How to determine the nationality of the test. What nationality is the name? National differences in Chechens

How to determine the nationality of the test. What nationality is the name? National differences in Chechens
How to determine the nationality of the test. What nationality is the name? National differences in Chechens

An important criterion of individual freedom is the possibility of its self-identification provided and guaranteed. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 26 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to determine and indicate its nationality, no one can be forced to define and indicate its nationality. Thus, in the Russian Federation, it is primarily recognized as the right of everyone to freely identify and at its own discretion indicate or not to indicate its national affiliation.

At the heart of the national identity identity lies not just the desire to be a person of a certain nationality, and the awareness of its belonging to a certain ethnic community due to spiritual communication by the general language, culture. The procedure for determining the national affiliation of a citizen is not established by the current legislation. The presence in the birth certificate of a citizen of instructions on the national belonging of his parents in itself is not to define the national affiliation of this citizen.

In Russia, there was a nationality, it was determined by nationality in the passport, it was determined by the nationality of the father or mother specified in the birth certificate. If parents had different nationality, then when issuing a passport for the first time at the age of 16, the person himself determined what of them to write to the passport. In the future, the recording on nationality was not subject to change. The Count "Nationality" was an indispensable attribute of all kinds of questionnaires, other accounting documents. Now such a graph from the passport is excluded. In other official documents, this graph is also not, if it meets somewhere, the citizen is not obliged to fill it. If you wish, you can specify your nationality by making an appropriate statement (reference) in autobiography, summaries, online, media, any public speech or in a sociological survey.

Information about the nationality in the records of civil status acts is made only at the request of persons (persons) who applied to the registry office with a statement about state registration of an act of civil status, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of 15.11.1997 No. 143-FZ "On Civil Status Acts" . In the event that nationality information is listed in the recording of the Civil State Act, they are also entered into the certificate of state registration of the act of civil status.

From a legal point of view, the determination of national affiliation does not entail any legal consequences, because nationality cannot serve as a basis for providing any special privileges to the person. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 19) guarantees equality of human rights and freedoms and citizen regardless of race and nationality. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Article 136) provides for criminal liability for violation of equality of rights and freedoms depending on the race and nationality of citizens. In the overwhelming majority of foreign countries there are the same norms. At the same time, the value of human national affiliation should not be underestimated. The right to preserve and develop national cultural features is part of the main, inalienable rights of peoples and a separate person, proclaimed in international legal acts and national legislation of states.

This question can be interpreted in two ways:

1. "How to choose which nationality to write yourself to an official document?"

Article 26 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation reads: "Everyone has the right to determine and indicate its nationality. No one can be forced to define and indicate its nationality."

In case you yourself want to specify your nationality or official believes that Article 26 does not apply to his department, there is an "alphabetic list of possible options for the population responses to coding a response to the question 7 of the 2010 form of the World Census, approved by order Rosstat number 74 dated January 27, 2010 in it 1840 nationalities, including "man of the earth", "Man of the World", "Americans", "Estonians Orthodox", "Huli", "Cosmopolitans", "Jews of Bukhara" , "Velikoporsi", "Mix", "Brests", "residents of the Universe", "Bulbashi" and "Khokhli". Citizens of the Russian Federation are not obliged to choose the nationality of one of the parents and not change it to the coffin. It remains to hope that local authorities in your locality in the course of these innovations.

2. "How to determine your nationality for yourself?"

You may not be ready to identify yourself in one word, on mom or dad. If so, then nothing terrible. Self-identification is a deeply personal matter, and the concept of nationality in his Russian version was invented by the Russian state bureaucracy more than a hundred years ago for his own benefit. Therefore, it is better to free your consciousness and not to confuse these things - after all, this is this Leviathan and wants from you.

Any state is a subordination and coercion machine. The concept of nationality is one of the tools that this machine uses to control the population of Russia. In the history of the USSR and Russia there were few cases, when people or ethnic groups received prizes for "good" nation-site. In 99% of the percent of cases, nationality does not affect human life. But in that 1% of cases when it plays a role, this role is almost always negative:
man deported because he is Latvian or Korean;
he is made by Vassal Kadyrov, because he is Chechen;
he does not allow admission to secret documents, since he is a Jew;
it is arrested on charges of extremism, since he is Russian and too many times publicly spoke about it;
he is called at school, since he is Tajik;
he is suspected of betrayal, because he is a Ukrainian.

Even if you have a real sense of community with people of some kind of ethnic, remember that the state will never allow this group to actually defend its interests. After all, this is a zero amount game: if the ethnos has become more rights and opportunities, then the official has their own loss. Maximum what will be given to you - this is an official from your ethnos, so that he robs you with the understanding of local specifics and in the national costume.

Therefore, my advice: Determine myself who you feel. If the one you feel, no in the list of 1840 nationalities and this self-treatment does not fit in 2-3 words - not trouble. For example, I define myself as "Russian American non-religious Jewish-half-blood from Latvia," and do not worry about the fact that people with such self-identification are not enough to drive away rounds or to fill a scotonagon.

To determine nationality on the surname, you need to remember the morpheme analysis from the school program of the Russian language. Direct indication of nationality is contained in the root of the surname and its suffixes. For example, the suffix "Eyko" in the names of Sovieto - the proof of the Ukrainian origin of the family.
To determine national name by last name, sometimes it is necessary to learn many books

You will need

Paper sheet, pen, ability to make a morpheme analysis of the word, etymological dictionary of the Russian language, a dictionary of foreign words.


  1. Take a piece of paper and handle. Write your surname and highlight all the morphemes in it: root, suffix, ending. This preparatory stage will help you determine what nationality does your family name relates to.
  2. Pay attention to the suffix. Since in Russian, more often than other foreign surnames meet Ukrainian, these may be the following suffixes: "ENKO", "Yeko", "Ovsk / Evsk", "Ko", "Point". That is, if your surname Tkachenko, Sumyuko, Petrovsky or Gulelevsky, Klitschko, Marochko, distant relatives should be sought in Ukraine.
  3. Look at the root of the word if the suffix did not answer the question of which nationality is your last name. Often it is the basis of this or that profession, subject, animal, bird. As an example, the Russian surname of Gonchar can lead, Ukrainian Gorobets (translated into Russian - Sparrow), Jewish Rabin (which means "Rabbi").
  4. Calculate the number of roots in the word. Sometimes the surname consists of two words. For example, Ryabokon, Beloshtan, Krivonos. Such surnames relate to Slavic peoples (Russian, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, etc.), but are found in other languages.
  5. Rate your surname from the point of view of accessories to the Jewish people. Common Jewish surnames have the roots of "Levi" and "Cohen", found in the names of Levitan, Levin, Kogan, Katz. Their owners occurred from the ancestors who were in the sanitary clergy. There are also surnames that occurred from male (Moses, Solomon) or female names (Rivkin, Beilis), or formed from the merger of the male name and suffix (Abrahams, Jacobson, Mandelstam).
  6. Remember, does Tatar blood flow in your veins? If your surname consists of a combination of Tatar words and suffixes "Ying", "s" or "eva", the answer is obvious - there were Tatars in your family. Especially good is visible on the example of such names like Bashirov, Turgenev, Yuldashev.
  7. Determine what language the last name relates, relying on the following tips:
    - if there is a prefix "de" or "LE", look for roots in France;
    - if the surname is heard by the English name of the territory (for example, Welsh), human quality (SWEET) or profession (Carver), relatives should be sought in the UK;
    - The same rules apply to German names. They are formed from the profession (Schmidt), nicknames (Klein), name (Peters);
    - Polish surnames can be found by relying on the sound - Kovalchik, Senkevich. Look in a dictionary of foreign words in the event of difficulties with the classification of the surname to one language

In a conversation, you can meet such a statement: "Here, he has a surname to -in ends, it means that he is a Jew." Is Susanin, Repin and even Pushkin - Jewish surnames? A strange some idea of \u200b\u200bthe people, where did it come from? After all, suffix -in- is often found in the attractive adjectives formed from the noun first decline: Koshkin, Momin. While the adjectives from the words of the second declination are formed with the help of suffix-one-: grandfathers, crocodiles. Was the words of first decline as the basis for the last name only Jews were chosen? It would be very strange. But probably, all that is spinning in people in people is undergoing some reason, even if over time it was distorted. Let's figure out how to identify nationality by last name.

Ending or suffix?

Call acquaintances to us - about the ending is not entirely correct. The end in Russian is a variable part of the word. Let's see what is inclined in the names: Ivanov - Ivanova - Ivanov. It can be concluded that - it is a suffix, and behind it follows the zero ending, as in most nouns for men. And only in cases or when changing the kind and number (Ivanov, Ivanov), endings are heard. But there is a folk, and not the linguistic concept of "ending" - what ends. In this case, this word is applicable here. And then we can safely determine the end of the names by nationality!

Russian surnames

The spectrum of Russian surnames is much wider than ending on-one. They are characterized by suffixes -in, -yn, -On, -Ev, -skaya, -skotka, -Y, si (lapin, poultry, Sokolov, Solovyov, Donskoy, Trubetskaya, Moscow, gray).

Russian surnames on -ov, -Ev really as much as 60-70%, and Nos, -yn - only about 30%, which is also a lot. What is the reason for this ratio? As already mentioned, suffixes -On, -Ev join the nouns of the second decline, most of whom are male genus. And since in Russian surname often began starting on behalf of or kind of father's classes (Ivanov, Bondarev), such a suffix is \u200b\u200bvery logical. But there are both male names, ended on-, -, and it was from them that they had the names of Ilyin, Nikitin, in the Russianness of which we do not doubt.

What about Ukrainians?

Ukrainian are usually formed with the help of suffixes -Enko, - Well, -Uk, -yuk. And also without suffixes from words denoting professions (Korolenko, Spiritko, Govruhok, Vinjnuk, Bondar).

Read more about Jews

Jewish surnames are very diverse, because the Jews were scattered around the world for centuries. Their signs may be the souffixes, -man and -er. But there are mixesters here. Family graduates - Ovich, --Evich characteristic of the Poles and Slavic peoples living in East Germany. For example, one of the most famous poets in Poland - Mitskevich.

But the foundation of the name sometimes can immediately tell the Jewish origin of his carrier. If the basis of Levi or Cohen / Cogans - Rod leads its beginning from high priests - Cohen or his assistants - Levites. So from Levi, Levitans, Caganovichi is clear.

What will be told by the names on-school and -tsky?

It is not necessary to assume that the surnames ending on-o'clock or -tsky will certainly be Jewish. This stereotype was formed because they were distributed in the territory of Poland and Ukraine. In these places there were many generic estates, the names of the Nobala owners were formed from the name of the estate. For example, the ancestors of the famous revolutionary Dzerzhinsky owned the estate of Dzerzhinovo in the territory of modern Belarus, and then - Poland.

Many Jews lived in these areas, so many have taken local surnames. But there are such surnames from Russian nobles, for example, the noble surname Dubrovsky from the work of Pushkin is quite real. There is still an interesting fact. In seminary, they were often given the name formed from church holidays - Preobrazhensky, Christmas. In this case, the definition of nationality at the end of the surnames can lead to errors. Also, the seminary served the birthplace of the names with an unusual root for Russian ear, because they were formed from Latin words: Formosov, castors. By the way, when Ivan Grozny served Dyack Ivan bicycles. But the bike was then not yet invented! How so - there is no subject, and there is a surname? The unparthaliga was here: it turned out to be tracing with Latin "switched", only with the original Russian suffix.

Surname to -in: reveal the secret!

So with the end of the name Name? Nationality for such a sign is difficult to determine. Indeed, some Jewish surnames are so end. It turns out that some of them are just an external coincidence with the Russian suffix. For example, Khazin is originated from the modified surname of Hazan - so on Hebrew one of the types of servants in the temple was called. It is literally translated as "supervisor", since Khazan followed the order of worship and the accuracy of the text. You can guess where the surname of Khazanov comes from. But she has the "most Russian" suffix -s!

But there are Matronians, that is, those that are formed on behalf of the mother. And the female names from which they were formed were not Russian. For example, the Jewish surname Belkin - Omonym Russian surname. It is not formed from the fluffy animal, but from the female name Baila.

German or Jew?

Another interesting pattern is noticed. As soon as we hear surnames such as Rosenfeld, Morgenstern, we immediately confidently determine the nationality of its carrier. Definitely, before us is a Jew! But not everything is so simple! After all, these are the words of German origin. For example, Rosenfeld is a "rose field". How did it happen? It turns out that in the territory of the German Empire, as well as in the Russian, and Austrian, there was a decree on the assignment of surnames to the Jews. Of course, they have formed in the language of the country, in which the Jew lived in the territory. Since they were not transferred from distant ancestors from the depths of centuries, people themselves chose them. Sometimes this choice could make the registrar. So many artificial, bizarre surnames appeared, which could not arise naturally.

How then to distinguish the Jew from the German if both are German names? Make it hard. Therefore, it is not necessary to be guided only by the origin of the word, you need to know a pedigree concrete person. Here at the end of the last name, the nationality is just not to determine!

Georgian surnames

Georgians guess the end of the names by nationality is not difficult. If Georgians, most likely, will be -hvili, -dze, -Uh, -Ah, -a, -ua, and, -I, ",", "Say (Basilashvili, Svanidze, Pitzhalava, Adamia, Gelovani, Tsereteli). There are also Georgian surnames that end on -tskaya. This is consonant with Russian (Trubetskaya), but this is not a suffix, and they not only do not change according to childbirth (Diana Gurzkaya - Robert Gurdskaya), but not inclined by cases (with Diana Gurtskaya).

Ossetian surnames

Ossetian surnames are typical of the end of the / -th (Kokoity). It is characteristic of this nationality and the end of the name on -ev (Abaev, Eziev), usually precedes him a vowel. Often the basis of the word is incomprehensible to us. But sometimes it may be a homonymic or almost Omonimous Russian Word, which confuses. There are among them and those ending on - bobots, beeks. In fact, these are the most real Russian suffixes, and they are attached to the Ossetian root along the tradition so transfer the names on the letter. These are the fruits of Russification of Ossetian surnames. At the same time it is stupid to believe that all surnames ending on -ev - Ossetian. The end of the name on -ev nationality does not yet determine. Such surnames like Grigoriev, field, guests - Russians and differ from similar, ending on-one, just the fact that the last consonant in the noun was soft.

A couple of words about Armenians

Armenian surnames often end on -yan or -yan (Hakobyan, Grigoryantz). Actually, -yan - this is a truncated -yan, which meant belonging to the family.

Now you know how to find out the nationality at the end of the last name. Yes, it is not always easy to do with guaranteed accuracy, even having a developed linguistic flair. But as they say, the main thing is that the person was good!

In the modern world, the question is rather acute: "Nationality is a political, social or biological concept?" Before talking about nationality, you should get acquainted with the accompanying terms.

People. Ethnos. Nation

The people are "New Rod", "nor an arranged genus" of people, united by one common territory, is a fundamental concept in our topic. It is clear from the definition that this is an exclusively biological term - people having close relatives.

Ethnos are a group, that is, a group of people who have one language formed from the close peoples (belong to one and general origin, roots, but are not related to geographically.

The nation is the people with their common development history, culture, customs. If one people create their own it will be called a nation. Thus, this is a more aggressive, political concept. The nation may include several close national groups.

Nationality is ...

Nationality refers to any nation on biological grounds. It has no connection with a country or specific territory. For example, the Germans, the Kazakhs or the British who live constantly in Russia - their nationality remains the same with the change of place of residence, the state. Without nationality (the characteristic of kinship between people) will not be the development of the people, it will not be a nation.

Now almost all states are multinational, although there are also separate national republics.

It is important not to confuse citizenship and nationality. The first concept is social, means that an individual belongs to society. The second, as can be seen from the definition, biological and shows who is a man by birth, origin.

Although in some countries the word "nationality" is still the definition of the state affiliation of the individual.

People's nationality

The people are the smallest unit in today's discussion, literally you can perceive this word as a genus, family. During its development of the family (tribes), they were growing, divided, connected with neighbors. But since they had common roots, and life took place in cooperation with each other, territorial proximity, the general, similar features were gradually formed, so strong genetically, which was transmitted () to descendants, regardless of time and distance - the nationality of peoples or folk nationality.

So, if you look at the Germans, for example: the uncomfortable Germans, Franconians, Saxons, Schwab, Bavarians - that's how many subethnos (nations) refers to one nationality of people.

Russians have about thirty throughout Russia and beyond. And only two dialects are North Russian (OK) and South Russian (Akaya).

How to define nationality

It would seem that it's easier. He lives in Germany, Dad - German, Mom - German, he is also a German! But the path of mankind on earth is already quite a few. All mixed up - peoples, ethnic groups, nation ... Determine the personality of a person to a particular nationality is very difficult. Especially when the Pope is in the genus Poles and the Jews, and the Mom is the Spaniard and Finns, but they live in Australia.

Several ways still have:

  1. Nationality The child takes from the Father. Father from his father, and thus builds a rather clear related (national) line. This is happening almost all over the world, except for several nations. Jews, for example, the child takes the nationality of the mother.
  2. Some folk groups have very bright, similar external signs. Body structure or character traits. According to such signs, a person is counted for one or another nationality.
  3. People who do not have the opportunity to learn the nationality of their ancestors (orphans, for example), are taken or taken in the process of education, growing features of the national group with which the most (adoptive parents or child workers) interact.
  4. The most basic way has two interrelated definition process - subjective and objective. The first is what nationality does a person treat himself: which he keeps traditions, has features of appearance and character, the carrier of what language he is. The second is how his relatives perceive. That is, whether people have identified the selected national group of this person with them. Thus, nationality is personal consciousness and the environment that the person belongs (related to kinship) to some group of people (peoples, ethnic groups).