How to create your brand clothes? How to open your clothing store from scratch - approximate business plan.

How to create your brand clothes? How to open your clothing store from scratch - approximate business plan.

Briefly describe the essence and characteristics of the business. Sample:

Type of establishment: clothing store.

Area: The total area is 50 square meters. The trading room is 30 square meters. m, 10 square meters. M - warehouse, 10 - bathroom and office space.

Type of ownership: Rent.

Location: Specify the selected option (in the mall, in a residential building, etc.)

Schedule: Every day from 9.00 to 21.00.

check in

Your project is enough registerBy choosing oKVED code 47.71. - "Trade retail clothing in specialized stores." The next step is to submit an application for the use of the UTII taxation system or USN.

Other necessary documents and permissions:

  • Certificate of introduction to the General Trade Register;
  • Certificate of registration in the tax service;
  • Conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor and Rospozharanadzor (for obtaining it is necessary to ensure fire protection, develop a evacuation plan);
  • A garbage disposal agreement;
  • Checking account;
  • Registration of the cash register in the federal tax service;
  • Statistics codes from the State Statistics Committee;
  • Sanitary books for workers.

Market analysis and placement

In this area, it is most often beneficial to go "a latched track". Do not open a small shop in a place not surrounded by competitors. Most likely, there are no customers there either.

The best way to move for free - accommodate in a lively place near the mass of competitors. Many potential customers already know that there is a good choice, and will definitely come to you.

Where is it better to open the store?

  1. In a separate building (the most expensive option, suitable for prestigious institutions);
  2. In a shopping and entertainment center (a guaranteed flow of visitors from the center itself);
  3. On the first floor of a residential building (suitable for location in sleeping areas);
  4. In the shopping pavilion near the grocery supermarket (in this case, the range should consist of everyday things and sought-after accessories).

Assortment and pricing

So that small business flourish, you need to form an optimal range.

What to buy?

Necessary To exhibit for sale men's and women's things, accessories, related goods (tights, socks, jewelry). On average, the cheating is 200-400%. One of the most jeans, the usual markup on them is 300-400%.

Example: Wholesale jeans are purchased by 500 rubles, and sold on 1800-2200 rubles. On blouses and shirts the markup is slightly less - up to 200-300% of the wholesale price.

Supplier search

For buyers-oriented boutique and slightly above average, suppliers from Turkey, Poland, Belarus, China (bijouteria) are suitable. There are three options for suppliers:

  • Directly manufacturer. Among the advantages are low price, but they will have to acquire the entire dimension series;
  • Wholesale intermediary supplier. The cost of products is a little more, but it is possible to take only the most models you need and sizes.
  • Online store. A new way to maintain procurement. Find a wholesale site, learn the range, buy. There is a risk of acquiring poor-quality products, first examine the feedback from the supplier.

At first, it will have to make a 100% prepayment for the goods.

After several months of successful cooperation, you can try to take the goods for implementation.. For example, half the cost of things you pay when buying, the second half - as they are selling.

Production plan

Start a business selling things in a rented room. The rental price is different depending on the location, but on average for 50 square meters. m is $ 900-1100 per month. Here and then all calculations are made in dollars. Finishing, repair, lighting installation will require additional costs: about $ 2500.

Requirements for the room:

  1. Ceilings height from2.5 meters;
  2. Good lighting;
  3. Electricity, air conditioning;
  4. The main hall must be separated from the utility rooms.

When organizing the internal space, exclude the appearance of "labyrinths", the visitor should easily navigate, quickly find the right thing.. Placement booths place in a prominent place so that you should not look for them for a long time.

Technical base, or equipment for clothing store

Opening the case from scratch, divide the cost of equipment into two parts: furniture for the hall and shopping equipment.


It will be necessary to purchase:

  • Two glass windows - $ 150. Vica, Rus, Epril.
  • Shopping counter - $ 40. DVK Style, Standes, Imato, Ronicon.
  • Racks (4 pcs.) - $ 150. Vica, Standes, DVK Style, Torpal.
  • Two mirrors in full growth - $ 85. Standes, "Mirrons", Dubel Vitrum.
  • Hung outdoor (8 pcs.) - $ 220. Vica, Abbott, TechService.
  • Set of hangers - $ 80. TechService, "Plastservis", "Titan".
  • Ekonpanels for trifles and accessories (15 pcs.) - 45 $. Abbott, DVK style.
  • An island rack for accessories - $ 70. Vica, Argos, Torpal.
  • Two racks for things and hats - $ 80. Vica, "TechnoDul".
  • Mannequins and torso, forms (busts, hips) - 250-300 $. Rusmanken, Maneken Plus.
  • Fitting cabins with mirrors (3 pcs.) - $ 350. Abbott, "Module-Design", "Pro form".


  1. Cash register - $ 150-200. Mercury, Orion, Elves-MK.
  2. Computer - $ 460. Lenovo, Asus, Samsung.
  3. Printer for printing barcodes - $ 250. Proton, Zebra, Citizen.
  4. Anti-Running System (Radio Frequency Gate, Removable Sensors, Multiple Camcorders) - $ 600-700. JSB, Definiti.
  5. Etiquette-pistols (2 pcs.) - $ 10. Mitsy.
  6. Set of price tags - $ 50.

Investments in furniture and equipment will be 3200-3500 $. To carry out cashless payments, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with one of the banks on the terms of the percentage of the percentage with each financial operation on "non-cashless". Usually, bank employees will independently bring and establish a special apparatus for non-cash payments, educate employees to use them.

Marketing plan

For a small place, it is impractical to run large-scale advertising on the Internet or engage in distribution of promotional materials. It is better to maximize the area of \u200b\u200bthe boutique itself. Need a catchy sign, advertising on walls and windows or glass doors when placed in the shopping center. On the windows you can write bright colors of discount data (for example, "from 20 to 70%!") And sales, post advertising banners, etc. This is a ready-made channel of promotion, the cost of which is already included in the rental price. If the institution is located on the street (in a residential building or a separate building) you will need a pillar with a pointer.

Actively use such sales stimulation methods:

  • Shares. Examples: "Third thing as a gift", discounts on the entire range on certain days (15 numbers 15% discount), etc.;
  • Monthly sales, discounts;
  • Discount and discount cards.

Organizational plan

At this point of the business plan, you should draw up a detailed list of suppliers (at least 6) and working with them. Register the mode of operation and the necessary personnel. It is worth organizing a seamless work (changing the week). In this case, you need to hire two sellers, consultant, security guard and one cleaner. Managing staff and procurement will be the manager. Accounting is a freelance officer.

Strategy launch

Procedure for the opening of the company:

  1. Search for premises and conclude a lease agreement (for registration of some documents, it is necessary to have the appropriate certificate, so we start with this);
  2. Procedure for registering and receiving required permits;
  3. Repair, decoration, installation of communications and signboard, decoration;
  4. Conclusion of contracts with suppliers;
  5. Buying and installing equipment;
  6. Purchase of products for two months;
  7. Hiring;
  8. Display of goods;
  9. Loud opening, with shares, contests, gifts.

On average, the launch will be required for two or three months.

Risk assessment

So that the project will resist afloat under any circumstances think in advance all kinds of risks and ways to deal with them.

Increased product costs. This will lead to an increase in vacation prices. To avoid customer outflow, form loyalty to the firm, offer discounts to regular customers, follow the quality of service. Then a slight increase in cost will not cause a fall in the implementation.

The appearance of a direct competitor, that is, the establishments that are almost identical to your assortment and pricing policy. The best way to combat this is the creation of a unique trading offer. It can be exclusive things, an interesting department with accessories, promotional sales.

Reducing the popularity of goods. In order not to be littered with unnecessary things, follow the trendy trends, thematic articles and exhibitions. Ideally, anticipate certain fashion trends should be anticipated, the first to propose the appropriate product.

Seasonal fall in demand and sales. To "Naeson" is to prepare in advance, arranging sales and promotions to cover current costs.

Changing the cost of renting space. At the moment is almost impossible to influence. If the new price is inappropriate, the option of a new dislocation should be ready.

Financial plan

To make an accurate calculation, how much does it cost to open a clothing store, consider everything, even the smallest, costs.

Capital investments:

  • Registration of IP, payment of state duty - approximately $ 13;
  • Opening a calculated account - $ 16;
  • Registration of certificates and permits - in the area of \u200b\u200b250-300 $;
  • Printing - 15-17 $;
  • Three months rent for three months - $ 3000;
  • Repair and finishing - $ 2500;
  • Production and installation of the signboard - 500-600 $;
  • Printing promotional materials (stickers on windows, banners, posters) - $ 100;
  • Acquisition of equipment - $ 3500;
  • Purchase of goods - 8000-9000 $.

Total to open the business will have to spend $ 19 thousand dollars.

Wire monthly current expenses in advance:

  1. Rent - $ 1000;
  2. Taxes, utility payments - $ 150-200;
  3. Salary - $ 3000;
  4. Acquisition of things for implementation - 3000-3500 $.

Every month, the company spends approximately $ 7500. Revenue in the first months - in the area of \u200b\u200b9000-10000 $. Net profit - 1500-2500 $. High quality products and maintenance, active promotion will allow you to download the case for 9-10 months.

In order to properly and realistically plan, watch your main competitors in the selected place. Consider their advantages and minuses and make it better. This will provide a fame and stable income.

Text: Irina Dubina

Run and keep afloat your own Fashion brand in Russia - The task is not from the lungs. First, worthy educational institutions that could compete with respected Western counterparts, practically no: education in the field of fashion as a phenomenon is in our country in its infancy. Secondly, to enter the market and establish sales through stores can be problematic: the overwhelming majority of domestic retailers work on sales conditions, which means the designer can profit, and may remain with anything.

Finally, as shown unpleasant stories that happened to brands and Oh, My business in Russia is still often underway with the application of schemes from the 1990s: there is no guarantee that your brand will not be in the hands of an unscrupulous business partner or that a major fashion department store Does not owe you more than a million rubles. However, these difficulties are not able to cool the dust of those who want to launch their own brand of clothing: new Russian fashion brands appear every year with enviable constancy.

If the glory of Goshi Rubchinsky and the wiki Gazinskaya does not give you peace, tell you what to do to establish your designer brand and make it commercially successful. Our rules are not universal and do not give one hundred percent guarantees of success, but they will definitely help to realize basic things.

Understand what you want to do for whom and why

The first thing you need to decide, if you decide to join the path of the clothes designer, is the concept of the future brand, his idictory and what it will differ from thousands of existing analogues. "The concept of sewing at least something is just like that - in the root incorrect, - the founder of Items Denis Yerkhov is sure. - Before selecting a collection and remove Lucbuca, you need to answer important questions yourself. Who do you do it? Where can you sell it? Who is your target buyer and does he exist? In fact, preparing for launch is the most difficult and important process. Based on the received answers, you can create a product and remove the lucbuk. The strategy should be thought out in the very first stages. "

"Most of our girls and boys make collections simply from the desire to express themselves," says the creator and designer of the brand I am Studio Dasha Samkovich. "But if you decide to make clothes that will be worn, it is necessary that the collection is clear not only to you, but also to people with their fashion vision. Decide with your goals: For you your own brand is just a tool creative self-realization, which will be able to invest third-party investors, or a full-fledged business project? If you decide to make a commercial product, that is, clothes for people, it is important to understand who your target audience, her age, social status, financial position is your starting points. "

Collect the command and find production

If you seriously plan to engage in the development of your own brand, and not just selling through the instagram dresses embracing on the knee, without qualified personnel - nowhere. First of all, you will need to find people who can sew your collection: Cutters, Shve. It is possible to go to already existing production that cooperate with beginner designers, but in this case the return on the part of the team will not have to have to wait.

"The first collections I embarked on third-party production: if you cooperate with them twice a year for a couple of months, while a seasonal collection is preparing, such a format is often more profitable," the designer Zhenya Kim is divided into its experience. - Over time, I began to pick up my own team: in the same production I was looking for the most competent people and lured them towards ourselves. In such a scheme of work, many advantages: you cooperate with people who are most involved in the process, and in their interests do everything qualitatively. On the other hand, it may be expensive if you do not have regular customers or stores for which you need to interrupt things. "

"If you have a goal to produce big circulation of clothes, a so-called experimental workshop is needed: the designer, the tailor and the placement manager for orders is the minimum from which you can start," says Dasha Samkovich. - A simpler way to contact one of the companies that offer the development of a collection from scratch: you bring them sketches, fabric, they make the design, come to fitting, claim, get a finished product. Sometimes such companies even help with the placement of circulations - now the novice designer is much easier to launch his own business than even five years ago. "

"It is important to understand the fashion industry is a team game, and members of the team, professional environment and support of beautiful fans are vital here," says designer Lyudmila Norsoyan. - Both the team, and partners, and buyers - everyone needs carefully and carefully to raise years, it's not the shooting on the spot. Emotion, attitude, loyalty, reliability - a terrible deficit in the world of fashion, namely the ability to these emphatic qualities and makes it possible to build faithful associates around them. "

Remove a good lucbuk

You have a ready collection, your potential hit, the next step is to remove the presentable lucbuk, which you can send by printed or online editions and show bayer stores. Not everyone is paid to the preparation of the Lokebuk due attention, and in vain is not just image pictures, but the tool of the PR: the more beautiful images are, the more likely they will want to be published. At the same time, it is impossible to forget that the Lucbuca is not equal to Campein, that is, the photos should represent clothes in the most advantageous form, and not just be a creative outlet designer and his team.

"It is important to remember that a high-quality lucbuk is a clear lucbuk," says the founder of the Picls Agency of Light Muller. - If we talk about the availability of pictures, then, obviously, Bayers and buyers must first see the clothes, all its details and texture of the fabric - we must give maximum information about the thing to a person who has not yet holds her in his hands and does not have the opportunity to try it . Quality Lucbuca is essentially the same good directory, just with a more interesting concept of shooting and, as a rule, a limited number of photos. All that is needed by: Technically talented photographer who knows how to work with light, and a talented stylist who will not lead your lucbuk in the braty debrist at the shooting. "

To the question, whether to save on Lucbuch, the answer will rather negative: in the end, this is an investment that will help to recoup the costs and bring the brand to a high level. "The main mistake of young brands is to shoot with friends," says Muller. - Okay, perhaps it works if you yourself from the industry, and your friends are from Condé Nast. But in general here without options. Just believe me because many PICLS customers came to us just after such experience with a broken heart and hope for normal shooting. You can save on anything - take off at home and with natural light. Call a friend who seems to have a camera, because he travels so much. Invite to be a model of a girlfriend who will make makeup itself (as it seems) and laying. You have fun and hide your luckeuk deep into the table. After all, industry professionals do not just do this - they know how to make it better, they will not allow you to crumble your concept and do everything on the knee. You can argue about such shooting for a long time, but I advise you just not to spend your time. "

Start selling things

Firstly, it will be worth it to say that in the total Didital Epoch, all spent typidation schemes of their own name and the sale of clothing cease to be absolutely categorical. In fact, you can not set the task at all to reach already existing retale sites, but simply create a separate Instagram account, which will be simultaneously your PR tools and the online store.

However, and the notorious SMM is not an imperative for a young brand. Many young designers who have already earned their name, still spend a lot of effort and time to sell themselves in large multibrends and concept stors. "We will only now launch your own online store," says Zhenya Kim. - First, before I did not feel necessary, and secondly, soon I plan to make regular collaboration with artists and other young creative guys and I want to sell these collections through my site. From the very beginning, I had a goal to go to the coolest retailers, I never wanted to sell my collections through Instagram, it seems to me unprepacent. "

"There is no unified strategy in the search for the correct retailer - it strongly depends on the product. Some brands and at all can be recommended to start selling through your own store and exclude wholesale sales - advises Denis Rodkhov. - If there is an understanding that the goods need to be sold through retailers, it is more effective to start cooperation with more image projects and gradually expand distribution through smaller and simple. If you see the perspective in large projects, then look for the contacts of Bayers, in smaller projects often the same person is the owner and director, and Baier. Look for personal contacts if it does not work - go to the store and show ready-made things. About the meeting is better to agree in advance by writing to the post office. If you did not answer, do not worry, perhaps the letter was lost and it is worth sending a reminder. "They were not allowed on the door, then climb the window" - contact another person, but too aggressively selling is not worth it - no one loves it! "

If you wish, you can get to any pad - it all depends on how interesting and potentially commercially successful project are you willing to offer. As the former head of the PR department of the department store "Colored" says, in which there are quite a few Russian brands from ZDDZ to Sorry, I'm not, Pasha Bobrov, "The department store team always carefully considers all new collections, paying attention to quality and relevance. The range of department store is often replenished with things of Russian brands, both those whose names are already on hearing and young. Many new Russian brands go to the department store themselves, send lucbuchi and samples for consideration. "

Relaxing in collaboration with third-party stores, be prepared for what you have to put up with the conditions that are not always beneficial for you: with young designers and small brands from retailers, as a rule, the conversation is special. "The better the store, the worse the conditions, but the presence in the top stores for any brand is extremely important, - tells Denis Rodov. - If we talk about the overseas market, then mostly stores buy things, so many designers dream of a foreign market. In Russia, such cases are rare, but again everything depends on the product. The cooler product, the greater the chances of selling your conditions, especially in cases where the store itself goes to the brand. "

The overwhelming majority of stores in Russia working with young brands on the terms of implementation - this means that the designer gives his things without a collateral, and the store is calculated with it on the fact of selling things, usually at the end of each month. Many such an option of cooperation seems not the most fertile: if for some reason the store could not sell the collection until the end of the season, the designer simply gets it back to his hands.

"In fact, the implementation often turns out to be a more profitable story for both parties," says Denis. - First, Mark-Up (extra charge at cost. - Approx. Ed.) In relations based on implementation, always higher than when redemption, that is, the brand receives more money. Secondly, in the case of good sales, it is almost always possible to sort the goods, that is, add something that has already been sold, or additional models. On implementation, as a rule, orders are more and wider. In the case of redemption, the stores are rarely lowered, and even if everything is sold, they will be waiting for the next season, so theoretically, on the terms of implementation, you can sell much more, if possible. It is important before agreeing to cooperation with one or another store, familiarize yourself with the contract, to ask other designers who have already collaborated with this project, since, unfortunately, there are a lot of unfair stores on the market, which often do not pay the designers due to the goods sold "

Photos: J.Kim, KM20, I Am Studio, More, BraVentru

In this article, we will consider the question of how to open a clothing store, which is needed for this, an example of a business plan for its discovery.

Profit of clothing store - boutique - will directly depend on the type of goods sold - "Luxury" branded clothing, exclusive, economy class, etc. For example, a mark-up for luxury clothing will be up to 100%, and on things for the middle class of consumers - up to 200%. In any case, this type of business is quite profitable.

Boutique business is almost the most cost-effective both in Russia and in Europe and the United States. According to experts, the annual turnover of funds in this industry is incredibly great. All new shopping centers and shops selling all, ranging from a cheap Chinese wide exclusive, are built around the world.

Business plan

We present you a free ready-made example of a clothing store business plan, which will help you start your business in the field of trading. With this example, you can estimate your future expenses and income during entrepreneurship.

Plan implementation scheme:

  1. register the IP;
  2. choose a supplier;
  3. rent (buy) premises;
  4. hire staff;
  5. we implement the goods.

How to open a clothing store

So, consider information on how to open a clothing store from zero on items.

Select format

It is necessary to determine which format will be boutique - monobrand (sells products of only one brand) or multi-brand (respectively, several firms and brands).

The first case is preferable if it is planned to work on a franchise or under the contract directly with the producer. Such a clothing store though loses a certain segment of customers, nevertheless, implementing the already promoted brand, it has a chance to deserve the location of the buyer.

Multibrend format is more dynamic and flexible. The owner himself chooses the range of goods and its price category. As a rule, such boutiques offer clothing to a different wallet, which attracts visitors.

Franchise shop

Franchising agreement

Buying franchise is a common way to start your own business. Sales specialists believe that only an entrepreneur who has experienced in the fashion industry can build their own clothing store "from scratch". So, the contract of franchise is a good option, if before that you have not had the opportunity to try yourself on this field.

By purchasing the rights to implement the promoted brand, the entrepreneur is 80% sure that his business will go well. Why by 80% and not on 100? Because much depends on the location of the clothing store and the specifics of the market (city, country). The system in which a new boutique turns on, has long been working and brings profit to its owners, and these are certain guarantees.

In addition, together with the goods, the entrepreneur receives recommendations for its implementation, recruitment of personnel, marketing policy.

How to choose a franchisor?

To do this, you need to answer a number of questions:

  • what price segment of the boutique of clothes;
  • profitability of the store of the franchisor (sample finances);
  • what are the cost of advertising this brand;
  • who constitutes a competitive environment of your clothing store;
  • how the supplier will be returned to the supplier;
  • what is the franchisor strategy and the degree of its penetration into our market.

The minus franchise is its cost. The price for the brand of the domestic manufacturer will cost about 50 thousand dollars. The brands of foreign manufacturers are two or three times more expensive.

Selection of commercial premises

There are a number of recommendations on where it is more profitable to open your clothing store from zero. For example, experts advise not to save on the square of the boutique, because the number of sales directly depends on the quadrature of the trading hall. In a small store, the buyer seems to seem to choose clothes too small.

One of the best options for hosting a clothing store are shopping centers focused on the sale of clothing. It is believed that, despite competition, the level of sales in the trading races is higher than in separate stores.

When choosing a place for a clothing store, the following is taken into account:

  • image of the outlet;
  • competition in your market segment;
  • the intensity of pedestrian flux near the store;
  • level of financial and economic development of the area;
  • availability in the neighborhood of other points, cafes, bio-toilets, parking.

Trade inventory

To organize the work of the clothing store you will need the following equipment: racks, shelves, rack, several mannequins, cash register, hangers, fitting room, mirrors. Elements of furniture and their price will depend on the style of the boutique interior.

Store design

The image affects the flow of visitors. In branded clothing stores, the appearance concept is being worked out by design and marketing specialists. But even if you do not apply for a unique design of your store, repair and preparing the premises to work will still have to do.

Product Suppliers

As a rule, the owners of multi-brand boutiques are purchased from distributors of certain brands or go to the goods abroad (Turkey, Bulgaria, China, Europe, America). Deciding with the assortment, you need to choose the best supplier, given the ratio of quality and price.

Working staff

The personnel in trade plays a significant role. Shop of fashionable clothes - no exception. Selection of good sellers of consultants - another component of successful work. In addition to external data and the ability to communicate with the client, the employee must understand fashion, have a sense of style, be able to pick up the client what is suitable for him.

The number of sellers depends on the size of the clothing store and the range sold. Most often, the wages of the seller - piecework: a fixed bet plus a percentage of sales. A large store also includes director, manager and accountant.

Advertising and marketing

Business risks

Basic risks when trading clothes:

  • Unpredictable trendy trends. Dynamics and variability of fashion can ruin the clothing store: Today the product is popular and quoted, and tomorrow - no longer.
  • Insufficient demand. To prevent this problem it is important to work on creating an image of a trading point.
  • Unboring or brute force. This often faces newcomers. The fear of "half-empty shelves" is poured into excessive purchases, and as a result, the ruin of the clothing store.

Approximate costs

So, how much is worth opening a similar case:

  • Franchise - from 45-47 thousand dollars.
  • Rental of commercial premises - from 1.5 thousand dollars / month.
  • Equipment of a clothing store - from 3.5 thousand dollars.
  • Repair - from 5 thousand dollars.
  • Advertising - 500-1000 dollars.
  • Purchase of the first batch of clothing - from 10 thousand dollars.
  • Remuneration - from $ 3 thousand / month.
  • The combination of the initial costs for opening a clothing store with "zero" - from 70 thousand dollars.

Business revenues

The trade markup can be from 50% to 200% or more.

With this situation, the payback will be from one and a half to two years.

They told how to make their clothing brand in Russia. Look AT ME publishes the master class transcription.

The domestic fashion industry is in the opal. They love to speak about her, spend round tables, discuss, but in fact, little happens. There is even a myth that it is not interesting to do this and unprofitable. We would like to dispel this myth: to do this not only interesting and profitable, but you can do it without infringement of your own feeling of style and taste.

Fashion industry is the production, press and shops. Production is also design, and the manufacture of fabric and tailoring, and the production of fittings. Without the press, the industry also cannot exist, because people should learn about you. And without shops, too, because sales is the main thing.

Each company has a concept. Previously, it seemed to us that this was a stupid thing, but then we understood what she was needed for. It is necessary that every employee understand what he does and for what. Therefore, we sat down and wrote, about what our brand Oh, my and what we want to do. And we want to make a brand of inexpensive knitwear in Russia, in all parameters the corresponding level of a stable European brand. And orient it not only to the Russian market, but to make recognizable and sold throughout the world Fashion community.

It is necessary to understand whether there is a niche for you on the market. In Russia, on the one hand, it is full of suites, and on the other - there is a huge number of retail chains, where you rarely meet something interesting. And between them emptiness. Of course, there are good brands of non-bank and at the same time inexpensive designer clothing, which can buy each of us. But these brands are not so much so that they form some kind of trend. We realized that on the hole market, and we may well begin to fill it out.

It is very important to have blind faith in yourself. Because in addition to some objective moments of business and work there is magic, when everything is growing to itself. But the business component is also very important, nothing will happen without calculation. The fact that we sew will need to sell so that it is to re-sear and maybe even earn money.

Suppose that by September we want to run the brand of clothing. We have three months for which, without having nothing but a certain amount of funds, we may well have time. The time plan is divided into stages of work. Each stage - in turn, on the step-by-step process on the way to finished things.

To begin with, we just climbed the Internet and collected pictures that we like. We clearly understood that we want to make inexpensive good knitwear. There is American Apparel, there is H & M, there is still a lot of things that, and we have no such brand. Collecting many pictures, we decided what we want to do things. We had several categories of things: T-shirts, T-shirts, Longslives, Turtlenecks and Hoodies.

It is necessary to decide on the models until June 6. Until June 11 - draw sketches.In parallel, you need to search for a designer, which all this will do for you, because you cannot design. Designer - professional, and he will eventually understand what you want. The design process, if the collection is small and things are more or less similar (for example, 10 simple dresses) occupies a month. The designer can be hired on the side, and you can take to the staff.

In parallel, you need to look for cloth and accessories. Fabric in Russia to buy nowhere. And good fittings too - so that it was cheap. We have stores, there are warehouses, but what is sold there is expensive and not better quality. Therefore, we order a cloth in the Baltic States, which in the end it turns out cheaper than buying it here. Find all this is easy if you have Google and Yandex. You find the supplier, he sends you samples, and you already like shopping and warehouses with us, you see what you want. You can buy a T-shirt, send them and say: I want such fabric, such properties, such a composition. You still need to keep in mind customs. In winter, we have two and a half years fabric. But if you do everything competently, find a good mediation, it will not be long. Himself is better not to do this.

In parallel, it is necessary to look for production. In our country there are no high-tech production, there is no opportunity to sew a t-shirt from the canvas - fell. In St. Petersburg, this is not worth it - expensive. But this can be done in the Leningrad region, where the seam is earned not 20,000 r., And 10 000 r., And the cost of things is very low. Production can also be found on the Internet. Here you are ready to send the designed patterns for production.

At this time, work begins with the press. Let you still do not know exactly what will be the treatment of the sleeves and the gate of the T-shirt, you must already understand who your audience and in which magazines you want to see the materials about yourself. It should be borne in mind that the number on average is surrendered for the month, and if you want to get into the printed edition, you need a month for two months to send a press release, for which the journalists would pay attention to, and shooting, so that they understand what they offer them Write. During this month, you must clearly understand what kind of fabric you have, you take 10 meters of this fabric, sew the model you designed and remove them. You have beautiful photos of things even before these things you really have. And in two months, while the magazines are silent, you already have something to send and what to say to them.

Press release.The main problem of most press releases is that instead of concrete information, journalists have to read, in which beautiful flying image you will walk around the city. And the journalist has such messages in the box of 50 pieces, so it opens them and immediately closes. Write as it is: You represent such a brand, it is interesting due to the fact that. You should pay attention to you because it is beautiful and at the same time cheap. Or no one did anything before you. Addresses of journalists you will find if you come to the kiosk and buy those magazines that you are interested. Write to each journalist a separate letter. Possed by the scope - they got the answer "no". And most importantly: a good press release costs as much as bad, and good shooting is as much as bad. It is necessary to keep it in mind.

When things are ready, they must be sent to the store. To do this, the cost of things must also be added to your markup. This is called the extension value. Here, for example, a dress: if you add 100% to its cost and take another 100% in the store to it, it will cost 1,500 p. But you have such a steep dress that it will be sold for 3 000 r. So you can add more. There is no clear coefficient. But at the initial stage it is necessary to add more, as you still have a lot of mistakes, jams, delays, and it will be all worthwhile. And while you have a little turn, these errors need to insure.

Use the Internet. Do not think about the show, he will not bring you any result, since we have no industry. But if you make a beautiful site, the effect will be much more.

Invent special projects. Often the printed edition is not interesting to publish the news about which two months ago, 150 comments on the Look AT ME wrote. Therefore, you can invent all sorts of interesting things - for example, a limited collection, which does not tell anyone, except for editors of printed publications.

Use all free features. Publication is a sales tool. When the brand Oh, My Posh appeared! , I wrote a whole page in the "poster", and everyone came to us and asked: "How much did you pay?" You will not believe, but there is no such thing as payment for the publication, for a good magazine does not exist. Beautiful videos and photos can also be removed for free, and there is nothing shameful.

Help the store. For the store you are a partner, it is interesting for you to sell you, to earn you. So print the price, prepare beautiful luckers, it will cost you 5,000 rubles, but it will be a tool that will help you better sell. Lucbuca is a trite, well photographed on a white background of things, where the articles, composition, colors and sizes are signed.

Think of where you will move on. If you spent your money on the initial project, then you can find an investor who will allow you to reach a new stage. You will already go with something to him.

St. Petersburg Nelli substedy since childhood dreamed of working as a designer. During study at the institute, she realized that she was not interesting to invent dear extravagant clothes, which no one can wear in everyday life. Having worked as a design of street clothing, a year ago, she decided to create his company and began to produce concise things of increasing colors that fit into world fashion trends. Now Nelli's clothes sell in ten stores, and the company's monthly turnover exceeds half a million rubles.

work experience

Nelly subsoil

Founder of the brand

At seven years I declared my grandmother that when we grow up, I will become a designer. Then she gave me a suitcase with markers, and since then I, how to obsessed, began to invent and draw different outfits. After graduating from school, not thinking, went to the faculty of clothing design. Education at the Institute has become a real school life for me: I was expelled every six months, they said that I would be a bad designer that I would never succeed. At the same time, from the third year, I began to make full-fledged collections, participated and won with them in international competitions. Experimented with forms, tried various fabrics, looking for her style. By the fifth rate, I was a fully formed designer. Teachers at the institute demanded that we show our potential, using your fantasy as possible, but I quickly turned out this approach to clothing. I realized that I don't want to do things that no one wears, let them look interesting.

I really helped me in many ways, which I passed from various designers. Before the protection of the diploma, I managed to work in Atelier, and in the luxury brand, and in the brand of street clothes, and even controlled production in China. In general, it took all the soil, which only you can. In the last year, I was offered a job by the owner of the St. Petersburg Street Clothing Tailhead. The experience in his company turned out to be invaluable. This is a serious brand with a large assortment of goods, the founder of which has been working with clothes for twenty years and is well oriented in the market - knows what is ready to buy a Russian consumer. It does nothing fright, it works only with basic forms and flowers. I started as one of the designers of his brand, and he could say: "Nellie, what do you draw! Who needs this pink button on the side, I can't sell it anyone! "

The company had an experimental workshop in which we sewed samples sent them to shops and, if they understood that they were well followed, launched a large production in China. I could have a lot to try in the framework of Trailhead: developed a line of women's clothing, which almost did not work before me, organized filming for lucbuks and an online store. At some point it became clear: I know absolutely everything you need to open your case.

Own business

I decided to leave Trailhead, and at that moment my friend, designer Asya Malberstein, offered me to rent a twelve-meter room under the workshop. She had long pushed me to create her brand, and I thought that this room was a good sign. All your money, somewhere 100 thousand rubles, I spent on a sewing machine and purchasing fabrics for the first collection. Three months later, I realized that this was not enough, and took 300 thousand on credit.

I hired three people for this money, purchased additional equipment. Registered the name of the brand, it was worth about 60 thousand rubles. I was dissuading, it was believed that these were unnecessary spending, but for me this measure was very important. I also made a site, registered the IP, received permission to trade. A year later, when I had five people in my state, I rented a room with an area of \u200b\u200b63 square meters, where the production itself, and the showroom, and the office are now placed.

Now I have in the state - manager, three seamstresses, designer and designer. For me, this is the golden time of the company, because while still maintaining a friendly working atmosphere is not much labor, and every employee clearly understands what and when he should do. When there will be more fifteen people in the company, keep the former trusting relationships with all employees will be very difficult. We'll have to get used to communication in the format of "boss - subordinate". All typical problems of working with the brand, I managed to prophete more in Trailhead, so that stressful situations were ready. True, I had to develop an additional degree of rigidity, without which the boss could not.

Work with shops

It is important to understand that I did not start from scratch. In addition, I had good connections with shops: We were friends with someone from the owners, I used to cooperate with someone. Therefore, I knew exactly where I would sell my first collection.

First time I sold 50 things per month. Now we are on average for about 400 things per month for half a million rubles. We cooperate with ten shops scattered over the cities of Russia, the largest of them Moscow - Trends Brands in "Color". Now, I am sure, the number of stores promoting Russian designers will only increase.

I did not plan to open your own offline store: just there was no place. However, it turned out that people, having bought our clothes in other stores, began to go to the site, write to us directly. So I opened the showroom, and now it sells as much as all other points. Our online store brings us more about 100 thousand per month. It is beneficial to us, because in other stores we supply clothes with a fifty-percent discount, and we can sell at a regular retail price.

Cheats in stores are very different: in St. Petersburg it is somewhere 100%, that is, the store is bought by a thing for 1,500 rubles, and sells for 3 thousand. In Moscow, the cheating can reach 250%.

The cost of production depends on how much time spending time and forces to sew. If we, let's say, made an experimental model of the dress, I ask the seamstress, as far as it was difficult for her to work with him and how much time it took. If it was difficult and slowly, I exclude this model from the collection. I define the price, based on what I need to pay a normal salary to my employees and develop a brand. I would like to please buyers, putting a minimal price, but I do not agree to work at Zero, my job costs money.

Creating a collection

The system of work in a large and local brand is largely different. The giants of the industry are trying to predict trends a few years ahead. They have special people who go around the world and collect information about trends in all possible areas: from art to new technologies. They take into account economic prerequisites. When you immediately produce thousands of units of clothes at the factory in China, you are very risking, you have to be meticulous, save on threads and buttons. Since we are still a small brand, we do not adhere to a clear seasonality and prepare small capsular collections four or five times a year. I have about two months for creating a collection.

I always start with the fact that I look at the inspiration of 60 favorite sites and blogs about clothes, I understand that now the most relevant. I collect my mudboard, in which there may be works of art, and excerpts from films, and photos of the girlfriend, and music. On the website for half a year before the official exit lay new collections, I will notice the details that most often appear in all brands. Prepare a base for inspiration, I close for several days in the apartment and draw. According to my drawings, the designer makes the trial patterns, then we sew the first samples, measure, we refine. When the collection is ready, we photograph it for the lucchuk, we send shopping and waiting for the reaction. In the collection can be, for example, nine models in four colors. It is not necessary that each of these 36 things will be produced more than in one instance.

Choosing things

Bayers stores usually know their buyers well and understand that they will be ready to buy. Some take mostly basic classic things, others, on the contrary, choose more extravagant models. First, they order a test batch, then, focusing on demand, buy something additionally. We do not have a warehouse on which we store things, because we always searcate a certain amount for a specific order.

Gradually, we understood which models are best, therefore, it was allocated to a separate GILLS Classic line. These are things that are in constant demand, regardless of the season. If you look at, all global brands have its own base of models that they reproduce the year from year. Blazer Chanel, Classic Sweatwood Carhartt, Shoes. These are proven things to which you can add a pocket or change the fabric, but in fact they are always the same. The most-selling ADIDAS model is a classic black sports suit "Three Strips". Brands always earn the simplest, basic things. The same applies to color: black and gray always go to bang, especially in Russia. My brand is also based on universal things and monochrome palette. From the fabrics, I chose a footer for work, because it is his best I feel better.

I have a principle: I will never do just a beautiful thing on which I can not earn. When I am inventing a beautiful and simple model, I look at that, whether it falls in the trend, I consider it the cost of its production and calculating how much it will be sold in stores. If I understand that no one will buy it for this price, she immediately stops me like and I refuse it.

Photos: Yasya Fogelgardt