Martov Sun Description. Essay in the picture of John "Martov Sun"

Martov Sun Description. Essay in the picture of John
Martov Sun Description. Essay in the picture of John "Martov Sun"

Martov Sun.

March ... Month of the year, when winter slowly loses his power, and spring enters legitimate rights. It was this time of year to portray the famous Russian artist Konstantin Jouo on his canvas "Martov Sun" in 1915.

At first glance, a positive impression and a positive attitude is created. The whole space is brightly lit by the spring sun, which looks out of the sometimes swimming light white clouds. The bright blue sky gives up the coming spring. Earth and roofs of houses are still covered with snow, pouring like a delicate diamond crumb in the rays of the Sun.

According to a viewing wide road, past the tightly standing with a densely conceded, a couple of riders are riding on black horses. Riders are dressed in dark Tulups, and on their heads they have caps under the tone of the clothes. A little bit, a two-color horse rushes, next to which a dog runs.

Along the road there are high trees, which seem to touch the heavenly embroidered with their peaks. Branchy birchs merge with their whiteness with snowdrifts. In the snow, you can consider many traces from the hooves, which and the protopantana path. The sun is already high above the horizon, because the trees and riders are already throwing shadows. The picture shows a small village, low, but beautiful houses can be seen both in the foreground, and in the distance, behind the hill. Wide roofs of houses covered with snow overflowing in the rays. A deserted street suggests that today is a day off, and all people, except for two random rides, rest at home. The picture of the awakening nature, not burdened with a large number of people, pleases the eye.

The picture of Konstantin John "March Sun" fascinates and attracts. The snow still lies on the ground with a dense layer, but the approximation of spring in the air is already felt.

Picture Description for Grade 3

Martov Sun - so beautiful! Winter is still, but the sun is bright. And joyful. The sun is smiling. And the snowy road run horses. Children on them too joyful. They all feel that Spring is soon.

The sun will warm and melt all the snow. And under the snow grass is green! And flowers! Horses feel it. Horses of different colors: black, redhead, blonde ... and there is still a dog. She runs behind them. Dogs run after all that is moving.

If the spring is sitting at the window in the sun, then you can (close your eyes) to imagine that summer. Here too.

In the picture there are still cute houses, trees. Trees are all big and beautiful! This is the edge of the village. The sky is light, beautiful. Some white clouds. And more shades like flying plates!

In the picture there are many shadows, that is, the sun is not at the top, and on the side. Here are the shadows of the trees, that is, the forest is hidden. But we now know what he is there!

Essay by picture Martov Sun. Jone 8 Class

In the work of K.F. John the theme of spring, natural rebirth occurs at least on two canvases. One of them is "March Sun".

If it were not for the name, could the viewer understand the intention of the artist and see the image of the spring pore? I think I could. At first glance, it is difficult not to notice such an obvious awakening of nature, but with a detailed consideration, everything becomes in its place. Let there are no kidneys and leaves on the trees, but on the ground of protaly and streams, thanks to the bright sun, pouring everything around and clean the sky, we can easily guess the natural state.

Compositionally painting has three plans (like three spring months). The far depicted a village, which completely not yet woken after the winter blizzard - on the roofs lies the snow, the inhabitants are not visible and the trail is not yet laid. The central plan allegorically reflects the gradual origin, the breath of life, both in animals and the riders. They are as a central link connecting a carotid village with already waking up nature. And the third plan, the closest to the viewer - these are trees stretching towards the light that "spirit" and ready to revive with the arrival of heat. Thus, three acting "persons" are captured in the picture - nature, animals and people who united in one impulse - as soon as possible to bring warm days as soon as possible.

Color gamut laconic. Fills the whole picture one color - blue, barely catchy. Blue depicted and snow and sky. Creates a sense of mirror. As if the sky "looks" to his own reflection on earth. Blue - color, pleasing eye, instilling hope. The houses, although have facades of different colors, are all covered with snow and become actually one whole. What you can not say about nature - even birchings have each individual forms and shades. In nature, everything is unique and in this is her charm.

What is connected with the animals and people depicted by the artist, then the color component is located here in the background, since the author was important to show the dynamics. The horses are depicted in motion - we see it on fluttering mars and by the lag from the small procession of the foal. Completes the dynamics of a dog, a labnce of a stallion, is silent, to fit, notify everyone around about his joy from the offensive of spring.

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Essay in the picture K.F. John "Martov Sun"

The painting "Martov Sun" was written by K. F. Jone in 1915. It depicts the Moscow region, the native places of the artist.

The picture shows one of the first spring days. We see rustic houses, trees, directed upwards, boys, rejoicing the rays of the spring sun. There is still snow on Earth, and "Spring is already asking for a soul." Snow dazzling blue, pearl, sparkling, crisp. The sun happily plays on it with his rays, long-sneeled shadows stretch from the trees. The sky here is practically merged with the ground. It is also a gentle-blue, very clean, ringing, almost without clouds. In the foreground, we see rustic boys, jumping along the path on horseback. They have fun talking among themselves. Old mighty trees grow on the side of the path. Powerful crowns are fixed directly into the sky.

In the background - rustic houses. On the roofs there are still snow. The birches row are growing up. The dog and the foal fun frolic near the shopping homes.

The picture leaves a joyful feeling of spring, the sun, heat.

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March - a special time of year, bringing the joy of what spring will soon come into their rights. On the side of the road lies a slightly imposed snow, which in the rays of a non-jarous sun, already a few plump quietly melts every day. The trees though did not have time to acquire a beautiful crown spring very happy. Although they know that March is very deceptive month and warmly will not last long. There will be many more morning frosts dangerous for plants.

Picture K. John "Martov Sun" written by the artist in 1915 personifies the spring mood. The sky occupies the main part of the canvas, it shines through the bare branches of the trees and merges on the horizon with a snow-covered street.

The prevailing gloves of the canvas instills in the soul. Unusual lightness, joyful serenity and unshakable confidence that everything will be fine. After all, they survived such frosts and waited for the morning of the year. There is an unusual feeling that conquers and for a long time remains in memory.

In a simple plot, we see riders rushing around the village street. A small dog is running with horses, trying not to lag behind. She shook his sightened laminy, showing its importance to the owners. Cavalcade has just left the village, it can be seen along a narrow path leaving richly decorated with carvings at home.

In ancient, the villagers sought to show a big smelter, decorating their homes, and each house was distinguished from others, then a wonderful fairy-tale rooster on the roof, then unique patterned platforms or an intimate porch. Sometimes the housing resembled the work of art. Wooden houses are standing by turning the facades to the roadway, glittering in the sun purely washed ends, as if the princely choirs. And here is a friendly large peasant family of three, or even four generations.

In 1903, the Union of Russian Artists was created in Moscow. The central figures in it were K. John, A. Arkhipov, I. Grabar and A. Rylov. Artists tried to develop their own style, opposing themselves to Petersburgers. They did not accept symbolism and associated ideas, connecting together in their art Realism of mobile phone and impressionism in the transmission of air and light. Their most interested in the landscape and genre drawings.

Konstantin Jouon was one of the landscape players, the artist unmatched the lyrics of the winter landscape and early spring, which is shown in the painting, "March Sun". The game of light on the mob in the snow is unusually transferred here, which is superbly combined with gentle blue skies. Awakening of nature. Snow on Earth is no longer fluffy white, both at the beginning of winter, and already dirty gray and heavy.

Birches stretched out their white trunks, as if trying to be closer to the sun. The artist does not show the shine on the canvas, but his rays literally flooded all the space. Roofs of houses, poplar tops are all lit by gentle spring rays. And on the snow long bright purple-blue shadows, it means that the sun has already turned to the sunset. A small lamb of light clouds are slowly moving along a bluishless sky. The air is clean, but some more frosty. It feels movement in everything, horses jump, the dog jumps, the foal is frozen. People, animals and all nature are rejoiced.

Carefully chosen paint paints gave an extraordinary freshness of the spring day. Behind the riders are visible economic buildings and houses, covered with snow cover, and rises from the pipes into the sky smoke. Trees on canvas as a symbol of life awakening under the sunlight illuminating the entire district, they give the canvas optimism and a sense of the holiday.

Century trees, too, stretched to the Sun who weighted by time and weather conditions of the branch. Perhaps they were planted by the great-grandfathers villagers. Fresh traces of snow are clearly highlighted, someone managed to run on the snowdrifts forn.

The artist depicts the unique moment of the first spring days. Snow hurts under the hooves of running horses, and the drifts are still deep, but you can already feel the tenderness of spring. A small genre scene is applied to the landscape.

The wonderful artist Konstantin Jouon showed us the beauty of nature on a regular business day. He seems to tell us: "People around us are an amazing and inimitable world. Each living creature, pebbles, a mountain stream, an inconspicuous field flower, a snowflake, who fell to our palm and the delayed for a moment - are able to cause sincere surprise, admiration and peace. "

Today, the picture of K. John "Martov Sun" is located in Moscow in the Tretyakov Gallery, oil - canvas, its size is 107 by 142 cm.

Essay in the picture: K. F. John "March Sun".
March is a special month when spring only comes into their rights. On the side of the roads still lies by the snow. He is not enough in the rays of the March Sun, having fun laughs - and imperceptibly melts. Trees are rejoicing the arrival of spring, but they are not yet ready to acquire luxurious foliage. Just everyone understands that the Martam Sun is deceptive heat that is not ready to delight for a long time.
In the picture of John "Martov Sun", horsemen are depicted, which is quickly driving on the talom snow. Next to the horses runs a little dog, which constantly looks up. She is afraid behind - and at the same time hopes for some treat or encouragement.
Riders recently left the village. This is stating a fresh path from traces, which goes towards simple peasant homes. Although these houses can only be called conditionally, as they are decorated with patterns. I must say, the peasants showed a rich fantasy when decorating their dwelling, so every peasant house was a real work of art.
Over the village observes a clean, cloudless sky. It pleases the beauty and clarity, which arises a feeling of lightness and serenity. Probably, because of this unusual feeling, the picture conquered me - and will remain in memory for a long time.

Description of the picture K.F. Jouta "Martov Sun".
The painting "Martov Sun", written by KF Ion in 1915, is one of the most famous in the work of the famous artist.
On this canvas, showing the viewer, the native nature of the Moscow region, the features of the painting of John are embodied especially fully.
"Martov Sun" is a cheerful plenary landscape. The painter captured on the canvas then the state of nature, when it was not yet melted by the drifts and crushes under the boots snow, but in the bright blue sky, in the transparent air, it is already rushing a capeful sense of spring heat.
It seems that the trees stretch to the lion from the sky with their nodal branches. The sun is still almost not heating, but brightly illuminates the roofs of wooden houses, spread poplar, high birch trees, creating a cheerful, raised mood.
An important part of the painting "March Sun" is the genre scene. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine this landscape without these horses, a perky shaggy dog \u200b\u200band cheerful children.
The painting "March Sun" develops a traditional landscape topic, giving her a new interpretation. The composition of the work is characterized by special perfection. The intensity of the color, the decorativeness of the canvas does not exclude the sensation of vitality, reality, spatial depth.
Bright paints of the canvas - a combination of blue, golden, pink, lilac - help painting to convey the feeling of the first spring warmth and light. All this together asks the topic of the landscape - the topic of the joyful and solemn awakening of nature.

"Martov Sun".
Before us is the famous picture of Konstantin Fedorovich John - "Martov Sun". This landscape reveals us the joyful feeling of the early arrival of spring, although the whole earth is ukutana with a snow-white snow cover. Beryzki Beryzki, gathering in a circle, look forward to the arrival of spring, which will give them bright green, new clothes. And the old rams, squinzing, leisurely stretch with their heavy branches to sunlight. Martov rays of gold and blind roofs of houses and naked trees tops. Carved rustic houses, leaning a little, substitute their Boca Martam warm sun, knowing for sure that, although it is deceptive, spring will come into their rights.
The riders go on a country road - rustic children. Who knows, maybe on behalf of someone from the parents, and maybe without the demand of sedated horses. Snow clearly leaves tracks of horse hoofs and it seems as if we hear the crackling of the snow crust. Peasant children just left the village. We see that the black dog is happy behind, playing with someone who fought off the yard brightly red foals, as if calling him to go back home.
The sky is nano with bright azure color, because of this, the canvas acquires incredible brightness of the paints! Transparent snow-white tucci slowly swims for the guys, as if accompanied by little riders. In the air hangs a cheerful spring spirit, the whole picture is pierced by him. I want to inhale the creamy frosty Martov air! Soon, the streams from the village roofs will be drunk very soon, the birds will be happy with all voices, the trees will be cut through the first kidneys and will come true, long-awaited spring!

Description of the picture of John "March Sun"

Justa loved to write solar landscapes, and this picture did not exception.
On the Martov Sun canvas, a warm day is depicted in an ordinary village.
Though Mart is considered a spring month, but we still have winter on the streets.
Snow just begins to fit a little bit, and the sun gives its warmth.
The sky becomes somehow light and weightless, not at all as in winter, when it is cloudy and heavy.

Here the horses with young riders go along the wipe path.
Under their hooves, the snow shut down in the sun.
Behind them is another horse, next to which a black dog.
She is trying to play with a horse, grind himself to it.
Along the paths are tall trees, pulling up to a clear blue sky.
Thin birchings substitute their branches to the sun, trying to warm up after a long winter.
Snow soon will come down, and they will again find a new life, dissolving the leaves.

On the hillock are visible at home, the roofs of which are still covered with a snowy cap.
In the houses cozy and warm, although on the street, despite the drifts, so nicely hesitates the spring sun.
In addition to animals and the kids do not see anyone.
Everyone is busy with their affairs.
Although the path can be assumed that most recently, other horses slipped in front of young riders.
The trail of the protopantan, and therefore the guys are easy to drive horses, directing them where necessary.

At first glance it may seem that it is a winter landscape.
Snow sparkles and overflows under the sunny rays, but it felt that the sun is already warm, spring.
Sugroes seemed to be covered with a leading crust and long-awaited streams will escape.
Nature wakes up from winter hibernation, and spring comes into their rights.
Johns surprisingly accurately transferred the warmth of the sun, and the spring translucent weightless sky, which flood small air clouds.