Vinit the case answers the question. Accusative

Vinit the case answers the question. Accusative

Noun - This is part of speech, calling objects and answering questions " what? » / « who? " In Russian, the noun acts as add-ons, the circumstances to be or tamed. This is one of the main lexical categories denoting the names of things, organisms and living beings, persons, events, facts, geographical position, phenomena, as well as properties, conditions, qualities and actions. The noun on special cases is modified, between which there is a certain system of differences. To avoid grammatical and lexical errors, you need to be able to distinguish them.


To learn to distinguish the accusative case from the Pivy, it is necessary to recall the school program of the Russian language for 4-5 class. In this case, not only the school textbook, but also a table of cases will be useful.


  • The school textbook tells us that there are only six cases in Russian. They are called as follows: nominative , dative , prepositional , instrumental , accusative and genitive . We are interested in the last two, so we will focus on them.
  • To determine this feature for any nouns, you need to use special auxiliary questions and words. It should be noted that both schoolchildren and very educated people constantly confuse the accusative and beneficial case among themselves. This is because the auxiliary questions for their definition are practically identical: for the pet " no who? what? ", For vinitive" see whom? what? " That is, the question for animated objects is given the same: " who? ».
  • If you can't determine the desired form, ask the clarifying question to the noun: " i see what? " or « no What? "To determine it. The accusative case is used in the event that the word acquires the form of a nominative after a clarifying issue.
  • Parental case can also be determined using test word "cat". Substituting in place of any nouns of the specified word, pay attention to the end. Example: instead of a word "teacher" in phrase "Pride for teacher", Substituting the test word, we get a phrase "Pride for the cat". Ending « and » Indicates a genitive case, the end "U" at the accusative.
  • Remember that the genitive always indicates the ratio of the whole and part ( glass of water), comparison with something or someone ( beautiful Vasilisa) and belonging ( motorcycle Brother). The accusatively describes and denotes temporary-spatial relationships ( wait a minute), and also indicates the transition from the action for the subject ( stroking a cat).

Changing the endings of the speech parts that have a category of case, makes it possible to use the necessary forms of words for communication in the proposal. From the ability to properly use words in the right case depends on the accuracy and literacy of speech. To distinguish the genitive case from the vinitive is easy, if you know what each of them serves.


  • indicates the identity of the subject of speech to anyone or something (the nest of the Oriole; a friend's council; city streets);
  • reflects the ratio of the part and the whole (a cup of tea; a hunk of bread; strand of hair);
  • it is used if there is a comparison without indication for comparison (harder than steel, gentle silk, colder ice);
  • indicates a connection with the verb, which is not used with a particle (not afraid of darkness; not to see the horizon, not to love the neighbor);
  • indicates a connection with the verb, denoting the desire or intention (wanting good; desire good luck, to avoid responsibility).

In each of these cases, the nouns used in the parental case are dependent words. From the main to them you can put questions: there is no one? Or not what?

Accusative Indicates:

  • action aimed at the subject of speech (read the book; stroking the dog, eat a sandwich);
  • spatial and temporal relations (overcome the obstacle; take the barrier; work a week).

From the main word to the noun in the vinegenic case you can put questions: I see who? Or see what?

Conclusions Site

  1. Inanimate nouns have different endings and answer the question (no) what? In the parental case, (see) what? In the vinegenic case.
    For example:
    Will without (what?) Umbrella. (R. p.)
    Let's plant (what?) Tree. (V.p.)
  2. The endings of animated nouns in parent and vinegenic cases may coincide. Discern the casements in this case follows the sense of the sentence.
    For example:
    I will not get without the help of my father. (Who? Auxiliary question: No Who? - R. P.)
    We remembered the Father with young and energetic. (Who? Auxiliary question I see who? - V. P.)
  3. The case of unchangeable nouns are also determined by the context.
    For example:
    I want to buy a new coat. (Who? What? - V.P.)
    The cell was without a kangaroo. (Who? What? - R. P.)

How to distinguish the accusative case from the pet.


According to definitions, the genitive case is:

Belonging to someone or anything, for example "Spring Spring", "Magazine Teacher";

If the ratio of the whole and its part is, for example, the page of the magazine (R.P.) ";

Mapping a sign of an object relative to another subject, for example "survey results (R.P.)";

The object of impact in the presence of a verb with a negative particle "not", for example, "meat does not eat (R.P.)";

Object of impact in the presence of verb, denoting the desire, intention or removal, for example,

"Wishing happiness (R.P.)", "Avoid responsibility (R.P.)";

If there is a comparison of objects, for example, "tight oak (R.P.)";

If the noun is an object of measurement, accounts or a genitive date, such as "spoon

sour creams "or" Day of the Paris Commune. "


The accusative case indicates:

The transition to the subject is completely, for example, "flipping a magazine", "Machine Machine";

Transfer of spatial and temporal relations to "go mile", "Resting a month";

In rare cases, it is formed as a dependence on adverbs, for example, "insulting for a friend."

To never confuse the case of the noun, it is important to remember that every case in Russian

the universal question corresponds to which this noun, in the end we get

appropriate case.

Parental Padel matches the question "No Who?" For animated and "No What?" for



Vinate Padel matches the question "I see who?" For animate and "I see what?" for

inanimate nouns.

It is extremely difficult to determine the casements of nouns for its definitions or endings.


remember all the definitions of the parent and vinitive cases are quite difficult. And endings

nouns quite often coincide.

Let us give an example using an animated noun in a plural:

I noticed people nearby. (I see who? - V.P.)

There were no people around. (There was no whom? - R.P.)

As you can see, in both cases, the word is inclined equally.

But, in order to finally be convinced of the correctness of the definition of the case, substantively

instead of an animated noun inanimate.

For example:

I noticed a pole nearby. (I see who? - V.P.)

There were no pillars around. (There was no whom? - R.P.)

From the example you can see: inanimately noun in the vinegenic case does not change in contrast to

the same noun having a genitive case.

From here you can draw conclusions:

1. To distinguish the genitive case from the vinitive, set a noun defining question.

2. If you find it difficult to determine the case of an animated noun, because Question "Who?" refers to

both cases, then substitute the nouns instead inextently and ask him

determining the question. For the parent it will be "No What?", And for Vinitive, I see what? ". If a

the word will look like in the nominative case, then the case of your noun - accusative.

Helpful advice.

In Russian, there are unclear nouns, for example, "coat", "coffee" when in any

the word looks the word equally. In this case, the case can only be determined by a key issue.

Parental case can also be determined using the test word "Cat". Substituting in place

any nouns of the specified word, pay attention to the end. Example: instead of a word

"Teacher" in the phrase "pride for teacher" substituting the test word, we get

the phrase "pride behind the cat." The end of "and" indicates the genitive case, the end of "y" - on


Remember that the genitive case always indicates the ratio of the whole and part (a glass of water),

comparison with something or someone (beautiful Vasilisa) and belonging (Motorcycle Brother).

The accusative case describes and denotes temporary-spatial relationships (waiting for a minute), and

also indicates the transition from the action for the subject (to iron the cat).

A source

E. I. Litnievskaya. Russian language: short theoretical course for schoolchildren.

Interesting article!!!

13 Paders of the Russian language.

What is needed during denying?

The noun belonging to the verb with denial may have a form of a parent or vinitive case, for example: i did not read this article - I did not read this article. The difficulty lies in the fact that in some cases, one or another case is preferable, and in others there is an equal opportunity to use both a pet and a vinitive case.

When do you need a genitive case?

    When combined with the verb not have: not it has rights, values, meaning, intentions, concepts, influence; not it has at home, money, cars, brother, friend, information.

    If there are words no, draw n. one : i did not take on any responsibility, not lost a single gram, did not read any article.

    With the verbs of perception, thoughts: did not understand the question, did not know the lesson, did not feel pain, did not notice the mistakes, did not see the road sign.

    If the noun has an abstructed value: does not lose time, does not feel wishes, does not hide joy.

    If pronoun is used as a dependent word: i will not allow this; Do not do that.

    If there is amplifing particles before the verb or immediately before the name and, even : Departed per shopping threesome, but Lyube and the words to tell not managed, old men ourselves everything choose (Kettle.); Hands tryozat and not keep even plash from medicine - not hold them and books (Sart.); On the sidewalks closely, but no one you not thick, no one n. from by whom not quarrel, not hearing even loud the words (gas.)

    With a repeating unionno no:not reading neither books or newspapers.

    notplaying role, not produces impression, not approed attention does not pay attention tonot brings damage, not attaches values, no doubt, does not take part etc. and also: not speaking (not showing) slept the words; not loop eye from whom-what-l..; not find to myself places; plemte education not overcrow.

When does the accusative case need?

    If denying notit is not at the verb, but with a different word:i don't really like poems, does not always read books, I did not quite well assimilate the subject(Wed: I love poems, but not very; reads books, but not always; I learned the subject, but not completely).

    If, with the verb, in addition to this noun there should be another dependent noun or adjective: he does not consider the book interesting; i did not read the article for the evening; did not provide the region of electricity; Not you not consider this practice useful?

    If the noun is infinitive separated from the verb with the denial of another infinitive: he does not want to start writing memoirs(cf. he does not want to write memoirs and memoirs).

    In the presence of pronouns, indicating the definiteness of the object: This song not strangle, not kill; he did not solve this task (Wed: he did not solve the tasks); Rostov, not wanting impose naught acquaintance, not gone in house (L. Tolst.).

    In the presence of a noun submission proposal with the word which the : He did not read the book I gave him.

    With animate existing noun or with the name of his own: SO of time mine conductors i not love Forest street (Paust.); But Surovtsev already understand, what go, not owned Faith, not in forces (Chuck.).

    If negation is part of the particle barely not, slightly not, slightly-slightly not: Barely not uronyl glass; Slightly not missed tram; Slightly it was not lost ticket.

    In actual negative suggestionsNo one show work; no means publish article.

    In some sustainable combinations: Not foref. to me head; Not scale teeth.

In other cases, the nouns in the described structures can usually be used in the form and a genitive case, and a vinitive case.

What case in these structures was used earlier - a genitive or accusative one?

Before the verbs with denial almost always used the genitive case. "Russian grammar" writes: "The uniform old rate of the mandatory genitive case with verbs with the denial in the modern language under the influence of colloquial speech is not maintained: in many cases, the use of a vinitive case is not only preferred, but is the only right."

The strict commitment of the genitive case with a verb with a denial was doubted already in the XIX century. Objeen criticism, A. S. Pushkin wrote: "The verse" Two centuries I do not want to "criticism seemed wrong. What does grammar say? That a valid verb, a negative particle, which is controlled by a negative particle, requires no longer vinitive, but a pet. For example me not writing poems. But in my verse verb quietmanage not particle not, and verbal want. Ergo Rule is here. Take, for example, the following sentence: I not I can afford to start writing ... poems, and certainly not poems. Surely the electrical power of a negative particle should pass through all this chain of verbs and respond to a noun? I do not think "(from the article" Refuture to Critics ", 1830).


    GRAudin L. K., Izkovich V. A., Katlinskaya L. P. Dictionary of grammatical options of the Russian language. -3 edition, erased. M., 2008.

    Russian grammar / ed. N. Yu. Swedovaya. M., 1980.

How to distinguish the accusative case from your pet and nominative?

Perhaps the most interesting of all cases of the Russian language - accusative. Because everyone else responds to their questions calmly and do not cause difficulties. With the vinitive case, everything is different. Its very easily can be confused with the very famous or genitive. After all the accusative case is responsible for questions "Who? What?" The accusative case indicates an object of action. The noun, being in the vinegenic case, is experiencing the action of another noun, which in this sentence is a failed. Everything becomes clear on the example: "I love my brother." The noun "brother" will be in the vinegenic case. And he will experience a sense of love from the pronouns "I". To pay attention to the definition of the case, so that it is not confused with the very famous one. Below is the table:

To distinguish the accusative case from the pet, we will use auxiliary words and questions. For a pet - no (whom, what), for Vinitive - I see (whom that). As you can see - for animated and inanimate objects, questions are different. On this and play.

Consider an example:

"Granny house is not". We will substitute an inanimate object - there are no keys of the house. No, what? Grandmothers, keys. Genitive.

"I do not see a plate on the table." We substitute an animated object - "I do not see the brother on the table." I do not see someone's brother, I do not see what is a plate. Who, what is the accusative case.

Features of the vinitive case.

The accusative case is used with such pretexts as "in, for, pro, on, through." With a vinitive case, there may also be difficulties in the case when temporary concepts are indicated in the proposals. Let us give an example "overnight rewrite the abstract." Nouns "Night" and "Abstract" are in this proposal in the vinegenic case. With such offers you need to be extremely attentive. Along with the confusion of a vinitive case and nominative, it can also be confused with a genitive. Let us give an example: "wait for the mother" and "wait for the message." In the first case, the case will be a genitive, and in the second - vinitive. There is a difference due to the decline of animal and inanimate objects, as we have already written above.