Download Yandex Poland Maps. Detailed map of Poland in Russian with cities, road map

Download Yandex Poland Maps. Detailed map of Poland in Russian with cities, road map
Download Yandex Poland Maps. Detailed map of Poland in Russian with cities, road map

Poland is located in the geographic center of Europe, but it is more often attributed to the region of Eastern Europe. This is 9 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe state in this part of the world and 69 in the world. In the last century, her borders were constantly changing, at the moment the country extended 720 km from the south to the north and at the same distance from the west to the East. A detailed map of Poland demonstrates that it is washed by the waters of the Baltic Sea from the north, but does not have large island territories, with the exception of the islands of Volin and Karsibur, located at the mouth of the ODR.

Poland on world map: Geography, Nature and Climate

The length of Poland's borders is relatively small - 3528 km, but the key location of the country in the region places Poland on the world map between the seven neighbors. In Northeast, Poland borders with Russia (through the Kaliningrad region) and Lithuania on a small cut border. The country's neighbor from the East is Belarus, from the south-east - Ukraine and Slovakia. Because of the significant brokenness of the borders, the longest borderline Poland has 796 km from the Czech Republic. From the West, the country borders with Germany. The coastline of the country is quite smooth and extended 770 km.

Geographical position

Despite the relatively small area (312685 km 2), the territory of the country is quite diverse. The northern and central part of Poland is located on the so-called Polish lowland, which is a continuation of the north-German plain. The relief in this region is formed by glaciers during the last glaciation. South starts low hills and platea (up to 60 meters).

The southern borders of the country take place along two major mountain ridges. At the Czech border are located Sudeteswhose highest point reaches 1603 meters. And the regions border with Slovakia and Ukraine lie in the northern tip of the Carpathian mountains. Here is the highest point of the country - North top Mountain Rys (2499 m). It is worth noting that the main top of the mountain of 4 meters is higher and is already in Slovakia. In general, only about 9% of the country is located above 300 meters above sea level.

Poland is one of the most wooded regions of Europe. About a quarter of the country area is occupied by forests. The soils of Polish lowlands are mostly slightly low, but up to 40% of the lands are used in agriculture.

The water pool of the region is abundant. The largest rivers of Poland - Vistula and Odra. Most countries of the countries are their tributaries. The region is also replete with small lakes, the largest of which belongs to the Mazury Lakes. On the Poland map in Russian, you can find the largest of them - removal. But it does not exceed 113 km 2 in the area.

Animal and vegetable world

The flora and fauna of the country is typical for the North of Europe and cannot boast a large number of endemic species. Forest Massif Poland is represented by mixed forests. Basic vegetable types: pine, birch, beech, oak, spruce, poplar and maple.

The animal world of the country is quite poor for the European Region. In local forests there are deer, moose, bears and boars. Sulna live in the mountainous areas. In the border with Belarus, the lands can be observed by a reviving population of European bison. The most common types of birds: Glukhari, Tetheriev and partridges. The country's coastal waters are rich in fishing fish species, for example, herring and cod.


Most of the country is located in the zone of moderate climate - from the marine in the north to the continental in the south. The average temperature of the winter varies in -2 to -6 ° C. Summer is also not roast - 17-20 ° C.

In the mountainous regions, the temperature is on average for 5 degrees below. The amount of precipitation in the equilibin regions is 500-600 mm per year. On the mountainous south, this figure is higher - more than 1000 mm. In the mountain range, high tatras falls up to 2,000mm precipitation per year.

Poland map with cities. Administrative division of the country

Poland has its own administrative unit - voivodeship. Total country is divided into 16 Voivodes. Poland's map with cities in Russian allows you to see that the population density in the south of the country is somewhat higher than in the north, but on average, 123 people per km 2.


Warsaw is the capital and the largest city of the state. Located in the eastern part of the country. Large cultural and economic center of the region. The most prestigious educational institutions of the country are concentrated here - about a third of the city's population is students.


Krakow is a historic center and the second largest and importance of the city of Poland. Located in the south of the country. It is the most popular tourist destination region. Thanks to the abundance of architectural monuments, Krakow is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Katowice is located 70 km west of Krakow. The city is the center of the Silesian agglomeration. This is the most economically active city in the country, the Center for Commerce and Heavy Industry.

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We bring to your attention a few Poland cards. They will help you when preparing for - so it is better to digest the material about the territorial division of Poland, the number of voivodes and their centers, the observance, its position in the world (who are the neighbors with whom it borders). And also see the borders until 1939 - to search for its roots and definitions in which voivodeship there were ancestors in order to know how to find. For those who are looking for a road map - it is also there. Maps are usually in good resolution - in order to consider it more. It is necessary to click on it - it will open in a new window - choose the approach and see everything in the smallest details.

Administrative map of Poland (Voivodeship) The whole country is divided into 16 voivodes:

Warmign-Mazur - Olsztyn (Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Olsztyn)
Greater Poland - Poznan (Wielkopolskie, Poznań)
West Pomeranian - Szczecin (Zachodniopomorskie, Szczecin)
Kuyavo-Pomeranian - Bydgoszcz | Torun (Kujawsko-Pomorskie, BYDGOSZCZ, TORUń)
Lodz - Lodz (łódzkie, łódź)
Lublin - Lublin (Lubelskie, Lublin)
Lubudo - Gorzow Velkopolski | Zelena-Gora (Lubuskie, Gorzów Wielkopolski, Zielona Góra)
Mazowiecki - Warsaw (Mazowieckie, Warszawa)
Malopolskoe - Krakow (Małopolskie, Kraków)
Lower Silesian - Wroclaw (Dolnośląskie, Wrocław)
Opole - Opole (Opolskie, Opole)
Subcarpathian - Rzeszow (Podkarpackie, Rzeszów)
Podlaskie - Bialystok (Podlaskie, Białystok)
Pomeranian - Gdańsk (Pomorskie, Gdańsk)
Svetokshysh - Kielce (świętokrzyskie, kielce)
Silesian - Katowice (ląskie, Katowice)

In turn, the voivodship is divided into observance (analogue of the area). In total, Poland 314 is obstacles (and they consist of 2479 Gmin).

A detailed map of Poland in Russian is a closer to a mercury - click and watch.

Republic of Poland - the Baltic State, is located in the center of Europe. The northern part of the state comes to the Baltic coast. In Northstast, Poland has a land border with Russia and Lithuania. A fairly extended Eastern border of the country on the border with Belarus and Ukraine is the Bug, the most centurify influx of the main river Poland. The land limit of Poland with Ukraine passes through the Ukrainian Carpathians. Slovakia and the Czech Republic are countries with whom Poland has a southern mountainy border, passing along the ridges and Carpathians. In the West, the state borders with Germany on the rivers Oder and Neutse.

The largest water arteries of Poland are Vistula, Oder, their tributaries and crossed the country from the south to the north. At a relatively small territory in the south there is a flow of water in the Danube and Dniester, in the northeast - to Neman. The length of the state occupying the 9th place in Europe, from north to south is 649 km, from East to West - 689 km. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 312,683 square meters. km.

The highest point is 2444 m, mountain rocks, located in the Polish part of the Carpathians. The lowest point is 1.8 m below sea level, is the west of the village of Rachi-ElBlogsk.

Republic of Poland is a state in Central Europe. Borders with , . From the north Poland is washed by the Baltic Sea. Area - 312,679 square meters. km, the population is about 39 million people, the capital - Warsaw.

The relief of Poland is diverse - lowered in the north and in the center. On the Baltic coast - wide sandy beaches. In the West and North, in the forest and hilly terrain - thousands of lakes, the area of \u200b\u200bthe largest of which (removal) is 113 square meters. km. In the south of Poland - Mountains and Hills. The snow mountain is 1,603 m high - the highest point is sudden, and in the tatras of the highest in Poland the top is Mount Lynx (2,499 m). Typical for Poland is also forest arrays, numerous rivers, among which two largest - hanging and evident stand out.

Fauna Poland is diverse. In the forests are river, moose, boars, wild cats, deer, bison. In the mountains you can find a wolf and a bear.

The climate is soft, formed under the action of marine air masses. In summer, Western winds bring coolness and rains to Poland, snowfall in winter. From the east, the heat comes in the winter, frost in winter. In July, an average of +18 ° C, in January -4 ° C. The volume of precipitation depends on the height of the area above sea level. The minimum quantities (up to 500 mm) falls in the Gdansk bay, low-voltage lowland, and part of the Vistula Valley. In the south in the mountainous areas there is a maximum of precipitation - up to 1,800 mm. For Polish climate, freezing in May, late autumn and early spring.

Detailed map of Poland in Russian online. Poland satellite map with cities and resorts, roads, streets and houses. Poland on the world map - a state in Central Europe, the capital is the city of Warsaw. State language - Polish.

Poland - Wikipedia

Poland's population: 38 422 346 people. (2017)
Capital of Poland: City of Warsaw
The largest cities of Poland: Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, Lodz, Poznan
Poland phone code:48
National Domain of Poland.: .pl

Cards of cities of Poland.

Poland's sights:

What to see in Poland:Old Town of Warsaw, Tatra, Wawel Castle, Old Town of Krakow, Wooden Chokes of the South of Malaya Poland, Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau in Auschwitzime, Old Town in Gdansk, Mazuryskoye, Statue of Christ Tsar, Slovinal National Park, Salt Mine in Vilanto, Palace, Wroclaw Cathedral, Lazo Park, the old part of the city of Zamosc, Architectural and park complex Calvory Zebzhidovsk, Church of the World, Park Musku, Castle Ksenzh, Beszhad National Park, Moshnoy Castle, Mount of Crosses Grabar, Clear Mountain, Old Town in Torun, Old Rowers, Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Gdansk Oliva Zoo, Krkonosh National Park, Royal Castle on Wawel Hill, Ski Resort Zakopane, "Royal Tract" and Royal Castle in Warsaw, Salt Mine, Order of Marienburg.

Relief Poland: Almost the entire territory of the country is occupied by lowland and hilly terrain, but there is a mountainous region in the south, where the Carpathians mountain range stretched. In the north, Poland is washed by the Baltic Sea, the coast of which is quite wide sandy beaches. Poland is also rich in lakes, there are no less than 9 thousand of them in the country. Most of the territory occupy the protected forests and parks - they are in Poland. Among them are part of the protected Belovezhskaya forest.

Climate Poland. It is considered unstable and depends on the region. The average summer temperature in the country - + 20 s, winter - 2 with below zero. The warmer and dry climate is in the central part of the country.

As part of the sights, each Polish city is interesting in its own way. In each of them prevailing its architectural style. In most cities, old buildings and historical monuments have been preserved. Each city is interesting in its own way. For example, in Warsaw 42 museum, most of which must be visited. The most beautiful city is considered Krakow, the former capital of Poland. It is attractive with its architecture, as well as such memorable historical places as the royal road, market, Wawel and others.

Many monuments of the architecture of Poland are located in the cities that once belonged to the Teutonic Order. It is Melbork, Fromibork, Dove-Delzhin and others. They not only cost the Citadel and Palaces preserved to this day, but also undergo various cultural events, knight tournaments and fairs.

Poland Attracts tourists with a variety of tourism views. You can relax in the summer on the sandy beaches of the Baltic coast, spend your vacation in the picturesque lake edges, to do ecotourism or go skiing on ski resorts such as Karpach, Krynik or Zakopane.