Winter flowers paintings by artists. Snow ten Russian artists

Winter flowers paintings by artists. Snow ten Russian artists
Winter flowers paintings by artists. Snow ten Russian artists

The detachment is to accept the whole being what is happening around you in this moment. An irrational aspect of admirement by nature - without aware of himself in it - this is a zen child. It is very strange to see the "first snow" plastov ask children at school. Or not strange, but right?

The art of drawing and the most painting is nothing but tools that promote literature and, consequently, the enlightenment of the people.
Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsian

Winter picture modern Masters on the classic topic About frost and the sun pleases birch and snow. Nikolai Anokhin depicts Russian transfer and standing on the feather house. The canvas it will take a worthy place in our meeting of winter reproductions.

Picture famous artist Konstantina Jun is inherent from her name - " Martov Solse". Otherwise, we could not understand that it was Mart, the end of winter. Thank you, the author explains. Let's see the canvas, bright and solid? Not quite. The composition "Cutlery" reflects movement, turn, to light and by summer.

The famous picture of Viktor Grigorievich Tsapkovkova "Frost and the Sun" depicts the Sun actually, but the effects of lighting. The painting is opposed to strong houses and sleighs with horses moving along the snow-covered road to us - viewers.

The picture of Alexei Savrasova depicts the corner of the courtyard on snow, fenced with a strong fence. Savrasov wrote and swinging huts, and these are the courtyards, and wide deserted winter landscapes of the middle strip.

Imprint at first glance Alexey Savrasova Pictures even not winter, but space. And not the road - Dal. Practically reduced to white and dark flavor is interesting for analysis.

Interesting winter landscape Gustava Kourbe depicts a deserted outskirts of the village in a disgusting, dummy, cold and crude weather. And where are the horses and people? In the stalls and in the corrches, perhaps.

Surprising modern artist Nikolai Krymov. His " Winter evening"I would greatly looked in the gallery of artists on the supernisage or Crimean shaft. That's just now they write everything, well, or through one, and Krymm. - first. And very different.

The most beloved in painting among artists and viewers is the genre of the landscape. Creators of works of art transmit their own mood through their work. The pictures of the winter of Russian artists reflect all the beauty and fabulous serenity of our nature at this amazing time of the year.

Landscape Nikifora Krylova

Decorate work with the image rustic landscapewhich is called "Russian Winter". Her author, Nikifor wings, originally from the city of Kalyazin, which is located on the Volga. In his picture talented painter I portrayed the outskirts of the village, behind which bangs the wonderful beauty of the forest. The foreground represents leisurely walking women, to meet the peasant leading his horse. The feeling of space and lightness emphasize serene winter clouds floating across the sky.

Painting I. Shishkin

Famous Russian landscape artist, when creating his work, preferred summer topic. Nevertheless, he sought a variety of in his work, writing pictures depicting other seasons. One of these creations is the "Winter" canvas. The picture is impressive because it reveals the winter stupor centrally is pinerycovered with deep fluffy snow. The silence of a frosty day transmits the greatness of a clear sky and a mighty age-old pine, covered with a fluffy white blanket. Thanks to the bluette flavor, the work reveals the languid beauty of the falling forest. I. Shishkin proves that the paintings about the winter of Russian artists can inspire and affect the imagination with their paints and shades, gradually revealing the meaning of the viewer.

Work B. Kustodiev

Landscapes of winter Russian artists are striking with their magnificence. Most beloved in Russia people's holiday - Maslenitsa - depicted in the same picture of B. Kustodiev. The work conveys the mood of the mischievous and fun farewell from the winter and the meeting of spring. The main attributes of the carnival are pancakes and popular walking. It is hard to believe that this cheerful picture was created when it was seriously ill and was tried to a wheelchair.

Martov winter day in the picture K. John

Winter in painting Russian artists seems mysterious and wary. The opposite of the mood is the picture K. John " Martov Sun." Clear piercing blue sky, sparkling snow, bright stains pass the freshness of a frosty day. The temperamental artist depicted two riders who move on their horses along a narrow path. They catch up with a beautiful horse, next to which the dog is leisurely runs away. Testing joyful paints gave a picture of the fame and love of the audience.

Night in the image of A. Kuyji

The pictures of the winter of Russian artists transmit a feeling of a fantastic atmosphere. As if proving it, the work of A. Kuyuzhi "Spots of the Moonlight in the Forest. Winter" depicts the space of a small forest glade, surrounded by trees and bushes in the snow. Moonlight Illuminates fixed objects, turning the entire clearing into mysterious space. Bright areas froze in a stupor. From different sides, thick shadows are sampled to them with dark stains, which smoothly go into the top of the trees.

Thus, the paintings about the winter of Russian artists are filled with the contrast of mystery and harmony. They transmit the viewer not only all the magnificence and beauty of Russian nature, but also deep meaning, Mood, Creator. Winter in the painting of Russian artists is presented in all greatness. All this in aggregate contributes to the creation of a special atmosphere in the consciousness of the viewer, allows you to feel like a participant in the revived landscape, "touch" to its details.

Many, and maybe everyone outstanding artists Delightened the time of year when nature rests, gaining strength under fluffy white cover. And they, inspired, created amazing winter landscapes, several of which we will admire today.

Winter landscapes outstanding artists. Julius Clover "Winter Landscape with History", 1899

Julius Clover - Russian Artist german origin, academician and professor The Imperial Academy Art. Born in the 1850th year in the city of Derpt (now Tartu in Estonia). The artist was in love with fairy tales, which is completely guessed in every work - even if there are no pictures fairy tale charactersTheir spirit is felt in forest, marsh and river landscapes.

Julius Clover, Painting "Winter Landscape with History", 1899

Winter landscapes outstanding artists. Igor Grabar, "Luxury Yeans", 1941

Igor Grabar is a Russian artist, art historian, restorer, teacher. Born in Budapest in 1871, traveled a lot. In the 1930s, Donkey in the country village of artists in Abramtsevo. The local nature has become an inexhaustible source of inspiration for grabar-landscape. The main object of observation and work for him became interested in. An example of this is the painting "Luxury Opens".

Igor Grabar Painting "Luxury Olya", 1941

Winter landscapes outstanding artists. Ivan Aivazovsky, "Ice Mountains in Antarctica", 1870

This work of the world famous Marinist artist I. Aivazovsky has three plot components: the striking sea power, the stunning beauty of the eternal winter and the courage of the Russian navigators of Bellingshausen and Lazarev, who opened Antarctica during the expedition in the 1820th year. The painting "Ice Mountains in Antarctica" is based on the memories of Admiral Lazarev.

Ivan Aivazovsky, picture "Ice mountains in Antarctica", 1870

Winter landscapes outstanding artists. Archka Queenji, "Solar spots on it", 1876-1890

Archka Quinji is the famous Russian landscapeist, the student of the Iivazovsky himself. Born in 1851. In their works, with the help of gradation, halftones reached sometimes complete optical illusion. Unfortunately, due to the variability of the paints, the Queenji's painting loses many of the former wealth. Therefore, we hurry to admire what has been preserved.

Archka Queenji, painting "Solar spots on it", 1876-1890

Winter landscapes outstanding artists. Isaac Levitan, "Forest in winter", 1885

Levitan - Russian artist jewish origin, Master "Mood Landscape". Levitan's work proves that the forest element is beautiful at any time of the year - be something juicy spring, hot summer, rainy autumn or magic snowy winter. Us, fancy residents of cities, pleasure to see beauty winter forest It falls extremely rarely. And look at it in the brilliant eyes of Levitan you can at any time.

Isaac Levitan, painting "Forest in winter", 1885

Winter landscapes outstanding artists. Victor Vasnetsov "Winter Sleep" ("Winter"), 1908-1914

Victor Vasnetsov - another adept of the Russian landscape, as well as the master of historical and folk painting. Most his works " Winter sleep"Hold down the forest. Snow fluffy bedspreads wrapped trees, everything was frozen, the silence and peace reigns around. And only light traces of Sanya, leading in a slightly prominent village away, are visible on the left side of the picture. Somewhere there - heat of the hearth, and here, on foregroundMerrates the Lyut Frost.

Victor Vasnetsov, a picture "Winter Son", 1908-1914

Winter landscapes outstanding artists. Boris Kustodiev, Skiers, 1919

Boris Kustodiev - Russian and soviet painter, landscape player, schedule, illustrator and theater artist. Libery "skiers" - an amazing example of working white on white. Trees covered with the Andnee perform on the background of an endless snow-covered plain. Clubs of dim white smoke produced by a locomotive, cover from the view of a snowy road. And for all these pastoral magnificence, two skiers are observed - a girl and a young man.

Boris Kustodiev, painting "Skiers", 1919

Winter landscapes outstanding artists. Peter Bruegel Senior, "Winter landscape with skaters and bird trap", 1565

Peter Bruegel Elder is a Netherlands painter and a schedule, the most famous of the "Breilel" surname. At first glance, in his "Winter landscape with skaters and a trap for birds", it can be seen only how people will be frightened on ice. A trap for birds in a heavy door in the right side of the painting is guessing barely. And where is your catcher? The bragle of the older is not in vain considered a joker ...

Peter Bruegel Sr., "Winter landscape with skaters and bird trap", 1565

Winter landscapes outstanding artists. Hendrik Averkop, "Winter landscape with skaters", 1609

Another Netherlands painter Hendrik Aberkp as well as Bruegel, loved to write small realistic winter landscapes. One of them is this "winter landscape", also with a horizon shifted up the horizon and the door-trap (direct bragle quoting). By the way, try to find it.

Peter Breygele is considered the last Dutch artist of the Renaissance. He had a lot of traveling in Europe. A special feeling of delight he awakened Rome.

Peter Bruegel never wrote to order - he was a free artist. Master Brusci loved to portray in his pictures of people of the lower estates, for which he was called "Menitsky."

One of his most famous pictures - "Snow hunters" from the "Twelve Months" cycle. There are only five paintings from this cycle (it is assumed that they were originally six). "Snow hunters" correspond to December and January. This winter drawing is people with their life, which represent the generalized image of the whole world.

Snow hunters

Claude Mona Mone

Before that genre of the winter landscape presented Gustave Krebr. In his picture there were people, horses, dogs, and then . Claude Monet moved away from this and portrayed only one, barely noticeable Soroka. The painter called her "Lonely nota." This manifested itself ease and beauty of the winter landscape. Their with light and shadow helps the artist to create a special sensory atmosphere of a cold day.

Interestingly, the jury of the Paris Salon (one of the most prestigious art exhibitions of France) rejected this picture. And this is understandable, because it was very bold, novelty Monet's manners made a picture of the classic image of the winter day of that time.


Vincent Van Gogh "Landscape with snow"

Vincent Van Gogh decided to become a painter aged twenty-seven years. When Vincent arrived in Paris to Brother Teo, it was quickly disappointed in the metropolitan art society. He left the winter capital And moved to Sunny Arles.

At this time, there was an unusual weather for those places frosty weather. Sowing from the train, the painter felt herself in the kingdom of snow, he was not accustomed to heavy snowfall and tremendous snowdrifts. True, soon the thaw and most of the snow melted. The artist hurried to capture what remained from snow in the fields.

Landscape with snow

Paul Gaug "Village Breton in the snow"

Paul Gajen - famous french artist. During his life, his paintings did not have demand, so Gogen was very poor. Glory to him, as well as to his friend Van Gogh, came only a few years after death.

Recently, the picture of the field of Gogen "When Wedding?" It was sold for 300 million dollars. Now it is the most dear painting From ever sold! I bought a masterpiece Organization Qatar Museums, the seller is a famous Swiss collector Rudolf Shtehelin.

When Paul Gaughene moved to the North-West of France, he began writing the painting "Village Breton in the snow". She was found on the easel without signature and dates from the workshop of the Gaugaen field at the time of his death on May 8, 1903.

The artist created heavy contours of snow-covered straw roofs , Spires of the Church and sharply appearing trees in this desert landscape. Highline skyline, long-graze pipes - everything causes a sense of drama and frost with fruitless winter.

Village Breton in the snow

Hendrik Averkp "Winter Landscape with Skaters"

Hendrik Aberkp - Dutch painter. He was the first to start working in the style of realistic landscape painting: Nature in his paintings was such as in fact.

Averkamp from birth was deaf and dark. Early creativity is exclusively urban winter landscapes. It was they who made the artist widely known.

Since Averkamp could not feel this world with a hearing, the vision perfectly caught the feeling of color, the aggravation of the equipment to notice the smallest elements in multifigure compositions. No one could compare with him in the transfer of changing lighting.

Famous picture of Hendrik Aberkzpa - "Winter scenery with skaters". Intelligent attention to the trap from the door and sticks for birds in the lower left corner of the picture - this is a direct hint of Peter Breygel's "Winter Landscape with Birds Trap" (here it is in the lower right corner ).

Winter scenery with skaters

Winter landscape with bird trap

Winter landscapes of modern artists

Robert Duncan is a modern American artist born in Utah. There were 10 children in his family. Robert began to draw from 5 years.

He loved to visit the grandfather and grandparents on the ranch. It was the grandmother when the boy was 11 years old, gave him a set of paints and paid for 3 lessons to paint oil.

From Duncana's winter paintings and itifies warmth and homely comfort, despite the fact that they are still "winter"!

Kevin Walsh is an artist whose paintings we have to collect out of a thousand pieces. Why? Because his work can be found on puzzles, postcards, and even clothes as prints.

In the works of Kevin Walsh noted attention to technical and historical details. The highlight of his work is special sensitivity to the range, the palette and the transfer of colors. Here is a selection of his work on the winter theme.

Richard de Wolfe is a professional Canadian artist and a blogger. He is a self-taught artist. The first exhibition of the works of Richard de Wolfe was presented when he was 18 years old. Here are a few of his works.

Judy Gibson is a modern American artist. In its paintings - immediacy and warmth. On it winter drawings - Forest house, in which she invites your fantasy. You need to imagine how comfortable, sitting by the fireplace with a cup of hot .

Stewart Sherwood is a self-taught artist. He wrote portraits of many famous people: Pope of the Roman John Paul II, John F. Kennedy and others. He is the only one who was awarded four times the prestigious Canadian Prize. It is said that he even wrote paintings for President of France.

And you did not want to draw winter?