How best to dress for the theater. What to wear to the theater

How best to dress for the theater.  What to wear to the theater
How best to dress for the theater. What to wear to the theater

Unfortunately, modern women rarely have a reason to put on nice outfit... For many, a trip to the theater is a festive event, within which one can not only usefully spend time, but also demonstrate to those around them their excellent taste.

Choosing an outfit for the theater

When choosing a toilet for "going out", it is necessary to take into account the format of the performance, the characteristics of the audience and the time of the event:

  • Usually theatrical performances for older audience take place in the evening, after 6 pm. Therefore, you can afford high heels, complex styling and bright makeup.
  • Daytime performances are loyal to the choice of toilet.
  • If you like to attend informal performances or home shows, then here you can relax and pick up something from your everyday wardrobe.

A cocktail dress with closed shoulders, made in restrained colors, is considered a win-win option for an evening out. The ideal length is knee-length or slightly below. If you want to look smarter than most, opt for an ankle length dress. A midi or maxi skirt is also appropriate for a theater visit.

If earlier it was considered unacceptable to go to the theater in trousers, today this rule is being violated more and more often. For example, you can wear a pantsuit as an alternative to a dress. And ordinary trousers (but not jeans!) In combination with a beautiful blouse or smart jacket will do just fine.

If you plan to go to the theater right after the office, when there is no opportunity to change, it's okay. Sheath dress, skirt suit or complemented dress will suit this occasion. True, at the end of the working day, this look can be supplemented with jewelry and brighter makeup.

The ceremonial premiere at the opera house is just the time when it is appropriate to wear. Evening dresses with an open neck and even a back are welcome. You can cover your shoulders with a light cape or a fur boa. Also, such an outfit is relevant for visiting the capital's theaters "with a name."

Shoes and accessories

For evening performances, choose shoes with heels of about 5-7 cm or platform. You can go to daytime performances in more democratic shoes, for example, boots or ballet flats.

According to the rules of etiquette, you should not wear open shoes to the theater: sandals, sandals, and even more so slippers. If you are going to go to the theater during the cold season, give up felt boots, uggs, “footers” in favor of more sophisticated models. If it is possible to bring a change of shoes with you, for example, elegant shoes, then this will be the best solution.

A trip to the theater is often equated with a festive event, but this should not be taken too literally. Don't try to put on all the best at once. You won't go wrong if you choose beautiful but laconic jewelry. These are decorations from precious metals and stones, as well as quality jewelry. A small evening bag, clutch, will successfully complete the look.

What is not worth going in?

Theaters do not have a strict dress code that would prevent a visitor from going to the show. Some people actively use it. Therefore, today you can watch spectators in sneakers, jeans, shorts, stretched T-shirts, sportswear. These things are better left for another occasion, like going out with friends. Do not confuse the theater with the club. Mini dresses, shiny tops, too revealing outfits- all this is unacceptable in this case.

When choosing an outfit, it is important to remember that it should not cause inconvenience to the rest of the visitors. That is why it is better to give up high hairstyles. If you put on a hat in the theater, it is recommended to take it off during the performance so as not to obstruct the view of other spectators. Leave bulky bags, packages, backpacks in your wardrobe.

Despite the fact that in opera and drama theaters there are quite strict requirements for appearance, even here you can meet visitors in jeans and knitted turtlenecks. In order not to catch goggles on yourself, it is worth finding the line between theatrical fashion and modern realities.

Ksenia Alexandrova specially for the site
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The content of the article

The famous theater rule states that the theater begins with a coat rack. There is some truth in this saying. Indeed, any trip to the theater begins with thinking about what to wear. After all, it is very important to choose the right theatrical outfit in order to feel confident in the theater and enjoy the performance to the fullest.

Theater dress code

The theater is the same house of culture where people come to relax and enjoy a performance or music. Previously, to go to the theater, a man had to wear a tuxedo, and a woman had to wear an evening dress, jewelry and gloves. Much has changed since then. The modern rhythm of life does not allow us to spend the whole day before going to the theater choosing an evening dress or, inducing beauty, in a beauty salon. Sometimes people come to the theater straight from work.

Today the theatrical dress code is more democratic. However, it has its own rules. V Opera theatre it is customary to come nevertheless in evening dress, but in drama theatre dress like this only if you are sitting in the front rows of the stalls or in the box.

It is also permissible to come to the theater in soothing colors or in a cocktail dress. The option of a blouse and a dark skirt is possible. The main rule is that you do not look provocative and vulgar. After all, you came to the theater, and not to a fashion show, so a trendy outfit and a deep neckline will be inappropriate here.

Of course, theatrical etiquette does not imply that if you come in sneakers and jeans, you will be immediately kicked out of this temple of the arts. But it will be regarded as disrespectful attitude to others and to the theater itself.

Also, in the theater, defiant make-up will be inappropriate. And in no case should you use a sharp one or pour half a bottle of your favorite perfume on yourself - think about those around you. Also, your high hairstyle will interfere with others, so do not build yourself intricate towers on your head. It will not be superfluous to recall also the categorical prohibition of the use before going to the theater. alcoholic beverages or products with sharp unpleasant odor... Also, consider matching your outfit with your companion's outfit.

Theatrical dress code for men

A man in the theater should look elegant. Usually men wear a tuxedo to the theater. However, it is also permissible to wear suits in dark colors, which can be either plain or in a barely noticeable strip or check. A shirt for a suit should be selected in light shades. Well, a must-have accessory for theatrical outfit there should be an elegant tie, neckerchief or bow tie. If you are planning a trip to creative evening where the youth audience will prevail, you can wear a jacket and trousers different color or a shirt and trousers without a jacket.

Theatrical dress code for women

If for a man the choice of clothes for the theater is not so diverse, then women have plenty to choose from. A lady can wear to go to the theater:

1. Evening dress. When choosing an evening dress for the theater, you should pay attention to straight silhouettes. V lush dresses or dresses with a train will hardly be comfortable for you in the theater, just like in a dress embroidered with rhinestones or stones.

2. Cocktail dress. Nowadays, this is the most common outfit for going to the theater. This dress looks beautiful and elegant, but not too pretentious. When opting for a cocktail dress, pay attention to the fact that it is in muted shades. But jewelry can be matched to him and quite bold, but do not overdo it with them, so as not to look vulgar.

3. Tuxedo. Oddly enough it sounds, but a tuxedo has now become a favorite evening dress for both the male half of the population and for women. Under the tuxedo, you should wear a dark chiffon blouse and a large necklace. Also, stiletto heels will be appropriate for this outfit.

4. Trouser suit. Suitable for going to the theater as a classic pantsuit and cropped trousers 7/8 length, colored or with a print. You can wear a light blouse or top under them.


It is worth paying special attention to the selection of accessories. The rule of calm shades also applies here. You should not cling to everything that is in your house, so as not to look like Christmas tree... Your outfit in itself speaks of a solemn occasion. From jewelry, you should choose a beautiful necklace, earrings or ring.

An elegant theatrical handbag should also be present in your wardrobe. It can be either, or an elegant clutch.


When choosing shoes for the theater, pay attention not only to convenience, but also to beauty. Make sure in advance that your wardrobe would have at least one pair of shoes for a special occasion. Shoes for going to the theater should be with heels, but heels should not be more than eight centimeters. In any case, shoes should complement your evening outfit. The main rule is that putting on boots in the theater is bad manners. If you go to the theater during the cold season, you can bring your shoes with you. There is an opportunity to change shoes in the theater.

By which entry is prohibited in sneakers or sportswear. The initiative caused various emotions among Muscovites: some supported it, while others took it critically. The Village went to the theater and found out what the audience is wearing now and how they are preparing for a cultural trip.

Nikita, 21 years old

I was going to the theater for about ten minutes, this applies specifically to clothing. I read on the site that there is a dress code, it is somehow called like "cocktail". Well, I chose a suit and came. To be honest, I don't go to the theater that often. And, in principle, I can always match the desired setting. I have no problem: if necessary, I will put on shoes, there was no terrible need to put on sneakers. Theater is associated with something cultural and high. Here you need to dress, having thought over your appearance, at least a little. It's probably wrong to wear sneakers. After all, theater is the cradle of art.

Irina, 29 years old

It cannot be said that I was going to the theater for a long time today. I read the silly footnote on the website and decided to dress according to the dress code. I have very uncomfortable ballet flats with me in my backpack. If they hadn’t let me in sneakers, I would have pulled out a trump card from my sleeve in the form of these elegant slippers.

I even read interviews artistic director theater about this (referring to The Village. - Ed.) and I think the dress code is a dubious idea. Even the very name of this theater - "Modern" - resonates with the requirements for clothing. I will come to the theater with a dress code if there is something really interesting there, but I have to take my shoes with me. To be honest, I don't really like theaters.

Olga and Igor, 28 years old

We quickly got ready to go to the theater - probably spent 40 minutes. I chose clothes that fit the dress code. I rarely wear these clothes, but I have a couple of special costumes that are in store just for theaters, philharmonic societies and others. similar cases... Theater is a small life small world... We did not go to the theater, but to a performance that was interesting to us.

We rather have a negative attitude to the dress code. It should be, but everything is fine in moderation, such strict rules as now are not needed. For men, a jacket was generally prescribed, but in fact this is not entirely necessary, so Igor passed without him. It's not okay to let people in Converse sneakers. This isn't some kind of running shoe!

I learned about the theater itself from an article on The Village, and there I was embarrassed by the moment about the hijab, that you can come to performances in it. It is clear why it is possible to wear a hijab, but the theater management illogically believes that the older generation can be confused by informal clothing. Considering recent events, people in hijabs will really embarrass them.

Sergey and Maria, 30 and 35 years old

I quickly got ready, in about an hour. Sergey finished in just half an hour. Usually a theater needs some very specific style: you cannot dress like New Year or to a restaurant for the evening, you need more formal business attire. It is so accepted in the theater, it is a kind of tradition that we follow.

We didn’t know about the dress code in “Modern”, we only saw an announcement on the door about it. Perceived information without emotion. For us, theater is a cultural and enjoyable pastime. This is more than a movie, because you immerse yourself in the performance more, you feel a wider range of emotions, you worry more and you think more.

Tatiana, 41 years old

It took me a long time to prepare for going to the theater, but I got ready quickly. Choosing an outfit, choosing accessories, makeup - I carefully approached this, it took a lot of time. In the theater, you can't be dressed anyhow, because this is disrespectful and generally indecent. The choice was huge, but I settled on this - it seemed to me that it is most suitable.

I didn't know the dress code was being introduced. But I think this is a very correct measure. A dress code is generally needed everywhere, not only in theaters, but also in museums.

Olga, 47 years old

I decided for a long time and doubted. Didn't know what to wear: long dress or short. I can say that I spent the whole day on the preparations. In the end, I chose a red dress, because it seemed to me the most relevant and best suited my mood.

My daughter plays in this theater, so I naturally knew about the dress code. I am very happy with the new rules in the theater: sometimes I want to feel beautiful among the gray dull everyday life, I want a holiday. I really love dresses, I love going out, where I can feel like a woman, for example, to the theater. In general, this is the place where I can relax, be inspired, feel in a different environment, absorb the theatrical spirit and energy, and be imbued with the performance.

Is a place where you can relax, enjoy the great acting, the wonderful staging of historical and contemporary works... In this case, do not forget about the rules regarding clothing and appearance... Therefore, the topic of the article on the website today will be: what to wear to the theater for a man.

How to dress for the theater for a man

It is important to note here that the outfit will depend on the type of theater... So, for example, it is permissible to come to a performance at a local drama theater in business suit in a dull color with a classic cut. This is very convenient when the event takes place after work, and there is simply no time to come home and change. But attending an opera or ballet is worth it only in evening dress. Also, an important role is played by the place for which tickets are purchased. If this is the first place in the box or stalls, then even in a drama theater it is better to wear a tuxedo.

As for, it is better to refuse them - even if they are of a classic cut in dark blue or black. No, you will be allowed in them and not kicked out of the theater. But such an outfit may be considered by many viewers and actors as a manifestation of disrespect towards them. Therefore, it is better to give up jeans and put on a suit if the question is what to wear for a man in the theater.

The only exception is street theater, which can take place in a square or in a park without a special stage and seating. For such an event, it is permissible to come in jeans, a sweater or a jacket, worn over a turtleneck, and not a shirt. At the same time, the color of the outfit should be a dark, calm color without bright prints and other patterns. In general, with regard to the color of clothing for such an event, it should in no way be provocative. Firstly, in such a place it is not customary to attract unnecessary attention to oneself not only with the help of clothes, but also with the smell (sharp cologne), hairstyles, and secondly, this is not a podium for demonstrating outfits, but a temple of culture.

Now let's talk in more detail about the style, color of clothes and accessories for going to the theater.

How to go to the theater for a man

If it comes about the premiere, regardless of the type of theater and location in auditorium, then the ideal option would be a single-breasted or double-breasted tuxedo with a classic cut with satin or silk ribbed lapels, the buttons of which should be trimmed with the same fabric as the lapels. As for the color, it does not have to be black, deep dark blue looks no less elegant, presentable and noble. A tuxedo is a set of a jacket, trousers, belt or vest. Therefore, trousers must match the jacket: be of the same fabric and have stripes along the side outer seams of a material similar to the lapels. A man with a belt should not wear them to the theater, since they must be held either on inconspicuous suspenders or at the expense of a belt. If your choice fell on a tuxedo with shawl lapels, then you should put on a sash under it, if with pointed lapels, then you need a vest. As for the shirt, it must be necessarily white with single cuffs fastened with cufflinks and preferably a stand-up collar with folding corners. Shoes should be lacquered, but smooth black shoes such as oxfords, brogues are also acceptable. An ideal option for a tuxedo is a self-knotted bow tie, however, a matching tie is also acceptable.

Now let's figure it out how to go to the theater for a man for an everyday performance... In this case, it is not necessary to be in a festive evening dress. The main thing is to look elegant, clean and tidy. You can just put on a shirt, which should be monochromatic, with trousers and shoes. To add a solemn, but at the same time restrained touch, a neckerchief or an interesting tie will help. If the choice fell on a suit, then it should be of a dark color, monochrome or in a barely noticeable pattern (cage, strip). Ideally, dark blue or graphite, but dark green or burgundy is also acceptable. The main thing is that it is not the same color as the outfit of the companion. It is best to wear a chemise underneath light color without a pattern, which can be decorated with a dark solid color tie.

What to wear to the theater for a man, if the play is mainly invited creative, modern youth? When choosing an outfit for such an event, you can afford to wear dark jeans with a shirt and jacket. Trousers with or without a turtleneck and jacket would be an appropriate option. And also trousers with a jacket and a shirt. Trousers with oxfords made of different skin tones, a light shirt and a dark scarf will sound no less interesting. You can wear trousers with a sweater, which should not be a bright color without a thin or medium knit pattern. If you do not have confidence in the above outfits, then it is better to opt for a dark suit of classic cut, which will make you feel dignified, comfortable and just enjoy the performance, the site advises.

Now you have an idea of ​​what men wear to the theater. And do not forget that your outfit, first of all, should be comfortable, elegant, neat. And, secondly, he should not offend the feelings of the audience sitting next to him and the actors with his flashy colors, provocative accessories and ridiculous forms.

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Nowadays, going to the theater is becoming quite commonplace.

The woman was invited to the theater. The question immediately arises, what to wear? The days of chic dresses with flounces and corsets are over, but still it is worth paying tribute to fashion. Today, there is a fairly diverse selection of evening dresses that are perfect for a woman going to a theater performance. In this case, several important nuances should be taken into account.

But first, let's talk a little about the rules. good taste... Fresh breath is the key to success. In no case should you eat garlic, because the whole outfit can also be unsuccessfully saturated with its smell. And if there is still staleness - chewing gum best helper. A woman should use perfume in moderation, while it is advisable not to use it immediately before the performance. Let's take a look at one example. If a lot of aromas are mixed in the hall, then people will simply have a headache, and they will not be able to watch the performance normally, their attention will be scattered. Or the person sitting next to you will be allergic or asthmatic, which can cause a choking attack.

If a woman is going to a play with a man, then the main thing is to provide for the fact that their outfits are harmonious with each other, for example, in one colors... It will not only be beautiful, but also highlight your unity. There are times when you need to catch a performance after work, but you just don't have time to go home to change. Then it is recommended to take holiday shoes, any jewelry, a scarf with you to work in order to decorate and give a more sophisticated and piquant look to your outfit. In the case of attending an evening performance, a woman must be dressed in an evening dress.

Good manners allow you to put on hats for the performance. They can be different: both large and small, with wide and narrow fields. Sitting in her place, a woman must definitely ask the person sitting behind if her hat is bothering him. If the answer is yes, she should remove it. If a woman forgot to ask the spectators from behind about her hat, and she was asked to take it off, then she must silently do it without engaging in a controversial dialogue! This will serve as indicators of bad taste, and a violation of etiquette.
Makeup should be evening and moderate. Less bright, challenging tones.

A beautiful and miniature handbag will add a unique charm to the image of a woman. High-heeled shoes - elegance and slowness. Beautifully styled hair will create a unique image of elegance and restraint. Do not make your hair high, this can create inconvenience to the audience sitting in the back.

When dressing and getting ready to stage a performance, a woman should keep in mind that T-shirts, T-shirts, sports shoes are inappropriate in this case. Long-sleeved shirts and skirts and trousers are more suitable for women. We all love little black dress, decorated with rhinestones or pearls, will very much emphasize and complement the image. You can wear a fur coat, to the extent of the decoration, so as not to look too provocative. If it is difficult to decide on the choice of clothes, then, as one of the options for getting out of the situation, there may be a call to the same theater with a question about the outfit. In the telephone mode, the woman will be prompted on which version of clothing it is better to stop.

You don't need to put on all your jewelry, jewelry. This will attract undue attention from those around you. After all, people come to the theater to watch the actors play, and not to demonstrate themselves as a model. Before going to the theater, you should rest and wash so that you look great and not attract too much attention with your tired appearance.

A rather popular accessory for such cases is gloves for a dress in dark colors, which should not be transparent. But it is better to shoot them in a theater room.

When choosing an evening dress, you should not forget about the details of the dress: cutouts, yokes, bows. After all, there are women who do not understand all these details, clothing lines, therefore, putting on such a dress, they think that they look stunning and chic. But in fact, it simply does not suit them, it makes them funny in the eyes of the public. A woman, dressed in a simple black evening dress, attracts attention with her elegance and severity. The men accompany her with their admiring glances.

Don't dress for your age. A woman dressed like a teenage girl at thirty-five still looks older than her age. For the premiere of the performance, you should wear a dress with an open back in light colors, but made of dense fabric. Formal suits in English style remained in the past, it is better to wear a dress with a jacket or a skirt to the theater.

Still, I would very much like to see modern woman going to the production of the play, smiling and confident. And this will arise only if she is dressed in an outfit that matches her figure, age, position in society.