Number of names and family consoles. German surnames: meaning and origin

Number of names and family consoles. German surnames: meaning and origin
Number of names and family consoles. German surnames: meaning and origin

Hello dear.
Have you ever paid your attention to complex surnames? On all sorts of background and tsu? Personally, these things always rushed into my eyes. And I understood that not always this is connected with noble origin or de titles. For it happens in different ways :-) Let's wonder some examples.

Ursula background der Lyien
Let's start with German actually. The most famous prefix for the surname, it is actually a background (von). Most often it is truly an aristocratic surname. It can be translated as "from" Prefix "VON" indicates the place of origin of the surname, although there were cases when the name was not related to the place of residence. Well, Otto Bismarck, for example. As an option, it is not "background", but "fom". This reduces the options with the articles "background der", "background dem." The essence of the same

Vladimir Fedorovich von der Launitz
Another embodiment of the aristocratic surnames was the CSU prefix (Options "TsUM", "SCUR", etc.). It can be translated as "B". And most often it was used in a mixed version of the "Und Tsu background", for example, Hartmann Background Und Tsu Liechtenstein.

The combination of the background "Background" and "CSU" in the form of the "Und Tsu background" indicates that the face of noble origin, the ancestors of which from the times of the Middle Ages live in this territory, that is, this territory by the time of "fixing" the surname is in possession of the genus. In addition, the prefix "CSU" was carried primarily by the so-called "dominal princes", which, in connection with the media of 1803-1806, did not lose the princely title, but lost the "territorial" supremacy (for example, Tsu Isenburg, Tsu Stolberg). Thus, they differed from those princes that were ruled and after 1815 and wore the prefix "Background".
But options
in, Him, In der, An der, AM, AUF, AUF Der, Aous, Aus Dem, Aus Den was not at all a sign of noble last name. Unless not part of the dominated title. Although also had the meaning of "out". Such of this place.
Here is the famous German goalkeeper hockey, for example, has the name Danny Aus den Birken

Close meanings to German in Scandinavia and Finland. These are or inborn noble surnames, or converted after receiving the noble rank. For example, Karl von Linné. Before assigning the title was just Karl Linney :-)

Although other consoles were used sometimes. For example, AF, or even French de or de la (right rarely).
But the Swedish hockey player Jacob de la Roses is played in NHL

By a similar path went to Lithuania. Assigning some awards equates the receipt of the knightly title, siren nobility and thus can change the surname. The famous media personality Anastasia von Kalmanovich changed the last name after her deceased now (alas), the most interesting spouse Shabtai Kolmanovich received the Order of the Grand Prince Gediminas.

To be continued...
Have a good day.

Rules for the formation of a historic pseudonym in Germany.

So. Many of the representatives of the respected collection of reconstructors, for a better immersion in the medium studied, invent various "historical" names, on top of those in terms of passport. This hello, in my opinion, the idea. For if the reconstructor, being in the right squad appeals to his neighbor: "Hey Vasya, give a peak?" Or on a well-furnished tournament in compliance with even a certain ceremonial, called "Knight Peter Pupkin" adopted the challenge of the Knight of Kolihshkynov, then it still cuts the rumor. It is quite another thing when a well-equipped squad of soldiers is explained among themselves to the native teams of that era and the language of that country. Always more pleasant to hear in the ranks, something like: "Claus - answer for the left flank! You take the ring, Osawald Staryube with Ogene and form a defensive line "Gang" on the left "

Or, for example: "Herr Ombister! Gerr Arrov von Canhen arrived with his retinue. What section to trust the knight? "

And, it should be noted that very many reconstructors refuse modern names and use historical pseudonyms at festivals. It's good! Since all this (format of field maneuvers, tournaments, festivals) game, then such aspects make it more colorful.

However, if you look at the community, you can meet people who have made up their East. We are not correct, gently, expressing correctly. Saying which in the fact of the time could be stuck)

That is why that the moment of reconstruction, as a name - was also not offended by science and common sense, I decided to write a kind of article on how to make names. So far, limit to medieval Germany.

Let's start with a simple class: peasants, burghers, soldiers, tricks, etc. ... Everyone who was not nobles.


Everything is very simple - you need to choose a name from the real-existing names, at that time. Also with the surname or nickname. She may not be at all. German old names are an indispensable bunch. Google to help: all sorts of fields, Otto, Oswalds, Heinsev, Dietrikov, etc ... - there is full. Also, the native name can also be stylized under what you need. For example: Paul - Paul; Dmitry - Dietar, Dietar, Ditmar; Daniel - Daniel; Andrey - Andreas; Mikhail - Michael; Valery - Walter, etc ..

If you need a surname, you can make it easier: see what word forms your last name and translate this word on it. A language with an online translator.

Example: surnames " Kuznetsov"From the Word BLACKSMITH - on it. Schmit!
Or surname: " Kasatkin"From the Word Koltok - in German Schwertwal.

Thus, a person with Phoe Andrei Kasatkin - in German can be represented as Andreas Shevertval ( Andreas Schwertwal) . Even sounds!

As a rule, Proshirudinov, the surname denoted belonging to the nature of the activity: Melnik - Muller; Blacksmith - Schmitd; Miraemer - Meyer, etc. ... Also, the surname could be the name of the Father or to form from his name: Hans Oswald; Peter Ludwig, etc ..


For example, someone wants him to be important and imagined not just on a stylized name, but also specials, characterizing his certain features.

That is, if the name is some tractor driver Vova Tableskina on nicknamed " THE VILLAIN "Try to transform under the East. That will be the following:
name Vova - We take similar Voldemar;
surname Taburechkin (from the word stool), in German will sound like Hocker (Hoke )
People's nickname Villain, in translation will be - bösemann. (Besman or Besman ) Ud.Name "E"

So here Vova Tubrekin "Villain" Historically, it is possible to call the fests as:
Waldemar - Besheman Hoke . Or Voldemar - Boezimman. Note that if an adjective is used, for example, " Vicious"You need to add a prefix "DER" (DER. ). And then Vologdnya turn into "Waldemar Dar Besoe"And if with the surname, then" Woldemar Dar Besoe Hoke"- Some of the Jap of Somehow came out))))

In the Germans, by the way, it is customary to first write a name, then the nickname, and then surname.

Of course, it is not necessary to take and core your surname if there is no desire. It can be limited to any other word: more complex: Wunderlicht; Brauhich; Steinnerbrer, etc ..


We now turn to more complex, but so all the highlighting theme - noble names and surnames.

With the names of the nobles all as well as the simple people. That is, we take old names in Germany the right period and choose.
Nicknames - all as well.
But the surnames are more difficult here. The chief distinguishing sign of the nobleman from the progress in Germany, this prefix " von."(« background "). Literal translation background – "of". That is, from TEM.
Gottz von Berlinhingen it means - Gotts from the genus Berlinhingen, which owns the territory called "Berlinghingen" .

Or, Georg von FrundsbergGeorg from Fruunchbergs .

By the way, if you dig in their names, then you can certainly break your head . (In Germany, there is one very serious book. It is stored in the archive of Baron Diyo von Gemingham and contains a list of all knowledge of Germany. We saw this book and watched). For a person can wear one noble surname, and own a larger territory with another name. So here our friend Baron Diao von Gemeingen lives in the castle of the famous Getz von Berlinhigene and is his relative.) Personally, I prefer to consult with specialists in Germany on this topic, if I do not understand something myself.

Stresty nobles

I will start with the example. Here was such a steep man in the north of Germany "Marx Mayer", which was never a nobleman, but was just cool and lucky. So, his very king of England Henry -viii produced in the knights, giving a chain of a knightly garter order. And on returning to his love, he began to call himself not otherwise as Herr (Mr.) Marx Meier.

That is, the consoles "background" he could not have, because it did not have a significant kind. If he would come to the kaiser, Kaiser would put his "6th" hundreds of Earth and gave him the "background". However, this did not happen, led the man's luck - he was hung at the end of the thirties of the 16th century.

Prefix "VON" (background)

For example, some kind of burgger or mercenary, for some cool merit was dedicated to the knights. Called Burger "Teodor Muller" (Fedor Melnikov). In the knights he could only devote someone "level" from the emperor to the graph. After that, our Fyodor Melnikov should have discovered some possessions - to give at least a village. For example, they gave him a village which is called Stingdorf (Kamenka village if in Russian) with which he will collect tribute. Total, our Fedya Melnikov - turned immediately to Fedya from Kamenka. Or Teodor von Steindorf. What to do with the old surname: Muller ??? It can be written after the name before the "background", and you can not write.
I.e: Teodor Muller Backdorf Backdorf. (Fedor Melnikov Kamensky)

And if Fedi Melnikova has a son - Adolf Muller. Then he is a nobleman from birth with the surname von Steindorf with the title "Frajer", if there is still a unmarried daughter - " Ullie", Then it will not be called otherwise as: "Frain" Uda Forestorf ". Coming out married by Dr. Frajer turn into " Freifrau».

Also, do not forget that in a thirty-year war, a lot of villages and estates were destroyed. And the names remained.


Many people in our movement in our movement, love to call themselves "Baronami", and at the same time they are engaged in Germany CP. This is a gross mistake.

The fact is that "Baron" if translating from Old-Franksky means - a person is free.

In Germany, such people called " Freiherr."(Freyher). And in Germany, Frajers became officially referred to as Barona only at the beginning of the 20th century. This is the way, by the way, from the Napoleonic period, when the French, housing on it. Thetern territories simply use the words taken from the bottom.

Therefore, the German frayher is an analogue of the French baron in the media.

It is necessary to understand, the main thing: that, Eat. Frayher, that Franz. Baron could be of different adeques. It is like an IP "Petorv AE" has an over-small business and barely barely lives, and IP "Shmultsevich MK" owns a steep store and ... it does not live.

In the formation of noble diplomas, it is necessary to take into account the language of the territory. That is, if you write a German, then you should write in German and use the term " Freicher.", If you write to France, Burgundy, then write in French and a baron translate into Franz.

Let's go back for example. Dvorian title Knight Marx Mayer called - " Freicher "( Freiherr.) . Literally free lord. Frajer was, by the way, and the same one-time Gotz von Berlinhingen. That is, having lands, castle, noble ancient genus and the title of Reichs Marshal, Gotz stood at the lowest stage of the noble hierarchy.

Therefore! This is a certain bring to all recons who want to do the nobility and claims to the titles, Baron, Count, Duke, etc ... - without huge troops under your banner; Heaps of household coarse and other Skarba, dropped at high movietone and laughter's high titles.

Right will be called "Frajerr". For now is a strong armor, clothing and some suite, a reconstruction center with an average intractor, can afford. At any festival, a person is high-quality dressed in a German, Swiss nobleman, having normal armor, weapons and a retinue at least three - five people - can safely declare himself " Freiherr."And no one will say the word to him.

Well, if "one in the Warrior field" and immediately "Baron" (and also German) or "Count" without a camp and even without a tent, it's not a baron, but from the mountain ...)))

Therefore, when I see the "dodged" baons of single; Marcgrafofo in the semi-goblin uniforms with thickened noses and sectarian rules in clubs - nothing but smirk such individuals cannot cause!

The method proposed in this article is some unitarism to form names and surnames in the right key.

I am writing all this not enough. In the distant 90s we were all with a burning look of Yunsha - noble to disgrace and up to ... idiocy. Some still have so remained. And we all wanted, beautiful names, pathetic titles, and other "Maximalist" Duri!
For example, your humble servant is now the head of the MO "Army Frundsberg," chose her own in 1997: William von Aizan. After seeing the "brave heart" probably))) there Mel Gibson was such a whole "sir William" ... And since the club was engaged in Germany, then took the noblestry "background". And the name - "Aizan", that is, "iron" (in fact, "Aizan" in the literal translation is iron in the cheese of his form).

Well, then in the shaggy 90s and "dashing" 00s it was fortunate because no one knew no shrine - there was no information. But those shaggy years have passed and one who failed to adapt to the progress of the military-historical movement went into the summer ....

On one of the Polish "Grunwalds" I met the Germans. When I introduced him to him, then the German grinned gently, without applying. For the beer, he then told me, from what. But from what. My East.Psendonym caused a mixture. The English name is chosen, and the German noble prefix is \u200b\u200btaken background and the surname in the form of the word "iron" that is, William is iron! Yes, and I was smashed as the "Teutonic" warrior, and not ... Aglitsky sir)).

I then changed the name to the German "Wilhelm"

In the future, I learned from people knowledgeable in German heraldry, how best to write our East.Side. The way I imagined on all modern knights. Wilhelm Dar Aizerne von Staljdler Duke Tirolsky. Or Wilhelm Dar AizerneIf short. Wilhelm Der Eiserne Von Stahladler.

Or, for example, our hotly beloved and respected expert Klim Zhukov It has the right East.Side Rothger von Eismarh» .

Komtur Smolensk Comnoi VLO has a very correct name " Max Tiere»
Call him Maxim, and his nickname is "beast"

Hauptman Army Frundsberg. Konstantin Popkov It has the right pseudonym - " Christoph Dar Hayse»

FRUNSBERG army participant and famous for TF, expert on armor and arms " Bookworm."Chose himself. Advanced

« Claus Bow» .

FRUNDSBERG army participant Bazhutov Mikhail - My student and a multiple participant of our world tournaments has the name " Michael Schwarzkreyts».

By the way, very many citizens who do not have a hint of a certain mattatus of the nobility are delivered to their name Background" eg… " someone "von Bern.

« Von Bern"The person who is his master is called, if in those times. Now, probably this is the one who has created this club and commands them.
If the fighter of this club wants to note that he belongs to this community, it will correctly write as follows:
Suppose Richter Straube Zy Bern. That is, it means that " Richter Stretube from Bern.

Or, if a person claims the noble title and has a "background", it will correctly say:
Herr Voldemar background Radomski Tsu Bern.

So, friends! Observe a certain rule name rule and try to maintain the stated status of Matchasty, affairs and the people who form your community !!!

And then, when you meet with German recons. They will not raise you on laughter, even if for the eyes)))

P.S. If anyone has a question about creating his own East.Psedem, please contact)

So, my first post, which is not a copy-pasted made of magazine. And precisely thanks to which my bluer appeared (what is written in the first post blog).

It all started with the fact that one day my girlfriend Zoana, like I am fond of fanfucked, asked me: What do the consoles mean to surnames in some characters in a particular work? I was also interested in the question, but at first I didn't want too much. However, literally every other day I wondered - why do some characters have more than one or two names? The response to the friend did not give the results, and I decided to relate to the Internet, and praise by these two questions, after writing to her and for others, the results of the research "Research".

Also, for fairness, I will indicate that a considerable part of the information presented here, I am learned from the Internet, and together with my own reflections, a kind of mini-abstract was obtained.

Number of names

I decided to start a question from "my" - why some characters have one or two names, and some three, four or more (the longest thing I came across in history about two Chinese boys, where the poor called just Chon, and the name of the rich Five probably).

I turned to Mr. Google, and he told me that the tradition of several names today takes place, mainly in English-speaking and Catholic countries.

The most visible is the "naming" system in the UK, presented in many books. According to her, according to statistics, all English children traditionally receive two names at birth - personal (First Name) or second name (Second Name). Currently, the average name plays the role of an additional distinctive feature, especially for persons who wear widespread names and surnames.

Custom to give the child the average name, as I found out everything in the same place, goes back to the tradition to assign a few personal names to the newborn. It is known that, historically, the name of the person was of particular importance, as a rule, testifying to the life of the child, as well as communicated with the name of God (or another sense of a patron), for the patronage and the protection of which parents were counted ...

Distracting - At this moment, I did some stuffing and the little was the thought of the thought that if someone could not find the meaning of my life, then maybe you need to study your name in more detail and act on the basis of it? Or (if seriously), on the contrary, you can give your next character a name that will be clearly or hidden to testify to its destination (which, by the way, have been done by some well-known authors, giving the heroes of their work speaking names and / or surnames).

In addition, as I read when I interrupted reflections, the significance in society could depend on behalf. So, often, if the idea of \u200b\u200bpatronage was not contained in the name, the carrier was considered doubtful on the genealogion or insignificant and did not use respect.

Several names, as a rule, was given an important person recognized to fulfill several glorious cases - as much as he had names. For example, several names could be an emperor, king, prince and other representatives of the nobility. Depending on the audience and number of titles, the complete form of the name could be a long chain of names and alleged epithets. The monarch of the Main Primary name was the so-called "Throne Name", which officially replaced the name received by the heir to the throne at birth or baptism. In addition, a similar tradition is observed in the Roman Catholic Church, when the elected dad chooses a name to him, under which he will be known from this moment.

Of course, the church name and naming system is much wider, and it can be considered much more detailed (which only the system "worldly name is the church name") is, but I'm not strong in this and I will not go deep into it.

It should also be noted that the church is traditionally the keeper of such customs. For example, a custom partially preserved in the already mentioned Catholic Church, when a person often happens three names: from birth, from baptism in childhood and from the world-building to enter the world with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

By the way, at the same stage there was no time and an additional - "registered" - social bundle. The problem was that, historically, for each unnecessary name at one time it was necessary to pay churches.

However, the poor people were sharpened, and this "restriction" went away - in part, therefore, there is a French name that unites the patronage of all Saints - Tusten.

I, of course, for the sake of justice, would remember the saying "at seven nannies child without an eye" ... I don't decide, of course, although I could have a good story about the fate of the character with the same name, the patrons of which could not agree on joint patronage. Or maybe even there is - I did not read the works in my life so much.

Continuing the same story, it is worth noting that the average names may also denote the generation of the activity or the fate of a man wearing them.

As medium names, both personal names and geographical names, nominal names, etc. can be used. The average name may be meaningful "Rodov" - when the child is called the name that the next relatives did not have Sign, foreshadowing a man of one or another role. The name may be "family": when children call "in honor of" someone from relatives. Any direct name association with its already known carrier certainly connects to the named after, in honor of whom it, or her, called. Although coincidences and similarity here, of course, are unpredictable. And, often, the more tragic in the end is perceived incompleteness. In addition, the names of people are often used as middle names, in honor of which they are assigned.

There is no law limiting the number of medium names (or at least I did not find this), but more than four additional medium names are usually not assigned. However, traditions and rules are often designed to violate them. In the fictional worlds "legislator" is generally the author, and everything written lies on his conscience.

As an example of several names from the real world, a fairly famous professor of John Ronalda Ruel Tolkina can be remembered.

Another indicative - but already fictional - an example is Albus Percival Wolfric Braij Dumbledore (Joan Rowling - Harry Potter series).

In addition, I recently recognized such an interesting fact that in which countries "sexuality" of the average name does not matter. That is, a female name can be used as the middle name of the man (male character). It happens, as I mean, all of the same fact of imputations in honor of the highest patron (patronage in this case). I somehow did not meet feedback (or I do not remember), but according to the logic of a woman with medium "male" names can also be.

As an example, I remembered only Ostap-Suleiman --Bert Maria-Bender-Bay (Ostap Bender, Yeah)

Personally, I will add the fact that nothing, in principle, does not interfere with the author of a specific work, come up with and justify your naming system.

For example: "In the world, randomies, especially sacred is the number of four and, so that the child was happy and lucky, the parents try to give him four names: the first is personal, the second - on his father or grandfather, the third - in honor of the Saint patron and the fourth - in honor of one of Great Warriors (for boys) or diplomats (for girls) of the state. "

The example is invented absolutely going away, and your fictional tradition can be much more thoughtful and interesting.

I'll go to the second question.

Family consoles

The question that my girlfriend Zoana puzzled me, and which I once wondered himself, although it was lazy to find out what the matter is here.

To start the definition " Family consoles - In some world registered formulas, constituting and integral part of the name.

Sometimes indicate an aristocratic origin, but not always. They are usually written separately from the main family word, but sometimes they can merge with it. "

At the same time, as I found out for myself from the read, the family consoles differ from the country to country and may have different meanings.

Also, I note that there were much more copy-paste and excerpts in this part of the article, since this question has a much closer connection with history and languages, and my non-core to the topic of education is unlikely enough to recover in a more free style.


Fitz - "Son someone", Distorted FR. FILS. dE. (for example: Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick) .


Ter - Ter [տեր], in the ancient Armenian original Tearn (Arm. տեարն), "Vladyka", "Mr.", "Host". For example: Ter-Petrosyan.

This prefix may have two similar, in general, values, and mean:

1) The title of the highest Armenian aristocracy, similar to the British Lord. This title was usually put before or after the generic name, for example, Tern Andzewats or Artzruneats Ter, and most often belonged to Naaretu (head of the clan or the leader of the tribe in ancient Armenia), Tanutor (in ancient Armenia, the head of the aristocratic kind, patriarch) or Gaherec Ishkhan (in IX-XI centuries The head of the nobleman, which corresponded to the earliest Naareu and Tanutor) of this kind. The same title was used when referring to the face of the highest aristocracy.

2) After the Christianization of Armenia, this title was also used by the highest clergy of the Armenian Church. Unlike the initial designation of the aristocrat, the title "ter" in church use began to be added to the names of the chickens. In a similar combination, "ter" is similar to the church "Batyushka", "Vladyka" and is not an indicator of the noble origin of the navigation carrier. Now present in the names of those who in the ancestors in the male line was a priest. The word "ter" itself is used today when applying to the Armenian priest or, when mentioning it (akin to the more familiar to our hearing, the appeal "[Saint] Father").


Background (eg: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

CSU (eg: Karl-Teodor Tsu Guttenberg)

Mostly family console "Background", as it turned out He is a sign of noble origin. She expresses the idea of \u200b\u200bland ownership of representatives of an old nobility, for example "Duke von Württemberg," Ernst Auguston von Hannover. But there are exceptions. In the north of Germany, many "common-procracy" are called "background", which indicates only a place of residence / origin. Also compared to nobles, initially burgher origin, which were erected by sovereign to noble dignity with the presentation of the instance of the noble diploma (adelbrief) and the wake of the coat of arms (WAPPEN), the name prefix "Background" and Mr. Müller turned into Mr. Background Muller.

Unlike the "background" predicate "CSU" Be sure to include the attitude to a certain inherited land ownership, mainly a medieval castle - for example "Prince Background and Tsu Liechtenstein" (Liechtenstein \u003d Principality and the Family Castle).

Currently, the titles of aristocrats became parts of the composite surnames in Germany. Such surnames often include a "background", "background tree" particle, "background dem" (translated as "from"), less often "CSU" (translated as "in") or a mixed version of the B UB TSU. "

It is usually believed that "VON" indicates the place of origin of the surname (family), while "Zu" means that this territory is still in possession of the kind.

With a particle " und."I, how much I did not read, did not fully understand. Although, as far as I understood, she plays simply the role of a bundle, denoting either mixing the family consoles, or the combination of surnames at all. Although it may be prevented by just ignorance.


Ben - - Son (presumably following the example of English fits) (for example: David Ben-Gurion)


ABOUT - Means "grandson"

Poppy - Means "Son"

That is, both consoles in Irish last names usually indicate their origin. Regarding the spelling of the Poppy console, I read that in most cases in Russian it is written through a hyphen, but there are exceptions. For example, a generally accepted fusion writing such surnames such as McDonald, Macdaull, Macbeth, and others, does not exist, and writing in each case individually.


In the case of Spain, the situation is even more complicated, since, based on the surnames read by me, the names of the Spaniards are usually two: paternal and maternal. At the same time, the father's surname ( apellido Paterno.) is put in front of the maternal ( apellido Materno.); So, with the official handling, only the father's surname is used (although there are exceptions).

Similar system exists in Portugal, With the difference that in the double surname, the first name of the mother, and the second - father goes.

Returning to the Spanish System: Sometimes the father's and maternal surnames are separated by a particle "and" (for example: Francisco de Goya-and-Luciates)

Further, in some areas there is a tradition to add the name of the area, where the carrier of this surname was born or from where his ancestors come from. The particle "de" used in these cases is not an indicator of noble origin, but is only an index of origin (and, indirectly, antiquity of origin, since we know that the terrain sometimes have a property of changing the names for one reason or another ).

In addition, in the marriage of the Spanish, the surname does not change, but simply add to the "Apellido Paterno" surname of the husband: for example, Laura Riario Martinez, having married a person by the name Marquez, Laura Riario de Marquez or Laura Riario, Señora Marquez, where a particle De "separates the last name to marriage from the name after marriage

Limits the "rampant naming" the fact that according to the Spanish legislation, no more than two names and two surnames can be recorded in the documents in humans.

Although, of course, any author, creating his own history and guided by the Spanish model of the naming for his characters, may simply ignore this law with the foregoing tradition of average names. Remember such entertainment as double names? And the tradition of double surnames in some languages \u200b\u200b(in Russian, for example)? Have you read the above names about the number of names? Yes? Four double names, two double surnames - imagine already?

And you can also come up with your tradition of naming, as I wrote above. In general, if you are not afraid that your character will look unnecessarily extravagant - you have a unique opportunity to reward it or her family and registered design at least half-foot.


In Italian, historically consoles meant the following:

De / di - Belonging to the surname, family, for example: de Filippo means "one of Filippo family",

Yes - Belonging to the place of origin: Da Vinci - "Leonardo from Vinci", where Vinci meant the name of the city, terrain. Subsequently, and de became just part of the name and now nothing is denoted. Completely due to the aristocratic origin.


Van - a particle that is sometimes a prefix to the Netherlands surnames produced from the name of any locality; Often it is written to the surname itself. Corresponding to the grammatical meaning of the German "background » and the French "de » . It is often found in the form of Wang de, Van der and Wang Den. Means all the same "out." However, if in the German language "background" means the nobility (for mentioned exceptions) origin, then in the Netherlands naming system, the simple prefix "Van" is not related to the nobility. Noborskaya is the double prefix van ... that (for example, Baron Van Wrist is so vast).

The value of other common consoles, such as Van den., Van der. - see above


French consoles, for me personally, are the most famous and indicative

In France, the consoles for the surnames, as already mentioned earlier, denote the noble origin. Translated into Russian consoles denote the genitive case, "from" or "... sky." For example, Cesar de Vandom - Duke of Vandoma or Vandomsky.

Most used consoles:

If the surname begins with the consonant



If the surname starts with vowels



In addition, there are still a number of different family nominal consoles, the origin of which I find out, unfortunately, failed.

Only some of them are listed below.

  • Le (?)
  • Yes, Du, Shower (Portugal, Brazil)
  • La (Italy)

So, as I found out in the end, the traditions of naming and "picking" the names are quite extensive and diverse, and most likely I only considered the top of the iceberg. And even more extensive and varied (and, often, no less interesting) may be the author's derivatives from these systems.

However, in conclusion I will add: before anticipating to bring hands above the clave, think about it - and how do you need your name to the half-page? Alto itself, the long name of the character is a loworiginal idea and, if this is not worth anything except the author's "Wishlist", it is quite stupid.

In the world of Naruto, two years have imperceptibly flew. Former newcomers replenished the ranks of experienced Syncs in the rank of Tyunin and Zenin. The main characters were not sitting on the spot - everyone became a student of one of the legendary Sunnin - three great ninja konhi. The guy in Orange continued his studied training, but eccentric jiray, gradually going aside on a new step of combat skill. Sakura advanced to the helpers and trusted faces of the healer of the Tsunadney - the new leader of the village of Listi. Well, Saske, whose pride led to the exile from Konoha, joined the temporary union with the sinister orotimar, and everyone believes that only uses the other until time.

A brief passage ended, and the events once again rushed with hurricane speed. In Konoch, the seeds of oldest discords sowned by the first hokaga will again germinate. The mysterious leader of Akatsuki led to the plan of gaining world domination. Restlessly in the village of Sand and neighboring countries, old secrets emerge everywhere, and it is clear that it will ever have to pay on accounts. The long-awaited continuation of Manga inhaled a new life in the series and new hope in the heart of countless fans!

© Hollow, World Art

  • (52182)

    Messenik Tatsumi, a simple boyfriend from the countryside goes to the capital to earn money for his starving village.
    And coming there soon learns that the Great and beautiful capital is just visibility. The city is mired in corruption, cruelty and lawlessness who go from the Prime Minister that rules the country due to the Kulis.
    But as everyone knows - "one in the field is not a warrior" and nothing can be done here, especially when your enemy is the head of state or rather the one who covers them.
    Will Tatsuchi like-minded themselves and can change something? See and find out yourself.

  • (52116)

    Fairy Tail is the world's famous guild hiring guild on the whole world. Lucy's young wizard was confident that, becoming one of her members, got into the most wonderful Guild in the world ... until he met his camrades - explosive firewood and sweeping everything on his way to Natsu, flying speaking Cherepi Cat, exhibitionist hearer , boring-Berrick Elsa, glamorous and loving Loki ... Together they will defend many enemies and survive many unforgettable adventures!

  • (46768)

    18-year-old Sora and 11-year-old Siro - Consolidated brother and sister, finished recluses and gaming. When two loneliness met, a disruptive union "empty place" was born, a horror of all oriental gamers. Although the public is shaking and korets not in childish, in the network, the baby is a sir-genius of logic, and Sora is a monster of psychology, which cannot be held. Alas, worthy opponents ended soon, because Siro was delighted by a chess party, where the master's handwriting was visible from the first moves. Winning at the limit of forces, the heroes have received an interesting offer - move to another world, where their talents will understand and appreciate!

    Why not? In our world, Saro and Siro is not holding nothing, and the Merry World Discords rule the Ten Commandments, the essence of which comes down to one: no violence and cruelty, all disagreements are solved in an honest game. In the game world, 16 races live, of which human is considered the weakest and inflated. But after all, the wonderful guys are already here, in their hands of Crown Elkius - the only country of people, and we believe that these successes are littering and the Siro will not limit. Messengers of the Earth must only combine all the races of the discord - and then they will be able to challenge God aunt - to their own way, by the Old Familiar. Only, if you think about, is it worth doing this?

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (46470)

    Fairy Tail is the world's famous guild hiring guild on the whole world. Lucy's young wizard was confident that, becoming one of her members, got into the most wonderful Guild in the world ... until he met his camrades - explosive firewood and sweeping everything on his way to Natsu, flying speaking Cherepi Cat, exhibitionist hearer , boring-Berrick Elsa, glamorous and loving Loki ... Together they will defend many enemies and survive many unforgettable adventures!

  • (62978)

    A student of the University of Kenet Ken as a result of an accident enters the hospital, where he mistakenly transplanted the organs of one of the gulles - monsters that eat human flesh. Now he himself becomes one of them, and for people turns into a burden to be destroyed. But can he become his own for other hums? Or now in the world there is no more space for him? This anime will tell about the fate of Kanes and what influence it will have for the future of Tokyo, where there is a continuous war between two species.

  • (35433)

    The continent is in the center of the Ocean of Ignola, this is a big central and four more - the southern, northern, eastern and western and the gods themselves look at him, and he is called Enthe Isla.
    And there is a name that he imperts on the horror of anyone on Entha Isla - the Lord of Darkness Mao.
    He is the host of the otherworldly world where all the dark creatures live.
    He is the embodiment of fear and horror.
    The Lord of Darkness Mao announced the war to the genus of human and sowed death and destruction throughout the continent of Enthe Isla.
    Lord of Darkness served 4 powerful generals.
    Adramelheh, Lucifer, Alsiel and Malacoda.
    Four of the demons generals headed the attack on 4 parts of the continent. However, the hero appeared against the army of the underworld. The hero and his comrades defeated the troops of the Lord of Darkness in the West, then Adramaleha in the north and Malacoda in the south. The hero was headed by the United Army of the Republic of Human and went to the central continent where the castle of the Lord of Darkness was stood ...

  • (33814)

    Yato - a stray Japanese God in the image of a thin blue-eyed young man in a sports suit. In Sintoism, the power of the deity is determined by the number of believers, and our hero has no temple, nor priests, all donations fit in a bottle from under Sake. The guy in the cervical scarf is working as a master for all hands, the small ads on the walls, but things go very bad. Even tongue-friendly May, for many years working synthesk - the sacred weapon of Yato - left the owner. And without a weapon, the younger God is not stronger than the usual mortal mage, it is necessary (here shame!) From evil spirits to hide. And who needs such a celever at all?

    Once a pretty high school student, Hiiri Iki rushed under the truck to save some guy in black. It ended this bad - the girl did not die, but gained the ability to "leave" from the body and walk on the "the side". Having met that Yato and learning the culprit of his troubles, Hyuri convinced her homeless God to heal her, because he himself admitted that no one could live between the worlds. That's just, having acquainted closer, Iki realized that the current Yato lacks his strength to solve her problem. Well, it is necessary to take things into your hands and personally direct the strollers on the path true: first find a non-clear weapon, then help earn, and there, you look, what will happen. Not in vain say: what a woman wants - God wants!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33786)

    In the senior school of arts at the University of Sumay, there are many hostels, and there is an income house "Sakura". If there are strict rules in the hostels, then in "Sakura" you can do everything, no wonder its local nickname is the "crazy house." Since in the art of genius and madness is always somewhere nearby, the inhabitants of the "Cherry Garden" are talented and interesting guys, too knocking out of the "swamps". Take at least noisy Misaki, which sells Major-Studios's own anime, her friend and Scenarist of the Dzin's playboy or RyshnoCe Programmer, which communicates with the world only on the net and telephone. Compared to them, the protagonist of Kanda is the Prostak, which fell into the "mental hospital" only for ... Love for cats!

    Therefore, Tikhiro-Sensei, the head of the hostel, instructed the savage, as the only samented guest, meet his cousin Masiro, which is translated into their school from distant Britain. Fragile blonde seemed Kanda with a real bright angel. True, at a party with new neighbors, Guest kept fillingly and spoke little, but the freshly baked fan wrote down everything on clear stress and fatigue from the road. Only the present stress was waiting for a sap in the morning when he went to wake Masiro. Hero with horror realized that his new acquaintance was a great artist absolutely not from this world, that is, it was not even capable of getting dressed! And the insidious chiropiro is here as here - from now on Canda will be forever to care for her sister, because on cats the guy has already been trapped!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (34036)

    in the XXI, the world community finally managed to systematize the art of magic and raise it to a new level. Capable to use magic after graduating from nine classes in Japan is now waiting in the schools of magic - but only if applicants will pass the exam. Quota for admission to the first school (Khatodi, Tokyo) - 200 students, the best of the best is credited to the first branch, the rest - to the reserve, for the second, and the teacher is only the first hundred, "flowers". The remaining, "weeds", learn independently. At the same time, the atmosphere of discrimination constantly hovers at school, because even the forms in both branches are different.
    Siby Tatsuya and Miyuki were born with a difference of 11 months, which allowed them to study in the same year. Upon admission to the first school, the sister turns out among flowers, and brother - among weeds: despite the excellent theoretical knowledge, the practical part is not easy for him.
    In general, we are waiting for the study of a mediocre brother and an approximate sister, as well as their new friends - Tibi Erika, Sydsey Leonhart (you can simply leo) and Mizuki's satellite - at school magic, quantum physics, the tournament of nine schools and much more ...

    © sa4ko aka kiyoso

  • (30034)

    "Seven mortal sins", once great warriors, revered by the British. But once, they are accused of trying to overthrow the monarchs and the murder of a warrior from the Holy Knights. In the future, the Holy Knights arrange a coup, and capture power into their hands. A "seven mortal sins", now otgoy, dispersed all over the kingdom, who is where. Princess Elizabeth, was able to escape from the castle. She decides to go in search of Meliodas, the leader of the seven of sins. Now the whole seven must unite again, to prove their innocence and revenge for exile.

  • (28781)

    2021 year. An unknown virus "Gastreya" was hit by an unknown virus which in the days destroyed almost all of humanity. But this is not just a virus as any ebol or plague. He does not kill a person. Gastrea is a reasonable infection that rebuilds the DNA by turning the carrier in a terrible monster.
    The war began and in the end took 10 years. People found a way to burn out from infection. The only thing that does not tolerate the gastrea is a special metal - Varano. It was from him that people built huge monoliths and pretended to Kokyo. It seemed that now few survivors can live for monoliths in the world, but alas, the threat is not doing anywhere. Gastrea is still waiting for a convenient moment to penetrate Tokyo and destroy the few remnants of humanity. No hope. Extermination of people is only a matter of time. But the terrible virus turned out to be another effect. There are those who are already born with this blood virus. These children, "damned children" (exclusively girls) have superhuman strength and regeneration. In their bodies, the spread of the virus goes many times slower than in the body of an ordinary person. Only they can withstand the generations of "Gastrey" and no longer count on humanity. Will our heroes be able to save the remnants of living people and find a medicine from a terrifying virus? See and find out yourself.

  • (27842)

    History in "Steins, Gate" unfolds a year after the events of "Chaos, Head".
    The busy plot of the game is part of the realistic area of \u200b\u200bthe Akakhibar region, in the famous place of shopping Otaku in Tokyo. The plot tying is: a group of friends Mounting in akihibar a certain device for sending text messages into the past. The experiments of the heroes of the game are interested in a mysterious organization under the name of SERN, which is also engaged in its own research in time. And now, friends have to make gigantic efforts to not be captured by Serne.

    © Hollow, World Art

    Added a series 23β, which is an alternative ending and summing up in SG0.
  • (27144)

    Thirty thousand players from Japan and much more from all over the world, they suddenly be locked in a multiplayer role-playing online game "The Legend of Ancients". On the one hand, the gamers were moved to a new world physically, the illusion of reality was almost flawless. On the other hand, the "Pinds" retained the former avatars and the acquired skills, the user interface and the pumping system, and death in the game was visible only to the resurrection in the cathedral of the nearest major city. It was noted that no one called the Great Objective, and no one called the price for the exit, players began to come down together - alone to live and edit under the law of the jungle, others - to resist lawlessness.

    Syroe and Nazugu, in the world, student and clerk, in the game - a cunning magician and a mighty warrior, a long time knew each other by the legendary guild "Mad tea drinking". Alas, those times left forever, but in the new reality you can meet old friends and just good guys with which it will not be bored. And the main thing - the root population appeared in the world of "legends", which considers the aliens with great and immortal heroes. Inseciously wants to become a tight knight of the round table, bent the dragons and saving girls. Well, there are enough girls around, monsters and robbers, too, and there are cities like a hospitable akiba. The main thing is to die in the game still not worth it, it is much more correct to live in human!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (27238)

    In the world of Hunter X Hunter, there is a class of people called hunters, who, using mental strength and trained in various types of struggle, explore wild corners in the main civilized world. The main character, the young man named Gon (Gong), the son of the Great Hunter. His father mysteriously disappeared many years ago, and now, Moldoval, Gong (Gong) decides to go on his footsteps. On the way, he finds several companions: Leorio, an ambitious doctor of medical sciences, whose goal is to enrich. Curapica is the only surviving from his clan whose goal is to revenge. Killoa - the heir of the family of hired killers, whose goal is training. Together they achieve goals and become hunters, but it is only the first step on their long journey ... And ahead of the story of Killo and his family, the story of revenge Curapika and of course training, new tasks and adventures! The series was stopped at revenge Curapic ... What awaits us further after so many years?

  • (28057)

    Race Guli exists from time immemorial. Its representatives are not at all against people, they even love them - mostly in the raw form. Lovers of human faiths are externally indistinguishable from us, strong, fast and lively - but there are few of them, because Guli has developed strict rules of hunting and disguise, and the violators are punished by themselves or in quietly renting fighters with evil spirits. In the age of science, people know about Guli, but as they say, used to. The authorities do not consider cannibals a threat, moreover, consider them as an ideal foundation for creating a supersoldat. Experiments have long been ...

    The main hero of Ken Kaneki is to be a tortimate search for the new path, for he realized that people and hums look like: just some friend crouch in the literal sense, others are in portable. True lives of cruel, it is impossible to redo it, and the one who does not turn away. And then somehow!

  • (26754)

    The action occurs in an alternative reality, where the existence of demons has long been recognized; In the Pacific Ocean, there is even an island - "ITogamyjima", where the demons are full-fledged citizens and have equal rights with people. However, there are people-magicians who lead to them, in particular, on vampires. An ordinary Japanese schoolboy named Akatsuki Codse for an incomprehensible reason turned into a "purebred vampire", the fourth in terms of number. Himself begins to follow the young girl Himeraka Yukina, or "Shaman Blade", which should follow Akatsuki and kill him in case it comes out of control.

  • (25502)

    History tells about the young man named Saitam, who lives in the world, ironically similar to ours. He is 25, he is Lys and beautiful, besides, Silen is so much that with one blow annihilates all the dangers for humanity. He is looking for himself on a difficult life path, passing the monsters and villains along the way.

  • (23226)

    Now you have to play the game. What it will be for the game - Roulette will solve. The bid in the game will be your life. After death, people who died at the same time fall into Queen Dec, where they have to play the game. But in fact, what happens to them here is the court of heaven.

  • In European countries, as in the rest of the world, the personality of man is identified by his behalf. An example is the Son of God, Jesus, who immediately ordered Emmanuil at birth, and then called Yeshua. The need to distinguish between different people with one name required explanatory additions. So the Savior began to call Jesus from Nazareth.

    When the Germans got surnames

    German names arose on the same principle as in other countries. Their education in the peasant environment of various lands continued until the XIX century, that is, the time coincided with the completion of state-building. The formation of a single Germany required a clearer and unambiguous determination of someone who is.

    However, in the XII century, in the territory of the current Federal Federal Republic, Germany existed to know, and at the same time, German last names appeared for the first time. As in other European countries, patronymic for identification of the person here is not used here. But at birth, the baby gives, as a rule, two names. You can turn to any person by adding a word that means the belonging to the floor. Women's German surnames do not differ from male, just before them is used by Frau's prefix.

    Types of German names

    By linguistic origin, German names can be divided into groups. The first and most common is formed from names, mostly male. This is explained by the fact that the massive assignment of the names took place in a rather short (in the historical sense) the period, and on the manifestation of any sophisticated imagination simply there was no time.

    Names that occurred from names

    The simplest of them are those when creating a long time they were not wondering, but simply formed them on behalf of their first owner. Walked off some peasant Walter, so they got his descendants such a name. We also have Ivanov, Sidorov and Petrov, and their origin is similar to the German Johann, Petersm or Hermann. From the point of view of historical background, such popular German surnames speak a little, except that some old ancestor called Peters.

    Profession as a morphological basis of the name

    German names speaking about the professional belonging of their first owner, which can be said somewhat less common. But the variety of this group is much wider. The most famous name in it is Muller, it means in the "Melnik". English Analogue - Miller, and in Russia or Ukraine is a miller, Melnikov or Melnichenko.

    The famous composer Richard Wagner could assume that someone from his ancestors was engaged in freight transportation on his own telega, the Prasse of the Tappy Hoffman owned his own business yard, and the great-grandfather of Richter Pianist was a judge. Schneaders and shredders once tailored, and Singer loved to sing. There are other interesting German male surnames. The list continues Fisher (fisherman), Becker (Baker), Bauer (peasant), Weber (weaver), Zimmerman (carpenter), Schmidt (blacksmith) and many others.

    Was once during the war, Gaulyter Koch, the one who blew up the underground guards. Translated his surname means "cook". Yes, he has brewed porridge ...

    Surnames as a description of appearance and character

    Some men and, perhaps, women's German surnames occur from the features of the appearance or the nature of their first owner. For example, the word "Lange" means "long", and it can be assumed that its initial founder was distinguished by high growth, for which he received such a nickname. Klein (small) - its full opposite. Krause means "curly", such an attractive feature of the hair of some Frau, who lived a couple of centuries ago, can be inherited. Fuchs ancestors, most likely, were cunning as foxes. Waisa, Brown or Schwartan, respectively, were blondes, shades or Brunettes, respectively. Hartmans were distinguished by excellent health and power.

    Slavic origin of German surnames

    The German lands in the East have always bordered by CO and it created conditions for mutual penetration of cultures. Famous German surnames with the endings of "-Itz", "-", "-of", "-", "-K" or "-ski" have a pronounced Russian or Polish origin.

    Lutsz, Dystergof, Dennitz, Fogs, Yanke, Radetski and many others have long become familiar, and the total share of them is the fifth of the total number of German surnames. In Germany, they are perceived as their own.

    The same applies to the end of the "-er", which occurred from the word "Yar", meaning in the Human Slavonic language. Painter, Shear, Rybar, Baker - Explicit examples of such cases.

    During the germanization period, many similar names simply transferred to German, picking up the relevant roots or replacing the ending on the "-er", and now nothing resembles the Slavic origin of their owners (Smollar - Smolcher, Sokolov - Falk - Falk).

    Backgrounds - Barons

    There are very beautiful German surnames consisting of two parts: the main and console, usually "background" or "der". They contain information not only about the unique features of appearance, but also about the famous historical events, which sometimes took part, the owners of these nicknies. Therefore, the descendants are proud of such names and often remember their ancestors when they want to emphasize their own birdlikeness. Walter background der Vegelweed - it sounds! Or here is the background Richthoffen, the pilot and the "red baron".

    However, not only the Wedl of Glory becomes the cause of such complications in writing. The origin of German surnames can be where progress and talk about the terrain in which a person was born. What, for example, means Dietrich von Bern? Everything is clear: from the capital of Switzerland, His ancestors come true.

    German names of Russian people

    The Germans lived in Russia since the Dopurerovsky times, settling whole areas called "Slobodami" on the ethnic principle. However, then so called all the Europeans, but with the great emperor-reformer, the influx of immigrants from the German lands was completely encouraged. The process gained strength during the Board of Catherine Great.

    German colonists settled in the Volga region (Saratov and Tsaritsinskaya province), as well as in Novorossia. A large number of Lutheran later accepted Orthodoxy and assimilated, but German names were left. For the most part, they are the same that we wore migrants who came to the Russian Empire during the XVI-XVIII centuries, except in cases where the writers' writers, drawn up documents, allowed also errors.

    Surnames considered by Jewish

    Rubinstein, Hoffman, Eisenschtine, Weisberg, Rosenthal and many other names of citizens of the Russian Empire, the USSR and post-Soviet countries, many mistakenly consider Jewish. This is not true. However, the share of truth is also in this statement.

    The fact is that Russia, since the end of the XVII century, has become the country where every enterprising and working person could find his place in life. Works have grabbed at all, new cities were built accelerated pace, especially in Novorossia, disheveled from the Ottoman Empire. It was then that appeared on the map of Nikolaev, Ovidiopol, Kherson, and, of course, the pearl of the south of Russia - Odessa.

    For those who come to the country of foreigners, as well as for their own citizens who wished to master new lands, extremely favorable economic conditions were created, and the political stability, supported by the military power of the regional leader, guaranteed that this provision would continue for a long time.

    Currently, Lustdorf (cheerful villages) has become one of the Odessa suburbs, and then it was a German colony, the main occupation of the inhabitants of which there was agriculture, mainly viticulture. Beer cook here, too, knew how.

    The Jews, famous for their business smelting, trading vendors and craft abilities, also did not remain indifferent to the call of the Russian Empress Catherine. In addition, musicians, artists and other people of this nationality arrived from Germany. The majority of their last names were German, but they spoke on Eidis, who in her essence is one of the dialects of the German language.

    At that time, there was a "trash of settling", outlined, however, quite a large enough and not the worst part of the empire. In addition to the Black Sea region, the Jews chose many areas of the current Kiev region, Bessarabia and other fertile land, building small towns. It is also important that accommodation for a set of settling was mandatory only for those Jews who remained true to Judaism. Taking Orthodoxy, everyone could settle in any part of a huge country.

    Thus, the carriers of the German surnames became immigrants from Germany at once two nationalities.

    Unusual German surnames

    In addition to these groups of German surnames originating from occupations, hair colors, features of appearance, there is another, rare, but wonderful. And she says about the glorious qualities of character, good moral and the fun who were famous for the great-grandfather of a man wearing this name. An example is Alice Freundlich, a decent confirming reputation as its ancestors. "Good", "Welcome" - this is how this German surname is translated.

    Or neuman. "New man" - isn't it beautiful? How cool to delight every day around you, and yourself yourself, freshness and novelty!

    Or economic virts. Or Luther with pure thoughts and open hearts. Or Jung - young, regardless of the number of years.

    Such interesting German surnames, the list of which can be continued endlessly!