The most revered icons of Russia. Archives Icons - Orthodox Icons and Prayers

The most revered icons of Russia. Archives Icons - Orthodox Icons and Prayers
The most revered icons of Russia. Archives Icons - Orthodox Icons and Prayers

The icons of the Mother of God cause a special feeling of Orthodox Christians. Photo with the names of the most famous images in Russia are presented on this page.

Through Icons, believers turn to the Virgin with prayers to strengthen faith, healing diseases, the salvation of the soul.

How many icons of the Mother of God exists

No matter how many different images of the Mother of God written no one exactly knows. In a chairman, published by the Moscow Patriarchate, 295 titles mentioned.

But according to the iconography, the images of the Virgin are divided into just three types: Oranta (looks up with hand trees), Odigitriya (the baby blesses the Virgin), Elyus (lunizing, sniffed to each other).

Icons of the Mother of God with photos and description

Below is a list of saints, most popular or opposite little known, whose history or description is very interesting.

"Kazan" icon of the Mother of God

Celebrated on July 21 and November 4th. The miraculous image saved the country in the times of disasters, disasters and wars. Its value is in the preservation of the country under the canopy of the Virgin.

The most sensible in Russia image. Founded in 1579 in Kazan on a fire during the persecution of Christians. They bless the wedded couples, pray for the healing of eye diseases, on the reflection of the ingenic invasion.

Icon of the Mother of God "Insprivitary Bowl"

In 1878, one retired soldier suffering from swallows was the phenomenon of the PRP. Varlaam go to the city of Serpukhov and pray there before a certain way. This icon turned out to be a well-known "unprediable bowl".

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Feodorovskaya"

Celebrated on March 27, as well as on August 29. She is asked by a happy marriage and healthy children.

Perhaps written by the Apostle Luka. Was in the XII century in the city of Gorodets. Miraculously moved to Kostroma: they were seen in the hands of St. Feedorrian Warrior Prettylate, who walked with her in the city. Hence the name "Feodorovskaya".

"Holding" God's Mother

Celebrated March 15. The value of the image is that power over Russia has moved from the king directly to the Virgin Mary.

Twenty in 1917 in the village of Kolomenskoye, in the Moscow region, on the very day, to which Nicholas II renounced the throne. Power, as it were, took from the king of the Holy Mother of God.

"Vladimirskaya" icon

Celebrated June 3, July 6, September 8. The value of the image for Orthodox Christians in the conservation of Russia from the init secable warriors.

Posted by an apostle onions on the countertop of the Holy Family. I retained Moscow from the invasion of Tamerlane. Under the Soviet government was exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery.

"Tikhvinskaya" of God Mother

This image, according to legend, was written by the evangelist and the apostle Luka. He wonderfully appeared near the city of Tikhvin. Particularly wonderful among many miracles, manifested, was the salvation of the Tikhvin monastery during the Northern War in 1613.


Named so on the miracle that happened to the PRP. John Damascus. His cut-off hand took into place on the prayer at the image of the Mother of God. In honor of this event, a silver hand was pressed to the image of the image.

"Increasing joy"

Celebrated on May 14 and December 22. The value of the image consists in the grace of the Virgin, even to unreasonable sinners, leading them to repentance.

Icon is named in the memory of the appeal of one flawless, which Arkhangelian greeting asked himself a blessing of lawless affairs.

"Blessed Poverty"

In the XIV century was in the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Kremlin. Glorified by many wonders.


The image is devoted to the two-month holiday of the same name.

"The Gracious Sky"

Celebrated on March 19th. The value of the image is that it is in such a guide, by assumption, the Most Holy Virgin Mary will drop into Earth, preparing people to the second coming of Christ.

The image is brought to Moscow by the Lithuanian princes Sofia Vitovtovna at the beginning of the XV century.

"All mournful joy"

In 1688, the sick Eutemy, the relative of the Patriarch, suffering from the incurable disease, was miraculously healed before that way.


Celebrated on March 18. The significance of the icon is associated with the education of a young generation in the Orthodox faith.

This is the Byzantine image known to many wonders. Provides help parents and their children.

"Live source"

It is celebrated on the fifth day after Easter. Pray to preserve prudence and sinless life.

Icon is named in memory of the holy water source near Constantinople. In this place, Leru Markell was Virgo Maria and predicted that he would become the emperor.


Celebrated on October 30th. In 1841, the invasion of locusts was stopped in Greece on a prayer occasion.

Icon was with the family of Alexander III, when their train was crawling. It was on this day that the names of the icon began to be celebrated, to commemorate the salvation of the emperor.

"Washing key"

Pray for children who are hard to do with the doctrine. Local icon, located in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Appeared in Russia in the XVI century, referred to the image "Absorbing the mind."


The image was transported to Serbia from Jerusalem Sv. Savoy in the VI century.

"Unable color"

Means the impossibility of the Mary Mary.


Celebrated February 3. Means the great mercy of the Virgin to sinners, contrary to her son.

The wonderful getting rid of the robbers attacked the watoped monastery on Athos is associated with way.

"Helper in childbirth"

Helps with severe childbirth.


Mountain in Athos. Wonderfully manifested itself from a pious icon painter from the city of Iasi in 1863.


Athos icon. From her there was a wonderful healing of the vision of a naughty monk.

"My sorrows quenched"

Celebrated on February 7th. Eliminates mental longing. Many healings occurred from it.

Brought in 1640 to Moscow with Cossacks. Brushed in 1760.


The value is the consolation of patients. Often adorns hospital temples.


Appeal to these icons has always helped Orthodox Christians in difficult moments of life. And now, in the modern world, healing and miracles continue. New miraculous icons of the Virgin Mary appear.

The intercession of the Most Holy Virgin will continue until the end of the history of the human race.

Since ancient times in Russia, very honored Most Holy Virgin. To the Mother of God, we have a daily prayer, asking for her help and salvation. The church puts the Queen of Heavenly above all the saints and all the angels, because the closer to God is his mother.

With the adoption of the Orthodox faith from Byzantium, the Russian people accepted both faith in the Mother of God and her quick intercession. The holy image of Our Lady of the Russian people has always been and, of course, remains in a special place. Our Lady is a protector and patroness of the Russian land.

Yu. P. Pontyukhin. "Dmitry Donskaya and Sergius Radonezh"

In worship services, a large number of prayers addressed to the Queen of Heaven, temples are devoted to her, the reverence of the numerous icons is distributed.

In the calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church mentioned about 260 Certifly and miraculous icons of the Virgin, in general, they can be counted more 860 . For most icons, the days of the celebration are installed, they are written prayers, akathists.

The history of the first icons of God's Mother

There is a legend that the very first icon wrote apostle Luka.. Historians have doubts about this, but the tradition arose not in an empty place. From the New Testament, we know that the Apostle of Luke was a doctor and a very educated person of his time, but the fact that he was an artist in Scripture was not said. However, it was in the Gospel of Luke that the Mother of God is most of all and it was the Apostle Luka who created and described the image of the Virgin Mary. The gospel was sometimes called the verbal icon, and the Apostle-Evangelist Luka we can call the first icon painter, although, most likely, "wrote" he is not paints on canvas, but by the word.

V.L. Korovikovsky. "Evangelist Luka"

There is another legend about the first image: when the saints apostles Peter and John theologian preached in Liddes (Not far from Jerusalem), there was built for the converts temple. The apostles asked God's Mother to sanctify and bless the temple. Prechiland Virgo replied that would be there with them. Having come to the temple, the apostles saw a non-manual image of the Blesco Mother of God on one of the support pillars of the temple. List of this image called Liddle Mother of God icon , revered so far.

Lidd icon of the Mother of God

In the scientific community, genre plots of painting Catacomb are considered the most early images of the Virgin. This is a scene Annunciation(Catacombs Protection II century) and scenes Nativity of Christ(Catacombs of sv. Sealyan III - IV centuries).

Catacombs Priscills in Rome

But all this is more proconacons, the first icons in the literal sense of the word appear only after Ephesian Cathedral 431 yearswhere the worship of the Virgin Mary as the Virgin was approved.

The Third Ecumenical Cathedral in Ephesia

Elements of the iconography of the Virgin

The appearance of the Virgin is known not only from the most ancient images, but also according to the descriptions of church historians (Nikifora of Callista, the monk of the epiphany).

The Mother of God is traditionally depicted in maforia(traditional for a married Jewish woman bedspread closing head and shoulders), and tunic (long dress). Mafory is usually written in red (symbol of royal origin, but also suffering). Bottom clothing is usually written blue-blue (sign of heavenly purity).

Mafory decorate three stars - On the head and shoulders (the symbol of the integrity of the naval "before Christmas, in Christmas and Merry Christmas," as well as the symbol of the Holy Trinity). The test on the icon is given by tradition in Greek abbreviation ΜΡ ΘΥ (Mother of God).

Our Lady in Russian icons is always somewhat sad, this sorrow is sorrowful, then light. However, always the image of the Virgin is filled with wisdom and spiritual power. The Most High Deva can solemnly "show" the baby to the world, can gently press his son to himself or easily support him - she is always full of reverence, worships his divine infant and crotko asking with the inevitability of the victim.

Types of Orthodox iconography of Our Lady

Of course, it was originally no types of icons of God's mother, and only then, for classification and detailed study, they were allocated, based on the nature of writing.

In Orthodox iconography, it is customary to allocate 5 types of images of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

1. Oranta (Greek. "Praying") and "sign"

2. "Odigitria" (Greek. "Travel Guide")

3. "Elyus" (Greek. "Uming")

4. "Panach" (Greek. "Warm")

five." Agiosoritis " (Greek: from the name of the chapel "Agia-Soros" in Constantinople).

Oranta ("Praying"), "Sign"

This is one of the main types of the image of Our Lady, representing it in the FAS, with the hands raised to the head level, open palms outside, that is, in the traditional gesture of the intercessory prayer. In the Orthodox churches, the image of this type is sometimes placed in the upper part of the altar.

The first image of the Virgin Oranta (Greek. "Praying") without a baby are already found in Roman catacombs (II - IV centuries).

Sometimes on the Lona of the Virgin, on the background of the round sphere, is depicted Savior Emmanuel (Heb. "God is with us"). The medallion symbolizes the sky as the abode of God, and the Lono of Our Lady, in which the Savior is embodied. Some icons of this type called "Panagia" (Greek. "All").

In the Sofia Cathedral in Kiev (XI century) there is one of the most famous mosaic images of Oranta (the height of the figure is 5 m 45 cm). One of the epithets assigned to this image - "Unbreakable Wall" . In the icon painting, independent images of the Virgin Oranges without a baby are used extremely rarely.

Icon "Unbreakable Wall"

The waist image of the Virgin Oranta received a name in Russian land "The Omen" And this is how it happened. November 27, 1169, during the storming of the great Novgorod by the Suzdalians, the inhabitants of the deposited city carried the icon of the Mother of God on the wall. One of the arrows went into the image, and the Mother of God appealed to the city, while driving tears. Inspired by this sign, Novgorod reflected the Suzdal regiments ...

From the icons of this type the most famous are ,.

"Odigitria" ("Guide")

On the icons of this type, we see God's Mother, which points to the Bogomladse of Christ, squeezing on her hand.

The Mother of God says to the whole human race that the path is true is the way to Christ. On these icons, she appears a guide to God and eternal salvation. Here the center of the composition is Christ, which is blessed with his right hand, and in his left hand holds a rolled scroll - the symbol of the gospel. Christ said about himself: "I'm the way, and truth and life" (John 14: 6), and the Virgin Tu who helps to go on this path - she is our passata'ita. It is also one of the most ancient types of the image of the Virgin.

From the icons of this type are most famous: ,.

"Elyus" ("Uming")

On type icons "Uming" We see the baby of Christ, who shook his cheek to the cheek of Our Lady. The head of the Virgin Mary is inclined to his son, and he hugs his mother with his hand. Images pass the performed tenderness of the communication of the mother and son. Love connects to the icon of heaven and earthly, divine and human: this compound is expressed by the contact of the faces and the pairing of the Nimbi.

In this touching composition, a deep theological idea was enclosed: here the Virgin is represented not only as a mother caressing the Son, but also as a symbol of the soul, which is closely communicating, in love with God.

The Mother of God wondered, pressing her son: she, predicting the godpie, knows what suffering is waiting for him.

The type of image of Our Lady "Deal" found a special response in the hearts of Orthodox people, the idea of \u200b\u200bsacrificial ministry is close and understandable, and the sorrow of the Virgin, bringing his son to the world of cruelty and suffering, consonant with the feelings of all Orthodox Christians. Therefore, the icons of this type is very much.

From the icons of this type in Russia, the most famous and is known.

"Agiosoritis" (as in Agia-Soros), "Intercession"

"Agia Soros"(What does "holy cancer" mean) - this is the name of the chapel in Constantinople, where the icon facing Christ in the prayer of the Virgin. The name of the chapel gave the name to this iconographic type.

On the icons of this type, the Virgin is depicted in full growth, without a baby facing the Savior, sometimes with a scroll in his hand.

Similar icons are part of Deesus Row Iconostasis (that is, a number of icons, where the Savior is depicted in the center, and the right and left hand are the icons of the Mother of God and John the Baptist).

In Russia, this type of icons got another name "Intercession" .

Why so many icons of God's Mother?

How could such a lot of similar, and yet very different icons? After all, each, preserving all the features of its type, has individuality.

From the first icons, lists were made, which applied around the world and acquired their characteristic features. On the prayers of believers in front of these icons there were miraculous and healing, which was trying to capture the following icon painters, making new lists. Each creator wanted to make an icon with reference to its locality, as well as to tell the real history of staying this particular icon on their land.

That is why so many different icons of Our Lady. Each of them found a response in the hearts and souls of praying, and prayers are asked around the Orthodox world.

The Orthodox Church teaches us that the Lord is sensitive to the prayers of holy worships who still have the temples of the Holy Spirit during the lifetime of spiritual exploits. Therefore, we often resort to their mediation in our communication with God. It is believed that in the Vyshny world everyone receives a special graceful power to create assistance in what a similar virtue had in his lifetime.

The Holy Church adheres to the opinion that those or other booms of God are particularly sorry for the fulfillment of certain requests. In this case, it is accepted in specific life situations to assist these saints to the aid of these saints, the prayers in front of their images. So, for example, those who go on the journey, the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is needed by the world of Lycian, as it is considered by the patron of traveling. Help in search of the missing thing may prayer in front of the Icon of John Warrior, and the eye suffering from illness asking for help from Saint Alexy.

Opening the prayers, everyone can find in it detailed instructions on what particular grace has one or another saint from God. Usually prayers corresponding to specific requests are combined into special sections. In the table of contents you can see: prayers about the depth, traveling, captured and so on.

Help God's prayers about us saints

However, it would be a mistake to believe that one or another holy has a purely narrow orientation in his petitions to God. Of course no. Separation This is very conditional. The Lord God helps us, in his holy will brings the rumor to the prayers about us of various saints. They themselves are not given to work wonders, but they are the guided and "guides" of these wonders. As the conversation theme is the icons of saints and their meaning, turn to some of the most famous and revered images in the Orthodox world.

Icon - Pantheon of the Holy Radies of God

The icon of all the saints, the photo of which can be seen at the beginning of the article, represents all the premium of the children of God. They were spawned at different times the exploits, the forces for which were dug in a single grace of the Holy Spirit, such a richly spilled on them. The holiday, in honor of which this icon is written, appeared at the turn of the IV and V centuries. The text of the sermon, compiled by St. John Zlatoust for the Day of this holiday, preserved. He also mentions in his chants and Rev. Efrem Sirin.

The meaning of the holiday is that all people are given a visual example of the fact that holiness is not a lot of chosen, but the goal of the earthly path of everyone who professes the teaching of Christ. All people are created in the image and likeness of God. Already this indicates the body of holiness originally embedded in us. The image of God is present in us inherently, but the likeness of it is largely lost due to its original sin. Restoring it, it is the way to the likeness of the Creator.

Celebration of the day of all saints in Russia

In Russia, the day of all saints is celebrated on the first Sunday after the Trinity. It has a definite meaning. The church reminds us of the inseparable connection of the holiness and grace of the Holy Spirit, without which it is impossible. On this day, at worship in the church, a prayer comes with the words: "All the saints, the pray for God about us!" What are we asking to pray to God? Of course, about giving us strength to be worthy of the perceptuals of all whose images brings us the icon of all saints. Photo icons can not convey the spiritual depth of each individual face depicted on it, but it also gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe grandeur of this great armor of giving God.

Holy Trinity and Her Iconography

One of the most revered by us icons is the icon of the Holy Trinity. It is not in mind that the Old Testament Trinity, but specifically an episode from the Old Testament, describing the phenomenon of God's phenoths Abraham. The Lord came to him in the appearance of three angels, who are the triune essence of the Divine. This scene is unusually popular in icon painting. All famous masters have repeatedly appealed to her. The most famous icon of the Holy Trinity of the work of Andrei Rubleva. In the Orthodox tradition, it is customary to bring repeated prayers before that way.

The icons of the saints and their meaning are different, but they always have one general - they are intermediaries, and in this case it is possible to directly communicate with God. In this regard, the icon of the Holy Virgin is most perfect. Prechiland Virgin, constantly staying in prayers about us, and herself has a gift to work wonders. Before it honestly, we ask about prayers for us, and about sending assistance emanating directly from it.

Guardian angel and his icon

Each believer person among his home icons is probably the icon of the Holy Guardian Angel. The Lord sends it to us on the day of our baptism and it accompanies us throughout life without leaving even after the death. The guardian angel protects us from various troubles, from enemies visible and invisible. He rejoices our good deeds, towering the soul, and immensely grieve about sins in which we fall. It is difficult to even imagine, from how many troubles it protects us in our lives. Often we do not guess the dangers that managed to avoid thanks to him. Standing before the icon of the guardian angel, you can pray about everything in the world, because for him everything is close to us. He will always hear because he is always near. Behind our back is heard indistinguishable for others rustle its wings.

Holy Martyrs for faith in Christ

Among other icons, the icons of the holy martyrs of faith, hopes, love and mother of their Sophia, the day of memory of which are celebrated on September 30 are occupied. In their names, the whole path to God is expressed, which includes faith in the Holy Trinity, the hope of God's mercy and the love of God and the near. This icon is considered a patronage of family and family happiness. It is requested about the world in the family, about the health of children and, in case of need, about the granting of ambulance.

The holy martyrs help those who suffer from various female diseases, as well as diseases of the joints of the hands and legs. They have more important assistance to everyone who has suffered in life a heavy loss associated with the loss of loved ones. In this case, the prayer before the icon returns peace of mind and carries out of sorrow.

St. Nicholas Wonderworker

In the whole world of Christians, the Saint Nikolai Wonderworker is enjoyed by the world of Lycian. He is known as the patron siest of the navigators and travelers. The power of their grace holy assists with everyone who fell into trouble and the heavy life situation. Icon Nicholas The Wonderworker is an integral part of each church iconostasis. Most believers it enters and in their home assembly.

Love for him is not accidental. All his earthly life, he fought for the truth, healed the suffering, and filed a personal example of serving God. The day of the memory of the saint is noted more than once a year, but three. The day of his death is celebrated on December 19th. In the people, this holiday is called "Nikola Winter". Birthday - August 11 - called Nikola Summer. Also installed a holiday on May 22. This is a memoir of how in 1087 his honest relics were moved from Greece to the Italian city of Bari, where they are stored and understood.

Sleeping old Matrona

Almost every temple of our capital is the icon of the Saint Matrona Moscow. It is honored here in the same way as in St. Petersburg Saint Ksenia blissful. A woman, blind from birth, the Lord sent her a gift of the wirals, and the saint still in the period of her earthly life became this widely known. And although her life was very hard - a revolution, war, political repression, besides, his own physical blindness, she managed to rise to the inaccessible height of a spiritual female of love of patience and self-denial.

Saint Matrona icon helps many troubles and misfortunes. They also appeal in the case of family problems, and trouble. She is asked to protect both evil people and natural disasters. As it was in the days of Earth's life, the Holy Matron's responsiveness and reliance in helping people, and now helps everyone who prays his graceful icon. The Orthodox Church celebrates her memory on May 2.

Saint Luka icon

The icons of the saints and their meaning cannot be understood, not knowing the lives of those designers of God to which we appeal. Standing in front of the icon of the St. Luke of the Archbishop of the Crimean, it is necessary, first of all, to see the feat that the whole earthly path is. An outstanding surgeon, the author of numerous scientific papers and at the same time the spiritual face of high rank, he passed through Stalin's prisons and camps without losing love to neighbor.

Holy Luka tirelessly helped people and as a doctor, and as a shepherd. About those who were a culprit of his torment, he also prayed to God, as well as his comrades in misfortune. All his earthly life gave the people of Holy Luka. Icon and scalpel - this is what has become a symbol. Giving a low bowing of the memory of this devotee, pray to him about the gift of health to us and our loved ones, about the fence of us from evil people, and, most importantly, about softening our own hearts. The day of his memory is celebrated on March 18.

Icon of St. Rev. Seraphim Veritsky

It is impossible not to remember the image of another desire of God, who lived at the same time as the Holy Luka. Icon of the Rev. Seraphim of the Vyritsky is well known to most believers. The feat of his life deserves to stop separately on it. He was born in 1866. In the world of Vasily Muravyov, a rich entrepreneur and a happy family man, he turned to God with all his soul. At a certain stage of life, he and his piety spouse decided to leave the world and everyone accepted the monastic stop, sacrificing all the huge state of the holy abode in which they tied. In 1927, he accepted the Great Schima named Seraphim. From this time, his work begins with the old monastic feat.

In the most difficult times of repression, the Father Seraphim has a word of God's truth. When the Lord sent him a grave cross - a disease that focused him before the end of the days to bed, he continued and then his tireless works. For the last twenty years of his life, he spent in the village of Vytrit under Leningrad, where the Stalinist terror, occupation and post-war years, survived.

Until the end of his earthly life, the elder did not stop the bumps of spiritual chad. He left this world in 1949. Before his icon, it is customary to pray for healing from the ailments, about getting rid of drunkenness, about the sense of peace and tranquility.

Saint Tatiana icon

The Holy Great Martyr Tatiana came to us from those old times when the Roman authorities severely chased Christians. Secret confessing the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, she helped all the sick and unhappy, often visits, trying to alleviate their suffering. Like many, the Church rose on whose holy blood and strengthened the church, Tatiana took a martyr's crown. The day of her memory is January 25th. The icon of Holy Tatiana helps those who have lost the priest who suffers from diseases and is in places of imprisonment. In addition, Tatiana's Great Martyr is a patroness of students. All those who have to pass exams are recommended, other than conscientious training, also pray before its icon.

Icon of the Great Radonezh Wonderworker

Assistance in teachings can also be found in the prayer appeal to the icon of St. Saint Sergius Radonezh. At the dawn of his earthly life, the future saint with great difficulty suffered a diploma. No matter how he worked, he could not remember the lessons taught him. And once, after a long prayer, the Lord sent him an angel in the form of an old man who blessed him. After that, the miracle is rejected by the mind of the hotel and the comprehend is the wisdom of science. It is possible to pray to the saint and about helping children who are difficult to study.

In addition, Rev. Sergius Radonezh is one of the heavenly defenders of Russia from enemies. In the period of earthly life, in 1380, he blessed the Holy Prince Dimitri Donsky in front of Kulikovsky battle. This allows us to bring our prayers to St. Sergius to strengthen our military. In general, his life is inextricably linked with the history of Russia. "The Great Brief Land of the Russian" - so he entered the domestic history. Saint Sergius Radonezh is not only our hope and hope, but also the subject of national pride. He is one of those whose lives must be studied by all Russians. Without this, the icons of saints and their meaning will never reveal to us fully. Its memory is celebrated on July 19.

At the end of the article, I want to once again, kept before those who gained the wints of holiness, stand up with the godmond and exclaim: "The holy worship of God, the pray of God about us!"

Conditionally, the variety of types of icons of Our Lady with a baby can be divided into four groups, each of which is the disclosure of one of the faces of the Mother of God. The iconographic scheme is an expression of theological idea.

The first group is the type of iconography "sign" (abbreviated and truncated version - Oranta, from lat. Orans - prayer). This is the most terrible rich iconographic type and is connected with the topic of incarnation. The iconographic scheme is based on two texts: from the Old Testament - the Prophecy of Isaiah: "So the Lord himself will give you a sign: Sea, Virgo in Jerevia will live and give birth to the Son, and will give him a name: Emmanuel" (Is. 7.14) and from the New Testament - The words of an angel in the Annunciation: "The Holy Spirit will find on you and the power of the Most High falls on you, therefore and the born holy is adherent to the Son of God" (Luke 1.35). In these words, it opens the mystery of the awards, the birth of the Savior from the Virgin, the birth of the Son of God from the earthly woman.

This is an expression in the iconographic scheme: Maria is represented in the orange pose, that is, praying, with abreast to the sky; At the level of her breast there is a medallion (or sphere) depicting Emmanuil Savior, located in the lamp of the mother. The Mother of God can be represented in growth, as on the Icon "Yaroslavskaya Oranta, Great Panagia", or in a belt, as in the "Kursk Native" or in the Novgorod "sign", this is not so essential. More importantly, another is the connection of the figures of Our Lady and (semi-imaging) of Christ, which transmits one of the deepest revelations: the birth of God in the flesh, Maria becomes the Virgin through the incarnation of Logos. At the time of contemplating the icon, the holy of holy, inner Mary, in the depths of which the Holy Help is hidden in the depths of which the Holy Holy Spirit. "Your extension is extensive" - \u200b\u200bthe Mother of God is in the akathist. We see it at the time of the upcoming God: "Sea Slave of the Lord, and I will be for your word" (LK. 1.38). Her hands are raised in a prayer impulse (this gesture is described in the outcome of the book. 17.11). In Yaroslavl "Oranta", this gesture is repeated in the figure of the baby, only her palms are revealed, and the position of the fingers of Emmanuil is different - they are folded into the blessing. In other embodiments, the infant in one hand holds a scroll - the symbol of the teachings, the other blesses. Various clothes are traditional - red mafelius and blue lower robe. These are the clothes of Our Lady on all icons (with rare exceptions), and, recall, their colors symbolize the United Nations in it, her earthly nature and heavenly vocation. In the Yaroslavl "Orange" of the Virgin's clothing floods the golden light (depicted in the form of a large assista), which is the expression of the streams of grace of the Holy Spirit, who sprinkled on the Most Holy Delight at the time of conception. On both sides of Mary depicts the forces of heaven - either the archangels with the grazles in the hands (Yaroslavl Oranta), or blue Cherub and Fire-Red Seraphim. The presence in the composition of the angelic and heavenly forces means that the Mother Mother of God with a humble consent of participation in the act of a view of the award is raising humanity to the step above the angels and archangels, because God, according to St. Fathers, did not perceive an angel image, but ented in human flesh. In the chanting, glorifying the Virgin, and it comes in: "The honest cherub and a sorry without comparison of Seraphim."

The iconographic scheme of "signs" can be very simple, as in the Novgorod version, and may be developed and complicated, as in the case of Yaroslavl Orange. In the composition of the latter, for example, a not common part is included, which reveals the liturgical aspect of this image. This Orlets is a mat under the feet of Mary, these are used in bishop worship. In this case, Orlets symbolizes the cospace of the Mother of God, who will have to God for all human genus. The Mother of God stands on Orlets as on the cloud among the golden radiance of God's Glory - Our Lady is a new creature, transformed creation, a new person. The icon of the Kursk root is supplemented with the image of the prophets, interconnected by the similarity of the trustees of the vine. Prophets in the hands of a scroll of their prophecies. All this symbolizes the fact that the Virgin and God's Son, from her born, is the fulfillment of all the Old Testament prophecies and aspirations. Thus, in different iconographic variants, in the presence of a general iconographic kernel, the same theme of the awareness is revealed, so the iconographic type "sign" is sometimes called "embodiment."

One of the variants of the iconography "sign" is "Oranta". In this case, the Mother of God is presented without a baby in the same posture, with abreast hands. An example of such an option can be the image of "Our Lady - Industrable Wall" from St. Sophia Kievskaya (Mosaic, x in.). Here, the Mother of God is represented as a symbol of the church. For the first time, Augustine saw in the Mother of God - church. This association received a wide range of interpretations in the history of theological thoughts.

The second iconographic type got the name " Odihythrius"What is in Great" Guide". In the title, the concept of a Virgin Icons in general is laid, for the Mother of God leads us to Christ. The life of a Christian is the path from darkness - to the wonderful Light, from sin to salvation, from death - to life. And on this difficult way We have a helper - the Most Holy Mother of God. She was a bridge to come to the world of the Savior, now she is a bridge for us on the way to him.

So, the iconographic scheme of odigitria is built as follows: The figure of Our Lady is represented by the frontal (sometimes with a slight tilt of the head), on one of her hand, as on the throne, the baby squeezes Christ, the other hand the Mother of God indicates him, thereby directing the attention of the prestitious and praying. The mother of Christ is one hand blesses the mother, and in her face and us (often the gesture of the blessing is directed directly to the viewer), in the other hand he holds a rolled scroll (there are options when in the hands of the baby Scepter and Power, a book, detached scroll).

In the gesture of the Virgin, who fictitles the key to this image, the Mother of God orient us spiritually, directing us to Christ, for he is the path, truth and life. She carries our prayers to him, she applies to us in front of him, she keeps us on his way to him. I became the mother of the one who adopted us to the Heavenly Father, the Virgin Mother becomes the mother of each of us. This type of Virgin Icons got unusually widespread in the whole Christian world, and especially in Byzantium and in Russia. Many honored icons of this type did not accidentally attributed the brushes of the Apostle Luke.

The most famous variants of odigitria include: Smolenskaya, "Iverskaya" (goalkeeper), "Tikhvinskaya", "Georgian", "Jerusalem", "Troyoulist", "Passionate", "Czestochovskaya", "Cyprus", "Abalatskaya", "Sparge of sinners" and many others.

Small iconographic differences in detail are associated with the details of the history of the origin of each specific image. So the third hand at the icon "Troochitsy" is added St. John Damascus, when, according to his Olga, the Virgin Restored his hand chopped. The bleeding wound on the cheek "Iverskaya" returns us during the times of iconocrust, when this image was attacked by rejecting icons: blood expired from the impact of a spear from the icon, which has shown witnesses to indescribable horror. On the icon of Our Lady "Passionate" usually depict two angels flying to the baby with instruments of passion, thereby having having his suffering for us. As a result of this plot turn, the pose of the baby of Christ - he is depicted on the way out, looking at the angels, his hands hold the hand of Mary. Each of these details is worthy of attentive consideration, but for non-dissimilarity in this case, it will be left for a secluded contemplation.

As a rule, in "Odigitria", the Mother of God is represented in the belt image, but there are also the depleting compositions of the Virgin Icons; These include "Kazanskaya", "Petrovskaya", "Igorevskaya". Here the same topic is being developed, but in some abbreviated version.

The third type of Virgin Icons in Russia received the name " Uming", What is not a completely accurate translation of the Greek word" Elyus"(έλεουσα), i.e." freezing ". By this epithet in Byzantium, the Virgin Mary itself and many of her icons, but over time, in Russian iconography, the name" Deal "began to bind with a certain iconographic scheme. In the Greek version this type Icons were called "GlycoFilus" (γλυκυφιλουσα) - "Sweet Lobzia". This is the most lyrical of all types of iconography, which opens the intimate side of the communication of the mother of God with her son. The iconographic scheme includes two figures - the Virgin and the Baby of Christ, who adopted each other. Head Mary is inclined to his son, and he hugs his mother behind the neck. In this touching composition, a deep theological idea was concluded in this touching composition: here the Virgin is revealed to us not only as a mother who caresses his son, but also as a symbol of the soul, which is in close communication with God. Soul Relationship with God is a mystical theme of many Scriptures of St. Fathers. The Mother of God is a lunization - one of the most mystical types of Virgin Icons.

This type was also widespread in Russia. Type of "Tempered" icons include: "Vladimir", "Volokolamskaya", "Donskaya", "Fedorovskaya", "Zhirovitskaya", "Grevnevskaya", "Akhrenskaya", "Yaroslavskaya", "the recovery of the dead", "Pochaevskaya" and t .. In all these icons, the Mother of God is represented in the belt composition, in rare cases there is a tender composition, as, for example, in the Korsun icon.

A variation of the iconographic type "Determination" is the type "possession". The icons of this kind were distributed mainly in the Balkans, but also in Russian art occasionally such images are found. The iconographic scheme is very close to "lunizing", with the difference only that the baby is presented in the posture more free, as if playing. An example of this type of icons can serve "Yahromskaya". In this composition there is always a characteristic gesture - the infant of Christ with a handle concerns the face of the Virgin. In this small detail, the abyss of tenderness and trust, which opens at the attentive contemplative look.

Another kind of iconography "Uming" is the "mammal". From the name it is clear that a distinctive feature of this iconographic scheme is the image of the Mother of God, nursing Baby of the Baby of Christ. Such a detail is not only an intimate detail of this iconographic option, but it reveals a new mystical aspect in reading the image of the Virgin. The mother feeds his son, she nourishes our souls, as well as God feeds us with "pure verbal milk" Words of God (1 Peter. 2.2), so that we, ryy, passed from the food of the milk to solid (Heb. 5.12).

So, the three iconographic type called us - the "sign", "odihythria" and "lunizing" are the main leading in the iconography of the Virgin, as they are based on whole areas in the theological understanding of the image of Our Lady. Each of them represents us some one of the aspects of her ministry, its role in the Saving Mission of Christ, in the history of our salvation.

The fourth type does not have such aological filling, as the first three. It is rather collective, it is necessary to include all the iconographic options that are not included in the first three for one time or other reasons. The name of the fourth type conditionally - " Akafisnaya"Since mostly iconographic schemes are not built here on the principle of theological text, but according to the principle of illustrating one or another epithet, with which the Mother of God is in the Akathist and other hymnographic works. The basic meaning of the Icons of this type is the glorification of the mother of God. This should be attributed to the already mentioned Images of Our Lady with a baby on the throne. The main focus of these images is to show the Mother of God as the Queen of Heaven. In such a form, this image entered the Byzantine iconography - especially often such compositions were placed in Konhu A apse. In this version, the Virgin is present in St. Sophia Konstantinople. In Russian iconography, the example of such an image can serve as a fraction of Dionysia in the apse of the church of the Nativity of the Virgin Ferrapontov Monastery.

But most of the icons of this type are a compound of the central scheme of previous types with additional elements. Thus, for example, the iconographic scheme of the "Nealimi-bunk" consists of the image of the Lady of Odigitria, surrounded by the symbolic figures of the glory and the forces of heaven (in the same way as the image of heavenly glory is depicted in the iconography "Savior in the forces"). The iconographic scheme of the icon "Our Lady - Live Source" includes the image of the Virgin with a baby, squeezing on the throne, which has a view of some similarity to focusing inside the reservoir, and around the angels and people who came to get drunk from this source around. The composition of the icon "Our Lady - Mount Neruphene" is also built on the principle of mechanical imposition of symbols - the Mother of God with the infant (according to the type of odigitria), they are squeezed on the throne, on the background of the figures and around them are different symbols, and truly illustrating acaphiste epithets: Runo irrigated, Iroklev's runo, Cupina is unalmable, the candle is a light acceptor, the Mountain is nerucropted, etc. And finally, the icon "Increased joy" is built on the principle of "icon in the icon", that is, the plot inclusion of an image of an icon inside what is happening. Here is usually presented with a cranked man, praying in front of the dimension of God of Odigitria, who gave him moral insight and healing.

The vertex of akafiste iconography should recognize the image "about you the delighted whole creature." It is an interesting iconography in its own way, it is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bcosmic glorification of Our Lady. The center shows the Mother of God with the infant Christ on the throne in the radiance of the glory and surrounding the forces of heaven. The image of the universe is presented in the form of a multi-ahlo temple, surrounded by blooming trees - this is both the image of heavenly Jerusalem. At the bottom of the icon, the foot of the throne depicted people - the prophets, kings, holy different ranks, just the people of God. We see - the icon presents a new land and a new sky (Rev. 21.1), - the image of the transformed creature, the beginning of which is in the secret of the award (here the central image is partly reminding the sign scheme).

The iconographic options are depicted by the Mother of God without a baby of Christ, are not possible, to combine them into a special group is not possible, since the iconographic scheme in each of them is defined by its independent theological idea. But to one degree or another, they adjoin the previously mentioned four types. For example, the "Our Lady of Ostroy-Vilenskaya" is an option, a "sign" image, as the image of Our Lady is revealed here at the time of accepting the good news ("Sea Slave of the Lord, and I will be for your word." Lux. 1.38). The position of the hands crossed on the chest (the gesture of humble prayer worship) is semantically close to the gesture of oranges. Consequently, this iconographic option can be attributed to the type "sign". In addition to the Ostroy, this type corresponds to the icon of the "bride nonsensic" (erroneously called "Uming"), which was a celon icon pre. Seraphim Sarovsky.

The famous ancient Russian icon "Our Lady of Bogolyubskaya" also depicts the Virgin without a baby, but the upcoming God with a petition for her praying (a group of praying sometimes is depicted at the feet of the Virgin). Since here, the Mother of God is depicted as a mentaire and as a pointed path with praying, it can be conditionally attributed to this icon to the type "Odigitria". In the hand of the Virgin, he holds a scroll with a prayer, and the other hand points to the image of Christ, written on the left in the segment of the sky. Thus, the same gesture remains as in Odigitria: Christ is the way, truth and life.

But for the most part of the Virgin Icons, in which the Virgin is presented without a baby, belong to the fourth type - akafiste icons, as they are written for the glorification of the mother of God. So, for example, this type can be attributed to the iconography of the "Virgin Sexy Street" or "Simeonovo", this iconographic version is known and under a different name - "softening evil hearts". Here is the man with family swords piercing her heart. This image is taken from the prophecy of Simeon, which during the counseling said such words: "And the soul itself will go to the weapon itself, - and many hearts will open" (Luke 2.35). Such iconography, as a rule, late origin, apparently came from the Western European tradition and are characterized by literature. Nevertheless, they laid their meaning, which opens up the image of the Virgin, so necessary to increase the Orthodox Soul.

The iconographic options, semantically corresponding to the third type of the Virgin Icons, known as the "Uming", are practically not found, as it is difficult to imagine how to portray the intimate relationship of Our Lady and her son in the form of God alone. However, this turn in iconography is possible. This is the so-called type of Brown Mother of God ("Mater Dolorosa"), when God's Mother is represented by immersed in a prayerful grief about crucified Christ. Typically, the Virgin is depicted with a tendered head and prayer-folded hands near the chin himself. This option was greatly distributed in the West, but also in Orthodox iconography, it is also well known. Some researchers believe that he was originally independent, he was part of the diptych, on the second half of which he was depicted by Jesus Christ (in a ternswater, with signs of passions). We can see the same plot and in the icon "do not cry Mother Mother", well-known in the Balkan art and less well-known in Russia. The Mother of God and Christ are usually depicted on this icon (sometimes standing in the coffin), the mother mourns the death of his son, hugging his dead body. Almost this modification of the plot "mourning", but the iconographic scheme was built on the principle of "lunizing" - only on icons of the type "Do not cry Mother Mother" the Virgin is pressed against himself not a little Jesus, and an adult after removing from the cross. The tragedy of the plot reaches extraordinary glow - the Mother's Mountain is awesome, but, like in every icon, there is a news of the resurrection, it is in the name of the icon, which is built on the text of passionate chanting: "Do not cry Mother Mother in the coffin of vigorous ...". Appeal to the Mother of God comes on behalf of Christ who won death.

Traditionally, it is customary to depict the Virgin in the clothes of two colors: Cherry Maforia (modification of red), blue tunic and blue chepts. On the Maforia, as a rule, three gold stars are depicted - as a sign of her impurity ("immobally conceived, it was immobably gave birth, immobably died") and border as a sign of its glorification. Plaslies - Maforia - means her motherhood, covered by him blue (blue) dresses color - Naughty. But occasionally we can see the Mother of God, closed in the blue Maforia. So it was sometimes depicted in Byzantium, in the Balkans. So the Mother of God wrote Feofan Greek in the Deesus rank of the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Apparently, in these cases, it is more important for the icon painter to emphasize the virginity, the immateriality of Our Lady, to highlight the aspect of its purity, focus our attention on this vehicle's image of the Virgin and Mother.

Orthodox tradition in exceptional cases allows the image of women with a uncoated head. Usually they write Maria Egyptian as a sign of its ascetic and repentant lifestyle, who has changed its older lifestyle. In all other cases, whether the image of martyrs, tsarits, saints and righteous wives, marshos and other numerous characters inhabiting the Orthodox Icon world, it is customary to depict women with a covered head. So the apostle Paul writes that it's good to cover your head, for it is a "sign of power over it" (1 Cor. 11.5.10). But in some iconographic versions of the Virgin Icons we see, very unexpectedly, the image of the Mother of God with a uncoated head. For example, the "Our Lady Akhtyrskaya" and some others. In some cases, the boards are replaced by a crown (crown). The custom of portraying the Mother of God with uncovered head of Western descent, where he entered the use of the Renaissance era, and in principle uncontuits. Mafory on the head of the Virgin is not just a tribute to the East Christian tradition, but a deep symbol - the sign of her motherhood and the full one of God. Even the crown on her head can not replace the mafhoria, for the crown (crown) is the sign of the kingdom, the Mother of God is the Queen of Heaven, but this royal dignity is based solely on her motherhood, on the fact that she became the mother of the Savior and the Lord of our Jesus Christ. Therefore, correctly depict the crown on top of the board, as we see in such iconographic goods, like the "Our Lady", "Novodvorskaya", "Abalatskaya", "Holmovskaya" and others. The image of the crown (crown) on the head of the Virgin also came to an east Christian iconographic tradition from Western Europe. In Byzantium, this was not accepted at all. Even when the Mother of God was depicted with the upcoming emperors (as it can be seen in the mosaics of St. Sophia Konstantinople), which is an expression of the superiority of the kingdom of heaven over the kingdom of earth, on her chapter we do not see anything except Maphoria. And this is very characteristic, since the development of iconography is observed with time from the laconism and clean semantics (sign structure) in the direction of illustrative and external symbolism.

Believers always belonged to the icon of the Mother of God, many wonders and signs are connected with it. And if you are going in your troubles and grief to get a quick consolation, resort to faith and prayer to the Queen of Heaven, and she will surely answer your pleas assistance and consolation.

Let's look at what icons of God's mother is, and learn to what kind of way to resort in what problems.

Vladimir icon of God's Mother

People always belonged to Vladimir icon with a special reverence, many wonders and signs are connected with it. It was anointing for the kingdom of sovereigns and emperors. When the All-Russian Metropolitans are elected, and then Patriarchs are drawn in a veil in Kyota Vladimir Icon, hoping that the Virgin Mary will show her a man.

According to legend, this icon was written by an evangelical onion on the board from the table, followed by the Savior with the Muscal Mother and Righteous Joseph. In the middle of the XII century, the shrine fell to Russia. When she was taken to Suzdal, not far from Vladimir Koni stopped and could not move from the place. At this place, the Assumption Cathedral was erected, where they installed a miraculous icon, called Vladimir. With the transfer of the capital from Vladimir to Moscow moved and icon. In 1395, Vladimir God's Mother appeared in a dream the invader of Tamerlane and made him retreat from Moscow. Since then, the icon is considered the patroness of the capital and all of Russia.

Not only in the protection of Russia from enemies, its miraculous power is manifested. Since the time of Prince Bogolyubsky, a very large number of people receive spiritual and bodily healing sincerely asking for help to the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God.
Protects against accidents

When Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky took the icon in the Rostov lands, on the way it got up a full-flow river. Prince sent a man to search by Ford, but wrecked on the middle of a stormy river a stone went to the bottom. The prince prayed to the icon, and a miracle happened - a person got out of the water uncructible.
Facilitates childbirth

The chronicles argue that the wife of Prince Andrei Tryazhenko suffered and could not be resolved from the burden for more than two days. The prince defended the service and when she ended washed by the icon with water, and the water sent the princess. By making the only sip, she immediately gave birth to a healthy child and recovered herself.

Heals heart disease and vessels

The greatest force exhibits in the treatment of diseases associated with vessels and heart. There is a lot of evidence about this since the times of almost forgotten to this day. Known story about a woman from Murom suffering from heart disease. By sending all his jewels to Vladimir, she asked the holy water from the icon of the Virgin. And when drove off the brought, immediately cured.
Saves from death rates

Prince Bogolyubsky built a golden gate in Vladimir. Many people came to look at them. But suddenly, with a large crowd of people, the gate separated from the walls and fell. The reason for this was the low lime. Under the rubble there are 12 people left. Having learned about the tragedy, Prince Bogolyubsky began to pray before the icon of the Virgin. Sincere Mollet was heard. The gate raised and all people were alive, no one had no damage to anyone.

Icon of the Mother of God "All Muddy Joy"

Who is who, and the grieving people neither in Russia, nor on the planet are not translated. The image of Our Lady "All Morning Joy" is already in one of their name gives hope - and not even hope, but confidence that grief will be overcome and healed, but the joy, so desired by the human heart, acquired. In one of the prayers, in front of this way, it is said about the Virgin Mary: "Patients visiting, weak cover and intercession, widows and sires patroness, mothers of the saddeless comforter, babies weak fortress, and all helpless is always ready-made help and faithful refuge."

Therefore, before the Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "All Thorough Joy" pray all offended, oppressed, suffering, those who are in despair or sorrow, as well as those who are severely painful. It is looking for consolation and protection to all who have nowhere else to get - and they receive asking for their prayers.
Especially powerful icon, even cancer diseases are cured in those who strongly resort to it, looking for help. They wrote it in the 17th century and she is on Athos.
The history of the manifestation of her wonderful strength is also interesting. One day, when pilgrims arrived in the monastery, one strange man approached the icon, something vaguely mumbling. And suddenly the face of the Virgin Mary, and threw a guy with the power of the guy.
Everyone was shocked, and the guy fell on his knees, and began to pray, pouring tears. He admitted that magic is engaged in, and came to specially spell, can influence the icons. And such a lesson received the strength of heaven, which repented, and even in the ink of that monastery became.

The icon of the Mother of God "is worthy" (or "Milic")

There was an icon of the Virgin, who wore the name "Milic". And here in the 10th century, to one obedient of the Karean monastery, which is located on Athos, at night during the prayer of the Virgin the wanderer of some kind. In Kiel, he asked himself, and began to sing with him together prayers. And then the finger on the stone block, which was softer wax, began to write a song "worthy there ..." And he said, his name is gabriel. And disappeared.

Then the stone block was investigated, and confirmed that the written could be archangel with Gabriel, and the song was performed in prayers completely, as he was written, it was written. And I got another name.

The pre-icon of the Blessed Virgin "Milver", or "decently", pray for spiritual and bodily diseases, at the end of all things, with epidemics, about happiness in marriage, with accidents.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Once the Matrona - a ten-year-old daughter of one of the sorrows, Sagittarius Onuchina - was a vision: in a dream, the Most Holy Mother of God appeared to her and ordered to extract her icon from the ground. The next morning the girl hurried to tell about his wonderful dream, but no one is even parents, even the archbishop - did not take her words seriously.

And only when the dream was repeated on the second, and then for the third night, the Matrona simplifted his parents to start looking for an icon. And at the very place that was indicated by the baby in a dream, they found a shining icon, as if a new one was not a time-torn time.

The news of the amazing find and her miracles instantly went around the whole city. When the icon solemnly carried in the Annunciation Cathedral, two blind people were transpaired during the procession. And now the residents who have already lost faith believed again, getting rid of the blindness of the spiritual, and went to the acquired icon to pray for forgiveness, healing and protection against misfortunes.

There is another date on November 4, 1612, when the Russian troops of the national militia were driven from the China-Cities of Polish invaders. The Icon of the Kazan Mother of God is associated with the image, as the war prayed to her before the battle.

Now the celebration of the icons of the Kazan Mother of God is held on July 21 and November 4 in memory of these events.

  • In front of the icon of the Kazan Most Holy Mother of God, Orthodox pray for healing from any bodily gentity, but first of all are asked to heal from blindness. They ask for the spiritual transcender, about the instruction to the right way, if the fire of faith suddenly began to weaken.
  • Pray to the queen of heaven and support in difficult life situations, when the strength to fight with circumstances is not enough. In any sophistication and sorrows go to the Mother of God for consolation and instruction.
  • No wonder Kazan icon is called a guide: it helps to make the right decisions, directs on the way to the good goal, will save from misfortune and mistakes. Often, the descriptions of miracles are described in the descriptions that the Mother of God was in dreams to people who ask her help, and said how to do and what to do to avoid trouble or fix its consequences.
  • They ask not only for themselves and loved ones, but also for the whole country: pray for the Virgin about getting rid of the invasions of the enemies, about the help of soldiers in the protection of the Motherland, about the well-being of Russia. After all, the Kazan Icon helped to win the great victories and save the country from the invaders.
  • Not only in trouble come to the Kazan icon, but also in joy. It is blessed with newlyweds when marriage. With this icon bind a lot. For example, if you marry the day of the celebration of the icons of the Kazan Mother of God, then the marriage promises to be trees and happy.
  • And not only young, and any families of the Virgin helps to preserve harmony and well-being, saves from quarrels and troubles. Houses in which there is a Kazan icon are under its protection. Looking in front of the endless love and mercy of the Mother of the Virgin, the girls and women of all ages turn to her with a request to help them keep home the hearth.
  • And, of course, the Mother of God is especially favorably belongs to children. No wonder the vision of the Kazan Icon was revealed by the little girl. Therefore, parents often put the image of this icon next to the children's bed and ask the Virgin to take Chado under their patronage. And she helps a child in a life path, protecting him from sorrow and misfortune.

Icon of the Mother of God "Mammal"

This icon is a joy to all giving birth, nursing, who is praying about the health of kids.

Unusual iconography, where the Virgin of the God of Breastfaby feeds. There was this image near Jerusalem initially, in the Lavra, the name of Savva consecrated. And in the 18th century, the son of the Serbian sovereign was transferred, and they were brought to Athos. There is now the image and is located in the Hyedar monastery. In Russia, the image appeared quite unexpectedly - on the top of the tree, there and the temple was built in honor of the newfound miracle icons. And many healings near her was obtained at different times.

There are many famous Icons of the Virgin Mary, often a Russian people resorted to her help and received a request. Because the previous one, once a person on Earth, the former, especially us, people, understands, and often assist his blessed. And many in the birth helps, and in the acquisition of the marriage, and in the sadness of different comforts, and in diseases of all sorts. All-Bo to her, at all her requests, the Savior is graciously answers.

Iverka icon of the Mother of God

The Mother of God appeals to the Iver of God's Mother, about protection against diseases, enemies, slanders and dark forces.

The Iverskaya Virgin Mary itself called himself a great defender for believers, when he was miraculously in the Iversky Monastery on Athos (Greece). In the Ix century, the warriors of the king of the faeophile iconoborets were sent to destroy the holy icons. In one house, one of them hit the cheek of the Virgin, and blood flowed from the wound. To save the image, the owners gave him to the sea, and the icon standing in the waves. One day the monks of the Iversky monastery saw the fiery pillar on the sea - he climbed the way of the manner standing on the water. The icon was set in the temple, but in the morning it was discovered over the monastery gates. So repeated several times, while the Virgin, who appeared one of the monks in a dream, did not say that he would not want to be stored, and he would be a keeper. Icon was left above the gates, why it is often called the "goalkeeper".

Icon of God's Mother "Seven Stracean"

Usually, the Virgin is written with her son or with saints and angels, but here it is depicted alone, and swords (arrows) symbolize the pain that the Most Holy Virgin Mary was experiencing on Earth. The number of seven also denotes the seven major human sinful sinters, which the Virgin is easily reading in every human heart. She is also ready to pray to the Son about each of us who are praying for her intercession, and about eradicating these sinful thoughts in us.

Before the "seminist" read prayers from irreconcilable enemies. During the war, they read the enemies to go around the defenders of the Fatherland and relatives of the warriors. Before the icon put at least seven candles. This icon can show seven wonders, or help find out the future for seven years. Prayer be prayers will help with flashes of family or neighboring hostility. Icon protects from the intolerance of people in relation to you. It will also help with flashes of irritation, malice or anger.

Icon of the Mother of God "Healer"

The miraculous icon "Healer" received his fame since the IV century from the Nativity of Christ. The ancient church legend that the regime itself helped to heal the person and is a plot of this miraculous icon.

Before the miraculous icon, the "Healer" pray for healing from various diseases. According to prayers before the miraculous icon, the Healer is cured by any diseases, even those in front of which modern scientists doctors hopelessly lowered hands.

Icon of the Mother's Mother "Uming"

When contacting the Virgin "Uming" pray for healing from the ailments.

Icon was located in the Poise of St. Seraphim Sarovsky. We can eat from the lamp, which grieved in front of the Kezen icon, the Rev. Seraphim was anxious of the patients, and they received healing. Before this icon, Rev. and departed to the Lord. Another name of the icon is "the joy of all joys." So often called this icon myself Reverend Seraphim.