China. Hainan

China. Hainan
China. Hainan

Nanshhan Buddhism Center is the largest center of Buddhism in Asia. It is located on the slope of the mountain of the same name. Translated from the Chinese "Nanshan" means "South Mountain". The temple complex is devoted to the goddess of Mercy Guanin - one of the most revered in Buddhism. According to legend, there was a crash in this place, on which 12 monks floated. They were saved by dolphins, and in gratitude for their salvation, the monks founded the Buddhist temple here.

Nanshan Park was opened in 1999 and now is a temple complex of 50 km2, surrounded by a landscaped park.
The entrance to the park serves the celestial gates of non-duality. In Buddhist philosophy, the last step in achieving enlightenment is a symbolic passage through the gate.

At the gate depicted two hieroglyph - "non-duality" and "unity". They were inscribed by the famous 94-year-old Calligrapher Gu Ting Long.

Near the entrance is a gong of happiness, which is supposed to strike three times: on well-being, wealth and good luck.

One of the main attractions of Nanshan Park is a temple with the Golden Statue of Guanin.

According to the legend, reaching perfection, Guanian did not want to go to Nirvana from compassion to the world. In the Chinese mythology, Guanin is a deity, saving from the troubles and misfortunes, caring and infinitely compassionate, asking for well-being for people's gods.

In all temples, it is impossible to take pictures, so there will be no shots of internal decoration and statues. I'll just tell you what expects inside the temple.
The statue of Golden Guanin is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest golden statue in Asia. Rising 3.8 m It is made of 140 kg of pure gold, standing on a fruit flower of lotus and inlaid more than 1000 pearls, 120 diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and other precious stones, common weight of more than 400 carats. For believing Buddhists, the main value of the temple is part of the Buddha, stored in a small seven-step pyramid.

Traditionally, Guanin is depicted eight. In six hands, it holds various symbolic items: flower (beauty symbol), jug (fertility symbol), rope (rescue from trouble), musical instrument (harmony), book (rescue learning) and beads (infinity symbol). One free hand is extended to people, and the other is folded in the sign of blessing.

Not far from the temple. Guanin is a huge pure jug, crazy in a solid stone and rainwater filled. It is believed that when all wars and conflicts stop in the world, water from the jug will turn to the ground and clean it from her evil.

In a walk in the park of merciful liberation - a classic park with palm trees and bamboo thickets, ponds with carp and traditional Chinese gazebos - we achieve the longevity valleys.

But before getting there, we pass along the trail dedicated to the long-livers of Hainan over 100 years old. Each photo provides a brief interview with the long-liver. Based on the read, the secret of longevity in moderate proper nutrition, an active lifestyle (for example, work in the garden) and communication with relatives, children, grandchildren and friends.

On Hainan more long-livers than in the rest of China. In 2012, in the province of Hainan, people over 80 were 1610 people, which is 17 people per 100 thousand inhabitants. Once every two years in the center of Buddhism, the festival of long-livers, the elderly is welcomed and honored. In China, in general, very respectful attitude towards old men.

In the valley of longevity, the family of turtles, symbolizing family happiness in the circle of children and grandchildren.

And the statue of an old man, who is asking for longevity.

In the valley of long-livers and along the entire length of the trail of long-livers, you can see red ribbons with gold hieroglyphs. These are ribbons with desires. There are many points in the park where you can buy a ribbon with hieroglyphs with sufficiency of happiness, love, wealth and other benefits. Especially for Russian-speaking tourists there are signs with the translation of wishes. These ribbons are tied on the trees, to the statues, in the park nobody removes them, so that the gods can read the ribbons and fulfill the wish. On some ribbons, the handle addresses wishes, but not knowing whether the highest strength of China is Russian, we limited to ribbons with standard inscriptions.

In addition, the elderly people lead an active lifestyle, and in the proof of this rises along the path of long-livers to the top of the mountain. I got information that the staircase calculates 10,000 steps. We also passed along the path of long-livers, rising in all steps surrounded by the picturesque rainforest with beautiful views of the 108 meter statue of Guanin in the sea.

The trail leads us to the statue of the Buddha longevity, which is asked for a long life for himself and their loved ones. Few tourists get to the end of the trail, although the walk is worth it.

Going along the path, we get to the glade with the old Tamarind (Indian Pichenian) and the sculptures of elephants. All of them are also thickly hung with red ribbons and wooden signs with names and wishes.

Because of the lungs of Pokrov, we did not immediately notice around the tree of the statue of monkeys, symbolizing the Buddhist idea not the act of evil "if I don't see evil, I don't hear about evil and I'm not talking about it, then I am protected from him."

By the way about the elephants, the Chinese love them very much :) And we often came across images and sculptures, even very small, elephants.

A pretty Chinese plate warning that the lawn is undesirable to walk due to dangerous insects and snakes.

Keep the way to the temple 33 statues Guanin, enjoying beautiful views along the way.

Inside the temple looks luxurious, in addition to the beautiful and terrifying statues of the gods, all the walls of the temple are filled with cells with small gilded statues of the goddess that were donated to the temple. Anyone wishing for 10,000 yuan can buy such a statue on the plate which will engrave his name. The statue cannot be taken, it remains in the temple. And I would say that most of the gilded Guanin have label with engraving.

Our path lies in the chief temple of Guaniain through a beautiful park with arbors, stones with bas-reliefs and hieroglyphic inscriptions.

If you roll with the main alley, then you can go to the glade of 12 arghats, guards 12 months of the year and 4 sides of the world. Translated from Sanskrit, "Arhat" means "worthy", in Buddhism this is a person who has achieved liberation from the jacket and released from the "Wheel of Review".

Through the picturesque white pavilion, budget from the classic Chinese painting, let down to the foot of the Chianny Temple.

The main temple leads a high staircase with two passing temples with guards. All thresholds in Buddhist temples have a high threshold that cannot overcome evil spirits.

From the top sites of the temple, there is a magnificent view of the snow-white statue of the goddess, to which we go after visiting the main temple.

Since the territory of the park is huge, then for tourists runs the train. On the way, we pass by the walls with the Buddha's vessels carved in the stone.

Reaching the end point of our route, we fall on a beautiful area with a wonderful view of the statue of Guanin. The evening, and the park will soon be closed, so we stay almost entirely alone, alone with a blue sky, azure sea and a snow-white tribal Guanin.

For 320 meter bridge, we go to the artificial island, the fourth in the world in the world in the height of the Buddhist statue. The height of Guanin is 108 meters, and this number is not accidental. In Buddhism, the number 108 is sacred, it is believed that there are 108 desires. Missing person to achieve enlightenment, the collection of statements of the Buddha consists of 108 volumes, etc.

Two faces of the goddess are facing the sea, protecting people from harsh and cruel storms. One image of Guanin addressed to the island.

Those who wish to pray and touch the leg of the goddess can rise to the gilded lotus petals, on which Guanian.

The Nanshan Buddhist Center is considered to be the largest attraction of Hainan Island and one of the most beautiful. Although, in my opinion, everything is fine on Hainan :)

NASHAN Temple (China) - description, history, location. Accurate address and website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The Nanšan Temple ("South Mountain Temple") is the largest Buddhist sanctuary, built from the moment of the formation of the People's Republic of China. The temple on the eponymous hill received its name because of the famous Buddhist expression, which says: "Good karma - like the East Sea; The longevity is great as Nanxhan (in the Chinese Buddhism of this region, the aspect of longevity-happiness is particularly emphasized). The construction of the temple in 1988 marked two millennia of Chinese Buddhism. The temple covers an area of \u200b\u200b40 thousand square meters. The territory on which he is worth, refers to the Nanch-Buddhist cultural zone, classified as a picturesque place of the AAAAA class (highest) by the Chinese National Tourist Administration. Here is the statue of Guanin South Sea.

The famous statue of Guaniain South Sea Sanya is a 108-meter sculpture depicting merciful Bodhisatat Avalokiteshwaru, the fourth in the world in the world.

There are several copies of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) on the territory of the temple. Renvang Gate (Mountain Gate), entrance to the temple, are decorated with two figures of standing Buddha. Another seven Buddhist statues are exhibited in the audience (Hall) Doshuai. In the center of the hall there is a Buddha of the upcoming world, Maitreya, surrounded by two Bodhisatv. There are four celestial kings around these Buddhist sculptures, who play the role of guards carrying a visit to protect all living creatures, bring good weather and kind crop.

The alley, departing from Doshuai, leads visitors to Jean Tang, the ceremonial hall, which was called in the same way during the Tang dynasty. Here you can see three main statues of the Buddha: Shakyamuni, Bhaisaiyaguru (in Chinese - Yaoshivan) and Amitabha (Chinese Amita).

Nanxhan in Sanya

Doshuai and Gin-Tang are two main parts of the temple complex, but there are other beautiful buildings on its territory. This, in particular, the national treasure is the Golden Jade Statue of Guanin Top 3.8 m. Sculpture is covered in the amount of 100 kg of gold and silver, finished 120 carats of diamonds from South Africa, as well as countless decorations and contains two sacred Buddhist relics.

The terrace for monitoring the sea is right in front of the temple. It offers the best view of the giant Guanin South Sea.

Nanshhan Cultural Park can be considered the embodiment of China's socio-cultural diversity. Key attractions here are several: these are the three statues of Guanin Buddha, Buddhist temples, stunning landscapes and views of the sea. During construction, this place was a priority project of the tourist development of China. Today, Nanshhan with its harmonious beauty and attractive natural landscapes is a fashionable tourist destination, where it is going from all over the world.

Livestore vegetarian food is very famous, including nutritious dishes from wild mushrooms and soy products.

The famous statue of Guaniain South Sea Sanya is a 108-meter sculpture depicting the merciful Bodhisatat Avalokiteshwaru (in East Asia, the name Guanin is more common). She stands on the artificial island near the shore. Bodhisatva has three persons: one addressed to the mainland, and the other two to the sea, and it symbolizes the blessing and protection that the Divine one in three persons gives the whole world. The first guangian guy holds the Sutra in his left hand and welcomes the wise "Victor" around the wise, in which the fingers of her right hand are folded. The second Guanin crossed the palm, holding a scroll of prayers, and the third holds the lotus.

The statue of Guanin South Sea is the fourth high statue in the world and the highest sculptural image of Guanin. Together with the pedestal, it rises up at 135 m. Its Creation required 6 years of work, and in 2005 the statue was consecrated in the presence of 108 Buddhist monks of various communities of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and Mainland China, as well as 10 thousand pilgrims.

Practical information

The temple is located 40 km west of the city, and it can be reached here by Hainan-West express.

Opening hours: 8:00 - 18:00.

Login: 150 CNY.

Prices on the page are shown in September 2018.

Today I will tell you about the center of Buddhism Nanshhan (Nanshan), which is located on the south coast of Hainan Island. Walking there on my own, I came to the conclusion that visiting the center of Nanshan (Nanshan) will enjoy any visitor and below I will try to tell why.

Nanshhan Buddhism Center: architecture

Excellent architecture in oriental style with beautiful and huge temples. On the territory there is a large ecological park with a colorful landscape design, and no doubt the statue of the three-year goddess Guan yin whose height is (108 m).

Impressions from the temple Nanshan

For something so much the center of Buddhism Nanshan, you ask?

Of course, for the sake of emotions and those stunning sensations that are experiencing, when visiting such a majestic and colossal construction. Honestly, I have captured the spirit in some places - how everything is beautiful and skillfully done. It seems to touch something ancient, it seems to be transferred to a few eras back. Yes, right there, you feel part of something whole, invisible, but at the same time quite alive.

I am not a fan of a single religion and consider such places from the point of view of the launched skepticism, but even despite this Nanshan Buddhism Center (Nanshan) leaves stunning sensations in memory.

A little story of the Nanshhan temple

For the construction of this Park, a lot of time and strength left, and of course not so much money. About 6 billion yuan went to construction. In addition to temples, there are other features of this sacred center. There is a garden, there has been grown in it for many years an old tree on the branches of which whose branches are rushed, including my ribbon with a desire that fluttering in the wind. Of course, I am sure and you can try happiness, make a desire and symbolically tie a ribbon to good luck.

In a separate temple on the park in the park, a large Golden Statue of the goddess of Mercy Guan Yin and weighs it (140 kg.) If we talk about the statue of Guan Yin, then it has three faces: one is directed inside the island, and two other faces are looking to the side of South - The Chinese Sea to present the blessing and protection from the Guan Yin from China and the whole world. If the statue of freedom on behalf of the Western world, this is "freedom", "equality", the desire for ideological liberation of the personality, then the statue of the goddess Guan Yin in Sanya is the eastern world, "mercy", "wisdom" and "peace" symbol of the Spirit.

Also, each of the three persons bear its peculiarity. Her first appearance where she holds a book in her hands - Sacred Scripture, she symbolizes wisdom.

Of course, you can see the image on the Internet or photo in the profile of friends in social networks or at best, read their comments, but I advise you to see the temple of Nanshan with your own eyes - this majestic island's goddess. And I will be happy to help you with this :)

In one of the days of rest on the island of Hainan, we rolled to the center of Buddhism Nanshan.
Nanshan (South Mountain) is located on the southern shore of the island, 40 km from the capital of Sanya Island.
Let's go on their own - a taxi cost 300 yuan, including a fee for entering
park territory. Payment by return, taxi driver was waiting for me badly :)

The park is located on a huge territory - 50 square meters. km., Organized tourists
move through the park on open buses and electric vehicles.
We went on foot that in the heat turned out to be quite tedious :)
If anyone wants to repeat our feat - wear comfortable shoes.

Nanshan is a Buddhist center with temples and a huge landscape park.
Entrance to the park through this gate.

These gates are also considered the main entrance to the world of Buddhism. If we say that from this side is a philistine, the earthly world, then inside, on the other side of the gate, is the world of Buddhism. At the top, in the middle itself, two hieroglyphs are written on this side and two on the reverse side. According to Buddhist concepts, the values \u200b\u200bof both inscriptions are the same: all cases and actions will eventually equal, there is no difference between them. In this direction and lies the way to Buddhism. It means that there is no difference - it means to cross the borders of life and death, reach Nirvana.

From the entrance we go down to the sea, and the largest and most high attraction of the park becomes visible.

On the parties from the road, small lakes and houses in Chinese style.

Before each temple here are such candlesticks. Believers buy candles and stand three times.
This candlestick before entering the bridge leading to the statue.

View of the way back, we went down to the sea.

So got to the sea.
The statue of the Buddhist goddess of mercy was completed in 2005.
Her height is 108 meters, this is the biggest statue of the goddess in the world.
Built on an artificial island to which the bridge leads.
Under the statue did not let us, there were still construction work.

From this side it seems that the goddess is facing us. But in fact, she has three faces.

The goddess of mercy is one in three faces, she has a solemn view. It stands on a lotus flower with 108 petals. (In Buddhism, the number 108 is sacred, i.e. sacred: 108 Classic balloons beads, which help to pour 108 gods of desires that prevent people to achieve enlightenment; the collection of the Buddha's statements consists of 108 volumes, etc.). The goddess in Buddhism personifies mercy. Her main occupation is considered the help of the Buddha Amita to meet the dead souls who arrived in Paradise. On earth, she helps Shakya Muni spreading education and moral impact. The goddess of mercy can reincarnate in the "goddess with eleven persons", "Goddess from his head of a horse", "Multi-and-many-eyed goddess".
From this side, you see that she holds a book in her hands - Sacred Scripture. This symbolizes the wisdom. With the right side in her hands, she has a clear thing that symbolizes the salvation of the soul. Having turned around, she helps people free from torment and reach the border of freedom. On the left you see the lotus flower. Lotus - a sacred flower in Buddhism, this is a symbol of purity and innocence.

Apparently the height of 108 meters is also not just like that.

From the bridge, an excellent view of the sea and mountainous Hainan are opened.

In the other side, the complex of the Buddha temples is visible, where we were safely implied on foot.

We go on foot to the temple complex.

The statue of the goddess is visible from anywhere in the park.

There are tourists from such paths. To the right place for pedestrians.

Garden with bells. Judging by the inscriptions on them, some bells of 400 years.

Reached temples.

From here it becomes seen another face of the goddess of mercy: with rosary in their hands, the symbol of rescue soul.

Wish tree.

Whose desire :)

That's all. Let and your desires come true!

used information from the site