Where the mountains of the Caucasus. Chief Caucasian Ridge

Where the mountains of the Caucasus. Chief Caucasian Ridge
Where the mountains of the Caucasus. Chief Caucasian Ridge

They are no less known in the world than Cordillera, the mountain system, stretching along the western outskirts of North and South America for as much more than eighteen thousand kilometers long and width of 1600 kilometers, with the highest vertex of Denali in 6190 meters above sea level in North America, Also Akonkagua - 6963 meters above sea level in South America. Many countries - Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile border Cordillera. No less known Kordiller Mountain System of Himalayas with the highest peak of Chochi - 8,611 meters above sea level at the Border of the PRC and Pakistan and from one vertex of Lhotse, exceeding a height of eight kilometers on the border of the PRC and Nepal. On the globe admire also Tibet with the highest vertex in the world in Everest - 8852 meters above sea level. However, there are other mountain systems on earth on earth on different continents, attracting attention to which thousands and thousands of bold vertices conquerors seek to climb.

From the legendary taman to the gray Caspian

The Great Caucasian Mountains are essentially two mountain systems - a large and small Caucasus in Eurasia. They stretched more than 1,100 kilometers from the north-west to southeast, and even more specifically, from the Taman Peninsula in the area and along the Black Sea coast to the Absheron Peninsula at the Sea Caspian and near the capital of Azerbaijan Baku. Maximum width of the mining system of 180 kilometers. Compared to the Cordillers, it is hardly a ninth part, but nevertheless noticeable and, which is the root cause of the appearance of a subtropical zone in Russia. In which annually recover their health and fully rest over 15 million as our fellow citizens and guests from near and far abroad. Big Caucasus is divided into three parts: Western - from the Black Sea to Elbrus; Central - from Elbrus to Kazbek and finally the East Caucasus - from Kazbek to the Caspian Sea. As for height above sea level, in Everest she is equal to 5642 meters, Kazbek 5033. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Great Caucasian Mountains is 1400 square kilometers. In part, this is the edge of eternal snow and glaciers. The area of \u200b\u200bglaciers is offset for 2050 square kilometers. Large icing center - Mount Elbrus Plus Benefic Wall - 17 kilometers.

The edge of five dozen peoples

Great Caucasian Mountains are thick inhabited. There are in mind its foothills. Abkhaza, Ingush, Ossetians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Adygi (Circassians) and many other people, united by the general name - Caucasian peoples, live here. For the most part, this is Muslims. But widespread and Christians are Ukrainians, Georgians, Russians, Armenians, as well as a noticeable part of Ossetians and Abkhazians. By the way, the Armenian and Georgian churches are the oldest in the world. Thanks to many of them, these two people of the Great Caucasus have retained their originality, morals and customs. We will add to this - Caucasian peoples for a hundred years were under a foreign department - the Turks, Persians, Russians. Now they have gained independence, steel sovereign.

Twenty-five translated vertices

It is so much that they have the Great Caucasus from Elbrus to Dombay - Ulgen - 4046 meters above sea level. Alpinists are popular: Dykhtau - 5204 meters above sea level; Pushkin's peak is 5100 m., We have already mentioned Cazbek; Shota Rustaveli - 4960m., Gulchi-Tau - 4447 meters, etc.

The Great Caucasus is abundant by rivers, lakes and waterfalls

Burnting at the mountain peaks, some fall into - Bzybe, Kodor, Ingur (Inguri), Rioni, Mzymt, and others. B is the largest Kuban in the Krasnodar Territory. And in the Caspian - Kura, Samur, Terek, Suna, Baksan - all of their more than two dozen. Among the majestic Caucasian Mountains are world famous Lake Sevan (Armenia). It is located at an altitude of 1900 meters above sea level. Its area is 1240 square kilometers, depth - from twenty to more than eighty meters. 28 rivers fall into the lake, but only one follows - hedded, the influx of Araks. By the way, it will notice - and the Caspian and Black Sea essence of the remainder of the Overacter Ocean Tetis. From the oldest days of the name, the Black Sea has changed - Khazar, Sugdesta, Temurun, Kimmeria, Ahshaene, Blue, Tavrichesky, Holy and Even Ocean. The current name is associated with its color to raging storms. It really looks black. In the old days he was also called not hospitable, angry. It was received by the Caspian reservoir by the name, who had once had the tribes of Konevodov - Caspis. It was called Girkansky, Gyerazhansky, Holy, Derbent - just over seven tens of names.

And about one unique water bodice of the Great Caucasus - fantastic in the natural beauty of Waterfall Zeigalan (otherwise it is also called a large Zapeelan waterfall). It is located in North Ossetia in the Midagabindon River Valley in seven kilometers south of the village of Jimar. The height of the fall is 600 meters. Translated from Ossetian - "Falling Avalanche". It is among the ten most ambitious and famous waterfalls. It is pushing a fellow gavari in France - 422 meters high and Crim in Austria - 380 meters. Takes start from a hanging glacier at a height of 650-700 meters. The most peak of the runoff falls on the summer months of July-August. In winter, it dries and marked only by ice subkears on the rocks. The waterfall area is part of the Kazbek-Jimraja mountain assembly, the largest not only in North Ossetia, but in the whole of the great Caucasus. The place is delicious in its beauties - on the slopes of the mountains of the sea of \u200b\u200bflowers, disintegration, the aromas of alpine meadows are circling their heads. But it is necessary to warn - the waterfall is dangerous for people: stonepads happen, there are slices from the melting glacier from above. Nevertheless, the waterfall is actively visiting. Tourists take off the grandiose panorama of the waterfall on the camera or a television.

Flora and the Fauna of the Great Caucasus

As for the flora, it is represented by almost six and a half thousand flowering plants. Of these, 166 are inherent in the mountains only. Subtropics are famous for dozens of palm trees. Relic juniper grow here, pistachio; Pitsundskaya pine, oaks, graphs, mimosa, tulip tree, magnolia, bamboo - all the breed of trees and do not list. Separate oaks-patriarchs aged for a thousand years. Tourists are advised to walk in the groves of juniper. Especially those who have asthma or bronchitis. Juniper's breath in minutes kills all microbes and viruses in man. Day, another, the third walk, and you were born again! It also contributes to the sea air, densely infused in the salts of bromine, calcium, potassium, etc.

As for the fauna of the Great Caucasian Mountains, it is also rich here too and diverse. Screensy on wild boars (Beware of Mamash Dapash with Young: Fangs of males is sharp, and there were cases when a meeting with boars ended with serious injuries or worse than the death!). They are found here and sulfur, mountain goats, bears. Sometimes lived and lynx, and leopards. Asian lions and tigers. Caucasian bison extinted in 1925. The last elk killed in 1810. Great many invertebrates - only spiders for a thousand species. The Great Caucasus is also the area of \u200b\u200bhabitat of the Berkuts, which poachers are mined and sell for big money by scales. Berkcats love to hunt on the Caucasus itself, and in Kazakhstan, and in Kyrgyzstan, and in Saudi Arabia, in other regions and planet countries.

Stela of "Parenting Eagle"

She appeared in 2013 near the resort villages and Supcess, not far from the barbaria, from where he taking the beginning of the gas pipeline called "Turkish Stream", and is open as races to the day of Russia. Nine kilometers from Anapa. The authors are the sculptor V. Polekov in the Commonwealth with the architect Y. Rysin.

The monument is made of their cold bronze, guaranteeing its durability and which are not terrible any changes to weather. A soaring eagle with a wide range of wings and proudly raised to the sky head means the beginning of the Great Caucasian Mountains. Before Stel, there is a platform for vehicles. Tourists, and they are here passing to other resort villages Large and Small Utris, thousands and thousands necessarily stop and photograph or remove the monument on the camcorder. By the way, from the "steaming eagle" there is a stunning view of Anapa and the bays, in which the city has been abolished (in the distant old old old old ancient Gorgippia, and the slave trade was actively conducted, their own coins were focused, and representatives of known from different regions of the Caucasus came and sailed here behind the Belolic Brides!). In good weather, the coast is viewed up to the bank of Mary Magdalen, that the village - and where divers come and flew and fly away from all of Russia, but also from abroad. So, the Great Caucasian Mountains begins with football and, in particular, with a bald mountain height of just 319 meters above sea level, other hills and even lower. The foothills are at the very beginning of the Semisam Range, which is part of the Caucasian Mountain chain. A bald mountain is called due to the absence of any vegetation at all. No, no, herbs and flowers are found there. But not more. Recall once again - from the center of Anapa to the Bald Mountain nine kilometers, and from the outskirts of the city three times less. And hand, what is called, to file to small and. And these places are well known to tourists.

Large Utrich is one of the main attractions of the beginning of the Great Caucasus - Dolphinarium in the open sea and with the theater. In the high season is given daily by several views. Artists - marine animals. Under the curtain of a peculiar play, Dolphins-Aphlegnes deftly jump on the platform and willingly take pictures with all those who wish or removed on the tool. They can be hugging them from the soul, to kiss or swim in the water area of \u200b\u200bDolphinarium. And at this time, the seal, leaning on his tail, is excitely applauding the public with its flops. On Big Utrish, according to the legends, the hero of Prometheus was chained to one of the rocks, who gave people the sacred fire and thereby called the fierce anger from the main god of Olympus Zeus-Ruzhvyz. Zeus ordered to see the breath of the rock with strong chains, and the bloodthirsty eagle flew to the martyr to torment with sharp claws his liver. True, the inhabitants of the neighboring Sochi Anapa objected, de Prometheus was chained in the Orline Rock area at the former capital of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. And even built a monument to the hero - it is worth the Prometheus on the grief with the chains broken in their hands, and he has a proud look of the winner! And yet, the statement of the Sochns causes doubts: the eagle rocks are located away from the sea, at the fast river. But in the open-air museum in the center of Anapa "Gorgippia" found a crypt with the frescoes of the features of another mythological hero - Hercules. And from the myths of ancient Greece, it is known for certain - from the chains of Prometheus freed heracles. He and bloodthirsty eagleproogany. Who is right who is wrong - let specialists decide. But in Anapa, which no one and half of a half thousand years, persistently consider - the rock of Prometheus is still on the Big Utrish. An irrefutable, in their opinion, and another legend - de past the rocks of a big designer in search of a golden rune sailed Argonauts led by their brave captain Jason. Here are such secrets of the Great Caucasian Mountains from Anapa and steles of the "steaming eagle".

Verses from Novorossiysk to Gelendzhik

In today five resort zones: Sochi, Gelendzhik, Tuapse, Anapa and Taman. From each of them to another, what is called hand to hand. And they all stretched along the Black Sea coast with the exception of Tamani, which has a way out also to the Azov Sea. And the Black Sea coast is mainly protected by the mountains. In addition to Anapa, which, as we noticed, the great Caucasian mountains begin, but in general the municipality comes out from the sea to steppe spaces. And only in the Novorossiysk area, as a continuation of the Semisam Range with Bald Mountain, the foothills gradually rises, moving to the Marcoth Range or on Adyg in Marcoth, stretching from Novorossiysk towards Gelendzhik to more than ninety kilometers. The highest mountain, towering over Novorossiysk - Sugar head (558 meters above sea level). Gradually rising, the Marcoth Range in some places goes to upper than 700 meters. It consists of limestone, sandstone, clay, but its main component is Mergel, which is coming to the manufacture of cement. In Novorossiysk, this is especially noticeable - the plants for the production of this type of building materials are working, and dust around the column. Marcoth Range, note, goes parallel to the south of the main Caucasian ridge. Between Novorossiysk and Anapa many attractions. In particular, the Monument of Nature is the Sheshouse Juniper Parldasshe. We were told about the healing properties of the relic juniper, therefore I will not be repeated, we emphasize that it is especially useful in the treatment of asthma and bronchi. From Anapa to Novorossiysk directly 40 kilometers, in the motorway - 52. It is possible to overcome them a little more than forty minutes. And if you drive another 14 kilometers towards Gelendzhik, then you will find yourself in the Abrauan Peninsula, in the southern end of which is a big utrety with your famous dolphinarium in the open sea and the theater. But the main chip of the peninsula is undoubtedly the place of Abrau-Durso, comfortably located among the mountains and the part of the municipality of the city resort Novorossiysk.

Specific estate of Russian sovereign

At the village of Double Name -. And this has its own reason. One village is located in the mountains, among the fantastic beauty nature. Here and the river with the same name and the largest freshwater lake in the Caucasus with the same name as the village. With a population of about three thousand living, as in paradise. Soft climate, warm winter and vineyards, vineyards, vineyards. Abrau Lake is 3100 meters long, 630 width, depth of 8 to 11 meters, by the way, there is a fish. Gorgeous embankment - with arbors, benches. In summer, the water is warm, and in the lake can be happy to swim. But you can plunge into the Black Sea. The second village of the royal estate is Durso. Today there are both the recreation centers, and the health resort, where you can relax and become.

Abrau village is known in the world with its refined taste of Russian champagne. In the origins of its production stood prince Lion Golitsyn. And the relay picked up, as it is not surprising, Joseph Stalin, who ordered to establish the release of domestic champagne in the southern regions of the country and in Abrau, in particular. And such an instruction was kept in the Government Decree of 1936. As for the production of champagne under the patronage of Golitsyn, the first of his party was produced in 1898. And two years later, in Abrau, his powerful winery appeared, from Novorossiysk to the village they laid the vehicles. Now Abrau has a museum of famous wines, as well as a corporate store in which tourists can buy Russian champagne under the brand "Abrau-Durso", dry wines and even brandy. A lot of entertainment on the coast in Durso is water attractions, "bananas", "tablets", you can rush with a breeze on the waves on water bikes. And in Abrau are popular horseback riding in local foothills, mountainous tourism, including jeep or extreme trip, but already on mountain motorcycles.

Marcoth at Gelendzhik

Until the famous no less than Anapa, the resort from Novorossiysk Distance to the Bulk Void - directly three tens of kilometers, on a tenth of kilometers more. The trip will take somewhere just over forty minutes. And now you will appear the most extended embankment in the world - 14 kilometers. With a graceful figure of a bride from a white marble, which is well visible from the height of the Marcoth Range of 762 meters above sea level. Translated from the Adygh "Marcotch" literally means "berry places", and here really delicious blackberries can be collected by buckets. Coles, however, but what is called "without difficulty caught and fish from the pond!". High vertices in the vicinity of Gelendzhik Several - Shahhan at the Zhana River (700 meters above sea level); Pshad - 741 meters by the river with the same name and 43 kilometer long, flowing into the Black Sea; Gebius - 735 meters above sea level. The Marcoth Range itself extended along the Gelendzhik Bay - charmingly beautiful from a bird's eye view, and even more so with top of the surrounding mountains. The resort is famous for its Safari Park, in which lions live in vivo, tigers, bears and other animals. Behind their lives can be observed with a chair suspended road. At the top of the Irkotkh Range - a fantastic forest - with Lesus, mermaid on the branches of a tree, Baba Yaga and other fabulous characters. From the observation deck, the yachts and other vessels in the bay, seagulls, cormorants, petrels, solving over the blue sea with white scallops of the waves.

And the mountains are all higher, and the mountains are worse!

And this is true, if you go from Gelendzhik to the large - the southern capital of Russia, stretching along the Black Sea coast for a whole hundred forty-five kilometers. In the world, only one city is the longer the former capital of the past Winter Olympic Games, in which our team won with Triumph and who struck the planet with their colorful opening and closing ceremonies - the capital Mexico Mexico - 200 kilometers. And in the native fatherland of Sochi, the length is ahead of Volgograd, stretching along the Great Volga River 90 with more than 90 kilometers. So here's about the height of the local mountains. Having overcome the distance from Gelendzhik to Sochi 246 kilometers over almost four hours (sheepskin is worth it!), You can climb, including the excursion groups, on one of the surrounding vertices. You can start with small - Mount Akhun - 663 meters above sea level. And then the height of the mountains will go on an increasing: sugar fifteen kilometers from the city - 1555 meters; PSOGISA - 2216 meters; Large weaving - 2368 meters; Achishho - 2391 meters; Peak Bazlie - 2482 meters; Turning southern - 2503 meters; Stone pillar - 2509 meters; PSHEO-SU - 2743 meters; Oshten - 2804 meters; Fisht - 2853 meters; Peak Kozhevnikova - 3070 meters; Pic needle - 3168 meters; Sugar pseashho - 3189 meters; Atheist - 3256 meters and finally the highest peak of all Cuban Tsakhvo - 3346 meters above sea level. This is not so little, if we consider that the highest peak of the great Caucasian mountains and even Europe - Elbrus height in 5642 meters above sea level.

The famous ski resort "Krasnaya Polyana"

It is located on average Mzimti mountain river that translated from Adygh - "Ramane", uncontrollable "," indomitable "- there are other interpretations. Blows into the Black Sea. 39 kilometers long. Above the gorge over it The famous pedestrian suspension bridge is the most Long in the world. From Him, extreme lovers make jumps in the abyss of the elastic cable. Here is a popular attraction - a giant swing with a sparing pendulum in Polkilometer. From the west of Mount Achishho, from the east - Aibga Ridge. Immediately in the vicinity of the top Fistt, in honor of which A stadium was named, where the opening and closing ceremonies of the Winter Olympics in 2014 were held. Red Polyana - Ski Resort, who may well compete with his fellows in the same Switzerland or in other mountain places of the planet. A year here is resting more than a million compatriots and foreign Guests. At their disposal one hundred and more kilometers of snow tracks of different difficulty levels - 6 green, 8 blue, 16 red and 6 black. Comfortable on them m Hell feel experienced skiers and beginners and children. Among the independent ski resorts - "Rosa-Khutor", "Alpika-Service", "Gorki City" and GTC Gazprom. Day in skiing, evening disco, karaoke, pleasant evenings in cafe, restaurants, casino. All accommodations are enough - hotels, hotels, guest houses, you can remove the cottage. No problems with transport. Before Adler, forty kilometers. Fly there can be direct flights from many regions of Russia. And then railway transport with famous "swallows" or by regular buses, even faster than personal cars. The road will not seem tedious to you. Especially with such fantastic natural beauties! By the way, there are enough databases on the Red Polyana with ski rental, snowboarding, sled and so on.

Arriving in Sochi to rest and treatment (he takes more than five million tourists per year, not including those who prefer snow tracks working from November and in April inclusive, and sometimes grabbing the beginning of May), be sure to visit the Olympic Park. It is located at the Black Sea itself. With Fisht Stadium and other sports facilities built to the White Olympiad. All of them are unique architecture. The Ice Palace reminds Peking Opera - as an icing drop. And the bowl of Olympic Fire! It looks like a fire-bird from the Russian folk fairy tale. In the Olympic Park - the Trus "Formula 1", and the competitions on the pilots do not leave anyone indifferent. Fans come from all parts of light and stay in a great delight. There is a "Disneyland" in the park with dozens of attractions. The souvenirs, including the mascots of games, can be purchased into local permissions. Just keep in mind - in one day the park can not get around. It covers an area almost in two hundred hectares. In Imeretin lowland. Do not go around for the day and on electric vehicles: so many attractions in it. Natural beauty Tuapse

The famous resort town is located between Gelendzhik and Sochi. From the southern capital of Russia removed by 117 kilometers - less than two hours drive. From Gelendzhik - 129 kilometers, ride just over two hours. Protecting the resort from the evil northern winds of the mountains in an average height from 1352 to 1453 meters above sea level. But there are exceptions - the peak of Shezsi ascended to the sky at 1839 meters. Among the attractions of the Mountain Semiglabia, Wolf Gorge, the rock of Alexander Kiselev, who goes into the sea and named after the artist. In the city itself - subtropical plants. In the foothills and locals and tourists with pleasure collect European blackberries. The resort area has sanatoriums, boarding houses, children's health camps. Cargo, and passenger ships are moored in the seaport. You can rent a yacht, go out on it in the open sea, to divide, swim in the purest water or sunbathe on the deck. Love tourists during maritime walks to arrange and picnics.

Republic of Adygea

It is part of the Southern Federal District with the capital of Maikop with a half-million population. Part of the North Caucasus Economic Area. From all sides is surrounded by the Krasnodar Territory. In the republic, forty-five Aules, there are villages, stages, farm. From the streets of Maikop, the main Caucasian ridge is clearly visible. Attractions are popular with Lago Naki Plateau tourists. Ten waterfalls Rufabgo - each with its name. River Kuban, White, Laba. The white river is 260 kilometers long. And nourish her mountain streams and Spring Fishe, Oshden and Abago. Granite canyon with a length of four kilometers and a depth of two hundred meters. Sakhraian waterfalls. Mountain Lake Pseudona. Frequently visited by tourists of the rock of the devil finger, mountains monk, large weaver, trident, camel, Range of un-goat. The mountains are high enough, recall, the top Fistt climbed 2868 meters above sea level. This her name received the stadium, where the opening and closing ceremonies and the closing of the Winter Olympic Games in 2014, so struck with their paintness and originality inherent in Russian mentality.

Dagestan - Country of Mountains

There is a popular saying on this. Its especially often lead in speeches on December 11, when the whole world celebrates the International Day of Mountains. And the highest vertices of the Great Caucasus here - Shalbuzdag - 4150 meters above sea level. In July and August, a real pilgrimage: the grave of the righteous of Suleiman is located here. Mountain resembles a pyramid with a toothed vertex. There is a belief if you climb it - all the desires and dreams will come true. And thousands of tourists try to do it. But the capital of Dagestan Makhachkala directly stretched along Mount Tarka-Tau - a unique natural monument from mountain monolith. It is known good and because in 1722, the Army of Peter's first entered the package. The top of the Great Caucasus named Bazarduzyu is considered the southernmost point of Russia. She ascended to a height of 4466 meters above sea level. The first ascent is committed in 1935.

You can talk about the mountains of Dagestan. But he has another unique landmark - just fifteen kilometers from Makhachkala, his capitals, the seamy Caspian is splashing - the largest water-tailed reservoir, the largest lake on the planet in Europe and Asia. Its area is 371 thousand square kilometers. The depth exceeds a kilometer. It has more than 140 species of fish, of which the most famous Beluga, with which if you meet - you will be afraid: I'm not shark? There are sturgeon, giving black caviar and such species as bream, horse, bleak, river eel, sipovka, Nalim - do not list everyone! The Great Russian River Volga River 3,530 kilometers falls to the Caspian Sea (Lake), from the coast of which Stalingrad was captured by the 300 thousand Hitler's army headed by Field Marshal Paulus. For rest to the Caspian Sea, thousands and thousands of tourists of both our compatriots and foreign ones come to the Caspian Sea. In particular, near Makhachkala, there are sanatoriums, boarding houses, and children's health camps. True, the coast of the Caspian Sea is not very much mastered, but a course is taken to create another popular resort area here. What? White shallow sand, clean water - sunbathing, swim, catch fish, Warm from her on the shore of fragrant ear!
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There is a detailed map of the Caucasian Mountains with the names of cities and settlements in Russian. Move the map by holding it with the left mouse button. You can move around the map by clicking on one of the four arrows in the upper left corner.

Scale allows the scale on the right side of the map or turn the wheel of the mouse.

In which country is Caucasian Mountain

Caucasian Mountain is located in Russia. This is a wonderful, beautiful place, with your story and traditions. Coordinates of the Caucasian Mountains: Northern Latitude and Eastern Longitude (show on the big map).

Virtual Walk

The "man" figurine above the scale scale will help to make a virtual walk through the cities of the Caucasian Mountains. By pressing and holding the left mouse button, drag it to any place on the map and you will go for a walk, while in the upper left corner will appear inscriptions with the approximate address of the area. Motion direction Select by clicking on the arrows in the center of the screen. Option "Satellite" at the top of the left allows you to see a relief image of the surface. In Map mode, you will be able to get acquainted in detail with the roads of the Caucasian Mountains and the main attractions.

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Caspian Mountains

    Caspian Mountains
  • and the gate (Greek. κασπία ὄρη, lat. Caspii Monies).
  • 1. Pouchuric mountains between Armenia and Albania on one side and mussels on the other (now Qaradagh, SIAH-KOH, i.e., black and talysh mountains). In a broad sense, under this name implies the entire chain of the mountains, which goes to the south of R. Arak (from the Kotuby River to the Caspian Sea). Here were t. N.

Caspian Gate (Caspiapils), a narrow mountain passage in a length of 8 Roman miles and one chariot width (now CHAMAR Pass between Nas-Koh and Siah-Koh). It was the only way from Northwestern Asia to the northeastern part of the Persian state, because this Persian passage was locked by the Iron gates that were guarded by the Guardians (Claustra Caspiarum).

  • 2. Mountain Ridge Elbecs in Iran, with the main pass, leading from the Mussels to Parphy and Girkania.
  • 3. Mountains north of the river Cambis and Aragva, Caspal Caucasus, Mount Caspian - Kazbek. K. Gate - Daryaal and Cross Pass. Through this pass along the valleys of the Aragvi rivers and Terek, one of the two known ancient paths from the Transcaucasia to Eastern Europe, which was most often made raids of the Scythians.
  • Caucasian Mountains are a mountain system between the Black and Caspian seas.

    It is divided into two mountain systems: the Great Caucasus and the Small Caucasus.
    The Caucasus is often divided into the North Caucasus and the Transcaucasia, the border between which is carried out on the main, or water-seed, the Range of the Grand Caucasus, which occupies the central position in the mountain system.

    The most famous vertices - Elbrus (5642 m) and

    Kazbek (5033 m) are covered with eternal snow and glaciers.

    From the northern foot of the Greater Caucasus to Kuro-Manic Wpadin extends the predfabcasus with extensive plains and elevations. To the south of the Big Caucasus there are colchis and Kura-Araksinskaya lowland, the in-home-party plain and Alazan-Alazan Valley [Kurinskaya Vpadina, within which Alazan-Author Valley and Kura-Araksinskaya lowland] are located. In the southeastern part of the Caucasus - Talysh Mountains (high. Up to 2492 m) with adjacent Lenkran lowland. In the middle and in the west of the southern part of the Caucasus there is a Transcaucasian Highlands, consisting of ridges of the Small Caucasus and Armenian Highlands (Aragats, 4090 m).
    The Small Caucasus is connected to the Big Caucasus of the Likhsky ridge, in the West, the colchis lowland is separated from him, in the east - Kurinskaya depression. The length is about 600 km, the height is up to 3724 m.

    Mountains near Sochi - Aisho (2391 m), Aibga (2509 m), Chigush (3238 m), Pseashho, etc.

    Location of the Mining System Caucasian Mountains on the World Map

    (The boundaries of the mining system are approximate)

    Hotels and Hotels in Adler from 600 rubles per day!

    Caucasian Mountains or Caucasus - Mountain system between the black and Caspian locomotive ~ 477488 m².

    The Caucasus is divided into two mountain systems: the Big Caucasus and the Small Caucasus, very often the mountain system is divided into the Caucasus (North Caucasus), the Big Caucasus and Transcaucasus (South Caucasus). According to the ridge of the Main Ridge, the State Border of the Russian Federation with the countries of the Transcaucasus is held.

    Highest peaks

    The largest mountain peaks of the Caucasian Mountains (indicators of various sources can change).

    Height, in m


    Elbrus. 5642 M. the highest point of the Caucasus, Russia and Europe
    Schhara 5201 M. Bezengi, the highest point of Georgia
    Koshtatau 5152 M. Bezengi
    Peak Pushkin 5100 M. Bezengi
    Dzhangitau 5085 M. Bezengi
    Schhara 5201 M. Bezengi, the highest point of Georgia
    KazBek 5034 M. Georgia, Russia (the highest point of North Ossetia)
    Western mihirggi 5025 M. Bezengi
    Tetnuld. 4974 M. Svanetia
    Katyn-Tau or Adid 4970 M. Bezengi
    Peak Shota Rustaveli 4960 M. Bezengi
    Guestla 4860 M. Bezengi
    Jimar 4780 M. Georgia, North Ossetia (Russia)
    Ushba 4690 M.
    Tebulosmta 4493 M. higher point of Chechnya
    Bazardzyu 4485 M. high Point of Dagestan and Azerbaijan
    Shan 4451 M. higher point of Ingushetia
    Adahyheh 4408 M. Ossetia
    Diklosmt 4285 M. Chechnya
    Shahdag. 4243 M. Azerbaijan
    Tufandag 4191 M. Azerbaijan
    Shalbuzdag 4142 M. Dagestan
    Aragats 4094 M. higher point of Armenia
    Dombay-Ulgen. 4046 M. Dombai.
    Zilga Hech 3853 M. Georgia, South Ossetia
    Tass 3525 M. Russia, Chechen Republic
    Citelikhati 3026.1 M. South Ossetia


    The Caucasus climate is warm and soft, with the exception of highly: at an altitude of 3,800 m passes the border of the "Eternal Ice". In the mountains and foothills there are a large amount of precipitation.

    Flora and fauna

    The vegetation of the Caucasus is characterized by the wealth of species composition and manifold: the beech east, Caucasian Caucasian Grab, Lipa Caucasian, Chestnut, Noble, Samshat, Lavirovna, Rhododendron Pontic, Some Towns and Clean, wild persimmon, as well as subtropical tea bush and citrus.

    In the Caucasus there are brown Caucasian bears, a lynx, a forest cat, foxes, airsquets, cunits, deers, roasters, boars, bison, sulfur, mountain goats (tours), small rodents (forest sonia, voleship). Birds: Sorooks, Drozda, Cuckoo, Cuccoas, Wagtles, Dyatlah, Owls, Filin, Skvorts, Crows, Shcheglas, Kingfisher, Tits, Caucasian Tetheriev and Mountain Turkey, Berkuts and Lamps.


    More than 50 peoples live in the Caucasus (for example: Avarians, Circassians, Chechens, Georgians, Lezgins, Karachay, etc.) which are designated as Caucasian peoples. They speak Caucasian, Indo-European, as well as Altai languages. The largest cities: Sochi, Tbilisi, Yerevan, Vladikavkaz, Grozny, etc.

    Tourism and rest

    The Caucasus is visited with recreational purposes: on the shores of the Black Sea there is a multitude of seaside resorts, the North Caucasus is popular with its balneological resorts.

    River Caucasia

    Rivers, originating on the Caucasus belong to the pools of the Black, Caspian and Azov seas.

    • BZBY
    • Codori.
    • Ingur (Inguri)
    • Rioni.
    • Kuban
    • Depression
    • Araks.
    • Liaba (Big Lahvi)
    • Samur.
    • Sulak
    • Avar Koisu.
    • Andiy Koisu
    • Terek
    • Sunja
    • Argun.
    • Malka (Kura)
    • Baksan
    • Chegem
    • Cherk

    Countries and regions

    The following countries and regions are located in the Caucasus.

    • Azerbaijan
    • Armenia
    • Georgia
    • Russia: Adygea, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Krasnodar Territory, North Ossetia-Alanya, Stavropol Territory, Chechnya

    In addition to these countries and regions, in the Caucasus there are partially recognized republics: Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The largest cities of Caucasus

    • Vladikavkaz
    • Gelendzhik
    • Hot key
    • Grozny
    • Derbent
    • Yerevan
    • Essentuki
    • Zheleznovodsk
    • Zugdididi
    • Kislovodsk
    • Kutaisi.
    • Krasnodar
    • Maikop.
    • Makhachkala
    • Mineral water
    • Nazran
    • Nalchik
    • Novorossiysk
    • Pyatigorsk
    • Stavropol.
    • Stepanakert
    • Sukhum
    • Tbilisi
    • Tuapse
    • Tskhinval
    • Cherkessk

    Cheap flights to Sochi from 3000 rubles.

    Where is and how to get there

    Address: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia

    The Caucasus is a mountain system located in Eurasia between the Black and Caspian seas. The mountain range extends 1100 km from the Taman Peninsula and Anapa to the Absheron Peninsula in the city of Baku.

    This territory is commonly divided into several criteria: on a large and small Caucasus, as well as on the Western (from the Black Sea to Elbrus), the central (from Elbrus to Kazbek) and the East (from Kazbek to the Caspian Sea). The mining system reaches the greatest width in the central part (180 km). The mountain peaks of the Central Caucasus are the highest ones on the main Caucasian (waterstep) ridge.

    The most famous mountain peaks of the Caucasus are Mount Elbrus (5642 m) and Mount Kazbek (5033 m). Both vertices are stratululkans. What, Kazbek is considered to be extinct, which cannot be said about Elbrus. Opinions of specialists on this occasion will differ. The slopes of the two highest mountains of the Caucasus are covered with snow and glaciers. The Central Caucasus accounts for up to 70% of modern glaciation. For more than a century-old observation of the Caucasian glaciers, their area has declined significantly.

    To the north of the foot of the Grand Caucasus extends the inclined plain, which ends in the Kumo Manic Wpadin. Its territory dissected lateral ridges and river valleys. The largest rivers of this territory can be considered r. Kuban and Terek. To the south of the Big Caucasus there are Colchida and Kuro-Araksinskaya lowland.

    Caucasian mountains can be considered young. They were formed in the Epoch of Alpine Folding approximately 28-23 million years ago. Their education is due to movement to the north of the Arabian lithospheric slab on the Eurasian. The latter, pressed by the African slab moving on several centimeters per year.

    Tectonic processes in the depths of the Caucasus continue until now. The geological structure of Elbrus speaks of the great activity of the volcano in the recent past. Several powerful earthquakes occurred in the Caucasus in the XX century. The most destructive was an earthquake in Armenia, which occurred in 1988

    Seismostans working throughout the Caucasus annually register several hundred underground jokes. Specialists argue that some of the sections of the Caucasian ridge "grow" for several centimeters per year.

    Caucasus in Europe or in Asia?

    This issue is worth considering more in political and historical aspects. Caucasian Mountains are located in the center of the Eurasian Plate, so division can only be conditional. The border between Europe and Asia was proposed by the Swedish officer and geographer F. Stallenberg in 1730. The border, which passed through the Ural Mountains and KuM-Manic Wpadin was adopted by many scientists.

    Despite this at different times, several alternative proposals were proposed, which justified the division of Europe and Asia in the Caucasian Mountains. Despite the ongoing disputes, Elbrus and is now considered the highest point in Europe. The history of the region suggests the special position of the Caucasus at a crossroads between European and Eastern Asian cultures.

    The highest mountains of the Caucasus

    • Elbrus (5642 m). CBD, KCR. Higher point of Russia
    • Dykhtau (5204 m). CBD
    • Koshtatau (5122 m). CBD
    • Pushkin peak (5100 m). CBD
    • Dzhangitau (5058 m). CBD
    • Shhara (5201 m). CBD. Higher point of Georgia
    • Kazbek (5034 m). North Ossetia
    • Mihirgi Western (5022 m). CBD
    • Tetnuld (4974 m). Georgia
    • Katyntau (4970 m). CBD
    • Peak Shota Rustaveli (4960 m). CBD
    • Guestla (4860 m). CBD
    • Jimar (4780 m). Georgia, North Ossetia
    • UMS (4690 m). Georgia, North Ossetia
    • Gulchitau (4447 m). CBD
    • Tabulosha (4493 m). Higher point of Chechnya
    • Bazarduzyu (4466 m). High Point of Dagestan and Azerbaijan
    • Shan (4451 m). Higher point of Ingushetia
    • Ada-hoh (4408 m). North Ossetia
    • Diclosmt (4285 m). Chechnya
    • Shahdag (4243 m). Azerbaijan
    • Tuffang (4191 m). Azerbaijan
    • Shalbuzdag (4142 m). Dagestan
    • Aragats (4094). Higher point of Armenia
    • Dombay Ulgen (4046 m). KChr.

    How many five thousandths in the Caucasus?

    Caucasian five thousandths are called mountains, the height of which exceeds five kilometers. From the list presented above, it is clear that on Caucasus Eight Mountains "Five Thairs«:

    • Elbrus. (5642 m) - Sleeping volcano and the highest mountain of Russia. The mountain consists of two vertices of Western (5642 m) and Eastern (5621 m), connected by the saddle (5416 m).
    • Dykhtau. (5204 m) - Mountain peak of the Side Range of the Greater Caucasus. Mountain with two vertices (both above 5000 m) connected by a cool narrow saddler. The first ascent to the mountain took place in 1888. To date, about ten ten routes from 4a (according to Russian classification) are laid on the top of the Rohtau.
    • Koshtatau (5122 m) is a mountain peak on the border of Bezeng and the Mountain District of Balkaria.
    • Peak Pushkin (5100 m) - Being a part of the mountain range to the Dykhtau, is a separate vertex. Named in honor of A.S. Pushkin to the 100th anniversary of his death.
    • Dzhangitau (5058 m) - mountain peak in the central part of the Greater Caucasus. In the jangitau massif, three vertices are distinguished, which everyone has a height of more than five kilometers.
    • Schhara (5201 m) - The Mountain Top of the Central Caucasus is part of the Benefic Wall.
    • KazBek (5034 m) - extinct stratovany, the most east five thousandth of the Caucasus. The first ascent to the mountain was committed in 1868
    • Western mihirggi (5022 m) - Mountain peak as part of the Benefic Wall. The name of the mountain is translated from Karachay-Balkarsky as "connecting".

    Caucasian Mountains - Great section between Europe and Asia. The Caucasus is a narrow strip of sushi between the Black and Caspian seas. It amazes an incredible variety of climate, flora and fauna.

    The pride of the Caucasus is his mountains! Without the mountains, the Caucasus is not Caucasus. Mountains are unique, majestic and impregnable. The Caucasus is amazingly beautiful. He is so different. On the mountains you can watch for hours.

    The mountain range of the Grand Caucasus is a lot of pastures, forests, as well as amazing wonders of nature. More than 2 thousand glaciers are descended by narrow gorges. A large mountain chain is almost one and a half thousand kilometers from the North-West to the southeast. The main vertices exceed 5 thousand meters and significantly affect the weather in the regions. The clouds that are formed over the Black Sea are shed with rains, praising on the mountain peaks of the Caucasus. On the one hand, the ridge is severe landscape, and on the other - stormy vegetation. Here you can meet more than 6 and a half thousand species of plants, a quarter of which, not to find anywhere else in the world.

    There are many legends about the origin of the Caucasian Mountains:

    Long ago, when the Earth was still very young, a huge plain extended on the site of the modern territory of the Caucasus. They lived here in the world and love huge nurts narnts. They were kind and prudent, happily met and day and night, did not know any evil, nor envy, no cunning. The ruler of this people was the gray-haired Giant Elbrus, and he had a wonderful son Beshtau, and his son had a charming bride, beautiful Mashuki. But they had an evil envious - Korean. And he decided to harm nases. He prepared a terrible potion, in which the wolf teeth mixed, the kabana's tongue and the snake's eyes. On a big holiday, he poured the potion in all drinks of narts. And, having drank it, they acquired the greed of boar, the anger of the wolf and the cunning of the snake. And since that time, the happy and carefree life of narts. He decided to beat off his son with his son a young bride and sending him to hunt, wanted to marry Mashuki forcibly. But Mashuki Elbrus resisted. And in the evil battle she lost her wedding ring. I saw Ring Beshtau and hurried to the aid of the bride. And a terrible battle has not faced a not for life, but to death, and half of the nurses fought on the side of Elbrus, and the other half - on the side of Beshtau. And the battle lasted for several days and nights, and all the narts died. Elbrus pounded his son for five parts, and the son, causing the last blow, dismembered the father's gray head into two halves. Mashuki came out after the battle on the battlefield and did not see any living soul. She approached his beloved and looked like a dagger in his heart. So the life of the Great and Old People was stopped.

    And at this point now the Caucasian Mountains are now towers: the helmet from Beshtau - the Mountain of the Iron, the ring of Mashuki - the Ring Mountain, five vertices - Mount Beshtau, near the mountain Mashuk and far and far away from others - the gray-haired or just snow-free Handsome Elbrus.

    Caucasian Mountains - result of convergence of two plates

    Let's look at one of the most narrow seats of this grandiose mountain belt. His northern outskirts, in the predfaccise, are placed areas that belong to a solid coil, called Scythian. Next, sub-luminous (ie, stretching around the west to the east) of the Mount of the Grand Caucasus, up to 5 km high), narrow cavocal depressions - Rionian and Kurinskaya lowland - and also sub-luminous, but convex mountain ranges of the Small Caucasus in Georgia, Armenia , East Turkey and West Iran (up to 5 km high).

    The south of the plains of North Arabia, which, as well as the balance of the Westerns, belong to the very strong, monolithic Arabian lithospheric plate.

    Therefore, Scythian and Arabian plates - It's like two parts of giant vice, which slowly get closer, crushing everything that is located between them. It is curious that directly against the northern, relatively narrow end of the Arabian Plate, in East Turkey and West Iran, are the highest mountains compared to the mountains located west and east. They take up just in the place where the Arabian stove, as a solid wedge, the most severely squeezed fuel deposits.

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      0 m to the city center

      One of the most beautiful resort places of our country is Dombai. The main attractions of this city are its picturesque places. The mousse ridge - Achitar is considered the most picturesque ridge of this part of the Caucasus. In order to evaluate all the beauty surrounding the guests of the resort, you need to climb the mountainside along the cable car. From this place there is a wonderful picturesque view of the tops and glaciers of the Main Range, Teberda and Gonachiri Valley.

      0 m to the city center

      In the North Caucasus, among the Dombiyaya Polyana, several east of the back of the back (small) of Belarusia, a peak called Sufroju was progress. The height of the mountain is 3871 m. Wide depression separates an array into two uniform parts - southern and north. Both vertices are well visible from the Musat Cherry ski. The southern part was called tooth sufroju, which means "Klys Tiger". An array is extended to 3,600 m. And acts as the main attraction of the mountainous dombuy.

      0 m to the city center

      Belalakay - Mountain, located next to the village in Dombay, since the village is the village of the mountain has become a symbol of this village and attracts a lot of tourists. Its height is 3861 meters. Although the height of this mountain is 200 meters lower than that of the highest in Abkhazia, it is no less attraction. For his fame, Belalakai is obliged to quartz. For the most part, the mountain consists of dark breeds of soil and dark granite, however, due to centuries-old geological processes on Mount there are quartz deposits. It was this quartz who created white stripes that decorate the top of this mountain, Belarus white bands are particularly clearly visible at the end of summer. Because of the beauty of local landscapes, Mounts were not mentioned in songs and verses.

      0 m to the city center

      Jugurvutat is a relatively small array, in a large Caucasian Range. In height, the mountain range rose by 3921 meters, it is only 120 meters less than the highest point in the Caucasian ridge. At the highest areas of the mountain range, the herd of tours are found, it was they who gave these mountains the name "Jugurluchat" - which is translated as: "Herd of Tours." The mountain range originates from Dombii Plateau, however, the most beautiful places are open from a place called Moussa-Aci-Tara, exactly there are most tourists.

      0 m to the city center

      Peak Inet is located near the place where the Northern Jugurlutchat glacier originates. The name of the mountain is translated as a "needle", Mountain received its name because of his pointed top, such an ordinary mountain attracts many tourists from all over the world. The top of the peak Ineu all year round is under the snow, and although his sheer cliffs are relatively complex for conquest, the top of the peak INE is a rather popular location in climbers. The height of the "needles" reaches 3455 meters, it is approximately 600 meters below the highest mountain of the Caucasian Waterproof Range. It is best to consider the mountain from the Moussa Achi-Tara Mountain platform, it is 400 meters below the peak of INE, but for it can be reached by the funicular.

      0 m to the city center

      The Mountain Ridge of Aibga is located on the territory of the Sochi National Park, from the eastern side of the Red Polyana. The ridge has a length of more than 20 kilometers, and consists of four of the highest points, called peaks. The most popular mountain peak among tourists is a black pyramid, 2375 meters high above sea level. It has an unusual form, thanks to which the climbers are extremely popular. In addition, a wonderful, breathtaking landscape opens from the top of the mountain. Conquer this mountain, you will see the Mzmitt River Valley, the tops of Chugushh and Pseashho.

      0 m to the city center

      Achishho mountain range is the most closest to the Red Polyana Ridge and the most picturesque. The highest mountain - Achishho has a height of 2391 meters above sea level. An interesting fact about the name of the ridge: "Achishho" translated from Abkhaz means "horsepower". This confirms the bottom view, from the glade to the mountain range. If you look at, you can see the outline of the horse. The most popular walking route passes through a special place located on the mountainside, approximately at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level, where from the 30s to the 90s there was a meteorological station.

      0 m to the city center

      Cheget is one of the highest mountains of the Caucasus. Its height reaches about 3770 meters. This is a popular place for tourism among travelers. From the mountain you can enjoy the view of the highest peak of Europe - Elbrus. Another feature of Mount Chegenet is the second line of the cable car, which passes through the zone where the snow is not melting throughout the year.Total there are three queues of the cable car. The height of the first reaches about 1600 meters. It is one of the most popular for tourists who come to Chuget to enjoy the view of Elbrus.

      0 m to the city center

      This mountain after Elbrus is the second most popular among climbers. All because it is also high enough - 4454 meters above sea level.

      You can get to the mountain in several ways via a cable car or walk. Tourists who have chosen the first way can take advantage of the Chegte cableway at the final point in which small cafes are located. The second and more complex path that takes several hours - from the Chegte Polyana for the trail already packed by tourists. However, go to the road better with an experienced guide, otherwise there is a chance to get lost in the mountains.

      0 m to the city center

      The North Caucasus will captivate with its beauties and landscapes of many tourists. Located in the east of the Caucasian Range of Semenov-Bashi Mountain, this is not an exception. In fact, it is just a ledge of 3602 m. Above the Earth. Named Mountain was in honor of the Russian researcher P.P. Semenova-Tian-Shansky. This man was a traveler and was the chairman of the Russian geographical society.

      0 m to the city center

      Chochcha Mountain is part of the Caucasian Range that is famous for its picturesque mountains and rocks. Chochcha, in contrast to the rest of the mountains, divided into two parts, as if someone cut the mountain in the middle of two halves. In contrast to the mountains, which near the Mountain is smaller, at first glance it can be seen that the mountain has one base on which there are two rocks. The rock located in the foreground is lower than the rear it has 3637 meters in height, it is 400 meters below the highest mountain of the Caucasian ridge. The second cliff is higher than three meters above the first, it is 3640 meters at sea level.

      0 m to the city center

      Mount Erzog is a list of one of the most visited places of Caucasian ridge. In the foot of the mountain, the Alibek River flows, in addition to the mountain itself, this place has a very beautiful lowland. In the gorge where the river flows down the massive slope is descended, especially beautifully becomes in the spring, when the sun illuminates the slope full of bright green vegetation. Mount Erzog is part of the Teberdinsky ridge, the ridge itself is looking for a nizin with the river and produces a very strong impression on tourists who visited him.

      0 m to the city center

      Mount Sulokhat is located in the Domabey district and is one of the largest points of the Caucasian Waterproof Range. The height of the mountain is 3439 meters, it is about 600 meters below the biggest mountain in the Caucasian Range. Mount Sulokhat surrounds many legends, the most popular about the origin of the name of the mountain. In the ancient times, the foot of the mountain settled the tribe of Alanov. A girl named Sulokhat lived in this tribe, she was an extraordinary beauty and courage and was the daughter of the tribe leader.