Unknown world. Bible

Unknown world. Bible

The Bible is the oldest book made up of texts written long before the start of our era, as well as those that appeared immediately after the crucifixion of Christ. However, this antiquity is very doubtful.

If we speak not about individual texts, but about relatively complete copies of the Bible and the oldest of those that they reached us, the situation is as follows.

The most ancient manuscript of the Bible is the Vatican, named because it was discovered in the Vatican. It happened in the second half of the XV century, and where she came from there, no one knows. Next is the Alexandrian Bible, to follow the story of which only until the first half of the XVII century, when he received a gift from the Alexandrian Church, English King Charles I. Alexandrian period of life of this manuscript is unknown. And finally, the Sinai manuscript that "surfaced" in general only in the XIX century.

The three handwritten bibles are considered ancient, because they were written yet allegedly in the IV century. However, reliable facts testifying to this. Earlier than the XV century, fate is not traced, and where and how they were kept for more than a thousand years - a mystery.

An even more interesting is the history of the first print publications of the Bible.

In the middle of the XV century, Johann Gutenberg (mind in 1468) invented a printed machine, and the first book, published from his printing house, was the Bible. Part of her copies printed by Gutenberg, lived to this day and is now stored in various museums of the world. Let's see what we know about them.

The oldest book, if you consider on references to sources, is kept in the British Museum. Made from parchment. In the UK she fell in 1775 from France. It is known that in France it owned her a collector of the ancient books of Girardo de Prefer, who bought it from one of the French collectors. He, in turn, in 1768 acquired this Bible from the monastery in Mainz, not sent to sell the holy, and even such an ancient book. In the monastery, the following traces of her stay are found in Opii of 1728, in which it is noted that the Bible is presented by the monastery with some Gutenberg Faust. There are no more mention of this book about her fate until 1728, nothing is known. It is also unknown that whether the Faust and First Printing of Johann Gutenberg specified in the Questi and the first faith.

There are information that Johann Gutenberg opened the printing house for the money of some Johanna Faust, with which they in half shared income from the received profits. In the future, they laughed, tried and diverged. As far as the biographies of Gutenberg can be trusted, in which it is described, it is difficult to say - it has long been it all. But we see that in the papers of the monastery, someone is presented, the names belonging to the two aforementioned companions are connected. This fact gave the basis of historians to argue that it is about the gift of Johann Gutemberg himself. But the history of the first primer becomes foggy and unreliable.

Portrait of Johann Gutenberg, made by an unknown artist in the XVII century, that is, one and a half or two centuries after his death.

The next oldest copy of the Gutenberg Bible, Parchment, is located in one of Berlin's libraries. It is mentioned in the book "Experience of the History of the Royal Library in Berlin", published in 1752. What was with this Bible before this date is unknown.

The third copy since 1930 is stored in the US Congress Library in Washington. This book is also printed on parchment. The German Folbera antiquity of the antiquities sold it, in turn, four years earlier bought this Bible from the Abbey of St. Paul in South Austria. Prior to that, she belonged to one of the monasteries built by Benedictine in the south of Germany. In 1809, the monks, fleeing from the invasion of the Napoleonic troops and taking the Bible with him, fled at Switzerland first, and then to Austria. It is assumed that it was her a folber acquired, although that it happened to her for over a hundred years before that moment is unknown. As for the storage of this Bible from the Benedictians, the Abbot of their monastery, Martin Herbert, mentioned it in 1767. Before this date, her story is not overlooked.

Another Bible printed on paper is kept in the National Library in Paris. In 1763, the book "Personal Bibliography or Treatise on the Knowledge of Rare and Exceptional Books" was published. Her author, bibliographer and Publisher Gil Francois Debur, described this Bible, calling her "mazarinium", as he found it in the library of Cardinal and the First Minister of France Mazarini. However, the famous bibliographer Gabriel Node, who created a library at the request of Mazarini and almost to his death of her librarian, nor in one of his treatises, does not mention the Bible of Gutenberg. So earlier than 1763, to trace the fate of the "Mazariniyevaya" Bible does not work.

About the rest of the copies of the Gutenberg Bible became known even later. At the moment, their number has grown almost before the fifty, but no story was previously the second half of the XVIII century, and in many cases and later, they do not have! Elegant MOCEM supports for a number of copies are performed all in the same XVIII century.

The fact that the Bibles printed by Gutenberg began to appear so late, no wonder. Given that in the XVIII century, interest in antiques, the sale of objects of which turned into an income business, "finds" of ancient books was quite natural. Especially since it has not been difficulty with the modern thing for the old one, the arts and related technologies designed to distinguish the fake from the present subject, then there was not yet. What to say, even even in the twentieth century, failed to cope with the flow of falsification.

Biography of Gutenberg Tuman, and the history of his bibles is unreliable. In this regard, the traditional dating of the first printed books of the middle of the XV century is questionable.

In addition, in Russian history, the printed Bible appeared after almost a half century! Why is such a lag, because the Russian state was in Europe, and not at the other end of the globe? For comparison: after thirty-forty years after the invention of Gutenberg, printing machines worked in many major European cities. And only a century after that, in 1581, Ivan Fedorov's Ovansky Bible comes out. Such a picture of the dissemination of a new knowledge is implausible and shows the fiction of the Western European history.

Gutemberg Bible Capital Capital from the British Museum. Material - paper. The text begins immediately from the Holy Scripture. There is no title leaf with names and dates.

The Bible Gutenberg is the most expensive book in the world. Recently, one of its copies was sold for 1,200,000 pounds. Naturally, with such a "price price" in this, that is, a later history of its appearance, no one is interested. The ancient - the better. And the Bible here is obviously no exception.


History of the Old Testament

3.1. Appearance of Judaism

The Bible is chronologically divided into two parts - the new and old covenants, and the last one will be discussed in this chapter.

This ancient part of the Bible is called Tana? X in the Jewish canon or the "Jewish Bible". Tanya from the Christian Old Testament is quite strong. It is more detailed, and there are more ancient options for Scripture. Old Testament written in Hebrew, originated in the ancient Israel. Only a few parts were drawn up on Aramaic, also common in Israel during the time of Babylonian conquest.

Judaism is about three thousand years, this is the most ancient world religion existing in our day. And with the advent of the first Christians, the Old Testament was translated into ancient Greek language and became canonical in Christianity.

Testament is an agreement between people and God. In antiquity, the covenant called any important agreement, an agreement, which could not be broken. Biblical Scriptures later called the "covenant" and this word acquired a religious nature, in domestic issues from using it refused. Accordingly, the Old Testament is the first agreement with God, the New Testament is the second. When God saw that people began to forget his commandments, became anarchy and blasphemous, he sent his son to Earth - Jesus Christ, and they concluded the New Testament with God.

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Biblical history of the Old Testament

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"The grass dries out, the color fades, and the word of our god will be forever," the prophet Isaiah wrote.

This is a quote from the Bible, the book, which is called the Word of God. According to her, God never left his creation without his word. This word has always been with humanity: in the form of a clinopy on stones, hieroglyphs on a papyrus, letters on parchment, and even in the form of a person Jesus Christ, who himself has a word that has become flesh. Probably everything is clear to what you need the Word of God to people? The man has always been eager and eager to learn "three eternal questions": where are we, for what and where we go. They have only one truly authoritative response - the answer to the creator itself of all existing, and he is in the Bible.
At the same time, supporters of other religions are trying to prove that their sacred writings are true, because they also explain the world around them in their own way. In confirmation of their words, they indicate the allegedly very ancient age of their books. Although antiquity is not synonymous with truth, but it seems to many more convincing arguments. The antiquity of the pagan books, as well as some similarity of the plots, allowed some philosopams to even nominate the hypothesis that the Bible, allegedly, is secondary to the ancient pagan books, and that, they say, biblical Christianity borrowed its religious system from the more ancient pagan religions preceding it. Moreover, the supporters of this hypothesis are not only atheists, but also call themselves Christians. As an example, an Orthodox writer Alexander me, who defended the theory of evolution not only in the development of earthly life, but also in religions. But is the Bible of younger than pagan sacred legends?

The first book of the Bible is the Book of Genesis, and therefore it is precisely the degree of antiquity of the Bible, which means the very religion of Christians to determine its age. If we agree with the point of view that all the pentateuch wrote Moses, and this dates back to 1600 to R. H., then, of course, it will be true that the Bible is younger than many Hindu, Babylonian, Egyptian and Tibetan records. However, the authorship of the entire book Being for one Moses has long been challenged. There was even a version that the authors of the book were 4 people labeled with letters J, E, D and P. In general, the developers of this version were deeply mistaken, attributing the authorship to some kind of nomads who lived much later than Moses himself.

Nevertheless, in the New Testament, Genesis is mentioned 200 times, but notice, never says that the author of any phrase is Moses! In general, most of the modern people, and sometimes Christians, for some reason he thinks that the Prophet Moses began to write a pentateuger only on Mount Sinai, where he also received and talked with 10 commandments. But it is not so! The first time the commandment to record in a certain book is in the book Exodus: "And the Lord said Moses: write this for memory to the book ..." (Ex. 17:14). What preceded this? Crossing the reassigned Cherry Sea, the Israelis entered the Sinai Peninsula and on the area rifides they attacked the Amalikites. God gave Israel to victory, and the Lord commanded this Moses to write to the book. Consequently, the book was already!

Who was the author of being? - you ask. In Christian, you can immediately answer without oscillations: the Holy Spirit, that is, God himself inspired the scribe-prophet to record his words in the book. Therefore, the question is only who these first prophets who recorded the first book of the Bible.
Pentateuch, indeed, recorded all Moses. He was an eyewitness and participant of the events that described in four books. The events of the Books of Genesis are telling about what was long before his birth, including long and generally to whose birth. The word "being" itself, transmitting the Greek word "genesis", means, by the way, "genealogy", "a genealogical record", that is, something related to the story, to the past. The Gospel of Matthew begins with this word: "The Genesis of Jesus Christ ..." Consequently, it is more logical to assume that Moses simply collected, edited and rewrote what was already recorded by someone before him, accompanying all this with his comments! Naturally, such work was carried out by the inspiration over.
God never left humanity in ignorance. At first, the man had a direct communication with his Creator in the Eden Garden, and, quite likely, could speak with God personally after his fall. However, gradually, increasingly moving away from God, building their own earthly civilization, sometimes turning to the dark forces, Satan, the person has lost the ability of direct communication with the Lord. Improved new generations of children and grandchildren who needed to transfer information about their origin. At that time, there was a need to tell the descendants of God and the creation of the world, about the path of salvation from sin and death. In dopup times (to the World Flood), people lived 800--900 years, and this made it possible to limit it first with one oral tradition. But in the book Being, we read about the development of civilization from the ancient descendants of Cain, about the development of science, music, poetry from them. Why, in fact, we decided that they did not have writing? The advantages of writing are its durability, the accuracy of the wording, the possibility of storage, accumulation, comparison, viewing and parcels at a large amount without the need to memorize. In the development of civilization, it is not conceivable to talk about the absence of writing. Writing was. And now, first, one, then another person, then also recorded what God said and did in their life, not forgetting to reproduce or save the records of predecessors. At the end of the letter usually put signatures. In the Book being, they are also there, there are several of them: 2: 4, 5: 1, 10: 1-32, 37: 2. These tedious for someone generals, on which atheists mowed so much, and there are signatures of patriarchs who wrote the Word of God in antiquity!

However, the signatures in the first (1: 1-2: 3), explicitly finished, there is no passage. And indeed, who could be an eyewitness of the creation of all existing: heaven, earth, stars, plants and animals? Who could write the first chapter so accurate and clear that it is not refuted so far no science? Only God himself! God! How the covenants were inscribed on the mountains of Sinai "Hand Lord himself", as well as the narration of the creation of the world was written by God and then ADAMU was presented. The first chapter is the record of God himself.

Adam's records speak only about what he himself witnessed. Its records end in Genesis 5: 1. By the way, it is explained why in the 1st and in the 2nd chapter in the original God called in different ways. In the first passage, God himself writes about himself, and in the second story - his name writes to Adam. This also explains the repetition of events about creation in the 1st and 2nd chapters. Adam, posing by the history of the origin of all the living, including Eve's wife, did not dare to destroy the previous words of God himself. Two complementary views on creation and remained in Scripture. The same did all subsequent correspondencers and the prophets of the Bible - they left the records of previous authors the word in the Word, sign in the sign. So the word of God persisted in centuries. The first Bible consisted of only five chapters, but it was already the Bible - the Word of God. It has already been the news about who will be born from the "wife's seed" and will hit the snake in the head.

Who was the second author of the Bible after Adam? Perhaps it was his son Sif, but it was possible that it was someone from his great-grandchildren, because Adam himself lived 930 years. However, it is reliably known that the last correspondence and the keeper of the Word of God to the flood was Noah. He not only retained the Sacred Scripture, which was given to him from predecessors, but also turned out to be the first post-point patriarch, having this word, because all people were destroyed. From him, the Bible, supplemented by the narrative of the Flood, went to Sim, from being to Eveva, Faleku, and, in the end, to Abraham. Not all of them were recorded something in the Bible, however they could be just guardians and copiers of the true word of God, people responsible for the transfer of the Bible to the next Patriarch. It is likely that some copies of this Bible spread throughout the world, preached and corresponded by all those who wish. In this regard, the King Salim Melchizedek, who was the priest of the true God, who brought the Tenth, simultaneously, and the priest of the true God. It comes out to the idea that people in antiquity believers in the true God have always had the true concepts of God, about the creation of the world, and even committed it to him.

The last signature in the Book Bee is located up to 37: 2. Then there is a story about the sons of James, about the resettlement of the Israelis to Egypt, that is, about the history of the occurrence of the Israeli people. A book with such content could well exist from those ancient Jews who had to withdraw from the Egyptian captivity Moses.
Moses, as a direct descendant of Abraham (this is again informing the genealogion), who studied and lived at the court of Pharaoh in full security, had and kept these sacred records of his ancestors. Apparently, they were scattered, written on papyrus or other than a short-lived material. Moses and systematized them, rewriting and connecting into a single book, to which he was released 40 years of life in the desert when he was hidden from Pharaoh. This book was then called the first book of Moses.

After Moses, the Bible moved to Joshu, about the instructions to record which we read in I. Nav. 1: 7-8. Then Israeli judges, the prophet Samuel, kings and priests also kept and led further records in the Word of God. By the time of Jesus Christ, the Old Testament was known in the Greek translation (called "Septuagint") far beyond the limits of Jews. So the ancient Bible reached this day absolutely undisherchable, which is confirmed by the data of archaeological finds. For example, found in 1947. Ancient Kumranian papyrus with records of the Books of the Old Testament confirmed that for 2,000 years, the text did not undergo any distortion.

During the coming to the land of God himself, who became man, Jesus Christ, the authority of the Bible was fully confirmed, and the Bible was granted to Christians as a "faithful prophetic word." Therefore, summing up the foregoing, we, Christians, we have the full right to argue that we are the heirs and keepers of records leading their origin from the very creation of the world! The Bible is the most ancient book in the world, the most unique, slim, coordinated, consistent inside itself and the most true!

Scriptures of people of other religions, alas, only weak shadows and exhausts of this book. It is like information from the "spoiled phone", which has something different from the output from what was at the entrance. We have already said that antiquity people were aware of the true faith in the true God. All nations occurred from the same people - Noah with sons who had a complete picture of the true state of things in the world. After the Babylonian pillar, and it was a rebellion of the new population of the Earth against God, various nations were formed, which dispelled on the planet. Naturally, they have a single language, the sacred texts read in the original they could not or did not want, and maybe they refused knowingly. Perhaps after gaining their national languages \u200b\u200band spreading, they began to recreate the previous biblical stories by memory, painting their own fantasies and plots, complemented and distorted subsequent generations. The intervention of the forces of darkness is quite likely to the devil through its supporters in the ministers of cults. The inspired by Satan Revelation, dreams and signs could be added to the true Word of God and thus distorted the true face of the original religion. As a result, we have for today that all the religious texts of the world in the description of some ancient events are often very similar, being in its essence, then a less accurate copy from the original. Of course, some distorted versions of the original look very beautiful and logical, but still, to properly resolve the main issues of life and death, it is necessary to guide only a trustworthy proven original - the Bible Christians.

Proponents of pagan religions, for example, Hindus, say that their writings are true, because they are the most ancient. For Christians, this is, of course, a weak argument, because Satan, the opponent of the true faith in God, is also a very ancient person, and it could well be the author of very ancient, alternative divine Bible, Scriptures. But actually it turns out that, indeed, the most ancient book is also the most true! This is the Bible! But she is true not because older than other books, but because he leads its origin from God himself - the creator of all visible and invisible. To know her and live on it - it means to go to the true God and to the eternal life given by him through Jesus Christ!

Sacred Scripture The Bible is one of the old books on Earth. She wrote in different authors for a very long period of time - by the assumption of scientists, starting from the XIV century to N. e. (Genesis) and ending with the end of the I century n. e. (Revelation of John the Bogoslov).

However, the oldest books of the Bible in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing this book today belong only to the IV century n. e. It is by this time that finds are finding uniting the Old and New Covenants. The oldest manuscripts of the Old Testament date back to the first century BC. e. The old Bibles are an object of close study of archaeologists, historians, theologians, linguists. Each such find becomes a sensation.

Until our time, many vintage books of the Bibles were reached, which are stored in museums, archives, monasteries. The oldest of them are made in the form of parchment scrolls, more "young" are published in the form of books.

Old Bibles in the form of codes

The old Books of the Holy Bible, which includes both the Old, and the new covenants are written in the form of codes. These are pretty famous Sinai, Vatican and Alexandria Codes. The Sinai Code received its name from the Sinai Monastery of St. Catherine, in which it was found in the XIX century. Writing code refers to IV century n. e. Until 1933, the manuscript was kept in the Imperial Library of St. Petersburg, and in 1933 the British Museum was sold by the Government of Bolsheviks. The Vatican Code of the Old Bible is kept in the Vatican Apostolic Library, and also dates back to the IV century. e.

This instance of the old Bible is not full - there are no some books of the New Testament. Alexandrian Code is found in Egypt, the time of writing it is referred to the V century N. e. This is the most complete of the three codes, it contains, and almost the whole new (starting with 25 chapters of the Gospel of Matthew). In 2012, the world shook the discovery - the old Bible was found in Turkey with archaeologists, written in the Aramaist language, the age of which, according to the preliminary examination, has 1500 years. Currently, this manuscript is still investigated, but in the media he has already been called "the Gospel of the Varnava." There will be or not this manuscript is counted among the oldest Bibles of the world - the time will show, today there are many disputes about the accuracy of this document.

Old Bibles in Slavic

Russia's oldest Orthodox Bible dates back to the XV century, it appeared on the initiative of the Archbishop Gennady. Books for this Bible were collected in different monasteries, translated into church-Slavic language, and were rewritten by hand. One of the copies of this Orthodox Bible remained to the present day and is located in the State Historical Museum of Russia in Moscow. The first Sainch Print Orthodox Bible in Russia was published in 1663. And in 1751, by order of the Empress, Elizabeth, the Old Bible was reprinted, drilled with the Greek text, and produced by more massive circulation. It is this version of the Orthodox Bible that is still used by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Original or copy?

The originals of biblical books are that there are manuscripts performed by the prophet Moses or the Apostle Paul - before us, of course, did not reach. The material for the letter in their times was papyrus - wide long sheets made from the stalks of the plant spread in the Nile Delta and some other wetlands of the Middle East, or, much less often, the parchment is a specially isolated animal skin. But Parchmen was too expensive, and Papius was too short-lived - rarely which papyrus book was preserved longer than half a century.

In fact, all the originals of ancient manuscripts that have come down to us are scraps of a private correspondence and business papers, ejected once to Egyptian garbage (only in Egypt, a dry climate allowed them to be preserved), yes inscriptions on solid surfaces (clay signs, shards, stone) . And all the ancient literary works reached us in later copies. The first well-known lists of Homer's poems will take away from the death of their creator at least than half a thousandth. The manuscripts of "Iliad", the works of the most read and distorted in the ancient Greece, the work came to us a little more than six hundred, tragedies of Euripid - about three hundred, and the six first books "Annals" of the Roman historian Tacitis are generally preserved in the same list of the IX century.

For comparison: today more than five thousand manuscripts are known to contain certain parts of the New Testament. The earliest of them were made on papyrus in Egypt at the turn of the I-II centuries. N.E., just a few decades after the death of the apostles. In particular, they contain excerpts from the Gospel of John, written at the very end of the I century.

But where, in fact, it is known that one or another manuscript really contains the original text of the Homer's poems or the Bible? Nowadays, the fake is quite easy to detect. Manuscripts are studied and compared - as for the New Testament, this is done by a whole scientific institute in the German city of Münster. And then, fake can be several manuscripts, but not a thousand.

But even in cases where the ancient text reached us in one or two copies, you can confirm or reject its authenticity on the basis of many data. Is the author in historical details of that period, which describes? Is he not familiar with the geography of the place where the action is developing? In what language he writes, what words does it use? Does his evidence are confirmed by independent sources? Is his book quoted by other authors, is it known to readers for later time? So it is not difficult to distinguish the fake, as it seems at first glance.

In five thousand who came to us, new taving manuscripts there are some discrepancies (we will tell you more about this in the next issue of the magazine), but we will not see them in any other, except for Evangelsk. None of them say that Jesus was not the Son of God or did not die on the cross. If all this is the result of a huge gang of falsifiers who worked throughout the Mediterranean no later than the beginning of the II century AD, then, obviously, in this world it is impossible to create any plausible history.

Bible - Church Book

The Bible says not only about Christ, but also something fundamentally different about himself than, for example,. This is one of those obvious tribulations that people tend to forget. Muslims believe that the Koran is the revelation of God, sent by one only man - Muhammad, who recorded his "under the dictation" of God and a single word who did not add from himself. Therefore, for them, any earthly text of the Quran is just a copy of the Koran of the Heavenly, the true word of God, above that there is nothing on Earth, there was no and will not. At first there was a Koran, then Islam was born from him. Therefore, by the way, the Quran, from the point of view of Islam, untranslate: any of its translations are just auxiliary manuals, and only Arabic text can be considered genuine.

For the Christian, the Word of God, which was not the book, and the Personality, Jesus Christ, who existed bodily and founding his own. It is said that one day the Orthodox priest in the United States met with a street preacher of one of the Protestant denominations. "Want, I will tell you about the church, which is based on the Bible?" - happily suggested that. "And you want, I will tell you about the church that wrote the Bible?" - answered him the priest.

And he was right, because Christ himself did not leave us any written texts. Even the gospel was first transmitted as an oral story, and the messages were written by different apostles (primarily Paul) as pastoral instructions for various specific reasons. And by the time the last book of the New Testament was completed, the Gospel of John, Christian existed for more than half a century ... Therefore, if we want to understand the Bible, we need to turn to the Christian church, for she is primarily.

Where did the biblical canon come from?

But why did we generally take that the Bible is the Holy Scripture? Maybe it's just one of the collections of ancient legends, what a lot? Even more at all times were people who called themselves prophets, messengers, Christ, what, to believe everyone, writing everyone to recognize by Scripture?

The book can become Scripture only in the community of believers, which recognize its authority, determine its canon (accurate composition), interpret and finally rewrite. Christians believe that all this happened not without the participation of the Holy Spirit, who spoke in the authors of the biblical books, and the help of which we need today for the right understanding of this book. But the Spirit does not cancel the human person - rather, on the contrary, he allows her to reveal in its entirety.

And since this process unfolds in history, Christianity is alien to the idea of \u200b\u200bonce and for all this revelation, which all subsequent generations can only be executed. No, as Christ, the embodied son of God, and the Christianity itself is embodied in our earthly history, with all its inner unity, acquiring some new features and features in every generation and in every people.

Therefore, the New Testament Canon - the list of books included in the New Testament - not immediately. So, in the east, it was likely for a long time to the book of Revelation, probably because of its mystical nature, and in the West - to the message of the Apostle Paul to the Jews, because in style, and in content it is noticeably different from his other messages ( Although does not contradict them). However, Christian theologians were added, if he did not even write this message, his church wrote in any case.

But as for the Gospels, everything is simple here. From the very beginning, the church knew those four gospels, who entered the Canon of the New Testament, and we will not find any others in any other than the list. It was in them that the church saw a familiar and favorite appearance of Christ, and she simply had nothing else.

There is a feeling that the exact composition of the Bible fathers considered far from first and foremost and did not even try to eliminate obvious differences: in a similar canon, it simply did not have a special practical need. Rules of Laodica and Carthaginian Cathedrals do not conduct any border between true and heretical books, but only determine which books can be read in the Church as Scripture. If in one church will read the revelation of John the Theologian, and there is nothing terrible to another, in this discrepancy there will be nothing terrible, if only the place of this book did not take some heretical work.

Fierce disputes broke out in the West in the era of the Reformation, and they concerned only the Old Testament. However, these were disputes not only about the exact composition of the biblical canon, but also about his meaning. Protestants spoke at the same time about the exclusive authority of Scripture, fundamentally different from all other books. This principle was called Sola Scriptura. - Only the Sacred Scripture can serve as the basis for the creation of the Church. If so, then the question of what is included, and what is not included in the Scripture becomes really vital. For example, Catholic theologians in support of the idea of \u200b\u200bpurgatory (and in general, the ideas that the Earth Church may influence the posthumous fate of its members) led the story of the 2nd Maccava Book ( 12: 39-45) about bringing McCowing the cleansing victim for the dead fellow. For Catholics, this book is part of the Scripture, and therefore, prayer for the dead of the Bible was prescribed. But from the point of view of Protestants, this book is not bible, and even if it is good and interesting in itself, then its author's allegations do not have a challenge authority.

The Orthodox world did not know such large-scale and fundamental disputes on the advantage of the books of Tobit, Judiifi, etc. As a result, the situation was developed when Orthodox, following the Laodican Cathedral, recognize the same books as the canonical books as Protestants, but include the Bible and Unanunic books like Catholics. Thus, the biblical canon turns less than the Bible itself!

But it may seem strange only in the context of the Reformation, and not in the East, where the task was not put to separate Scripture from the legend. Orthodox theologians sometimes depict them in the form of concentric circles: in the very center is the Gospel, then there are other biblical books (it is clear that Paul's messages are more important for us than Levit), then - the definitions of the Ecumenical Cathedrals, Fathers' Creations and other elements of legend, right up to Pious customs of individual parishes. Peripherals must be coordinated with the center, to be checked by it - but it is not so important where the Scripture ends and the legend begins, which is precisely macavai books or messages. It is more important to determine the degree of their authority relative to other books and customs.

The boundaries between the truth and lies, between the faith and the superstition, between church and heresy are much more important than the boundaries between the Scripture and the legend, which, like a lot otherwise, serve as evidence one spirit().

Thomas magazine