Rating of reliable airlines. The safest airlines of Russia and the world

Rating of reliable airlines. The safest airlines of Russia and the world
Rating of reliable airlines. The safest airlines of Russia and the world

Each year, consulting companies carry out large-scale studies on passenger satisfaction with air carriers, resulting in leaders.

300 airplanes

(Lufthansa) opens up dozen the best airlines of the world today. The leading German air carrier is also one of the world's largest. Lufthansa provides its customers with a high-level service and provides comfort during the flight. The fleet includes about 300 aircraft. Flights are made in 215 destinations. Lufthansa is recognized as the best airlines of Europe.

200 airplanes

All Nippon Airways. (Allniponairvayz) is one of the largest Japanese airlines. In the safety ratings, Allnipplains one of the first places. All Nippon Airways has become the winner of the award in the nomination "The best service at the airport". The air carrier offers four levels of service on board depending on the class. For passengers of all classes, multimedia entertainment is provided. Altlniponairez distinguishes not only the comfort of flights, but also the operational service speed of all customers. Air transport includes about 200 technical units that make flights to more than 200 cities.

39 airplanes

Virgin Atlantic / VirginAustrali.a (Virgin Atlantic) entered the 50 largest air carriers of the world. Virgin Atlantic provides passengers comfortable flight conditions in accordance with the class. Free food and multimedia entertainment are provided for all. In 2009, the air carrier won the nomination "Best Premium Economic Class". In 2010, Virgin Atlantic was recognized as the best among transatlantic companies. By reliability and security, Wirgin Atlantic takes fifth place in the world. Fleet size is relatively small and has 39 aircraft. Flights are performed at 34 destinations.

63 aircraft

Eva Air. (Eva Air) is one of the major Taiwanese airlines. At the end of 2015, he entered the top three of the most reliable and safe carriers and in the top ten companies for the service. The air fleet includes 63 units of aircraft. Flights are carried out in 74 destinations.

200 airplanes

(Emirates) - one of the largest air carriers in the world, which is located in Dubai. Emirates entered the top ten most secure and reliable airlines. Passengers are provided with a complete set of comfortable services on board the aircraft in accordance with the class. The airline received a reward in the nomination "The best entertainment on board". The airfield has more than 200 aircraft, which will soon be replenished by several hundred. Flights are carried out in 120 points in the world.

100 airplanes

Singapore Airlines. (Singapore Airlines) is the largest airline Singapore. It has a five-star rating from the consulting company Skytrax. For business class customers, Singapore Airlines offer an exclusive offer - to fly in suites, which are separate comfortable cabins. The cabin allows you to retire and relax while flying on a full bed. For passengers, a bonus program has been developed, which encourages regular customers at the expense of accumulated trips. The client himself chooses the type of remuneration for bonuses. The range of airlines won the nomination "The best personnel on board." The Singapore Airlines air fleet has more than 100 units of aircraft and makes flights to more than 60 points of the world.

150 airplanes

Cathay Pacific Airways. (Hospitality of the airway) is the leading air carrier of Hong Kong. Katya Pacific entered the airline airlines in the world with a five-star rating on the assessment of the influential British company Skytrax. Increased level of service on board, incentive bonus programs for passengers and an upgraded fleet - all this allows you to be Cathay Pacific Airways among the best. The airfield is about 150 aircraft, soon their number will increase by another 80. The geography of flights is quite extensive and includes 112 destinations.

100 airplanes

(Etihad Airview) opens the top three leaders of the best airlines in the world. The air carrier of the United Arab Emirates is one of the youngest and fast-growing air transport companies. Etihad Airways from the moment of foundation (2003) received over 30 awards for a high level of maintenance and comfort of flights. All passengers can take advantage of a rich media with a variety of audio recordings and movies. For business customers, a separate waiting room with recreation areas is provided, where a wide range of services is provided. In addition, a free service "Personal driver" is provided at the place of arrival. Economy passengers have the opportunity to use the free shuttle service with the Etihad Airways ticket. The air park has more than 100 aircraft. The number of international routes is 120.

200 airplanes

(Quontas Airweep) on the nickname "Flying Kangaroo" entered the top three of the best air carriers this year. It is the largest and oldest Australian airline. All Qantas Airways aircraft are equipped with an upgraded security system and are under constant control. The company provides passengers quality service and comfortable conditions during the flight. Makes transportation to 144 international routes. Fleet size is about 200 aircraft. The security of Qantas Airways ranks second.

76 airplanes

(Air New Siland) - One of the largest air carriers of New Zealand took the first place among the best airlines this year. Air New Zealand is considered to be the safest estimates of the Airline Ratings experts. Innovative implementation in order to increase the level of comfort of flights also put this company by a mansion among others. Each passenger can be a member of the AIR New Zealand Koru program. An exclusive offer is to provide additional services: customers are provided with special waiting rooms with the possibility of using a separate parking. Rest rooms with shower, light snacks, internet access and other services are also provided. Increased level of comfort, qualified personnel, environmental friendliness and safety are indicators of air carrier authority. The airframe consists of 76 aircraft, transportation is performed in 48 international routes.

Every day, millions of people make flights around the world from one point of light to another, so every passenger has the right to know the list of airlines, which are characterized by flight safety and good service. Daily global consulting agencies make up the rating of the most popular, safe and unreliable airlines. When the rating of Russian airlines is created on the reliability and safety of flights, the determining factor are the incidents that have occurred over the past year.

Top 4 most secure Russian airlines

More than 70 Russian airlines carry out flights in Russia and from the country to other points of the world. The ranking of the steady airlines of Russia is the four largest airlines that can boast the minimum incident in the entire history of existence.

The top 4 security includes:

  • "Ural Airlines" - since the creation of a large holding there was only three minor incidents. Experienced pilots quickly reacted to malfunctions and carried out forced landings, so that all emergencies were without sacrifice;
  • Aeroflot - ranks second in the list of Russia's safest airlines. Since the foundation of the company, only 4 accidents occurred. The most sensible plane crash in the fault of the Russian pilot, as a result of which 75 passengers died, occurred in 1994. Because of this, at one time, the air carrier was headed by the rating of the "most dangerous airlines of Russia". After that, the company was tightened by flight control;
  • "S7" - during the existence of the airline, which was previously called "Siberia", there were three aircraft crashes. Despite the high level of reliability of the company and the small number of incidents, they were remembered by a large number of victims;

  • "UTair" - carries not only passenger flights, but also cargo and helicopter. During all this time, Utair's aircraft suffered 8 crashes, and the total number of victims amounted to 80 people.

Interesting fact. Before the airline Transaero went bankrupt, it was she who headed the rating of the safest airlines in Russia. After the holding of the holding, the leading positions occupied the "Ural Airlines".

Most Popular Russian Airlines

There are many private and state airlines in Russia. Large companies are very popular among passengers, it is they who get the highest service assessments, food, comfort, punctuality. Russia's largest airlines are distinguished by a large park of liners of various spaciers and class, so the flights are almost always carried out on time. Rating statistics of the most sought-after Russian airlines are compiled on the basis of surveys among passengers. The ranking of the best airlines of Russia 2017 includes the 12 most popular aviation companies according to IOSA International Organizations and ICAO.

  1. The first place among the best airline safety airlines occupied the I-Fly airline, which implements international charter flights in conjunction with the TEZ-Tour travel agency. The founding date of the company falls for 2009. The main rate was made to popular tourist cities and directions, thanks to which the flights of the I-Fly liners are pretty in demand. All aircraft belong to the economy class, so ticket prices are relatively small. The aircraft park is distinguished by miniature and consists of only four Boeing 757-200 airliners. The airline is only developing, but this did not prevent her to enter the list of the best airlines of Russia due to the high level of service;
  2. The second place was taken by Yamal's airline, it has existed since 1997 and is the largest company of the West Siberian region. Reliable liners carry out air travel both in the Russian Federation and beyond its limits. All airplanes are pretty new, the youngest of them is only 4 months old (SukhoisuperJet 100). Airline aircraft aircraft has 36 aircraft;
  3. The third line in the ranking was taken by the largest and most reliable airline of Russia "Aeroflot", founded in 1923. This company is engaged in passenger and cargo air transportation to the CIS countries, the Middle and Far East, America, Europe, Asia. In addition to the fact that Aeroflot is among the most reliable airlines, it boasts four stars from the English consulting agency Skytrax and 37 venue in the rating of the safest airlines of the JacDec world. The aircraft park has 190 airliners whose average age is 4.3 years;

  1. At the fourth position was the reliable airline airline "S7 Airlines". Together with subsidiaries, the S7 group is included in the rating "The largest airlines of Russia" and carries out flights of 83 international and internal directions. The company is the owner of three stars from the SkyTrax consulting agency. On May 2017, the airlock aircraft fleet has 65 liners;
  2. A / k "Russia" ranked fifth in the ranking of the best and popular airlines of Russia. Being a subsidiary of Aeroflot, the company must safely guarantee the reliability and the highest service to its passengers, which is confirmed by two stars from the British consulting agency Skytrax. Airline's airline fleet has 60 airliners whose average age is 13 years;
  3. "Ural Airlines" is another major representative, which has 41 liner of various classes and capacity. If you wonder what charter airlines are the best in Russia, this company will safely enter the top five leaders. During all this time, more than 5.5 million people were transported, because international and internal air transportations are carried out in 183 areas;
  4. At the seventh place of the rating of Russian airlines turned out to be the company "Nordwind". She is engaged in transportation to popular tourist countries. Like other private airlines, Nwedvynd provides its vessels for charter passenger air transportation to other companies. The date of foundation falls for 2008, so in the aircraft fleet there are not so many aircraft (only 16 liners);
  5. The eighth line after the passenger survey was occupied by the "Utair" airline, carrying out state, international, charter and regular passenger air transport. A large holding boasts a luxurious aircraft fleet to which other leading airlines of Russia, consisting of 65 modern liners, can envy.

  • "Victory";
  • "Azurair";
  • "Vim Airlines".

All these companies are distinguished by high reliability, so each passenger can choose any air carrier from this list, not experiencing about the level of service, comfortability of the flight, punctuality, etc.

Note! Among Russians, such Russian airlines such as Iraroo, Gazprom Avor, Rusline, Aurora, Norvadia, Saratovairlines, Pegas are elected among the smallest popularity. The level of service and punctuality of these companies did not overstep the mark of 2.5-3 points out of 5, despite this, many passengers choose these airlines due to price availability.

Rating of the best world airlines

Every year, experts involved in the compilation of world ranking "AirlineExcellenceAWards", estimate more than 400 airlines from around the world. In various parameters, the most reliable and safe aviation companies economy and business class are determined. Based on its estimates, experts create a list of the 10 most comfortable lines. The ranking of the airlines in the world's safety and reliability of 2017 includes:

  • "AirNewZealand" - it is this airline that the experts set first place. Such a honorable title company deserved thanks to innovative developments that contribute to improving comfort during the flight. On sides of the company's airliners, there is everything you need: rest rooms for passengers with children, diverse food and much more. Airpark Air New Siland has 76 units of technology;

  • Qantasairways is the largest Australian air carrier. The number of liners of this airline may be envying any airline of Russia, because their number reaches 200 aircraft. In addition, all vessels boast of first-class modern equipment with a high level of safety;
  • "ETIHADAIRWAYS" - Avia carrier originally from the UAE ranked third in the rating "The Best Airlines of the world" thanks to the highest level of service. All 100 vessels have increased security, which has not been marked by passengers;
  • "CathayPacificairways" - Hong Kong Airlines, which offers its customers withdrawn service and various loyalty programs with shares, bonuses, discounts. The fleet consists of 230 aircraft;
  • "Lufthansa" is a German air carrier that included the largest aircraft companies in the world. The fleet registry has more than 300 aircraft.

Also in the top ten of the world's best airlines entered:

  • Singaporeairlines (Singapore);
  • Emirates (Dubai);
  • Evaair (Taiwan);
  • Virginatlantic (Atlantic airlines);
  • Allnipponairways (Japan).

Interesting fact. The New Zealand company AirnewzeAland is headed by this rating over the past three years since 2014. It provides the best conditions for their passengers, and also bypassed its competitors on the criterion of safe environmental impact.


The safest airlines of the world were announced in early January. An independent evaluation organization AirlineRatings, making up a rating, was guided by the data of state bodies of aviation, various inspections, research, mortality entries. When drawing up the rating, the level of airports were taken into account, in which airlines bases are located, the comfort of their aircraft and how often the airliner park is updated. The study involved 407 carriers. What is the safest world? Read about it in the article.

Qantas (Australia)

This carrier heads the rating of the safest airlines in the world. Moreover, it is the largest organization in Australia. Its base is located in Sydney. The airline deserved the title of the safest carrier itself, since over the past 60 years, none of its aircraft falls into the accident. During World War II, several aircraft still tolerated collapse (about 63 people died). Later there were two catastrophes with victims, the last of which happened in 1951. The company's aircraft fleet is regularly updated. The oldest airline airlines are only 9 years old.

Alaska Airlines (USA)

The carrier's headquarters is located in the suburbs of Sietla Sitec. The company was founded in 1932. In all his history, only 4 times its liners fell into an accident. Alaska Airlines Park has 112 aircraft that combine three directions. At Portland and Los Angeles airports are two additional hub. The British Agency Skytrax assigned three stars alaska airlines.

Air New Zealand (New Zealand)

The services of this airline have been used for 70 years. The company was founded in 1940. Throughout some time she carried out flights exclusively from New Zealand to Australia. In 1965, the air carrier got a name under which he is known today.

The main bases of the company are Auckland and Los Angeles airports. The peculiarity is that it is the only market for flights around the world.

Taking care of the comfort and conveniences of its customers, the company regularly updates and improves the route service, providing the fastest flights and best routes. Also at the decent level is the reliability of flights.

The company carries out flights in 27 areas only in New Zealand and 26 external directions. The air fleet consists of 50 modern aircraft, the basis of which is "Boeing" and "Eirbasi".

All Nippon Airlines (Japan)

The main base is located in the capital of Japan. All Nippon Airlines ranks second among the largest airlines of this country. The main specialization of the carrier is internal flights. International destination routes are also running. Under its control is the cargo airline AJV. Airplanes rush between 49 cities of Japan.

Flights in 22 cities of other countries are also produced.

Initially, all Nippon Airlines carried out exclusively helicopter transportation, but a year later, the company opened passenger flights from Osaka to Tokyo.

The aircraft park has 204 airliners. Also, the company offers its customers participation in after the first flight.

Cathay Pacific Airways.

In the East, this carrier is one of the largest. Its base is located in Cathay Pacific Airways has a large route network covering not only the countries of the East, but also the USA, Australia, Russia, the countries of Europe and Asia. The airline is engaged not only by passenger, but also by cargo transportation in more than 100 directions worldwide. The air fleet today has 97 aircraft.

Cathay Pacific Airways is part of one of the three largest aircraft alliances in the world - OneWorld. All members of the alliance adhere to one pricing policy and loyalty program. Consulting company Skytrax marked this airline with five stars.


Works in 70 directions in 40 countries of the world. The air carrier is considered a leader in service quality. Reliability, responsibility and scrupulsiness are distinguishing features of the company. The airframe consists of 90 modern liners, the basis of which is "airbuses".

Above marked the safest airlines in the world. The rest also deserve attention. In addition to the listed carriers, Lufthansa (Germany), American Airlines (USA), United Airlines (USA), Emirates, Emirates, Etihad Airways, KLM, Japan Airlines, were included in the list of safest airlines. SAS (Sweden-Norway Denmark), Hawaiian Airlines (USA), Virgin Atlantic (United Kingdom), Singapore Airlines (Singapore), Virgin Australia (Australia), Swiss (Switzerland), Eva Air (China). But it is still not all.

The safest airlines of the world among budget carriers - Flybe (United Kingdom), Jetstar (Australia), HK Express (China), (United Kingdom), Virgin America (USA), Tui Fly (Germany).

According to AirlineRatings, in 2015, there were 16 aircraft crashes, as a result of which 560 people died.

The largest catastrophe is called the airbus-321 Kogalymavia company (224 people died). With the fall of airbus-320 germanwings, 150 people became victims.

The safest airlines of the world plan to continue to meet such an honorable status.

International airlines are not tired to improve the service, trying to conquer the first positions. Than just not impressive passengers "the best of the best": chairs with massagers, a menu from chefs, the opportunity to learn the weather in robots and even nanny services for children. Qatar Airways is valued for the excellent business class and first class lounge. Among European air carriers are allocated Lufthansa. And most importantly, each airline has its own "face" and its own philosophy. In this review, we collected - Top 10.

10. Garuda Indonesia.

Opens the ranking of the best airlines of the world Garuda Indonesia, which has been operating since 1947. An unusual name is connected with the mythical bird of God Vishnu - Garuda (symbol of Indonesia). The airline is transporting passengers to 12 countries of the world. Customers celebrate a high level of cleanliness and friendly service. The headquarters of the Indonesian airline is located in the metropolitan airport of Sukarno Hatta. There are own waiting rooms where you can have a snack and connect to the Internet.

Lufthansa is the National Carrier of Germany, one of the largest and best airlines in the world. It works from 1926 and owns the second largest aircraft in the world consisting of 700 air liners. A rather wide and network of routes of the airline - 410 points where flights (Europe, Asia, Africa, America) are being carried out.

Customers can take advantage of one of three classes: the first, business and economy. There is a number of shares and additional services. For corporate clients - "Star Alliance Company Plus", for private passengers - "Star Alliance". The services of Lufthansa were merit in 1997, inviting it to the prestigious air-alliance StarAlliance.

Qantas Airways is one of the best airlines Australia, which was called "Flying Kangaroo." It is one of the oldest in the world (based in the 20s), yielding only KLM and Avianca. Qantas Airways began with air transportation. Today, the company is based in Sydney and ranks second among Australia's air carriers (KLM ahead). Middle age of aircraft - 10 years. The route is laid in 140 cities. Qantas Airways is considered one of the safest airlines in the world. Airplanes are equipped with video and audio systems for customer entertainment. An interesting service for passengers is an opportunity to try a country dish where they are sent.

Eva Air - Taiwanese airline created in the 80s. It is located at Taian-Taoyuan Airport and provides domestic and international flights. Among the directions of Eva Air - Asia, Europe, North Africa and Australia (about 70 destinations). This is the second largest airline Taiwan.

EVA Air Airlines has introduced robotic customer service at Taoyuan and Songshan airports. Robert's robot after scanning the coupon can chat with the client - provide data on departure, weather, stock and bonuses of the company. You can dance with a robot, make joint photos or play games. It is also interesting that on some aircraft, the airline employees fly in liveries to which images of cartoon characters are applied. For example, Hellow Kitty.

In the EVA Air aircraft there are 3 class of service: economy, economy premium and business. It is worth noting the safety of flights - the aircraft EVA AIR was not participants in major airframes.

One of the most popular Turkish Airlines airlines began to work since 1933 and is based in Istanbul. At first it was a national carrier, but today 49% of the shares belong to the state and 51% of private owners. There are two options for the choice: economy and business. The geography of routes covers 220 foreign airports in Europe, America, Asia and Africa (only 80 countries). The company has the youngest aircraft park - on average age of 3.5 years. During the flight, passengers offer snacks, Turkish meza and dessert. Airline Turkish Airlines is focused on medium-sighted flights.

5. Etihad Airways

In the middle of the airlines' airlines rated by Etihad Airways. This is the national company of the UAE, which has been operating since 2003. Was created by the decree of Sheikh. Headquarters is located in Abu Dhabi. In just 5 years of existence, Etihad Airways increased the number of passengers by 6 million. This is the fastest growing airline of the world, which contributed to the SkyTrax award: In 2016, the air carrier was awarded for the quality of the first class (including onboard nutrition and armchairs).

The name Etihad Airways means "Union", implying relationships between passengers and the airline. Arab Luxury Understanding Reflects on Comfort During Travel: In the first class - a two-meter chair-bed and a chef, in economy - touch screen and three dishes to choose from. During long trips, there is a road set (socks, toothpaste and brush, earplugs, sleep mask). Passengers with children can book nanny services.

4. Cathay Pacific

Hong Kong airline flying to 51 countries (200 routes) in Asia, Africa, New Zealand and Australia. Cathay Pacific is one of the six air carriers, which occupies high positions in the Skytrax rating (5 stars). The airline has been operating since 1946 - it was opened by the former pilots of the Air Force, American and Australian. First, Cathay Pacific was based in Shanghai, then moved to Hong Kong. The air park includes more than 90 aircraft (average age - 10 years). Among the entertainment for passengers - cinema, music, magazines, air paste. On long flights, passengers offer a night kit for sleep.

Singapore Airlines opens up the top three airlines in the world. He has been working since 1947 and provides flight services in 35 countries (more than 60 cities). Changi Airport (Singapore) is basic. If the passenger follows through it transit, it will be offered a free two-hour excursion. The Singapore Airlines airline is guided by philosophy: the passenger must receive the most comfortable rest on board the aircraft. Even economy-class passengers will appreciate the high level of comfort during the flight: a lot of place for legs, multimedia, monitors. You can use the Internet or watch a movie. In the airline Park more than a hundred aircraft, but no aircraft is operated for more than five years.

Qatar Airways takes 2nd place in the list of the best air carriers in the world. This is the National Airline of Qatar with Headquarters in Doha. Flights are carried out for five continents - these are more than 130 directions (all international). The average age of aircraft is 5 years. In 2017, Qatar Airways launched the longest flight in the world - from Qatar to New Zealand.

According to the Skytrax British Resource rating, Qatar Airways refers to 5-star airlines. Passengers are placed on wide seats with a massage function. Each has its own plaid, pillow and headphones. There is an entertainment center with the ability to watch movies, listen to music and use the Internet.

Customers Qatar Airways celebrate a variety of menus: rice, stew vegetables, salads, sandwiches. Transit passengers are offered to spend time not at the airport, but in a hotel - the airline helps to place a temporary visa and provides a shuttle service (a service can be paid or free).

Emirates Airline heads our top 10 "The best airlines in the world." The company was opened in the 1980s in Dubai for the development of the tourism of the UAE. Airline Emirates Airline (250 aircraft) is one of the most "young" in the world. The average age of transport is 5.6 years.

The airline positions itself as a global carrier, performing regular flights to all continents of the planet. From the Base Airport "Dubai" you can fly in 140 cities. Emirates Airline ranks first on the total number of international flights.

About the quality of service by Emirates Airline also do not forget. Most airplanes are equipped with entertainment centers: you can watch a movie, listen to music, play the game or post for an interactive flight card. Care about passengers with children: kids can observe take off and landing through the pilot through the Airshow channel, and parents with babies give a set of essentials with hygiene.

The ever-growing level of safety flights each year brings fruit in the aircraft industry. Even from 1982 to 1991, according to the report of the Interstate Aviation Committee (MAC), the safety index of the Soviet Union was 0.08. In the CIS countries, it reached 0.1 and a little better in the USA - 0.02. The ratio of the number of incidents per 100 thousand flights was taken for the indicator.

Attentive analysis of the causes of tragedies and the safety management of flights brought airfare to the level of confidence from the passengers. The numbers published by IATA in 2014 showed that 4.4 million flights account for 1 incident.

According to the World Fund, from January 2018 to December 2019, more than 20 aircases were recorded, as a result of which more than 700 people died. It is indicated that only civil planes were taken into account with a capacity of more than 14 seats.

To constantly keep passengers in the course of air transportation events, ICAO presented its project - the e-library of the final reports. The portal was designed to conduct safety lessons. With the help of it, you can search for the dates of incident and get acquainted with the report of the Commission.

For all the existence of air routes, only two airlines boast a zero percentage of accidents over the past 50 years. This Australian Quantas company has been operating since 1922, and Finnish Finnair - since 1923. According to JacDec, 22 world airlines were recorded as a whole, during the existence of which serious disasters did not happen.

Annually, the German company JACDEC publishes its own airline safety rating. Its results proceed from a thorough analysis of accidents on board aircraft. A measure on which the ranking is arranged, the safety index is adopted. The default airlines are assigned to 0. The index 0.001 is considered a good indicator without fatal outcomes.

It is important to note that the JACDEC Database for Accidents is limited to 30 years. The incidents that happened during the exercises, transportation of goods, testing in the calculation are not taken. Only flights with passengers on board are taken into account. The security analysis takes part 60 largest companies in the world.

So, we present 20 leaders of airline airlines 2018-2019.

Place in the listAirlineCountrySecurity index
1 Cathay Pacific Airway.China, Hong Kong0,006
2 Emirates.UAE0,007
3 Eva Air.Taiwan0,008
4 Qatar Airways.Qatar0,009
5 Hainan Airlines.China0,01
6 KLM.Netherlands0,01
7 Air New Zealand.New Zealand0,011
8 Etihad Airways.UAE0,013
9 Japan Airlines.Japan0,015
10 Tap Portugal.Portugal0,015
11 JetBlue Airways.USA0,016
12 Lufthansa.Germany0,016
13 Qantas.Australia0,016
14 Virgin Atlantic Airways.Great Britain0,017
15 All Nippon Airways.Japan0,018
16 Air Canada.Canada0,018
17 Delta Air Lines.USA0,018
18 British Airways.Great Britain0,024
19 Sichuan Airlines.China0,025
20 Air Berlin.Germany0,025

In 2018, the Australian Qantas did not enter the top ten, and turned out to be at 13 positions. And the Japan company Japan Airlines improved last year's results and rose from 44 seats by 9.

Russian airlines again did not enter the 20 security. Aeroflot-Russian shifted only one position up (35th place). And Transaero Airlines did not attend participation in Jacdec analysis.

Expert view of Switzerland

According to the experts of the Swiss Agency ATRA, it is not entirely true to the historical report of the accident. In fact, any air transport is subject to external factors and it happens that the chances of survival of passengers are greater dependent on the qualification of the pilot. Therefore, one of the criteria for calculating the safety rating of ATRA is the level of preparation of pilots and dispatchers.

After a long analysis of air incidents and accidents, ATRA brought 15 major flight safety criteria:

  • Financial position of the company;
  • Passenger seat employment coefficient;
  • The number of employees on board and pilots;
  • The total number of aircraft kilometers;
  • The number of vessels in operation and out of production;
  • Average age of acting aircraft;
  • Compounding air park (Airbus or Boing);
  • The number of aircraft under threat;
  • Number of accidents over the past 10 years.

Data for calculation is based on the information of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Flight Global Aviakosmic Log.

The ATRA has chosen 94 of the largest airline's financial income. Of these, the first in the ranking and most reliable were Asian Air China, China Southern Airlines Group, American - AMR Corporation, Delta Air Line, Southwest Airlines, United Continental Holdings, US Airways Group, European - Air France KLM Group and International Airlines Group (Statistics 2014).

European program Safa.

In 2004, the European Aviation Security Agency (EASA) presented its reliability assessment criterion - the SAFA coefficient. Unlike concentrated public ratings, at the moment Safa is considered the most reliable indicator of reliability. He was recognized by all experts of world air traffic. Safa is a kind of final assessment of the International Audit of Operational Security (IOSA)

It is worth noting in order to get the IOSA certificate, the company needs to withstand checking more than 1000 points of safety requirements.

The essence of the assignment of the coefficient consists in selective inspection of foreign aircraft landing in the EU, the inspectors of the European Commission. Predict when the check will be checked. The board of the aircraft is undergoing a thorough inspection of 54 points for the technical condition, age of ships and documentation. From the flaws of the vessel, the SAFA coefficient is output.

Subsequently, if the proven planes of one airline are gaining a certain number of penalty points, the company itself is brought into the Black List of the EU. Thus, constant control and improving safety of flights over the EU territory is carried out.

Unfortunately, Safa experts keep their conclusions in closed access. One thing is known than the higher the coefficient of the company, the lower its reliability. The critical threshold is the coefficient of 1.95. The airlines received such a mark enter the red zone and fall under the sight of the careful and regular observation of the European Commission.

Russian companies that have been checking after EASA certification provided their assessments on the security ratio.

Security flights. Documentary

The values \u200b\u200bbelow 0.4 received airline aircraft "Ural Airlines", "Siberia Airlines", "Aeroflot".

0.4-0.5 - "Utyir", "Globus";
0.5-0.8 - "Yamal", "Red Wings", "Orenburg Airlines", "Aeroflot-Nord", "North Wind";
0.8 - 0.9 - "Donavia", "GTK Russia";
1.08 - Transaero;
1.25 - "Sky Express".

The "Red Zone" threshold approached Vladivostok-Avia, Bashkortostan, "Airlines of Dagestan".

Top Flight Flight Safety Companies from Airline Ratings Airlines

The estimation of the portal is carried out along the seven stars system. Each star is assigned for certain indicators, such as the number and nature of the incident, the quality of personnel and service.

Participation in the ranking take 449 airlines. After the stars are exhibited, Airline Ratings is the top and worst air carriers. The resulting list of the most secure companies in the world is not much different from the opinion of German Jacdec and other experts.

But the top budget companies will accurately delight future passengers. So, we present you the winners of the nomination:

In the top of unsafe carriers of 2019, companies from Indonesia, Nepal and Suriname were included. They received 1 or 0 stars:

  • The presence of the iOSA certificate - if it is awarded 2 stars immediately;
  • Li airlines in the EU black list;
  • Whether there are registered deaths in the last 10 years;
  • Availability of FAA permission for flights to the USA;
  • Which of the Aviation Security Criteria ICAO uses the country in which the airline is located.
  1. quality service on board;
  2. meals during the flight;
  3. comfortable salon;
  4. level of work of luggage services;
  5. price.

The absolute leader in security and service, according to The West Australian, was the Australian company Qantas. As the editors of the magazine write, for 95 years of existence, it bypassed its competitors and approached the standard of the world's aircraft.

10 most secure airlines in the world

It follows her American Airlines (USA) and the Netherlands KLM. In total, the maximum score of the security rating scored 137 airlines, among which almost all from the list of JacDec. But the highest star of the service received a few, mostly Asian and Middle Eastern corporations, such as Etihad, Emirates, Qatar.

The magazine also replenished with a list of dubious or unsafe carriers: Indonesian - Lion Air, Batik Air, Wings Air, Xpress Air, Trans Nusa and African - Bluewing Airline.

Russian Aeroflot got the highest flight safety and middle score.

Batik Air.Srivijayair.
Bluewing Airlines.TRANS NUSA.
Kal-Star AviationWings Air.