; north of the river drunk, Verkhovyv Civilian; east of the Uge River, the mouths of Oka; West of Ileti and the mouth of the Killemia River.

Farm marytsev It was integrated (farming, cattle breeding, hunting, fishing, gathering, Bortfreathe, crafts and other activities related to the processing of raw materials at home). Direct evidence about the wide distribution of agriculture marytsev No, there are only indirect data, indicating the development of extinct-fire agriculture, and there is reason to believe that in the XI century. The transition to Painted Agriculture began.
Maryzham In the IX - XI centuries. Almost all grain, legumes and technical crops, cultivated in the Forest Lane of Eastern Europe, were known. Sliced \u200b\u200bagriculture was combined with cattle breeding; The stall content of livestock prevailed in combination with free grazing (they built mainly the same types of pets and birds as now).
Hunting was a significant help in the farm marytsevAt the same time in the IX - XI centuries. Ferry mining began to wear fishing character. The guns of the hunt were onions and arrows, various traps, sinks and a west were used.
Mariy The population was engaged in fishing (near rivers and lakes), accordingly, river shipping developed, while natural conditions (a thick network of rivers, difficult forest and marsh terrain) dictated the priority development of river, and not land routes of communication.
Fisheries, as well as gathering (first of all, forest gifts) were focused solely on domestic consumption. Significant distribution and development of marytsev Received Bortney, on the flight trees even set the signs of property - "Tysta". Along with the fur honey was the main subject of Mari exports.
W. marytsev There were no cities, only rustic crafts were developed. Metallurgy due to the lack of a local raw material base developed due to the processing of imported semi-finished products and finished products. Nevertheless, blacksmith craft in the IX - XI centuries. W. marytsev It has already been separated into a special specialty, with non-ferrous metallurgy (mostly, it is a blacksmith-jewelry - the manufacture of copper, bronze, silver jewelry) was mainly engaged in women.
Making clothes, shoes, utensils, certain types of agricultural equipment was carried out in every farm in the free from farming and animal husbandry time. In the first place from branches of home production stood weaving and leather business. Len and hemp used as a raw material for weaving. The most common leather product was shoes.

In the IX - XI centuries. mariyza Weed-based trading with neighboring peoples - Udmurts, Merey, IMAY, MORDER, MOROM, Meshchery and other Finno-Ugric tribes. Trading ties with Bulgarians and Khazars, which were at a relatively high level of development, went beyond the scope of natural exchange, there were elements of commodity-money relations (a lot of Arab Dirham was found in the ancient Ghoulines of that time). In the territory where they lived mariyzaBulgarians even founded trading factors such as Mari-Lugovsky Seliya. The greatest activity of Bulgarian merchants falls at the end of X - the beginning of the XI centuries. Any explicit signs of close and regular links of Mariers with Eastern Slavs in the IX - XI centuries. Not yet discovered, the things of Slavic-Russian origin in the Mari archaeological monuments of that time are one.

The totality of the existing information is difficult to judge the nature of contacts. marytsev In the IX - XI centuries. With their Volga-Finnish neighbors - Merey, Meshchera, Mordvoy, Murom. However, according to numerous folklore works intense relations marytsev As a result of a number of battles and small shyskki, the latter were forced to leave the Vyatvy-Vyatsky interfluce, retreating east to the left bank of Vyatki. At the same time, among the existing archaeological material, no traces of armed conflicts between mariers And Udmurts were not found.

Relations marytsev With Volzhsky Bulgarians, apparently, were not limited to trading only. At least, part of the Mari population, which bordered with the Volga-Kama Bulgaria, paid this country to tribute (Harad) - at the beginning of both Vassalu-Mednikogeniary of the Khazar Kagan (it is known that in the x century. And Bulgars, and mariyza - Ts-R-Mis - were subjects of Cagan Joseph, however, the first were in a more privileged position as part of the Khazar Kaganate), then as an independent state and a kind of successor of Kaganata.

Marities and their neighbors in the XII - early XIII centuries.

From the XII century. In some Mari lands, the transition to steam agriculture begins. Unified funeral ritemarytsevThe cremation disappeared. If earlier in everyday lifemariy Men often met swords and spears, now everywhere they were supplanted onions, arrows, axes, knives and other types of light cold weapons. Perhaps it was caused by the fact that new neighborsmarytsev It turned out to be more numerous, better armed and organized peoples (Slavs-Rus, Bulgars), with whom it was possible to fight only by partisan methods.

XII - the beginning of the XIII centuries. were marked by a noticeable growth of Slavic-Russian and the fall of the Bulgar influence on marytsev (especially in the record). At this time, Russian immigrants appear in Mezhdury Uzhzhi and Vetlogi (the town of Radilov, first mentioned in the annals for 1171, settlement and Selishche, Linde, Vesl, Vatoma, where settlements were still met marytsev And the eastern measure, as well as on the upper and secondary villages (the city of Hlynov, Kotelnich, settlements on the Pijm) - at Udmurt and Mari lands.
Territory of settlement marytsevcompared to the IX - XI centuries, no significant changes have undergone, but the gradual displacement of the east continued, which was largely due to the promotion from the west of the Slavic-Russian tribes and the Slavic Finno-Ugroms (first of all, the measuring) and, possibly , continued Mari-Udmurt confrontation. The movement of Mryynovsky tribes to the East occurred in small families or their groups, and the settlers that came to the taught luggage, most likely mixed with the relative Mari tribes, completely dissolved in this environment.

Under the strong Slavic-Russian influence (obviously, with the mediation of Meredan tribes) was material culture marytsev. In particular, according to archaeological studies, instead of the traditional local stucco ceramics, the dishes made on a pottery circle (Slavic and Slavic Ceramics) comes, the appearance of Mari decorations, household goods, tools of labor has changed under Slavic influence. At the same time, among the Mari antiquities of the XII - the beginning of the XIII centuries, there are much less Bulgarian things.

No later than the beginning of the XII century. The inclusion of Mari lands to the system of Old Russian statehood begins. According to the "Tale of Bygone Years" and "the word about the killed Russian land", "Cherems" (probably it was the Western groups of the Mari population) already then paid tribute to Russian princes. In 1120, after a number of attacks of Bulgar to Russian cities in Volgo-Poshigh, who had a place in the II half of the XI century, began a response series of campaigns of Vladimir - Suzdal Princes and their allies from other Russian principalities. The Bulgarian conflict, as it is believed, broke out on the basis of the collection of Dani from the local population, and in this struggle the advantage was steadily leaning towards the side of the feudal northeast Russia. Significant information about direct participation marytsev There is no Russian-Bulgarian wars, although the troops of both opposing parties have repeatedly passed through the Mari lands.

Markets in the composition of the Golden Horde

In 1236 - 1242. Eastern Europe has undergone a powerful Mongol-Tatar invasion, a significant part of it, including all the Volga region, was under the authority of the conquerors. At the same time, Bulgars,mariyza, Mordva and other peoples of the Middle Volga region were included in the Jucie Ulus or the Golden Horde, an empire founded by Khan Batym. Written sources do not report the immediate invasion of Mongol-Tatars in the 30s - 40s. XIII century on the territory where they livedmariyza. Most likely, the invasion of the Mary settlements, located near the areas undergoing the most cruel ruins (Volzhsko-Kama Bulgaria, Mordovia) - this is the Right Bank of the Volga and the Left-Bank Mari lands adjacent to the Bulgaria.

Mariyza Submitted to the Golden Horde through the Bulgarian feudalists and the Khansky Darius. The main part of the population was divided into administrative-territorial and submitted units - uluses, hundreds and dozens, which were led by the accountable Khan administration, the Centulties and the Decals - representatives of local nobility. Mariyza, like many other people subject to the Golden-Town Khan, had to pay Yasak, a number of other servings, carry various means, including military. They preferably supplied the fur, honey, wax. At the same time, the Mari lands were on the forest north-western periphery of the empire, away from the steppe zone, he did not differ in both the developed economy, so there was no hard military police control here, and in the most difficult and remote area - in the spent lug and on the adjacent The territory is the power of Khan was only nominal.

This circumstance contributed to the continuation of the Russian colonization of Mari lands. There were more Russian settlements on the Pijm and Middle Vyatka, the mastering of the speech, the Occasky interfold, and then the Lower Sura began. In the record, the Russian influence was especially strong. Judging by the "Varvuzhsky Chronicler" and other Zavolzhsky Russian chronicles of late origin, many local half-phth princes (kuguza) (Kai, Kai-Yaralthem, Bai Beard, Keldibeks) took baptism, were in vassal addiction from Galician princes, concluding the military sometimes against them Unions with gold rods. Apparently, the similar situation was on Vyatka, where the contacts of the local Mari population were developed from Vyatka Earth and the Golden Horde.
The strong influence of both Russians and the Bulgar was felt in the Volga region, especially in his mountainous part (in the Little-Sundar settlement, Yuliah, Ozelosky, Krasnoselisky Seliach). However, here the Russian influence gradually grew, and Bulgarian-goldordinsky weakened. By the beginning of the XV century. The transverse of Volga and Sura actually became part of the Moscow Grand Duchy (before that - Nizhny Novgorod), in 1374, the Kuryysh fortress was founded on the lower Sura. Relations between the Russians and Mari men were difficult: peaceful contacts were combined with periods of wars (mutual raids, hiking of Russian princes on the Bulgaria through the Mari lands from the 70s. XIV centuries, the Attacks of the Histieters in the second half of the XIV - the beginning of the XV centuries, the participation of Mariers In the military actions of the Goldenophintsev against Russia, for example, in the Kulikovsky battle).

Mass relocations continued marytsev. As a result of the Mongol-Tatar invasion and subsequent raids of steppe warriors, many mariyzawho lived on the right bank of the Volga, moved to a safer left bank. At the end of the XIV - the beginning of the XV centuries. In the northern districts and the east were forced to move the left-bank Marine Maine, who lived in the river rivers, Kazanka, Ashit, because the Kama Bulgars rushed here, which rescued from the troops of Timur (Tamerlan), then from Nogai warriors. Eastern direction of Marytsev's resettlement in the XIV - XV centuries. It was also due to Russian colonization. In the zone of Marytsev's contacts with Russian and Bulgaro-Tatars, assimilative processes were processed.

Economic and socio-political position of Mariers in the Kazan Khanate

Kazan Khanate originated during the decay period of the Golden Horde - as a result of the appearance of the 30s - 40th. XV century On the middle of the Volga region of the Goldenordinian Khan Ulu-Mohammed, his courtyard and combat forces, which in the aggregate played the role of a powerful catalyst in the consolidation of the local population and the creation of public education, the still decentralized Rus.

Mariyza were not included in the Kazan Khanate for a violent way; Dependence on Kazan arose due to the desire to prevent an armed struggle with the aim of joint confrontation between the Russian state and in the order of the current tradition of the payment of Dani by Bulgarian and the Goldenordan representatives of the authorities. Allied, confederative relations established between the Mariers and the Kazan Government. At the same time, there were noticeable differences in the position of the mountain, meadow and north-western Mari in the composition of Khanate.

At the main part marytsev The economy was comprehensive, with a developed agricultural basis. Only North-Western marytsev Due to natural conditions (they lived in the area of \u200b\u200balmost solid marshes and forestry), agriculture played a secondary role compared to forestry and cattle breeding. In general, the main features of the economic life of Mariers XV - XVI centuries. did not undergo significant changes in comparison with the previous time.

Mining mariyza, those who lived, like Chuvashi, Eastern Mordvo and Sviyazh Tatars, on the mountain side of the Kazan Khanate, were allocated to active participation in contacts with the Russian population, relative weakness of ties with the central regions of Khanate, from which they were separated by a large Volga River. At the same time, the mountain side was under a fairly rigid military police control, which was associated with a high level of economic development, the intermediate position between the Russian lands and Kazan, the growth of Russia's influence in this part of Khanate. In the right bank (due to its special strategic status and high economic development), foreign troops were somewhat more often invaded - not only Russian warriors, but also steppe warriors. The position of the mountain people was complicated by the presence of trunk water and land on Russia and in the Crimea, since the posttoyalty was very hard and burdensome.

Meadow mariyza Unlike mountain, they did not have close and regular contacts with the Russian state, they were more connected with Kazan and Kazan Tatars in political, economic, culturally. In terms of its economic development of meadow mariyza Not inferior to mountain. Moreover, the left bank economy on the eve of the fall of Kazan developed in a relatively stable, calm and less rigid military-political situation, therefore contemporaries (A.M. Kurbsky, author of Kazan history) describe the well-being of the population of the meadow and especially the Arski side most enthusiastic and colorful. The dimensions of the paid population of the population of the mountain and meadow sides were also not very different. If the burden of warning service was more felt on the mountain side, then on meadow - construction: it was the population of the left bank who built and supported the powerful fortification facilities of Kazan, Arska, various casualties, sitting in proper condition.

Northwestern (Vetry and Cochays) mariyzawere relatively weakly drawn into the orbit of the Hanic authorities due to the remoteness from the center and due to relatively low economic development; At the same time, the Kazan government, fearing Russian military campaigns from the north (from Vyatka) and the North-West (from Galic and Ustyug), sought to allied relations with the windy, Cokshai, Pijan, Yaraski Mari leaders, who also had a benefit in support of the cesspasizing Tatar actions in relation to the outskirts of Russian lands.

"Military democracy" of medieval Mari.

In the XV - XVI centuries. mariyzaLike other nations of the Kazan Khanate, except Tatars, were at the transitional stage of development of society from primitive to early refortel. On the one hand, there was a selection of individual-family ownership within the framework of the landlocked union (neighbor community) of individual-family ownership, the pacecelly work flourished, property differentiation grew, and on the other hand, the class structure of society did not gain its clear outlines.

Mari patriarchal families united into patronized groups (satuned, tuk, surrum), and those in larger landing unions (TITES). Their unity was based not on blood bonds, but on the principle of neighborhood, to a lesser extent - on economic relations, which were expressed in various kinds of mutual "lists" ("V."), joint ownership of common areas. Palemary unions were, among other things, unions of military mutual assistance. Perhaps the tyste was geographically compatible with hundreds and uluses of the period of the Kazan Khanate. Hundreds, uluses, dozens managed by centuries or hundreds of princes ("Schÿdövuly", "Puddle"), the foremen ("Luvuly"). Sotniki assigned some part of the Yasaka charged by them in favor of the Khan treasury from subordinates of ordinary communities, but at the same time used their authority as smart and courageous people as skillful organizers and military leaders. Centuries and forens in the XV - XVI centuries. We have not yet managed to break with primitive democracy, at the same time the government of representatives knew more and more inheritance.

The feudalization of the Mari Society accelerated due to the Turkic-Mari synthesis. In relation to the Kazan Khanty, ordinary communities performed as a feudal-dependent population (in fact they were personally free people and were part of a peculiar semi-serving class), and to know - as serial vassals. Among Marytsev began to stand out in a special military estate, representatives of nobility - Mamici (Imilds), Bogatyri (Batyr), who probably already had some relevant to the feudal hierarchy of the Kazan Khanate; On the lands with the Mari population began to appear feudal possessions - Belyaki (administrative and consulting districts given by Kazan Khans as a reward for the service with the right to charge Yasaka from land and various commercial land, which were in the collective use of the Mari population).

The domination of military-democratic orders in the medieval Mari society was the environment where immanent impulses were laid for raids. The war, which was previously led only to take revenge on attacks or to expand the territory, now becomes constant fisheries. The property bundle of ordinary communities, the economic activity of which was difficult to have sufficiently favorable natural conditions and a low level of development of productive forces, led to the fact that many of them began to more except for their community in search of funds to meet their material needs and in the desire to raise their Status in society. Fodalized to know, which has been to a further increase in wealth and its socio-political weight, also sought outside the community to find new sources of enrichment and strengthen their power. As a result, the solidarity of two different layers of communities arose, between which "Military Union" was formed for the purpose of expansion. Therefore, the power of the Mari "Princes" along with the interests of the nobility still continued to reflect and generally extensive interests.

The greatest activity in raids among all groups of the Mari population was shown by the North-Western mariyza. This was due to their relatively low level of socio-economic development. Meadow and mountainous mariyzaEmployed labor took less active participation in military campaigns, in addition, the local protoferic tip had other than military, ways to strengthen their power and further enrichment (first of all, by strengthening ties with Kazan)

Attachment of the Mountains to the Russian State

Entry marytsev The Russian state was a multistage process, and the first mountains were joinedmariyza. Together with the rest of the population of the mountain side, they were interested in peaceful relations with the Russian state, while in the spring of 1545 a series of large treasures of Russian troops on Kazan began. At the end of 1546, Mountains (Tugai, Atchika) made an attempt to establish a military union with Russia and, together with political emigrants from among the Kazan Feudalov, the overthrow of Khan Safa-Hire and the construction of the Moscow Vassal Shah Ali's throne in order to prevent new invasions Russian troops and finish with the despotic prosecutor's internal policy of Khan. However, Moscow at that time had already taken a course on the final joining of Khanate - Ivan IV was married to the kingdom (this testifies to the nomination of his claim to the Kazan throne and other residences of the Goldenordian kings by the Russian state destination). Nevertheless, the Moscow government was not able to take advantage of a successfully started insurgency of Kazan faeodals led by Prince Kadysshi against Safa-Gurya, and the assistance proposed by mountain people was rejected by Russians. The mountain side continued to be considered by Moscow as an enemy territory and after winter 1546/47. (Hiking to Kazan in winter 1547/48 and in winter 1549/50).

By 1551, a plan to join the Kazan Khanate to Russia was ripe in Moscow government circles, which provided for the rejection of the mountain side, followed by turning it into a support base for capturing the rest of the Khanate. In the summer of 1551, when a powerful military outpost was erected at the mouth of Sviyagi (Sviyazhsky fortress), it was possible to accomplish the mountain side to the Russian state.

Causes of rougoms mariyza And the rest of the population of the mountain parties to Russia, apparently, appeared: 1) Entering the numerous contingent of Russian troops, the construction of the city-fortress of Sviyazhsk; 2) escape into Kazan of the local anti-Moskovskaya group of feudal groups, which could organize resistance; 3) population fatigue from devastating invasions of Russian troops, his desire to establish peaceful relations by restoring the Moscow Protectorate; 4) the use of Russian diplomacy of the anti-grocery and promotional moods of mountain people in order to directly inclusion of the mountain parties to Russia (on the actions of the population of the mountain side seriously affected the arrival at a swive together with Russian voivpets of the former Kazan Khan Shah-Ali, accompanied by five hundred Tatar feudalists who entered the Russian service); 5) bribing local nobility and ordinary warriors-militia, the liberation of mountain people from taxes for three years; 6) Comparatively close connections of the peoples of the mountainside with Russia in previous joining years.

Regarding the character of the attachment of the mountain side to the Russian state among historians, there was no consensus. One part of scientists believes that the peoples of the mountain side became the composition of Russia voluntarily, others argue that it was violent capture, the third adhere to the versions about the peaceful but forced character of join. Obviously, in the joining of the mountain side to the Russian state, they played their role as the causes and circumstances of a military, violent and peaceful, non-violent nature. These factors mutually complemented each other, giving it to entering the mountain marine marines and other nations of the mountain parties to Russia an exceptional peculiarity.

The accession of the left bank Mariers to Russia. Cheremis War 1552 - 1557.

Summer 1551 - in spring 1552. The Russian state provided a powerful military-political pressure on Kazan, the implementation of a plan for the gradual liquidation of Khanate was launched by the device of Kazan governorship. However, in Kazan, anti-Russian sentiments were too strong, they probably grew as pressure from Moscow increases. As a result, on March 9, 1552, Kazan refused to let into the city of Russian governor and accompanying his troops, and the entire plan of the bloodless joining of Khanate to Russia collapsed overnight.

In the spring of 1552, the anti-Moskovskoye uprising broke out on the mountain side, as a result of which the territorial integrity of Khanate was actually restored. The reasons for the uprising of the mountain people were: the weakening of the military presence of Russians on the territory of the mountain side, the active offensive actions of the left-bank Kazan, in the absence of response measures from the Russians, the violent nature of the mining parties to the Russian state, serving Shah Ali beyond the limits of Khanate, in Casimov. As a result of large-scale punitive treasures of the Russian troops, the uprising was suppressed, in June-July 1552. Mountain people re-made the oath of the Russian king. So, in the summer of 1552, the mountain marine marines finally entered the Russian state. The results of the uprising convinced mountain people in the futility of further resistance. The mountain side, being the most vulnerable and at the same time important in the military-strategic plan of the Kazan Khanate, could not become a powerful focus of the national liberation struggle. Obviously, such factors such as the privileges and all kinds of gifts provided by the Moscow Government in 1551 were played a prominent role, the presence of the experience of multilateral relations of the peaceful nature of the local population with Russians, a complex, controversial nature of the relationship with Kazan in previous years. As a result of these reasons, most mountain people during the events of 1552 - 1557. There was a loyal power of the Russian sovereign.

In the period of the Kazan war 1545 - 1552. Crimean and Turkish diplomats conducted an active work on the creation of the Anti-Moskovo Union of Turkic Muslim states to resist the powerful Russian expansion in the eastern direction. However, the unification policy failed due to the industrial and anti-cycle position of many influential Nogai Murz.

In the battle for Kazan in August - October 1552, a huge number of troops participated on both sides, while the number of precipitated exceeded the number of deposited at the initial stage in 2 - 2.5 times, and in front of the decading storm - 5 times. In addition, the Russian state troops were better prepared in military-technical and military engineering; Ivan IV armies also managed to defeat the Kazan troops in parts. October 2, 1552 Kazan Pala.

In the first days after the Kazan take, Ivan IV and his environment conducted events to organize the management of the conquered country. For 8 days (from 2 to 10 October), the priests were given to the oath and the Tatars. However, the main part of the left-bank Mariers did not show humans and already in November 1552 the Mari Mary of the meadow rose to the struggle for their freedom. The anti-Moskosie armed speeches of the peoples of the Middle Volga region after the fall of Kazan, it is customary to call the Cheremis Wars, since marries showed the greatest activity, at the same time the rebel movement on the Middle Volga region in 1552-1557. It is, in its essence, the continuation of the Kazan war, and the main goal of his participants was the restoration of Kazan Khanate. People's liberation movement 1552 - 1557 On average, the Volga region was caused by the following reasons: 1) defend its independence, freedom, the right to live in their own way; 2) the struggle of local nobility for the restoration of orders existing in Kazan Khanate; 3) Religious confrontation (Volga peoples - Muslims and pagans - seriously feared for the future of their religions and culture as a whole, because immediately after the capture of Kazan Ivan IV began to destroy the mosques, to build Orthodox churches in their place, destroy the Muslim clergy and pursue a violent baptism ). The degree of influence of Turkic-Muslim states on the course of events on average Volga region was insignificant, in some cases potential allies even interfered with the rebels.

Resistance movement 1552 - 1557. Or the first Cheremis war developed by waves. The first wave is November - December 1552 (individual outbreaks of armed performances on the Volga and near Kazan); Second - winter 1552/53 - early 1554. (the most powerful stage that swept all the left bank and part of the mountain side); Third - July - October 1554 (the beginning of the recession of resistance movement, split among the rebels from the Arsk and coherent); The fourth is the end of 1554 - March 1555. (Participation in the anti-Moskovsk armed speeches of only Left-Bank Mariers, the beginning of the leadership by the Mamich Berdem by the Mamich Berdham by the Mamich Beredem); Fifth - end 1555 - summer 1556. (a rebel movement under the leadership of Mamich-Berdya, support for his Arsk and coastal people - Tatars and Southern Udmurts, Mamich-Berdya captivity); Six, last - end 1556 - May 1557. (widespread cessation of resistance). All waves received their impulse on the meadow side, while the left-bank (meadow and north-western) Mari shifted themselves as the most active, uncompromising and consistent participants in the resistance movement.

Kazan Tatars also took an active part in the war 1552 - 1557, fighting for the restoration of the sovereignty and independence of their state. But still their role in the rebel movement, with the exception of some of his stages, was not the main thing. This was due to several factors. First, Tatars in the XVI century. experienced a period of feudal relations, they were classically differentiated and such solidarity, which was observed in the left-bank Mariers who did not know the class contradictions, they no longer had (in many ways, because of this, the participation of the Tatar society in the Anti-Motor rebel movement was not distinguished). Secondly, inside the class of the feudal police, there was a struggle between the birth, which was due to the influx of foreign (Ordane, Crimean, Siberian, Nogai) and weakness of the central government in Kazan Khanate, and this successfully used the Russian state, which could drag to its side a significant group Tatar feudalists before the fall of Kazan. Thirdly, the proximity of the socio-political systems of the Russian state and Kazan Khanate facilitated the transition of the feudal nobility of Khanate to the feudal hierarchy of the Russian state, while the Mari Profofodal Tip had weak ties with the feudal structure and the other state. Fourth, settlements of the Tatars, unlike most left-bank Mariers, were in relative proximity to Kazan, major rivers and other strategically important ways of communication, in the area where there were few natural barriers that could seriously complicate the movement of punitive troops; In addition, it was usually economically developed areas attractive to feudal exploitation. Fifth, as a result of the fall of Kazan in October 1552, it was destroyed, perhaps the bulk of the most combed part of Tatar troops, armed detachments of the left-bank Mariers then suffered to a much lesser extent.

The resistance movement was suppressed as a result of large-scale punitive operations of Ivan IV troops. In a number of episodes, rebel performances took the form of civil war and class struggle, but the main motive remained the struggle for the liberation of its land. The resistance movement ceased due to several factors: 1) continuous armed clashes with the royal troops, which brought innumerable victims and destroying to the local population; 2) mass hunger and epidemic of plague, which came from the Savolzhsky steppes; 3) Left-Bank Mariers lost to support their former allies - Tatars and South Udmurts. In May 1557, representatives of almost all groups of meadow and northwestern marytsev They brought the oath to the Russian king.

Cheremis Wars 1571 - 1574 and 1581 - 1585. Addresses the joining of Marieca to the Russian state

After the uprising 1552 - 1557. The royal administration began to establish a rigid administrative and police control over the peoples of the Middle Volga region, but at first it was possible to be done only on the mountain side and in close proximity to Kazan, while on most of the meadow the authorities of the administration was nominal. The dependence of the local left-bank Mari population was expressed only that it paid a symbolic tribute and exhibited warriors from his environment whose sent to the Livonian war (1558 - 1583). Moreover, the meadow and northwestern Mariets continued to make raids on Russian lands, and local leaders actively established contacts with Crimean Khan in order to conclusted the Anti-Military Union. It is not by chance that the second Cheremis War 1571 - 1574. Began immediately after the hike of the Crimean Hana Davlet-Hire, who ended with the seizure and burning Moscow. The causes of the Second Cheremis War were, on the one hand, the same factors that prompted the Volga peoples to start an anti-Moskoy rebel movement shortly after the fall of Kazan, on the other hand, the population, which was under the most stringent control on the part of the royal administration, was displeased with increasing the volume of duties, abuse and a shameless arbitrariness of officials, as well as a strip of failures in the tightened Livonian war. So in the second major uprising of the peoples of the Middle Volga region, national liberation and antipodeal motives were intertwined. Another distinction of the Second Cheremis war from the first was a relatively active intervention of foreign countries - Crimean and Siberian Khanate, the Nogai Horde and even Turkey. In addition, the uprising embraced the neighboring regions, which have already entered the time of Russia - the Lower Volga region and the Ural. With the help of a whole complex of measures (peace negotiations with the achievement of a compromise with representatives of the moderate wing of the rebels, bribers, insulation of the rebels from their foreign allies, punitive hikes, the construction of fortresses (in 1574, Cochaisk, the first city in the territory of the territory The modern Republic of Mari El)) The Government of Ivan IV Grozny managed to first split the rebel movement, and then suppress it.

The next armed presentation of the peoples of the Volga region and the Viurary, which began in 1581, was caused by the same reasons as the previous one. The new thing was that the tough administrative-police supervision began to spread on the meadow side (putting into the local population of the heads ("Watchmen") - Russian seruners who carried out control, partial disarmament, confiscation of horses). The uprising began in a subdomain in the summer of 1581 (the attack of Tatars, Khantants and Mansi to the possessions of Stroganov), then the excitement returned to the Left Bank Mariers, they soon joined the mountain marine marines, Kazan Tatars, Udmurts, Chuvashi and Bashkirs. The rebels blocked Kazan, Sviyazhsk and Cheboksary, committed distant trips to the depths of Russian territory - to Lower Novgorod, Hlynov, Galich. The Russian government was forced to urgently stop the Livonian war, concluding a truce with the Rouch Respiracle (1582) and with Sweden (1583), and to throw significant forces to the doubt of the Volga population. The main methods of the struggle against the rebels were punitive campaigns, the construction of fortresses (in 1583, Kozmodemiansk, in 1584 - Tsarevokokshaysk, in 1585 - Tsarevosanchursk), as well as peace negotiations, during which Ivan IV, and after his death actual The ruler of Russia Boris Godunov promised those who wanted to stop the resistance to amnesty and gifts. As a result, in the spring of 1585, "finished by the sovereign of the king and the great prince Fedor Ivanovich All Russia Cheremis in the age of the world."

The entry of the Mari people into the Russian state can not be unequivocally described as evil or good. Both negative and positive consequences of entering marytsev The system of Russian statehood, closely intertwining each other, began to manifest itself in almost all areas of the development of society. but mariyza And other nations of the Middle Volga region collided in general with a pragmatic, discreet and even soft (compared to Western European) imperial policies of the Russian state.
This was due not only to fierce resistance, but also a minor geographical, historical, cultural and religious distance between the Russians and the peoples of the Volga region, as well as rising to the early medieval traditions of multinational symbiosis, the development of which in the future led to what is commonly called the friendship of the peoples. The main thing is that, despite all the terrible shocks, mariyza Nevertheless, they have been preserved as an ethnos and became an organic part of the mosaic of a unique Russian super eton.

Materials were used - candles S.K. Methodological manual "History of the Mari People of the IX-XVI centuries"

Yoshkar-Ola: GOU DPO (PC) with "Mari Institute of Education", 2005


The Mari ethnos was formed on the basis of Finno-Ugric tribes who lived in the Volga-Vyatka interfluve in 1 Millennium N. e. As a result of contacts with bulgarians and other Turkic peoples, ancestors of modern, Tatars,.

Russians previously called Mariers Cheremis. Marities are divided into three main subecadical groups: mountain, meadow and eastern Mariers. From the XV century Mountain Mariers fell under Russian influence. Meadow Marries who were part of the Kazan Khanate, for a long time had a fierce resistance to Russians, during the Kazan campaign 1551-1552. They performed on the side of the Tatars. Part of the Mariers moved to Bashkiria, not wanting to be baptized (Eastern), the rest were baptized in the XVI-XVIII centuries.

In 1920, the Mari Autonomous Region was established, in 1936 - the Mari ASSR, in 1992 - the Republic of Mari El. Currently, the mountain marine marines inhabit the Right Bank of Volga, meadow live in the Vytzhsko-Vyatka Misond, Eastern - east of R. Vyatka, mainly in the territory of Bashkiria. Most Mariers live in the Republic of Mari El, about a quarter - in Bashkiria, the rest - in Tataria, Udmurtia, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Sverdlovsk, Perm regions. According to the 2002 census, more than 604 thousand Mari residents lived in the Russian Federation.

The basis of the Marities' economy was fat. They have long been grown by rye, oats, barley, millet, buckwheat, hemp, flax, turnip. Hardware was also developed, it was predominantly onion, cabbage, radish, carrots, hops, from the XIX century. Much spread got potatoes.

Markets treated the soil of dry (steps), hoe (Katman), Tatar Plow (Saban). The cattle breeding was not strongly developed, as evidenced by the fact that the manure was enough only by 3-10% of Pashnya. If possible, held horses, cattle, sheep. By 1917, 38.7% of Mari farms were unpleasant, Breasthesky played a big role (then baking beekeeping), fisheries, and hunting and various forest fishery: wiggy, logging and lespal, hunting.

During the hunt, Mariuz, until the middle of the XIX century. Used onions, horns, wooden trays, flint rifles. A wide scale was developed waste on woodworking enterprises. Mary's crafts were engaged in embroidery, carving on a tree, the production of women's silver jewelry. The main means of movement in the summer were four-wheeled carts (Orel), tarantasses and kibits, winter - sleigh, wood and skis.

In the second half of the XIX century. Mary's settlements were street-type, the housing served a cutting hub with a duct roof, built in the Great Russian Scheme: Hole-Song, H Ring-Song-Holes or Izba-Cage. The house has a Russian oven, a kitchen separated by partition.

Along the front and side walls of the house there were shops, in the front corner there are a table and a chair specifically for the owner of the house, shelves for icons and dishes, the side of the door was standing bed or nara. In the summer, Markets could live in the summer house, which was a cutting line without a ceiling with a double or single-pate roof and with an earthy floor. The roof was a hole for the exit of smoke. Here was a summer kitchen. In the middle of the construction placed a hearth with a hanging boiler. To the surviving buildings of the ordinary Mari estate were a crate, cellar, hlev, shed, chicken coop, bath. The wealthy Mari residents built two-storey storerooms with a balcony gallery. On the first floor they stored products, on the second - utensils.

The traditional Marytan dishes were soup with dumpling, dumplings with meat or cottage cheese, boiled salary or blood sausage with cereal, dried sausage from horse mill, puff pancakes, cheesery, boiled cakes, baked cakes, dumplings, pies with fish, eggs, potatoes, potatoes , hemp seed. Mary's bread prepared fresh. Specific dishes are also characterized by specific dishes of meat proteins, hawk, philina, hedgehogs, horns, viper, from dried fish flour, cannabis seed. From drinks Mari preferred beer, pointer (ERAN), Medovukha, from potatoes and grains were able to drive vodka.

The traditional clothing of Mariers is considered to be a tunic-shaped shirt, pants, a swollen summer caftan, a waist towel from a hemp canopy canvas, a belt. In the old days, Mariy residents sewed clothes from household linen and hemp fabrics, then from purchased fabrics.

Men wore felt hats with small fields and caps; For hunting, working in the forest was used by a headdress of the type of tank. On the legs we wore lapties, leather boots, boots. Wooden platforms were attached for work in swampy places to shoes. The distinguished features of the female national costume was apron, waist pendants, cheerful, cervical, ear beads, caurious sinks, sequins, coins, silver fasteners, bracelets, rings.

Married women wore various hats:

  • shhymaksh - a cone-shaped cap with a stilt blade, worn on a birch frame;
  • soroki borrowed from the Russians;
  • tarpan is a head towel with eyelaver.

Until XIX. The most common female headdress was a sludge, a high journal on a bark frame, resembling Mordovian and jackets. The upper clothes were straight and cutting on the assembly of kaftans from black or white cloth and fur coats. Traditional types of clothing and today are still marsmen of the older generation, national costumes Frequently used in wedding rituals. Modernized types of national clothing are widely common - a white shirt and a flock of multicolored fabric, decorated with embroidery and lepts, multicolored thread Belts, boilers from black and green fabric.

Mari communities consisted of several villages. At the same time, there were mixed Mari Russian-Russians, Mari Chuvash communities. Markets lived predominantly by small monogamous families, large families met quite rarely.

In the old days, Marytsev had small (urmat) and larger (satuned) generic units, the latter were included in the rural community (measures). When concluding a marriage to parents, the bride paid the ransom, and they were given to the daughter of the dowry (including livestock). The bride was often older groom. Everyone was invited to the wedding, and she took the nature of the universal holiday. In the wedding ritual, there are still traditional features of the ancient customs of Mariers: songs, national costumes with decorations, a wedding train, the presence of everyone.

Marytsev has been strongly developed by traditional medicine, based on the ideas about the space life strength, the will of the gods, damage, evil eye, evil spirits, souls of the dead. Before the adoption of Christianity, Marius adhered to the cult of ancestors and gods: the Supreme God Kugu Yumu, the gods of the sky, the mother of life, the mother of water and others. The echo of these beliefs was the custom to bury the dead in winter clothes (in the winter hat and mittens) and dismiss the bodies in the cemetery in the sleigh even in the summer.

According to tradition, along with the deceased, the nails collected during the life, the ribs of the rose, a piece of canvas. Markets believed that on the light of the nails would be needed in order to overcome the mountains, clinging for the rocks, the rosehip will help to remove the snake and the dog, guarding the entrance to the kingdom of the dead, and on a piece of canvas, like on the bridge, the souls of the dead will move in afterworld.

In antiquity, Mariers were pagans. Christian faith They accepted in the XVI-XVIII century, but despite all the efforts of the church, the religious views of Mariytsev remained syncretic: the small part of the eastern Mariers passed into Islam, and the rest to this day retain the allegiance of pagan rites.

For Marytsev mythology, the presence of large number female gods. The deities denoting mother (Ava) has no less than 14, which indicates the strong remnants of the matriarchate. Markets made pagan collective prayers in sacred groves under the leadership of the priests (cards). In 1870, in the Mari Marytsev, a sect of Cuhouse of the Modernist Pagan Site appeared. Up to the beginning of the twentieth century. Among the Mariets, ancient customs were strong, for example, when a husband and wife are divorced, who wanted to divorce, first tied up with a rope, which was then cut. This was the entire divorce ceremony.

IN last years Marities make attempts to revive ancient national traditions And customs, combine public organizations. The largest of them are "Oshmari-Chimari", "Mary Ush", sect Cuhouse varieties (big candle).

Mariy residents speak on mariy language Finno-Ural group of the Ural family. In the Mari language, mountain, meadow, east and northwestern adverbs are distinguished. The first attempts to create writing were made in the middle of the XVI century, in 1775 the first grammar on Cyrillic was published. In 1932-34 An attempt was made to switch to Latin schedule. Since 1938, a single schedule was approved on Cyrillic. Literary language Based on the language of meadow and mountain marines.

For folklore, Mari residents are characteristic, mainly fairy tales and songs. There is no single epic. Musical instruments are represented by a drum, hubslies, a sweater, a wooden pipe (PUP) and some others.

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Mariyza -Ev; mN. The people of the Finno-Ugek language group, which constitute the main population of the Mari Republic; Representatives of this nation, republic.

Marieca, Manza; m. Maryka, and; mN. Rod. -Rext dates. -rikes; g. Mariy (see). Mari's narch.


(self-confession - Mari, outdated - Cheremis), people, indigenous population Mari Republic (324 thousand people) and neighboring regions of the Volga region and the Urals. In total, 644 thousand people (1995). Mary language. Mary's believers - Orthodox.


Markets (Convents. - Cheremsa), the people in the Russian Federation, the indigenous population of the Mari Republic (312 thousand people), also live in the neighboring areas of the Volga region and the Urals, including in Bashkiria (106 thousand people), Tataria (18 , 8 thousand people), Kirov region (39 thousand people), Sverdlovsk region (28 thousand people), as well as in the Tyumen region (11 thousand people)., Siberian Federal District (13 thousand people .), Southern Federal District (13.6 thousand people). Total in the Russian Federation 604 thousand Mariers (2002). Mariy residents are divided into three territorial groups: mountain, meadow (or forest) and oriental. Mountain Mariers. Live mainly on the right bank of the Volga, meadow - on the left, oriental - in Bashkiria and the Sverdlovsk region. The number of mountain marine marines in Russia - 18.5 thousand people, Eastern Mariers - 56 thousand people.
According to the anthropological appearance, Mariy residents belong to the Subural type of the Ural race. In the Mari language belonging to the Volga-Finnish group of Finno-Ugric languages, mountain, meadow, eastern and northwestern adverbs are distinguished. Among Mariers are widespread Russian. Writing - based on the Cyrillic alphabet. After the entry of Mari lands, the Christianization of Mari residents began in the 16th century. However, the Eastern and small groups of the meadow Mariers of Christianity did not accept, they were preserved before the 20th century preserved preserves, especially the cult of ancestors.
The beginning of the formation of the Mari tribes belongs to the frontier of the first millennium of our era, this process took place mainly on the right bank of the Volga, capturing partly and left bank areas. The first written mention of Cheremis (Mari) is found at the Gothic historian of Jordan (6th century). They are mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years". A large role in the development of the Mari Ethnic Sheets played close ethnocultural ties with Turkic peoples. A significant influence, especially intensified after the entry of Mariers, the Russian state (1551-1552) was provided by Russian culture. Since the end of the 16th century, Marytsev's resettlement began in a pre-rally, intensified in the 17-18th centuries.
The main traditional occupation is arable farming. Hardware, rowing horses, cattle and sheep, hunting, forestry, forestry (billet and alloy of forest are used. Slotchocuriasis) Later - baking beekeeping, fisheries. Marytsev has developed art crafts: embroidery, wood carving, jewelry.
Traditional Clothing: Ornate Embroidered Shirt Tunical Casual, Pants, Swing Summer Caftan, Belt Canopy Canvas Towel, Belt. Men wore felt hats with small fields and caps. For hunting, working in the forest was used by a tagging type of a tank. Mari shoes - Napti with onuchi, leather boots, boots. Wooden platforms were attached for work in swampy places to shoes. For a female suit, apron and an abundance of jewelry of beads, sequins, coins, silver buckles, Sulganov, as well as bracelets, rings.
A variety of female hats - cone-shaped caps with a bustling blade; Surfaces borrowed in Russians, head towels with eyelaver, high voposiform jams on a birest frame. Women's outerwear are straight and cutting on the assembly of kaftans from black or white cloth and fur coats. Traditional types of clothing are among the older generation, are used in wedding rituals.
Mari cuisine - dumplings with stuffing from meat or cottage cheese, puff pancakes, cottage cheese cheesecakes, drinks - beer, patch, strong medical honey. The Mari family is predominantly small, but they also met and large, unrequited. A woman in the family enjoyed economic and legal independence. At the conclusion of marriage, the bridesmaid was paid to the redemption, and they gave the dowry for her daughter.
Folded in the 18th century in Orthodoxy, Mariez retained the pagan beliefs. Characterized public prayers with sacrifice, suitable in sacred groves before the beginning of Sev, in the summer and after harvesting. Among the eastern Mariers are Muslims. In folk art, wood carving and embroidery is unique. Mary music (husli, drum, pipes) differs wealth of forms and melodiousness. Songs are allocated from the folk genres, among which the "sorrows", fairy tales, legends occupy a special place.

encyclopedic Dictionary . 2009 .


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Marities, previously known as Chelers, were famous for their militia. Today they are called the latest pagans of Europe, since the people managed to carry a national religion through the century, which there is still a significant part of it. This fact will surprise even more if you know that the writing from the people of Marie appeared only in XVIII century.


The self-sizing of the Mari people dates back to the word "Marie" or "Mari", which means "man." A number of scientists believe that it can be associated with the name of the ancient Russian people of Mary, or a measure that dwells in the territory of modern Central Russia and mentioned in a number of chronicle.

In ancient times, mountain and meadow tribes that dwell in the Volga-Vyatsky interfluid were called Cheremis. The first mention of them in the year 960 is found in the letter of Kagan Khazaria Joseph: he mentioned the "tsundas" among the nations who paid Kaganat Dan. The Russian chronicles celebrated the Chelemasons much later, only in the XIII century, along with the mordeland, ranked them to the peoples inhabited on the Volga River.
The meaning of the name "Cheremis" is not fully established. It is known for certain that part of "MIS", as well as "Marie," means "man." However, how this person was, the opinions of researchers disagree. One of the versions refers to the Turkic root of the "Cher", meaning "fighting, fighting." From him, the word "Yanychar" occurs. This version looks plausible, since the Mari language is the most turcue from the entire Finno-Ugric group.

Where live

More than 50% of Marier lives in the territory of the Republic of Mari El, where 41.8% of its population is. The Republic is the subject of the Russian Federation and is part of the Volga federal District. The capital of the region is the city of Yoshkar-Ola.
The main area of \u200b\u200bresidence of the nationality is the dissimilar zone of the metropolitan and Vyatka. However, depending on the place of resettlement, language and cultural characteristics, 4 groups of Mariy residents are distinguished:

  1. Northwestern. Live outside Mari El, in the territory of the Kirov and Nizhny Novgorod regions. Their language is significantly different from the traditional, but they did not exist with their own writing until 2005, when the first book was published in the national language of the North-Western Mari.
  2. Mountain. In modern times, it is small - about 30-50 thousand people. Inhabit in the western part of Mari El, mainly on the southern, partly on the northern banks of the Volga. The cultural differences of the mountain marines began to form in the X-XI centuries, due to the close communication with the Chuvas and the Russians. Have their own skimmeri language and writing.
  3. Eastern. A significant group consisting of migrants of the Lugovo part of the Volga in Ural and Bashkortostan.
  4. Meadow. The largest largest and cultural influence A group residing in the Volga-Vyatka Meternrech in the Republic of Mari El.

The last two groups are often combined into one due to the maximum similarity of language, historical and cultural factors. They form groups of meadow-eastern Mariers with their own meadow-oriental language and writing.


The number of Mariers, according to the 2010 census, is more than 574 thousand people. Most of them, 290 thousand, live in the Republic of Mari El, which means "Edge, Mainean's Motherland." A little smaller, however, the largest community outside Mari El is located in Bashkiria - 103 thousand people.

The remaining part of Mariers inhabits the regions of the Volga region and the Urals, lives throughout Russia and beyond. A significant part lives in the Chelyabinsk and Tomsk regions, Khanty-Mansiysk JSC.
The largest diasporas:

  • Kirov region - 29.5 thousand people.
  • Tatarstan - 18.8 thousand people.
  • Udmurtia - 8 thousand people.
  • Sverdlovsk region - 23.8 thousand people.
  • Perm region - 4.1 thousand people.
  • Kazakhstan - 4 thousand people.
  • Ukraine - 4 thousand people.
  • Uzbekistan - 3 thousand people.


The meadow-East Mari language, which, along with Russian and the Gornariy, state in the Republic of Mari El, is part of the Great Group of Finno-Ugric Languages. And also, along with Udmurt, Komi, Sami, Mordovian, is included in the small Finno-Perm group.
There is no accurate data on the origin of the language. It is believed that he was formed in the Volga region before the X century on the basis of Finno-Ugric and Turkic dialects. Significant changes, he underwent in the period of the entry of Mariers in the composition of the Golden Horde and Kazan Kaganata.
Mari writing arose quite late, only in the second half of the XVIII century. Because of this, there are no written evidence of the life, life and culture of Mariers throughout their formation and development.
The alphabet was created on the basis of Cyrillic, and the first text preserved to this day on Marius refers to 1767. He was created by the skimmer who studied in Kazan, and he was dedicated to the arrival of Empress Catherine the second. The modern alphabet was created in 1870. Today, a number of national newspapers and magazines and magazines are published in the Lugovo-Eastern Marizh language, it is studied in Bashkiria schools and Mari El.


The ancestors of the Mari nation began to master the modern Volga-Vyatka territory at the beginning of the first millennium new era. They migrated from the southern and western regions east under pressure from the aggressive Slavic and Turkic peoples. This led to assimilation and partial discriminations of Permian, the originally inhabited in this territory.

Part of the Mariers adheres to the version that the ancestors of the people in the distant past came to the Volga from the ancient Iran. After an assimilation with the tribes of Finno-Ugroms and Slavs living here, however, the originality of the people was partially preserved. In favor of this, studies of philologists say, noting that in the Mari language there are indoire enclosures. This is especially true of ancient prayer texts, which practically did not change over the centuries.
By the VII-VIII century, the pramarians moved to the north, taking the territory between the wind and Vyatka, where they live until today. During this period, Turkic and Finno-Ugric tribes were seriously influenced by the formation of culture and mentality.
The next stage of the history of Cheremsov belongs to the X-XIV centuries, when Eastern Slavs were closest to their neighbors from the West, and from the South and East - the Volga Bulgars, Khazars, and then Tatar-Mongols. For a long time, Marie's people were depending on the Golden Horde, and then from the Kazan Khanate, who paid tribute to the fur and honey. Part of the Mari lands were influenced by Russian princes and, according to the chronicles of the XII century, was also subject to tribute. Over the centuries, Cheremisas had to be lavailed between the Kazan Khanate and the Russian authorities who tried to attract the nationality whose number at that time was up to a million people, to his side.
In the XV century, in the period of aggressive attempts of Ivan the Terrible to overthrow Kazan, the mountain marines moved to the power of the king, and the meadow supported Khanate. However, in connection with the victory of Russian troops, in 1523 the land became part of the Russian state. However, the name of the Cheremis tribe is not in vain means "militant": next year it rebelled and overthrew the temporary rulers until 1546. In the future, the bloody "Cheremis Wars" broke out twice in the struggle for national independence, the overthrow of the feudal regime and the elimination of Russian expansion.
The next 400 years of the life of the people proceeded relatively calmly: having achieved the preservation of national authenticity and the ability to practice their own religion, Mariy residents were engaged in the development of agriculture and crafts, without interfering with the country's socio-political life. After the revolution, Mari Autonomy was formed, in 1936 - the Mari ASSR, in 1992 she was assigned the modern name of the Republic of Mari El.


The Anthropology of Mariers dates back to the ancientural community, which has formed a distinctive feature of the appearance of the peoples of the Finno-Ugric group as a result of mixing with the Europeanoids. Genetic studies show the presence of Gaplogroups of N, N2A, N3A1 in the Marines, which are also at Veps, Udmurt, Finns, Komi, Chuvash and Baltintians. Autosomal studies have shown relatives with Kazan Tatars.

Anthropological type of modern Mariers - Suburaral. The Ural Race is intermediate between the mongoloid and the Europeanoid. Marytsev has more, compared to the traditional form, the Mongoloid signs.
Distinctive features of appearance are:

  • medium height;
  • yellowish or darker than in the europeroid, skin color;
  • almond-shaped, slightly diagonal eyes with lowered downside corners;
  • straight, dense hair of a dark or light blue shade;
  • speakers.


Men's and female traditional costumes were similar in configuration, but female decorated more brightly and richly. So, the daily outfit consisted of a similar to the tunic of a shirt, which had a long woman, and men did not reach the knees. Under it, spacious pants were put on top of the caftan.

Sweatwear sewed from dominant matter, which was made from hemp fibers or woolen threads. Women costume It was supplemented with an embellished apron, ornaments were decorated with sleeves, cuffs and a shirt gate. Traditional patterns - horses, solar signs, plants and flowers, birds, lamb horns. In the cold season, they put on top of her on top of her, Tulup and sheep's fur coats were put on.
Mandatory element Suit - belt or waist winding out of a linen piece of matter. Women complemented her pendants from coins, beads, seashells, chains. The shoes were made of a scroll or leather, in the swampy terrain it was supplied with special wooden platforms.
Men wore high hats with narrow fields and towards, because most of the time was spent outside the house: on the field, in the forest or on the river. Women's hats were famous for great variety. The Russians were borrowed from the Russians, the Sharpan was popular with popularity, that is, tied around the head of a towel, bonded by eyebreaker - a narrow strip of fabric, embroidered with traditional ornaments. The distinguishing element of the bride's wedding costume is a bulk chest ornament from coins and metal decorative elements. It was considered a family relic and was transmitted from generation to generation. The weight of such a decoration could reach up to 35 kilograms. Depending on the place of residence, the features of costumes, ornaments and colors could differ significantly.


The Mary residents had a patriarchal family structure: a man was the main thing, but in the case of his death, a woman got up at the head of the family. In general, the relationship was equal, although all public issues were on the shoulders of a man. For a long time in Mari settlements there were remnants of Levirat and Cores, having praised women's rights, but most of them did not adhere to them.


A woman in the Mari family played the role of the keeper of a homemade hearth. It was appreciated by hardworking, humility, economic, good nature, maternal qualities. Since a solid dowry was exhibited for the bride, and its role was significant, the girls were married later than the young men. It often happened that the bride was 5-7 years older. The guys tried to marry as early as possible, often aged 15-16 years.

Family manner

After the wedding, the bride went to live in the house of her husband, so the family from Marie was big. Often, the families of the brothers were adjacent to them, the senior and subsequent generations lived together, the number of which reached 3-4. The head of the economy was the older woman, the wife of the head of the family. She distributed to children, grandchildren and daughters of instructions on the farm, followed material well-being.
Children in the family were considered the highest happiness, manifestation of the blessing of the Great God, so they gave birth a lot and often. Education was engaged in mother and older generation: Children did not indulge and have learned from childhood to work, but never offended. The divorce was considered disgraced, and the permission to him had to ask for the main minister of faith. The couples who expressed a similar desire, tied back to each other on the main village area, while those waited for solutions. If the divorce took place at the request of a woman, her hair was cut, as a sign that she is no longer married.


Marie for a long time lived in typical old-worker cuts from a duplex roof. They consisted of hay and residential part, in which the kitchen with the stove separately fell separately, shops were nailed to the walls for overnight. Special role Played a bath and hygiene: in front of any an important thing, especially the prayer and holding rituals, it was necessary to wash. It symbolized the cleansing of the body and thoughts.

A life

The main occupation of the people of Marie was agriculture of a pasha type. Field crops - Prista, Oats, Len, hemp, buckwheat, oats, barley, rye, turnip. In the gardens put carrots, hops, cabbage, potatoes, radish, onions.
Livestock was less common, however, for personal use, birds, horses, cows and sheep were bred. But goats and pigs were considered unclean animals. Among men's crafts highlighted wood carving and silver processing for manufacture jewelry.
From antiquity they were engaged in Borutnsky, and later and baking beekeeping. Honey was used in cooking, made crumpled drinks from it, and also actively exported to neighboring regions. Beekeeping is distributed today, being a good source of income for villagers.


Due to lack of writing, Mari culture focuses in oral folk art: fairy tales, songs and legends, which since childhood teaches children a senior generation. Authentic musical instrument - Shvwier, analog of boils. It was made from the water bladder of a cow supplemented by a ram horn and a tube. He imitated natural sounds, along with the drum accompanied songs and dances.

There was a special dance-cleansing from evil spirits. It took part in it, consisting of two guys and girls, sometimes all residents of the settlement participated in the festivities. One of his characteristic elements is the twist, or the shot: the rapid synchronous movement of the legs in one place.


A special role in the life of the people of Marie in all a century was played by religion. Until now, the traditional religion of Marie, which is officially registered. It confesses about 6% of Mariers, but rituals are observed by many. The people always tolerantly belonged to other religions, therefore, the national religion is right with Orthodoxy.
Traditional religion Marie proclaims faith in the strength of nature, into the unity of all people and everything that is on earth. Here they believe in the single space god Osh Kugu-Yumu, or the Big White God. According to legend, he instructed evil spirit Yyu remove a piece of clay from the world's ocean, from which KUGU-YUMO did the Earth. His part of the clay yyn threw on the ground: so the mountains turned out. From the same material KUGU-YUMO created a man, and the soul brought him from heaven.

In total, there are about 140 gods and spirits in the pantheon, but only some are very honored:

  • Ilyashe Shokhn-Ava - Analogue of Our Lady, Goddess of Birth
  • JUMU - manages all worldly affairs
  • Mland Ava - Goddess of Earth
  • Puresho - God of Fate
  • Aziren - Death itself

Mass ritual prayions occur several times a year in sacred groves: they are total from 300 to 400 across the country. At the same time, ministry can occur in the grove. One or more of the gods, each of which bring victims in the form of food, money, parts of animals. The altar is made in the form of a flooring of fir branches established near the sacred tree.

Come to the grove in large boilers, they prepare food brought with them: meat geese and ducks, as well as special pies from the blood of birds and cereals. After under the leadership, the map is an analogue of the shaman or priest, the prayer begins, which lasts up to an hour. Ends the rite of consumption of cooked and harvested grove.


The most complete ancient traditions are preserved in wedding and funeral rites. The wedding always started with a noisy redemption, after the young on the cart or sleigh covered with bearish skin, headed to the card for making a wedding rite. All the way the groom clicked a special braid, drivening out evil spirits from the future wife: this whip then remained in the family for life. In addition, their hands were associated with a towel, which symbolized the connection to the rest of his life. So far, the tradition of the oven is still preserved after the wedding pancakes for a new man.

Of particular interest are caused funeral rites. At any time of the year, the deceased was delivered to the graveyard on her sleigh, and in Mountains put in winter clothes, supplying a set of things. Among them:

  • linen towel, according to which he will go down to the kingdom of the dead - from here there was an expression "tablecloth";
  • rosehip branches to drive away dogs and snakes guarding the afterlife;
  • clustered nails during the lifetime to cling them for rocks and mountains on the way;

After forty days, no less terrible custom made: the friend of the deceased was falling in his clothes and sat down with closest deceased in one table. He was accepted for the deceased and asked him questions about life on the world, they passed the lead, reported news. During the general holidays, the commemoration also remembered the deceased: they were covered with a separate table, which the hostess raised all the treats, which was cooked for living.

Famous Mariers.

One of the most famous Marijtsev - Actor Oleg Taktarov, who played in the films "Viy" and "Predators". All over the world he knows how the "Russian Bear", the winner of cruel fights without the UFC rules, although in fact his roots lead to ancient people Marie.

The living embodiment of the real Mariy Beauty - "Black Angel" Varda, whose mother was by Mariy's nationality. She is known as a singer, dancer, fashion model and owner of seductive forms.

The special charm of Marytsev is a soft character and a mentality based on the adoption of all things. Tolerance to others, coupled with the ability to defend their own rights, allowed them to preserve their authenticity and national flavor.


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