Examples of the design of the title page of a portfolio for elementary school. Bazarov in love and death

Examples of the design of the title page of a portfolio for elementary school. Bazarov in love and death

An excellent essay on the topic: "Test of Bazarov in love", written in the first person and will perfectly demonstrate to middle and high school students, one of the spelling options of this essay... The material is suitable for students in the following grades:

  • Grade 9;
  • Grade 10;
  • Grade 11.

Composition "How bazaars passed the test of love"

There is no doubt that Bazarov fell in love with Odintsov. She was smart and beautiful woman experienced and not like the rest. Bazarov liked Odintsov immediately. From the very first moment she amazed him with the wealth of her body. He says that he only wants another intrigue, hides behind cynicism, but despite this he does not behave as usual, which even Arkady sees.
Bazarov suddenly notices "romanticism" in himself. But he does not want this, he does not recognize love as a feeling and as something necessary. But he met a woman equal to himself, a woman whom he respected and from whom he cannot turn away the way he can turn away from anyone else, realizing that there is no chance of reciprocity. Odintsova, he says: "this is what you have achieved." He is not even able to confess his love to her, looking in the face, but stands with his back to her.

It is easy for him to talk about love, denying it, until he himself comes face to face with it. And then he cowards, runs away from her. And what had to be done to withstand this test? Marry Odintsova? How to change and turn into jackdaws? May be.

He doesn't stand the test of love. Yes, he goes to her again, with the hope that she will reciprocate. But he himself does not acknowledge his hope. He forgot to think over a plan of action and understand what to do and what to change in himself. When Bazarov meets Madame Odintsova again, he no longer shows his love, says that this feeling is put on. Turgenev writes: “Was there truth, complete truth, in their (precisely“ them ”, not“ his ”) words? They themselves did not know this, and the author even more so. " From these words it becomes clear that there was no truth, and they loved each other. Why then broke up?

Dying Bazarov wants to see Madame Odintsov. A diligently hidden "romanticism" suddenly appears in him and he speaks absolutely sincerely, loving Odintsov, and one might even say that he passes this test, but it is already too late. "Goodbye ..." - he said with sudden force, and his eyes flashed with the last sparkle.

Each person is guided not only by what the mind tells him, but also by what the heart tells him. Some believe more in feelings, others in reason. A striking example the second type of people is (it is better not to use this official business verb in the essay) the hero of Ivan Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" Yevgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov.
Bazarov is a representative of the democratic part of Russian society in the 60s of the 19th century. At this time in Russia, the contradictions between the revolutionary-minded democrats and the nobles were aggravated. The task of I.S.Turgenev is to recreate the images of both in the most truthful and natural way. the main problem the novel is definitely a conflict of two generations. Specific traits the new generation are embodied in the image of Bazarov. The hero's views have already taken shape, and he acts in accordance with his principles, playing the main role in his life. Bazarov is a nihilist, that is, a person who "does not bow before any authorities, who does not take a single principle on faith." Indeed, the hero is always true to himself and has his own point of view on each issue, including on the issue of love (an unfortunate combination, it is better to write - “including about love”).
This feeling is usually little controlled by the mind, yet Bazarov is firmly convinced that love can only be viewed from the point of view of simple physiology: there is no "mysterious relationship between a man and a woman", there are no "mysterious views" based on anatomy human eye(grammatical error: a gaze cannot exist on the basis of something). He does not believe in love, denies it, considers it "romanticism, nonsense, gil and art." The hero believes that a woman should be treated simply: if you can achieve a sense, do not retreat, if not, then leave everything as it is. At the same time, Bazarov is a "hunter for women", which is confirmed by his relationship with Fenechka. It's just an easy flirtation, nothing meaningful infatuation, a fleeting love affair. The hero is always ready for such entertainments, they amuse him, but they never touch the soul. This suits Evgeny Vasilyevich quite well.
By the way, Bazarov treats women very cynically (a factual mistake, apparently connected with an inaccurate understanding of the meaning of the word "cynical"), which sometimes even offends or puzzles those around him, but this does not bother the hero very much. Why is Bazarov so dismissive, categorical and always looks down at women? Perhaps he was dealing with completely undeveloped, far from graceful women (speech error: the grace of a woman refers to her appearance and has nothing to do with its development), and therefore unable to greatly interest him.
What test does fate put the hero to? On the path of a free-thinking nihilist, a woman appears with a flexible mind and a strong character. Anna Sergeevna Odintsova received many lessons from life, learned the severity of word of mouth, and yet managed to get out of the duel with society with dignity and lead a calm existence that completely satisfied her.
In my opinion, from the very beginning, these people were incompatible. Two such strong, extraordinary personalities would always try to get the best of each other. And yet, at first, the senses overcame the mind.
Bazarov has changed. He began to get nervous in the presence of Anna Sergeevna: long fingers on the sideburns, and his eyes darted in the corners. " The hero began to talk less with Arkady, and in general he began to experience a feeling of "novelty", the cause of which was a feeling that tormented and infuriated the hero. However, he didn’t want to admit that he was in love. And could he, given his principles?
And yet, in the beginning, the heart spoke louder than theory. Preaching the principle of turning away from a woman, if it becomes obvious that you will not achieve "good sense" with her, Bazarov could not turn his back on Madame Madame Odintsova. Not recognizing anything romantic, Eugene discovered the romantic in himself and caught himself on "shameful" thoughts. The nihilistic theory was overthrown, it slowly began to crack and eventually shattered into pieces that could not be assembled (stylistic mistake: false prettiness associated with an unsuccessful, unmotivated metaphor). Until recently, Bazarov chuckled at (a grammatical error: you can mock someone) Pavel Petrovich, who devoted his whole life to tragic and unrequited love, and now the hour is uneven (speech error: the phrase means “what if”, “you never know what could happen” and does not fit in the meaning in this context) all the emotions and feelings (speech error: emotions and feelings are the same) of the hero, which have been tearing him apart for so long, spill out: “So know that I love you, stupid, crazy ... what have you achieved. "
What did the collapse of principles lead to? Fortunately? To a change in outlook? No! After all, Odintsova did not really love Bazarov. Yes, she thought about him, his appearance immediately revived her, she willingly talked to him. Moreover, Anna Sergeevna did not want him to leave, to some extent missed him. And yet it was not love.
Seeing the state of Bazarov after his declaration of love, she felt “both scared and sorry for him” (grammatical error: the adverbial turnover should refer to the same character as the predicate, and character cannot be in this impersonal sentence). And finally, at the very end of the novel, the heroine admits to herself that she would not have felt the same when she saw the sick Evgeny Vasilyevich, if she really loved him. But the death of Bazarov, too, may be associated with a failed love.
I sincerely feel sorry for Bazarov, but, on the other hand, I respect Odintsova for her sincerity and strength of character, because I believe that if she was capable of love, then only such a strong and smart person like Bazarov. But it probably wouldn't make her happy. Realizing this in time, she saved herself from unnecessary suffering. (The author deviates from the topic.) But Bazarov could not realize this (it is not clear - what?), Could not see that because of his feeling, which was much more serious and deeper than Odintsova's, he would sooner or later become dependent on a woman and should have given up everything that he believes in. But this, probably, he could not stand.
Thus, Bazarov's theory has been refuted. Love exists, it can make a person suffer, you can devote your life to it. Probably, Bazarov lived too long, not deviating a step from his principles, and one day he had to be disappointed in some of them. But the disappointment was too cruel.
Disappointment in love - common in Russian classical literature motive. It was tested by Chatsky and Onegin, Pechorin and Andrei Bolkonsky. But none of them had to fight not only with circumstances, but also with themselves, and in this struggle the strength of the personality of the hero Turgenev appears all the more clearly.

Basically, the topic of the essay is disclosed. It would be worthwhile to write in more detail about the relationship of the heroes. Speech errors and content flaws are few. The rating is "good".

Topic: Love is Bazarov's main test

Purpose: to reveal the essence of the relationship of the heroes, to understand what the author wanted to say, experiencing the main

the hero's love for a woman;

continue to develop skills to analyze artistic text;

form a system moral values(respect, love, sympathy.

During the classes

1. Organizing time

2. The teacher's word

“I've already been spinning in a stranger for too long.

for me a sphere. Flying fish for a while

can hold out in the air, but should soon

flop into the water; let me flop too

into my element "

I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", Ch.26

The relationship between E. Bazarov and A. Odintsova is one of the lines of the general conflict. What is the purpose of this conversation? To reveal in the collision of Bazarov with the cold lady Odintsova the alien nature of their characters, deep internal differences, which led to the unfortunate denouement. It is necessary to find out what kind of relationship has developed between Bazarov and Madame Odintsova and why. How did Bazarov stand the "test of love"? In any Turgenev novel, the main character is led through love for a woman, through the most personal of all human feelings... Turgenev did this not only for the completeness and versatility of the image. In his novels, love is one of the main points in revealing the character of the hero. The indivisible unity of personal and social themes forms the basis of Turgenev's novel. In the novel "Fathers and Sons," the love story runs through the entire novel, and occupies only one of the stages in the development of the action. We have already met with Bazarov's statements about love.

How does he approach this feeling? Read (Ch. 7)

(Bazarov has a vulgar, simplified approach to love. Criticizing Pavel Petrovich, Bazarov correctly says that you cannot put your life only on the card of female love, and even more so you cannot become limp from failure and turn into an incapable person. But this is still theoretical reasoning.)

3. Work on the text of the novel

What are your first impressions of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova?

(As a result, the resulting chain of Anna Sergeevna's characteristics - calm, politely sympathetic, condescending, cold, strict - naturally leads the reader to the idea of ​​her possible indifference to everything that happens around her.)

What feelings do Bazarov and Arkady feel when they are next to Odintsova?

(Arkady is imbued with frank "happiness to be in her closeness, to talk to her, looking into her eyes, into her beautiful forehead, into all her sweet, important and intelligent face." "Graceful lilac", like a young page next to his mistress.

As for Bazarov, his frank cynicism towards Madame Odintsova does not look like anything unexpected for a natural scientist ("What kind of figure is this? Doesn't look like other women"; "... cold? This is the very taste. Do you like ice cream? ») However, finding himself next to Madame Odintsov, Bazarov suddenly begins to feel embarrassed.)

Does Bazarov remain in Nikolskoye the same as before arriving there?

(In Nikolskoye, the hero continues to mock, but already in relation to himself: he - “the future healer, and the doctor’s son, and the deacon’s grandson” - is invited to visit the “duchess”! However, Bazarov is not far from the truth regarding his own persona assessment.)

Tell about A. Odintsova

Tell the story of Bazarov's love for Odintsova.

(From the very beginning, there is little in common between Bazarov and Odintsova: she is a "duchess", he is a "doctor"; she is cold and serene, he, as the love story for this woman will show, is not indifferent and passionate.

Ultimately, Bazarov will be right not only that this woman “froze herself,” but that she is undoubtedly a “queen”.)

Why did Odintsova decide "not to joke with this"?

(The basis of her life is calmness. Bazarov's intrusion into her life would mean the end of this calmness).

Could Madame Odintsova go with Bazarov into his "bitter, tart free life"?

(Bazarov is a nihilist, was a man of a world alien to her. Politically, he was a man who did not believe in the foundations of life that seemed to her to be legal. social status Bazarov comes from the bottom. In material terms, he is a poor man, a future healer. She was not afraid of the harsh expression of Bazarovsky's feelings. Even if she fell in love with him, she would not have followed him into his "bitter life.")

What was the new visit to Odintsova's estate for Bazarov? After all, there was a principle that determines the meaning of his life?

(He violated this principle: he knew that he would not get "sense" from Madame Odintsova, but he went to her again anyway; he loved her very much, therefore, perhaps, he flattered himself with the hope that he could be deceived in her coldness ... suddenly she would be better and will love him too ...).

Then we can say that he subjected his entire worldview to a cruel test: after all, is it worth "breaking" this one principle, then what is the price of the rest? It was not easy for Bazarov to decide on a third visit to Odintsova's estate.

What happened during this meeting?

(Now Bazarov did not stay with Madame Odintsova for long. But he would have been glad to have lived here longer, and then he went. He realized that Madame Odintsova would not change her attitude towards him.)

Why do you think Anna Sergeevna came to the dying Bazarov?

(Odintsova came to him, dying of cholera, just as royalty visit cholera barracks and hospitals from the highest generosity. Madame Odintsova’s behavior, welcoming her appearance with the phrase: “this is royally”.)

4. Lesson summary

How has Bazarov changed during this time?

(It is hard for him in this conflict. He is defeated by his position in it, but how strong and deeper in heart he looks in this story. Bazarov denied romance, but it appeared in him and adorned him.)

The test of love becomes a milestone for the hero. Only love reveals in him a deep, unusually powerful person in emotional experience, self-burning in his feeling and at the same time becoming even stronger. How much suffering Bazarov experiences at his last visit to Madame Madame Odintsov! Still loving Anna Sergeevna, he at the same time understands that her parting impulse is driven by pity for him! And so he, as it were, rises above his own feeling in order to have the strength to say: “I am a poor man, but I have not yet received alms. Goodbye, sir, and be healthy. "

If it were not for love, which awakened emotional forces in Bazarov, could the reader know how convincing and passionate a nihilist can be at the same time in expressing his attitude to the “fathers”: “Your noble brother cannot go further than noble humility or noble boil, and this is nothing ... You, for example, do not fight - and you already imagine yourself to be fine fellows - but we want to fight. What is it! Our dust will eat your eyes, our dirt will stain you, and you have not grown up to be us ... "

In loving Bazarov, a powerfully feeling soul wakes up, concealing an abyss of passions, and therefore attracting to itself and becoming, as it were, a continuation of the elements of the night, witnessing outside the window during his conversation with Madame Odintsova.

But love not only reveals much in Bazarov. At the same time, she puts him face to face with the world and opens this world for him.

Homework: write an essay - a miniature "Letter from Bazarov to Odintsova"

Seeing Odintsova, Bazarov was embarrassed and shocked by the restrained strength and power of this aristocrat. Odintsova in disputes with Bazarov destroys his one-sided view of people. She constantly leads him to a dead end, he is wounded, depressed, embarrassed. The love that Bazarov denied became clear to him. This love changed Bazarov's life, changed him. A tragic split occurs in his soul, and he begins to struggle with himself. Life makes you experience feelings that undermine his core beliefs. From now on, two people are constantly living and fighting in Bazarov. One of them is a staunch opponent of romantic feelings, that Bazarov, who won psychological victories in disputes with Pavel Petrovich; the other is a romantic and a dreamer. But he, in love with Madame Odintsov, will crush a living feeling with all the forces of his mind.
Evgeny is angry with Odintsova for her indecision in love and for her desire to love; both of these feelings live in his soul at the same time. As a romantic, he wants Madame Odintsov's love; as a nihilist, he despises himself and Odintsov for the cordial connection that has arisen between them. Bazarov, having fallen in love, does not want love and runs away from it. This failure in love led to dire consequences in the fate of Bazarov. It led to a crisis in his one-sided outlook on life. The admission of his wrongness is not to Bazarov's liking; it outrages his learned pride to the depths of his soul. Unable to answer the fatal questions about the drama of love and knowledge, about the meaning of life and the mystery of death, Bazarov wants to drown out in a person the feeling of the tragic seriousness of these questions. But as an extraordinary person, the hero cannot cope with himself: love, poetry and heartfelt imagination live firmly in his soul! Doubting the truth of the old views and not having new ones, Bazarov in his thoughts about life comes to a dead end. Bazarov's weakness lies in his intense desire to get away from them, in his contemptuous assessment of them as romanticism, nonsense and rot.
With the appearance in the novel of Odintsova, one can notice the changes that have occurred with this cold, indifferent to everything a wonderful person... It turns out that Bazarov is still able to love strongly and deeply, is able to appreciate beauty and poetry, even “is aware of the romance in himself”, although, in order not to contradict his convictions in front of those around him, in his conversations with Anna Sergeevna “even more than before expresses his indifferent contempt for everything romantic ”.
It is safe to say that a strong feeling changed Bazarov, but could not shake his basic principles - the hero is not able to “break” himself, “adjust” to the standards of another person. Yevgeny Bazarov's love is tragic: he sees that Odintsova has “frozen” herself, that she values ​​her own calmness and measured order of life too highly in order to connect her fate with such an extraordinary personality like him. The main character too different from others, too uncommon to achieve personal happiness. Quiet family happiness goes to the ordinary - Nikolai Petrovich and Arkady. Lot strong personalities- Bazarov, Pavel Petrovich - loneliness, in my opinion, is exactly what Turgenev brings us to in his novel “Fathers and Sons.” Seeing Odentsova, Bazarov

Love can work miracles, completely change their vision of life. Perhaps this is the most powerful feeling that dominates the mind of a person and is able to make him look at the world in a new way, to perceive events with a special acuteness of sensations as a whirlpool of unthinkable incidents.

Each person in his life sooner or later experiences a feeling of love, and then his life is filled with new impressions and experiences. For some, this period becomes one of the happiest, but it also happens that love leads to disappointment and fatal mistakes. However, in any case, love is always a test of the soul, a test of a person's life convictions.

I think that everyone is given the opportunity to experience this amazing feeling, which is why I was struck by the statements of the main character of the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" that love is only a physiological reaction of the body. But even with such a smart and educated person like Bazarov, love worked a miracle and radically changed his worldview.

Why did Evgeny Bazarov reject love for a long time?

Bazarov is the son of a retired regimental doctor. He comes to stay with his friend Arkady at the estate of his father, landowner Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. Bazarov is studying natural sciences at the university, is going to become a doctor. At the same time, he is a man of new views, a "nihilist", as Arkady introduces him to his uncle Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

Aristocrat Pavel Petrovich, who served in St. Petersburg for a long time and did not lose even in the rural wilderness of the capital's gloss, becomes the main ideological opponent of Bazarov. The disputes between these heroes touch on all the main topics that worried Russian society during that period: attitude to the people, aristocracy, natural sciences, literature, art and such traditional values ​​as love and marriage.

The topic of love is discussed in their disputes repeatedly, and each time Bazarov defines love as nothing more than "rubbish". In his words, we see a contemptuous attitude towards ideal romantic feelings and the acceptance of love only in a physiological sense: "You like a woman, so take her!"

Between the reverent attitude to the love of Pavel Petrovich and the ironically cynical Bazarov, there is a huge gap, which also confirms the words of Bazarov in a conversation about love with his student and imitator, kind-hearted Arkady: on the card of female love, and when this card was killed for him, he became limp and sank to the point that he was not capable of anything, such a person is not a man, not a male. " Perhaps it is in these words of the hero that his complete denial of such a magical and romantic feeling as love is revealed.

However, love is not the only one denied by him. Bazarov, calling spirituality "romanticism" and "nonsense", despises people - its carriers: "A decent chemist is twenty times more important high poet". He laughs at Arkady's father, who plays the cello and reads Pushkin; sneers at Arkady himself, loving nature, over Pavel Petrovich, who threw life at the feet of his beloved woman.

Bazarov denies music, poetry, beauty, love by inertia, not really understanding these concepts. He also demonstrates his complete lack of understanding of romantic feelings between a man and a woman in a conversation with Arkady about Odintsova: “Let's see what category of mammals this person belongs to”; “She has such shoulders as I have not seen for a long time”; “What a figure!”; "She doesn't look like other women." What cynicism, what irony is heard in these judgments! They express the whole impression of the hero about Madame Odintsova, such is she in the representation of Bazarov, but we see her completely different.

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova amazed with the dignity of her posture, smooth movements, cleverly and calmly looking eyes. A soft and affectionate power emanated from her face. Life on her estate was distinguished by luxury, calmness, coldness, lack of interesting people... Regularity and constancy are the main features of the way of life in the estate of Anna Sergeevna.

Does Bazarov remain in Nikolskoye the same as before his arrival? In the house of Odintsova, amazing metamorphoses are taking place with him.

First, Arkady discovers that Bazarov, in conversation with the owner of the estate, is confused, embarrassed, squeezed. This woman was distinguished from all by the independence of her judgments, education, penetration, intelligence and nobility. Even such an opponent of "romantic" beauty. How Bazarov was able to see and appreciate all these qualities in the heroine. We notice his anxiety, concern. He is easily irritated, speaks reluctantly, look t angrily. The hero is trying to overcome a new feeling in himself that begins to emerge in his heart.

Bazarov goes to the forest to cool his mind; obstinately closes his eyes, forcing himself to sleep. What was the reason for the "novelty" in Bazarov's behavior?

The real reason was the feeling that Bazarov had for Madame Odintsova. He suddenly realized that he could not get rid of the thought of this woman, who so attracted him with her beauty, and mind, and dignity. Bazarov, who argued that the anatomy of the eye does not leave room for gentle glances, dreams precisely of gentle glances. Trying to fight with new feelings, he gradually realizes that he cannot pull Odintsov out of his heart.

Thus, Bazarov's theory does not withstand the test of love and is defeated. Having fallen in love, he becomes better, more cordial, more humane. We see that our hero fell in love for the first time in his life in an ideal sense.

And so Turgenev leaves Bazarov and Odintsova alone. What are they talking about? About how Anna Sergeevna lives, about happiness and, finally, about love. Bazarov is very frank with Madame Odintsova, but his inner thoughts we can only trust the person we love. "The irritating freshness of the night, its mysterious whispering" excited the heroes. Bazarov "felt alone with a young and beautiful woman ..." He recognizes her as smart and beautiful, talks to her about love

The hero sees Anna Sergeevna's misfortune in the fact that she cannot fall in love. But he himself is already in love! And here is the culmination of this scene ... We are waiting for the decisive explanation of the hero.

Bazarov suddenly approached Madame Odintsov, squeezed her hand so that she almost screamed, and went out. Two hours later he returned to his room with boots wet with dew, disheveled hair and sullen. No, Evgeny Bazarov did not allow his declaration of love for Madame Odintsova. But, reading these lines, we see how deeply the hero feels and experiences.

The next day, Bazarov could not restrain his emotions: "Know that I love you, stupidly, madly ..." These words of the protagonist express the fullness and sincerity of his feelings. We see his "devouring" gaze, a passion beating in him, similar to malice. This state is quite understandable, because Bazarov saw a new person in himself, capable of love and suffering.

Half an hour later, Anna Sergeevna received a note from Bazarov, consisting of just one line: "Should I leave today - or can I stay until tomorrow?" Eugene entrusts his feeling to this woman. But Anna Sergeevna could not appreciate Bazarov's feeling. She sought his frankness only out of interest. And now, after an explanation with Bazarov, she decides that "calmness is the best in the world."

So, love or peace? The heroine faces such a choice. She did not dare to love Bazarov, an extraordinary person who would hardly have made her life calm.

And what about Bazarov? We see him transformed. The test of love made him more tolerant, more cordial, softer. It is no accident that in the composition of the novel, after the explanation with Madame Odintsova, the hero's "second cycle of wanderings" follows. And in relations with his parents and with Arkady, and with the aristocrats Kirsanovs, he is already different. Gone are the categorical judgments, the complete denial of "romanticism."

This means that love, according to Turgenev, is capable of changing everyone. And the victory of the Man in Bazarov is a great victory love!