Question: Chichikov, like a new hero of the era, like antiger. Summary of the lesson N.V.

Question: Chichikov, like a new hero of the era, like antiger. Summary of the lesson N.V.

Gogol, according to V. G. Belinsky, "The first looked boldly and directly to Russian reality." Satira writer was directed against " general order things, "and not against individual personalities, bad performers of the law. The predatory chaventer of chikchiki, landowners Manilaov and Sobashevich, Nozdrev and Plushkin, officials of the provincial city from Gogol's poem " Dead Souls"Are scary with their vulgarity. "It was crazy to go crazy," A. I. Herzen wrote, "at the sight of this animal from nobles and officials who are wanted in the deepest darkness, buy and sell" dead souls "of peasants." The image of Chichikova reflects a new phenomenon in Russian life - the birth of the bourgeois. It - typical hero initial capitalist accumulation, representative of those deltsov who in large quantities Appeared in Russia in the 1930s, when the crisis of the serf system sharply marked.

Chichikov - the son of a poor nobleman, who was inherited by the "Old Domishko with an insignificant land", who became a real trades in the image of life. He remembered all his life and performed the father's instructions - most of all take care and save a penny: "Everyone will do and everyone will personify a penny"; To please teachers and bosses, at the same time brazenly deceiving them to get a profitable place. Already in youth years The hero learned to evaluate people from the point of view of real benefits for himself, showed exemption, iron extract and the lowestness of the soul. With small speculation, he "made increments" to Poltina, presented by the Father. "When the money got up to five rubles, he stacked the bag and began to save to another." The bag with money replaced Chichikov friendship, honor and conscience.

Deciding on the scaffold with dead souls, He thinks: "And now the time is comfortable. Played into the cards, snored and dragged, as follows. " The whole life of Chichikov became a chain of fraudulent fraud and crimes, his slogan was as follows: "Hooked - the tops, broke - do not ask." Chichikov shows huge efforts and inexhaustible ingenuity, it is started at any scams if they promise success and promise a cherished penny. The hero understands that the owner of life becomes capital, that all the power is in the box, with which he travels around Russia, buying dead souls in the landlords. Life and the environment taught him that "you can't take a straight road and that obliquely dear more directly."

Ready to deceive and overhance the nobles, Chicchikov himself is under the charm of the life of the nobility class. Imaging itself by the Kherson landowner, he sincerely seeks to adapt to the nobility, which finds the expression in the outside, the habits of the hero.

Chichikova can be called Barin on Manners and a bourgeois entrepreneur in the shower. His bourgeois entrepreneurship appears in the form that characterizes the initial accumulation period. Gogol calls Chichikova, the owner, the acquirer. The mean hero is that he is ready to preserve on the mountain, diseases of people. The author notes that Chichikov seeks to get into those provisions where epidemics and cooking diseases were held, as more peasants died there. For the same reason, he is interested in more often than crumbs and hunger. The author writes about the acquisition of the hero: "The acquisition - the wines of everything, because of it, they made, to which the light gives the name not very clean."

Images of landowners are created by describing the village, the Lord and the interior, portrait characteristics, attitudes to the proposal of Chikchikov, descriptions of the market itself; Gogol distinguishes the lead, main character character character. Chichikov is disclosed somewhat differently. There is no show through the attitude towards the fortress property, through a description of life. If all landowners, except Plushin, are static, then chicter is given in development, in the process of becoming. Depicting the landowners, the writer highlights their defining features, the chischiki is disclosed with multilateral.

To brighten the origin and the life development of a new type - Chichikov, to comprehend its historical place, the writer stops in detail on his biographies, character and psychology. Gogol shows how his ability to adapt to the setting, orient in any situation; Depending on the conditions, the manner and the tone of the Cychikov conversation change. Everywhere he fascinates, sometimes he is admirable and always reaches his goal: "You need to know that Chichotes had the most decent man who ever existed in the world ... never allowed him herself in the speech of a disadvantaged word and was always offended, if in the words of others saw lack of proper respect for the rank or rank ... "

New hero The epoch has many advantages that there are no local nobles: some educational, energy, enterprise, extraordinary dexterity. Chichikov knows how to find an approach to each person, quickly guessing the characteristics of the nature of people, unmistakably defining their strong and weak sides; Locate new acquaintances in your favor, the subject of pupil helps the hero of entering confidence. In a conversation with Manilov, he looked like Manilov, with a box of chikchiki "spoke ... with more freedom, rather than Manilov, and not at all ceremony."

In a conversation "With the rulers, he was very skillfully able to flatter everyone. The governor hinted somehow casually that in his province entitled like in paradise, the roads are velvet everywhere ... The police officer said something very flattering about the city budgets ... "Constantly changing the appearance, Chikchiki carefully hides them from those who surround their fraudulent goals.

Symbolizing the offensive of the era of the bourgeois, the era of people of deft, chain, energetic, professing the moral acquisition, Chichikov demonstrates perseverance, energy, practicality of the mind, willpower. Gogol writes: "It is necessary to give justice the inextricable strength of its character." With regard to practical aspiration and trebleness, the Hero - the "acquirer" strongly stands out between representatives of the patriarchal local text, in which the immobility, oreness and the death firmly fierce their nest.

At the same time, there are in chikchikov and features, common with landowners, is the lack of civil interests, socio-political conservatism. Chichikov is not worshiped or humility nor virtue, but they need him to achieve their goal. He is calculating, able to patiently wait the right moment. Thirst for profit, the desire to take the command position in society do not give him peace. Civilian and patriotic feelings are alien chikchiku, with a complete indifference, he belongs to everything that does not concern his personal, selfish interests.

The noble society adopted a fraudster and Plut Chichikov for outstanding person. Gogol writes that "the Word of the Word" Millioner "is not a millionmaker, namely one word; For in one sound of this word, past any money bag, is something that acts on the people of the scoundrels, and there is no other people, and on people are good, in words, at all. " In Chichikov, bourgeois features are manifested with such force and truthfulness that there are already contemporaries wide public significance of this type.

N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". Chichiki as a new hero of the era and as an antihero.

Objectives: Continue the acquaintance of students with the content of the poem, to characterize the main character of Chichikov's poem, form the learning skills to draw up the characteristics of the characters, form the skills and skills to build a response to the question of the artistic work on theoretical knowledge of theoretical knowledge; Improve skills analytical work with prosaic text; promote aesthetic I. moral education students; bring up a culture of reader perception.

Equipment: tables, textbook, text of the poem "Dead souls", distributing material, table, illustrative material on the lesson.

Type of lesson: Lesson - Analysis of the artwork

Predicted results: students know about the poem's image system N.V. Gogol

"Dead Souls", know how to characterize the chikchikov's main character, analyze the text, retell individual episodes in the form of a description, participate in the conversation, produce their point of view on work of fiction in accordance with copyright position and historical era.

During the classes

I. Organizational stage

II. Actualization supporting knowledge

III. Motivation learning activities

Teacher: in 11 chapter N.V. Gogol writes that Russian literature paid a lot of attention to the "virtuous" hero: "There is no writer who would not have riding on it, poured and whip, and everyone like" But in real reality in a serf society, people are played . It seems, the ratio of Gogol to his hero is extremely clear. Is there a future in Chichikov? Who is finally located in a Briton, harnessed by the top three, which rushes in the distance? Let us turn again to the main hero. This image is a link between chapters. What do we know about him?

IV. Work on the lesson

A) reading the episode of "Chichikov in the Tavern"

How did you see PI Chichikova?

B) reading episode "Meeting Manilova and Chichikov"

What do you see in this episode chichikov?

It begins to get acquainted with the serfs from Manilov, a fairly pleasant outdoor man. Chichikov is looking for "Zamanyovka", but "The village of Manilovka a little could lure his location. The house of the Lord stood lonelled on the Yura-open to all winds ... the muralness of the mountain, on which he stood, was dressed trusted turf. It was scattered in English two or three flower beds with bushes of sirens and yellow acacia! Five-six birch in small coups ... Under the two of them there was a gazebo ... With the inscription: "The temple of a secluded reflection" ... Twisted two women, which, articulate dresses ... ° ° для ° knees in the pond ... wedding. "Pavel Ivanovich Chikchikhu and readers offer pretty-pretentious and at the same time a pathetic picture. Manilov himself meets himself overly kindly, to the plurality of intrusive. About him the author says that Manilov can be OCA-toach. There are a genus of people known under the name: people who are nor the same, nor in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan ... "Manilov initially seems to be a pleasant and permanent person, but Gogol also introduces part in the description of the details that characterize it from best side. The owner's office "always lay some book laid by the tab on the fourteenth page, which he was constantly read for two years." Magnificent detail showing mental landlord level. His aesthetic requests are limited by the fact that he drops into the windowsill ash from the tube, building not that messy heaps, not something "building" something fantastic. Manilov is completely not engaged in the economy, the transmission of the peasants to the cradle-wage. He himself does not know how much died serfs, nor the clerk caused to the report. Manilova is not interested in the essence of Chichikov's case. He cannot understand why Paul Ivanovich needs dead souls. Chichiki, adjusting to the "elegant style" of the owner, expresses his thoughts to Vitievato, calling the dead - "who in some way graduated from their existence." Chichiki pushing Manilov for a moment, but then everything passes: the landowner was not used to thinking, he is enough to admire Pavle Ivanovich, he is ready to continue to admire Pavle Ivanovich, he will write a list of all the dead peasants to decorate his silk ribbon. How brightly flashes the character of Manilov. He makes thoughtlessly "dirty" case, but gives the "packaging" with a beautiful ribbon, he is not interested in the essence, but an external beautifulness. This cannon is sufficiently vague phrases Chichikov, so that his conscience calmed down, and maybe she did not wake up?! Interesting and image of Chichikov. He is a wonderful psychologist who understands the "nature of Manilov". Pavel Ivanovich, speaking with a landowner, begins to smile as easily, to warm up before the owner, taking his behavior to his manner. Chichikov is important to lose its goal - to collect as much as possible the souls of dead peasants who did not pass the audition tales. He conceived the grandi-° of the 3rd science and now goes to his goal. For him there is no moral barrier, which could not be circumvented. Gogol managed to see the emerging class of capitalists and brilliantly depicted its individual types. The writer of him from the first to saw an unsightly "face" of capital and his hall "in all its glory" in the poem "Dead Souls".

2. Analytical conversation

What is the similarity and difference in the characters of Chichikov and each landowner. In what situations the hero behaves like a landowner? What chikikov is fundamentally different from landowners?

Thanks to what qualities, Chichikov is able to conquer the sympathy of the landowners? What is the secret of his charm?

Who is Captain Kopeikin? Is the Chichikovsky ideal intersect and the concept of capital Captain Copeikin?

As related to the name of the artworks of the landowners and Chichikov?

Is there a "Living Souls" poem? Who are they?

What is the role in the poem "Tale of Captain Kopekin"?

3. Collective work Above the preparation of Tables "Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov", "The similarity of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov with other landowners"

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov

Stages of life

There was no noble origin, there was no material wealth in the family, everything was gray, sadly, painfully - "Here is the poor picture of his initial childhood, which he barely retained his pale memory."

a) Oaks Father
b) gaining one's own experience

He was educated in the class of city school, where his father was taped and gave the following instruction: "Looking, Pavlusha, learn, not Duri and not hang, but most of all please teachers and bosses. If you will be pleased with the boss, even though, and in science you do not have time and the talent did not give, everyone will go into the move, all will be ahead. With comrades, they are not good, they will not teach you good; And if it went to that, so dwelling with those who are treated so that with the case they could be useful to you. Do not treat anyone, but behave it better so that you treat you, and most of all take care and copy a penny: this thing is the most reliable in the world. Comrade or buddy inflates you and in trouble the first will be given you, and a penny will not give out, in whatever trouble you are. You will do everything, everyone will write in the light of a penny. "
Managed to build relationships with comrades in the class in such a way that they treated him; I managed to collect money, having seen them to the father left by the father. For the accumulation of money used any possibilities:
- blinded from the wax of the bulk, painted it and sold it;
- scaled in the ethnic market, offered to hung out classmates from those who were cooled;
- I won the mouse, taught her to get up on the rear paws and sold;
- was the most diligent and disciplined student who knows how to prevent any desire for the teacher.

a) the beginning of the service
b) continuation of career

"The place got him insignificant, salaries thirty or forty rubles per year ..." Thanks to the Iron War, the ability to deny themselves in everything, while maintaining the accuracy and appearance of appearance, I managed to stand out among the same "unspoken" employees: "... Chichikov Represented in all the perfect oppositeness and briefing the face, and the welcomes of the voice, and the perfect non-consumption of any strong drinks. "
To promote the service, it took advantage of the already tried method - treat the boss, finding his "weak place" - the daughter, which "Waisted" into himself. From that moment on, he became a "man noticeable".
Service in the Commission "To build some kind of state capital." He began to allow himself "Some excesses": a good cook, good shirts, dear cloth for costumes, privacy of a couple of horses ...
Soon again lost the "warm" place. I had to change two places. "I got to customs." He touched the risky operation at which he first enriched, and then "grown" and lost almost everything.

Acquisition of "Dead Souls"
How the idea of \u200b\u200bacquiring appeared.

After Chichikov was expelled from service in customs, he tries to find new service. "And in anticipation of the best forced was to even take up the title of the attorney."

The appearance of Chichikov in the provincial city

Applying a practical surveillance, courtesy and quiet, Chichiki managed to charm and the provincial city, and the estate. Quickly solving a person, he knows how to find an approach to everyone. It remains only to be amazed by the inexhaustible variety of all "shades and the subtleties of its appeal."

"Increased strength of character", "Rodistry, insight and inspiration", all his ability to fuse himself a person's chischik in order to achieve the desired enrichment.

The similarity of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikova with other landowners

omener and It distinctive trait

How this feature is manifested in the character of Chichikov

Manilov - "Slastoughness", Restority, Uncertainty

All residents gubern city Recognized Chichikov a man is pleasant in all respects. "In a word, wherever you turn, there was a very decent person. All officials were pleased with the arrival of a new face. The governor about him explained that he was a well-intended person; Prosecutor - that he good man; The gendarme colonel said he scientist man Chairman of the Chamber - that he is also a venerable person; Polumaster - that he is a venerable and kind person; Policheister's wife is that he is a kind and craped person. Even the Sobahevich himself, who rarely responded about someone from the good side ... Told her [wife]; "I, Drain, was the governor at the evening, and the police officer dined, and met with the college adviser Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov: a prepressed person!"

Box - petty scramble

The famous Caucasus Chichikova, in which everything is laid down with the same diligent pedantry, as in the dresser Nastasya Petrovna boxes.

Nozdrev - narcissism

Wish and ability to like everyone; To experience the location of everyone from the side of everyone - here's the need and necessity for Chichikov: "Our hero answered everyone and everyone and felt some kind of unusual: turned right and left, according to his several side; But completely free, so he fascinated everyone ... "

Sobesevich - Rough Faces and Cynicism

Even Nozdrev notices that there is no "... no straightforward, nor sincerity! Perfect Sobekevich. "

Plushkin - Collecting unnecessary things and careful storage

During the inspection of the city of N "... pulled off the billboard nodded to the post so that, come home, read it well," and then the hero "... rushed neat and put it in his strik, where he used to put everything that neither It came out. "

The character of Chichikov is multifaceted, the hero turns out to be a mirror of that landowner, because it has the same qualities that make up the basis of the characteristics of the landowners.

4. Mini Discussion

Is it possible to call Chichikova hero of his time?

Why does Chichikov's activities can not be creative?

Under what conditions could such a person appear?

How much is such a hero is interesting to the modern reader?

V. Reflection. Summing up the lesson

Teacher summary word

Chichikov - the hero of the Great classic work, created by the genius, hero, embodied the result of copyright observations and reflection over life, people, their actions. An image that has entered typical features, and therefore has long been out of the work of the work. His name has become nominative for people - prudillary careerists, podhalimov, chains, externally "prepric", "decent and decent." Moreover, other readers, Chichikov's assessment is not so unequivocal. The comprehension of this image is possible only with a painstaking, attentive analysis not only the work itself, but also a huge massif critical literature, and the subsequent life of the image in Russian literature and culture as a whole.

Vi. Homework

Creative task: Write an essay-reasoning on the statement "And one more reason ... I prevented the entry of Gogol to the Roman area: Gogol passed female character In all his depths, do you agree with this statement?

- Gogol's poem, which has become very popular. She was not only read with pleasure and read, but also shielded more than once. Many phrases became covered, and the characters became symbolic. In the work we get acquainted with the hero of chikchikov. Let's in writing the work of the dead Souls will analyze Chichikov and understand who he is: this is a new hero of the era or its anti-hero.

Already at first the author introduces us to portrait characteristics Chichikova. There was no old chicker, nor young, externally handsome, but not bad outdoor. He is not fat, and not thin. In short middle manwho is not alien to the desire for profit, and which wants beautiful Life. If in other works heroes are superfluous people The epoch where they live, chikhikov just very well in the era fits. Fits into life where people live not poorly materially, but they are poor spiritually. Among them, the hero does not stand out and appears before us ordinary person His time.

Chichikov new hero or antiger?

Is Chichikov new hero of his time? Without a doubt. But he is not only a hero, but also antigero.

Reading the work, we see the birth of a new generation with decent qualities, but the generation of old views was brought up. So people like chikchiku were born. They try to enriched with any ways, look ahead and go to the goal, however, because of their spiritual devastation, it cannot evolve soberly. Therefore, their minds are dominated by incogration. People begin to get roaring. But it is worth it to lose everything as the heroes are cut off. People new era Unable to simultaneously be guided by a mind, soul and heart. They captured their passions, do not seem to live. The top usually takes the greed and souls of people simply become dead, as the souls of Manilov, Plushkin, Sobevich and other characters.

Why chicker antigero? Reading the work, we see the spiritual degradation of people. Yes, Chichikov does not harm in spiritual PlanIn society, the soul mates occurs in society, as the experienced orders are difficult to eradicate. That's just a hero harms himself, because it goes in life with morality: you will do everything and won all in the world with money. At the same time, Chichikov finds themselves justification, because they do it all. Having such principles, our hero and demolve their soul itself. No, I won't call him a criminal of my age, he is only one of those who represent the new generation. He is not finished soul, which only thinks about money. He also dreams about the family, and it's better to condemn the desire to live better and we can not in good luck, because they themselves are striving. That's just a question in another. Is it possible to build your welfare with lies, hypocrisy, not harmful spiritual peace. I think this is a rhetorical question that does not need answer.

Chichiki, as a new hero of the era, like antihero.


Chichikov is a new hero of the era, but at the same time anti-mode. IN " Dead souls»Gogol shows a flourishing of a new generation. This generation has good qualities. But what can happen if they bring them up in the old way. The epoch gives birth to Chichikova. Chichikov finds any ways to enrich the service. He looks far ahead and achieves his goal. But Roars. Why? As soon as he achieves his, over a cold mind takes up a light intoxication, and chikhikov is no longer capable of soberly assess the situation. It deprives property, it remains virtually anything. This blow cuts him away, and again he is on horseback. What is the reason? Spiritual devastability of the hero. When Chichikov's soul drops the test of God, he says: "For what is punishment? "He is not able to tie soul, mind and heart. Therefore, the mind begins to obey passions. Up takes greed, and the death of the soul begins. What awaits Chichikov in the future? Suppose he will achieve his next? The meaning of life is lost. He is not able to live well. It is revealed by several doors, followed by Manilan, Nozdrev and Plushkin, or bitter loneliness ... But it's late to change anything. The youth wasted wasted, it was time for old age, it's time to reap their fruits. Why Chichikov - Antiger? T. K. The poem is called "Dead Souls", I considered the problem in the spiritual plan. I think the author believes that material values \u200b\u200bcan be restored. I agree with him. With spiritual problems everything is much more complicated. One Alim (scientist) said "watch your thoughts - they become words. Watch your own words - they become actions. Watch your actions - they become habits. Watch your habits - they become character. Watch your character - he defines your fate. " Chichikov does not harm anyone in the spiritual plan, the overseas of society comes by itself due to the experienced orders. He hurts himself and deprives the Society of Genius, capable of eradicating the old order. As a result, new chikima are born. But Gogol depicted the revival of Russia. Perhaps in the second volume we would see new heroes who managed to find their way. The path for which all Russia goes. The road can lead us anywhere, just grind ...

Lesson 5.

N.V. Gogol. " Dead Souls". Chichiki as a new hero of the era and as an antihero.

Goal : continue the acquaintance of students with the content of the poem, to characterize the main character of Chichikov's poem, to form the learning skills to draw up the characteristics of the characters, to form skills and skills to build a response to the question of artistic work on theoretical knowledge of theoretical knowledge; improve the skills of analytical work with prose text; promote aesthetic and moral education of students; bring up a culture of reader perception.

Equipment : Tables, textbook, text of the poem "Dead Souls", Distribution Material, Table, Illustrative Material on the Lesson Theme.

Type of lesson : Lesson - Analysisartistic work

Predicted results : Students know On the poem's image system N.V. Gogol

"Dead souls", know how to characterize the chikchikov's main character, analyze the text, retell individual episodes in the form of a description, Participate in conversation, produce their point of view on a artistic work in accordance with the author's position and the historical era.

During the classes

I. . Organizational stage

II. . Actualization of reference knowledge

III . Motivation of training activities

Teacher: In 11 chapter N.V. Gogol writes that Russian literature paid a lot of attention to the "virtuous" hero: "There is no writer who would not have riding on it, poured and whip, and everyone like" But in real reality in a serf society, people are played . It seems, the ratio of Gogol to his hero is extremely clear. Is there a future in Chichikov? Who is finally located in a Briton, harnessed by the top three, which rushes in the distance? Let us turn again to the main hero. This image is a link between chapters. What do we know about him?

IV . Work on the lesson

A) reading the episode of "Chichikov in the Tavern"

How did you see PI Chichikova?

B) reading episode "Meeting Manilova and Chichikov"

What do you see in this episode chichikov?

It begins to get acquainted with the serfs from Manilov, a fairly pleasant outdoor man. Chichikov is looking for "Zamanyovka", but "The village of Manilovka a little could lure his location. The house of the Lord stood lonelled on the Yura-open to all winds ... the muralness of the mountain, on which he stood, was dressed trusted turf. It was scattered in English two or three flower beds with bushes of sirens and yellow acacia! Five-six birch in small coups ... Under the two of them there was a gazebo ... With the inscription: "The temple of a secluded reflection" ... Twisted two women, which, articulate dresses ... ° ° для ° knees in the pond ... wedding. "Pavel Ivanovich Chikchikhu and readers offer pretty-pretentious and at the same time a pathetic picture. Manilov himself meets himself overly kindly, to the plurality of intrusive. About him the author says that Manilov can be OCA-toach. There are a genus of people known under the name: people who are nor the same, nor in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan ... "Manilov initially seems to be a pleasant and permanent person, but Gogol also introduces part in the description of the details that characterize it From the best side. The owner's office "always lay some book laid by the bookmark on the fourteenth page, which he was constantly read for two years already." A magnificent detail showing the mental level of the landowner. His aesthetic requests are limited by the fact that it pours out on the windowsill The ashes of the tube, building not the messful heaps, not the "building" something fantastic. Manilov is completely not engaged in the economy, the transmission of the peasants to the cradle-wage. He himself does not know how much died serfs, nor the clerk caused to the report. Manilova is not interested in the essence of Chichikov's case. He cannot understand why Paul Ivanovich needs dead souls. Chichiki, adjusting to the "elegant style" of the owner, expresses his thoughts to Vitievato, calling the dead - "who in some way graduated from their existence." Chichiki pushing Manilov for a moment, but then everything passes: the landowner was not used to thinking, he is enough to admire Pavle Ivanovich, he is ready to continue to admire Pavle Ivanovich, he will write a list of all the dead peasants to decorate his silk ribbon. How brightly flashes the character of Manilov. He makes thoughtlessly "dirty" case, but gives the "packaging" with a beautiful ribbon, he is not interested in the essence, but an external beautifulness. This guller is quite vague phrases Chichikov, so that his conscience calmed down, and maybe she did not wake up? ! Interesting and image of Chichikov. He is a wonderful psychologist who understands the "nature of Manilov". Pavel Ivanovich, speaking with a landowner, begins to smile as easily, to warm up before the owner, taking his behavior to his manner. Chichikov is important to lose its goal - to collect as much as possible the souls of dead peasants who did not pass the audition tales. He conceived the grandi-° of the 3rd science and now goes to his goal. For him there is no moral barrier, which could not be circumvented. Gogol managed to see the emerging class of capitalists and brilliantly depicted its individual types. The writer of him from the first to saw an unsightly "face" of capital and his hall "in all its glory" in the poem "Dead Souls".

2. Analytical conversation

What is the similarity and difference in the characters of Chichikov and each landowner. In what situations the hero behaves like a landowner? What chikikov is fundamentally different from landowners?

Thanks to what qualities, Chichikov is able to conquer the sympathy of the landowners? What is the secret of his charm?

Who is Captain Kopeikin? Is the Chichikovsky ideal intersect and the concept of capital Captain Copeikin?

As related to the name of the artworks of the landowners and Chichikov?

Is there a "Living Souls" poem? Who are they?

What is the role in the poem "Tale of Captain Kopekin"?

3. Collective work on the preparation of tables "Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov", "The similarity of Paul Ivanovich Chichikov with other landowners"

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov

Stages of life


There was no noble origin, there was no material wealth in the family, everything was gray, sadly, painfully - "Here is the poor picture of his initial childhood, which he barely retained his pale memory."

a) Oaks Father
b) gaining one's own experience

He was educated in the class of city school, where his father was taped and gave the following instruction: "Looking, Pavlusha, learn, not Duri and not hang, but most of all please teachers and bosses. If you will be pleased with the boss, even though, and in science you do not have time and the talent did not give, everyone will go into the move, all will be ahead. With comrades, they are not good, they will not teach you good; And if it went to that, so dwelling with those who are treated so that with the case they could be useful to you. Do not treat anyone, but behave it better so that you treat you, and most of all take care and copy a penny: this thing is the most reliable in the world. Comrade or buddy inflates you and in trouble the first will be given you, and a penny will not give out, in whatever trouble you are. You will do everything, everyone will write in the light of a penny. "
Managed to build relationships with comrades in the class in such a way that they treated him; I managed to collect money, having seen them to the father left by the father. For the accumulation of money used any possibilities:
- blinded from the wax of the bulk, painted it and sold it;
- scaled in the ethnic market, offered to hung out classmates from those who were cooled;
- I won the mouse, taught her to get up on the rear paws and sold;
- was the most diligent and disciplined student who knows how to prevent any desire for the teacher.

a) the beginning of the service
b) continuation of career

"The place got him insignificant, salaries thirty or forty rubles per year ..." Thanks to the Iron War, the ability to deny themselves in everything, while maintaining the accuracy and appearance of appearance, I managed to stand out among the same "unspoken" employees: "... Chichikov Represented in all the perfect oppositeness and briefing the face, and the welcomes of the voice, and the perfect non-consumption of any strong drinks. "
To promote the service, it took advantage of the already tried method - treat the boss, finding his "weak place" - the daughter, which "Waisted" into himself. From that moment on, he became a "man noticeable".
Service in the Commission "To build some kind of state capital." He began to allow himself "Some excesses": a good cook, good shirts, dear cloth for costumes, privacy of a couple of horses ...
Soon again lost the "warm" place. I had to change two places. "I got to customs." He touched the risky operation at which he first enriched, and then "grown" and lost almost everything.

Acquisition of "Dead Souls"
How the idea of \u200b\u200bacquiring appeared.

After Chichikov was expelled from service in customs, he tries to find a new service. "And in anticipation of the best forced was to even take up the title of the attorney."

The appearance of Chichikov in the provincial city

Applying a practical surveillance, courtesy and quiet, Chichiki managed to charm and the provincial city, and the estate. Quickly solving a person, he knows how to find an approach to everyone. It remains only to be amazed by the inexhaustible variety of all "shades and the subtleties of its appeal."

"Increased strength of character", "Rodistry, insight and inspiration", all his ability to fuse himself a person's chischik in order to achieve the desired enrichment.

The similarity of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikova with other landowners

omener and his distinctive feature

How this feature is manifested in the character of Chichikov

Manil - "Slastoughness", gentleness, uncertainty

All residents of the provincial city recognized Chichikov a man is pleasant in all respects. "In a word, wherever you turn, there was a very decent person. All officials were pleased with the arrival of a new face. The governor about him explained that he was a well-intended person; The prosecutor is that he is a good person; The gendarm colonel said that he is a scientist person Chairman of the Chamber - that he knows and a venerable person; Polumaster - that he is a venerable and kind person; Policheister's wife is that he is a kind and craped person. Even the Sobahevich himself, who rarely responded about someone from the good side ... Told her [wife]; "I, Drain, was the governor at the evening, and the police officer dined, and met with the college adviser Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov: a prepressed person!"

Box - Little scarce

The famous Caucasus Chichikova, in which everything is laid down with the same diligent pedantry, as in the dresser Nastasya Petrovna boxes.

Nozdrev - Sale love

Wish and ability to like everyone; To experience the location of everyone from the side of everyone - here's the need and necessity for Chichikov: "Our hero answered everyone and everyone and felt some kind of unusual: turned right and left, according to his several side; But completely free, so he fascinated everyone ... "

Sobesevich - rough fitness and cynicism

Even Nozdrev notices that there is no "... no straightforward, nor sincerity! Perfect Sobekevich. "

Plushkin - picking up unnecessary things and careful storage

During the inspection of the city of N "... pulled off the billboard nodded to the post so that, come home, read it well," and then the hero "... rushed neat and put it in his strik, where he used to put everything that neither It came out. "

The character of Chichikov is multifaceted, the hero turns out to be a mirror of that landowner, because it has the same qualities that make up the basis of the characteristics of the landowners.

4. Mini Discussion

Is it possible to call Chichikova hero of his time?

Why does Chichikov's activities can not be creative?

Under what conditions could such a person appear?

How much is such a hero is interesting to the modern reader?

V. . Reflection. Summing up the lesson

Teacher summary word

Chichikov - Hero of the Great, Classic Work, created by the genius, hero, embodied the result of copyright observations and reflection over life, people, their actions. An image that has entered typical features, and therefore has long been out of the work of the work. His name has become nominative for people - prudillary careerists, podhalimov, chains, externally "prepric", "decent and decent." Moreover, other readers, Chichikov's assessment is not so unequivocal. The comprehension of this image is possible only with painstaking, attentive analysis not only the work itself, but also a huge array of critical literature, and the subsequent life of the image in Russian literature and culture as a whole.

VI . Homework

Creative task: Write an essay-reasoning on the statement "And one more reason ... prevented the entry of Gogol to the Roman area: Gogol had a female character in all his depths" Do you agree with this statement?