Gypsy funeral. Traditions of the burial of the dead in Gypsy

Gypsy funeral. Traditions of the burial of the dead in Gypsy
Gypsy funeral. Traditions of the burial of the dead in Gypsy

They are considered the most interesting in the world. Partly for the reason that the people are nomadic, and their customs associated with death, he has relatively few. Foresting Gypsies (and even more of them becomes more) to borrow the funeral rites in the people permanently residing in this field and generously divide their own - from those that remember.

Of the established funeral traditions, the Gypsy can be called two: reverence of the departed, reaching the deification, followed by the creation of a cult - and disgust to death, in general, perception of it and everything that is associated with the process of dying, "dirty". At first glance, these things look mutually exclusive, but Gypsies combine them quite naturally.

The cult of ancestors relates directly to the body of the deceased. Gypsy funerals are always lush, rich. There are cases where relatives of the deceased specially wink money for years to bury it worthily: in a crypt or a coffin, with the subjects belonging to him, or at least put over the grave, the most expensive tombstone is not just with the engraved dates, but with the portrait of the deceased in All stove. Previously, the things of the deceased were distributed to beggars, but relatively recently it was decided that in this way "unclean items" can again get into the hands of someone from the Gypsy, so all the clothes, etc. Now let down there, underground. And in the process of dying, the patient is trying not to desecrate the bed, nor relatives and loved ones.

The body rarely provide burial immediately after death. Notify and wait for everyone who knew the dead man during his lifetime, to which days go, and sometimes even the week. All these people say goodbye to the dead personally, entering the tent with the body, talking to him, sometimes - treats the charm. According to the beliefs of Russian (Orthodox) Roma, within 40 days after the death of a person, the soul stays next to his body, so he sees everything, hears and, of course, understands. However, Tsygan-Muslims have this custom now if not lost entirely, it is reduced to a minimum.

After a long farewell, it is satisfied, as it should be, the commemoration, which, in turn, continues the day or two. On the third day, close relatives of the deceased declare the end of the aplex ... But this does not mean that everyone can disperse at home. On the contrary, the feast will go as a man still a day, already more similar to the usual Gypsy pirush with songs and dances. Often, it is often chosen by the most luxurious apartment or a house for which the chandelier is not sorry for him, so it is richly furnished, decorated with gold and looks like some theater or palace. By the way, if you are interested in selling hotels in Bulgaria low prices - Go on the link earlier.

Concerning nomadic gypsies, they do the same thing, but, without having the opportunity (often - funds) to bury everyone with proper luxury, often do not buy places in cemeteries, just digging the grave on which they pass - and even somewhere in the field Or in the forest.

Gypsies are the largest ethnic minority in Europe with a predominance of predominantly Indian roots. These folk groups live among the population different countries And divided into six large branches that have their own name.

For this reason, it was not without influence european states on the cultural features Each of them. However, in religion and the customs of Roma still remain common featuresuniting ethnos. This is especially true of the funeral traditions known for their scope, which is why the answer to the question "how to bury the Gypsies of their deceased" for many is acute interest.

Law and culture

Cultural customs of some gypsy tribes often lead to disagreements with laws in the territory where the Tabor wakes or lives. This is due to the strict taboo on damage to the integrity of the body of the deceased, and the roots of such a ban should be sought in magical beliefs.

Russian, Baltic and Scandinavian representatives this ethnos. The opinions are adhered to that a person is not able to gain peace without such internal organs, as a brain and heart, therefore oppose forensic examination.

Such a position is forced to obtain a death certificate for bypassing the law enforcement. If it takes too serious turnover, the Gypsy Baron is engaged in resolving the problem. In this case, if the latter considers disputes with the law of useless, the dead will go to the CME, but with the condition: after inspection internal organs Must be returned to the body of the deceased.

Gypsy customs and traditions

It is the opinion that only three branches of this ethnic group it is customary to arrange a luxurious funeral. However, single cases allow exceptions depending on the traditions formed in a separate talent or community. Of course, only two can be distinguished: the persistent disgust for the death and the construction of a certain cult of the deceased.

Gypsy funerals at the Baltic, Russian and Scandinavian tribes last 2-3 days, at the same time accompanied by "songs and dances". Such unusual customs are explained by Roma beliefs: it is believed that the death of a physical body is becoming free from all worldly problems and seals, moving to best world, deprived of suffering.

At the same time, the dying of the disease never leave one. In nomadic tribes, it moves to a special tent - "Bender", where close to the last remains with it. At the same time, until the very moment of death, the relatives should behave as usual: eat, drink, laugh and even sing.

No Gypsy will never allow themselves to stay in a common tent or home, since he will make it a dirty place, unsuitable for further living. Because of this, personal things of the deceased, also blurred by the bad, were previously distributed by the churches, and in recent decades Lower underground with the late, arranging them as if in the room.

In a word, as Koruni, today, no one does today. For example, instead of prayers over the departed, conspiracies read and, if possible, lowered the body into the grave without a coffin.

Preparation for the funeral

Some Roma branches are notable for advance preparation for the burial: it is expressed in the creation of savings from childhood, to later be able to secure decent funeral. For example, there is often a preliminary purchase of a place in the cemetery, where Gypsies bury.

Otherwise, the process of cooking to the burial depends on the religion of the tribe itself. Funeral rites Orthodox Roma for the most part Consist compliance christian traditions: The body is also kneaded and mourn with the only difference that herbal decoction is used for ablution, and prayers are replaced by conspiracies.

How to bury Gypsies

In many regions, the Roma funeral is lifted, especially if the Gypsy Baron dies. In Moldova in 1998, local Bulibashi betrayed the Earth only for 14 days, so that everyone who wanted to say goodbye to him could arrive, in parallel with this building a richly divided crypt with special niches. They are needed in order to put together with the deceased items of his life and beloved alcohol.

This funeral of the Russian, Baltic and Scandinavian branches of Roma is similar. They differ only in a common scale depending on the status of the deceased, and the number of days left for preparation.

Gypsy burials

So, we have already considered the question of how the Gypsies are buried. Note that the process largely depends on the place of burial.

Nomadic tribes do not have the means to buy a place in the cemetery, because those who have moved into the world another betray the earth in a deserted out of the outside corner, like a forest age or steppe under the blackberry bush. According to legend, this plant protects the grave from the desecration of animals. The things of the deceased are often simply burned.

Other sedentary representatives of the ethnos bury their loved ones, like everyone else: in cemeteries. Large gypsy settlements have their own grades on the bought ground.


To claim with confidence about the funeral customs of the Gypsy, it is necessary to personally attend the funeral or to be in the Tabor. This is explained by the fact that Roma with special care is protected by its traditions, because much, which is known today, is rumors or witnesses' stories.

Moreover, even those customs are not allowed, the value of which is forgotten by Gypsies. Perhaps the reason for this is the strict performance of all the required rituals associated with death and the funeral.

Gypsies are the largest ethnic minority in Europe with a predominance of predominantly Indian roots. These folk groups live among the population of different countries and are divided into six large branches that have their own name.

For this reason, it was not without the influence of European states on the cultural features of each of them. However, in religion and customs of Roma still remain common features uniting ethnos. This is especially true of the funeral traditions known for their scope, which is why the answer to the question "how to bury the Gypsies of their deceased" for many is acute interest.

Law and culture

Cultural customs of some gypsy tribes often lead to disagreements with laws in the territory where the Tabor wakes or lives. This is due to the strict taboo on damage to the integrity of the body of the deceased, and the roots of such a ban should be sought in magical beliefs.

The Russians, the Baltic and Scandinavian representatives of this ethnos adhere to the opinions that a person is not able to gain peace without such internal organs, as a brain and heart, therefore oppose forensic examination.

Such a position is forced to obtain a death certificate for bypassing the law enforcement. If it takes too serious turnover, the Gypsy Baron is engaged in resolving the problem. In this case, if the latter considers the disputes with the law useless, the dead will go to the CME, but with the condition: after inspection, the internal organs must be returned to the body of the deceased.

Gypsy customs and traditions

It is the opinion that only three branches of this ethnic group it is customary to arrange a luxurious funeral. However, single cases allow exceptions depending on the traditions formed in a separate talent or community. Of course, only two can be distinguished: the persistent disgust for the death and the construction of a certain cult of the deceased.

Gypsy funerals at the Baltic, Russian and Scandinavian tribes last 2-3 days, at the same time accompanied by "songs and dances". Such unusual customs are explained by the beliefs of the Roma: it is believed that the death of a physical body is becoming free from all worldly problems and seals, moving to the best world, deprived of suffering.

At the same time, the dying of the disease never leave one. In nomadic tribes, it moves to a special tent - "Bender", where close to the last remains with it. At the same time, until the very moment of death, the relatives should behave as usual: eat, drink, laugh and even sing.

No Gypsy will never allow themselves to stay in a common tent or home, since he will make it a dirty place, unsuitable for further living. Because of this, the personal things of the deceased, also blurred by a bad one, previously handed out the churches in the churches, and in recent decades they lower underground along with the deceased, arranging them as if in the room.

In a word, as Koruni, today, no one does today. For example, instead of prayers over the departed, conspiracies read and, if possible, lowered the body into the grave without a coffin.

Preparation for the funeral

Some Roma branches are notable for advance preparation for the burial: it is expressed in the creation of savings from childhood, to later be able to secure decent funeral. For example, there is often a preliminary purchase of a place in the cemetery, where Gypsies bury.

Otherwise, the process of cooking to the burial depends on the religion of the tribe itself. The funeral rites of the Orthodox Roma mostly consist of compliance with Christian traditions: the body is also kneaded and mourn with the only difference that herbal beams are used for ablution, and prayers are replaced by conspira.

How to bury Gypsies

In many regions, the funeral of the Roma pass magnificently, especially if dying in Moldova in 1998, local Boulibasi destroyed the ground only for 14 days, so that everyone who wanted to say goodbye to him could arrive, in parallel with this building a richly divided crypt with special niches. They are needed in order to put together with the deceased items of his life and beloved alcohol.

This funeral of the Russian, Baltic and Scandinavian branches of Roma is similar. They differ only in a common scale depending on the status of the deceased, and the number of days left for preparation.

Gypsy burials

So, we have already considered the question of how the Gypsies are buried. Note that the process largely depends on the place of burial.

Nomadic tribes do not have the means to buy a place in the cemetery, because those who have moved into the world another betray the earth in a deserted out of the outside corner, like a forest age or steppe under the blackberry bush. According to legend, this plant protects the grave from the desecration of animals. The things of the deceased are often simply burned.

Other sedentary representatives of the ethnos bury their loved ones, like everyone else: in cemeteries. Large gypsy settlements have their own grades on the bought ground.


To claim with confidence about the funeral customs of the Gypsy, it is necessary to personally attend the funeral or to be in the Tabor. This is explained by the fact that Roma with special care is protected by its traditions, because much, which is known today, is rumors or witnesses' stories.

Moreover, even those customs are not allowed, the value of which is forgotten by Gypsies. Perhaps the reason for this is the strict performance of all the required rituals associated with death and the funeral.

Gypsy settlements in Donetsk are several. As well as everywhere in the world, the place of compact residence of rumov in the Donbas - territory with their laws and customs, where the indigenous Ukrainian population is trying without special needs not to look. Roma communities are usually very closed. Frames there input ordered. But there are places where the customs of Roma appear to us in all the magnificence. These are Gypsy cemeteries.

One of these cemeteries is located on the border of Donetsk and Makeyevka, in the village of Stroidal plant, which is the place of compact residence of Roma. Not only gypsies bury it, but Gypsy burials make up a significant part.

In the Gypsy cemetery visited Frankenstein blogger.

Gypsy graves differ from the Slavic burial of pompousness and a special style. Dead, as a rule, are depicted on them in full height Or behind the dining tables, sometimes together with cars and horses. Photos are signed not only by passport surnames, but also generic nicknames that gypsies use among themselves.

The graves of rich gypsies differ from the graves of the poor Special Chic. Portraits on them are usually great. They illustrate how fun and well lived buried during life.

Even parts such as trading stamps of alcoholic beverages on the table are carefully prescribed, allowing the ideas about the culinary preferences of the Gypsy elite.

The graves of poor people differ little from most cemetery graves.

Generic nicknames Roma is usually written next to the passport data, or on back side monument. Sometimes they sound like surnames, sometimes - as criminal clinic.

Tradition to write on the front side of the official data, and on the reverse - nicknames, very curious. It seems to indicate two sides of the life of the Gypsy people - the official and shadow.

For strangers - Samoilov, for their - Major.

Striking very a large number of Graves belonging to young people. High birth rate is apparently compensated by a low duration of their lives. Few people lived over 60 years

Monuments of wealthy gypsies sometimes represent the real works of the architectural and visual art.

Here is also depicted by a grieving woman, apparently - still healthy.

Gypsy graves contrast sharply with the poverty and the wretchedness of the gypsy village adjacent to the cemetery and the housing of ordinary Roma. Gypsy residence in Donetsk is usually the most running and unfavorated in the city.

Gypsies is one of the most amazing ethnic groups, which preserved its traditions and unique way of life. Despite the confession of the religion of the region of residence, Roma managed to bring the peculiarities of their culture to all the vital aspects. One of the most closed ceremonies There are gypsy funerals, overhawned by the area of \u200b\u200bmystery and magic.

Attitude to death as the basis of the established traditions

To date, more than 10 million gypsies, distinguished by religions and customs living around the world. But the funeral is almost the same in almost all branches of Romov. This is due to the special perception of death for which it is characteristic:

  • The construction of the cult of the deceased, whom they escort into another world with unprecedented honors and festivities. Often the funeral can delay for a few weeks, as all his relatives and close people should say goodbye to the departed. All this time, the body is located in a special tent, where a member of the family of the same sex must be located next to him as the deceased. Romov is customary to establish a huge memorable monument on the grave with the engraved image of the deceased in full growth.
  • Disgust, equating death to "dirty" events. According to tradition, it is forbidden to die in a common tent, since in this case the bed and all the surrounding things will be considered unclean, they will have to burn them or go along with the departed. In this regard, the graves of some gypsies are equipped as the rooms in which he lived. Not only beloved things are placed there, but also furniture, interior items, surrounded by which he died.

In most cases, the funeral in Gypsy is more reminded of walking with songs and dances. This is due to the faith that after the death of the soul leaves the briginal body and goes to the best world in which there is no place to suffer.

Gypsy funeral is still little studied, and the public is known only by a small part of the customs. Invites familiar with some well-known traditions:

  • Romov is forbidden to damage the integrity of the body of the depleted, as, according to believers, a person will not be able to find peace in by the Military World. The resolution of controversial situations is carried out by Baron, and only he can give permission to conduct a medical examination. But it is done with the condition of returning to the body of all organs.
  • At the wrath tribes, the dying person moves to a special tent - "Bender". Next to it is allowed to be close to people, but they can not be sad and cry. Before last sigh Dying they should behave as usual.
  • After death, the person is also washed, but not ordinary water is used, but special herbal infusions and decoctions. At the same time, no prayers are read over the deceased.
  • Some communities believe that the soul of a dying person is able to move into another body. Therefore, the mouth makes a bird, and after the death, they produce it to freedom.
  • Since the funeral should take place with a scope, the relatives begin to collect money on them in advance. This tradition is something similar to the collection of the gone for the bride.
  • Seduced Gypsies prefer to redeem the land in the cemetery in advance, arranging the departed underground room. Nomadic bury the dead on a deserted place, for example, in the forest more often. Good sign It is considered to be near the grave blackberry bush, as it is believed that it is believed that it will protect the place of burial from the desecration of animals.
  • Not all Roma bury close in coffins - some prefer to wipe the body by expensive carpets.
  • Broken the departed in the best clothes, and several bright gypsy skirts are worn on women.

After a long funeral, a commemoration is held, which, as a rule, also last as far as days. All this time, guests are treated, sing and danced, rejoicing that the person went to the best world.