Chamomile tea: benefits and harm, medicinal recipes preparation. The benefits and harm of the chamomile tea

Chamomile tea: benefits and harm, medicinal recipes preparation. The benefits and harm of the chamomile tea
Chamomile tea: benefits and harm, medicinal recipes preparation. The benefits and harm of the chamomile tea

Chamomile Pharmacy has a wide range of therapeutic action. It can be used both internal and as an outdoor. Let's talk about chamomile tea. Some experts recommend drinking chamomile tea in the spring and autumn for the prevention of various diseases and increasing the common tone of the body. Chamomile tea is well drinking warm, but not hot. It is drinking just like a refreshing and soothing drink. Chamomile tea can also be used as auxiliary means for aromatherapy procedures.

In which cases, tea from chamomile pharmacy helps.

Chamomile tea is recommended for inflammatory states of the stomach mucosa, including an ulcer. Chamomile Pharmacy soothes the stomach, facilitates pain and after a while removes the symptoms of the stomach disorder. These diseases are often caused by a sense of tension and anxiety, and the chamomile has a strong soothing effect. Such tea needs to drink three times a day before meals and preferably not sweet.

Tea from chamomile and peppermint is prepared in diseases of the gallbladder. Daily tea with chamomile is an excellent prophylactic agent against stones in the kidneys or a bustling bubble. In the event that the diseases of the stomach are caused by the disorders of the nervous system, the mixture of chamomile pharmacy and melissa will help. These mixtures are prepared in proportions one to one.

Tea from the pharmacy chamomile will help your child if he has a stomach hurts. He will set the digestion in the tummy. Cups from chamomile will help the child who is cut into the teeth. Such a child can drink very weak gulls. It is natural and thanks to its properties will give the child to feel better practically immediately.

Tea with daisy pharmacy can also raise a tone to women. If you have menstrual spasms, then you need to try to drink such tea. After calming the pain tea with chamomile helps you adjust the menstrual cycles. Chamomile can also calm the back pain, associated with the monthly. Wake up a chamomile tea and steam baths with a daisy pharmacy eliminate irritation and inflammation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe vagina and the rear pass.

Chamomile tea will help when you have triggered or cherry. With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and the throat, we wish the tea in the mouth and throat, and then drink chamomile tea. Tea will calm the spasms of the stomach, sore throat, pain in the muscles.

When you jump again, do not forget to drink a cup of tea from daisies, especially if you suffer from diabetes mellitus. According to the results of research by the Japanese scientist from the University of Toyama, such tea warns the development of complications of diabetes, such as loss of vision, damage to nerves and disruption of the kidneys.

When eye infections, use chamomile tea in bags: put them in boiling water, then apply the cooled bags to the eyes for the treatment of conjunctivitis.

How tea is prepared from chamomile flowers

Chamomile flowers are brewed as tea (a tablespoon on a glass of boiling water), which contributes to the restoration of the body's immune system, weak due to stress, supercooling, changes in weather, etc. This tea reduces the likelihood of colds after hypothermia, and if the cold has already begun, It passes in a lightweight form.

In Latvia, the plant is part of herbal tea: chamomile, cumin, mint (0.5: 0.5: 1) or chamomile, cumin, calendula in a ratio of 0.5: 1: 1.

If, when cooking a chamomile tea, take 1-2 tablespoons of the pharmaceutical chamomile on 1 liter of water, it is renowned for a quarter of an hour of tea, it is recommended to drink coffee with caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, overwork or as a common body.

In the USA, England, France with chamomile brew tea as well, but drink it with sugar or honey, sometimes adding cream. Chamomile tea for night causes a strong, calm sleep.

In many cases, you do not need to run behind aspirin - instead, it is better to drink some chamomile tea. Therefore, be sure to buy a daisy pharmacy or chamomile tea in the store. This tea is natural and never hit your wallet.

Chamomile is a popular drug. People's healing agents are often treated for it. However, traditional medicine specialists also did not leave him without attention. This plant applies to a wide variety of illness: from any disorders of the functioning of the nervous system to problems with the digestive system. Is it possible to drink chamomile regularly?

Value of plants

The flowers under consideration are characterized by a rich composition. It is he who makes them so valuable. In dried raw materials:

Influence of chamomile tea for adult organism

Traditional and traditional medicine uses such healing camomile properties like:

  • treatment of urinary system disorders;
  • assistance in inflammatory processes and peptic ailments of the gastrointestinal tract of various location, hepatitis;
  • improving the effectiveness of the treatment of gallstone diseases;
  • reduction of aggressiveness (level of acidity) of the gastric secret;
  • treatment of female problems: painfulness of critical days, the failure of the regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle, inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • fighting the abdomen;
  • treatment of headaches;
  • normalization of the state of the nervous system: solving problems of insomnia, increased arousal, stress, mood decline;
  • prevention and treatment of rheumatism, gout;
  • an increase in appetite;
  • blood dilution;

This ability of a chamomile drink makes it impossible to align the grass under consideration with anticoagulants.

  • improving the protective properties of the immune system;
  • manifestation of antimicrobial, antiviral, choleretic, binders, disinfecting, diuretic properties;
  • fighting with spasms, convulsions, inflammation and symptomatic of allergic reactions;
  • hemostatic quality.

In the treatment of a cold, such a tool as tea from chamomile is able to reduce the manifestation of symptoms, fill in extreme necessity in an additional fluid, accelerate the decrease in elevated body temperature.

Parents and pediatricians in the treatment of the child are often referred to as a plant in question. This happens in such cases:

  • development of inflammatory processes in a child (for example, blushing throat);
  • excessive activity, overexcitation;
  • complex transferring the process of teething;
  • liquid stools and accompanying it colic;
  • introduction of new products in the diet of the child.

Children under the year the tea under consideration is given in the presence of testimony (for treatment only). The inclusion of chamomile into the diet of the child in order to increase the immunity or enrichment of vitamin and mineral baggage is prohibited.

Acquaintance with the medium under consideration is carried out like this:

  • the first reception is one teaspoon;
  • daily use is possible only in coordination with the doctor;
  • if there are negative manifestations, you should refuse to receive.

In relation to the child, the independent purpose of medicinal and plant preparations is not recommended. This task is in the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of pediatricians.

How often can you drink chamomile tea?

The value of grass is impressive - it may come to mind to drink chamomile tea regularly. But everything is not so simple. There are several nuances.

The use of the seeded beverage for the treatment of an existing disease must be carried out by courses. Recommended scheme: Reception Week - Break Week. Dosage - 100 milliliters of the medium concentration drink three times a day before meals.

This is a universal option. The most suitable course in a particular case is able to determine the profile doctor.

In case of everyday use, for a long period of time it follows:

  • limit the frequency of receptions of the beverage under consideration to one per day (maximum up to two);
  • navigate the weak / average concentration of tea;
  • carefully use auxiliary floors for a combination.

Any medicinal grass has its own testimony, contraindications, recommended dosage and duration of treatment.

Such a scheme is safe for any adult in the absence of contraindications to the medium under consideration.

Chamomile color is often used to prepare brazers, infusions and tinctures. Such means are prohibited for everyday use and are exclusively therapeutic functions. Prevention of ailments are not carried out with such liquids.

Contraindications of Romashki.

The harmless agent even with proper use can be a provocateur of serious complications with:

  • individual intolerance to the plant under consideration;
  • reduced arterial pressure indicators;
  • tooling a child;
  • presence problems with the psyche;
  • progressive diseases of the pancreas, joy of biliary, liver and kidney;
  • age up to 1 month (this restriction does not apply to chamomile baths).

The manifestation of the negative effect of the means is possible with excessive reception. Characteristic symptoms - nausea, feeling of painful state, general weakness, vomiting urge and vomiting.

Brewing tea drink from chamomile

The sequence of cooking can be like this:

  • in the appropriate dishes, dry raw materials (tea spoon on a glass of water) fall asleep;
  • water boiling water flows;
  • covered with a lid or saucer;
  • leaves for 10 minutes.

Possible additives to tea from chamomile: sugar, honey.

Increase the vitamin and mineral properties of the beverage can be combined with such a means as:

  • peppermint;
  • thyme;
  • valerian;
  • creeps
  • melissa;
  • parts of black currant and raspberry bushes (leaves, twigs).

If you correctly drink chamomile tea, you can not only improve the body and normalize psycho-emotional state, but also accelerate the process of treating specific diseases. The plant under consideration will never be superfluous on the kitchen shelf among the variety of black, green and white teas.

People always pull to nature, they want not only to admire her beauties, but also to use all the benefits that she gives a person. Among such gifts there is a wonderful plant - chamomile. A modest flower growing not only in the meadows, but also on the dusty side, is a storehouse of invaluable raw materials. Chamomile tea is known for its healing and taste quality since a long time. He is drinking both adults and children. He helped many, healing from diseases, returning beauty and health.

Learning to brew chamomile

Important! Chamomile boiling is not subject to not being lost its magic properties.

Drink chamomile tea is needed in warm form. If the flavor does not suit, honey, sugar sand or fragrant herbs (mint, Melissa, Valerian) are added, if desired, is added. Everything will depend on the desired effect .

How often can you drink tea from daisies? The optimal volume is 4 glasses per day. Still, this is a medicinal product with certain properties. It is especially recommended to do it an hour after a dense lunch.

In any pharmacy you can buy tea in bags . A packaged form eliminates the traditional brewing procedure, which allows you to save a significant part of the time. But the packaging may contain various additives and flavors, which already eliminates the natural nature of the product. It is best to buy colors of scolding with an indication of the shelf life on the package.

Useful properties of tea

It is simply amazing how much female chuts has a huge range of applications:

  • applied as compresses in conjunctivitis
  • promotes to strengthen immunity and fights with colds due to vitamin C and ascorbic acid, which are contained in dried colors . If seasonal colds are protracted and regular, then in the diet it is necessary to turn on the tea from the chamomile colors , And drink it year-round. If after all the disease won, then then tea with chamomile will help out - soften the pain in the throat, it will reduce the temperature.
  • for the stomach completely indispensable tea with chamomile. He will also be keenly gastritis, and will save from colic, and blooming in the intestine after the festive feast
  • chamomile tea helps with cystitis, reduces pain in pyelonephritis, because. It includes flavonoids and azulela with antibacterial effects.
  • tea with chamomile relaxes the nervous system, helping to get rid of stressful state
  • also, tea from chamomile can be able to clean the liver to a certain extent. Therefore, he drinks those who eat greasy and heavy food, abuses alcohol or takes a lot of drugs.
  • this decoction reduces the possibility of erosion of the wall of the stomach and contributes to the restoration of its microflora
  • how to prepare chamomile tea is known to many women who take a drink during critical days to reduce pain, as well as home cosmetics
  • tea with chamomile is an excellent antispasmodic, so it is recommended to take it with head pains that are caused by a drop of blood pressure or change of weather conditions, in the occurrence of discomfort in the stomach and menstrual pain
  • experts claim that chamomile tea sufficiently has a choleretic effect and eliminates stones in the kidneys and anguil bubble


Like any drink, chamomile tea is equally both positive qualities and certain contraindications.

  • There are cases of allergies and stomach disorders.
  • The simultaneous reception of sedative and diuretic drugs is prohibited. The chamomile infusion has similar properties, so if mixed sedatives, antidepressants and diuretics, an overdose may occur.

On this, all contraindications end.

Chamomile and children

Is it possible to drink chamomile to children? This question is very relevant among the parents. Of course, you can. The composition of children's tea is somewhat different from the adult, but the solid problems are the same:

  • Getting rid of colic and meteorism
  • Antiviral remedy that is used in dysbacteriosis
  • Normalization of sleep and removal of excitability in very active children
  • With a cold illness Reduction of sore throat, temperature decrease

During pregnancy, the future mommy drinks from chamomile should be drunk with caution (no more than 1 cup per day). Chamomile actively throws estrogen, which can lead to miscarriage.

Chamomile tea for weight loss

Attention! Those who wish to lose weight should be understood what tea is drinking from chamomile. By itself, this flower will not burn fatty deposits. Reasonable diet and sports are needed.

And chamomile tea for weight loss will only promote weight loss.

So, how do you need to make chamomile tea and take it?

  • The chamomile flowers follow 10 minutes and drinking the infusion warm to meals, because Chamomile helps produce gastric juice that promotes weight loss
  • Before sleep, you must drink a cup of chamomile tea for weight loss to sleep firmly and calmly. Lack of healthy sleep interferes with insulin, and weight gain occurs
  • When stress or anxiety, you also need to drink tea with chamomile. The stressful situation hits the hormonal system, which leads to a weight gain
  • Before turning on the chamomile drink to the loss program, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications on his reception

Chamomile with milk

It has long been proven that milk in its natural form for a person is not useful. But if proteins and fats of plant origin mix with proteins and fats of milk, the biological complex will be obtained, extremely useful for the human body. In addition, the dairy product neutralizes caffeine, which irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach. Accordingly, chamomile tea with milk has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

In some diets, thinners are described in detail how to brew chamomile, and then add milk and bee honey in infusion.

Behind the modest charm of this radiant flower lies a huge benefit for the human body. It was known about this from distant ancestors and skillfully used the healing properties of daisies pharmacy. The rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry, however, did not affect the popularity of the plant.

Extracts, infusions and other chamomile preparations are used both independently, and are included in the complex fees, balms and elixirs. But there is a means that can be prepared at home in just a few minutes, and it will bring it as a whole arsenal of drugs. We are talking about chamomile tea, simple and pleasant, familiar from early childhood .

What is the secret of the benefit of chamomile tea?

To understand the secret mechanism of the beneficial effects of chamomile tea into our bodies and systems, it is necessary to estimate the chemical composition of the chamomile. It is very extensive:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • coumarin;
  • chris;
  • pectin;
  • carotene;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • macro- and trace elements (magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, zinc, manganese, copper);
  • vitamins A, C, D;
  • glycine and other useful amino acids.

But the main existing substance is Apigenin , which is known for its anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties, and most importantly, the ability to suppress free radicals and certain types of cancer cells. It is the pharmacy chamomile that contains apiginine more than any other plants suitable for receiving inside.

Other components are also important and useful. Removal of spasms - the merit of glycine. This amino acid relaxing acts on the muscles. Hharmin calms down perfectly, removes panic attacks, reduces anxiety and helps to cope with insomnia. Kumarin removes the ethics and manifestation of allergies, and also dilutes blood. By the way, the chamomile is owned by his tart aroma of this substance.

All known ascorbic acid is an organic antioxidant and an immune response amplifier, contributes to the digestion and prophylaxis of stones in the gallbladder. Tubils enhance the digestive effect of ascorbins, in addition, they are destructive for harmful microorganisms and products of rotting and prevent the deposition of salts of heavy metals. Pectin also contributes to the cleansing of the body: removes toxins and radioactive elements, without suppressing the natural microflora.

Carotine is involved in cell renewal processes, so slows down aging, promotes the formation of bones and teeth, activates the immune system. Essential oils complete the composition with its antispasmodic, soothing and bactericidal impact.

Thanks to this set of advantages, the benefits of a multifaceted fragrant flowers. With systematic use, it acts as:

  • antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic;
  • painty and anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic and anticonvulsant;
  • castle and choleretic;
  • depressant.

What health problems decides tea chamomile tea?

A wide range of medicinal properties makes chamomile tea healing for:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • upper respiratory tract and LOR organs;
  • oral cavity;
  • nervous system.

With the symptoms of gastrointestinal problems - gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers or a two-ten-day intestine, pancreatitis, poisoning and rovotirius infections - chamomile will facilitate spasms, bloating and heartburn. On the stomach, this grass acts envelopingly and contributes to cleavage of food, heals small wounds and ulcerations on the mucous membrane. A chamomile for the liver is beneficial with its ability to improve the outflow of bile and remove toxins, so even the state of hangover can ease.

Many who collided with intestinal infection are wondering: fastened or laxit chamomile with diarrhea. It turns out that it depends on the dosage during brewing. That is, a relatively strong decoction will help defeat the diarrhea, and weak - on the contrary. When the chair is discharged, adults are poured with a liter of boiling water two tablespoons of dry flowers and insist about an hour (even better to add a teaspoon of dried mint here. During the day, all the volume obtained is drunk. When constipation chamomile helps, if the color of tea is light yellow, for this, the dosage must be cut twice.

In case of pancreatitis, the chamomile decoction can replace powerful synthetic drugs for a while, which is seriously transferred by the body, as well as used in the complex treatment of this complex disease.

Antiseptic chamomile decoction and infusions are indispensable with inflammation and infections of the oral cavity, throat and upper respiratory tract: stomatitis (thrush), tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngotracheita - both as a drink and rinsing, as well as inhalations. With bronchopulmonary diseases, the reception of such tea, especially with lime petals or sage, will help to get rid of painful cough. The cold, accompanied by chills, high temperature and other manifestations of intoxication with chamomile tea, will proceed much easier, because it contains a hippool - an organic immunostimulator and an antiseptic. It is even more useful to drink chamomile with ginger, lemon, honey.

Disclaimed nerves will come normal with regular reception of herbal tea - both monocomponent and assembly. Warm tea with chamomile strengthens the nerves, helps from headaches during migraine, soothes, relaxes, creates a feeling of comfort. And if you take on a cup overnight - you can forget about insomnia and disturbing dreams, especially if in addition to light in the bedroom an aromatic candle with lavender oil.

In addition to the listed brewed chamomile, accelerates the metabolism that will delight thinning, and also helps to cleanse the face from acne, if you take a decoction inside and wipe the face several times a day. Chamomile with menstruation will calm spastic pain and improve the overall condition. So for a woman, this is a real elixir of youth and beauty.

Contraindications and side effects

Hypotoniki should be remembered: chamomile tea is not capable of much, but still reduce the pressure. It is not recommended to combine the chamomile pharmacy in conjunction with soothing and diuretic drugs, as well as with the philic blood anticoagulants. Phytokeas in this case will strengthen the effect of medicines.

ATTENTION: An overdose of chamomile is also possible and causes such symptoms as nausea, vomiting and tachycardia. The optimal dosage with long-term reception is one or two cups per day. It is extremely rare, but still an allergic response to chamomile is found, as well as its individual intolerance.

Chamomile tea during the waiting period of the child

Immunity in pregnant women has a property to decline, and then the body becomes vulnerable to viruses, especially in the season of infections. At the same time, pregnant women can drink far from all medicines. And then a chamomile decoction will come to the rescue - like tea and like a rinse for the throat. And in the early period of pregnancy, it also will help with toxicosis. But more than one cup per day should not be taken: in the first trimester, the active ingredients of tea can increase the tone of the uterus and create a threat of miscarriage, and in the later dates - provoke allergies in the future newborn.

Is it possible to take a chamomile to take a chamomile solit a pediatrician. Only the predisposition of the child or the mother itself for allergies can be contraindicated with breastfeeding. In other cases, the doctors themselves recommend her herbal instead of green and black tea, which soothe, return the body of force, improve the lactation.

Chamomile tea Children

The riddle about the chamomile is familiar to us since childhood: "In the forest
It is a sun on the leg. " Also from the early years, many people remember the taste and fragrance of the bravery of this sunny beam. Therefore, young mothers are often wondering whether it is possible to give newborn chamomile tea. Pediatricians recommend kids decoction chamomile to eliminate intestinal colic, inflammation of dyosen in teething and general concern. But on their own, without consulting with the doctor, to eat children up to the year chamomile, especially newborns under the age of 6 months. For infant benefit and harm individual and are determined by the answer to the question can be allergic to herbal tea. It is worth considering and possible side effects when interacting with synthetic drugs.

In the absolute majority of cases in reasonable doses - up to 50 ml per day in the ratio of one teaspoon of dry flowers on a liter of water - chamomile is easily transferred even to the smallest child organism and is often used for various inflammatory processes and just for soothe. In pharmacies and shops it is easy to find ready-made children's tea bags with the desired dosage of such famous trademarks like hipp, baby, Babushkino Lukoshko.

Chamomile for older children, at school age helps to cope with overwork and improves sleep when receiving a cup for the night, and in the morning, on the contrary, contributes to the concentration of attention. Dosage at such age - up to 100 ml.

Where to take a chamomile for tea?

It is easiest to buy dried chamomile in the nearest pharmacy. Flowers are sold by loose in bundles, so and crushed in comfortable for quick brewing bags. Another option is the market, where the herbal grandmothers trades the most diverse vegetable raw materials.

But it is better, of course, to carve time in one of the summer days, make a breakdown in the forest with the whole family and narrow daisies and other useful herbs with your own hands. So you will be confident in the quality and hygienic purity of the collected flowers. After all, you will definitely choose a meader as far as possible from roads. The main thing is not to confuse the pharmacy chamomile with other types of this plant. Pharmacy is small white petals and a convex core, and the leaves are similar to dill. It is necessary to harvest it in the midst of flowering, when the petals are in a strictly horizontal position, dry the flowers - in a ventilated, protected from direct sunlight, a thin layer, stirring regularly.

Ready tea with chamomile can be found on the shelves of most shops. It is packaged in bags and is ideal for quick welding. For example, Chamomile Greenfield, Althaus, Evalar and others. But the maximum benefit and the real pleasure will certainly bring tea, carefully and leisurely brewed with their own hands. This process can be turned into one of the favorite family rituals. After all, a cup of tea so nice to gather everyone together.

How to brew the most useful chamomile tea?

Adult chamomile tea with health problems effectively drink an empty stomach in half a cup of 20 minutes to each meal without sugar. In preventive purposes, you can drink one or two cups daily, this dosage is completely safe. But periodically you need to take breaks in the reception for a couple of weeks.

Various additives will help diversify tea drinking and bring even more benefits. This may be, for example, soothing Melissa, mint, sage. Herbal compositions are the most diverse - this is a matter of taste and medical testimony.

Like the usual black or green chamomile tea, it drinks well with lemon, ginger, milk, honey, and even a story with cookies. At the same time, in contrast to tea or coffee, such a drink does not contain caffeine and other, not the most useful substances.

Running fragrant chamomile tea can be both in a glass and in a brewing from the calculation of 1 tablespoon of 250 ml of boiling water. After 20 minutes, you can enjoy a pleasant tart taste and feel like a calm and strength for new achievements are added with each throat.

A chamomile decoction is one of the forms of preparation of raw daisies pharmacy, in which dried flowers are poured with water, and then the solution is brought to a boil and boiled for a while (usually very short, just a few minutes).

A chamomile decoction at insistence acquires a characteristic yellow color.

From tea, the decoction is distinguished by the fact that the finished solution is precisely for some time, and for the preparation of tea flowers just poured boiling water. From the infusion of the blade differs in the same: it is made simply by insisting of cold water on chamomile flowers, without boiling and even scalding.

On a note

Allergenic properties at the decoction are expressed less than that of tea or infusion, due to the fact that various pollution and third-party allergens are neutralized in it - insects, which appended on flowers when collecting, dust, other plants. For this reason, the decoction of more preferrs for children.

Next, chamomile decoction can cause an excessive contraction of the muscles of the uterus. This ability is used to enhance the monthly or stimulation of them when delayed, but it can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

Finally, chamomile slack. Due to this, it is often used in constipation, but with a general tendency to diarrhea, and even more so at the acute stage it can be used the chamomile decoction can be dangerous: the manifestations of the disorder will increase.

It is also known that the concentrated chamomile decoction stimulates vomiting. This is useful for various poisoning for emptying the stomach, but with other diseases is a typical side effect.

All these effects are manifested exactly when receiving a chamomile beam inside. In the external application of the means, only allergies may develop, as a rule, lighter than when using the drug inside.

The purity of the drug and the absence in it of large particles does not affect the likelihood and force of allergies.

It is these side effects that cause contraindications to apply chamomile beam.

Contraindications with internal and outdoor use

Official contraindications for receiving chamomile beam Four:

  1. Famous allergies to chamomile, or allergic manifestations in its admission;
  2. Pregnancy at which the decoction is able to provoke miscarriage and premature start of labor;
  3. Children's age up to 3 years - for ragger intake, since its safety for the first three years of life has not been proven;
  4. Next to diarrhea, or diarrhea in the acute stage.

It is not known whether the components of the chamomile penetrate into breast milk penetrate, and therefore, for safety, the camomile reception is not recommended during lactation.

It is unambiguously impossible to give the prepared natural raw decoration of chamomile with a newborn or infant child aged 2-4 months. It has this tool can cause diarrhea, allergies or other unwanted phenomena. The exception is the treatment of a child under the control of the doctor when the doctor prescribes a decoction for a child and indicates the rules for its preparation and dilution.

In all cases, when chamomile decoction is planned to be given to a child, this tool can be replaced by other, more efficient, safe and intended for children pharmaceutical preparations.

On a note

In particular, to walk the baby in the first one or two months of life a chamomile decoction to combat colic - a typical parental mistake. It is not enough that colic is not always caused by pain in the stomach, there are no evidence that such treatment is generally able to help the child. At the same time, side effects from the use of daisies may well develop.

At the same time, a child of any age can be bathed in water with the addition of decoction of the chamomile, as well as it is allowed to apply a decoction externally for skin or eye treatment (for example, when conjunctivitis). Of course, all this is allowed if the child has no allergies on the chamomile - in this case, it will not lead it to any undesirable consequences.

For these reasons, it is not recommended to constantly drink chamomile decoge instead of tea. It can be considered as a narrow-controlled therapeutic agent, the use of which is justified only if there are certain diseases or syndromes. There is no need to receive it in a healthy person, but in the absence of diseases, even the minimum risk of developing side effects makes it undesirable.

Cooking ragger Romashki.

The traditional recipe for cooking the chamomile looks like this:

  • In a saucepan or Kazanchik, dried daisy flowers are poured, and their portion must be measured by teaspoons;
  • Flowers are poured with water, based on the proportion of 1 cup on 2 teaspoons of flowers;
  • The saucepan is put on a slow fire, the solution is adjusted to a boil and boil 3-4 minutes;
  • Removed from the fire, cool;
  • After cooling, the decoction is filtering through the gauze, the flowers in the marlay are pressed.

If necessary, other herbs are added to the initial raw materials - calendula, onion juice, sage, oak boring, gold baking, if such additives are provided for a recipe for the treatment of a particular disease. For example, in stress and neurological disorders, the decoction is made with the addition of mint and a hormour, cleanliness is added to cleanse the skin. It is only important to remember that such additives have both their own therapeutic properties and contraindications, capable of causing side effects - all of this must be considered.

Flowers remaining after the filping, it is advisable to extract.

If the decoction is planned to give a child, it is desirable to add honey or sugar to mitigate a bitter taste. It will also save the child from vomiting.

Also known a recipe for cooking brazing in a water bath. In detail about it, and about other ways to prepare a beam (for example, not from scattering raw materials, but from bags with chopped chamomile) we spoke separately ...

In cosmetology, chamomile decoction is used to prepare self-made cosmetics. In particular, it is added to soap as an antibacterial agent, with it make masks based on vaseline and egg yolk, hair shampoos and face lotions.

Chamomile cream to reduce skin irritation.

Little children (usually the first months of life, sometimes - at the age of up to the year) bathe in the baths with the addition of chamomile beam. The decoction itself is preparing in this case according to the standard recipe, and then simply added to the children's bath in arbitrary proportions (there is no sharp need for it, it is mainly used to calm the mother itself).

How to apply a decoction how long and how often can you drink it?

Take the chamomile decoction inside with digestive disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended for 1 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals. After receiving food, it is less effective, since a smaller amount is absorbed during the stomach filled.

In the treatment of diseases of other internal organs, including when using the beam, not only from the chamomile, but also from complex fees with it, the frequency and order of reception depends on a particular disease. Here the instruction should give exactly the doctor.

In a separate article, we talked in detail how long, as often and in what quantities you need to take chamomile decoction with certain ...

As a rule, he needs to drink a decoction as many days as the patient appears the symptoms of the disease itself. In chronic diseases (for example, when chronic gastritis), the tool is taken by courses with interruptions of a certain duration.

With external use, the duration of treatment and the frequency of skin treatment or mucous membranes is practically not limited. Nevertheless, fanaticism should be avoided. For example, rinse the throat with the throat chamomile throat should not be more often than 5 times a day, because with more frequent procedures, constant vibrations slow down the process of restoring tissues on the site of unts. And, for example, wash with a chamomile, it is possible how often it will not be harm from it.