What should be a cross. Is it possible to wear crosses with a Catholic crucifix? Is it possible to give a native cross

What should be a cross. Is it possible to wear crosses with a Catholic crucifix? Is it possible to give a native cross
What should be a cross. Is it possible to wear crosses with a Catholic crucifix? Is it possible to give a native cross

A native cross is an ancient christian symbolwhich is worn after the rite of baptism. Our ancestors called the cross, because they wore it practically without removing her chest under the clothes. It was not accepted to put a deposit.

Today, not everyone adheres to such a rule, so the Golden Cross has become a popular jewelry. Noble metal complement precious stonesenamel, cast openwork patterns.

Undoubtedly, there are those who deviate from healthy devotion, and there are even people who worship on the fields of the Church and are only false saints. These errors do not justify the neglect of genuine devotion, but rather emphasize the importance of catechization.

Judas Taddeus, and my friend tells me just asking God right without intermediaries. Christ is the only one who can petition in front of the Father, in whose merciful hands is all. Main prayer The church is the Holy Mesa, because in it we join the victim in which Jesus gives herself to his father. But this communication with Jesus combines us also with our brothers in the body of Christ with the Uza love.

When choosing such a product, you need to be guided by its purpose - spiritual charm or decoration to along with a certain style.

Captain of gold can be bought for himself or as a gift. For a child, they usually make gods parents.

When choosing this accessory, you need to remember several nuances:

  1. Krestles for baptism must comply with Orthodox canons. Such have a crucifix on the front side, or the figure of Christ, and the inscriptions IHHI (IHTSI, IC XC). At the foot of the Cross there is an image of the so-called adam head - skulls with bones, and "Save and Save" engraved on the turnover. Depending on the number of crossbars, the cross can be four-, six and eight-pointed. The church recognizes any.
  2. For little child It is advisable to choose a model with rounded ends and without inserts so that they do not parse tender children's skin.
  3. The cross is selected in the chain tone, if it is, or vice versa.
  4. The cross suspension should be half easier chain on which it is planned to wear.
  5. An active and movable little children of the cross is better to hang on a chain, but on a rubber lace with a gold or platinum fastener.

How to care for a golden cross

Gold as material for the cross is popular due to the fact that this metal is hypoallergenic, does not darken and does not oxidize. This is a very significant factor for decoration, which constantly comes into contact with the body and is exposed to swelling and sebaceous glands.

The saints are assumed precisely because they are members of the Body of Christ. They do nothing but Christ. God created us to be family. Heaven and the Earth are combined in communicating the saints in Christ. The family shares and conveys their hopes and sadness. That is why we also ask saints and angels to petition for us. Saints and angels, without distracting the attention of God, help us enter the glorious presence of God, because they are already there, they are a big cloud of witnesses, because God has the lives and the center of all of them.

It would be impossible to relate to all people in the world, but God gives us a family and friends to share our lives with us more personal and inevitably. It is also impossible to have personal devotion to all the saints, because there are thousands. But in the course of our life, God brings us to some saints, perhaps because of our family, school, nationality or some trip. Among many, some of them become special inspiration, and we pay them more attention. Therefore, we usually pray to the saints that we know and love the most.

So that they always remain clean and sparkling, the crosses of gold must be periodically cleaned special meanssold in jewelry stores. From ordinary home remedies, a soap solution is suitable, in which you need to hold the product for a few minutes, and then polish the soft flannel. It can be 5-10 minutes to boil the decoration in soda solution.

To save us, it doesn't matter what our favorites, as all saints teach us to love the most Jesus himself, who is the head of all saints and churches. It is important that you follow his example of heroic love for the Lord. Of course, friendship with saints will ripen if we live as part of the God's family, thinking about him, thinking about the miracle that he did with our senior brothers, saints. When we go to the holy and angels, we have witnesses of the living gospel before us.

Saints are not jealous of each other and do not compete for popularity. They just want to help us love God just like them. The confusion occurs when we are trying to spend some kind of research to see what is suitable for us. Go to Jesus, which is on the throne, and next to him you will find His Sacred Mother, distributing gratitude, she is also our mother. Around the throne there are all the angels and saints, which only a few know personally. Little, our hearts will be filled with increasing grace, and more naturally approach our heavenly friends to pray with them.

Where can one buy

In a wide range you will find a full Orthodox cross in the store Gold24.ru. All models have confirmed quality certificates.

In the online catalog on the official website of the store posted photos and full characteristics Each product, ordering conditions, payment and delivery. If the questions remain, the hotline operator will answer them.

Pray for a deceased friend? Does this man pray for the intercession? You can pray, but only alone. The way of prayer is simple, as he moves the heart, realizing that he is conditional. I often had to see how the concepts of sin, anger, divine punishment, etc. We provoke polarized positions or ignoring them, or affecting them disproportionately. There is no doubt that if we focus on Jesus, his sermon was saturated with compassion, mercy and hope. But, at the same time, he also argued that those people who somehow prevented and opposed this message should suffer from serious consequences.

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Cross for believers is great Powereliminating all kinds of evils, especially from the villainance of hated enemies. A native croser helps to carry disease and adversity, strengthens the spirit, protects against evil people and in difficult circumstances.

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The cross assigned to a person with baptism, it is also called "Tannik" in Russia. During the sacrament of the baptism, the cross assigned to the execution of the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: "Who wants to go for me, reulted, and take your cross, and follow me" (MK. 8, 34).

In Jesus, we find the words of consolation and promotion, as well as condemnation and condemnation. For the Galilean teacher, the situation of man was desperate. This state was understood as a sin and indicated that it was not in a certain institution or the structure of the government, and in the very center of man, in his heart. That's where murders, adultery, lie and all evil, which was surrounded and distinguished by any society. The problem of man was a man himself.

Is it possible to wear crosses with a Catholic crucifix?

The master was not an idealist, on the contrary, he was extremely realistic in his vision of life. Discarding that any proposal for coexistence, whatever nature, ultimately lead to the benefit of several, and the exploitation of many others is to live on another planet.

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The native cross is being consecrated by a priest who reads two special prayers in which the Lord God is asking for him to poured heavenly power to the cross and that this cross stored not only the soul, but also the body from all enemies, sorcerers, sorcerers from all sorts evil forces. That is why in many native crosses there is an inscription "Save and Save!".



This, moreover, it is extremely easy to understand, because if the human right is protected automatically, it must be condemned to another, which is trying to take this right. Jesus called this form of action, from man to man, sin. It was from this sin that he came to free us.

However, we understand what is usually called "original sin", which means this concept that inside us there is something that sooner or later will lead us to morally burdensome action. This in Scripture is considered as an insult to God himself, who first and ultimately, the Creator of everything that exists, and, in particular, a person who considers the most worthy place with his own hands. However, as noted at the beginning, the negatives of all this worldview should either skip about huge number Biblical texts or simply explain how part of the cultural deep religious body of which Jesus participates and ends his word.

How to choose native CrossiR?

The native cross is primarily a symbol. christian faith, not beautiful jewelry. The native crosses have always differed in a variety of choosing forms and materials from which they are made - gold, silver, copper, bronze, tree, bone, amber. When choosing a cross, it is necessary to pay attention not to metal, but on the form that must comply with Orthodox traditions. The traditional Orthodox Cross has an eight-pointed form.

How to sanctify a native cross?

The great stumbling block in this position is that those who claim that they are Christians, and thus interpret the biblical reality, they leave without meaning and the goal of the life and the message of Jesus. Without a cross and without resurrection there are no genuine Christianity.

On the other hand, these are those whom we could call the legisters and which constantly talk about the court, condemnation, hell and divine anger. They consider themselves defenders of the correct biblical interpretation, as truly orthodoxal. But it is curious that in this matter both read the Bible in the same way. They stayed in the Old Testament with all their sacrificial system from which they have a certain meaning and, thus, come to the new and apply it.

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Is it possible to wear crosses with catholic crucifixion?

The main condition in the Orthodox iconography - the figure of the Savior expresses the divine peace and greatness. She seemed to be imposed on the cross, and the Lord opens his arms to everyone to him. The artist is performed by the task of the image of Christ in human and Divine Ilostasy, showing at the same time death and victory of the Savior. Catholics in the Middle Ages abandoned the symbolic spiritual image of Jesus. Concentrate on flour and death, the hiding the celebration of the Lord, who won the death and the ever-opening life of the eternal. Proceed the features of the naturalism of human suffering and the flour of the godded execution: the severity of the body saving on elongated hands. Chapter, topped with a thorns crown. Crossed feet are intended by one nail. Anatomical details that convey the truthfulness of the execution of execution. The POSIVE requires the wearing the cross of the Orthodox, and not Catholic. This is due to different views on the basics and dogma of the Christian faith.

As a result, the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is presented as follows: the father was angry with a sinful man, and so he made his punishment Jesus. Of course, it is added that in this way people are declared righteous or sin is redeemed. The image of God who requires blood, death to calm his anger, or a judge who requires the eternal condemnation of all mankind, clear from the previous presentation. Some reject it, others protect it, but both are well read Old TestamentBut not new.

In fact, this is an interpretive deviation, motivated by the misunderstanding that justice is in divine terms. This is how the human form is placed and instead of allowing her to be the Bible, who teaches us the structure that she is alien.



How to sanctify a native cross?

To sanctify a native cross, you need to come to the church to the beginning of the service and ask for a clergyman. If worship is already committed, you can seek help to a church worker who will help to transfer the Cross to the priest in the altar. If you wish, you can ask for a consecration of the cross in your presence to participate in prayer.

The atonement achieved by Jesus did not consist of three parts that were associated with people on the one hand, with Jesus on the other and, finally, with his father. There are only two: God and man. And this is the key to understanding the amazing turn that the idea of \u200b\u200bredemption represents the New Testament.

When we say that God punishes sin on the cross, we are talking about that God punishes itself and all the benefits for us. The image of the Father's God, who unloads his anger on Jesus, because he carries the sins of mankind, is incorrect. It happened that God poured on his anger. Did Jesus were not the embodiment of the Divine? From the most strict orthodoxy, there is Jesus God or not? It is for this reason that the deception of the Divine in the anger of the Father for Sin and Jesus, who suggests that anger is nonsense. On the Cross, God, in his womb, suffers from any unholy and contempt for mankind.

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What to do with the foundation crude?



Is it possible to give a native cross?

You can give crosses. You will be doubly pleasant for you for you, if, when you handing the Cross, you will say that they went to church and already sanctified the cross.

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The main differences in the Orthodox and Catholic Crucifixion

1. In the Orthodox Crucifixion, Christ is nailed to the Cross four nails, on Catholic - three;

The main differences in the Orthodox and Catholic Crucifixion

He is not an eager for the blood of God, who is satisfied with his son with his shed. This is God in deep agony, because he understands that the only way - This is an embodiment and passion. Hepsiman represents Jesus in deep depression Before the fate, which, in his opinion, is approaching. As a person, he is mentally depressed, but is it not an open window that allows us to access and understand the emotional state of God himself?

"Do you know that Christianity is the only religion in the world who has a God who cares about becoming a man and die from human pain and suffering?". Any flour of this situation, God, carrying sin and his deep displeasure for himself, is going on inside the Divine. A person only receives benefits and, therefore, cleared, is accepted, redeemed.


2. The most important thing. Catholic crucifixion is very natural and sensually, Orthodox - is the spiritual essence of the event. In the Catholic crucifixes, Christ is depicted with the body in hand, with a terrible face, with a terns crown on his head, with blood and wounds. On classic orthodox icon Crucifixes (Dionysius, 1500 year) depicts Christ - the winner, his form expresses the divine peace and greatness. He is not helplessly hanging on his hands, and as it will steer in the air, calling on his arms the whole universe (on which they indicate both his hands and open palms). The Mother of God courageously compets the sufferings of his son.

The cry of Jesus on the cross makes sense in this outbreak of pain, which comes from the inside, from his relationship with God, that is, from God, embodied with heavenly father. Of course, Jesus is a suffering person, but he is not an abandoned person, this is the visible reality of what happened in God itself.

I repeat, there are no three parts in all this, only two. This is divine justice, so different from ours. According to Donald McLaid. He pulled it out. Nevertheless, he supports it. This becomes his contest. It will become a reproach of a sinner. He even becomes a lawyer of a sinner: God is with us. Of course, we cannot ignore or eclipse the difference between the Father's God and God-Son. Similarly, we must avoid the most serious danger to treat your father and son as other creatures.

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The Iconography of the Orthodox Crucifixion was received by its final dogmatic substantiation in 692 - in the 82nd rule of the Trill Cathedral. The main condition is the combination of historical realism with the realism of Divine Revelation. The figure of the Savior expresses the divine peace and greatness. She, as it were, is imposed on the cross, the hands are drawn and - straight. The Lord opens his arms to everyone who turns to him. In this iconography is solved difficult task Images of the two Ipostasses of Christ - the human and Divine, showing both death, and the victory over the Savior

Ultimately, God expresses his love for us without putting others to suffering instead of us, but taking our own place. He suggests the full cost of our sorry in himself, pulling it out of himself. In the same spirit, John Stot says. Those who begin in this way are subjected to serious distorted conclusions about the atonement and thus discredit the replacement doctrine. Some believe that the initiative belongs to Christ, and others - God. In the first case, they argue that Christ intervened in order to reassure the angry God and sorry herself sorry for saved salvation.

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Rules of the Tula Cathedral, Catholics, who refused from their early views, did not accept. They did not accept the symbolic spiritual image of Jesus Christ, respectively.


Thus, it occurs in the Middle Ages a Catholic type of crucifixion, in which naturalistic features of purely human torments become predominant: the severity of the body on savory, and not straight hands. The head of Jesus, crowned with a thorns crown. Crossed feet degraded by one nail - innovation of the XIII century. The anatomical details of the Catholic image, transmitting the truthfulness of the execution itself, nevertheless hide the main thing - the celebration of Jesus, who won the death and opening us eternal life, Concentrating on the flour of death.

In another case, the intervention is attributed to God, who embarks on the punishment of innocent Jesus instead of us the guilty sinners who deserve punishment. In both cases, God and Christ are separated from each other: Christ convinces God or God punishes Christ. The fact that these interpretations have the general is that both are contrary to the Father. One shows that he reluctantly tolerate himself, and that is why he chooses Christ as his sacrifice. The other shows that he reluctantly forgives, and it is Christ that convinces it in this.

God appears in two alternatives like ruthless OGR, whose anger should be peaceful or whose inertia must be overcome thanks to the loving self-sacrifice of Jesus. These are gross interpretation of the cross. Nevertheless, they are still present in some of our gospel illustrations.



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Orthodox crucifixion


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catholic crucifixion


Some details


In the Orthodox crucifixion, the expansionists of the Savior should be straight, and not saving the dying body under the weight.

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The distinguishing sign of the Catholic crucifixion is crossed and punched by one nail both feet of Christ. IN orthodox tradition Christ is depicted crucified on four nails: both hands and legs are nailed each of its nail. ("From the oldest times, cross-crucifixes, both in the east and in the West, had a crossbar to restore the feet of the crucifier, and his legs were depicted by each separately by their nail. The image of Christ with crossed feet, naught one nail, first appeared as an innovation for the first time. West in the second half of the XIIIth century. ")



Also on the Orthodox crucifixion of the palm of Christ is necessarily open. The question of the inadmissibility of the image of the bent fingers of Christ under the Catholic influence was raised in 1553 in 1553 by the dequeble and, although the deque was convicted of reasoning about icon painting, the arguments about the need for an image of open palms were recognized as true, and the controversial icons were rewritten.

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IN orthodox CrossUnlike Catholic, there are no naturalistic traces of the sufferings of Christ.


The crown is the attribute of the Catholic crucifixion. In the Orthodox tradition, it is rarely found (for example, in Easter arthosa).

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Orthodox cross



Catholic cross

Common features


Rev. Feodor Studit still taught in the 9th century that the True Cross "cross is every form." "Not in terms of the number of woods, not by the number of ends, the cross of Christ is worshiped by us, but according to Christ himself, which the blood of which was having fun. Showing miraculous power, any cross does not act by itself, but by the power of the crucifier of Christ and the calling of the Most Holy name "- said Saint Dmitry Rostovsky.

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Obviously, in Catholicism there are no clear rules on the crucifixion. In the oldest crucifixes, Christ is depicted alive, in clothes and crowned crown. The crown, wounds and blood collected in the bowl appear in late Middle Ages Along with other details that have a mystical or symbolic meaning.


That is, in the Romanesque era, or in the East, where the Greek tradition was preserved between the rightwhank and Catholic crucifixion there are no significant differences. Actually, naturalism and realism appears in the West in the Gothic Epoch and receives special development in the baroque era. The features of this naturalism went into Russian religious painting The synodal period, although, of course, they are not considered canon samples.


Of course, Orthodox and Catholic cruises depict two sides of the same event. And on Catholic images, where suffering are depicted, death and hopelessness is meant to further resurrection and the victory of the Savior. And, looking at Orthodox crucifixes, where the triumphant Lord is depicted - the winner, we understand that he suffered for the sins of the whole world.

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At one of the types of Catholic crucifixes, which is called the crucifixion of the Order of the Franciscans, the Lord is depicted crucified four nails (such a crucifix hangs over the scene in the Church of St. Nicholas (the house of organ and chamber music) on ul. B.Vasilkovskaya in Kiev). And in the Sinai Monastery, the icons of the crucified three nails of the Lord are in the temple and revered on a par with Orthodox crucifixes.



How to choose a gold chain for a cross?


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Let's look into the ladies' collection of jewelry hidden in the exquisite box. Most likely, there there is one or even a few gold chains. But it's not in quantity, but that the decoration is perfectly looked at you. How to choose the right chain of gold?


Very important are the color and weight of the metal, from which the chain is made, and also pay attention to weaving and length. In addition, the shape of the neck, the condition of the skin and the age of the future owner of the decoration is important.



How to choose a gold chain?


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In the event that the woman is large, has a full feminine neck, she is perfect for gold chain With a large weaving. At a slim girl, such a product will look much worse if not to say ridiculous.


If wrinkles are visible on the neck, then the contraindicated wearing short chains. They will emphasize your age.


Frequently, the chain is selected for carrying a coil, suspension or of a native cross. For suspension and pendants, it is necessary to remember that some weaving simply do not suit the functional point of view.


As for the native cross, his color should be selected to the chain, which in turn should be elegant, not too distinguished by complex weavings.

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The moment with the choice of weaving should be taken into account and when buying a product for a child. After all, it is not always possible to hope for a neat or careful attitude Your child to the expensive thing. In addition, very complex weavings take to repair far from every workshop.

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Remember both about the castle. It must be as reliable as possible. Here you can be guided by simple observation: the chain is more expensive - the better and stronger the castle.

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But, most importantly, the quality of the decoration should go to the fore. In this case, you do not need to chase the cheapness. Many imported goods seduce the buyer with their massiveness, inside which emptiness often turns out. They quickly break and repait poorly, since too thin metal is simply burning.


For example, Russian manufacturers of gold products are offered heavier, albeit expensive ornaments. However, they will serve you much longer.
