"A Hero of Our Time", Pechorin: characteristics. Why is Pechorin a "hero of the time"? The composition "Pechorin - a hero of his time

"A Hero of Our Time", Pechorin: characteristics. Why is Pechorin a "hero of the time"? The composition "Pechorin - a hero of his time

When creating the novel "A Hero of Our Time" Lermontov wanted to show the characteristics of the people of his time. He put Pechorin as the main character. We attribute him to "superfluous" people. A similar technique was used by both Pushkin and Griboyedov. But Lermontov's Hero became unique.

Pechorin clearly stands out from the crowd. He thinks and analyzes a lot. The hero recalls past times. He is inspired by past victories and feats.

And now he wanders, because he feels doomed. He speaks of contemporaries as people who are no longer capable of great things.

The main character admires the Decembrists. He sees in them the ideal of people who, for the sake of great purpose make sacrifices. He cannot say the same about his generation. Pechorin also speaks a lot about egoism. He claims that modern people began to care about their own good, and not about the general.

Why did Pechorin think so? The fact is that he lived in an era of moral decay. People became cowardly and vulgar. And we are talking about high society, and not about some lower classes. Pechorin is killed by the disappearance of purity and modesty. Around only slyness, debauchery, mistrust and ridicule. The hero does not believe in love or friendship. Since now he sees only selfishness in this. One person uses another until it gets bored.

And although Pechorin often thinks about the bad, he is an idealist. He thinks about good and evil, about the lofty, the sublime. The hero completely denies high society, puts himself higher. Lemontov calls Pechorin a hero of the time, since he is also distinguished by a whole circle of people who, in a difficult era, were able to resist in a depraved society. They thirsted for deeds, but could not do what their souls were drawn to.

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the title of the novel suggests that
Lermontov wanted to delve deeper into
social life of its time. 30s XIX
that changed the time of the Decembrists - these are the years
Nikolaev reaction. the main problem
this novel is the fate of the thinker,
a talented person who could not find
self-application in the context of public
stagnation. Belinsky called him “smart
uselessness ”,“ moral cripple ”.

the problem of this novel is the fate of the thinker,
a talented person who could not
find application in conditions
social stagnation. Belinsky named him
"Clever uselessness", "moral
cripple ”. Lermontov showed Pechorin as
through the history of the "human soul"
through his destiny.

Pechorin "as a hero of his time"
is revealed in relationships with others
characters that are not alike
character, or position on Pechorin.
Of particular importance is the change of persons leading
narration. First about Pechorin
says Maxim Maksimych, “
an officer".
Then the author-storyteller talks about him, and
further Pechorin reveals himself in his
diaries. Already the portrait of Pechorin
characterizes him as an outstanding personality.
His eyes "did not laugh when he laughed."
He seems to be woven from contradictions: then he dared,
energetic, persistent, then quiet and meek,
deepened into oneself. He is also uneven in
relationships with people, and these relationships are still
emphasize inconsistency more
nature of Pechorin.

Is in
Pechorin qualities that attract people, with
with which he has to communicate. There are
situations where he even compares favorably
from others. Pechorin, whoever he communicated with,
impresses everyone without applying
to that great effort. Grushnitsky needs
take a lot of effort to convert
attention. Grushnitsky's behavior
caused a feeling of irritation in Pechorin.
He used all his mind, energy for the sake of
petty, insignificant pleasure: "to infuriate"
Grushnitsky. Pechorin made every effort
so that Mary would love him. Emptiness of life
makes him act for the sensation
life, which led to a duel with Grushnitsky.

Of all
the heroes of the novel Werner are closest to Pechorin
according to their intellectual level. He
smart, shrewd, just like u
Pechorin, Werner has an ironic mindset.
Werner - only person, which
Pechorin is easy and simple. They understand friend
friend at a glance, and Pechorin values
opinion of Werner. In Pechorin's duel with
Grushnitsky Werner acts as
second, but the outcome of the duel scares him, and
Werner decides to say goodbye to Pechorin.

Neither deep
love, no real affection Pechorin
does not feel for any of the women. With Bela he
treats like a boring toy. Playing
on the prejudices and instincts of the mountaineers,
Pechorin spends his mind, energy on a goal,
unworthy of a decent person.

In his
attitude towards Princess Mary Pechorin looks
even more repulsive. He is seeking love
young princess just to
annoy Grushnitsky, he didn't even
ponders what condemns Mary to

Is it capable
generally love Pechorin? Out of relationship
Pechorin to Vera, we understand that he loves her.
This feeling manifests itself most strongly in that
the moment when there is a danger of losing
Faith: “... I prayed, cursed, cried,
laughed ... no, nothing will express my
worry, despair! .. Faith became for
me more than anything in the world ... "But this
Pechorin's condition does not last long. His
began to be overcome with questions, why should he “chase
for lost happiness ”, which will give him
last meeting, but most of all he
afraid that he might be seen sobbing. AND
Pechorin returns home.

relationships in people Pechorin is manifested
more than "empty uselessness." This is about him
Lermontov said in the Duma:

we hate, and we love by accident,

sacrificing neither malice nor love,

And reigns
there is some kind of secret cold in my soul,

When the fire
boils in blood ”.

Pechorin himself
says about himself: “There are two people living in me:
one lives in the full sense of the word,
the other thinks and judges him. " Pechorin -
energetic, intelligent person, but he cannot
find applications for your mind, your knowledge.
Pechorin is a cruel and indifferent egoist,
because he hurts everyone with
with whom he communicates, and he does not care about the state
other people. But Belinsky said that he was “suffering
selfish ”because he blames himself for
his actions, he is aware of his actions, and
nothing brings him satisfaction.
The fault of everything is the society in which
talented people appeared, but who did not
were able to show their abilities, convert
your energy for good and necessary deeds.

criticism could not give proper assessment
to the image of Pechorin. F. Bulgarin appreciated
everything in the novel is positive, except for the main
hero, as if rejecting thereby that
merciless judgment on living conditions
Russian society, the product of which was
Pechorin. Characteristically, Bulgarin's estimate
coincided with the assessment of Nicholas I,
which the
at first decided that the old hero would be
campaigner Maxim Maksimych. When the romance was
read, the king came to the conclusion that the image
Pechorina is a tribute to Western fashion. This is exactly the case in
letter to the Empress appreciated by Nicholas I
his brilliant contemporary, who
he hated. Pechorin was a offspring
Russian reality, not only a hero,
but also a victim of his time.

Problems and tests on the topic "Why does the author call Pechorin a hero of the time? (Based on the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov, A Hero of Our Time.)"

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Why did Lermontov call Pechorin a hero of our time? Each generation has its own heroes. Pechorin - the hero of the tragic generation of the 30s 19th century, which entered into life after the suppression of the Decembrist uprising and the onset of reaction. About young people of this time A, I Herzen wrote: "... at ten years old they could not grow old, but they broke ... surrounded by a society without living interests, miserable, cowardly, obsequious."

The fate of Pechorin worried Lermontov because it was a reflection of the fate of many. Drawing Pechorin, the author created a portrait composed "of the vices of the entire ... generation in their full development." But these vices are not the inner essence of Pechorin, but the imprint of time. One cannot but see a living suffering soul under the mask of a cold egoist.

Pechorin is an outstanding person, with original character... He differs from most of the people around him in his spiritual strength and independence of judgment, a deep analytical mind that does not take anything for granted, observation.

Pechorin is critical of everything that surrounds him. But this criticism extends to himself, is expressed in a sober analysis of his own actions and feelings. Constant introspection, judgment over oneself - such is the state of Pechorin, and not every person is able to withstand such a strain of thought. This quality makes him a hero, regardless of any era. It is impossible not to see high culture, broad outlook and versatile education of Pechorin. His diary constantly contains the names of writers, poets, historical figures, scientific terms, philosophical concepts that show Pechorin's interest in the humanities, characteristic of the progressive youth of the 30s.

Pechorin is a man of strong thought and strong will. Therefore, he cannot be content with the passive role of the creator of life, although in words he limits himself to these frameworks. Pechorin's activity is manifested in each of his actions, one feels that this is one of the main traits of his character. He constantly interferes with the lives of others, changing the course of things in such a way that it leads to an explosion, to a collision. So it was in "Bela" when he abruptly changed the fate of the girl, Azamat, Kazbich, weaving their paths into an unthinkable ball. So it was in "Taman", where he intervened in life " honest smugglers", In" Princess Mary "...

Of course, this activity does not bring joy to anyone; neither he nor those around him need it. Pechorin seeks action, but finds only his likeness, There is no goal in his life, because his actions are accidental, his activity is fruitless, and Pechorin himself is unhappy. Latent sadness and dull pain are heard in the seemingly cynical words of the hero: "And what do I care about human joys and disasters, me, a wandering officer, and even with a travel official need."

Indeed, Pechorin is alien to everyone around him. He needs not "quiet joys and peace of mind", but anxieties and battles.

He feels his "high purpose", this feeling requires an exit. But the time in which he lives does not give Pechorin the opportunity to act, deprives him of a high purpose, and the hero constantly feels his uselessness.

In the image of Pechorin, Lermontov sharply raised the question of fate outstanding personality in an era of timelessness. Pechorin is a hero who is destined to live in a non-heroic time.

Why M. Lermontov called Pechorin "a hero of the time"

The novel "Hero of Our Time" is one of the masterpieces of Russian literature... It continues to remain modern today, although more than one hundred and sixty years have passed since its writing. But the role of this work was especially great in the Lermontov era. And in order to better understand this, you need to have a good idea of ​​the socio-political situation in Russia in the thirties of the nineteenth century.

The uprising of the Decembrists, as it were, divided the life of the former Russia into "before" and "after" it. The time after 1825 was gloomy and cruel, and this was due to the intensification of the reaction on the part of the tsarist government. The barracks routine of life that had taken shape in the country took away all hope of most of the young educated people on the possibility of any changes for the better, destroyed the belief in the need to serve good, in its obligatory triumph. Russia seemed to be numb living thought was mercilessly persecuted. That is why the era we are considering has become a time of deep doubt in all moral values... It is not surprising that the fate of the majority of thinking people of the state turned out to be extremely similar. Each time gives birth to its own dominant personality type. Distinctive feature epochs of timelessness, especially those that lasted a long time and were distinguished by severe gloom, there has always been a type of human personality that has received in the history of Russian social thought the sad name of “an extra person”.

Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin is an bright representative this category of people. Before us is a young twenty-five-year-old man, a nobleman by birth. But he is not at all proud of his family name and belonging to high society, he is little attracted by the privileged position in society, characteristic of the aristocracy. Pechorin is “a man who has taken the path of breaking away from his social environment. For his fate and life situation, there is a characteristic discrepancy between what he is on the basis of formal signs, and what he really is, "notes the literary critic E. Mikhailova. He is rich, generous and wasteful, wastes his life aimlessly in “passions empty and ignoble”, asking himself one painful question: “... why did I live? for what purpose was I born? .. Ah, it is true, it existed, and, it is true, there was a high purpose for me, because I feel in my soul incomprehensible forces; but I did not guess this appointment ... "

Lermontov sends his hero to the Caucasus. This was a typical path for a quarrelsome noble youth of that time. E. Mikhailova critical article dedicated to this novel, notes that “it was, as it were, a double test: will this new, real Caucasus ... withstand the test of the requirements of reality, not put on stilts of the“ hero of the time ”. And vice versa, the hero himself, devoid of romantic makeup, who will he be in comparison with the "children of nature", what aspects of the personality will come out clearer in him from this neighborhood? ".

Pechorin always remains true to himself. He is an officer, serves, but does not curry favor. The modest rank of ensign does not at all weigh him down and testifies to the attitude of our hero to military service... And he came to the Caucasus in the hope that "boredom does not live under the Chechen bullets."

"Superfluous" people could not find a worthy use of their strengths, their abilities. M. Yu. Lermontov set himself the task of showing in the novel the person of his day as he really is, without hiding his vices and shortcomings. At the same time, the author himself counts among those whom he is going to subject to careful analysis and discussion: “Enough people were fed with sweets; their stomachs deteriorated from this: they need bitter medicines, caustic truths. But do not think ... that the author of this book had ... the dream of becoming a corrector of human vices. God save him from such ignorance! He just had fun drawing a modern person as he understands him, and ... he met too often. There will also be the fact that the disease is indicated, but how to cure it - God knows! "

Pechorin true son of his era - a time of doubts and searches, intense work of thought, subjecting everything to careful analysis, trying to penetrate into the origins of good and evil. He is constantly in a state of duality of spirit, his every step is accompanied by careful introspection: "There are two people in me: one lives in the full sense of the word, the other thinks and judges him ...".

Pechorin is always aware of his actions, and he himself formulates the program of his life behavior: “... I look at the sufferings and joys of others only in relation to myself, as food that supports my mental strength". He quite consciously follows this path only in order to forget, at least for a while, about the boredom that overwhelms him, about the oppressive emptiness of his existence. Pechorin “sacrifices nothing” for the sake of other people, even for those he loves, because he also loves for himself, for his own pleasure. Our hero laughs at everything in the world, for him there are no shrines, no faith, no ideal. But let's not forget that Pechorin himself suffers from this. And no matter how immoral his deeds are, in them one cannot fail to notice the consistency of the principle he has chosen. He will not hide from himself or from others true character his actions, will not humiliate himself with hypocrisy, will not blame someone else or unfortunate circumstances. There is something really heroic in this, making you feel respect for the hero.

Why does M. Yu. Lermontov call Pechorin "a hero of our time"? The author of the novel himself gives the answer to this question: “ This book has experienced ... the unhappy gullibility of some readers ... to the literal meaning of words. Some were terribly offended ... that they were given an example of such an immoral person ... others ... noticed that the writer had painted his own portrait ...

A Hero of Our Time ... a portrait, but not of one person: this is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development».

Thus, the author himself leads us to a true understanding of the "heroism" of his character: Pecho-rin is not at all a role model, he is only a bright representative of his difficult era, in this sense, perhaps, he is a real hero of his time.

Apr 19

The essay "Why does the author call Pechorin a" hero of the time "?" (Based on the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time")

"A hero of our time," says Lermontov in the preface to the novel, "is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development." Lermontov expressed "caustic truths" about the life of his generation, about its inaction, wasting energy on empty pursuits. The author showed in the novel young man of that time - Pechorina, this collective image... Consider why Lermontov calls Pechorin a "hero of the time."

The fate of the protagonist is tragic. He went through a lot himself and influenced the lives of other people. Grigory Alexandrovich wastes his energy on his unworthy actions. He exposes "peaceful" smugglers, kidnaps Bela, achieves Mary's love, and then refuses her, kills Grushnitsky in a duel ... Pechorin does not consider the feelings of other people. We can say that his actions are deeply selfish. However, explaining to Mary, Pechorin tells why he became like this: “… such was my fate since childhood! Everybody read on my face the signs of bad qualities that were not there; but they were supposed - and they were born ... I became secretive ... I became vindictive ... I became envious ... I learned to hate ... I began to deceive ... I became a moral cripple ... "

The main character is unhappy, he is constantly looking for something new, probably, he himself does not understand what. He is bored, although Pechorin can be called smart person, he has a broad outlook, he is educated, he quickly and correctly judges people and life in general. In addition, he is distinguished by a constant desire for action. Pechorin cannot stay in one place, surrounded by the same people. But one cannot blame only Pechorin for his vices. Society plays important role in the life of every person. In this case, the "hero" is not understood, not accepted by society. Pechorin learned to hate, to lie, became secretive, he “buried his best feelings in the depths of his heart, and there they died”.

However, the hero is capable of love. His love for Vera is still more than just intrigue. When he got her last letter, then "like a madman, he jumped out onto the porch, jumped on his horse and set off in full spirit to catch up with her." He did not catch up with his beloved. Only in the steppe, where there are no prying eyes, Pechorin gives vent to feelings, he cries. After all, Vera was the only woman whom Grigory Alexandrovich loved, but could not make happy. “I should hate you ... You gave me nothing but suffering,” she says to Pechorin. Such was the fate of the people with whom Pechorin was close ... Grigory Alexandrovich ponders the meaning of life: “Why did I live, for what purpose was I born? And, it is true, it existed, and, it is true, there was a high purpose for me, because I feel immense strength in my soul. But I did not guess my purpose, I was carried away by the lures of passions, empty and ignoble. " He could not find himself in life, therefore he is in search and therefore unhappy. Pechorin is also an “evil genius”, but at the same time a victim of society. This is a hero of his time, because the tragedy of his life reflected the tragedy of a whole generation of young people. talented people that have not found a worthy application for themselves. Perhaps, had this person been born at another time, he could have realized his talents and benefit others.