Mountains over Gurzuf. Gurzuf - a modern resort of Crimea with interesting sights

Mountains over Gurzuf. Gurzuf - a modern resort of Crimea with interesting sights
Mountains over Gurzuf. Gurzuf - a modern resort of Crimea with interesting sights

Gurzuf is a small resort village, located in one of the most picturesque places of Crimea - on the southern shore. This place is famous for its magnificent climate, Mediterranean vegetation, healing air and breathtaking scenery. Many tourists consider Gurzuf the best place to relax in Crimea and is not in vain - on all sides, it is surrounded by natural attractions.

Despite the relatively small sizes, in the town there is everything you need for a full vacation. These are beaches (one of the best on the peninsula), night bars, restaurants, pleasure promenade, active entertainment and a huge amount of opportunities for ecotourism. Gurzuf - the choice of travelers who prefer calm, but not a boring rest.

Best hotels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles / day

What to see and where to go to Gurzuf?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a brief description.

The peak is also known as the Mountain Bear. It is located on the border of Big Yalta and Big Alushta. In height, it reaches 571 meters and is part of the array of the same name stretched in the north-west direction by 2.5 km. From a geological point of view, Ayu Dag is not a formed volcano (Lacllite), which for 150 million years could not grow. To date, the mountain is included in the protected area.

Equipped area adjacent to the beach and adapted for walking. It is laid out with white and pink marble tiles, which is laid with shampoo. Special charm the place acquires in the evening when lights are lit and with the open terraces of summer cafes sounds music. Along the blooming allee among bizarre sculptures there are always many tourists who commit a mandatory vacation exchange.

The beaches occupy the entire coastline of Gurzuf, extending far beyond its limits. Given the rocky terrain, it is impossible to pass them along the coast, it can only be reached by boat. All the more or less fitted places are covered with pebbles, stones or boulders - broken pieces of rocks. It should be borne in mind that there are paid and free beaches in Gurzuf.

Currently - the International Children's Center, in the Soviet period - a pioneer value-known pioneer, which dreamed of getting, perhaps, every child. His story began in 1925 with a summer camping designed for children with tuberculosis. On the territory of the center there are museums, historical objects and natural attractions, as well as parks and memorials.

The palace was erected at the beginning of the 20th century as part of the development of Gurzuf as a sea resort. At the origins of his creation stood engineer V.I. Berezin and his spouse who did a lot in order to turn this terrain into an attractive territory for summer recreation. Suk-Su is a white three-storey mansion in the style of the Renaissance. It is surrounded by a picturesque park. Nowadays, the Palace is located within the Artec.

The Orthodox Temple of 2007 is the heir to the cathedral disassembled in 1935. For a long time, a military sanatorium was located in his place. The building was built in a mixed Russian-Byzantine style with the forms characteristic of this manner, but without external decoration, which gives it special, strict beauty. The temple is surrounded by acacia and cypresses, decorating the surrounding landscape with their appearance.

Dedicated to the Great Poet Exposition is posted in the historic building of the XIX century, which is often compared with the airlock due to the grace of forms. The museum opened in 1938, he repeatedly opened his doors of 1987 after a long period of unclaimed. The collection is devoted to the trip (or rather, the link) A. S. Pushkin in the Crimea in the 1820s. Here the writer found the type for many of his works.

A. P. Chekhov moved to Yalta in 1899, but soon regretted it, as it suffered from unnecessary attention to the curious public. To hide from human eyes, he bought a house in Gurzuf with a plot of picturesque coast in a small bay. In 1963, Dacha moved to the ownership of the Union of Artists of the USSR. The museum on its territory opened in 1995 as a branch of the Yalta House-Museum A. P. Chekhov.

The picturesque landscape fleet, founded at the beginning of the XIX century, by the will of the French Aristocrat Richel, who was in the service in the Russian Empire. More than 100 types of decorative plants grow on 12 hectares - both local and brought flowers, shrubs and trees. Among the greenery and alleys scattered sculptures and fountains. On the park there are two sanatoriums.

The sculptural group of fountain is the decoration of the Gurzufsky Park. She is a copy of the work of the German architect, which the Russian masters on the project, purchased at the World Exhibition in Vienna, accurately recreated. The ensemble is made in the style of Baroque, the composition of the composition lay down the plot from Greek mythology, in which there is a goddess of nights of Nyukta, the gods Morphors and Eros, as well as Atlanta and Caryatids.

Rachel Fountain is another work of art created by an unknown author to the funds of the industrialist P.I. Gubonin in 1890 and deciding Gurzuf. The composition was created on the basis of the biblical plot, which tells about the love of Yakov and Rachel. The fountain is a figure of a girl with a jug on the head, a wedding tart with a column. Around the stone bowl-tank.

Red stone - rock formation from limestone pink-yellow color, which is considered a geological monument. In height it reaches 430 meters. Around the rocks lie vineyards and wooded slopes of surrounding mountains. According to archaeological certificates, in the Middle Ages, a configuration point was at the top. Currently, red stone is a popular climbing facility.

When Fyodor Chaliapin visited Gurzuf, he was so struck by the beauty of these places, which even bought a piece of earth along with a rocky sparing. There he dreamed of building a "castle of arts". But the plan remained at the project stage, since the revolution burst in 1917 destroyed all the plans. The dream was not destined to come true, but in the memory of her, the rock in Gurzufe was called the name of the singer.

Small rocky islands located approximately 250 meters from the Gurzuf coast. In the distant past, these formations were part of the sushi, but gradually the sea was cleaned with a jumper connected them with the shore. Adalars are not only a symbol of Gurzuf - they are often associated with the whole southern coast of the Crimea. At the beginning of the XX century, a restaurant was located on one of the cliffs.

The famous wind gazebo is located on the top of the Shagan-Kaya mountain right on the edge of the cliff. The height above the sea level in this place is about 1400 meters, heesides the magnificent view of the mountain ridges extending at the bottom, distant seashore and beless water surface. On a clear day from the arbor, you can see adalars and the beaches of Gurzufa. The structure was built in the middle of the 20th century as part of the preparation for the visit of N. S. Khrushchev.

"Magic Places" - this concept is very suitable for Gurzuf. The first owners of the Gurzuf region fell under the influence of this magic.

In the valley uninhabited then, they built their estates, and many years not only lived in them, but also broke the parks, the resorts opened and turned Gurzuf to the first resort of the Crimean coast.

Gurzuf does not let go. Many, having come here once, want to come back here again. It is difficult to explain it, you can understand only coming here. The secret opens day after day: when walking along the narrow streets of the Old Town, when visiting houses - Museums of famous writers and artists, when examining the most interesting surroundings of Gurzuf. Interesting places so much that you need not one vacation to see them.

Main Square

The main area located in the lower settlement is called "Gurzufsky Pile" or just "Pyk".

In the center of the paved area there is a color-chill fountain.

Evenings on the square are going to many people, this is a traditional meeting place. There are dancing, hang out and as if "kneading" before continuing the evening on the embankment.

Target tourists came up with the original holiday - "Gurzufsky New Year", which is celebrated in August.

This event that became a traditional holiday begins with "Pigalok".
According to unverified data in antiquity, there was a frontard place in ancient times.

Gurzufsky Park, his fountains and monuments

One of the oldest and beautiful parks of the Crimea is also in Gurzuf. A special highlight of the park, occupying 12 hectares, give numerous monuments and fountains.

The monument of V. I. Lenin is unusual on the composition, who sits on a bench.

There is a monument to the monument to the young A. Pushkin, who spent in Gurzuf for less than a month, but loved him with all his soul.

The magnificent fountain "night" or "goddess of the night" was exhibited at the exhibition in Vienna.

The figure of the night is located on the sphere standing on the shoulders of titans. Water beats from fish mouths symbolizing silence.

Very beautiful fountains "Rachel" and "Batcher", created in the 19th century. The story of Rachel is a biblical plot.

This is the story of Jacob's Unfortunate Love to the beautiful Rachel, which he saw at the source. Rachel's father gave consent to marriage only under the condition that Yakov will have seven years in the mouth of his herd. But, when seven years passed, Yakov received a senior sister Rachel, ugly and unloved lee. Then it was taken first to marry a senior daughter. Poor Yakov was forced to leave the herd for another seven years to get Rachel's wife.

Numerous sculptures of deer, bears and other animals very naturally look among well-groomed alley of the park, huge trees, tonsured bushes.

The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built by the founder of the resort P. Lodonign in the late 1980s of the 19th century. He himself was buried in this church.

In 1932, the church was demolished, and in 2007 there was a coverage of the newly rebounded cathedral.

Monument cat

This unusual monument appeared in Gurzuf on Chekhov Street only in 2013. Cat made of concrete in full size looks at the sea.

The Belarusian artist O. Larionov rested in Gurzuf in the house of artists. Gurzuf so he liked that the artist decided to make a gift.

It is not known why he decided that a cat should become a symbol of Gurzuf. But it was exactly the cat he made from concrete, and local authorities found a ready-made pedestal for him.

The name of the cat The artist did not specifically leaving this opportunity to residents of Gurzuf. Pensive view of the animal led the fantasy of the inhabitants to the name of Penelope. The cat is patiently waiting for his mesh friend who for some reason should appear from the sea.

Bridge of desire

The history of this bridge is a typical story of how the usual bridge can be turned into a cult object.

Who and when decided that the desires, mounted on the bridge come true - unknown. But people tend to believe in such miracles. And so everyone tries to get here, and make a desire.

In general, this bridge is swivel, automotive, with pedestrian walkways on both sides. A wonderful view of the sea and the village opens from the bridge.

"Salamo" - Dacha K. A. Korovina

According to the example of A. P. Chekhov, the artist K. A. Korovin in 1910 built in Gurzufe on his own project, and called it "Salamo". The four-storey house is one of the most famous architectural monuments of Gurzuf.

The numerous guests came here to K. A. Korovlin, mostly artists who were not only rested, but also worked here. Many famous canvases were created in Gurzuf. In Soviet times, the tradition remained.

True, today, not only artists can come to the house of creativity artists, but everyone else. Next to the house K. Korowin built a five-story building.

Going to the embankment from the house of artists creativity, you can see Busts A. Chekhov and K. Korovina.

Palace Suk-Su

About the Palace of Suk-Soo few knows. No wonder. Since 1936, the palace found himself on the territory of the All-Union Camp of Artek, which was located today. You can only see it in the spring or autumn, and then if you get around the watchlogs.

At the very end of the 19th century on the shores of the turbulent mountain river, outside Gurzuf, Spouses V.I. Berezin and O. M Solovyov bought 40 hectares of land. They planned to create a resort here.
At the beginning of the 20th century in Suuk-Su - this locality was so called - hotels and casinos were built.

Casino, built by architect N. P. Krasnov, was a palace with huge halls, with rich finish inside and outside, with paintings by the artist V. I. Surikov.

The casino was a restaurant, all resort was electricity and telephone. To the sea terraces descended the beautiful park in which famous gardeners worked.

Suuk-Su was a magnificent resort, with a Russian bath, dairy farm, waterproof, as well as horses for riding lovers, boats and tackles for avid fishermen, guns and cartridges for hunters.

Twice a day played the Neapolitan Orchestra, who was conducted by the famous Italian violinist F. Paladino.

The orchestra was invited to other Crimean cities and an imperial yacht. On Saturdays passed dance evenings. It is not surprising that aristocrats, high-ranking officials, artists and composers arrived at the resort. Emperor Nicholas II came here in 1914.

In 1916, F. Shalyapin arrived here. O. N. Solovyova, his big fan, sold him part of the estate. F. Shalyapin began to build a "castle of art", where he planned to open a school for teaching young singers. But 1917 came, and the plans were not given to come true.

Today in the building of the Palace Suk-Sub is the Museum of the History of Artek and the Museum of Cosmonautics. In the most famous hotel of the resort "Orlino Nest" is located the library.

International Children's Camp Artek

To get to this prestigious camp was the dream of every Pioneer of the USSR. Here sent the best.

Foreign children from socialist countries took here. Artek consists of several camps located among the magnificent park, on the seashore with rocky shores.

Over the decades of existence in Artek, the traditions of children's rest were created. But in recent years, he closed due to lack of financing for repairs.

Only after the return of the Crimea of \u200b\u200bRussia in Artek began repair, and this summer camp will again take children to rest. When there are no children in Artek, then you can get to the territory on the seashore.

His name Artek got the name of the river, which today is very raised. The tract of Artek is known since ancient times and is mentioned in Arab sources.

Mount Balgotura

The ancient watchtower of the Gothic period is the highest point of Gurzuf.

From here it is very like to photograph the magnificent panorama of the village and its surroundings. This place is perfect for meditation.

Gazebo Winds

The snow-white gazebo is high in the mountains, next to the highest mountain of Crimea Roman-Kosh.

From the gazebo, the entire Gurzufskaya bay, forest and mountains are visible. The fascinating landscape fully justifies the efforts that are spent on the rise of here.

Mount Bear

Mountain Bear or Ayu Dag - a marked place for the Crimea. Gurzuf is in close proximity to this mountain.

The hiking route starts from the village of Partenit, located 10 kilometers from Gurzuf. This can be reached by bus or taxi. From the foot of the mountain to the top leads the trail of Raja. That general of Raevsky, who in 1820 was located in A. S. Pushkin.

The rise takes several hours, and is not very complicated. On the road to the Polyana Ai-Constant, you can see barely distinguishable ruins of an old monastery.

With you it is worth taking water and food. The trail opens beautiful views of the sea and the shore, but the approach to the top begins a thick forest, in the shade of which it is pleasant to go to the top.

From Gurzufa on Ayu Dag, excursions are organized, which cost only 400 rubles. It is possible to use the services of a guide, which will tell in detail about this amazing mountain. And tell me what.

Almost 100 million years ago, an attempt was attempted to an eruption that failed. Ufologists and lovers of different energy theories consider energy at the top of Ayu Dag unique. Many times have seen unidentified flying objects. It is believed that the mountain has a mystical force. A walk here will be a pleasant and unforgettable journey.

The rock of the bear

This cliff in the shape of a bear is located in the village of Partenit, very close to the "adult" bear, the mountain of the Bear.

Unlike a big fellow, the cliff of bear was turned "Morda" to the shore. On the rock you can walk - a trail is cut in it, but it is not recommended to do it in the rain - slippery, and there are no fences and railings.

Nikitskaya Russex

Nikitskaya Russecin is a narrow gorge that surrounds the sheer rocks from limestone. Here we train climbers all year round. The gorge is always reduced and cool. On the bottom it is going to easily pass the trail.

The entrance to the settlement protects the idol - the rock in the form of a pyramid, which is broken into two parts. The Crimean Reserve, "Valley of Ghosts" begins for Rassewin, with her amazing stone sculptures.
On the trail you can climb the site with which the entire Yalta valley, vineyards, Gurzuf and the sea are visible.

Resting in Gurzuf, it is simply necessary to visit such a famous and located very close place as a Nikitsky Botanical Garden. The garden was founded in 1812 by a famous biologist Christian Stephen.

From the very beginning of its existence, it was a scientific institution, which was focused on its work on breeding, acclimatization and distribution of beneficial plants in the territory of the South of Russia and the Crimea. Here they were engaged in southern fruit trees, floral, medicinal and decorative plants.

Scientists of the Botanical Garden have actively cooperated with workers of American Botanical Gardens, Europe, Asia and Africa. Since the founding of the Garden, employees began to collect a collection of plants from around the world.

Nikitsky garden from the moment of founding was a state institution, which affected the financing level, and contributed to his prosperity. At all times, the director of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden was devoted to all their knowledge, strength, the enthusiasm of his prosperity, an increase in unique collections. Thanks to these people, today Garden visitors can see rare plants that are brought from all over the world.

Plates, magnolias, fan palm trees, giant sequiques, cedars, cypresses, pines, spruce, rhododendrons, azaleas and dozens of other plant types can see garden visitors, and guides - Garden staff will tell a lot of interesting things about these plants and the history of their appearance in the garden.

A visit to the Botanical Garden is a lot of positive emotions, a trip to the world of beauty, which will make rest even more interesting.

Excursions are held from Gurzuf to the Botanical Garden. But usually an excursion program includes a visit to Massandra, its wine basements with tasting, palace in Massandra and something else. Therefore, the price is quite large and amounts to about 3000 - 5,000 rubles per person.

Nikitsky Botanical Garden in such an excursion is given 1-2 hours, which is clearly not enough. It is better to come here on your own on a taxi or bus next to Yalta.

The cost of a ticket about 30 rubles. It is necessary to get out of turn on Nikita. From this turn to the entrance to the garden go 15 to 20 minutes. The entrance ticket to the garden costs 100 rubles for adults and 50 rubles for children.


From the Massandra began the winemaking in the Crimea. The creator of this industry was Count M. S. Vorontsov. He purchased the best grape vines in Spain, Greece, Germany and France, and landed them in their estates.

M. Vorontsov became the founder of industrial winemaking in the Crimea. Before him, winemaking in Crimea was also a primitive state. The winemakers did not distinguish grapes in varieties, the manufacture of wine manufacturing was practically absent.

M. Vorontsov invited specialists from France, built the first distillery plant and the basement for the storage of wines. Thus were created the famous Crimean Muscats, Maders, a few varieties of Portweight and Tokai.

This entrepreneur, M. Vorontsov constantly increased and improved production. This was due to an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bvineyards, the quality of wines made.

King Nicholas I came to the Crimea in 1837 and highly appreciated the quality of the Crimean wines. On the table before the king, more than 30 grape varieties were presented and the so many bottles of Crimean wine. It was an impressive spectacle. Not only the king, but also members of his suits celebrated excellent wines.

The heyday of the industry continued with the Son M. Vorontsov. Stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yalta, Kharkov, Odessa, Rostov-on-Don were opened. French and other foreign wines gradually disintegrated from the Russian market.

It is difficult to appreciate what larger damage of the collection of wines of Massandra's cellars and the Crimean vineyards: the Great Patriotic War or the Anti-Alcohol Company.
57 thousand bottles and 120 thousand decaliters of barrel wine, which by the beginning of the war was a third of all wines, taken out to the Caucasus.

More than 70 thousand bottles of the collection, the best part of it, inspired in one of the basement gallery, part of the rest of the wine were destroyed. But they did not have time to destroy, and 11 thousand barrels were taken to Germany. But the vineyards did not specifically destroyed.

It happened later, during the anti-alcohol company. The event was aimed at combating drunkenness. But the result was the opposite - the consumption of vodka increased, and invaluable grape vines, for the cultivation of which for many years, were destroyed in several months.

Excursions and tastings stopped, instead of wine began to produce grape juice, quit and left many masters - winemakers. The struggle was carried out with the production of elite wines, which received many prizes in international competitions.

The Massandra collection has 3 parts: Museum, research and commercial. In the museum part, 3 bottles of each variety of wine are laid annually. Every year, Massandra's basements are replenished with bottles of a new crop. This wineca is the largest in the world, in it a million bottles.

Today Massandra is the largest winery enterprise, which has 9 plants in its composition. There is a wine plant and in Gurzuf, but excursions and tastings are not conducted on it.

Prices for excursion in Massandra are quite acceptable and range from 240 to 620 rubles, depending on the selected program, the number of wines varieties on tasting. There are individual excursions that are about 10 times more expensive.

You can get from Gurzuf on a passable bus Feodosia - Yalta, on a route or ordinary taxi. Approximate price for travel in a minibus - 40 - 50 rubles. You can get on the excursion only in the group. Even if an individual excursion is ordered, tickets must be bought in advance.

Only 14 kilometers separates Gurzuf from Massandra, which today organizes excursions with a tasting on the famous plant cellars.

On this excursion you can see oak storage barrels for the storage of Massandrovsky wines, to get acquainted with the technology of wine manufacturing technology, visit the pride of Massandra - the wine glass, in which unique samples of wines are stored.

Some of them are more than two centuries! Of course, all on excursions are looking forward to tasting, which takes place in the vintage wine basements. A pleasant completion of the excursion will be a visit to the branded wine store, where you can buy your favorite wine. What could be better than such a gift to friends and yourself?

Has Massandra had many owners. In 1889, the estate was acquired for the construction of a palace here for Alexander III. The construction of the palace ensemble on the project of the architect M. Mesmarmaster lasted for 10 years.

The built palace looks like Russian by Terem. Arriving in Crimea, Alexander III, and then Nicholas II must have visited him. Back in the 20s of the 19th century, when Massandra was owned by O. Naryshkin, an English style park was laid here.

The famous German gardener Karl Kebhek took part in the work. Under his leadership, alleys and tracks were laid, many flower beds were created.

Exotic trees - olives, lemons, figs, oranges - adjacent to the cedars, cypresses, pines and juniper. The park occupies 42 hectares, and is today one of the best landscape parks of the Crimea.

After the revolution, the Palace became a government giving, on which I. Stalin, N. Khrushchev rested, L. Brezhnev.

Today, excursions are held in the palace.
Museum address: 98650, PGT. Massandra, ul. Embankment, 2.
The mode of operation of the Massandrovsk Palace until September 1: Daily, without days off from 9.00 to 18.15.
Ticket price: 300 rubles for adults and 150 rubles for children.
The Palace of Gurzuf can be reached by bus next to Yalta and a taxi route.

One of the most inspiring and romantic resorts of Crimea is a Gurzuf, located in the southern Peninsula. Here, Muza visited such shining such as Pushkin and Chekhov, Bunin, Kubrin and Mayakovsky. A.S. Pushkin held a "three happiest life weeks" in Gurzuf and was impressed with these places. And Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was so loved by this village that he bought in Gurzufe Dacha and the bay.

Bear Mountain, Gurzuf

Not only the great masters of the Words were sought to relax in Gurzuf, every Soviet schoolboy dreamed here in summer, in order to find themselves in the most famous in the former USSR children's camp - the legendary Arteke, which is cozy, near the village in one of the most pretty places in the Crimean Peninsula. But even if someone's children's dream of Artek did not come true, it's easy to fix: excursions are organized there. So, resting in Gurzufe, you can enjoy unique places of this legendary Soviet camp, which was available mainly for "round honors" and children of famous parents.

How is the resort of Gurzuf unique?

But how did you attract and attract the Hurzuf of the strong world of this, creative personalities, convinced travelers and ordinary vacationers' tourists? What awesome they find in this relatively small village, the number of permanent residents of which is less than 10 thousand?

Gurzuf is located in the most beautiful place of the South Crimea, among subtropical vegetation, and the air is not only clean and fresh, and also therapeutic-toning. It is saturated with an active mixture of marine evaporation and fear of trees and shrubs. Many people notice, including me, that if you just live for some time in Gurzufe, even in winter, when the swimming season is closed, then there is a powerful charging of the body with energy and forces, the mood is dramatically improved and stress and the chandra pass.

As for the village itself, Gurzuf, like most South Coast Crimean settlements, stretches on the slope, but possesses their highlight. So, there are narrow streets uncharacteristic for many Crimean villages - just as in the cities of the eastern countries. It gives Hurzuph his unique charm, it benefits himself against the background of other resorts of Crimea.

Hurzuf street

Next to Gurzuf are two symbols of the Crimea and its southern coast, which are decorated with their beauty, you probably saw them on many souvenir postcards and magnets, posters, calendars. It is Mount Ayu Dag or just a bear and two rocks located in the sea - Adalary. Mountain Bear on the outlines resembles a bear leaning towards the sea. It is well visible from many points of the southern shore of the Crimea, it is a wonderful sightseeing object and in addition sheaven with beautiful legends.

For one of them, a flock of bears found a small girl among the fragments of the ship, which subsequently grew among them. Bears loved her very much. But somehow they went far to the hunt, and to the same shore, where the girl lived, the boat had a boat with a young man who was existed. The girl managed to get it. They loved each other and decided together to float the boat in those edges where the young man lived. When they sailed from the coast, the bears returned. The leader of the flocks is a huge bear - roared and began to try to delay the fugitives that retired on the boat. He bowed his head to the water and, wanting to return the favorite, decided to drink a whole sea. The girl, suggesting that the bears of the young man will kill, prayed and turned to the leader of the bearish flock with a request not to interfere with her happiness. The gigantic bear injured her Moluba, but could not survive the loss and petrified. He stands in the same place so far, leaning toward the sea and looking away the distance, where the boat sailed with the loved one.

As for the cliffs Adalar, they are located opposite Artek, 200-300 meters from the coast, and the distance between them is a few tens of meters. It looks from the sushi, they are picturesque and as exclusively, because such large island rocks are no longer found anywhere in the Crimea. Adalary can not be confused with anything, they are the "business card" of Gurzuf and Artek. To the top of one of these rocks, a pedestrian trail is conducted by passing around which you will see a terrain from a bird's eye view, as well as you can look into the unique grottoes. In short, there is a reason to swim to these rocks, you can do it yourself, climb, if, of course, you swim quite well and confident in your abilities. And if not, it is better to hide the boat. From the top of the cliff, most of the Gurzuf is perfectly visible, and this is a wonderful reason not to be lazy and still get here.

Mountain Adalary

What are the beaches in Gurzuf?

Beaches in Gurzuf pebble, there are also paid, and free. Someone except pebble comes across a specially saturated rubbish, it can create discomfort for stop during the airport at sea, as these stones are uncovered. But it is absolutely free and very high-quality massage, which perfectly healing the body. For comfort, we recommend to get tired rubber slippers, in which it is often better and swimming. Minus local beaches - their crowded, as well as everywhere at the popular resorts of Russia and other countries. The best Gurzufsky beach, perhaps, to be called the beach in the Chekhov bay, near the dacha museum Chekhov - there and the sea is cleaned, and the rocks add paintings, you can watch fish if you swim from the mask.

Beaches in Gurzufe

Where to stay in Gurzuf?

Accommodation in the village is one of the most expensive in the Crimea, prices - practically at the level of Yalta. Therefore, according to the price range, the Gurzuf can be safely ranked to the most expensive resorts of the Crimea. Hotel with a price for a decent double room below 1500 rubles per day to the season is unlikely to succeed. Another thing is the private sector that can reserved economical and unassuming tourists and offer a price of 20-30% less.

Gurzuf should be selected to tourists who love a comfortable stay. Here you can find hotels with private beaches (eg. Artek), with pools and terraces (such as, surname de Luxury, last name, Thyssen House 4 *, Gurzufskij Zori, etc.). If you like to relax in comfortable apartments, then in Gurzufa, you can book a room in one of the aparth hotels, for example, in Onegin Terrace.

Hotels and apartments in Gurzuf quite a lot, see reviews and prices can be here .

Sights of Gurzuf and surroundings

Museum A.S. Pushkin in Gurzuf

In the house, where in 1820, Pushkin lived in Gurzufe for several weeks with the family of General Raevsky, now the beautiful Museum of the Great Poet has been opened. The museum surrounds a wonderful landscape park, in which, by one of the versions, the same Pushkin Oak is growing green at Lukomorya ... It grows in this park and cypress, who mentioned Pushkin in his letters, indicating that he visited him daily, and Platan, planted across a year after the death of the poet.

Museum A.S. Pushkin in Gurzuf

As for the museum building itself, this is the oldest building in the whole southern coast of the Crimea, and when Pushkin lived here, it belonged to the Duke of Arman du Plesi de Richelieu - historic person, the founder of Odessa.

In Pushkin Museum, the excursion program is well thought out. You can walk around the rooms where the interiors of the Pushkin era are assembled, publishing books of times of the poet. Also, I also advise you to take a tour, during which an employee of the museum will hold you along the park zone of the museum and will show Pushkin Cypress, and Pushkin Oak - the intended prototype of the very oak of the green in Lukomorya. There is another curious excursion for the old streets of Gurzuf, in Pushkin places. Where the leg of the Great Russian Word Wizard went to go, you can walk and you.

Excursion to the Museum of Pushkin, in Pushkinsky's places is spiritualized. Everything is filled with some special energy: and the rooms of an old building, and the alleys of the surrounding Park, and these trees, among whom he spent some of the best days of his life Young Pushkin ... The cost of excursions is from 80 to 260 rubles.

Mount Ayu Dag or Bear Mountain

Near Gurzuf is an interesting natural attraction - Ayu Dag Mountain, to which it is very convenient to get from the village. Bear Mountain is included in the list of attractions that need to be viewed in Crimea, and if you relax in Gurzuf, you are lucky.

Mount Ayu Dag

The main route to Mount The Bear begins from Partenit, which is located about 10 kilometers from Gurzuf (you can drive on a bus or taxi).

Mount Ayu-Dag is a failed volcano, a failed eruption attempt occurred more than 100 million years ago. Some believe that not the liberated volcanic power made this place energetically strong, with a large concentration of the "Energy Energy". By the way, I noticed that in places where volcanic eruptions occurred completely their energy, which is simply impossible to describe in words - it's just very cool and easy there. There are also many cases of observation near Mount Ayu Dag unidentified flying objects. No one, of course, real evidence did not lead, but Ufologists love these places. For all these reasons, Mountain is partly posing a certain mystical glory, people make a legend about it.

The path to the top of Ayu-Daga takes the time for several hours, he goes along the path with which the charming views of the village of Partenit offer. The route is medium complexity, so almost everyone can master it. Closer to the top of the Bear Mountain The wonderful Crimean Panorama is hidden from the eyes, because the upper part of ayu-dag is covered with thick forestry. But you are immersed in the pleasant coolness of the greenery and go and breathe with therapeutic air.

In the process of lifting along the mountain path, which is also called the Raevsky trail (it is named after the general of the general, with the family of which in 1820 Pushkin traveled in the Crimea), you will meet barely survived the minor remains of the ancient monastery. They are in the glade aid-constant, it is also possible to break a little after difficult walking around with winding paths with mountain paths. I recommend to take a backpack with water and a slight snack and arrange a picnic here.

Walk through mystical and immortalized in beautiful legends Beautiful - Bear Mount will become a pleasant adventure and will be healthy. After all, besides healthy physical activity, you are widowed by the miraculous mining and forest air of subtropics with an admixture of marine evaporation. The cost of excursion to AYY DAG from Gurzuf is low - from 400 rubles, but nothing prevents you from passing this route yourself.

Gurzufsky Park

Resting in Gurzufe, you can go on your own walk on a very beautiful park with the same name. If you relax in another Crimean resort, you can visit the Gurzufsky Park with a tour. The secret of the popularity of the park is that magic natural landscapes with sculptures are combined here. Such a completely European park. You will walk among laurels and olives, banana and other palm trees, shudder from splashing cool water from fountains.

Gurzufsky Park

The most beautiful fountain in the park is called "Night", where the naked goddess of Nyukta nights is depicted with a torch above his head surrounded by the Sleeping God of Hypnos and God of Love Eros, as well as the Rachel Fountain.

In addition to exotic flora, amazing fountains, elegant sculptures and busts of famous personalities, there are vintage buildings with unusual architecture on the territory of the park. In general, much is surprising here and makes you see the Crimea in a new way.

At the entrance to the park is the guard, because now the sanatorium is adjacent to it. You can get to the territory in an organized excursion or a local guide at 11 or 16 hours. The cost of the excursion is about 100 rubles.

Czech Museum

The great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov had a good taste. He looked after him for a long time for his giving by the sea in the Crimea. In the end, his choice fell on Gurzuf, where he bought a house near the seaside. The classic lived in this house for five years and created here such his famous works as the "lady with a dog", "Cherry Garden", "Three sisters". The former Dacha Chekhov became a museum and one of the most visited places in Gurzuf, and to go to her from the village embankment of 10-15 minutes. This also often drives sightseeing buses from other Crimean resorts.

Museum - Dacha Chekhov in Gurzuf, Chekhov bay

There is a wonderful opportunity not only to walk around the rooms of Chekhovsky cottages, look at the interior items and the conditions in which the writer lived and worked out his immortal works that we all studied at school, but also swim on his beloved beach. The bay near the cottage is between the two rocks and, according to the local residents, is one of the best beaches not only Gurzuf, but also the entire southern shore of the Crimea. Now she proudly wears the name Chekhov bay.

A small garden is growing around the country house, where the bamboo has been preserved, to which the classic touched, and two palm trees planted by him in honor of the completion of the experience of "three sisters". Initially, the palm trees were three, like the sisters in the story, one did not live to the present day.

Like the Pushkin Museum in Gurzuf, Czechov, in my opinion, is a mandatory attraction for visiting. I really advise you not to miss it. The cost of the excursion is from 150 rubles.

Legendary complex "Artek"

Just a few kilometers from the center of Gurzuf toward the Bear Mountain, the beautiful Crimean lands took the International Children's Center "Artek", drowning in the greenery of cypresses and palm trees. Each Soviet schoolboy, ask his parents to get into this children's paradise, ask your parents, they will tell you.

The fact that Artek is represented, eloquently says such a fact: in 2000, in Tokyo, he was recognized as the best children's center in the world, and about 100,000 children's camps from more than 50 countries competed for this title!

Among the artechans, that is, those who fate gave the opportunity to relax here, many people who are then famous. For example, Anatoly Karpov, Vladimir Vinokur, Yuri Nikolaev, Leon Izmailov, Leonid Filatov, Tamara Gverdziteli, Irina Khakamad, Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov and many others. As a guest, the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was visited as a guest in the world. He opened the Museum of Cosmonautics and Predit Kiparis himself, and also presented his skaander for the museum, which visited open space.

In 2015, "Artek" will celebrate the 90th anniversary. He, as before, continues to take children from different countries to rest. Now there are 9 camps on its territory, the cost of the junctions here is from 23.5 to 60 thousand rubles, the check in the 21st day.

I managed to live on the territory of ARTEC in 2004 in one of the houses that were somehow in the territory of the children's camp. I will say right: impressive! 200 hectares of the square, of which half occupy green plantings, an endless 7-kilometer sea coast - in this immense children's city is easy to get lost. What happened to me and there was a couple of times.

Leisure in the "Artek" can be carried out very diverse. In addition to the giant park area with elegant avenues, several own museums, the school of underwater archeology works in the "Artek" and there is even its own film studio - called "Arktfilm". So the artechovtsy can try themselves as creators of films and actors.

From Gurzuf and not only in "Artek", very good sightseeing excursions are organized, during which they tell and show a lot of interesting things, including Pushkinsky, Chekhov places that are here too. Cost accompanied by a guide - from 600 rubles. So, think about whether to send your child to rest abroad or in the native edges.

As you can see, choosing a gourzuff course of your holiday, you will get a wonderful climate, the clean sea and the most interesting excursion program practically no departure from the "home". Moreover, excursions will enjoy both fans of nature and connoisseurs of the estates and museums. The season is in full swing, it's time to book tickets to the Crimea.

useful links

Yalta Hotels and Hotels

Sevastopol Hotels and Hotels

Crimea hotels: reviews and booking

Located in the Valley of the village of Gurzuf, which is formed by the Crubber River Damus, is a wonderful holiday destination. This village is adjacent to the resorts as, and many others. It is located in the eastern part of Yalta. It has a magnificent climate, thanks to which breathes very easily and naturally, and is also represented by a beautiful and cozy landscape. Majesty Mountains fascinates, they surround this village and protect it from the winds. The cozy resort is divided into two parts. New hotels and modern guest houses are located, and unique, rural houses that are saturated with local flavor are located in Old. The private sector is closer to the sea than the new one. But in both sectors, accommodation is very cozy. And if you had to go here earlier, it will certainly want to return. Unforgettable impressions remain after admiring the beauty of landscapes: the Bear Mountain (Ayu Dag), which seems to support the sky back. There are many local legends about this grief. And from the water climb-islands of Adalairs, who mounted with their mysteriousness. Many bright and unusual sights of Crimea reveals after visiting Gurzuf and remains in memory for a long time.

How to get

You can easily come to your holiday in Gurzuf. How to get there? This can be done by a few:

  • by car
  • rail transport
  • air transport
  • water transport


On the plane can be flying to Simferopol, and from there to Gurzuf to get by road.

If you fly on the plane direct flight from Moscow (Domodedovo -), then the flight time is on average takes 2 hours and 40 minutes. Days of the run - daily. And from St. Petersburg direct flight (Pulkovo-1-Simferopol), flight time - about 3 hours. Pick up and book tickets in can, for example,.

Simferopol Airport is located at pl. Airport, 15. By arrival from the airport you need to get to the bus station, which is located next to the train station, on a taxi or bus route. And from the bus station can be reached by bus, trolleybus, route taxi directly to Gurzuf. There is still a regular bus that goes from the airport itself right to Gurzuf, but its schedule needs to be specified on the spot.

A total of a resort from Simferopol around one and a half and two and a half hours.

By train

Further, if we consider the railway transport of transport, it is necessary to clarify that it is more economical unlike the aircraft, but long. There is a direct train -Simferopol from the Kazan Station. The train is on the way on 1 day and 21 hours, and the days of the cruising - daily.


Gurzuf - time now

The difference in the clock:

Moscow 0.

Kazan 0.

Samara 1.

Ekaterinburg 2.

Novosibirsk 4.

Vladivostok 7.

When the season. When it is better to go

For each person, the best time to relax in the resort is individually. Not exception and Gurzuf. The season, of course, is there - it starts when the sea temperature is heated to + 18 ° C and higher. But in winter, in the spring and even in the fall there is something to see. Most of all holidaymakers have been observed from July to August, as it is traditionally vacation time. And September is the most useful time to rest, because it is no longer so painfully hot, and the water temperature is approximately 20-22 ° C, and there are many diverse fruits, housing prices are optimal. As they say, the "velvet season" gradually envelops Gurzuf. When you go to Gurzuff, but personally I advise you to stay for a period of July-August. Check Prices for Tours to Gurzuf can be found in Travelask.

Gurzuf in the summer

Summer in Gurzuf is very sunny, sufficiently dry and not very hot. It begins somewhere from mid-May and ends at the beginning of October. Although it happens so that in October it is warm enough to walk in summer clothes and swim. A more favorable "summer" occurs in September. Fruit becomes a lot, delicious grapes, watermelons, melons and much more. We can say that summer in Gurzuf is the longest of all resorts of Crimea.

Gurzuf autumn

Rest lasts in the fall from September to the end of October. At this time, it is still warm, nature changes its paints, the mountains become golden, and the sea is already colder. But mostly the autumn is warm, only in the evening becomes cool.

Gurzuf Spring

In the second half of February, Spring begins in Gurzuf. The kidneys in the trees begin to swell, and the sun hesitates in the spring. Flowers on the branches of the vial are already beginning to bloom, but in April, peach flowers bloom. So the spring begins in Gurzuf. And ahead is a colorful presentation of spring! This is very beautiful in Gurzufe, the sea, of course, does not yet quite meet swimming lovers, but those who like to watch, as nature wakes up and blooms, Gurzuf will seem incredibly beautiful.

Gurzuf winter

In winter, Gurzuf is popular in sanatoriums, as it is a great time for recovery. But during this period, life stops in the village, it is no longer enough for steep streets, very much. In some frosty days, people do not even leave the house for 3-5 days. Local to live is becoming more difficult, because the season of recreation and tourism is closed.

Gurzuf - Weather for months


Gurzuf - Weather for months

Areas. Where better live

Gurzuf can be divided into 4 districts: residential sector, high-rise buildings, embankment and children's sector "Artek". In any area you can find comfortable accommodation at rest.

Leningradskaya Street is considered the longest, she originates from entering Gurzuf and runs along the Ayu Daga. She crosses a few streets and goes to the embankment. Chekhov Street is historical, and more steep on the rise is proletarian. Sanatorium Street has four 5-storey houses and a cozy private sector, from the sea is farther than the rest of the streets. Here is the sanatorium "Gurzufsky". The rocky street is very exotic, and Solovyov Street is located in the center and this is the busiest area of \u200b\u200bthe village. Atrekovskaya Street almost does not have lifts, it is suitable for older holidays. From the street of Crimea, you can observe stunning landscapes, and there are several elite builders on the street. On these streets it is more convenient to settle, as they are located closer to the waterfront. Although for those who love hiking along a cozy and steep streets, 15 minutes walk from Solovyov Street will bring a lot of fun. At the cost of housing, it all depends on the street remoteness from the embankment, the closer, the more expensive. In general, Gurzuf is very comfortable accommodation.

In the Red Zone there are cheap hotels, hotels and guest houses (from 1800 rubles). The city's areas in these places are often intersecting with the embankment. The green zone is the zone of elite and expensive housing. Here are more modern hotels, sanatoriums, villas and guest houses. Prices begin with 3,000 and 23,000 rubles.

What are the prices for rest

Prices for housing

Rest prices in Gurzuf depend on the location of the location in relation to the sea and, of course, from the living conditions. Prices fluctuate from 600 rubles per day - in the private sector, but it is possible to find cheaper (400 rubles) only further from the sea 20-25 minutes walk, options can be viewed.

The hotel prices rise from 1,800 rubles per person per day, but you can stay in a guest house for 600 rubles. More expensive luxury accommodation offers villa on ul. Vinograd, Richard, etc. The price of such housing begins from 3,500 rubles. There is also a variety of hotels and hotels with comfortable housing from 5000 rubles., More elite - from 12,000 rubles. Offers from different sites can be viewed, and book on. The search for housing can be planned in advance, but otherwise, on arrival there is no problem to find, since almost every door weigh the announcement of housing. Therefore, it is better to immediately buy a SIM card, for example, in Simferopol, in order to call those who give housing.

Prices for products and alcoholic beverages

On oranges, the price is from 50 to 80 rubles per kg, a cherry - 40-60 rubles, watermelon - 12-15 rubles, melon - 15-20 rubles. Alcoholic beverages - from 700 rubles, but at the height of the season, naturally, prices rise. It can be said that seasonal vegetables and fruits in price increase not significantly, but on a limited range of meat and dairy products, there is a few times immediately. So meat - from 500 rubles, cheeses - from 400 rubles, milk and sour cream - from 40 rubles. In the Crimea prices were always almost like in Moscow, after all the coast.

Prices for excursions

There are a lot of excursions, of course, but in tents, which are found at every step, offer a set of excursions and the price is one and a half times more expensive. For example, a tour of Ai-Petri () + Swallow's nest costs 700 rubles for adults, for children - 650. And if you go on your own route taxi (ticket from 15 to 30 rubles) + Entrance for an adult 480 rubles and for a child - 260 rubles, then the difference in the price as you can see noticeable. Therefore, much cheaper to arrange an excursion yourself, asking for local where to go and how to get. You will tell you everything and show without problems. And to see the sights of Gurzuf himself can be independently without problems. Everything is almost close enough to the center, and you can get on foot, because Gurzuf itself is a small village, and the Great Ridge has attractions surround it from all sides. And if you are poorly focused on the ground, you are more convenient to buy a ticket on a tour immediately. After overpaying, of course, but they will be called, they will show, everyone will tell, only there will be a time limit. This can be saved, walking in Alupka, Alushta or Yalta, to see the sights, to walk on the museums, in the parks slow and enjoying the beauty of the country of Crimea.

Main attractions. What to see

Here, in the southern shores, Chekhov rested, and a lot of other high-profile names of Tsarist Russia at one time visited Gurzuf. The attractions of this city still remain attractive to tourists from all over the world. The most prominent landmark is a large Bear Mountain (Ayu Dag). On the slopes of this mountain was built the famous camp "Artek". Many legends talk about this mountain. A symbol of Hurzuf was the rocks of Adalars, the distance from them to the coast - 400 m. There is still a famous Pushkin grotto, where he made a walk, and in honor of the famous singer Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin was named rock. At the foot of the cliff Jenvez-Kaya, near the hotel "Rocky," is the Chekhov bay, there you can swim and look at the Czech Museum. Mountain ridges are protected from all sides of the cold winds of the Gurzufskaya bay, there is very calm and comfortably splashing into the sea. The highest Crimean pass (1348 m) is the Gurzuf Saddle Pass (Gurbet-Dere-Bogaz). Tourists and vacationers can visit all these sights freely, stroll through the famous places. There is a house of creativity to them. Korovina and house of the Governor General of the Novorossiysk Territory Arman Emmanuel du Pleb Richelieu. Lovers of architecture can see the Palace of Suuk-Su, which is the monument of the beginning of the 20th century. Either stroll through the park and admire the fountains. It will not be boring here it will not be for sure, you can do everything and do not have time, because everywhere I wonder and you want to visit all the historical, beautiful and not forgotten places of the resort of Crimea.

Top 5.

1. Dacha A. P. Chekhov

The first historical place where we recommended to go - this is a cottage A. P. Chekhov. The writer bought this house to relax, retake and write. There is a survival and atmosphere of the time. After visiting the cottage, you can stroll through the beach, named after the writer. Without impressions, you will not leave here for sure.

2. Museum named after A. S. Pushkin

To come to Gurzuf and not to visit the Pushkin Museum it is impossible. Very interesting and accessible to the museum will tell in his excursion program about the life of the writer.


For those who want to explore Gurzuf not only on land, but also under water, we recommend going to the dive center "Aquamarine Gurzuf". In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Rock Adalarov, there are very interesting places that you will not see from the shore. And under water there are even fragments of sunken antique ships. From such entertainment impressions will be incredibly a lot. And near Ayu Dagi, too, there is an opportunity to strengthen, there is excellent visibility in water, and you can consider the charms of the sea. Any vacationer can get into this center. The central berth on the embankment is taught by divers, and who does not know how to dive - for those there are courses of a young fighter. More enthusiastic and capable of getting a certificate. Another center provides sea walking services at a high-speed motor boat, deep-sea and coastal fishing, conducts water skiing and wakeboarding.

4. Arbor Winds

There is a very interesting place that we can not tell. This is a gazebo of the winds, which is located on the rock of the Zeytin-Kos. Here you can easily reach the Romanov road as a staircase, which is cut into the rocks. And before this very road, Gurzuf can be driving through the partisan village. A stunning view of the Crimea opens in front of you with a gazebo! It should see everyone! Unforgettable impressions remain after such a walk.

5. Palace Suk-Su

At the beginning of the XX century, he was a resort with a waterproof, an elite restaurant, a casino, etc.
During the Civil War, the building was destroyed, and after the restoration, German officers rested here during the Great Patriotic War. Now this is the Artek History Museum, and there is a cosmonautics museum. Yuri Gagarin. In this museum, by the way, you can also see a lot of interesting things. Here is a library here. Everything is quite accessible tells the guide. This place provides an opportunity to plunge into the history of Gurzuf.

Beaches. What better

Gurzuf has more than 10 places to relax by the sea. Beaches here, it is worth noting, not sandy, and from pebbles - a large or small one.

  • Free beach

The most common on the central embankment is a free beach. Its infrastructure is sufficiently developed, but the base is crowded and, naturally, dirty. There is a diving center, there is an opportunity to ride the hydrocycles. It is advisable to come to this beach before 6 hours, otherwise everything will be already occupied by sun beds, they can be rented - cost from 2 to $ 8 (wooden, plastic, etc.). There are locker rooms and a toilet (paid), and at the beach along the beach, cafes with summer sites are placed.

  • Beach "Sharm"

The next place for swimming, eating on the coastal line, is already more comfortable, but paid is the beach "Sharm". The price for the entrance is in the area of \u200b\u200b2 dollars. There are here a variety of types of entertainment. The beach is equipped with locker rooms, there are toilets and even urns.

  • Beach "Gurov Stones"

This is the most visited by Gurzuf beach. Everything is still comfortable and cozy. From this beach can be saved to the rocks of Adalam, or rent a catamaran and get to them. The cost of the ticket is about $ 1.5-2, the children are discount.

  • Artek beaches

These are paid beaches, they are located on the territory of the children's center.
Beach "Satellite" is more popular among young people. The cost of the entrance ticket - in the area of \u200b\u200b$ 1.5-25. But they are clean and there are almost no vacationers here, as well as on all other beaches of rest houses.

  • Nudistcue beach

Favorite in Gurzuf is still a nudist beach, which is located near the Ayu Dag Mountain. You can be on the beach with a sea taxi service, you will be happy to take away there. It is always calm here, water is much cleaner, people a little, lovers to retire and relax the very place here.

Churches and temples. What are you worth a visit

In Gurzuf, there is one cathedral - the Holy Assumption Orthodox church. He is quite young. Located at the intersection of the streets of Leningrad and Proletarian. The Orthodox five-popular temple was consecrated in 2007. It was built in the period from 2004 to 2007.

Museums. What are you worth a visit

Gurzuf has the three most popular museum among tourists.
One of them is a dacha cow. This is a three-storey house located on the shore of Gourzuf Gulf. Built it himself Konstantin Alekseevich Korovin. Here you will pick up his works and plunge into the creative atmosphere of the mansion.
The remaining two museums we described earlier this museum named after A.S. Pushkin and the House-Museum A. P. Chekhov.


In Gurzuf, very well-kept, neat and beautiful parks, they should be visited. Sanatorium Park Gurzufsky is located at ul. Leningradskaya, d. 10.
Park area - 12 hectares. On its territory there are hulls of the sanatorium, which were built during the times of the Governorate (Father and Son). There are magnificent fountains created on the basis of legends of antiquity, sculptures of poets and writers, alleys with wonderful plants, rare trees and dizzying air purity! It is very nice to stroll through such a park, you can retire, reflect, enjoy the beauty of nature and relax perfectly.

Tourist streets

Gurzuf Streets are very elegant, filled with their colors. Each street is a landmark. Walking through a narrow, winding streets, you will plunge into the mysterious past. You are given the opportunity to see a lot of unusual and amazing. Street Korovina, Chekhov, Leningradskaya, Street Fontanka, which Renamed Waguly Street, Atrekovskaya, Soviet, Nut and many others - all of them are interesting in their own way, and for each of them nice to walk.

What to look for 1 day

In one day, you can bypass almost the entire Gurzuf. What to see and what places to visit? One of the options is to go through Leningrad Street, which will lead to the embankment. Next stroll along the line of the beaches. Visit the Chekhov Cottage, the Pushkin Museum, take a walk in the park of the Gurzuf Sanatorium. This will be enough to get acquainted with the flavor and mentality of Gurzuf on the first day. And those who are unbearably mounted mountains can climb ayu-dag, or go on a red stone.

What to see in the vicinity

In the vicinity of Gurzuf, you can see a huge number of unique natural monuments. The most interesting are listed below.

  • Rock red stone

This is a rock in the Gurzuf Valley, on the South Coast, it is located at an altitude of 430 meters above sea level. Consists of limestone pinkish yellow. Below at the foot is the village of Krasnokamenka. The distance from the center of Gurzuf to Rock - 4.33 km.

  • Pushkin Grotto

Opposite the rocks Adalar is located Pushkin Grotto, where he loved by legend. At the very top of this rock there is an observation deck, which offers a wonderful view of the surroundings and Mount Ayu-Dag. Pushkin Grotto is located on the territory of Arteka.

  • Gurzufsky saddle

This is the highest pass of the Crimea (1348 m). Located 5 km north-west of the village of Gurzuf.

  • Scala Shalyapin

It is located on the territory of the children's camp "Azure". The rock is named after Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin - the famous Russian singer.

  • Gurzufskaya Fortress (Fortress Gorzhuviti)

On the rock of Jenvez-Kaya (70 m), the remains of the fortress of the Gorzhuvites of the VI-VIII century are preserved. It is located at the entrance to the Gurzuf bay and is a "refrigerant" from the main ridge.

  • Cape Martyan.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe Natural Reserve is 240 hectares. It includes a strip of the Black Sea water area, there are rare nature monuments in the form of plants and birds. Researchers conduct research here. From the center of Hurzuf to Cape 4 km.

Nearby Isles

The islands closest to Gourzuf are the previously mentioned rocks of Adalary, who are in Gurzufa Bay. The name of them has Turkish roots and translated as "islands". Once the current twins were part of the coast, but over time, part that joined them with the shore, plunged into the water. The distance between these twins is about 40 meters, and in diameter they reach approximately 30 meters. This place is very popular among the drivers, because the bottom around these rocks is sandy and you can find fragments of clay products of 12-16 centuries. Previously, it was a pier for ships that left all these treasures of those times. There are several legends about these rocks. If you go there, the locals will definitely tell you!

A lot of summer cozy cafes, bars, snacks of Hurzuf are located on the embankment. Power in these places is the most diverse, starting with home and ending oriental cuisine. There are also three canteens and catering points where you can take a meal for removal. Those who love to cook independently, I recommend to visit the market.


The word "dining room" in people is associated with the Soviet catering or where it is possible to eat fiscal. After visiting the dining room "Kambuz", the impression changes for the better, as you can dine the budget, but I don't smell like a catering. A fairly cozy dining room is located on the second floor. It looks beautiful, there is always clean and light, only for the sake of this institution is already worth visiting Gurzuf. Food here is always pleasant and appetizing smells. There is a dining and summer hall. Address: Leningradskaya 30, 2nd floor.


The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is very active in Gurzuf. There are a lot of people aged and young people. Many are looking forward to this holiday to actively take part in it and plunge into the sea.
And the May holidays Gurzuf is filled with visitors. The Crimea in the spring begins to flourish with all the colors wishing to admire the bloodyness of nature becomes more and more!

Safety. What to beware is worth

Gurzuf is a fairly calm settlement, but you should not lose vigilance and relax, because we are in Russia, and here, as in most other regions, there is a chance of a threat of your safety at night. It is better not to walk in the dark one for not lit streets and catches.

Also, this is the seaside resort, and no one has canceled the safety rules on the water. If you are with children, then carefully follow them, the waves in some days are enhanced, and people in a drunken state are not desirable for such a day.

Things to do

Shopping and shops

Big Shopping in Gurzuf can not arrange, the village is not so big. There are no salons and boutiques. But everything you need can be purchased: products, wine, pharmaceutical kiosks, household chemicals - all this is in prosperity. But souvenir shops there are quite interesting. For example, I really liked the Treasure Bay, which is located on Leningradskaya Street 36. There are souvenirs, and jewelry, and a lot of interesting things. Even along the embankment a lot of tents and stalls with different souvenirs, clothes, jewelry, dishes and more.

Bars. Where to go

Bars on the embankment is enough, so it will not be a lot of work to find where to sit down and try different wines, beer and much more in Gurzuf. There are several round-the-clock institutions, and mostly in the evening on the embankment everything comes to life, bars and cafes are immediately opening for guests.

Clubs and nightlife

From the night clubs Gurzuf will lay out two. Nightclub "Cocktail Hall" Gurzufskaya highway, 13. There are incendiary parties, many delicious cocktails and food. Talented DJs and even there is a female team on the fights in the mud. The establishment works from 9 pm to 5 in the morning. And from 9 am to 6 pm, it works as a restaurant.
There is also one nightclub - disco-bar "Plate". Also quite an interesting place on the embankment, 7. There is a cafe, bar, restaurant and summer terrace. The club offers backgrounds, or live music, and in the evening a disco with DJs and burning parties.

Extreme sports

For lovers of an extreme sport in Gurzufe, there are the following activity:

  • climbing Red Stone (1 hour - from 1500 rubles)
  • roofjamping on red stone (1 hour - from 1000 rubles.)
  • walk to Ayu Dagi on the marine kayake (2 hours - from 500 rubles)

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

Souvenirs in Gurzuf can be purchased on the main street, Leningrad, there are many shops and shops. On the embankment there are always many tents with interesting goods, and just the inhabitants themselves sell crafts for home and not only. Lavender oil and gifts of Crimean fields (peaches, figs, grapes, etc.) are considered the most popular souvenirs. The magnets, also products from juniper, statuettes, plates, vases, shawls, key chains, etc. are constantly using, etc. Prices, starting with 10 rubles.

How to move around the city

Gurzuf is a picturesque village with very beautiful and cozy streets. But it is difficult to move here because of the roads, which sharply leave then up, then down. They will not be attended so much on the car, mostly walking hiking. The village is not so big, in principle, it is not so difficult to walk along the mountainous, winding roads. If you go from the top Gurzuf to the waterfront, it will take about 30 to 40 minutes by a quiet step. Those who are very hard to walk a lot, it is better to settle closer to the embankment. There are few transport here, mostly all walk on foot, or ride a bike. There is also a car rental cost from $ 40, machine options and rental conditions can be viewed.

If you arrived in Gurzuf on a personal car, then we will immediately make a reservation that there are no free parking. In the lower part of the Gurzuf with parking lots is difficult, but more likely you can set the car, but unattended this is a very risky solution. Local residents do not like when there are cars in the courtyards leave cars, so they can harm your car (scratch or pull the wheels). The best option is to leave on a paid parking lot, so you will be a little calmer, the cost of parking is from 4 to $ 6.

Gurzuf - Recreation with children

Gurzuf is not very suitable for relaxing with young children. There are no attractions, children's entertainment sites. Of course, this does not mean that the children are closed here, just as such a child infrastructure there is no. If only in splash in the sea and take a walk along the embankment, where there are some children's entertainment in the form of toy horses and various children's cars for riding in the embankment. You can still eat delicious ice cream and sweets.

The content of the article:

Sights of Gurzuf (Crimea)

On the southern coast of Crimea (famous for not only first-class natural conditions, but also a rich historical heritage in the form of architectural monuments and other), there is a small resort of Gurzuf, the attractions of which are primarily characterized by the absence of Naphthane Museum. Their inspection requires active actions in the form of swims on yachts, diving and climbing in the mountains.\u003d72vmddff_dc.

Monuments of architecture and cultural heritage

Tourists, informing what to see in Gurzuf, first of all it is necessary to visit the architectural heritage of the resort. Among them, you can select the Palace of Suk-Su, the construction of which dates back to 1898. During World War II, the palace was significantly destroyed by fire, but later restored. Currently, there is a library on the territory of the Palace, as well as the Museums of the History of Artek and Cosmonautics. Yuri Gagarin.

Palace 'Suk-Su' - photo 01 Dacha A.P. Chekhov - photo 02

Dacha A.P. Chekhov

There are other architectural sights of Gurzuf, where to go arrivals just needed - this is Dacha A.P. Chekhov. She was acquired by the writer at Tatars in 1900 in order to find a quiet place for a secluded fruitful work. And it was there that Czechs created his "three sisters".

House Richelieu

Also, the tourists are open to Gurzuf, the attractions of the architecture of which are the place of residence and active creativity of famous artists. Among such buildings - " House Richelieu", Built back in 1811 by a local governor-general, subsequently suffered a change. The building is noteworthy in that in 1820, a few weeks were a place of residence A.S. Pushkin, invited to N.N. Raevsky after the reference of the poet from St. Petersburg for free behavior.

At the moment, "House Richelieu" includes the Museum of Pushkin, and is the attraction of Gurzuf, where to go recommended by all culturally oriented coming.

House Richelieu - Photo 03
House Richelieu - Photo 03 Cottage 'Salambo' - Photo 04

Other architectural monuments include the dacha "Salambo", which previously belonged to the famous Russian artist K.A. Korovina, and now representing the house of creativity named by this cultural figure.

Natural heritage resort

Pushkin Grotto

Known on the whole world of Gurzuf attractions of natural origin. Among them - Pushkin Grottolocated on Cape Suk-Su. The grotto and the adjacent rock wears the name of the famous Russian poet, since the latter often performed hiking in the mountains and swimming on the boat to the places during their short-term stay in Gurzuf.

Genoese scala

Also, every tourist should know what to see in Gurzuf is Genoese Raly. It is located at the entrance to the Bay of the same name and towers at 70 meters, while being somewhat remotely from the main ridge. From the top of the cliff, there is an almost complete overview for the coastal part of the resort. With its name, the rock is obliged to the same fortress, located on it in the XIV-XV centuries. It is noteworthy that the base of the Genoese Rock is a small bay, which is the name of Chekhovskaya, and is a popular place for underwater swimming.

Pushkin Grotto - Photo 05
Pushkin Grotto - Photo 05 Genoese rock - photo 06
Gurzufsky Park - Photo 07

Natural Park Richelieu

To other sights of Gurzuf, where to go recommended every tourist local Park, Present embodiment of garden-park artwho is assigned the status of the monument. Founded in 1803, the Duke of Richelieu, the park is a 12-hectare concentration of more than one hundred species of decorative shrubs and trees, as well as monuments, sculptures and fountains. At the same time, some architectural elements relate to the reasons for the complex, others were created later. Among them are busts of famous people who visited Gurzuf, the sights of which have always attracted artists and science.


Adalary. (Or as they are also called twin rocks) - the business card of the resort, which is just necessary to see in Gurzuf, it is simply necessary for each tourist, especially interested in old legends, full of romance. According to the legend, the cliffs located at a distance of 400 meters from the shore are two twin brothers endowed with a magical force, subsequently facing a stone for violation of the conditions of the gift. Currently are habitat birds, as well as the venue for extreme excursions.

Gurzufsky Park, Sculptures - Photo 08 Adalary - Photo 09
Rock 'Red Stone' - Photo 10

Lake near the village of Krasnokamena

Other attractions of Gurzuf are also widely known, where to go preferable in search of picturesque natural species, unity with nature and calm. It - lake, located near the village of Krasnokamenka And the rock adjacent to it, called the "Red Stone". The rock is on the number of natural-geological monuments in 1969, as its basis is the marbled limestone of a pinkish-yellow shade. And for those who still do not know what to see in Gurzuf, it is simply necessary to visit this natural phenomenon. Also be worth it both on a picturesque lake, feeding underground springs, and a cliffs located with the rear.

Gazebo Winds

However, not only overview of the above described monuments and natural phenomena come to Gurzuf, attractions located in the mountainous location are located in a certain distance from the residential part of the resort village and are also able to interest tourists. These applies " Gazebo Winds"Built on the rock Shagan-kaya at an altitude of 1400 meters. Construction of the arbor dates back 1956. The arbor acquired its name due to the mosaic posted on the floor in the form of a rose of winds.

Roman-Kos - Photo 12

Mountain Top "Roman-Kos"

Fans of extreme excursions are often thought about, what else can surprise Gurzuf whose attractions are widely known to the public. Mountain top with the name "Roman-Kos" It is the highest in the Crimean Peninsula, and is now officially included in the Square of the Crimean Nature Reserve.

Range "Basman"

No less famous mountain range "Basman" Also attracts tourists with an extreme lift to its top. It is famous for the fact that it is located near the highest points of the Crimean Mountainside - Kemal Eger, Demir Capu and Roman-Kos.
Demir Capu - photo 14

Lovers of multi-day turbo should not be overlooked by the Turnstone "Kermen" belonging to the Tophechensky forestry. The area of \u200b\u200bthe tourist is outlined by natural borders, and on its territory (the entrance to which is paid) Tourists will be able to find spring water and firewood.

Whatever Gurzuf was, but this small resort Crimean village of urban-type will offer each tourist sights according to his preferences and habits.