Saying smart people about the culture of his wife. Aphorisms about culture

Saying smart people about the culture of his wife. Aphorisms about culture
Saying smart people about the culture of his wife. Aphorisms about culture

More ancient philosophers admired the human ability to create. Some considered it for God's gift. Another such feature seemed to be a curse. There were no indifferent.

What do creative personalities think about this? The statements and quotes of art will be able to understand, with which great people once expressed their opinion.

Creativity and universe

The modern pace of life leaves a person a bit of time to enjoy the beauty of the world. Sometimes only the real creators manage to distract people from the bustle of everyday life, to pay attention to true values \u200b\u200band make them think about the eternal. This topic is devoted to many great quotes of art.

On the role of painting

True artists always have something to say to the world. From the depths of their consciousness, they are the original thoughts that are amazed, admire and inspire others, once again reminding about the creative potential laid in each person.

We present some quotes of artists about art that can cause interest from the reader.

Quotes of great artists about art and yourself

On the role of music

Writers about art

No less wonderful writer art. Aphorisms, quotes and statements of famous authors are a bright confirmation.

Many outstanding minds of humanity spoke about the most important role of art in the life of society. The works of writers, philosophers, scientists and public figures are devoted to this issue. Different opinions are expressed, which, in fact, are reduced to the overall conclusion: without the ability to see the beautiful and create a person will lose its essence. We offer the reader of the reader the quotes of art, as well as the saying of great people about this:

  • Art - daughter of freedom. (Friedrich Schiller).
  • My imagination can not create a picture of more complete happiness than to continue to live for the sake of creativity . (Clara Schuman).
  • Art, freedom and creativity will change the society faster than politics. (Viktor Pinchuk).
  • The mastery of the writer lies in the disclosure of what the reader believes. (Gustave Flaubert).
  • Creativity allows yourself errors. Art knows which of them to save. (Scott Adams).
  • Culture is the only thing that remains if the rest is forgotten . (Eduard Arrio).
  • Creativity is the only way to escape without leaving home. (Twile Tarp).
  • Culture is an art raised to many beliefs. (Thomas Wolf).
  • The beautiful body is dying, but it is forever if recreated on the canvas of the artist. (Leonardo da Vinci).
  • For me, creativity is an opportunity to give people a way to take a different look at the world around. (Maya Lin).
  • Art is a culture engine . (Nikolai Roerich).

Creativity and progress

The following quotes on art and its inextricable communication with science also show a significant role of the creative component in the development of human society.

Architecture - music frozen in stone

Creativity surrounds man everywhere. Architecture is one of its most ancient directions. And let the quotes of art embodied in the stone, the more interesting.

  • Modern architecture is the art of filling space. (Philip Johnson).
  • Architecture is visual art where buildings speak for themselves . (Julia Morgan).
  • Architecture - Residential Sculpture . (Konstantin Brankuzy).
  • Architecture is the desire for truth. (Louis Ka).
  • Life is an architecture, and architecture - a mirror of life. (Yu Min Pey).
  • Any job architecture that does not express calm is an error. (Luis Barragan).



C 74.

Libraries are most important in culture. It may not be universities, institutions, other cultural institutions, but if there are libraries ... - Culture will not perish in such a country.

D. S. Likhachev

Quotes, Aphorisms, statements about culture [Text]: Information Guide / MBC "CBS"; CGB; Service department; Cost. Vertiev G. A.; Ot. For the release of Parasotskaya E. V.- Bataysk, 2014. - 12 p.

To help the organization of cultural work

Dear Colleagues!

2014 began, proclaimed the year of culture in Russia. We, like no other understanding how important is such a step, designed to attract the attention of the public to the development and preservation of Russian culture. Culture covers such significant parties to life, as a language, history, education, science, religion, art, literature, music, is all that it is designed to maintain and ensure the spiritual development of the people.

We, cultural workers should take advantage of the presented opportunity to declare themselves and show our activities as an important component in the overall contribution of the development of Russian culture.

We offer you a selection of quotes, aphorisms, statements about culture that can be useful when making exhibitions, library materials, scenarios, benefits, etc.)

If we are thinking about culture, it already means - we are thinking about beauty, and about the book as creating beautiful.

N.K. Roerich

The overall culture is what allows a person to feel all the soul of solidarity with others in time and space - both with the people of its generation and with the gone generations and with generations coming.


Culture has a memory. Therefore, it is associated with history, always implies the continuity of the moral, intellectual, spiritual life of a person, society and humanity.

Yu. M. Lotman

Culture is associated with a cult, it develops from religious cult ... Culture is associated with the cult of ancestors, with legends and traditions. She is full of sacred symbols, there are knowledge and similarity in it. Another spiritual reality is given .. every culture (even material culture) is the culture of the Spirit, every culture has a spiritual basis - it is a product of the creative work of the Spirit over the natural elements.

N. A. Berdyaev.

There is only one tool to become a cultural person - reading. A cultural person is a person focused on high moral values \u200b\u200bseeking to feed the soul sublime and beautiful.

Monuments of culture are generators of spiritual energy attached to them by people who created them, as well as those people who have worshiped them for many centuries. Destroying cultural monuments, we destroy the most valuable is the spiritual energy of the people.

Fedor Abramov.

Modern culture of Russia is, first of all, our speech, our holidays, our schools and universities, our attitude to parents, to their family, to their Fatherland, to other peoples and countries. Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote: "If you love your mother, you will understand others who love their parents, and this feature will not only be familiar to you, but also pleasant. If you love your people, you will also understand other peoples who love their nature, their art, their past. "

Literature rose over Russia a huge protective dome - became the shield of her unity, the shield moral.

D. S. Likchev

Someday, when Russian readers will become more interested in their past, - the greatness of the literary feat of Russian literature will become completely clear and ignorant and ignorant to see Russia will be replaced by knowledgeable respect for its moral and aesthetic values.

D. S. Likchev

Human culture as a whole not only possesses memory, but this is a memory of the benefit. The culture of mankind is the active memory of humanity, the actively introduced into modernity.

D. S. Likchev

Culture unites all sides of the human person. It is impossible to be cultural in one area and remain ignorant in another. Respect for different sides of the culture, to its various forms - this is the feature of a truly cultural person.

D.S. Likhachev

Memory - the basis of conscience and morality, the memory is the basis of culture, "accumulated" culture, memory is one of the foundations of poetry - aesthetic understanding of cultural values. Store memory, take care of memory - this is our moral debt to themselves and before the descendants. Memory is our wealth.

D.S. Likhachev

"Culture presents the main meaning and the main value of the existence of both individual peoples and small ethnic groups and states. Out of culture, independent existence is deprived of meaning. " D. S. Likhachev "Declaration of Rights of Culture".

D. S. Likchev

"Culture is something that greatly justifies the existence of the people and nation before God.
Today, many speak of the unity of various "spaces" and "fields". In dozens of newsstands and magazine articles, issues related to the unity of economic, political, information and other spaces are discussed in television and radio broadcasts. I also take up first of all the problem of the space of cultural. Under space, I understand it in this case is not just a certain geographical area, and above all the space of the medium that has not only length, but also depth. "

D. S. Likchev

"We still have a concept of culture and cultural development. Most people (including "state husbands") understand a very limited circle of phenomena under the culture: theater, museums, pop, music, literature, - sometimes not even including the concept of culture, equipment, education ... So often it turns out So that the phenomena we relate to the "culture" are discussed in isolation from each other: their own problems at the theater, their physician organizations, their philharmonic and museums, etc. ".

D. S. Likchev

"Meanwhile, culture is a huge holistic phenomenon that makes people who inhabit a certain space, from simply population - the people, nation. The concept of culture should also include religion, science, education, moral and moral norms of human behavior and states. "

D. S. Likchev

"I think my XXI century as a century of humanitarian culture, culture of good and raising, laying freedom to choose the profession and the use of creative forces. Education, subordinate to the tasks of upbringing, a variety of medium and higher schools, the revival of self-esteem, which does not allow talents to go into crime, the revival of a person's reputation as something higher, which should be held by everyone, the revival of conscientiousness and the concept of honor - in general, then What we need in the XXI century. Not only Russian, of course, but especially Russian, because this is exactly that we have been largely lost in our ill-fated XX century. "

D. S. Likchev

The higher the culture, the higher the work is valued.

Wilhelm Rocher.

The height of the culture is determined by the attitude towards a woman.

Gorky M.

The coming of culture coincides with the birth of intelligence.

Claude Levi-Stros

Culture is a measure of humanity in man.

Karl Marx

Culture is perfection in being.

Culture is a great teacher of how to live.

Dina Dean

The highest possible stage of moral culture - when we understand that they are able to control their thoughts.

Charles Darwin

Any rules about what follows and what should not be read, just ridiculous. Modern culture more than half is based on what should not be read.

Oscar Wilde

Culture and external gloss are completely different things.

Ralph Emerson

In order to enjoy a lot of things, a person must be ... in a high degree of cultural person ...

Karl Marx

Culture can not be inherited, it must be conquered.

Andre Malro.

Mass culture is an anesthetic, analgesic, not a drug.

Stanislav Lem

When any culture feels that it comes to her end, she sends a priest.

Karl Kraus.

Culture, says one Japanese teacher, this is what remains when everything else is forgotten.

Eduar Errio.

Criticism requires much more culture than creativity.

Oscar Wilde

Culture is the desire for prowance and light, the main thing - to ensure that both illness and light prevailed.

Matthew Arnold.

Culture is only a thin malice over hot chaos.

The heart, imagination and mind - this is the environment where what we call the culture.

Powesty K. G.

The one who did not acquire cultural skills is rude.

Culture is approximately all that we do and what monkeys do not.

Lord Raglan

In the culture of the base serves the top.

Grigory Landau

The history of world culture is the history of the suffering of those people who created it.

Erich Maria Remarque

It is impossible to be a cultural person without knowledge of the basic results of all sciences. Culture is one. Synthetic. There is no separate culture for engineer and physician. All together science form culture, its ideology is a worldview.

G. S. Altshuller, I. M. Verkin

If a person is punched by scraps of culture, which he does not understand, he becomes a beautiful fanatics and weapons in other people's hands.

Alexey Pekhov

In the war between civilizations, culture carries. Samuel Huntington.

Culture is to know the best, which was expressed and invented in the world.

Matthew Arnold.

If the film has a success, this is a business. If the film is not successful, this is art.

Carlo Ponti.

Culture for many first need that you do not need to satisfy.

Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

Culture begins with prohibitions.

Yuri Lotman

Civilization is power over the world; Culture - love for the world.

Anthony Campinsky

Dying, culture turns into civilization.

Oswald Spengler.

I do not want to crawl my house with the walls or navigate your windows. I want the spirit of culture of various countries as you can breathe everywhere: it is not necessary only to knock me down.

If I believe, so only in the culture. Culture, if you think about it, is based at all on curiosity, but for love for perfection; Culture is the knowledge of perfection. Culture people are true equal apostles.

Arnold M.

Culture is the rope that can be thrown by a drowning and whom you can suffer your neighbor. The development of culture is just as good as good as evil. The meekness grows - the cruelty is growing, and the altruism is growing, but egoism is growing. It does not happen so that the evil decreased with the increase in good; Rather, as with the development of electricity: any appearance of positive electricity goes in parallel with the advent of the negative. Therefore, the struggle between good and evil does not fade, but exacerbates; She can't end and can not seem to end.

Florensky P. A.

The mind of the culture of those who believe that it comes down to configuration formulas. The last Scholyar at the separation of the exact sciences knows about the laws of nature much more than Pascal knew. But is Skolyar who is able to think like him?

Saint Exupery A.

And let the work until the seventh sweat,

After all, holidays do not in silence.

Culture is not at all work,

Culture - states.

Website materials used:

  1. Planning library events by the year of culture (viewing date 21. 12.2013)
  2. Book exhibitions about Russian history and culture [Electronic resource]. - Access mode (viewing date 01/12/2014)
  3. New forms of library events [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (viewer date 01/12/2014)

Our coordinates:

346880, Rostov region,

g. Bataysk, ul. Kirov, 32/1.

Tel. 5-65-50

E-mail: [Email Protected]

Opening hours: 9-00 to 18-00

Saturday, Sunday: 9-00 to 17-00

Day off - Friday

The higher the culture, the higher the work is valued.
Wilhelm Rocher.
The height of the culture is determined by the attitude towards a woman.
Maksim Gorky
The coming of culture coincides with the birth of intelligence.
Claude Levi-Stros
Culture is a measure of humanity in man.
Karl Marx
Culture is perfection in being.
Dina Dean

And culture has its legalized prostitution: festivals.
Martin Kessel
Civilization is power over the world; Culture - love for the world.
Anthony Campinsky
Dying, culture turns into civilization.
Oswald Spengler.
The sky of religion was replaced by the sky of culture. But it is for chosen.
Angey Biscupsky
Culture is born in the province, degenerates in the capitals and returns to the province in this form.
Henrik Wheelle
Culture carries joy, which is essentially the joy of resistance.
Gaston Bashlar
Each poorly supplied question distorts the picture. And sometimes it seems that the whole history of culture in its current form consists of only distorted paintings!
Johan Hyuning
In the deepest essence, the culture is nothing but creative synthesis.
Wilhelm Windelband
Culture is what remains when you forget everything you have been taught.
Emmanuel Munya
For true culture there is no enemy more terrible than rationalism.
Vladimir Frantseich Ern

Culture is not an "superstructure", as Marxists understand it, but a special form of human life. Mircea Eliade

The strength of traditions and the strength of creativity in their combination is a life-giving source of all culture. Peter Nikolaevich Savitsky

Sport forms optimism culture, cheerful culture.
Lunacharsky A. V.

There is nothing hostility culture than civilization.
Vladimir Frantseich Ern

Morale culture should be based on the principles ...
Immanuel Kant

Culture is the knowledge of the distance on which it should greet with the worst enemy.
Frantishek Cover
Culture is not the number of read books, but the number of witnesses.
Fazil Iskander

In each of us the crisis of culture, we are aware of this or not, is the crisis of their own soul. Georg Zimmel
Human culture arises and deployed in the game as a game.
Johan Hyuning
During the cultural crisis, the feeling of powerlessness before the forces of nature and social shocks leads to the development of religious ideologies.
Wilhelm Reich

Measurement is part of all culture, only at a lower or higher degree of perfection. Edmund Gusserl
Talking about culture has always been a nasty culture.
Theodore Adorno
Culture is a way from closed unity through the revealed set to the disclosed unity.
Georg Zimmel
Culture can be called high, even if she did not create equipment or sculptures, but it will not be called it if she lacks mercy.
Johan Hyuning
The culture of a person is not the role that he plays, but the light of his true essence, which he exists in everything that does.
Dina Dean
I do not want to crawl my house with the walls or navigate your windows. I want the spirit of culture of various countries as you can breathe everywhere: it is not necessary only to knock me down. Rabindranat Tagore
If I believe, so only in the culture. Culture, if you think about it, is based at all on curiosity, but for love for perfection; Culture is the knowledge of perfection. Culture people are true equal apostles.
Matthew Arnold.
Most of the people we call cultural are people who have imagination, but completely devoid of understanding of the natural truth, in which, actually, is a real culture. This time is only twilight culture ...
August Einzidel
To join civilization is very difficult. For this there are two ways: culture or so-called debauchery. And the rustic residents are still not available. Here they are kicked in virtue. Oscar Wilde
People think that the path of universal culture is the path of morality; But no philosophizing will bring fruit until physical knowledge is applied and everything that relates to practical life.
August Einzidel
The mind of the culture of those who believe that it comes down to configuration formulas. The last Scholyar at the separation of the exact sciences knows about the laws of nature much more than Pascal knew. But is Skolyar who is able to think like him?
Saint Exupery A.
Culture essence of the body. The history of culture is their biography. The culture originates at the moment when the Great Soul is allocated from the primitive-mental state of the everlasting humanity.
Oswald Spengler
Culture as an organized struggle with nature gives a person with power, how no time the gods were endowed; But the god-like makes a person dissatisfied - unsatisfied in civilization.
Paul Ricker

Statements and aphorisms about culture

Culture is a maturity material and spiritual environment, all that contributes to the elevation of man and humanization of society.

The culture of any people defines its spiritual uniqueness. It manifests his creative forces and abilities, at the same time being the property of all mankind.

Culture is a determining condition for the implementation of the creative potential of the individual and society, the form of approval of the identity of the people and the basis of mental health of the nation, the humanistic guideline and the criterion for the development of man and civilization. Outside of culture, the present and future of peoples, ethnic groups and states are deprived of meaning.

Man is the Creator of Culture and its main creation.

The culture is approved in the heart of the people and creates a desire for construction. Culture perceives all the discoveries and improvements in life, for she lives throughout a thinking and conscious. Culture protects the historical dignity of the people.

Nikolai Roerich

The mind of the culture of those who believe that it comes down to configuration formulas. The last Scholyar at the separation of the exact sciences knows about the laws of nature much more than Pascal knew. But is Skolyar who is able to think like him?

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Culture and grinding. A man is born by a savage; Having brought up, he believes in himself an animal. Culture creates an identity, and what it is more, the personality is more significant. Cultural Greece has the right to be called the rest of the world by barbaric. Cheerfulness - from ignorance; For culture, first of all knowledge is needed, but the scholarship itself will be rude, if not polished. Elegant should be not only thoughts, but also desires, and especially - speech.<…> Some people from nature are endowed with the inner and outdoor grace, in thoughts and words, in each property of the soul. Others, on the contrary, are so unworthy that all their natural qualities, sometimes excellent, are faded due to unambiguous dicar rudeness.

Baltasar Gracian-I-Morales

I do not want to crawl my house with the walls or navigate your windows. I want the spirit of culture of various countries as you can breathe everywhere: it is not necessary only to knock me down.

Rabindranat Tagore

The strength of traditions and the strength of creativity in their combination is a life-giving source of all culture.

Peter Savitsky

Those who are in the beautiful can see the wonderful - people of culture. They have hope.

Oscar Uald

The geniuses and talents cannot be created, but it is possible to create a culture and how it is wider and deocratic, the easier the talents and geniuses grow.

Heinrich Neigauses

In history, each cultural ascent was in one way or another associated with the appeal to the past.