New Star Instagram: "Pregnant Dad" talks about his life. Full position: On the channel "Yu" starts the show "Pregnant dad who won the show pregnant

New Star Instagram:
New Star Instagram: "Pregnant Dad" talks about his life. Full position: On the channel "Yu" starts the show "Pregnant dad who won the show pregnant

"Pregnant dad". A man admits that in real life he always has to deal with surprised people. People in bewilderment - how could a man get pregnant?

"Pregnant Dad" conquers a network

"Pregnant man" says that being a white raven is not easy. Some consider its position abnormal, the other belong to it with understanding and even inferior in the subway. The guy does not just publish a photo with a big tummy, which is not at all like a beer, he also talks about his life, advises, where it is easier for pregnant to shop and share the impressions of what happens to him.

Recently, a man learned the floor of his child - he will have a boy who is plans to be called Ivan's future. Now the brave pregnant on the 9 month and he is looking forward to meetings with the baby.

Apparently, someone chose a great approach to find out how in fact a pregnant woman lives. It is not yet known what purpose this handsome pursues, but soon we will definitely find out.

In addition to ordinary photos, in Instagram. The new star is and very original compositions. For example, a "pregnant man" decided to spark out the interesting position of popular stars and imprinted himself in similar images.

Journalist Joinfomedia Lesya Melnik reminds that

Russian Realistic Show, Project of the TV channel "YU".

About the show pregnant dad

Participants of the show are married couples in anticipation of the baby. For 10 weeks, each man in the family can feel all that pregnant women feel. The guys are waiting for an overhead belly with a constantly increasing weight, children's crying at night and a huge number of completely new duties for them, ranging from hand washing and ending with the preparation of a set of clothes in the hospital. Formerly, the negligent dads that are not paying much attention to the state of his wife and the future child will see a lot of nuances accompanying pregnancy.

The task of the show organizers: to make fathers understand that the waiting for the child and childbirth is not the simplest and more pleasant time for their wives.

In the finals of the show "Pregnant Dad", a family who coped with the tests is best obtained by half a million rubles.

About the lead show pregnant dad

The leading reality was a well-known psychologist, coach, the author of trainings - Mark Barton, specializing in solving problems in the relationship between men and women. One of the themes he considers in consultations and trainings is male responsibility during the pregnancy of a woman.

On the show he also gives participants psychological advice.

Mark Barton: "Are you a guarantor of maternity security? Or for you the birth of a child and the whole process before and after childbirth exclusively female prerogative? Or maybe you at all shook the child and escaped from my woman and your "male" began to tell you: "Go, complain about your negligent Baba, who did not understand so thin creative nature, and I had to escape." Or are you of those who, having learned about pregnancy, pushing your woman to abortion? Do you find a thousand reasons justifying the murder of a not born baby? Defaulter alimony? Gigolo? Whoever you are, remember - Looking with a woman in bed, you are responsible for everything that will happen to her after that. In this indicator of masculinity. Courage, in the happiness of your female and children. "

For the first time on Russian television, the channel "Yu" presents his own show about pregnant men under the name "Pregnant Dad".

The winners of the show will receive the main prize - a strong family and half a million rubles

For some families, the period of pregnancy is the beginning of a new happy life, for others - a catastrophe and a serious test, especially if the future dad behaves unreasonable and not ready for a new status. The main task of the new project "Pregnant Dad" is to re-educate the negligent fathers, prepare them for the birth of a child and create a loving family.

For the first time in reality, pregnant couples will take part, which will settle in the same house. For ten weeks, men will need to perform various tasks. They are waiting for sleepless nights, children's crying, wearing an overhead pregnancy belly and new men's duties whom they skillfully avoided all their lives. The main thing is that men will have to understand that a pregnant woman feels. Certain a project and family psychologist will help them. Mark Barton. Not everyone will reach the final. Realities will leave those pairs in which men have attached the least forces to correct their flaws. And the winners will receive the main prize - a strong family and half a million rubles.

Mark Barton - Crisis Family Consultant, Personal Psychologist of Well-known Show Business Workers, Author of Training on Psychology of Men and Women Relations. Helped to bring not one married couple from heavy life situations. Online channel "Yu" The psychologist gives free online advice and answers questions about family relationships.

Watch a new reality on re-education of non-refined fathers starts on the channel " YU"Today, October 13, at 20:30. BUT bonents " Tricolor TV.»Can watch" Yu "and other TV channels online .

The show "Pregnant Dad" liked many spectators (and spectators I think even more), dads on your skin had to learn all the gravity and "charms" of pregnancy.

Watching the transformation from irresponsible guys in good dads was very entertaining.

And the victory won Maxim, and if at first the guy caused little sympathy, he seemed to be too reasoned to many spectators, then at the end of the Maxim project it was not to know how much he changed for the better.

Thanks to the show "Pregnant Dad", TV channel "YU"Who is not all viewers among the most beloved - received a large number of new permanent spectators.

If before this exciting show, the phrase "pregnant dad" could only cause a smile, now it is firmly associated with the channel "Yu" and the participants of this show.

The winner who received the winnings unexpectedly turned out to be Maxim (Svetlana's wife), unexpectedly as the audience and quite large part, predicted to Andrei victory.

However, overcoming many obstacles, demonstrating the will to victory, having survived all transformation during the show, disagreeing natural shyness, Maxim became the winner.

As previously it was possible, Maxim won will fully spend on a child, participation in the show did not leave him a choice, he is morally ready to be the best dad in the world. (The dove sits on the shoulder at the winner)

The one who won / won the pregnant dad where will spend the win? What is the name of the winner?

This have not happened before. The "Pregnant Dad" show turns ordinary and not even very responsible and serious young people in the ideal and sample of a real dad. See for yourself, the winner of this show Maxim, although he lived in the light of thirty four years, and still did not impress an adult person. And at the end of the show he has changed so much that, I think, not one girl envied Svetlana.

In addition, he received moral satisfaction from victory, Maxim, in addition, was rewarded materially. Without a doubt, he knows where to spend money. As he himself said, funds will go to the child, on its development.

Andrei and Maxim reached the final. Although few people believed in the successful performance of Maxim. It hurts it was some kind of reasonable. But something suddenly in the behavior of Maxim changed and it was not to know by the end. As a result, Maxim and won the wonderful realistic show on the television channel "Yu". He went to this victory with perseverance, worthy of imitation and deservedly won. And wins as the strongest.

It is worth noting that Maxim 34 (thirty four) of the year, and its Svetlana 32 (thirty two) of the year.

According to the Maxim itself, earned in a honest match, he will spend on a bareborn child.

Maxim is right.

The winner in the TV show "Pregnant Dad" was Maxim, thin quiet and modest. Maxim proved that he is ready to change for his future child. He demonstrated change for the better throughout the project. Maxim sought not just to win in contests, he did it with minimal damage for the "child" (the child was often the dolls). Well done, I was sick for him. He has everything ahead.

Interview Winner Show Pregnant dad has not yet given, but at the beginning of the project (here you can see all the series of show) Maxim spoke that if he became the winner, then he would spend money, of course, to the development of the child. And what's the point he invests in these words - only him knows.

Reality show - The program for young ladies and those women who are still preparing for motherhood, carry their child. The essence of the program is quite simple: leading and invited guests will give useful advice to the audience, which will help young mothers. The show completely dispels the myth about the fact that motherhood is just responsibilities, because of which women have to give up their lives for the benefit of a beloved child.

Even after viewing the first issue, you understand that there is nothing terrible in Maternity, if it takes it right. Show Pregnant Watch online It is quite interesting, since the viewer does not just find out some kind of encyclopedic information - the most real mothers come to visit, many of which are the stars of teleex. That is, the program clearly shows how women raise their children, while they do not refuse their own life, but feel quite happy and joyful.

At the moment, the second season has been released. The directions decided not to delay the release of the continuation, since the ratings at the first season were high enough.

If you are a young mother, or a woman who will soon have to become a young mom in the near future, we strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with such a program. You will be able to personally make sure how happy the representatives of a beautiful sex feel when they appear the opportunity to take their baby in hand. Amazing and kind transmission proving that the child is a real happiness that cannot be measured with anything. And for invited guests you can only rejoice, because they managed to find this happiness, which became incredibly rejoiced and would be happy until the end of their lives. So what is motherhood?