Bunin Clean Monday theme of love. Analysis of the story "Clean Monday" (and

Bunin Clean Monday theme of love. Analysis of the story
Bunin Clean Monday theme of love. Analysis of the story "Clean Monday" (and

Ivan Bunin is known to many readers as a brilliant writer and poet. For their own creative career The writer created great amount poems, stories, leads and novels. All of them are penetrated deep meaning And possess an interesting and exciting plot. Special popularity received a collection of stories " Dark alleys" All works of it tell about love. At the writer himself, this feeling causes contradictory emotions - happy and sorrowful at the same time. To tell more detail about love, wrote " Clean Monday»Bunin. Displays how much it is ambiguous and deep.

Strangeness of love between the characters of the story

Love is not only joy from meetings, but also the flour of parting, it shows and analysis. "Clean Monday" Bunin wrote to show the depth of feelings of his characters. The writer did not even give them names, because the hero himself tells the story, and the image of the heroine is so complicated, multifaceted and mysterious that she doesn't need it. Even at the beginning of the work it becomes clear that there will be no future in love. It is beautiful, young, full of strength and energies of steam, but they are too different.

A man is looked at his feelings, and it prevents him from him to know the spiritual world of his beloved. They spend a lot of time together, arrange a picnic, go to restaurants, attend the theater, but the girl seems too removed. The heroine is in search of his true destination - This is exactly what the analysis shows. "Clean Monday" Bunin composed to talk about that sooner or later, each person has to decide what to do next, determine whether he chose the right path. The girl does not want to talk about the future, categorically denies the probability of marriage, says that it is not ready to become his wife. A man understands that it is abnormal, but still agrees with the oddities of his beloved.

Search for your place in this world

The heroine can not find himself - it shows and the analysis. "Clean Monday" Bunin wrote to show the spiritual experience of the girl. She did everything that was accepted in society: he studied, beautifully dressed, attended the theater, met with a loved one. But in the depths of the soul, the woman realized that all this was not what she was needed. This explains the detachment of the main character, her reluctance to talk about the joint future with the beloved. She always did everything as everyone, but it was not satisfied.

Painful parting

Contliminate feelings are increasingly in the shower of the girl, she can no longer live and carelessly, like most young people. The decision to radically change his life has long been born at the heroine, the analysis says about it. Clean Monday Bunin not in vain chose for a turning point in fate of characters. On the first day of the Great Post, the girl decides to devote himself to serving God. The heroine makes the man suffering from parting, but she herself suffers from it.

The story "Clean Monday" is mainly dedicated strong personality The girls who were not afraid to do not do everything, sharply change their lives and find the meaning of its existence.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - the greatest writer turn XIX-XX explosive He entered the literature by the poet, created wonderful poems. 1895 ... Published the first story "On the Edge of Light". Encouraged critics praises, bunin begins to engage literary creativity. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - the winner of a wide variety of premiums, including the laureate Nobel Prize In literature 1933

In 1944, the writer creates one of the wonderful stories about love, about the most beautiful, significant and high, which is on earth, is the story "Clean Monday." The Bunin spoke about this story: "I thank God that he gave me to write, clean Monday". "

In the story "Clean Monday", the psychologist of the Buninskaya prose and the peculiarities of the "external image" manifested themselves.

"The Moscow Gray Winter Day darkly lit up the gas in the lanterns, the heat was lit by the storefronts - and the evening light, freed from day-made Moscow life, thicker and Bodrai rushed to the recreational sledges, thunder thundered, diving trams, - in the dusk it was already visible, As the Green Stars were filled with hissing - hurriedly in the snow sidewalks were hurried to the snow-sidewalks of turbid passersby ... "- exactly these words the author begins his story, transferring the reader to the old Moscow early XX century. The writer with the greatest details, not messenger from the type of the slightest details, reproduces all the signs of this era. And from the first lines, the story gives a special sound constant mention of deep antiquity details: about the ancient Moscow temples, monasteries, icons (Church of Christ the Savior, the Iverskaya Church, Martio-Mariinsky Abode, the icon of the Virgin Troophechnitsa), about names outstanding personalities. But next to this antiquity, eternity we notice the signs of later life: well-known and affordable citizens' restaurants "Prague", "Hermitage", "Metropol", "Yar"; books of modern authors; Motla Ertel and Chekhov ... Judging by how the action is unfolded in the story, we can judge that the past for heroes is extremely clear, real - vaguely, the future is absolutely unclear.

In the story two heroes: he and she, a man and a woman. The man, according to the writer, is healthy, rich, young and beautiful for some reason southern, hot beauty, was even "indecently beautiful." But the most important thing is the hero in love, is in love so much that they are ready to perform any whims of the heroine, just not to lose it. But, unfortunately, he cannot and is not trying to understand what is happening in his soul of his beloved: he "tried and not to think, do not think." A woman is depicted mysterious, mysterious. She is mysterious as the soul of a Russian woman with her spirituality, devotion, dedication, dedication, self-denial ... Hero himself admits: "She was mysterious, strange for me." All her life is worn from inexplicable contradictions, throwing. "It was like that it was not necessary for her: neither flowers nor the books, no dinners, nor theaters nor dinner outside the city," the narrator tells, but immediately adds: "Although all the same flowers were loved by her and unloved, all the books ... She always read, chocolate eaten a whole box for his day, no less than me for lunches and dinners ... "I didn't know where she did not know where he would go, what would go, not knowing, with By whom, how and where the time he holds. The reporter quite fully tells us about its origin, about its current occupations. But in the description of the life of the Heroine Bunin very often uses uncertain adhesions (over her sofa "for some reason, a portrait of a barefoot").

All actions of a female spontaneous, irrational and at the same time as if planned. On the night of a clean Monday, she is given to the hero, knowing that it will go to the monastery in the morning, but this care is final, it is also unclear. Throughout the story, the author shows that the heroine does not feel comfortable anywhere, she does not believe in the existence of simple terrestrial happiness. "Our happiness, friend, like water in delight: pull - inflated, and pull out - there is nothing," she quotes Plato Karataeva.

The spiritual impulses of the heroes of "Clean Monday" are often not amenable to logical explanation. The man's impression is created, and the woman is not dominated over themselves, they are not able to control their feelings.

In the center of the story - Events in Forgiveness Sunday and Clean Monday. Forgiveness Sunday is a religious holiday, revered by all believing people. They ask each other for forgiveness and forgive their loved ones. For a heroine, this is a very special day, not only for forgiveness, but also the day of farewell to a worldly life. Clean Monday - the first day of the post, in which a person is cleared from every bad, when the Maslenitsa fun is replaced by self-pressing. This day becomes a turning point in the life of the hero. Having passed through the suffering associated with the loss of beloved, the hero is experiencing the influence of the surrounding forces and is aware of everything that he did not notice earlier, being blinded by love for heroin. Two years later, a man, recalling the events of the long-stayed days, will repeat the route of their long-time joy, and he "for some reason" will really want to go to the church of the Marfo Mariinsky monastery. What unknown forces entail him to meet the lover? Does he seek to the spiritual world in which she leaves? We do not know this, the author does not open the mystery for us. He only shows us humility in the soul of the hero, their last meeting is completed by his humble departure, and not awakening in him former passions.

The future of heroes is unclear. In addition to the entire writer, nowhere does not even directly indicate that the nun-gambled nun - his former beloved. Only one detail - dark eyes - resemble the appearance of the heroine. It is noteworthy that the heroine goes to the Marfo Mariinsky Resident. This monastery is not a monastery, and the Church of the Intercession of Our Lady in Ordyanka, at which there was a community of secular ladies, took care of the orphans living in the church and about the wounded in the first world War. And this ministry in the church of the Pokrov's Lady, maybe for the heroine of the "net Monday" spiritual insight, because it was the immaculate heart of the Virgin Mary warned the world from war, deaths, blood, orphanhood ...

Bibliographic Description:

Nesterova I.A. Theme of the Motherland and Love in the story of the Bunin Clean Monday [Electronic resource] // Educational Encyclopedia Website

Comparison of the topic of the Motherland and Love in the work of "Clean Monday".

The story was written by Bunin in 1944. At that time, the author was worried about his homeland. "Clean Monday" - not just a story of failed love, it is also pain, sadness of the author in his homeland.

In the work of "Clean Monday" the names of the heroes are not called.

The center of the composition of the work, as the focus of all the spirit and the feelings of the story, is she.

Since for the riunin, the people of the East appeared less damaged, it was unusual:

Beauty was some kind of Indian, Persian: dark-amber face ..., black, like velvet coal, eyes ...

It is inextricably linked with Russia with her past and with its modernity. History lessons, consumption in speech quotes from Russian classics emphasizes it. She sought to know russian artShe visited theaters, she visited Griboedov's house. She is the center of the composition, not just because it is associated with Russia, but also because it combines at the same time the Western and Eastern beginning.

Bunin revealed religion, because it's no wonder love Story It happened in Clean Monday, after a forgiveness of Sunday. So for the Bunin she personified Russia, then the events occur in 1912. It can be assumed that the heroine is complete contradictions Russia on the eve of the revolution. The main character could not understand her. In her soul, there was still a patriarchal, original Russian, and it solves the fate of the heroine: it saves in the monastery from an unclean life.

In his story, Bunin used the reception characteristic of him - memory. Here we will learn about love, falling and returning to the life of the storytellor, but it was not a complete return: "... I became little to change - indifferent, hopelessly." But love for her lived in his heart, probably until the end of his life.

Burnin his story expressed hope for the power of his spiritual life, "Rady" his fire is the thirst for spiritual purity, faith and sacrificial feat.

The future of Russia Bunin binds not with the revolution and whatever social shocks, but with the power of the spiritual roots of the people, the thirsty of the purity of the faith and the sacrificial feat.

The world of falsehood, violence, korestolobia is doomed to death. Rescue in convergence with the outside world, in the natural life of thoughts, feelings and actions.

Dark alleys - love is always tragic. Causes can be different, but always so powerful that they disconnect the lovers. If there is no social, nor personal reasons, the fate interferes.

Love is even unrequited - it will be tragic on the Bunin. This, in his opinion, is the highest manifestation human spirit, and for one this reason, it is beautiful and illuminates the whole life of a person with his amazing light.

Love theme - eternal chap. Poets and writers of different times appeared to her, and everyone tried to interpret this multifaceted feeling in their own way.

Your vision of the topic gives in the cycle of the stories "Dark Alleys" and Bunin. The collection includes thirty-eight stories, all of them about love, but none of them creates a feeling of repeat, and after reading all the works of the cycle, there is no feeling of the end of the topic.

In the center of the story "Clean Monday" - the history of love mysterious and mysterious. His heroes are a young couple in love. Both of them are "rich, healthy, young people and so good by themselves that in restaurants, at concerts" surrounding them came to their views. But the inner world of heroes is not distinguished by such a similarity.

He is blinded by his love. Every Saturday, there is a choice of chocolate's chocolate boxes, it also tries to pay new brought books, every evening invites her to a restaurant, then to the theater, then on some party. He could not be fully absorbed in a sense of adoration, he cannot and is not very trying to understand what kind of multi-size inner world lies for the beautiful appearance of the one he loved. He repeatedly thinking about the unusualness, the oddities of their relationship, but never puts points in these reflections. "Strange Love!" - he notes. Another time says: "Yes, after all, it is not love, not love ...". He is surprised why she "once and forever collapses about their future," is surprised at how she perceives his gifts, as behaving in moments of rapprochement. Everything in it for him is a mystery.

The image of the hero is deprived of the psychological depths that the heroine is endowed. There is no logical motivation in her actions. Daily visiting those institutions where young in love invites her, she once noticed that she wanted in Novo, the maiden monastery, because "all the kabaki yeah kabaki." The hero of the non-complaint, where did such thoughts come from, what they suddenly become with his chosen one. And a little later, she declares that he is surprised here that he just does not know her. It turns out that she often visits the Kremlin Cathedrals, and this happens when the beloved "does not drast" her in restaurants. There, and not in pleasure places, she gains a feeling of harmony and spiritual equilibrium. She loves the "Russian chronicle, Russian legends" and her stories are made by depths. She says he is not aimed in his wife. Reflecting on happiness, quotes Plato Karataev. But the hero can not understand what is happening in her soul, he "is incomprehensible to every hour spent near her" and that's it.

As in the other stories of the cycle "Dark alleys", Bunin does not show love in the "clean Monday" that develops into a state of durable earthly happiness. Love here also does not end with a happy marriage, and the image of a female mother we do not find here. The heroine, having joined his beloved in physically close relationship, silently leaves, he says to nothing about anything, and then the letter informs him about his departure to the monastery. It rushed between the momentary and eternal and, on the night of a clean Monday, giving himself a hero, made his final choice. In Clean Monday, the first day of the post, the man begins to cleanse from all bad. This holiday has become a turning point and in the relationship of heroes.

Love in "Pure Monday" is happiness and flour, great Mystery, incomprehensible riddle. This story is one of the pearls of Buninsky creativity, a conquering reader with rare charm and depth.

The tragic Bunin plot about love is the basis of the story "Clean Monday". Two people are suddenly found, and beautiful and flames between them clean feeling. Love brings not only joy, lovers are experiencing huge torments who torment their souls. In the work of Ivan Bunin, a meeting of a man and a woman who forced them to forget about all the problems are described.

The author starts his story from the very beginning of the novel, and immediately with his development, when the love of two people reaches its climax. I. Bunin perfectly describes all the details of this day: Moscow day was not only winter, but, according to the description of the author, dark and gray. Dinned in love B. different places: Today it could be "Prague", and tomorrow they were already drose in the "Hermitage", then it could be "Metropol", or some other institution.

From the very beginning of the Buninsky work does not leave the premonition of some kind of trouble, big tragedy. Main character Trying not to think about what will happen tomorrow, what these relationships can lead to. He understood that with the one that he was so close, should not talk about the future. After all, she simply did not like these conversations and she did not respond to his any questions.

But why main character I did not want how many girls, dream of the future, build plans? Maybe this is a minute attraction that soon should end? Or does she already know everything that should soon happen to it in the future? Ivan Bunin describes his heroine as if she was a perfect woman, which is impossible to compare with other beautiful female images.

The main character is studying on courses, not understanding how later it comes in her life. Buninskaya girl is well educated, it feels refinement and mind. Everything in her house should be beautiful. But the world She is not interested at all, she removes him. According to her behavior, it seemed that she was indifferent to the theaters, and to flowers, and to books, and to lunch. And this indifference does not interfere with it completely dive into life and enjoy it, reading books and getting impressions.

A lovely couple for the surrounding people seemed perfect, they even walked around. And it was something to envy! Young, beautiful, rich - these all characteristics approached this pair. This happy idyll turns out to be strange, as the girl does not want to become a wife of the main character. It makes you think about the sincerity of the feelings of a beloved and a man. On all his questions, the girl finds only one explanation: she does not know how to be his wife.

It can be seen that the girl does not understand what her purpose in life is. The soul rushes her: a luxurious life attracts her, but she wants her something else. Therefore, she arrives constantly in thoughts and thoughts. The feelings that the girl experiences are not clear to her, can not and the main character To figure them out.

She is attracted by religion, the girl goes to church with pleasure, admires the holiness. The heroine herself can not understand why it attracts it. Once she is solved on an important step - True in the nun. Without informing the beloved, the girl leaves. After time, the main character receives a letter from her where a young woman reports his act, but she doesn't even try to explain.

The main character with difficulty is going through the act of his beloved woman. Once he was able to see her by chance among the nuns. Bunin does not accidentally give its product the name "Clean Monday". On the eve of this afternoon, lovers led a serious conversation about religion. The main character was first surprised by the reflections of his bride, so they were for him new and interesting.

The external contentment of life hid the depth of this nature, its subtlety and religiosity, its constant torment, which led the girl to the monastery of the nun. Deep internal searches help explain and indifference to the young woman she showed to secular life. She did not see herself among all that she was surrounded. Happy and mutual love does not help to gain her harmony in the shower. In this buninsky story, love and tragedy are inseparable. Love is given to the heroes, as a kind of test that they have to go.

The love tragedy of the main characters is that they could not fully understand each other and could not correctly appreciate the individuals who found their half. Bunin his story "Clean Monday" argues the idea that every person is a huge and the richest world. Inner world The young woman is rich in spiritually, but his thoughts and reflections do not find support in this world. Love for the main hero for her is no longer salvation, but the girl sees the problem in this.

The strong will of the heroine helps to get away from love, throw it, abandon her forever. In the monastery, her spiritual search stops, a young woman has a new attachment and love. The heroine is the meaning of life in love for God. All the petty and vulgar now does not concern it, her loneliness and peace now nobody violates.

Bunin's story and tragic, and sad. Moral choice It is before every person and it needs to be done correctly. The heroine chooses its own life Path, and the main character, continuing to love her, can not find himself in this life. His fate is sad and tragic. Act of a young woman in relation to him is cruel. They both suffer: the hero because of the act of his beloved, and she is their own will.