The history of writing a picture of a cry. Existential horror Pictures "Creek" Edward Mukka

The history of writing a picture of a cry. Existential horror paintings
The history of writing a picture of a cry. Existential horror Pictures "Creek" Edward Mukka

"Creek" is a group of paintings made in the genre of expressionism by the Norwegian artist Edward Munk, depicting the desperation of the figure on the background of a bloody-red sky. Landscape on the background - Oslo Fjord View from Eger Hill, in Oslo, Norway.

Munk created four versions of the "Creek", each of which was made by different techniques. The museum of Minka presents one of two options made by oil.

Solded at the Sotheby auction "S in New York" Creek "painted pastel. Previously, she belonged to the son of a billionaire Thomas Olsen and never demonstrated by the general public. At the same time, this version of the" scream "is one of the most recognizable in the history of works of art, on Roven With "sunflowers" Van Gogh or Black Square Malevich.

Munk himself sold Olsen this picture at the end of the 19th century, the Norwegian shippowder who lived next door was a friend and patron of the artist. It is reported that the picture is still placed in a simple frame, which Edward Munch itself created for her.

At the auction, it was sold in 12 minutes and installed an absolute record in terms of the cost of ever previously sold works of art - 19.1 million dollars. Over the past decade, the barrier of $ 100 million managed to take only three works of art - the two pictures of Picasso and one sculpture of Alberto Dzhacometti. "Creek" broke the record set by Pablo Picasso Picasso Pictures, Green Leaves and Bust, which was sold in 2010 for $ 106.5 million.

Munk himself explained how the idea of \u200b\u200bthis painting was born. "I went on the way with friends. Sucking the sun. The sky has become bloody-red. I was covered by longing. I stood deadly tired on the background of dark blue. The fjord and city hung in fiery flame languages. I have fallen behind friends. A trembling from fear, I heard a cry of nature, "engraved on the frame of the muddy sold out of the lot.

The reddish sky may have been caused by the eruption of Krakataau volcano in 1883. Volcanic ashes painted the sky into a reddish color in the eastern United States, Europe and Asia from November 1883 to February 1884.

The figure in the foreground probably depicts the artist itself, not screaming, but on the contrary, protecting himself from the scream of nature. In this sense, the posture in which he depicts himself can be a reflex reaction of a person who is trying to escape from strong noise, real or fictional.

"Creek" appeals to the collective, unconscious. What nationality would you have, convictions or age, you at least once probably experienced the same existential feeling of horror, especially in the age of violence and self-destruction, when everyone fights for survival, "said David Norman, the co-chairman of the Board of Directors of Sotheby s.

He believes that the mock canvas became a prophetic work, which predicted the 20th century with his two world wars, Holocaust, environmental catastrophes and nuclear weapons.

Three other versions of "scream" have repeatedly abducted from museums, but they invariably returned to the owners.

There is an opinion that the pictures are damned. Mystic, according to art historian and Munka Specialist Alexander Prufnik, is confirmed by real stories. Dozens of people, one way or another came into contact with the cloth, quarreled with loved ones, fell into severe depression or suddenly died. All this created a picture of the unkind glory, and visitors to the museum in Oslo looked at her.

Once the museum employee inadvertently dropped the canvas. After some time, the terrible headaches began, the seizures became stronger and in the end he committed suicide.

There is also a version that this picture is partially the fruit of the artist's mental disorder. There is information that Munch suffered to manic-depressed psychosis, as the death of his sister survived in early childhood.

"Munch reproduced the" cry "tirelessly, as if trying to get rid of him in this way, - until the course of treatment was passed in the clinic. With a victory over psychosis, he lost the ability (or need) to do this, "the site" Encyclopedia of Art "said.

"Disease, madness and death are black angels who stood on guard of my cradle and accompanied me all his life," wrote a muc on himself.


People stand on the bridge under the crimson sky. The landscape is guessed by the appearance of Fjord from the Eger Hill in Oslo (which was called Christianity during the mulca).

The essence of the central image remains a mystery. The artist did not strive for drawing these figures. Munk writes sound itself, condition. Look at how the lines are agreed with which the landscape and screaming are written. They are like in resonance. A person hears a cry of nature and reacts to him, and nature cannot but respond to a person. In fact, this is the idea of \u200b\u200buniversal unity.

In nature, you will not find any perfect straight line. And Munk writes the surrounding exactly in the form in which it was created. "I do not draw what I see, but what I saw," he said.

There are 40 copies of the "Creek" Mink

The artist himself wrote on the basis of the "scream", the artist himself wrote in his diary: "I walked along a path with two friends - the sun sacked - unexpectedly he became bloody-red, I suspended, feeling exhausted, and leaned about the fence - I watched On the blood and the languages \u200b\u200bof the flame over the bluish-black fjord and the city - my friends went further, and I stood, trembling from excitement, feeling an endless cry, piercing nature. "

What did the terrain shown pictured

The image that was born from a mug was the synthesis of what he felt at the time, those sentiments that Vitali in Norway, children's fears, endless depression and loneliness.

It is possible that the grinding color of the sky is not exaggerated. Munch really could see such a color. In 1883, the most powerful eruption of the volcano occurred in Krakataau. A huge number of ashes were thrown into the atmosphere, because of which for several years around the world, especially colorful, fiery sunsets were observed.

It is possible that the cry, which heard Munk, is not a certain idea or hallucination. Next to Eger, the largest slaughterhouse of Oslo and a psychiatric clinic were located. The cries of the scored animals along with the screams of the mentally ill were unbearable.


Total "screams" exists about forty. Four of them are picturesque paintings (they appeared between 1893 and 1910), the rest of the work - graphic (including printed graphics and drawings). The picture was conceived as part of "Fries" - a series of love, life and death.

"Creek" - part of the cycle of pictures of love, life and death

For the first time, Creek was represented by the public at the Berlin exhibition in December 1893. Of course, no one understood anything, the criticism fell on a mug, and even the police had to be invited to the gallery so that the angry people did not suit the pogrom.

Fregment of Frieza

The audience wondered how such a nice young man could write such terrible paintings. However, it was this work that became software for expressionism. She brought piercing loneliness and despair to art. We knowing that the world is waiting in the 20th century, the willy-noilies want to call the muddy man.

Fate artist

The Mukka family was extremely religious. His mother died from tuberculosis when Edward was 5 years old. Later, the older sister Sophie died from the same disease. He himself munk miraculously escaped the same fate.

The Royal School of Design of Christiania Edward did not finish - he was not agreed with the principles of Academism and Naturalism, to change which was impossible. Munch began independent search for means of expressing his ideas. The first scandal did not make himself wait. Critics literally ridiculed the painting "Sick Girl", on which the artist wrote a dying Sophie. The canvas were called miscarriage, lowest. However, Munk and did not try to convey the situation in which his sister died, it was more important for him to transfer his impressions, pain and loss to canvas.

"Madonna" (1894-1895). This picture is called the embodiment of the art of the Mink

In the second half of the 1880s, the artist became a regulatory of the congregations of "Bohemian Christia" - the Commonwealth of philosophers, writers, musicians, artists who existed to the death of his main inspiration manager - Anarchist writer Hans Eger. Under the ringing of the glasses, they discussed politics, social problems, the moral crisis of society, the ideas about sexual behavior and taboo.

Mulk paintings were called miscarriage and degenerative art

In the early 1890s, Munk spent a lot of time in France, where, of course, saw the work of Van Gogh and Gaugugen. And that is the influence that they had, noticeably, including, in the "scream": bright colors (whom Musk had not previously had), images of flowing lines, clearer drawing.

In the workshop Mukka, 1902

In the future, the artist's style is becoming more sharp, sweeping, the subject, the mood is changing, the observer, which was in early works. Gradually, the mukka's art began to get used to the art, the criticism was no longer so categorical, the artist also had secured patrons.

For the past 15 years, the artist almost did not work - because of hemorrhage in the vitreous body of the right eye, he began with vision problems. And when in 1940 Norway was occupied by Nazi Germany, Munk again fell alarming, this time for life and property that the Nazis could confiscate. He died in 1944.

Picture is the brainchild Edward Munka which is one of the most famous works of art in history that attracts a wide audience today. In fact, there are four different original versions of the "Creation". The canvas was created using various artistic media, including oil paints, tempera and pastel. The cry is part of a larger artistic collection, the series that the artist himself calls the "frieze of life."

Out of time, depicted in the picture "Creek" The creature is an ealty man with a pale face, standing next to the fence, with an expansive view in a chaotic environment. What cares him so that he sees in front of him on the side of the picture? A man screams, his mouth is wide open, with pressed hands on the sides to face. You can see that the cry is reflected in the intense - bloody, red, orange, blue and black color scheme background. Two people stand, turned their backs, not far from the screaming figure, with black silhouettes on the very edge of our visual scene. There is a shadow of a small town, almost completely lost in the swirling sky.

The National Gallery in Oslo, Norway owns one of the Creek paintings series.

It is believed that only one version of the "scream" in pastels will be sold at a price of about $ 80 million dollars, which makes it one of the most valuable artworks, from ever sold from auction in history.

Inspiration on writing "Cry"

The man of Norwegian origin, Edward Munch, studied at the Academy in Oslo with the famous Norwegian artist Christian Krog. He created the first version of the "scream" in 1893, when he was about 30 years old, and made the fourth and final version of the "Creek" in 1910. He described himself in a book written in 1900, as an almost somewhat crazy man, like his sister Laura, who was put in a psychiatric hospital during this period of time.

Personally, he discussed emotion pushing on the limit actions. Munch is experiencing a very dark moment in his life at that time.

The painting "Creek" was founded on the real, actual place located on the Eger Hill in Norway, on the way to safety fences. Weak urban landscape convey Oslo and Oslo-Fjord.

At the bottom of the hill, Eger was a crazy house, where Edward Mukka's sister was put on treatment, and there was also a slaughterhouse. Some people describe that in those days you could actually hear the cries of animals that are killed, as well as cries that suffer from mental disorders with psychic. Hospitals. Under these conditions, Edward Munk was most likely inspired by shouts, in combination with his personal inner tragedy and confusion gave rise to an idea to create a "scream". Edward Munk wrote in his diary that his inspiration for the painting came when he walked at sunset with two friends when he began to feel very deeply tired and physically and morally. He stopped to relax, leaning against the railing. He felt anxious and tested a cry, which seemed to go through the whole nature. The rest remains behind an infinite spectrum of interpretations.

The famous picture of Edward Minka "Creek" Today first appeared before the eyes of Londoners. For a long time, the picture of the Norwegian expressionist was in a private collection of County Edward Minka of the entrepreneur Petter Olsen, the father of which was an artist with another, neighbor and the customer. Interestingly, using a different art technique, Munk wrote Four optionspictures called "Creek".

A distinctive feature of the painting "Creek", which is presented in London, is the original frame in which the work is placed. Rama is painted by Edward Munk himself, which confirms the author's inscription, explaining the plot of the paintings: "My friends went on, I stayed behind, trembled from anxiety, I felt a great cry of nature." In Oslo in the "Museum of Edward Minka" there are two more options "Cream" - one of them is made pastel, and the other - butter. The fourth version of the picture is located in the Norwegian National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design. Creek, belonging to Olsen - the first picture in a row, was written in pastel, and differs from three other paintings unusually bright color palette. The picture of Edward Minka "Creek" embodies the isolation of a person, desperate loneliness, the loss of the meaning of life. The stress of the scene gives the dramatic contrast between the lonely figure in the foreground and other people in the distance, which are engaged in themselves.

If you want to have Qualitative Reproduction of Edward Minky Picturesin my collection, then order Creek on canvas. The unique printing technology of reproductions on the canvas transmits original colors, thanks to the use of European quality paints with protection against fading. Canvas, as the basis for the reproduction of the picture of the Mulk "Creek", will give the natural structure of the artistic canvas, and your reproduction will look like a real work of art. All reproductions are drawn up for a special gallery subframe, which finally gives reproduction similarity with the original work of art. Order the reproduction of Edward Mink Mink's painting on canvas, and we guarantee you the best color gear, cotton canvas and wood subframe that use professional art galleries.

Each work of art has its own unique, not similar to any other story, its symbolism and its secrets. And in the new heading "Pic of the Week" StyleInsider will talk about the fate and stories of creating the most famous masterpieces of world painting. And the first will be one of the most mysterious paintings in history - "Creek" of the Norwegian artist Edward Minka.

Year of creation

Picture versions

There are four options for the painting. The Museum of Edward Minka is two paintings. One of them is made by oil, and one more - pastel. In the National Museum of Norway, the most famous version of the painting written by oil is exhibited. Another picture written in Pastel is in private hands and belongs to the American businessman Leon Black.

History of creation

"I walked along the path with two friends - the sun sacked - unexpectedly the sky became bloody-red, I suspended, feeling exhausted, and leaving about the fence - I looked at blood and flame languages \u200b\u200bover a bluish-black fjord and the city - my friends went further, And I stood, trembling excitement, feeling an endless cry, piercing nature, "so Munk describes the moment when he felt the need to express their feelings. After all, the initial name in German, which gave Munk his work was the "Der Schrei der Natur" ("Creek of Nature"). However, "Creek" in the variations known to us did not appear immediately. He was preceded by the "Despair", "Anxiety" and "Melancholy", in which he tried to find the perfect image that would give the feeling of horror, then the emotional tension and the very bloody sunset. We see that the painting of heaven is painted in a brightly scarlet color, which impressed the mug. In this regard, some scientists put forward a version that such a tint of the sky was associated with the eruption of Volcanana Krakataau in 1883. There is also a version that the picture has become partly the fruit of mental disorder, because there are documentary information that the artist really suffered by manico-depressive psychosis caused by a serious shock from the death of sister.

Interesting Facts

- "Creek" kidnapped the intruders several times. So, in 1994, the picture disappeared from the National Gallery, however, after a few months she was returned to his place. And in 2004, Creek and another famous work of the artist "Madonna" were kidnapped by the museum of the Mink. Both paintings were also returned in 2006. Works received several damage and after the restoration were again put up for display in May 2008.

- based on the "scream" Andy Warhol created a series of print-copies in several colors.

- It is on the basis of the painting that the famous mask from the film "Creek" was created

- Creek, among other works, Mukhka was recognized as a model of degenerative art in Nazi Germany and was banned. Saving a cloth from destruction and bought out a Norwegian businessman Olsen in Germany.

- At the time of sale with auction in 2012, the Pastel's version of the picture, which belonged to the billionaire Peter Olsen, became the most expensive work of art put in open auction. The work was sold within 12 minutes in the amount of more than 119 million dollars.

- Many consider the picture of the damned, as people who somehow come into contact with this web, often outlined, quarreled with their relatives, fell into depression and suddenly died that they were partly confirmed by real stories.