How should a native orthodox cross look like. Which cross is needed for baptism of the baby? What cross to choose gold or silver

How should a native orthodox cross look like. Which cross is needed for baptism of the baby? What cross to choose gold or silver

Usually the rite of the sacrament of baptism pass in early childhood. However, many adults, if they were not baptized earlier, come to this decision alone. If you are going to pass the baptism rite or want to get a new cross to replace the lost, then you should know how to choose a cross for a man. First of all, it is worth thinking about the metal, namely about his quality. It is worth understanding that native Cross It is not customary to shoot, it should always be on the chest and even at the moment of swimming. Therefore, the quality of the metal plays very important role. Just periodically change the native cross because you so want it impossible, it is bought once and for life.

The illusory atmosphere, the surfaceness of the materialism and the destructive and destructive effect of consensus, according to the "Father of Lie and All Yeresi", again in people, require the need for some spirituality. Materialist and relativistic educated personHowever, spiritually completely disoriented and therefore applies to any spirituality. It comes to spirituality completely materialistic - consensus. We are witnessing the appearance of a phenomenon called "Spiritual materialism." For spiritual life, the Western person can no longer gain access so that he can bring him some real benefits.

The native cross is a symbol of faith, the subject in which is located spiritual meaning, as well as hope for the future. That is why the importance of choice has such a meaning. The church does not regulate the type of material from which the Cross must be made. These can be precious metals, like gold or platinum, or not at all metals, but, for example, a tree. But you see that a wooden cross is already in a few water contacts will lose its appearance, a tree will fuse and can easily break. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, it is worth choosing a native cross from quality precious metals. To buy female golden or male crosses. The catalog is a rich selection of faith characters that differ in appearance, cost.

He does not recognize that any karmic spiritual life begins, and on the one hand, the victim, self-denial, asceticism, and on the other hand, an honest desire for truth and subordination to the revealed truth. However, for such a spiritually arid man, he does not. He does not want to give up, but wants to get money. From the spiritual life, the waiting person expects it to hurt - internal execution. But since he does not know how to achieve this goal, he receives only a replacement, a toy that makes him have fun.

After the world entertainment frightened him and left him internally empty, he needs other experiences - spiritual, supernatural. He does not want to see that emptying from the world to spiritual means to turn away from consumption to the victim. And so he still wants to consume. The place of the world wants spiritual conspiracy. He chooses between the cherries and sects, as he does not want to buy the goods in the supermarket or search for the best offer in the Services catalog. And to satisfy such "tastes", they are a real specialist in spiritual spheres.

How to choose a cross for a man as a gift.

Often native crosses Give as a gift. If you are going to make your beloved such an important gift, then you should know how to choose a cross for a man. As mentioned above, first of all it is worth thinking about the metal. Ideally gold or platinum. However, if a man wears other decorations, for example, a chain of silver, then you should give him a silver cross. The metal crossed must be similar as other decorations on the body.

We still have many demons with our employees: what do you want? The circle closes with the invasion of Western humanity into modern paganism. In a new search, one who is looking to be honest, but he chooses bad, but, above all, the one who wants to "refuel" energy, fails. At this stage, a person was abandoned only as a result of a catastrophe.

Therefore, to take away the Bible from the Church, to use it outside the church, to preach it without warning to the Church, refuse to admit the book of the Bible, it is meaningless in its essence. There is a danger to a person who does not know the saint that he believes in the busy sect arguments. Therefore, each true christian It was supposed to know the Orthodox disease and the Bible not to be obedient. However, it is better not to talk with one clerk and not allow yourself to argue. Or he is one of the prophets, pointing one of many ways to God.

The shape of the cross is important. There are Orthodox and Catholic cross. As for the form, then you can find four-, six and eight-pointed native crosses. It is believed that the most correct form in eight-pointed crosses, so you can choose the symbol of the faith of this form. The six-pointed was recognized as recently and less popular. Four-ring is considered permissible, but to a greater extent it is used in catholic church. But after all, the Orthodox Church recognizes the native cross of any form. It is believed that the main thing is not the form of the Faith symbol, but the meaning he carries. Must be put on a chain of the same metal or on the rope. You can buy it all in the temple or jewelry store.

Some elements of sectarian teachings and practices

This training is tracked by a materialist; Even in it - as in all people - somewhere in the depths of a strange desire for an infinite life, somewhere in each human Heart We find the idea that a person should be immortal. Many sectarian leaders come from Protestant or Protestant sects.

New century

Sects that reach the greatest achievements today's day- these are Bahai and New century. Their doctrines are perfectly consistent with the spirit of postmodern philosophy concerning modern problems modern humanity And, of course, "solutions". Special place among the sect is currently occupied by New erawhich can not even be called the sect, but rather spiritual movement. These are the synthesis of oriental religions, gnosis and spiritualism, based on esoteric learning embodied by spiritual spiritual forces.

Who today does not wear a cross? Only the lazy or man is not Christian religion, well, maybe someone else was baptized or did not have time to buy it. As an option, a unbelieving person will not be a crucifixion on her neck.

But we will focus on those who want to have a crucifix at your neck, and has not yet acquired it for some reason. Let's try to figure out what a cross must be worn like choose baptism cross which metal is preferable, and most importantly, where it is better to buy it. After all, it's no secret that there are a lot of fakes in jewelry stores that are masking for precious metals. In fact, it is only a distant ghost of gold or silver.

Of course, it is obvious that there are occultism, ufology, astrology, hypnosis, yoga. The full range of pagan cultures is present - right up to the elements of the most primitive animism of African Aborigines. They believe that all religions contain "common truths", which, as a bridge above them, was different. He receives support in influential circles, and it is interesting to see how global goals and methods of spiritual control correspond to current global political trends. He will take the government in his hands, Lucifer is proud of them.

Lucifer is declared gates in new epoch. The Christian, obviously, when reading these chapters, he remembers that such an ideology is in the revelation of St. The Apostle John was described and is associated with the expected transition of the antichrist, which is part of the last apocalyptic events preceding the second coming of Christ.

Golden crosses They buy mainly because they can be worn as the whaling of God's blessing and immediately like decoration. To do this, it is better to purchase a neutral decoration, which will emphasize the advantage of the appearance of a pretty woman, and will not look like a too expensive decoration, but as a saving wubble.

It is represented as the establishment of peace in the world. The revelation of the Holy Apostle John says that thanks to the act of Antichrist, the greatest struggle will come to defeat the world over the world, which is almost done. Only those who remain faithful to Christ while they are not pursued, will be saved for the king God. In Revelation, the revelation clearly states that such people who trust the Antichrist are actually indulging in the threat of neglection, and that with their help will be carried out by the terrible persecution of Christians. We can compare this situation with the first Christian days when Christians died for faith in Christ.

It should be remembered that not all cross meets canons Orthodox church. Therefore, many people consider it right to acquire a cross in the church shop, which is located at the church, or in the online store. Oddly enough, but Orthodoxy keeps up with modernity, and also has online stores.

Who does not want to be deceived for their money, go to the online store where church utensils are sold, see the catalog and price list for all types of goods. You will be pleasantly surprised, many products from precious metals are much cheaper than in the same jewelry stores. Moreover, you will not have to worry about whether the traditions chosen by you in the jewelry store are responsible for the traditions and canons?

Orthodox spirituality and its attitude to other spiritual streams

This will probably happen in lately. In one God, man and the Almighty, who ruled everyone and everything that he had, he already believed Israelites, people Old Testamentwho are preparing for the coming of the Messiah. Shimans, who called God's God, came to despire Israel, crowded the Jews from the Holy Land, and from that time the remnants of the Old Testament Jewishness were dissipated throughout the earth.

Since then, they cannot bear old-fashioned victims who are baptized with the defender of Jerusalem, and without which some of them do not fulfill the main ritual of their religion. The grace of God was transferred to the new people of Israel - Christ, the New Testament Church. Sometimes we can also witness public or personal examples of Jews against Christians, the revelation of Christ and the defamation of his screams. Therefore, in the New Testament period of Judaism, no one can not believe, because he always hides the shame against Christ.

Remember if you still decided buy Golden Cross In the jewelry store, he will be just an ornament that has no power. The cross must be consecrated in the church. Therefore, if you are a baptized person, then you will be useful to sanctify your new cross in the Orthodox Church.

Other spiritual tips opposing the original Christian faith

Jewish mysticism today is mysterious and keeps curiosity, attracts him magic; People who have done with them personal experiencebut they talk about her inner void and testify true love In Jewish spirituality. Kritana's path is spiritually connected with Christ; we are talking On combining all the components of our human being: spirit, soul and body. Christ came to save all the people, and the whole person accepted his Virgin Mary from him. Therefore, we refuse those who claim that the human body in principle is something naughty, sinful, dark, the fact that human soul was punished or punished in punishment.

So you have decided where you buy a cross. As a rule, believers, if desired, adopt baptism rite, buy gold or silver cross, sometimes simple: brass, copper or aluminum. Usually, simple native crosses are put on a simple rope or the simplest chain. They are not shy to buy only those who do not want to have a cross as an ornament, but wears him only for themselves and God. They are often purchased for young children.

They, in fact, the non-Christian school, mainly refuse to the redemptive sacrifice of Christ on the cross; Either declaring killings intelligent or temporary accidents, or for the fact that the Jews wanted to disappear from their eyes to Jews and go to India. The noble being of the Church, which is the body of Christ, and Christ is the head of the church. Here is another moment we would like to stop. The one who says that Krkkeva has a different head than Christ, do not turn right, he sect or heretic. This is what we call against the teachings of evangelists who have a cruel, sad and sad Catholic, which contains a part of learning added to life later by men.

Now the choice is yours, what and where you will acquire. The main thing, remember that the church is holy placeSo everything that in it is all consecrated, worthy of attention and respect.