Dream Salt Lake. What dreams dirty lake in a dream in dream book? That in a dream predicts the lake

Dream Salt Lake. What dreams dirty lake in a dream in dream book? That in a dream predicts the lake
Dream Salt Lake. What dreams dirty lake in a dream in dream book? That in a dream predicts the lake

Many nations of the time of centuries believed that the dreams give a man secret knowledge, warn about threatening adversities or foreshadow and success. What to unravel this dream, it is necessary to take into account many factors.

What dream of a lake?

If a person in his dream saw the lake, this is a symbol of the presence of external barriers that significantly affect the execution of a dream plans. In most cases, dreams predict a person who saw the lake in a dream, all sorts of obstacles.

What dreams of a transparent lake? Well consider the reservoir. If the lake is clean and calm, then sleep symbolizes internal wisdom and intuition.

What dreams of water in the lake, on which ripples went? A similar dream is likely to indicate emotional experiences and excitement.

Emotional stagnation in dreams is symbolized by a water-made with muddy water.

If the dreams are bathed in the reservoir, then the dream is a forerunner: it is necessary to carefully weigh all during the adoption of an important decision. We calmly think about the situation, and only then take any decision.

The dream in which you swim in the reservoir foreshadows the coming changes, for example, shifting plans. What will be the result? If the water is muddy water, then everything will end bad, and if clean - you are waiting for changes that joy will bring. Plans will soon begin to be executed if you managed to twist in your dream with a reservoir.

If you catch fish in night gold, then it gives your desire to meet, start meeting or marry some particular person. It should be noted that this subsequently turns to fail for you.

Dream Maya.

What dream of the lake according to Maya's dream book? There are two interpretations of this sleep.

  1. The dream in which you are standing on the shore of the lake, says that now is the time to start something new. And he also suggests that the precious stones will be patronized in the affairs: they will attract good luck.
  2. What dreams to swim in the lake? Sleep is a warning: maybe in the near future you will be applied to how to avoid it? You need to pour a little salt on the knife, and then hesitate to warm it on fire. After the salt will fuse, you need to hide the knife into a dark and cool place.

Dream N. Grishina

According to this dream book, the lake personifies the domination of a dream consciousness over opposing his forces. What dreams of a clean lake, whose coast is visible clear and clear? This dream is a symbol of what life prostrated before the dream. In addition, he received a unique opportunity to sober gaze to evaluate his business and a deed.

A stormy lake is a symbol of domination over himself in difficult times, provided that the dreams clearly sees the shore. However, if they are lost in the fog, the dream predicts the damage, because the sleeping lost or weakened self-control.

The process of self-knowledge symbolized by drinking from the lake. If you fell in a reservoir, then sleep means non-smallest.

If in your dream you see the fish floating in the reservoir, then it foreshadows the success in work, the bonciety to you, as well as a possible increase.

What dreams of a lake located in the mountains? In most cases, sleep foreshadows happiness, as well as good possession of themselves. If in a dream you see a bloody lake, then it symbolizes something ominous, hiding in a dream, and if you swim in a similar reservoir, then he promises your bruises, misfortune and danger to life.

If you dream of a gloomy located among the sharp rocks, is a symbol of the hazard or the fact that the dreams stopped understood.

Pond or wetland lake - a sign of inner stagnation.

Sleep, in which the lake suddenly begins to fade, is the harbinger of the death of the feelings that make up one of the important parts of the spiritual life of the dream.

Dream Miller

What dreams to swim in the lake? If a young woman sees in a dream that she is alone swimming in the dirty water of a heavenly lake, he promises her a lot of change: in a short time she fits in neglect of the enemies and past madness.

If in a dream, the water is overwhelmed by the boat, but the girl, energetically rowing, wipes to the pier, then such a dream is notifying a dream that he is influenced by the wrong, false beliefs. However, soon he will change them, and this will achieve success and achieve honors. In addition, a similar plot may impose a disease of a loved one.

If a woman is watching a boat in which a young couple risking life is trying to cope with the swollen elements, the dream is a symbol that one of the dream friends will make an unfavorable act, but he will turn out to return the favor.

Wealth and happiness promises you a dream in which you float on a calm and clean lake.

If you dream of a dirty lake, which is surrounded by dry trees and bare stones, the dream predicts the sad end of all your plans.

Sleep, in which you see a beautiful reservoir with wonderful green shores, is the foresight of the fact that the moral strength of your personality will be able to take the top over passion. This will allow your energy to search for a reliable and secure path.

If you dream of a clean reservoir, which is surrounded by meager vegetation, it symbolizes that your idle existence will soon collapse under the onslaught of disturbing actions.

Sleep, in which the dreams observes its reflection in the mirror water of the lake, is the foresight of joy and loving friends.

If you see the foliage, which is reflected in the reservoir, then the joy awaits you, as well as the pleasure of happiness and love.

Sleep, in which you see the creepy and slippery that are approaching you, marks failures and disappear from the fact that you have spent your time, health and strength. The dream foreshadows the absence of joy and late repentance in the deed.

New family dream book

The sad end of the dream plans foreshadows a dirty lake in a dream. If a woman swimming on the lake on a boat, it will be able to reach the pier, then this is a symbol of what the false beliefs are strongly influenced by it, which she will soon overcome.

What dream of a lake with clean water? Swimming on calm and clean reservoirs with close friends is a symbol of wealth, happiness and prosperity.

If a young woman sees a dream in which she bathes in a dirty restless lake, he foreshadows strong changes. Perhaps she still fits in his madness.

Joy, happiness and love symbolizes a dream in which you see the foliage reflecting in the stroit of the lake. Seeing its reflection in the mirror surface of the pure lake foreshadows loving friends and a lot of unexpected joy.

Pure lake, which is surrounded by poor vegetation, in a dream, a symbol of what your well-being can come to an end if you are not increasing. If you dream of a dirty lake with beautiful green shores, then the presence of a dream will take the top over his passion.

Esoteric dream book

The pure lake in a dream symbolizes that the clear thoughts will bring peace to him. If the reservoir is cold and desert, then this is a signal to be afraid of their emotions, since if they succumb to them, then you can do a lot of irreparable nonsense. If in a dream you see the dried lake - then this is the foresight of bitter tears.

Vintage English Dream Interpretation

Sleep, in which you slide along a quiet transparent stroy of the reservoir, is the foresight of favorable life circumstances, full satisfaction and happiness life for a dream. Prestigious work, success in affairs - all this promises such a dream. And also the dreams without any obstacles will be able to achieve a happy marriage.

However, if the water seems dirty and muddy, it foreshadows the losses and suffering that the dream will send a dream to test his resistance of the Spirit.

Other interpretations

  1. Dream Sheremen. According to this dream book, the ohut is a symbol of danger, and if the dreams floats on the lake - this is a precursor separator for lovers.
  2. Dream of Tyfalisi. If you see in a dream pond, source or lake, then it promises you good, abundance and happiness.
  3. Dream Flower. According to this dream book, swimming on the lake throws the separation in love.

1. Lake - (Dream Interpretation Madym McC Xacce)
Fish in it - you will have an evil wife; see through the bottom of the bottom - have a clean conscience; The lake is quiet, illuminated by the sun - a happy union; Excited - many obstacles of love
2. Lake - (modern dream book)
If the young woman dreams that she bathes in a turbid restless lake, then sleep predicts impending troubles and misfortunes; It will be covered with regret because of its former frivolous behavior and neglect of the rules of morality. If it floats in the boat, and the boat is filled with water, but at the cost of tremendous effort, she still gets to the shore, then in real life it will be influenced by dangerous beliefs, but gradually it will refuse them, and on the right path will come to their cherished goals and glory. Also, this dream may impose a disease to someone from her loved ones and friends. When she dreams of a young couple, which also managed to escape, then in real life, one of her friends will make a non-resident act, but then it will be able to rehabilitate himself in her eyes. To see in a dream that you slide on the boat on a clean and smooth surface of the lake in a pleasant company - means that you are waiting for the happiness and desire of wealth. Muddy, surrounded by bare cliffs and dried trees, the lake dreams of unhappy forecasts in affairs and love. Muddy lake in the shade of green trees is a sign that the moral side of your nature will oppose passionate carnal desires, and, overcoming them, will send energy to good and profitable cases. If you dream of a lake with clean water in fruitless terrain, then all the forces of your soul will be fruitlessly to satisfy the desires of the flesh. Seeing his reflection in the mirror stroy of the lake - the foresology of the fleeing joys and the appearance of sincere devotees. To see in a dream that the foliage of the trees is reflected in the lake - means that in reality you will rejoice in love passion and happiness. To see in a dream, how terrible and slippery inhabitants of the lake rose from the water and threaten you - to failure and diseases that will be called upon you because you have spent a lot of time and energy. You dry up the last drop of happiness and drink a bitter disappointment drink.
3. Lake - (Dream Miller)
For a young woman to see in a dream that she is alone in the dirty waters of a restless lake, foreshadows a lot of change: Soon it will be repent of the past madness and disregard for virtue. If the water is overwhelmed by the boat, but, energetically rowing, the woman still reaches the pier - this means that it is under the influence of false beliefs, which she will eventually change and achieve honors, and respect. This plot may also foreshadow someone from loved ones. If she is watching a boat in which a young couple risking life, copes with the elements - this means that one of her friends, though and make a non-resident act, but it will be able to return her favor. To see in a dream that you float on a clean and peaceful lake with pleasant and close friends, means that you are waiting for happiness and wealth that meets your ideas. Dirty lake, surrounded by naked sulfurous stones and dry trees, foreshadows the sad end of your plans. The dirty lake with beautiful green shores - foreshadows that the moral power of your nature will take the top of passion, turning your, energy in search of a safe and reliable way. If the lake is clean and surrounded by scarce vegetation, it means that your secure existence will collapse under the onslaught of disturbed actions. To see his reflection in the clean water of the lake - foreshadowed that joy and loving friends await you. Seeing the foliage reflected in the water mirror - foreshadows joy, enjoying love and happiness. See the slippery and terrible inhabitants of the lake, approaching and threatening you, means failures and grief from the pretty wasted, forces and health. The joy of life will expire last drops and you will drink a bitter wing of late repentance.
4. Lake - (dream book Eugene Tsvetkov)
Danger, threat, risk; Slow on the lake - separation for lovers.
5. Lake - (Dream Sigmund Freud)
The lake, like any water space, is a symbol of pregnancy, birth or fertilization. Riding on the lake on the boat, boat, water skiing, etc. Symbolizes sexual intercourse. If you see in a dream of a lake or a lot of lakes, then you want to have children with your loved one. If you save a person from the lake, then you are aiming for sexual contact with him, and if it is a person of the opposite sex, then you want to make a child with him. If you swim in the lake, then you are enjoyable to a person close to you, and for a woman it also foreshadows a possible ambulance. If you get enjoyed swimming in the lake, then, probably, you as a child suffered from Enurpere, and perhaps not even fully cured. If you walk along the shore of the lake, then you suffer from the fact that we have not yet found a suitable sexual partner. If you see a storm lake, then your relationship with a partner needs at least in correction; Maybe you need to think about the break with him. If you enter or leave the lake, then you want to have a child. If you jump or dive into the lake, it symbolizes sexual intercourse that ends in fertilization. If you are drowning in the lake, then you do not want to have children and for this reason are striving to limit sexual contacts with your sexual partner or make them most secure as safe as possible. See water.
6. Lake - (esoteric dream book)
See a beautiful lake - pure thoughts will bring peace. Deserted, cold - Fear your emotions. Under their influence, you can make a lot of trouble. Dried to tears.
7. Lake - (intimate dream book)
If you dreamed of a lake, it suggests that in life you are a calm and reasonable person. That you stay in sex. You all do a measured and leisurely, as far as possible stretching pleasure. Unfortunately, you will have enough at best. Swim in a dream in the lake - promises you with a meeting with a representative of the opposite sex in an unusual place. The situation is not better to have a close acquaintance that you will safely continue in bed.

Explaining what dreams to swim in the lake, the dream book proceeds from the fact that water is a symbol of impermanence. Seen in a dream foreshadows bright, significant and unexpected events. Details of the dream will prompt which surprises should be expected.

Miller promises change

Miller's dream book contains an explanation, what dreams to swim in the lake. If dreamed of bathing alone, sleeping await change. If lucky, swimming, see my reflection, interpretation of sleep informs that it is not necessary to miss alone. You will gain wonderful friends who will bring bright impressions into your life.

What will the purity tell

Involver, what dreams to swim in the lake, the dream book draws attention to the state of the reservoir. Crystal water purity is almost always a favorable sign.

  • If it was lucky enough to be in a pure pond with the company, the dream will come true;
  • Water is so transparent, which allows you to see the bottom - your conscience is perfectly clean;
  • See reflection in clean, like a mirror, a reservoir - your charm can be taken by cities;
  • Reflection of a beautiful landscape promises a joyful meeting;
  • If in a dream, the glare of the sun play on the surface, gain family happiness;
  • Dreamed bathing with the beloved - to make love in an unusual place.

In outer with head

Swimming in the dirty wetland Dream Interpretary considers a stress symbol. See yourself in a dream in the midst of a muddy swamp happens on the eve of all sorts of trouble. At the same time, the dream book claims that many of them will be able to avoid if it is in time to express what you dreamed.

If the woman was in a dirty pond, reappearing her repentance in the past mistakes. A high probability to reiterate firewood under the influence of surpassed emotions. If in a dream I had a chance to swim in the lake among the sludge and risas, the dream book proposes not to spend the forces and funds on knowingly doomed. Swim in the lake with disgust happens in a state of stress and chronic fatigue.

Water Flora and Fauna

Explaining what dreams to swim in the lake, the dream book does not miss the water and vegetation. If in the night sirow managed to reach the beautiful green shore and get out of cold muddy water, in reality you will make the right choice and will not regret the efforts to make a conceived.

When in a dream to swim in the lake - a solid pleasure, but the coastal nature surprises with its unattractiveness, such a combination personifies the inaccessible dreams of a beautiful life.

If I had to swim in the bay, sided with frogs, leeches, insects and other unsympathetic inhabitants, you risk a lot to invest in an unpromising project.

What to beware

In the Gypsy dream interpretation there is an explanation, why did not have to swim in his will. If in a dream, it was lit up off with a pier or a bridge, in reality should be careful.

When water suddenly leaves during bathing, in fact, they can fade significant, cute heart feelings.

Sometimes it falls at the time of decision, which does not give rest even in a dream. If you dreamed, as you walked to the shore, the question will be solved successfully.

If you happened to swim in the liman too cold or hot, you may have a heat.

Swimming means

In the snorker, there are several examples, which dreams to slide on the surface on the boat. If you dreamed of a lake storm, the waves are asleep overboard, however, you successfully accumulate, the plot means that I will have to reconsider my beliefs.

In a dream, did you plunge into the water of the lake? This vision is most often interpreted positively. Dream Interpretations suggest that in this way the person subconsciously prepares for the cleansing of the soul and conscience.

Digested swimming in the lake symbolizes what "oops" sleeping in awakening. It may be worries, troubles, unexpected pleasant situations. To open the curtain of the mystery of dreams, and find out what it was for the message of the Higher Forces, it is necessary to diligently restore all the smallest details of the night dreams in memory.

Mood swimmer

Emotions, tested in a dream, also play a considerable role for the right interpretation of the plot. For example, if you have fun people in water and from a waterfall, the dream book promises a successful completion of the project, the implementation of plans. Competitions with swimmers on comrades on the speed of overcoming the segment of the lake, a sign that soon and in reality you will meet with friends and cheerfully spend your free time.

Obrarates and obstacles, that's what you dreamed, as you were toned, clinging for underwater skiing. Jumping in a lake from a high rock, the cliffs see people in dreams, ready to participate in any adventure in order to gain good profits.

The one who went down on the bottom in the search for beautiful seashells and stones, dream book promises gifts and surprises.

Clean waters

A wonderful omen carries a dream, that bathe in a clean, transparent lake. Such a vision guarantees a dream embodiment of all his hopes and plans. In a midnight Drema, did you stand in a mountain lake and sprayed the body of cool, crystal clear water? This is a sign that health will not let. Opposite the dreams will be full of energy, cheerful, cheerful.

Eastern Dream "explains: what a pregnant woman dreams that she bathes in a pure lake? She will have a smart, a pretty child who will delight parents with his talents and abilities. Baby will be healthy, curious and very solicit.

Be prepared for testing

In the preceded lake, the water was muddy and dirty? Unfortunately, this is a bad sign. I had to swim in such a reservoir? According to the predictions of the Dreamniest Hasse, it threatens you with many problems or serious misfortune. And to the one who fought dirty juicy during swimming, you will have to go through the "black stripe" - unlucky just follows the heels behind such an unfortunate dream.

The nightmare nightmare is that your friend drowned in a filked lake may continue and reveal. What can this be dreamed of? We will have to overcome a lot of obstacles and survive a serious loss.


Lakes are not only fresh, but also s saline. If in a dream you felt a salty taste, while swimming in the lake, the dream book of the White Magus predicts you sadness, tears, depression.

But fresh, clean water from the reserved lake, which had to taste while they were sleeping, preceded by joyful events and a raised mood in reality.

From the collection of Gustav Miller

In the dream book Miller, there is a very curious interpretation of the vision, in which the girl was swimming in the lake, and then saw that the water became disgusting, muddy. Such a plot is an allegory that prompts that for frivolous, obscene acts, the mistakes of the past Baryshne will have to pay very soon.

It will be a reason for joy, because you are surrounded by caring and love of the most expensive people, so what you had a dream that you saw a clear reflection of your face, splashing, floating in Lake.

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Sleep from Friday on Saturday can also find a use in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions donated with Moraphem, says ...

From a long time, the water image symbolized calm and stability. What dreams of the lake, various dreams interpret the answer to this question as a dream ability to control any situation, even the most critical one. It is necessary to pay special attention to all the details of the dream: the purity of water, the presence of fog, the locations of the reservoir - to understand what is the dream of such a dream. Evalnamed are a dream action. For example, a dream, where a person swims with water, has one value, and where it is sinking, is completely different.

Coniferous forests around the lake - the harbingers of something extraordinary and mysterious. The water in the forest symbolizes the hazardous danger or the same misunderstanding of his own essence. Often, the dream of a reservoir is associated with the mental state of the dream.

Interpretation of dreams about Lake Dreamnies

Different dream interpreters will help to understand the meaning of seen sleep, looking into the depths of the subconscious. There are such popular lake dream interpretations:

What dreams swimming in a pond

The dream is a good sign when the dreams sees transparent and warm water. If the water is dirty and cold - it is promoting future problems. In many respects, the meaning of such sleep depends on the details of the plot, which in it unfolds.

Dream interpretation lake with clean water treats as a lack of problems in the real life of the dream. Crystal water in a dream symbolizes the beginning of a new life stage. Do not be afraid of responsibility. Pure and calm reservoirs in a dream foreshadows success in any endeavors, overcoming difficulties on the way to its goal. Dingked troubled water speaks of human's uncertainty. He does not need to give advice to others, without informing himself.

A dream in which a person falls in a reservoir warns of diseases and dangers, it is impossible to be too trusting. If the girl sees a dream about swimming in dirty water, then she needs to take care of his reputation, so as not to allow the enemies to spoil it. Bloody water in a dream is a harbinger of an accident and a big trouble.

What does swimming in the lake in a dream

A dream in which a man swims in the lake, warns a dream that you need to think well before taking an important decision. If the water in the reservoir is clean, then the conceived will come true, the muddy reservoir promises the collapse of hopes. Seeing its reflection in the water, swimming on the lake, means joyful and happy news, support for loved ones.

Swim the reservoir is a good sign for a person. Such a dream foreshadows him a quick result in affairs, which will be able to achieve with the help of decisive actions and purposefulness. If you dream to swim in the lake with a friend or beloved person, a dream is a symbol of happiness and wealth, the presence of truly devotees in reality.

The value of a dream of a reservoir with fish

If the fish is dreaming in a pure and calm reservoir, then the dream is awaiting calm and prudence in real life. When ripples appears on the water, you should expect emotional tension and breakdown.

Most dream books interpret such a dream as follows:

  • promotion by career stairs;
  • family life will be improving soon;
  • social status will increase.

When a person had a dream at night, in which he catches fish, then in reality he lacks attention. There is a danger to be loyal and disappointed in her chosen one. If the girl is dreaming with a fish with a fish, then in the near future she will disperse with her beloved, she will not be able to avoid household difficulties. For a man, such a dream symbolizes his desire to anything that do not bind lovers.