Requirements on the history of foreign music.

 Requirements on the history of foreign music.
Requirements on the history of foreign music.

Sources musical culture Hungary - in her rich musical folklore. The formation and development of V. M. Detected complex, conflicting the relationship of its ancient vehicle. Basics expressed in the melody of a homophone warehouse, pentatonic, rich melmamatic and free rhythms, and later Western influences. The struggle of these contradictory began and the prevalence in Split. Historic. Periods of NC., then Zap.-Europe. Traditions were reflected in the development history of V. M.

Like the east. Music, Nar. V. m. It is difficult to accurately notation, so during the centuries it could not be implemented correctly. Veng. MUZ. Folklore can highlight certain types of melodies that exist in the form of numerous versions of the oral tradition. Studies of Turkic-Eastern Music showed that the structure and system of presenting some melodies of Nar. V. m. In its most ancient layers, closely connected to the music. traditions of Turkic peoples and related ethnic groups Vost. Europe. Traces of this ancient muses. Cultures are found on the entire space from the Danube to the yellow sea and correspond to the path of movement of the Turks since the migration of peoples (4th century). Over all of this area, you can trace the presence of several. general types Melodies in Split. variants; For the songs of Hungarians, Mari, Chuvash, Peoples, Khanty and Mansi, Kalmykov and Mongols are characterized by the same rhythmic structure, sometimes the same number of syllables in the text; The general is the repetition of the same melody in the lower register, etc. Another type of nar. Melodies, more complex in shape, is associated in part with the musical folklore of the Ubro-Finnish peoples, partly with Starogene. Musical traditions (they are typical for children's, gaming nar. songs, etc.). This, "European", a group of melodies differs from the first - pentatone - according to the structure (predominance of pentachord sound) and in the lade (major-minor).

The first information about the Weng. nar. Musicians, Tassels, so-called. The players belong to the 10th century. (The name "Pharmaceutical" indicates ancient Venge. Communication with Glory. Culture). They performed epic songs. With the adoption of Christianity (10 century) and the spread in Hungary of Gregorian singing increased influence on V. M. Church Ladins (Frigian, Eoli, Mixolidian). Grigorian choral penetrated into V. Through the monastery schools, in which he was studied along with Latin hymns translated into Hungarian. The most ancient (about 11th century) musical records reproduce the melodies of Romans. Then the original cult chants began to appear.

OK. Ser. 13 V. Anonymous Weng. The poet translated to the Weng. Yaz. so-called "Crying Mary" Franz. Poet J. De Bretech, incontrolling the Weng. poems to the melody of the lat. The original, which indicated the expansion of the Vengen's connections. Cultures with western. Penetration of zap. The influences contributed to the lawsuits in the minstrels, from which the players borrowed the plots and Manru. The content of their songs in 13-14 centuries. It was ch. arr. secular; They chased the feats of the knights and kings, the biblical legends or Sovrians or SOCR were challenged. events. Through a wing. Games and wandering minesters were carried out by the Communications of the Weng. courtyard with arrival. The culture of France, Poland and other countries. In the 2nd floor. 15 V. Courtyard King Mathiash in Buda, famous for high music. Culture, attracted outstanding musicians from Flanders, Italy, Germany and France. Wandering musicians contributed to the assimilation and transfer to the Weng. The soil of Zap.-Europe. Scenes (Feats of Fury Roland, etc.).

The Hungarian musical instrumentaries becomes more diverse; among folk instruments The most ancient horn and foods. From the 14th century The players as the accompanying tool were used violin, lute and kobose (later, in the 16th and 16th centuries, became one of the most popular weng. Tools).

From 15 c. In connection with common process Classic differentiation increases contradictions between CD. and nar. claim. The players turned into the worshipers, which, as well as everywhere in Europe, pursued the church. At the same time, travelers stood out from the Mestrel environment, which became arriving. musicians. Among them were high-profile. performers. In the 16th century The historical songs of the epic warehouse arise, distinguished by a large variety of forms and melodic wealth. Their melody is characterized by two types - speech-improvisational:

and dance:

Ottoman Igo (Ser. 15 - Nach. 16 centuries) for a long time slowed down the development of nat. V. M. And violated her connection with others. european countries. However, in these conditions, the lawsuit in Hungary continued to enriched. In 1536-38 A. Forkash and in 1554 Sh. Tinodi issued their first secular music. . - Collections of legends and songs for historic. Plots ("Chronicles") with texts on the Weng. Yaz. Tinodi's butterist, who was the performer of his songs, wandering, collected material for the "Chronicles" and composed melodies to his poems; Other singers sang their own. Poems on already existing melodies. Regardless of whether the melody was original or borrowed, the text has always been subordinate to the music, and the popularity of the song depended on the quality of the melody.

In the 16th century Zap.-Europe enhanced. influence. Comes the rise of prof. MUZ. Iska Weng. Musicians who studied in Italy, France, Poland and in other humanist countries. Cultures, got acquainted with new music, with its rich melodium and developed metric. With others. Parties, significant was the influence of the Protestant Choral, approved by the Reformation figures. At the first stage of the development of the Weng. prof. The claim did not exist with strict borders between the "spiritual" and "worldly", Relig. and nar. styles. Reformation and later counteraction authorized singing in the church in their native Yaz. Veng is published. Gradia who retained old liturgies. Melodies and processed from Catholic collections. Chorals Protestant Songniks, so-called. "praise." Becomes a popular spiritual nar. Song, closely related to the historical and formed under the influence of the Zap. Relig. A song culture: in gray. 16th century In V. M. The hymns of Cesh penetrate. Hussites, it. Protestant spiritual songs, Franz. Huguenot Psaltry. New songs were more popular than Psalms, and Catholics, which realized their propaganda force, published Sat. Weng. Spiritual songs "Cantus Catholici", the final period of the Weng. MUZ. counter-process.

Further stage in the development of V. M. (Con. 16 - beginning. 17 centuries) determined the appearance of love lyrics. Songs, so-called. Floral. "Floral" songs that have more sophisticated melody and more flexible rhythms (preserved in oral tradition in the Hungarian village and were recorded by Z. Koday), demanded more perfect accompaniment and contributed to the development tool music. With them, the appearance in Hungary Vyrizhyel is connected. In this era, aristocratic residences are becoming foci of cultural life, usually located in mountainous areas and less victims from Ottoman conquerors (district of Upper Hungary and Transylvania). In the homes of nobility were created. Orchestral ensembles (invariably with a large number of trumpeters) participating in the home, as well as arriving. and military. festivities. "Floral" songs were often performed under the accompaniment of similar ensembles or in the inst. Transcription. In the aristocrat. Wednesday, along with Vyrzhilyel, a pipe was popular, in the city - lute. From the mountains. The musicians came out outstanding lenders - Brothers Nyosidler from rendered and virtuoso-butterist and composer B. Bakfark, who worked in MN. Europe. countries and published 2 SB-ka Pieces for Lute (1553 and 1565). On Vyrzhyelle, the transcriptions of songs were performed, dance music (with a large number of melts) and small plays, combined sometimes in the suite of the dance.-Gaming character. To 17 century Formed genres of the so-called. Hungarian dance. Under the influence of the Hungary. Musicians foreign. Communches of the end 16 - NCH. 17 centuries. wrote dancing. Pieces "in the Hungarian Spirit." SB-CIR. Vihd-resident music 17 century. indicate that Hungary. Musicians were famous and Ial. Monodia, and it. polyphony. By the 70th. 17th century Believe Sat-K Ya. Kayoni (Organist and Builder of Bodies), who recorded Nar. dance. Melody signs of organ tabulation, as well as an anonymous compilation containing 17 "floral" songs in primitive transcription for Vyrzhex.

At the end of the 17th century The first samples of the original Hungary appeared. Music in the form of litory and parts Mass. Much value represents Sat. Heavenly Harmony ("Harmonia Caelestis") Duke P. Esterhazi (ed. 1711, Vienna), containing 55 single spiritual concerts written in Lat. Texts for voice and spoke. Tools, as well as for choir with orchestra. P. Esterhazi combined Zap.-Europe. Influence with the traditions of the Weng. Choral and Nar. V. m. (Melody, thematism), which was typical for V. m. Of the turn of 17-18 centuries. At this time, intensive development of mountains began in Hungary. concert life. MN. Weng. Magnates contained home ins. and choir. Chapels (one of such a chapla belong to the heirs of P. Esterhazi, Ok. 30 years led Y. Haydn). Weng is born. opera. First music. Scenic. . On the Weng. Text - music. Comedy Y. Cui "Prince Picko and Utka Pierry" ("Pikku Hertzeg ys Jutka Perzsi", Buda, 1793).

The country freed from Ottoman Iga got into the beginning. 18 V. Under the power of the Habsburgs. The consequence of this was the gain. Influences in V. M. In the Palaces of the Weng. Nobility was performed by Vienna and Ital. Music, in V. M. Rhythms of Ital. Galliards and melodies. Decorations, characteristic of the Zap.-Europe. The music is 18 c., Elements of major-minor Lada are developing. In the cities of renditions (now Bratislava, Slovakia) and Kishamarton (now Eisenstadt, Austria) opened T-ry, which were put in ch. arr. Opera V. Mozart, L. Beethoven, later - K. M. Weber in the Sp. it. Artists. Centers nat. MUZ. Cultures were the Protestant collegiums in the cities of Charospatak, Debrecen, Dad, Sekoeymanhai, and others, cultivated by Nar. V. m., Especially vocal. Here was the development of a polygal. Choir. singing. Four rounds appear. and octaligol. Processing Weng. nar. Student and other popular songs. The teacher of the Debrecen Collegema D. Maruti published on the Hungarian Yaz. Quadruple Franz. Psaltry Gudimel. In the future, Heng. Choir. Music is approaching such forms of Zap.-Europe. Polyphonies, like organs and fobrondon, but at the same time the song melody becomes more complicated, acquires a large rhythm. flexibility. At the same time, new types of peasant, ch. arr. lyrical, one-door. The songs that have established in the Weng. Village at the end of the 18th century. For these songs, the predominance of natural lands (Dorian, Mixolidian, etc.), the clarity of the rhythm is characteristic. In student Songniks, so-called "Melodariums" 18-19 centuries containing primitive note records, along with a multi-pitch. arr. Samples are preserved and samples. songs. They meet, for example, in Sat. "450 songs" A. Palley-Croat (1813) - first collector Nar. Weng. Songs. From the 2nd floor. 18 V. There was a process of displacement of an ancient Venge. Melody new folklore and so-called. Song in folk style prof. composers. New Nar. The songs included the elements of the songs of Kurutsev (participants in the peasant uprisings and will free. Movement against the Habsburgs, headed by Rakocy, 1703-11). Vintage melodies, land. On pentatonic or church freaks, the melodies of major and minor lads were replaced. This process indicated songs (anonymous), created in the medium of a small nobility. Another direction of V. M. Presented in the work of composers Zap. Orientation fully separated from nat. sources. "Western School", created by I. Mesarosh and F. Vershegi, had a numerous. Supporters. Reflecting the tastes of wide squeezing mountains. The population, they popularized new Viennese songs, were suspended to them Weng. Words or created Origin. Songs in the spirit of it. And Italian. Melodies of a gallant style. Songs in the style of it. Lied were popular until the 2nd floor. 19th century Attempts by the vespers to adapt the Weng. poems to zap. Melodies turned out to be untenable due to the inconsistency of it. And Italian. Asking the laws of emphasis in the Weng. Yaz. The desire of a weng turned out to be just as barren. followers of J. Gaidna and others. Representatives of Vienna classic school Combine Yambich. Rhythm melodies with weng. Texts.

Formation of nar. Weng. MUZ. Style is associated with the appearance at the end of the 18th century. Verpunkosha. Verbuncosh appeared as an art of wandering musicians-Roma. With the Verbunkone, the Hungarian Gamma is connected with two enlarged seconds. The Verbunkosh, spread by Gypsy orchestras, in their execution, distinguished by the freedom of the pace and rhythm, the glitter of improvisational jewelry, soon became the property and aristocratic, and urban culture. The creators of Hungarian dance music - the violinist and composer I. Bihari, who received European fame, to Verbunkosh ch. arr. It is obliged to popularity, the syrincture-composer Ya. Loveotta, author of software-cyclick. works, and A. Chermak, the author of the dancing for the chamber ensemble and the founder of the chamber V. M. Verpunkosh style was 19 V. recognized music. Language of Venge. Romanticism. To sep. 19th century The influence of Verbunkosh was manifested in all genres of V. M. - in Nats. Romantic. Opera, Symph., Camero-Wok. and song choir. music. Based on the development of the characteristic elements of Verbunkosh, a Hungarian opera was created - "Bela's flight" ("BLA FUTBSA", 1822) J. Ruzchichka, then his "Keleny Simon" ("Kemyny Simon", Oc. 1822). Aurelia ("Aurelia Oder Das Weib Am Konradstein", 1837) also acquired popularity ("CSE1", 1839) A. Barta and "VisEGRBDI KINCSKERESTSK") M. Rygoreldy. These operas were a mixture of Split. MUZ. Styles: Lyrich. Episodes are written in Style Ital. and Vosk. Opera music, heroic - in the character of Verbunkosha.

Transylvanian Verpunkush.

The further development of the Verpunkosh led to the emergence of the so-called. Quick Verpunkosh, later turned into Chardash. In the 1840s. Chardash was used by M. Gorodwöldi in his dance. Suits and so on. penetrated into an ins. music. In nat. Romantic. Opera Verbunkosh introduced her Creator F. Erkel, in Symph. and FP. . - F. Sheet and M. Moshonya, in a song-choir. music by Nar. Warehouse - B. Egrashshi. In romantic Opera F. Erkel "Lasslo Hunyadi" ("Hunyadi Lans", 1844), "Bank Ban" ("Bank BAn", 1861) and "Diewner" ("Düzsa Gyzrgy", 1867), written in heroic. Plots from the history of NAC.-free. Movements, they reflected the idea of \u200b\u200bthe struggle for nat. independence.

Verbunkush played an important role in Zap.-Europe. Music: It is used in the works of J. Gaidna, V. A. Mozart, L. Beethoven, K. M. Weber, later - I. Brahms.

Important for the development of nat. V. M. had the activities of F. Sheet. Although leaf spent b. He. Life outside Hungary, in his work he was constantly returned to the embodiment of the Weng. Themes and Nats. MUZ. Material, never losing touch with homeland. Nat. The subject was reflected in his 19 weng. Rhapsodies (1847-85), created on the basis of Verbunkosh and songs in the Nar. Style, in the "Heroic Marsh in Hungarian Style" ("Heroischer Marsch Im Ungarischen Stil", 1840) for FP., In the Symph. Poem "Hungary" (1854), in the "Hungarian Coronation Mese" ("Koronbzbsi Mise", 1867) for soloists, choir and orchestra and especially in the late production. For FP. - Hungarian portraits ("Historische Ungarische Bildnisse"; on a wing. Yaz. - "Magyar Ttsrtynelmi ArcKypek", 1885), where the sheet gives music. Psychological. characteristics outstanding figures Weng. Culture - Sh. Petoefi, M. Wöhloshmarti, Moshony, etc., in the play "Memories" ("SUNT LACRIMAE RERUM") from the "Annies De Pylinage", 1836-77), "Stubborn Chardache "(" CSBRDBS Obstin ", 1884) and" Gloomy Chardas "(" CSBRDBS Macabre ", 1882). For the peasant song song, the sheet wrote a song "Song inspiration" ("A Lelkesed Dala", 1871), elements of Nar are used in K-ROM. V. M.

On the Weng. The material is also based on the production. Moshonya, created during the heyday of the late Verpunkosh, - "Mourning melodies for the death of sechens" ("Gybszhangok Szychynyi Istvbn Halblbra", 1860), "Solemn Overture" ("BNNEPI ZEN", 1860), "Holiday Cleansing Hungarians on the Ung River" ( "A Magyarok Tisztulbsi LNNEplay AZ Ung Vizyn", 1860), etc.

If Romantics Erkel, Leaf and Moshone sought to the merger of Zap.-Europe. and nat. Weng. MUZ. Cultures, MN. Composers of the new generation, cultivating the genres of "Hungarian fantasies" and "Gypsy transcriptions", adhered to wholesale. Orientation and wrote ch. arr. Salon music. Inherent in the Weng. MUZ. Culture duality marked even more sharp. In the capital, etc. major cities Hungary recognized only Zap. Music, in the provinces - only by Nar. songs and chardash. At the same time, D. Major and M. Wavvorinets (author of theater. And the sym of music), the disciples of the list of Zychi and X. Gobby, the student of Moshony Ya. Veg sought to continue the traditions of the Weng. Romantics. For Weng. MUZ. Kon culture. 19th century I had the importance of the activities of K. Abrania, the founder of the first weng. MUZ. magazine "ZENYSZETI LAPOK" (up to 1876 His ed.).

Among the Hungarian composers in the con. 19th century Fame acquired: K. Goldmark, made in V. M. The traditions of late romantic. it. Operas ("Queen Savskaya" ("Die Kznigin Von Saba", Vienna, 1875) and "Merlin" (1886)); E. Mikhalovich, Operas of the F-Eleiana (1885-1887) and "Tatsti" (1888-90) were written under the strong influence of R. Wagner; E. Hubai, violinist and composer, author of "Petoefi-Symphony" (1925), Opera "Anna Karenina" (1923) and a series of violins. plays; In his work, the traditions of Franz are tangible., Belg. And it. Instrase Music (ch. arr. J. Massne and A. Vitana). All these composers ecchatically follow the Zap.-Europe. Traditions of their time, developing mainly popular genres.

The organization in the capital of large music was important. institutions. In 1875, the Academy of Music opened in Budapest (President F. Sheet, Director F. Erkel). Along with Nats. Conservatory (Osn. 1840), Philharmonic. Obda (Osn. 1853) and National Theater (Osn. 1837) The Academy of Music has become the center of Hungarian musical culture. It was formed by the Hungarian executive claim. The teachers were MN. Foreign musicians are Germans V. Herzfeld (from 1888) and Ya. Kösler (from 1882), as well as Czech D. Popper (from 1886); At the same time, composers and teachers, natives of Hungary - Y. Joachim, Richter, A. Nikish and L. Auer - carried the achievements of the Hungarian execution. Schools in other countries. Among the weng. Composers Nach. 20 V. E. Dumannia closer than others stood to the National Muses. claim. In their own He tried to revive romantic. Traditions (symphony, orchestral suite "Ruralia Hungarica" \u200b\u200b1924, scenic., choral, chamber and FP. Product.).

Wide Democratic. Circles with great success during this period used drugs. Presentations of the type of music. Comedy is a special kind of weng. MUZ. T-ra. Their music consisted of popular songs Y. Helloia and K. Shimonni. World fame acquired a wing. operetta. Her creators - F. Leutar, who combined sentiment. Melodrama with buffonade and cascade dance, and I. Kalman, who made the elements of the Weng in the operetta. Song dance. melodics. Awakening of interest in Nar. Creation reflected the growth of National Democratic. Trends in progressive circles of Weng. Oba, a revolution was rendered to-ry great influence. Events 1905 in Russia. New generation of weng. Musicians belonged to Nar. The statement is as to the basis of nat. MUZ. Style. Essential value For the formation of a new V. M. Having had folk-lorno-ethnographic. Studies of composers B. Bartok and Z. Kodai, published by SB-ki of the Venge records. nar. Songs (1905). Turning to the peasant songs, which preserved the ancient melodies, Barkok organically combined in his works of originality. Music (except Wyen. He studied Turkish and Arab folklore) using Sovr. Zap.-Europe. composer equipment; On this basis, he created a production. innovative nature enriched world music. Culture with new content and express. means. Bartok had a strong influence on the owl. Weng. music and composer schools of other countries. Z. Kodai, like Bartok, sought to update the music. Wok language. genres of large forms to dramatically. disclosure of nar. Songs in Opera ("Hari Yanos", 1926). Reviving the weng. nar. A song, Bartok and Kodai made her heritage of nat. and world music. Culture.

After the liberation of Hungary from the fascist occupation in 1945 in front of the music. figures rose a number of organizers. Tasks associated with the overall rise of NAC. Democratic. Iska Weng Union was created. MUZ. Workers (1949), established National. and international. MUZ. Competitions. Middle Muses are organized in a number of cities. Uch. establishments, music. schools opera T-Ry, Symph. Orchestras and choirs. In the repertoire of the Hungarian Opera T-ra (Osn. 1837, Pest, from 1840 - Nats. T-P, up to 1884 raised drams. Both opera performances) Along with Operators F. Erkel, Z. Kodaya, and others. Weng. Composers - Production. Europe. Classic, Sovr. Weng. and owls. composers.

New, Democratic. The epoch is reflected in the work of composers, the activities of the second fully turned into a full range of the 30-40s., as well as generation of musicians who nominated in 1950-60. Among the owl. Hungarian composers: F. Sabo (mind in 1969; historic. Triptych "Ludas Mati", "Reminder", "rebelled the sea" - "Ludas Matyi", "Emykeztetts", "FLCLTBmadott a tenger", 1950-55, and others .), P. Kadosha (Opera "Adventure in Khust" - "Huszti Kaland", 1950, Machine for FP., For Orchestra, etc.), I. Selenya (Spartak Oratoria, 1960, and "10 days, which shook the world "-" Tiz NAR, Amely Megrengette a Vilagot ", 1962, chamber ensembles, etc.), D. Rankov (operetta, ballet, cantata" 1945 ", 1966, music for dram. T-ra and cinema and others .), B. Tardosh (Choir. Suite "Gorky Years" - "Kesry Esztend Tsk", 1959, Symphony "Memory of Fascism Victims" - "A Fasizmus Bldozbtai Emlnkere", 1960, quartets, etc.), F. Forkash (Cantata " Cantus Pannonicus ", 1959, etc.), E. SERVANSKI (Oratoria, invoice. Auschwitz, Inst. Concerts, Orc. R., Choolds, etc.), R. Marosh (Serenade for the trio of brass, 5 etudes for the orchestra, 1960, 3 "Eufonia" - "Eufonia", 1963-65, etc.), A. Mihai (Opera "together or alone" - "Egytt ys egyed", 1965, Symphony, ka Measured ensembles, etc.), I. Sharezi (music. Comedy "Women Sela Selishte", 1951, Cantata "Songs of Julia" - "Julia-Enekek", 1957, Symph. Music, etc.), T. Sharai (Ballet "Vityaz Yanosh" - "Jbnos Vitiz", 1957, Oratoria "Variations on the World"), D. Kurtag (Chamber Ensembles, Machine for FP. etc.), K. Lendvai ("4 calls for orchestra", 1966, chamber ensembles, choirs, mass songs, etc.), E. Petrovich (Opera "C" EST La Guerre ", 1962," Lica ", 1962, Symph. And chamber Production and dr.), Sh. Sokolai (Opera on the drama of Lorca "Blood Wedding" - "Vyrnasz", 1964, Oratoria, etc.), J. Durko ("Hungarian Rhapsodia", 1964, violin. Concert, 1964 , "Hungarian jewelry", 1966, etc.) and MN. Dr.

Among the modern Hungarian musicians - Conducts E. Arania, Ya. Ferrenchik, Ya. Schomodi, A. KOROD; Pianist A. Fisher; Violinachi J. Siegeti (mind in 1973), D. Kovach, V. Tatras, E. Arania, Z. Sexy; Opera Artists and Operetta A. Farago, R. Iloshfalvi, D. Melish, J. Reti, E. Khasei, M. Laslo, Y. Oros, O. Seni, R. Ratonia, A. Bshai, P. Keres, X. Honty, E. Galambos, etc.; Music studies and music. Critics B. Sabolchi (mind. In 1973), A. Molnar, I. Uyfalushshi, Ya. Maruti, Ya. Breyer.

Muses published in Hungary. Magazines "Muzsika" (from 1958), "A Magyar Zene" (from 1960). Center Muses Cultures of the country is Budapest, where the highest music is working. School them. F. Sheet, Conservatory. Bella Barthok (School), Hungarian opera theatre, Metropolitan theater operetta. Opera T-fish work in the cities of Pech, Semed, Debrecen, Miskolc, Symph. Orchestras, including leading - Weng. State Symph. Orchestra, Orchestra of Weng. Philharmonic, Symph. Orchestra MBV (railroad). Symph. Orchestras are available in GG. Gyor, Szombathely, Veszprem Szeged, Debrecen, Miskolc. IN regional centers work ensembles nar. Dance and music. Success is successful in Hungary and abroad state. ensemble nar. Dance, dancing. The ensemble "Budapest" and others. Professional and self-empty. Collective. Great importance It has a choir. Independence. The choir in enterprises, in schools lead nat. Council of the Chorans and Union of Hungary. MUZ. figures; In 1953, the Department of People's Music was created under the Weng. AN (in his jurisdiction - the collection and publication of folklore), in 1961 the Society "Archive of Bartok" (from 1969 - the Institute of Music Claim) is organized. Among scientific publications is the "Treasury of Hungarian People's Music", "Documenta Bartokiana", "Studia Musicological".

Literature: Tsytovich T. E., Oratoria and Cantata of Hungarian composers, in the book: Questions of music science. Yearbook, vol. 2 (1955), M., 1956; Kodai Z., Hungarian folk music, Budapest, 1961; Sabolchi B., Hungarian music history, lane. with weng., Budapest, 1964; Music of Hungary, Sat. Art., Per. from Weng., M., 1968. See also Bibl. To the articles of Bark B., Koday Z., Leaf F.

B. Sabolchi, Ya. Breuer

Hungarian composers - classics whose creativity has reached superiority. All these people sought to achieve new limits and push the usual borders of classical music.

Imre Kalman

Hungarian composers and musicians turned to the operetta genre. Big Success in it reached it belongs to such famous workslike "Violet Montmartre", "Princess Circus", "Bayadera", "Silva". Composer was born in 1882, October 24. The work of this person is completing the heyday operetta. Kalman appeared in Light in Siofok, about coming from jewish family Karl Koppstein, who was engaged in trading. The future composer replaced the last name in school yearsSo he became a squid.

Ferrenz Leaf

Hungarian composers, in addition to creating great works, engaged in and teaching. In particular, among other things, there was a teacher, a conductor, a publicist and a virtuoso pianist. He refers to the brightest representatives music romanticism. The future composer was born in 1811, October 22, in Riding. Sheet is the founder of Weimar music school. Ferrenz applies to the number the greatest pianists nineteenth century. His era was a flourishing of concert pianism. The composer himself was in the forefront of the specified process, since he had limitless technical capabilities.

Bela Bokok

Great Hungarian composers treated the number of musicologists. In particular, it was Bela Bartok, who was born in 1881, on March 25, in Nadsentmico. We are talking About the composer, pianist and musician-folkloride. Bartok came from the family director of the school agriculture And music teachers. His father was an amateur musician played in the orchestra. Bartok grew in rich music atmosphere. Listen to the concerts that the father's orchestra, as well as the excellent performance of the works of the mother pianist.

Other composers

Other Hungarian composers deserve no less attention. It is worth considering outstanding personality Leo Veiner. He was born in 1885, in Budapest. It is about the composer and one of the greatest musical teachers of their time. Weiner twice became the winner of the Koshta State Prize.

Yen Zador - musical critic, teacher and composer. He was born in 1894, on November 5, in Batsek. In 1921 he was awarded the title of Doctor of Philosophy.

Pal Kadosh was born in Leva in 1903, September 6th. We are talking about composer, pianist, public Affairs and teacher. Achieve success in his business and Zoltan Kodai, who was born in Kechkemet, in 1882, December 16. It is about the theorist of music and composer. A special place was taken by Franz Legar. He was born in Komarno in 1870, April 30. We are talking about Conductor and composer. Refers to the largest masters of Vienna Operetta. He has neither successors or predecessors.

Next, we will tell you about who Eden Peter Yozhev von Mikhalovich was. He was born in Fericians, in 1842, September 13. This is about music teacher and composer. He was trained in Pest. He was a student Micah Moshony. Later attended the Leipzig Conservatory, where he studied at Morita Hauptman. Continued to improve the skill in Munich. He was a student of Peter Cornelius. Belonged to the followers and fans of Richard Wagner. He is the author of the opera. Also, the composer wrote 4 symphonies, 7 symphonic poems and songs. From 1887 to 1919, he served as the recruit of the Budapest National Music Academy.

This is not all Hungarian composers who are worthy of our attention. After all, they have made a significant contribution to the development of the world musical heritage.

August 7, 2016.

Hungarian composers - classics whose creativity has reached superiority. All these people sought to achieve new limits and push the usual borders of classical music.

Imre Kalman

Hungarian composers and musicians turned to the operetta genre. Of great success in him reached Imre Kalman. He owns such well-known works as "violet Montmartre", "Princess Circus", "Bayadera", "Silva". Composer was born in 1882, October 24. The work of this person is completing the heyday operetta. Kalman was born in Siofok, near Lake Balaton. Comes from the Jewish family of Karl Koppstein, who engaged in trade. The future composer changed the surname back in school years, so he became a squid.

Ferrenz Leaf

Hungarian composers, in addition to creating great works, engaged in both teaching activities. In particular, Ferenz Leaf, among other things, was a teacher, a conductor, a publicist and a virtuoso pianist. He refers to the brightest representatives of musical romanticism. The future composer was born in 1811, October 22, in Riding. The sheet is the founder of the Weimar Music School. Ferenz refers to the number of the greatest pianists of the nineteenth century. His era was a flourishing of concert pianism. The composer himself was in the forefront of the specified process, since he had limitless technical capabilities.

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Bela Bokok

Great Hungarian composers treated the number of musicologists. In particular, it was Bela Bartok, who was born in 1881, on March 25, in Nadsentmico. We are talking about composer, pianist and musician-folkloride. Bartok came from the family director of the School of Agriculture and Music Teacher. His father was an amateur musician played in the orchestra. Bartok grew in rich music atmosphere. Listen to the concerts that the father's orchestra, as well as the excellent performance of the works of the mother pianist.

Other composers

Other Hungarian composers deserve no less attention. It is worth considering the outstanding identity of Leo Weiner. He was born in 1885, in Budapest. It is about the composer and one of the greatest musical teachers of their time. Weiner twice became the winner of the Koshta State Prize.

Yen Zador - musical critic, teacher and composer. He was born in 1894, on November 5, in Batsek. In 1921 he was awarded the title of Doctor of Philosophy.

Pal Kadosh was born in Leva in 1903, September 6th. We are talking about the composer, pianist, a public figure and teacher. Achieve success in his business and Zoltan Kodai, who was born in Kechkemet, in 1882, December 16. It is about the theorist of music and composer. A special place was taken by Franz Legar. He was born in Komarno in 1870, April 30. We are talking about Conductor and composer. Refers to the largest masters of Vienna Operetta. He has neither successors or predecessors.

Next, we will tell you about who Eden Peter Yozhev von Mikhalovich was. He was born in Fericians, in 1842, September 13. We are talking about a musical teacher and composer. He was trained in Pest. He was a student Micah Moshony. Later attended the Leipzig Conservatory, where he studied at Morita Hauptman. Continued to improve the skill in Munich. He was a student of Peter Cornelius. Belonged to the followers and fans of Richard Wagner. He is the author of the opera. Also, the composer wrote 4 symphonies, 7 symphonic poems and songs. From 1887 to 1919, he served as the recruit of the Budapest National Music Academy.

This is not all Hungarian composers who are worthy of our attention. After all, they have made a significant contribution to the development of the world musical heritage.



Ferenz Sheet was born on October 22, 1811 in the village of Doboryan (Hungary). As a child, the Gypsy music and funny dancing of the Hungarian peasants were fascinated. Father Sheet, managing in a large estate of Esterhazi, was an amateur musician and encouraged the Son's interest to music; He also described the child the basics of the piano. At the age of 9, Ferenc gave his first concert in the neighboring town of Shopron. Soon he was invited to the magnificent Palace of Esterhazi; The game of the boy so struck guests of the graph that several Hungarian nobles aroused pay for his further musical education. Ferenz sent to Vienna, where he studied the compositions of A.Salteri and Piano with the largest european teacher K. Cherni.

The Vienna Leaf debut took place on December 1, critics remained delighted, and since then the sheet has been provided with fame and full halls. The sheet (as a foreigner) was not adopted in the Paris Conservatory, and he had to continue his education in a private manner. At this time, he made a number of trips with concerts on France and England. In the early 1830s, the Italian violinist virtuoso N. Paganini became idol sheet; The sheet set directed the goal of creating an equally brilliant piano style, and even adopted some features of his behavior on the concert stage from Paganini. Now the sheet almost did not have rivals as a pianist-virtuoso. After the death of the Father (1827), the leaf began to give lessons. At the same time, I got acquainted with the young composers of Gllyosa and F.Sopen, the art of which had a strong influence on him: he managed to "translate into the language of the piano" the coloristic wealth of berliosis scores and combine soft lyricism from chopin with its own stormy temperament.

The leaf was a man passionate and charming, he was awesome, and every concert turned into a real idea. The leaf has become an idol of all of Europe, and concert trips of those years have always accompanied the loud and publicly discussed Affaires de Coeur, "novels". In 1834, the list began joint Life With the Countess Marie D Agu (later she made a writer under the pseudonym Daniel Stern). From their union, three children were born - son and two daughters. The link of the sheet with the Countess lasted about ten years, and in last years This period leaf resumed long-term concert trips and led a completely free life. Molding the daughter of Kozim married a great pianist and conductor G. Phon Bulov, and then became R. Wagner's wife.

In 1844, the sheet became a dropmeister under the Duccian yard in Weimara. This small German city was once prosperous cultural CenterAnd the leaf dreamed of returning Weimar fame of the capital of the arts. And in 1847 f.list, a farewell concert tour was taken. In the role of a cappermister sheet supported everything new, radical, sometimes rejected by others. With the same zeal, he performed the writings of old masters and the experiments of novice composers.

The sheet composed a lot of virtuoso concert music And did not regret the time of teaching: his classes held in the afternoon were overcrowded to pianists from different countrieswho, by the will of the teacher, did not pay anything for participating in these meetings dedicated. From 1858, the leaf abandoned the night of a drop-seater, but she achieved his goals: with it, Weimar really became the center of European music, and the musician himself was a recognized leader of the European intellectual elite.

The sheet is considered a paramount figure in the history of music. As a composer and the author of transcriptions, he created more than 1,300 works. Most popular work Liebestraum dreams, and among the grand list of other works for piano, 19 Hungarian rhapsodies can be distinguished for piano, cycle of 12 transcendental etudes (etudes of transcendental execution - Tudes D "Excution Transcendante) and three cycles of small plays called years of wanderings (Annes de plerinage). Most of Piano heritage of the composer - transcription and paraphrase of the music of other authors. Initially, the reason for their creation was the desire of the leaf to popularize the great orchestral essays of the masters of the past or new music Unrecognized composers-contemporaries. Among the transcriptions of the sheet - the piano arrangements of the symphony of Beethoven and fragments from the works of Bach, Bellini, Berliosis, Wagner, Verdi, Glinka, Guno, Meyerbera, Meaderson, Mozart, Paganini, Rossini, Saint-Sansa, Chopin, Schubert, Shuman and others.

Chamber-vocal writings.Songs: "Mignon", "Rats", "between flowers", "night", "healed to hope", "closure" ("loneliness"), "Walk", "Overlook" 1, 2, Ballad "Fire Rider" , "Abandoned girl", "Boy and Bee", "Council of the Old Woman", "Juanita". "Italian songs." "Walk", "at the dawn".

Italian composer school


- "Nebuchadnezzar": Choir of Jews "You are beautiful, about our homeland" from 3 d.

- Rigoletto: Entry to 1 d.; Kantsona Duke, scene Curse Monterone on the ball at the Duke, Aria Gildy, the scene of Rigoletto and Sparafuchil, Choir "quieter, quieter"; Duet Gilda and Rigoletto from 2 d., Aria Rigoletto; Song of the Duke of 3 d., Quartet, Final Duet Gilda and Rigoletto.

- "Traviata": joining 1 d., Chozy-Waltz Guests Violents, Alfred and Violetta Duet, Duet, Violetti from 1 d.; Scene Violetta and Ghermona, Aria Zheronona from 2 d.; scene of playing cards on the ball at the flora, the final ensemble of 3 d.; Entry to 4 d., Aria Violetta, final scene of Zhermona, Alfred and Violetta from 3 d.

- "Trubadur": Ferrando Ballad (Introduction), Cavatina Leonora, Romance Manriko, Terzet Leonora, Manriko and Graph of 1 d.; Chorus of Gypsies, story and song Azugeni, Aria of Count of 2 d.; Choir soldiers, scene Azuna, Count, Ferrando, Menriko Scene and Leonora, Cabalerette Manriko from 3 d.; Choir Miserere, Aria Leonora and Dut with Manriko, Duettino Manriko and Azuna, Final 4 d. - "Don Carlos": Duet Carlos and Elizabeth from the introduction, choir

monks from 1 d., Arioso Carlos, Duet Carlos and poses, Romance Elizabeth, Eboli's song about Fate from 1 d.; Duet Don Carlos and Eboli, Terzet with a pose, a large final 2 d.; Aria King Philipp, Duet of the King and the Great Inquisitor, Aria Eboli, Death of Marquise Posy, choral finals 3 d.; Aria Queen Elizabeth, Duet Don Carlos and Elizabeth, choral finals 4 d.

- "Aida": joining 1 d., Radomes Romance, Tereset Radomes Aida and Amneuris Aria Aida, choir finale from 1 d.; Choir of virgins, Duet Amneuris and Aida, a large final of 2 d., Aida's romance, duet Aida and Amonastro, Duet Aida and Radomes, choral finals 3 d.; Choir of Priests, Aria Amneuris, Final Duet Aida and Radomes from 4 d.

- "Othello": Choir "Storm" and a scene of the meeting of Othello and his soldiers, a drinking song Yago, Duet Othello and Dzentemon and 1 d.; Monologue of Yago "Credo", Scene of Othello and Yago, Cypriot Choir of 2 d.; Introduction to 3 d., Scene Othello and Dzentmones, Monologue Othello, Terzet Othello, Yago and Cassio, a large final of 3 d.; Song and Prayer Dzentemon, Dzememon Scene and Othello, Final Scene and Monologue Othello from 4 d.

- Falstaff: a monologue of Falstaff about honor, the quartet of the Windsor Razoznitz, the scene of the napelte and a fenton of 1 d.; Falstaff and Ford scene, Falstafa's song "I was once a young package", Final 2 d.; The monologue of Falstafa "Terrible World", Fenton Romance, Final Choir Fugue from 3 d.

Choral music. Requiem.

French composer school


- "Faust": Prolog; Cavatina Valentine, Duet of Faust and Margarita. Purles of Mephistople, Chozy-Waltz out of 1 d.; Cubs of Zebel, Ballade Margarita about the Foulsky King, Aria Margarita with pearls from 2d; The song Margarita for a spicy, scene in the temple of Margarita and Mephistofel, Serenade of Mephistopheles, Choir soldiers, a scene of Faust and Valentine of 3; Duet of Faust and Margarita, Choir of Angels, Scene of the Valpurgium Night of 4 d.

- Romeo and Juliet: Aria-Waltz Juliet from 1 d.

Opera"Manon": the scene in the tavern, Aria Manon, Duet Manon and De Griece of 1 d.; "Dreams" de Griene from 2 d.; Entry to 4 d., Aria de Griene, Scene Manon and De Griene from 4 d.; The scene in the gambling house, the final duo Manon and De Grienes out of 5 d.

OperaSamson and Dalila: Aria Dalily from 1.2, 3 d.

Symphonic writings:Concerts number 2 and 5 for FP. With orchestra, symphonic poem "Dance of Death".

Chamber instrumental works: Suite for chamber Orchestra "Carnival of animals."

Opera"Carmen": Overture, Choir Boys, Choir Soldier Haberner, Segedilla, Song Carmen with Kastagnes, Song-answer Carmen Tsuniga from 1d; Gypsy song Carmen, smugglers quartet, hiking song Hose, Duet Hose and Carmen, Aria Hose with flower, Toreador checklists from 2 d; Choir of smugglers, Aria Mikaely, Terzet Gypsies and Arioso Carmen from 3 d; Instrumental scenes of the corrida, chorus, final duet Hose and Carmen of 4 d.

- "Pearl's seekers": catcher catches from 1 d., Romance Nadir., Aria Nadir.

Symphony works.Suite for the Symphony Orchestra "Arlezianka".

Operetta"Beautiful Elena": Overture, jin-la-la kings, jin-la, Aria paristers from 1 d.; Duet Elena and Paris from 2 d., Aria Elena from 3 d.

Operetta "Orpheus in hell": Kankan.

Operetta "Tales of Hoffmann": Barcarol.

"Spanish Symphony".

Symphony works.Symphony D-Moll.

Symphonic poem "Gina".

Chamber instrumental writings.

Prelude, Choral and Fugue for FP.

Sonata for violin and FP. A-DUR.

Czech composer school

Symphony works. The cycle of symphonic poems "My Motherland": "Vltava", "from Czech fields and forests."

Opera"The bride sold": Overture, Arioso Marge, Choir

"How do we not have fun" from 1d; Ariozo Yenik, ICRY from 2 d.;

aria margins of 3 d.

Choral works.Cantata "Czech Song".

Symphony works. Symphony number 9 "From the New World". Symphony poem "Water". Slavic dances (3-4 to choose from)

Piano Trio "Duma". Piano Quintet A-DUR, String Quartet F-DUR.

Vocal works. Vocal cycle "Gypsy melodies."


Choral works. "Stabat Mater". Oratorio "Saint Lyudmila".

Norwegian composer school

Symphony works.Suite No. 1.2 "Per Gunt", a concert for piano with orchestra.

Chamber-instrumental works.Piano works: Ballad G-Moll, Sonata E-Moll, " Lyrical plays»For FP. (orchestral version).

String quartet G-Moll.

Vocal works. Vocal cycle "Child Mountains".

Songs: "I love you", "Swan", "Sleep", "Hut", "by the sea".

Spanish composer school

Piano works: Cycle FP. Pieces "Iberia"; Pieces "Cordoba", "Navarra", "Sevilyan", "Segedilla", "in Porto", "Polo", "Tango", Sarabanda, etc.