Solded masterpieces. Velasquez portrait of inokenet x

Solded masterpieces. Velasquez portrait of inokenet x
Solded masterpieces. Velasquez portrait of inokenet x

(6 or 7.05.1574, Rome - 7.01.1655, ibid.; Before the election of dad - Giovanni Battista Pamphili), Pope (from 15 Sep. 1644). Happened from Rome. Aristocratic genus. Important role In the fate of J. B. Pamfili played his uncle Dzhirolamamo Pamphili (1544-1610), the auditor, then Dean Rota Romana. On June 9, 1604, Pope Clement VIII elevated him to Cardinal dignity, in 1605 he was appointed Cardinal-Vicarim Rome. J. B. Pamfili studied in Rome. Un-Those Sapirez, in 1594 he received a degree of a doctor of civil and canonical law (in Utroque Iuro), in 1597 was ordained in the presbyter. He entered the service in Roman smoke: in 1601, he was appointed a consistor lawyer, in 1604 he inherited from uncle the position of Auditor Rota Romana. J. B. Pamfili was in friendly relations With your colleague Card. Alessandro Ludovizi, the auditor from Bologna, which is in Feb. 1621 became the Roman dad Gregory XV.

On March 26, 1621, Grigory XV appointed J. B. Pamphili Nunzim to Naples, then under the rule of Spain. In 1625 new dad Urban VIII appointed it with a datarium and advisor at a nephew Card. Francesco Barberini, who was sent to the legacy to France for negotiations with the card. A. J. Richelieu on the settlement of relations between France and Spain and the status of region. Valtellina. From January 19 1626 Latin Patriarch Antioch. Episcopian captain of the new Patriarch 25 Jan. 1627 B. Sicstinskaya chapel He headed the card. Laudiobio Tskqia.

In Feb. 1626 Urban VIII sent a card. F. Barberini Legatom to Spanish. Cor. Philip IV. As in the previous trip, it was supposed to help him was J. B. Pamphili, who was prescribed to Nunzim on May 30, 1626. After returning F. Barberini to Oct. 1626 in Rome J. B. Pamfili remained the only papal representative at the King of Spain. On the secret consistory 30 Aug. 1627 Urban VIII elevated J. B. Pamphili and J. F. Guidi Di Balo, Nunci with Franz. Cor. Louis XIII, in the dignity of Cardinals in Pectore. At the secret consistory 19 Nov. 1629 was an officer. Announced Cardinals in Pectore. Upon returning J. B. Pamphili in Rome in 1630, he was complained of Titular Rome. c. sv. Eusevia. In Roman curia, Cardinal worked in Rome Congregations. Inquisition, ceremonial, cathedral, etc. In 1639, Urban VIII appointed it to the Cathedral Congregation Prefect. From January 12 1643 to March 14, 1644, J. B. Pamfili was Chamber of Cardinals.

At Conclusion 9 Aug. 1644, who gathered after the burial of Pope Urban VIII, the Cardinals were divided into 2 groups: focused on Spanish-Austra. The political line led by Spanish. Card. Hille Carrilo de Alborno and Australia. Card. Ernest Adalbert von Harrach and Supporters Franz. The political line led by the Card. Antonio Barberini. On the candidacy of the Card put forward by the "French" party. Julio Cesare Sakketti Card. H. Kurrilo de Alborno imposed a veto on behalf of Spanish. Cor. Philip IV; The candidacy of the "Spanish-Austrian" party - Card. Francesco Channini de Salamandri - did not receive half the votes of the participants of the Conclava. Card became a compromise candidate that satisfied both groupings. J. B. Pamphili. On the vote 15 second. 1644 he was elected dad, adopting the name of Innocent H. Franz. Card. J. Maazarini, who could put a veto for the candidacy of J. B. Pamphili, arrived in Rome in several. days after the election of the dad. 4 Oct. 1644 in the Cathedral of St. Peter took place coronation and.; 23 Nov- Intonation of the Pope in the Lateran Basilica.

In accordance with the established tradition on the 1st consistory of Pope, the Cardinal-Nonight had to be appointed (usually they became the nearest relative), clothed in complete confidence, the chief assistant in the management of the Roman Catholic Church and the Papal State-Vom. However, among the relatives, I. did not find a suitable candidate, so Pope has established the position of state. Secretary (exists before the present time). The first state. The secretary was the Card. Giovanni Jacomo Panchiroli (1587-1651), who held this post with Saint. 1644 to his death. However, together with the state. Secretary I. Kamillo Francesco Pamphili's nephew (1622-1666), with a big influence on dad acquired his mother Olympia Maidalkini, a widow of the elder brother I. Next year, Pope's nephew despite the will not only mother, but And I. refused church career and married. Oct 7. 1645 I. appointed Cardinal-Nepico Francesco Maidalkini (1621-1700), nephew of Olympia Maidalkini. In 1649, Olympia Maidalkini fell into disfavor. Next year, all responsibilities of Cardinal Nonight were assigned to the erected 19 Sep. 1650 in the Cardinal dignity of Camillo Astalli (1619-1663), a long-range relative of Olympia Maidalkini.

After death of the state. Secretary of J. Panchiroli to this post Pope invited Nunci in Cologne Ep. Fabio Kiji (afterced. Pope Alexander VII), who is on the consistory 19 Feb. 1652. Earls in Cardinal dignity. In 1653, I. deprived the privileges of the card. - Nonason K. Astalli. By virtue of decisive character and severity (Pope provided the location of those who trusted, but could dramatically change his attitude, after which there was absolute disgrace) I. was not loved in Rome, including among ordinary Romans, although many times did significant donations in favor of poor.

On Pontitis I. came the 14th jubilee year Catholic. Church (see "Annus Sanctus"), about the celebration of the foogo was announced by Bully "Appropinquat Dilectissimi Filii" dated May 4, 1649, the opening ceremony of St. Gate in the Cathedral of St. Peter I. Made 24 Dec. 1650 Bullah dated May 6, 1649 Dad suspended all non-abuse indulgences, except meant. Porcinuckol and indulgences given in Articulo Mortis (in case of death).

I. conducted Mon-Rey reform in Papal and the ITAL neighbor with him. Gos-fly, where to Ser. XVI in. acted a large number of Mon-Rey with a slight number of monks. On Dec. 1649 Dad ordered to collect information about all Ial. Mon-Rya: On the number of monks and nuns living in them, about the conditions of the existence of each of the mon-ray; Take in Ital. Mont-Ri of new monks and nuns were forbidden until there was a decision regarding the existences. 15 Oct. 1652 The Constitution "Instaurandae" was closed by all the mon-Ri, where the number of monks was less than 6 people. Monks and nuns from such Mont-Rey had to move to other monastery of their orders; The closed Mont-Ri entered into the disposal of the bishops of those diceses, they were in the territory of the territory.

An important event of Pontifitis I. was the official. Condemnation of Yansenism. His distribution in Spanish. Flanders and France was the cause of numerous conflicts that were separated by a clearing and a flock. To intervene in the situation, Pope urged Nunci Nikolo Guidi di Balo and Vincen de Paul, the founder of the Lazarist Congregation. Pope also received messages on behalf of the Minor Franz. Cor. Louis XIV. 20 Apr. 1651 I. established a congregation from theologians and canonical law specialists to consider the problem of Jansenism. From March 13 to July 7, 1652, the Congregation held 11 working sessions, having heard the supporters of EP's teachings aimed at Rome. Cornelia Yanseny. In the CUM OCCASIONE IMPRESSIONIS LIBRI, published on the results of the work of the Congregation, from May 31, 1653. I condemned the 5 of its basic provisions (Bullarium Magnum Romanum. T. 6/3. P. 248). Bulla was published on June 9 in Rome and received a legally binding status, according to orders Spanish. Cor. Philip IV and Franz. Cor. Louis Xiv., on the subjects subject to them. Despite the formal adoption of papal bull, the Yansenists who had supporters among Catholic representatives in France. The bishopath, tried to prove that these 5 provisions of the Yansencies were presented in the form in which they were subjected to condemnation. For the end of the disputes I. Apr 25 1654 issued a new Bulla, re-condemned both the 5 provisions of the Yansenistal teaching and the essay of the Yugustinus, Sive Doctrina S. Augustini, which contains them.

In foreign Policy Papal State-Va I. oriented to Spain. He did not recognize the separation of Portugal from Spain (1640), but nevertheless rejected the requirement of Spanish. King to impose on Lisbon interdict, although refused to approve Portugue. Bishops whose candidatures were represented by Portugue. Cor. Juan IV (this policy led to the fact that only 1 bishop remained in Portugal to the end of Pontitis. The relationship of the Papal State-Wa is not easy for I. C France, where the power was actually in the hands of the card. J. Maazarini, who did not want to see on the Papal Prerest of Spain's supporter. At the beginning of its pontificate, the Dad entered the conflict not only with J. Maazarini, but also with the Barberini family, to the Roma belonged to the late dad Urban VIII. With regard to his nephews accused of waste during the war, Barberini with the Farnes family for the hertz Castro (1641), an investigation was launched. However, Novaya Nov. 1644 I. Earned Francesco Farnes in Cardinal dignity. In the fall of 1645, Cardinal Antonio and Francesco Barberini had to escape from Rome to France, where they found the patronage of the Card. J. Mazarini and were honored with the royal court. Not wanting to exacerbate conflict with J. Mazarini, 7 Oct. 1647 I. Built in the Cardinal dignity of his brother M. Mazarini, and also stopped harassed by Barberini, which were able to return to Rome in 1648. Nevertheless, Dad continued to support opponents of Mazarin policy. Feb. 19 1652 I. Earls in the Cardinal dignity of the Kardyutor of the Paris Archbishop Jean Francois Field De Gondi (Card. De Retz; 1613-1679), in 1654 with the honors accepted him in Rome when it had to flee from France. With regard to the Hertz Castro I. continued the policy of Pope Urban VIII. In 1649, as a reason for the beginning of the war, murders were used on the road in Castropho Gvard recently appointed there. The city was taken and destroyed (in his place installed a column with the inscription: "Qui Fu Casrto" (here was Castro)), and the hertz is attached to papal possessions.

In 1647, I. condemned the rebellion of the hands began on July 7 in Naples. Fisherman Tommaso Anuello (Masanyllo), directed against the power of the Spaniards over the city. Spain rejected the supply of Pope on mediation in solving the problem, and I. In turn, did not approve the excessive use of force in Oct. 1647 Don Juan José Austrian younger. Bullah "Zelus Domus Dei" from 26 Nov. 1648 Dad condemned the prisoner in Oct. 1648, the Westphalian world, which put the end of the thirty-year war, as violating the rights of Catholic. Churches. I. provided financial support to the Venice republic in the war with the Turks, and also supported the fantastic for independence from the Protestant. England Irl. Catholics, sending to Ireland as a representative of the papal throne Archp. Giovanni Battista Rhinucchini († 1653). Dad contributed to the development of enlightenment in the colonial possessions of Europe. Gos-Q: In Venice, a board opened to teach the priests of the Maronite Catholic Church, in November. 1645 I. Rained the status of the Dominican College in Manila (Philippines) to UN-Ta, the leadership of the Dominicans was entrusted to the Order.

I. approved the decree of the Congregation of the Ceremonia, who prescribed all the Cardinal, who had noble dignity (both acquired and inherited), limited only by an indication of the Cardinal title, excluding any secular. Cardinals followed only the church etiquette; On their arms could be depicted only by Cardinal Hat. For 10 years of Pontitis I. built 32 people to Cardinal dignity, he saw. 3 of them became dads: Fabio Kiji (Pope Alexander VII), Benedetto Odessales (Pope Innocent XI) and Pietro Ottoboni (Pope Alexander VIII). In 1646, I. elevated the dignity of Cardinal Polish. John John Casimir Vaza, the Son of Polish. Cor. Sigismund III Vases and Brother Polish. Cor. Vladislav IV Vaza. However, on November 9. 1647 John appealed to dad with the last refusal of Cardinal dignity: the end of the 9 Aug. 1647 Son Vladislav IV Sigismund Casimir discovered John Casimiru's way to Polish. The throne, which he occupied in 1648 as Jan II Casimir.

I. confirmed the reverence of 4 blissful Roman Catholic Church: Philip Biiti - in 1645, Nicholas from Flu - in 1649, John Capran - in 1650 and Bernardine Tomitano de Feltre - in 1654

The efforts of I. were carried out on the improvement of Rome: Rome was reconstructed. c. sv. Agnessee (S. Agnetis in Agonia) on Piazza Navona, as well as the entire ensemble of this area, where the Pamphil's Palace was located. In 1648-1651. Archite J. L. Bernini arranged on Piazza Navona one of the most famous fountains in Rome - "Fountain 4 Rivers", symbolizing the great rivers 4 parts of the world - Gang, Neil, Danube and La fee. Fountain ensemble framed installed in the center of Egypt. Obelisk, brought to Rome with imp. Karakalle (211-217). Works in c. sv. Agnes was engaged in Archite. F. Borrombini. Church of St. Agnes was a titular church of the Card. Bachcho Aldobrandini, however, 5 Oct. 1654 I. I deprived this church of the status of titular (this was done in order to approve the patronage of the Pamphil family over Rome. C. Sv. Agnessee on Piazza Navona). Bells in renovated c. sv. Agnessee on Piazza Navona brought from the former. cathedral Castro.

When I. in the Cathedral of St. Peter was laid out marble floors of the oils, after cladding the marble Arch of the main NEFA Basilica posted images of the first Roman bishops; The embossed image of the dad sv. Lev I Great (created in 1646-1653, sculptor A. Algardi). I. ordered to establish a sculptural image of the 12 apostles in the niche of the main neopa of Lateran Basilica; Borrombini reconstructed the facade of the temple.

I. Buried in Kripte Cathedral of St. Peter. In 1677, reburied in Rome. c. sv. Agnessee on Piazza Navona. Studies of the nephew Card. K. Pamphilies were launched there, and the tomb of Giovanni Batty Pamphyl's nephew was completed.

LIT.: CIAMPI I. INNOCENZO X PAMFILI E LA SUA CORTE: STORIA DI ROMA DAL 1644 AL 1655. R., 1878; Montor A., \u200b\u200bDE. The Lives and Times of the Popes. N. Y., 1911. Vol. 4. P. 50-71; Coville H. Étude Sur Mazarin et Ses Démêlés Avec Le Papa Innocent X. P., 1914; An. Pont. Cath. 1916. P. 99-108; Seppelt. Geschichte. 1957. BD. 4. S. 302-324, 529-532; La Première Bulle Contre Jansénius: Sources Relatives à Son Histoire, 1644-1653 / éd. L. Ceyssens, A. Legrand. Brux., 1961-1962. 2 t.; Boaga E. La Soppressione Innocenziana Dei Piccoli Conventi in Italia. R., 1971; MASTRIANNI F. F. L "INCHIESTA DI INNOCENZO X SUI Conventi Cappuccini Italiani. R., 1985; Innocenzo X Pamphilj: Arte E Potere A Roma Nell" Età Barocca / a Cura Di A. Zucari E S. Macioce. R. ,; Boutry pH. Innocent X // Dictionnaire Historique De La Papauté. P., 1994. P. 892-895; Meleo M. La Collezione Dei "Preziosi" Di Maria Di Savoia: Doni E Dispersione Dell "EREDITà Sabauda Innocenzo X Pamphilj Ad Alessandro VII CHIGI // Ori Nell" Arte: Per Una Storia Del Potere Segreto Delle Gemme. R., 2007. S. 185-193.

A. G. Krysov

Unional policy in Eastern Europe

In Pliste I. with active support for Polish. Cor. Vladislav IV Vases resumed attempts to organize "New Unia" between the Catholics and Orthodox in the Commonwealth and combining them into a single structure with the union. Church. One of these unional plans was the project compiled in 1645 surrounded by Kiev Mith. SVT. Peter (graves). In the preserved 2 anonymous documents from the Faith Propaganda Congregation Archive in Rome ("Compendio del Negotio Dell" Unione de Rutheni Universale "and" Senentia Cuiusdam Nobilis Poloni Grakae Religionis "), the author of which is considered to be the leader of the Ultra. Chernihiv Kasheln's gentry kisel ( Some historians believe that the author of both documents was Peter (grave) - the Great. 1963), the principles were sharply criticized, on the basis of which the Brest Sania was concluded, and the requirements were made to limit the conditions for the recognition of the papal primacy, as well as provide high degree Independence of Routh. Churches in speech compulcient and equal with Lat Catholics. Rite of law.

On March 16, 1645, the project was discussed at a meeting of the Congregation of the Propaganda of Faith, where it was decided to continue negotiations with the Ultra. Party based on the principles outlined in the project. Nevertheless, a number of points have been amended: agreeing to the election of Kiev Metropolitan Bishops, the Congregation insisted on its subsequent approval by the Pope of Roman; Recognition of Ugra. side of all conditions developed on the Ferraro-Florentine Cathedral (1438-1445); The convening of the Council of Justice proposed in the project. and Catholic. Representatives, including secular persons, was supposed to replace the joint synod representatives of the clergy of both churches (Acta Sacrae congregationis ... 1953. Vol. 1. P. 213-214). The assigned papal nunzium in the speech of the compulculated J. Di Torres was ordained to monitor the development of negotiations between Orthodox and Uniaat, without taking the knowledge of Rome K.L. Serious steps (Litterae nuntiorum ... 1961. Vol. 6. P. 223-224, 246-251).

After the death of Mitre. Peter (graves) (1646) New Justice. Kiev Mith. Sylvester (cosos) continued to support proposals aimed at Rome and was going to spend a Cathedral to vigilantly to discuss the prospects for church union. However, in 1648, a Cossack rebellion began in Ukraine. B. Khmelnitsky. In the same year, Polish died. Cor. Vladislav IV and all negotiations between Orthodox and UNITAs were discontinued. Khmelnitsky put the question not about the reconciliation of Orthodox and Uniats, but about the complete liquidation of Unia with Rome (about this, Hetman stated in a letter to the new Polish. Cor. Cor. Jani II Casimir - Document Bogdan Khmelnitsky (1648-1657) / Pop.: I. Krip "Yakvich , I. Butich; Ed.: F. Shevchenko. K., 1961. P. 81). Points on the abolition of ulya were held in the Zborovsky Treaty, which was forced to conclude 8 (18) Aug. 1649 with Cossacks and their ally Crimean Khan (ratified by the Seimas Completely in Jan. 1650). Also, according to this contract, the king promised all the nobles of Orthodology in Kiev, Chernihiv and Brazlav Voivodeship. Faith, and Jesuits were supposed to leave Kiev and Dr. Cities where Rus had. Schools (Macarium. History of the RC. KN. 7. P. 29-30).

Torres not only informed I. About Cossack Unrest in detail and anticatolich. The requirements of Khmelnitsky, but also managed to configure against the abolition of UIU a number of influential speech senators compulculated. He turned to the dad with a request to influence the Royal Government in order to prevent the destruction of Uly. About the same in 2 messages from 5 Jan. 1650 asked I. Uniate. Mer. Anthony (Selyava). Dad, congratulating Yana II Casimir with the conclusion of the world with the Cossacks, urged him to not assert the documents containing concessions, which he had to do in matters of faith (Theiner. 1863. P. 460, N 435), and urged Polsk. King protect Uniate. Church in the Commonwealth. As a result, Polish. The party actually refused to fulfill the articles of the Zborovsky Treaty concerning the abolition of UII. The king and senators referred to the fact that they are not dominated over the union. The church, Kraya fully obeys the Roman dad. Military failures of the Cossacks allowed for a while to relieve the issue of liquidation in the commitory speech, but as a result of the reunification of Ukraine with the Moscow State-Vom, according to the results of Pereyaslav, the Rada 1654 of the Sania was abolished on the Cossacks of the Khmelnitsky territory. Uniate. Church structures were completely eliminated in the Smolensk Territory returned to Rus. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. But in the remaining power of Polish. King UKR. and Belarusian. Regions Uniate. Church structures persisted.

In Pontifitis, I was able to attract part of Orthodox Transcarpathia to Jania. Justice. Mukachevsky Ep. From 1633 to Vasily (Tarasovich) from 1633, negotiations with representatives of the Roman Catholic Church on the possibility of imprisonment of Ulya. This bishop encouraged the complex position of the Mukachevian diocese, after the actual owner of Transcarpathian Russia became Transylvanian KN. Dieur Raccots, adherent of Protestantism. The causes of the conflict of the prince and bishop have become both the spread in Transcarpathia Protestantism and the attraction of the prince on the land owners of the Mukachevian department. In 1642, Rakoki drove the EP. Vasily (Tarasovich) and put at the Department of John (Yusko), a decisive opponent of Ulya with Rome (ruled the diocese in 1643-1645).

In the exile of Vasily (Tarasovich) in 1642 in Vienna in the presence of imp. Ferdinand III, his family and papal nuncia said Catholic confession. faith. The following year, Rakoki, raised the uprising against the emperor, captured former. Mukachevsky bishop captured. In 1645, Vasily (Tarasovich) returned to Orthodoxy and was released from captivity, after which he managed the Mukachevian diocese before the death in 1651, he continued to prepare Ulya, the monks-Vasilian Petrovich and Gabriel Sosvitsky from Galicia helped him.

24 Apr. 1646 in the castle in Ungwar (now Uzhgorod) with the support of the owner of the castle and her brother Eger Catholic. EP. Dierd Yakushić was concluded (see Uzhgorod Ulya), in accordance with the K-Roy Mukachevskaya Routh. The diocese has moved to Greek Catholicism (in 1780 Uniate. Mukachevskaya Department has been transferred to Unwarmar with the preservation of the previous name). With ultimate. The sides of the Ulya concluded 63 priests (with common account The clergymen of the diocese ok. 600 people). EP. Vasily (Tarasovich) did not join the Union, but before his death called on the clerics of the Mukachevian diocese to elect the Petrovich Petrovich's unitage department at the Department. The diocesan cathedral, 370 priests, like uniats and Orthodox, elected Petrovich to the Mukachevian department, took part in K-ROM. However, for the Episcopian Chirotonia, the new bishop headed not to union. or Catholic., And to Orthodox. Transylvania hierarchs. From Rome, confirmation of the Episcopal San and the appointment at the Department of Petrovich received after the death of I. from the new Pope Alexander VII.

East: Theiner A. Vetera Monumenta Poloniae et Lithuaniae Gentiumque Finitimarum Historiam Illustrantia. R., 1863. T. 3. P. 460, N 435; Smurlo E. Le Saint-Siège ET L "Orient Orthodoxe Russe: 1609-1654. Prague, 1928. P. 157-169; Acta Sacrae Congregationis De Propaganda Fide Ecclesiam Ucrainae et Bielarusiae Spectantia / Coll. Ag Welykyj. R., 1953. Vol. 1; Litterae Nuntiorum Apostolicorum Historiam Ucrainae Illustrans: 1550-1850 / ED. AG Welykyj. R., 1961. Vol. 6. P. 223-251.

V. I. Petrushko

"In one of his letters, Van Gogh speaks of the need to subjected to reality to changes that become false more truthful than the literal truth. This is the only possible way for the artist to return the depth of the reality that he is trying to reflect. I believe that the reality in art is something in the root fetched and that it must be recreated. " Francis Bacon, which artist

There was such a "backon society" in England, studied the philosophical heritage of the founder of Empirism Francis Bacon (Bacon, English). And all the time they came with letters about the poor quality of Bacon (Bacon, English). Got shorter. I have been vulnerable to our stupid blues. People are eternal are engaged, and they are reminded to them all the time. In general, they posted an advertisement in the press that the Bacon Society was renamed to the "Association of Memory of Lord Becon". Here they come with a letter: "Instead of changing the names, you would be better followed by the quality of bacon."

I read this story for years forty back. Since then, when it comes to some Bacon - and their whole burst, some philosophers two pieces - or Bacon, I tell her, and it enjoys unchanged and well-deserved success. Well, I could not tell her here. In addition, this Francis Bacon (1561-1626) is some kind of direct ancestor to our Francis Bacon (1909-1992). Bacon was to the place too, I will understand later why.

Or maybe I just pull the time. For I have bad news for you - Francis Bacon * was a very deeply disgusting person. He was an atheist, a player, a drunkard, a drug addict, a homosexual and also loved to change clothes to Babskoy. Nowadays, when they bloomed around and blooming good traditional values, the soul of such a bad and lowered artist, of course, does not accept anyone.

Here the dad was good. Full Wasp, officer, then a former officer, a coneavodchik - supplied horses to the royal army. Strict, of course. When he saw his sixteen-year-old son moved to the Babskoye, and also learned that he ended up the ugly sexual acts with grooms from his stables, he ordered Konya on the same stables to scam the son of Rugs, and then kicked him out of the house, to Uncle, in Berlin - did not fix the son of Roga Cheat. Those. With violence - I say, dad was a family despot - Bacon was familiar from childhood. He was still born and lived for a while in Dublin, where the violence was almost the norm - they fought for independence from the UK.

Plus, he was sick, Bacon. Because of it, yes, because of the frequent movements of education, he really did not get. And in 1927, after Berlin, he found himself in Paris. There, he had two things on the brains: the exhibition of Picasso and the "Andalusian Dog" of Bunuel and Dali. And I decided Bacon to become an artist.

The teacher was his adult uncle - he still served Bacon her lover - Australian artist Roy de Maine. Here is his work.

Roy de Mainer. Workshop Bacone

We are interested in what you can see early work Backon, which remained very little - in the mid-30s. He destroyed them in a massive order due to discontent with them **. Some decorative expressive surrealism, if such existed.

Here is its work of the 30s.


Figures in the garden

Here, too, of course, strongly rejected surrealism. And what will you do - he then was one of the main trends in the avant-gardeism.

Then, as now it became known, the war began, and London was diligently bombed. Bacon served B. civic defense And looked at all, including fascinated human bodies. In 1944, he makes his first famous work.

Three etude figures at the foot of the crucifix

This, of course, no Divine History. In general, despite his atheism, Bacon made several works on the topic of crucifixion, but always it was working about human, about cruelty and suffering. Actually, in such an approach to the topic there was nothing original, so many of the times of Renaissance were interpreted. He turned her non-standard. Christ is there, he completely removed the theme of the Divine. There are only some creatures, apparently correlated with relatives and followers of Christ, who were present at the execution - this follows from the name. In principle, these monsters are just a certain live flesh, which of all its many functions remained two - wildly suffering and terribly about this suffering to scream. Everything else is insignificant, therefore, the senses responsible for other carnal manifestations are almost no. Well, the ear is still sticking out, it works on the input, i.e. Again on suffering.

Of course, this work makes you remember the "gernik" Picasso - with his expression, the anima of suffering - remember, there is a screaming, not a mooring, it is a screaming horse, and the degree of symbolic generalization. Dali also makes you remember, first of all, of course, "Premonition of the Civil War" - again expression and terrible manipulations with the body.

If we generalize strongly, then we can say that the main theme Beckon was the existence of flesh in the world, her suffering, defenselessness, loneliness, limb, variability, pleasure, its extreme experience, her beauty in any, even in a disjointed and ugly state, because she is still living ***.

Paralyzed child walking on all fours

Bacon as Alkan, addict and gay, much sharperly worried about the adventures of his body, rather than decent citizens. Hobbies, he had more and more obscene and condemned, even criminal ****. He knew well that the Spirit lives in the body, and not by himself, and from his, body, the state dependent on his spirit, ups and downs. Actually, we also know a little about it. Well, bueged everything. And the next day everyone lived. And more than philosophers are people when they have a tooth hurts, too much. Again, the war was for bacone a rich source of knowledge about the life and death of the flesh.

Triptych on the topic "Orestei" Eschil

Here, here, according to a standard art historical habit, I'm trying to introduce the work of the backon in the context of the art of the twentieth century, to bind it to something, and it is not easy. It hurts some kind of quite a separate character. Here they write that he has a relation to surrealism. So after all, very remote, at the reception level. Bacon just highly threw pieces human body***** And placed them in a strange environment, but he did not describe other mental reality and did not call everything and go to them as a kingdom of freedom.

Figures in motion

**** Homosexuality in the UK has ceased to be criminal only in the mid-60s.

***** Bacon, as you know, worked not from nature, but by photographs. So it was easier for him. This, of course, no photorealism He did not replace the reality of its photo shown. Just with a photographed object, it is easier to work easier - it does not move, you do not need to communicate with him, etc. He wrote himself with his photos. So, Bacon these photos - gloss, reproductions, medical, sports and reportage pictures, porn, etc. - folded so that part of the image disappeared into the folds. And then it redrawing it.

****** MOST expensive work Art, ever sold at auction. 142.4 million dollars, last year.

Diego Velasquez.Thrette Pope Innokentia X.1650. Gallery Doria Pamfili, Rome.

This work of Velasquez is considered one of the vertices. portrait painting. The masterpiece portrait of Innokentia X was announced immediately after its completion.

In 1650, on behalf of the king, Diego Velasquez went to Rome to buy paintings and statues for the future picturesque and sculptural academy in Madrid. In Rome, the artist first honed the father of Innokenti X, which was known for his sales and traffic. Dad ordered Velasquez his portrait.

Innocent X dressed in papal thiara at the age of 72, in these old years he was under an unlimited influence of the widow of his brother Maldakini, which in Rome for his eyes was called Pabesta. The main task Innocent X, I considered the mining of money with all sorts of means.

The extortion and sales of Roman curia have achieved extremely degree. The vast income of the Vatican and Innocent X, in particular, brought the "greatest world anniversary" for 1650, to which Dad invited the whole world with a special bull, promising his vacation of sins.

At the time of his portrait of Pope Innocent X (1574-1655) was already in seventy, but he looked much younger than his years. Velasquez perfectly managed to express the hard character of the dad. According to evidence of contemporaries, cruelty and suspicion perfectly got along with this person with acute mind, wonderful education and unbeatable will. The picture is unusually characteristic of Vostecz's virtuoso manner - this is especially manifested in how it creates a dazzling range of red tones.

In the portrait, the coarse, ugly facial features of the Pope, are played by crimson glare on the face. Different with red paints stands out white color Sutani, collar, cuff. In the left hand of Innocent X, he holds a letter with the inscription: "Inno-referee X Diego de Silva Velasquez, the court painter of His Majesty, Catholic king"

Having written the portrait of the Pope Innokenty X, Velasquez created an extraordinarily bold frankness image. When Innocent X saw his portrait, he looked at him for a long time, and then said only two words: "Troppo Vero!" That later became classic - "too truthful! ". What was in these words? Begging and regret? Or admirable artist's skill who managed to see the invisible and understand the intimate?

The next day, when the portrait was brought to dad as a gift, Velasquez received an unusually generous award - a massive golden breast chain with a miniature portrait of Innocent X in a medallion, mowed by gems. This portrait of the dad became the most famous picture Velasquez outside of Spain, in Rome, a portrait endlessly copied Italian and foreign masters of painting.

The Hermitage stored an etude to the canvas. Now is it in the Wellington Museum, London.

Art is famous for beauty, but also the deformity in it is enough, even in the works of the most famous artists. Not to mention blood, guts and existential horror. So, we present you 13 terrible paintings!

1. "Figure with meat", Francis Bacon (1954). The picture is an allusion on the portrait of Pope Innocent X of the authorship of Diego Velasquez.

2. "Several small tweezers", Frida Calo (1935). This picture is based on newspaper news on how a man killed his girlfriend, hitting her with a knife 20 times. When he was interrogated, he said: "I just pinned her a little!"

3. "Face of war", Salvador Dali (1940). This is the worst surreal work of Dali, written immediately after the end of the Spanish Civil War.

4. "Saturn, devouring his son", Francisco Goya (1819-1823). Based on greek myif About Krone, who eats their children, so that they do not overthrow him (one of them survived and did this exactly - well, you know Zeus). This is one of the canvases that Goya wrote directly on the walls of his house.

5. "A child with a toy grenade", Diana Arbus (1962). Many of the works Arbus frighten, but this is especially scary. Diana walked around the child, Colin Wood, and filmed him at the moment when he was tired of it. "Make a photo!" He shouted.

6. "Judith and Oolfern", Caravaggio (1598-1599). Many artists painted this scene, but it seems to us that picture of Caravaggio - the most terrible.

7. Gustav Klimt (1901). Pay attention to Typhon, the most terrible monster in greek mythology, I. manoiding creatures: They embody the disease, madness, death (left), licensing, creature and excessiveness (right).

8. "Thousand Years", Demien Hurst (1990). Whatever you think about Kherst, he, firstly, is known, and secondly, terrifying, because it is in the list. This is a picture of O. life cycles: Flies lay eggs in a cut cow's head, eggs turn into larvae and die from the fly swatter.

9. "Lovers", Rene Magritt (1928). You and the boyfriend changed to Halloween and decided that if you did not see anyone, no one sees you either.

10. "Untitled # 140", Cindy Sherman (1985). Almost all of her works are terrible, but this is probably the most terrible.

11. Egg, Alfred Cuban (1901-1902). Symbolist Cuban was obsessed female body As a body at the same time, victims and aggressor and often painted death and pregnancy together.

12. "Suicide", Andy Warhol (1964). In the early 60s, Warhol became interested in all sorts of horrors. This is a job from the "Death and Catastroph" series.

13. "Three Etudes to Figures at the foot of the Crucifixion", Francis Bacon (1944). Sorry, again Bacon. From this picture becomes not in itself. Bacon was obsessed with religious motifs and iconography and planned to portray the scene of the entire crucifixion. This triptych is his first mature work.

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