Desert psychological test: seven tasks for the imagination. A test that will help you know yourself

Desert psychological test: seven tasks for the imagination. A test that will help you know yourself

Today a good friend offered to take a test - to answer quickly and without hesitation on four questions. Questions are (better answer in writing - no corrections, and it will be much clearer. Then. When you rewrite in your LJ, as the next result of the next test). Since I went through something similar (exactly the same, as it turned out) four years ago, I decided to find the full version of the "test".

Open your LJ client and start answering questions. Just answer and nothing else.

Continuing the topic of testing, we offer a game built on six simple images, which will probably help everyone to understand their true essence deeper.

At the end of the 80s of the outgoing century, the "Cube" mysteriously penetrated into Eastern Europe, but this is by no means a fashionable invention of modern psychologists, but rather the secret of ancient, possibly Middle Eastern sages. It is based on the same principles that are used in the interpretation of dreams : the images we see are nothing more than a "projection" of our soul ...


You should imagine five objects in turn against the background of the desert. The task is the same for everyone, but everyone must mentally imagine and arrange these objects in their own way, in a unique way.

So, have paper and pencil ready to write down the answers. Try to record your visions with maximum completeness and accuracy, in all details. And remember, this is not a test. There are no "wrong" answers here, just your personal feelings.

  1. Imagine the desert you were once in, your idea of ​​it, or a fantasy about it. Anything will do.
  2. Imagine a cube in this desert. Did you see him? What color, size, smooth to the touch is it? Can you tell what it is made of? How is it located in space, near or far from you? Write down at least five meaningful epithets that describe your cube, such as "sparkling, shiny, tense" or "natural, warm, sleek, vibrant, stylish."
  3. Imagine a portable ladder in the same desert. How is it located in space? And in relation to the cube? What is it made of? Is it a ladder or a stepladder? Does it have many steps?
  4. Let's bring movement to life into our landscape: imagine a horse. What kind of horse did you see in the desert? What color is it? How is it located in relation to the cube and stairs? What is he doing? Does she have a saddle and bridle?
  5. Somewhere in the desert, a storm is raging. Where do you see it, how do you imagine it? Does it affect the cube, ladder and horse? If so, how?
  6. And finally, there are flowers in the desert. Do they all grow together or are they scattered here and there? Are there many or few of them? What are these flowers, what color are they?

So, in your imagination, a very clear picture has emerged. Try to write down in more detail everything that you could see.

First my answers:

Desert: White sand, blue sky and yellowish sun.

Cube: Tall, a meter and a half, or even more - there is nothing to compare with, white, shiny and polished, it looks like plastic.

Horse: slender, beautiful, rather gray, no, white and as if glowing in the rays of the bright sun.

Stairs: the ladder is an ordinary one, not a stepladder. Long. Leaning on the cube, she goes into the sky. metal and narrow, but practically indestructible - it makes such a reliable impression.

After the storm: a slightly swaying staircase, the horse's withers are fluttering, but nothing has changed - the whole picture is intact.

Now, the promised key. Think recolor your picture. Everything can end very interestingly.


Now you can decipher and interpret your "waking dream":

  • The desert is the world as you imagine it.
  • The cube is you yourself, the list of epithets characterizes you.
  • The stairs are your friends.
  • A horse is a loved one.
  • A storm is a nuisance (or perhaps a difficult but interesting task: this image can also carry a positive meaning).
  • Flowers are children (or work: they can refer to anything you create or care for, from paintings to pets).

It may take some creative effort to interpret your images. Any connection that you can find or establish between objects and your life, no matter how "attracted" it may seem, will allow you to learn something new about yourself. If you've seen a Rubik's Cube, you may be smart, versatile, and like to be puzzling. If you saw your grandfather's staircase, friends are like family to you.

Feel like a cube, feel its location and physical properties "from the inside". Unleash your imagination, do not be afraid of the most daring and unexpected associations, do not neglect puns and comic connections.

If your cube is made of plastic, then perhaps you belong to an honest, proud, working tribe. A cube standing on one of the peaks stretches upward and does not want to be stacked with other cubes. This suggests that you are an idealist, strive for perfection, perhaps a workaholic - a "soloist" or a leader. If your cube is "floating in the air," you are not practical and down-to-earth, you are more interested in ideas, ideals and dreams than the practical side of life.

If your ladder is taller than a cube, then you prefer to be friends and cooperate with people who can serve as an authority for you. If the thread means you are a leader, or you have ideas that your friends cannot change. A ladder leaning against a cube indicates warm relations with friends and mutual support; lack of contact indicates independence. If the ladder is vertical, then your friends are helping you achieve your goals; lies - with them you can have a good rest and have fun.

The gender of the horse should not be taken literally: if your loved one has taken the form of a mare, perhaps he is caring, taking care of you; perky, self-confident ladies often appear in the form of stallions, a flying horse may indicate that you are in love recently or are idealizing your lover.

Storm. Are troubles far away? Excellent! Notice how a cube, a ladder and a horse react to a storm? Who is the hardest to bear?

Flowers. People with children (or parents-to-be) usually place several securely grouped flowers closer to the cube. Childless people, as well as creative personalities, have them everywhere. Teachers, managers, and supervisors often imagine flowers growing in the correct order in well-kept beds or flower beds. Cactus flowers indicate difficulties in the process of "growing" (or creative achievement) (eg divorce).

1. Imagine that1. Imagine that there is a desert in front of you, imagine it in the smallest detail: what sand, sun, what is it? Now imagine that there is a cube in the desert. Imagine its size, color, location ... and now imagine a staircase in the desert and tell me where it is in relation to the cube, is it solid, how many steps? Now imagine a horse in this desert.

1. Imagine that there is a desert in front of you, imagine it in the smallest detail: what sand, sun, what is it? Now imagine that there is a cube in the desert. Imagine its size, color, location ... and now imagine a staircase in the desert and tell me where it is in relation to the cube, is it solid, how many steps? Now imagine a horse in this desert.


5 The dwarf symbolizes your health. How attentive and welcoming you are to your health.

5 The dwarf symbolizes your health. How attentive and welcoming you are to your health. there is a desert in front of you, imagine it in the smallest detail: what sand, sun, what is it? Now imagine that there is a cube in the desert. Imagine its size, color, location ... and now imagine a staircase in the desert and tell me where it is in relation to the cube, is it solid, how many steps? Now imagine a horse in this desert.

2. Now let's get down to the second part. Imagine that you are walking in the desert, it is very hot, the sun beats down mercilessly from a height. You are very tired, and suddenly you see a key in the sand. What is he? Describe it and tell me, what will you do with it?

4. You continued your journey through the desert again, and suddenly a wall appeared in front of you. It seems like there is no end to it. What will you do? The wall seems insurmountable ...

5. So, you overcame the wall and continued on your way, soon you saw the city. A dwarf came out of the gate to meet you. Your actions? Say hello, pass by, don't notice him, will you talk? ..

6. You have come to the city, in the center of which is your apartment. You go to her, go up the steps of a residential building, open the door with a key and go inside your apartment ... describe it and everything that is in it.

7. So, you rested a little in your apartment and returned to the street. He walked through the whole city and suddenly found himself at the edge of the abyss. You need to get to the other side, where a very narrow bridge leads, on which only one person can fit. You had already passed halfway, when suddenly a small dwarf appeared right in front of you, blocking the path. This dwarf categorically refuses to give way, but you have to go to the other side. What will you do?


1 This first part of the psychological test shows you, your family and friends. The cube is you, the size of the cube, its position in the desert and its color are important. The more transparent, lighter it is, the kinder, brighter and more open the person is. Accordingly, the size of the cube and its position in the desert speaks of how a person sees himself, treats himself, perceives. The ladder is your friends, the number of steps is the number of friends, the strength of the ladder means whether you can rely on loved ones or not. The horse is your other half. The closer you place something to the cube, the more valuable it is to you.

2 If a person presented a simple metal key, this means that he does not make increased demands on his friends, they should be easy to communicate. The key from an old box - can say about a person that he is trying to assert himself at the expense of friends and chooses people who are unusual in position and communication. But the golden key is like that of Pinocchio: big, beautiful, means that a person carefully chooses friends for himself, they must be good, loyal people who are ready to provide support. It is also important what you do with the key: do not pay special attention to it, which means that you are closed in communication, consider, but leave the key - this means that you are interested in friends, but are not inclined to turn friendships into a burden, and if you take the key with yourself, then cherish your friendship.

3 If you took a jug and looked into it, then you are striving for self-knowledge. An empty jug speaks of low self-esteem, a jug with precious stones - about inflated, but a jug of water - about adequate self-esteem and expresses a person's desire for self-development. If you presented an earthen jug, it means that in life you are a practical person with a sense of proportion, and iron or copper speaks of the complete absence of this measure.

4 The wall question shows how you solve problems. If you imagine a very high wall that cannot be overcome, then treat life's difficulties as something insurmountable. If you sit under the wall, waiting for help, you are not confident in your own strengths, depending on the circumstances. If you try to get around the wall, you solve problems, having carefully considered all the ways and consequences beforehand.

5 The dwarf symbolizes your health. How attentive and welcoming you are

PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST "CUBE IN THE DESERT" This test is actually very popular not only among ordinary Internet users, but also among psychologists, since its deep approach to the deep thoughts of a person has been repeatedly proven by the veracity of the results. We suggest you take this test armed with a pen, paper and a calm environment around you. So let's start Imagine yourself in the middle of a beautiful desert. Before you - only yellow sand and blue sky. Silence, not a soul, just you and the landscape. Now imagine a cube in this desert. What is he? Big, small, medium? Where is it located - floating in the air, standing on the ground, or do you have your own options? What is it made of, what does it have inside? Try to imagine in detail this cube, its shape, size, content, boundaries, location. If necessary, draw a cube on paper. Now imagine a staircase in the desert. What is it, what is it made of, how high is it? How is it located in relation to the cube? Think about whether there will be flowers in your desert? If so, which ones, how many colors will there be and what color? Where will they be located? Now imagine that a horse appears in this picture. Try to think through the animal in every detail. Where is it, what color and size, how far from the cube is it and what does it do? And the last detail in your landscape is the storm. How strong is she? How will it go and how will it affect all the objects in your picture? Who will be hurt and who will not? What will it bring to your landscape? If you have presented all of the above in detail, or even better drawn and thought through to the smallest detail, then you can proceed to decoding. So, the cube The cube is you. How do you see yourself, who you are. All details reflect the essence of your inner self. If a cube hovers in the clouds - then you are inclined to soar in them, if it is on the ground - then you are a realist and look at things taking into account logic and knowledge. If the cube is buried, then you feel pressure from the outside. If the cube hangs somehow obliquely, with an edge or with a turn, then you feel an internal struggle, some kind of vibrations. The size of the cube is your ambition and self-esteem, self-esteem. If it is big, then you are confident in yourself and think of yourself as a good person, a specialist. If it is small, you should believe more in yourself and your strength. If the cube is made of steel, you are a strong and confident person. If made of glass, then you are responsive and vulnerable, who easily lets everything into himself. If the cube contains gems or decorative elements, you consider yourself special. The fullness of the cube is your own fullness. If it is empty, then you feel emptiness and are at a crossroads. Any other details of the cube and the words you used to describe it refer to you. Ladder The way you describe the ladder reflects your relationship with others. A straight staircase means simplicity and ease of communication, but a spiral or curved staircase means that you try to avoid new people in the company and society. How far or near the staircase is from the cube is a sign of how you feel about meeting new people. If the ladder touches the cube, you are open to new contacts. The length and strength of the ladder is the number of friends and acquaintances. If it is short, then you make do with 1-2 faithful friends in life, if the staircase is long and made of durable material, then there are many friends, acquaintances, and acquaintances around you. Flowers As they say, children are the flowers of life. If they are not in your picture, then you are not ready yet, or your parental gene and instinct are not so strongly developed. The number of flowers, respectively, is the number of children. If the flowers are bright, you wish your children a carefree and happy childhood. If there are a lot of flowers, and they are close to the cube, you are the type of person for whom a large family is ideal. Home, many children and grandchildren - this is a picture of a happy old age for you. If the flowers are braiding the cube, then taking care of the children has become a burden for you. The horse The horse is your relationship with your spouse. The size of the horse is your dominant. If you draw a strong big horse, then this is what you expect from the half, and if the horse is small, you want to have a leading role in the pair. If the horse runs in the desert, you value freedom, if he is tied, you want to control your partner. How close the horse is to the cube reflects your emotional connection with your partner. The storm And the last one is the storm, which symbolizes the troubles of life. If she is too close, then you are going through difficult times. If it affects some subject, you have a problem in this area. If the storm is far away or it dies down without touching anyone, then you have nothing to fear, you are now not subject to any influence of any troubles. The test does not reflect constants, but the state of your inner self in a specific period.

This test is actually very popular not only among ordinary Internet users, but also among psychologists, as its deep approach to the deep thoughts of a person has been proven more than once by the veracity of the results. We suggest you take this test armed with a pen, paper and a calm environment around you.

So, let's begin

Imagine yourself in the middle of a beautiful desert. Before you - only yellow sand and blue sky. Silence, not a soul, just you and the landscape.

Now imagine a cube in this desert. What is he? Big, small, medium? Where is it located - floating in the air, standing on the ground, or do you have your own options? What is it made of, what does it have inside? Try to imagine in detail this cube, its shape, size, content, boundaries, location. If necessary, draw a cube on paper.

Now imagine a staircase in the desert. What is it, what is it made of, how high is it? How is it located in relation to the cube? Think about whether there will be flowers in your desert? If so, which ones, how many colors will there be and what color? Where will they be located?

Now imagine that a horse appears in this picture. Try to think through the animal in every detail. Where is it, what color and size, at what distance from the cube is it and what does it do?

And the last detail in your landscape is the storm. How strong is she? How will it go and how will it affect all the objects in your picture? Who gets hurt and who doesn't? What will bring to your landscape?

If you have presented all of the above in detail, or even better drawn and thought through to the smallest detail, then you can proceed to decoding.

So the cube

The cube is you. How do you see yourself, who you are. All details reflect the essence of your inner self. If a cube hovers in the clouds - then you are inclined to soar in them, if it is on the ground - then you are a realist and look at things taking into account logic and knowledge. If the cube is buried, then you feel pressure from the outside. If the cube hangs somehow obliquely, with an edge or with a turn, then you feel an internal struggle, some kind of vibrations.

The size of the cube is your ambition and self-esteem, self-esteem. If it is big, then you are confident in yourself and think of yourself as a good person, a specialist. If it is small, you should believe more in yourself and your strength.

If the cube is made of steel, you are a strong and confident person. If made of glass, then you are responsive and vulnerable, who easily lets everything into himself. If the cube contains gems or decorative elements, you consider yourself special.

The fullness of the cube is your own fullness. If it is empty, then you feel emptiness and are at a crossroads.

Any other details of the cube and the words you used to describe it refer to you.


The way you describe the ladder reflects your relationship with those around you. A straight staircase means simplicity and ease of communication, but a spiral or curved staircase means that you try to avoid new people in the company and society.

How far or near the staircase is from the cube is a sign of how you feel about meeting new people. If the ladder touches the cube, you are open to new contacts.

The length and strength of the ladder is the number of friends and acquaintances. If it is short, then you make do with 1-2 faithful friends in life, but if the staircase is long and made of durable material, then there are many friends, acquaintances, and acquaintances around you.


As they say, children are the flowers of life. If they are not in your picture, then you are not ready yet, or your parental gene and instinct are not so strongly developed. The number of flowers, respectively, is the number of children. If the flowers are bright, you wish your children a carefree and happy childhood. If there are a lot of flowers, and they are close to the cube, you are the type of person for whom a large family is ideal. Home, many children and grandchildren - this is a picture of a happy old age for you. If the flowers are braiding the cube, then taking care of the children has become a burden for you.


The horse is your relationship with your spouse. The size of the horse is your dominant. If you draw a strong big horse, then this is what you expect from the half, but if the horse is small, you want to have a leading role in the pair. If the horse runs in the desert, you value freedom, if it is tied, you want to control your partner. How close the horse is to the cube reflects your emotional connection with your partner.


And the last one is the storm, which symbolizes the troubles of life. If she is too close, then you are going through difficult times. If it affects some subject, you have a problem in this area. If the storm is far away or it dies down without touching anyone, then you have nothing to fear, you are now not subject to any influence of any troubles.

This test can be carried out several times in different periods of life, since it reflects not constants, but the state of your inner "I" in a particular period.