Photoshop drawing from a photo. How to Make a Realistic Painting Effect in Photoshop

Photoshop drawing from a photo.  How to Make a Realistic Painting Effect in Photoshop
Photoshop drawing from a photo. How to Make a Realistic Painting Effect in Photoshop

    Also use photoshop. There are appropriate filters that make the photo seem to be painted, and there are also several options for a portrait, even watercolor. And it's easy to do, although there are video tutorials for this.

    there are special editors, for example, Olympus Master, there are functions for drawing with watercolors, oil paints, the pencil only need to adjust more real option by hand

    If the question concerns creating a drawn picture from a photo in the Photoshop editor, then I suggest the following video selection (excluding the videos of those who have already answered):

    Ate this question implies the creation of a drawn portrait using third-party programs (this method is especially good for those who do not know how to use Photoshop), then here's another plot (and there is even online programs, where you can make a drawn portrait or still life from a photo - a video is just about such a program):

    And there is another option (using CorelDRAW)

    Well, I like to do a similar effect automatically on the site - (there it is called cartoon)

    Even with the default settings, it comes out very well!

  • Making a drawing out of a photo is very easy.

    There are several ways to give a photo the look of a pencil drawing or stylize any image as a picture drawn in watercolor, gouache, oil or using other materials.

    If the quality and realism of the image are not particularly important to you, but you just need to do it quickly, you can easily get by with online image editors, which are enough on the Internet, for example, these: PhotoFunia , Photo Pencil Sketch or on this site Free online services from There are many other similar ones, but all of them have one significant drawback - the low quality of image processing, and the choice of stylization effects is very small and the conversion tools cannot be customized. I do not use online services, which is why it is monotonous, not of high quality and not interesting. Elements of your own creativity are completely absent.

    The second method is also very simple, but it gives you a chance to bring some individual, author's shades into each new image. This is a method using small special programs and applications. There are also a lot of such programs, from very simple ones, in which the quality does not greatly exceed online editors, to quite professional ones. From very simple programs i can advise FotoSketcher and Dynamic Auto Painter.

    In a programme FotoSketcher it is very easy to work, there are few settings and by changing them you can achieve a very realistic result.

    In a programme Dynamic Auto Painter it is even easier to work, but more interesting, the whole process of changing the picture can be observed in real time and stopped when you are satisfied with the result, there are quite a few profiles in it, under various styles painting. If set additional programs for screen recording and conversion, you can also make animated Gifsquot ;, for example, this one:

    Another very good one powerful program, professional level - AKVIS Sketch. This program is not difficult to use, but its capabilities in styling images for a drawing are comparable to those of photoshop a. This program can also work as a plugin for many graphics editors. Understand the tools and settings of the program AKVIS Sketch very easy, but if you still have difficulties - look at the office. developer site, there are a lot of clear reference materials and lessons.

    From the same series and a program that is designed to simulate different artistic styles. With the help of programs AKVIS Sketch and AKVIS Artwork you can make very realistic photo stylizations in various artistic styles in a few minutes.

    And of course the most the best quality in processing bitmaps can be obtained in the graphic editor of all times and peoples - in photoshop e ( Adobe Photoshop). I am using version Adobe Photoshop CS6 13.0 Extended but even earlier versions will achieve very High Quality and realistic images.

    It is very difficult to master all of Photoshop on your own, but you can learn how to use some of the functions and filters quite quickly. Watch these video tutorials, exactly on your question and you will not have any problems to make a picture out of a photo.

  • In order to change real photo to hand-drawn, you just need a photo editor for this.

    I personally use this site all the time.

    Here you can change All your photos into pictures, that is, on this site you can turn a Photo into a painted portrait.

    There are many ways how to make a photo look like a painting. The most common and probably the most the easy way which I know is the use of the program Dynamic Auto Painter. This program will automatically do everything necessary to make your photos look like pencil drawings.

    You can do everything manually by yourself, having mastered Photoshop. But it is a bit long and requires some effort.

    Turn a photo into a painted portrait or turn a digital image into a painted one different styles picture or drawing, in several ways:

    • use graphic editors, special programs, which you need to install on your computer, these programs are used to edit images, including turning a photo into a drawing with watercolors, paints, pencil
    • use graphic editors online
    • use programs that are used to transfer photos from the camera to HDD computer, they can also be used to edit images and turn a photo into a drawing.
  • You can do without Photoshop, there are plenty on the Internet free photos editors and photo templates, in which you simply upload a photo, and on exit it is displayed with the effect you want.

    One of them is (but there are a lot of them)

    The portrait effect will look something like this (but this is not the only "portrait" template, there are better ones)

    There are also a bunch of templates for postcards, but of course you need to make your own exclusive in Photoshop

    Today, this is no longer a difficult task, because there are many programs for turning an ordinary photo into a painted portrait. you can use Photoshop, FotoSketcher, Paint, Dynamic Auto-Painter. These programs can be downloaded for free from the Internet.

    Everything is very simple:

    there are special filters in Photoshop that will make your photo not only drawn, but also embroidered and rumpled and whatever 🙂

    The main thing is that you have Photoshop installed, and it's easy to figure it out

    Hello! nowadays, in order to find the answer to our own questions, you just need to go to the Internet. And for the question that worries you, there are a lot of different and most importantly free photo editors, with the help of them you can easily learn how to turn photos into painted portraits! I myself often use this site and I don’t have any problems. With the help of this site, you can turn your and other photos into a painted portrait!

    In this simple tutorial, I will show you the technique of how you can make a drawing from an ordinary photo using Photoshop, as if painted with colored paints. The bet is made on the circled edges. It turns out the effect that at first the drawing was sketched with a pencil, and then it was painted over, leaving an underlined stroke of the contours.

    Original Image:

    Final result:

    Step 10

    Activate the bottom black and white layer and set the blending mode to or , depending on how your photo looks.

    With mode overlap:

    With mode Soft light:

    To reduce the intensity of the color, you can lower the value on the second black and white layer or on the background layer.


    The finished result should look something like this:

    When choosing a photo for processing, please note that the best way This tutorial allows you to style images with nature or with flowers. Macro shots are also suitable for the lesson. Processing portrait or animal shots will likely not look as impressive.

    Noticed an error in the text - select it and press Ctrl + Enter . Thank you!

    Often users want to learn how to make a drawing out of a photo in order to print the photo later and store it as a drawing.

    Consider the most effective ways.

    To begin with, let's look at several popular services with which you can quickly create a picture effect on a photo without installing an additional software on computer.

    Photo Phunia Service

    On this site, users can take advantage of the automatic effect by which an ordinary picture is converted into a drawing.

    You can also choose the background texture of the source file: color, white or "special".

    To get started, select a file on your PC. To do this, click the Browse button on the site.

    Then define color scheme images (black and white or color).

    Click on the texture shape you want to output and click on the "Create" button to start the file conversion process.

    In a few seconds, a direct link to download the image from the site will be generated.

    Service Croper

    The next popular site for creating a picture from a regular picture is Croper. This online photo editor allows you to apply additional effects to your photo.

    With it, you can create a unique image without losing quality.

    One of the most popular features of this site is the pencil drawing feature.

    The file is converted by creating darker tones of the image, then strokes are gradually superimposed on the layers of the image, which, in turn, make a sketch out of the image.

    The editor interface is very simple. Upload the file to the site by clicking on the appropriate button.

    The image will open in a new window on the site. After that, find the main menu tabs - they are located at the top of the site.

    Click in turn on "Operations" - "Effects" - "Pencil".

    At the top of the page, select the stroke length settings and slant level.

    Then click on the apply button to start the image conversion process.

    This will take no more than one minute. If necessary, you can adjust the contrast of the final picture.

    The result of Croper's work is shown in the figure below.

    Creating a drawing in Adobe Photoshop

    With the help, you can also create a pencil drawing from an ordinary picture.

    Using the built-in functions of the program, you can achieve a better display of all the strokes and the final picture will look natural.

    The effect of the picture will be very visible if you print it on a printer. For greater effect, you can use white or craft paper.

    All the steps below are done in Photoshop CS6. Used features are available in older and all newer versions of the app.

    We will use a regular scanned photo.

    We recommend that you do not use small pictures while working in Photoshop, because after applying the “drawing” effect, some of the pixels may be blurred, which will degrade the quality of the final image. small size.

    First we need to copy the original image.

    To do this, open the picture in the program, wait for the toolbar to load and press the F7 button. Then click on the keyboard shortcut Ctrl - J .

    This way you will create a duplicate layer.

    Read also:

    To do this, click on the Image item (main menu of the program). Click on "Correction" - "Invert".

    Also, to apply desaturation to a layer, just press the Ctrl and I keys simultaneously.

    As a result of discoloration, we will get the negative of the image, and not its black and white version. All light areas of the photo will become dark, and dark areas will become light.

    On the layers panel, the resulting negative will be displayed as a second copy of the original layer. Next, change the display mode of the layer.

    Click on layer 2 and in the line "Mode" open the drop-down list. Click on Color Dodge.

    After changing the mode, the canvas of the project will turn completely or partially white. On the main menu bar, click "Filter" - "Blur".

    From the proposed list, select Gaussian Blur. In the window that opens, adjust the slider to create the blur level.

    The higher the value of this indicator, the brighter the picture becomes, acquiring the outlines of the drawn one.

    Important! Don't overdo it with the blur filter, otherwise the photo may become too light and the pencil effect will be lost. The optimal blur value is 12.5 - 13 pixels.

    This bleaching method allows you to achieve maximum clarity of the strokes of the image, pixels are not lost, and the resolution of the image is preserved.

    As you can see, the picture took on the shape of a pencil, but did not become too light.

    Go to the layer window and select the very first layer as shown in the image below. Then drag the pointer to the layer name and wait for the context menu to appear.

    In it, click on the "Merge Visible Layers" item. Hold the Alt button and select all three layers you want to merge with the pointer.

    Select the topmost layer (Layer 1). You need to change its display mode to "Multiply". This allows you to darken each line of the sketch, making the sketch more natural.

    The lines should not be too dark. If this happens, adjust the Opacity parameter to 50%.

    It is necessary that the color of the "simple" pencil be preserved.

    On this you can finish the job. As a result, we get black and white sketch original photo.

    If you want to add some color to the sketch, make a copy of the background layer by pressing Ctrl - J .

    Now we only need to change the display color options of the duplicated layer.

    Select the "Color" mode and in the line Transparency set the value to 65%, as shown in the figure above.

    The end result of converting an image to a thumbnail will look like this:

    Creating a picture from a regular photo in Photoshop will take you no more than 10 minutes, even if you are not an advanced user.

    This method allows you to achieve the highest quality effect of a picture drawn with a pencil.

    In this lesson we will make a pencil drawing from a photo. For work, I took a photo of a girl, which you can also download in the "Materials" panel on the right.

    1) So, open the photo of the girl with the Photoshop program and proceed. First of all, we make a copy of the photo layer and make the top layer "Base Dodge" overlay, instead of "Normal".

    2) Next, apply "Invert" to the same top layer. For this, with a dedicated top layer in the layers panel, select "Image" - "Correction" - "Invert" in the top menu, or press the key combination "Ctrl" + "i".

    3) Now we will apply the "Gaussian Blur" filter to the same layer, for this, with the layer selected, select "Filter" - "Blur" - "Gaussian Blur" in the top menu and in the filter window that appears, set the blur radius to "26.3" . Given value selected specifically for the size of the photo we are editing, if the size is larger or smaller, then the blur value will also have to be selected differently. The main thing is to get the same result.

    4) Now you need to discolor the processed layer. To do this, with the layer selected, in the layers panel below, select the adjustment layer "Hue / Saturation".

    5) The next step is to set up the "Levels" of the layer. To do this, as in the previous case, with the layer selected, select the "Levels" adjustment layer in the bottom menu of the layers panel and adjust the levels in the settings window that appears to make the picture more contrast.

    6) Now select the bottom layer with the photo, which is in its original form and convert this layer into a "Smart Object". To do this, right-click on it and select "Convert to Smart Object".

    Now apply the "Cross Strokes" filter to this layer, which will simulate the effect of pencil strokes. To do this, with the layer selected in the top menu, select "Filter" - "Filter Gallery" - "Cross strokes" in the filters tab "Strokes". Now we set up a filter by values ​​as in the screenshot.

    After these manipulations, we will get what we wanted - the effect pencil drawing from a normal photo.

    Adobe Photoshop provides a wide range of opportunities for creative processing of photos. In the photo editor, you can not only improve the frame, but also achieve unusual artistic effects.

    In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw a picture from a photo in Photoshop. We will use filters as the main tool.

    For example, let's take this picture taken in Portugal:

    And here is what happens after our manipulations:

    To make a drawing from a photo in Photoshop, open the picture in the program and create a color layer: Layer / “Layers” → New Fill Layer / “New Fill Layer” → Solid Color ... / “Color ...”.

    In the dialog box that appears, set the color of the paper on which our sketch will be. You can select shades of white, gray or sepia.

    After that, create a copy of the main layer ( background) and apply the filter to it Photocopy/Ragged Edges from the set.

    Name the new layer "Rough Sketch". Set its blend mode Multiply / "Multiplication". Here we are imitating the sketch that artists make before drawing the details.

    But artists never draw clear and precise lines the first time. We want to make something similar to a sketch, and there should be more draft lines. Therefore, we create a copy of the layer "Rough Sketch" and increase it a bit. Press the key combination command + T and in the top menu set the width and height to 105%.

    The canvas will stretch a little, and the lines of the drawing will double. After that, set the opacity of this layer to about 10–20% so that the lines become almost invisible, as if the artist was aiming and marking the sheet for further drawing.

    Now we will do the same, but we will reduce the original canvas in order to make even more sketch lines.

    Copy layer "Rough Sketch" and with the help of transformation we reduce the width and height to 95% Set the opacity of this layer to 10–20%.

    Now we need to add more graphical effects to make the stylization look even more like a drawing.

    Create a copy of the base layer background.

    Then we use the filter Cutout/"Application" from the filter set Filter / "Filter" → Filter Gallery ... / "Filter Gallery ...". You can choose the filter parameters to your taste or use our settings.

    Drag the stylized layer to the top of the layers panel and apply a filter to it. Filter / "Filter" → Stylize / "Stylization" → Find Edges ... / "Select edges ...". It will allow you to more strongly highlight the main lines and boundaries of objects that should be drawn better in the picture.

    Now let's make the borders selected in the previous step black and white: Image / “Image” → Adjustments / “Corrections” → Desaturate / “Discolor”.

    Name the new layer "Sketch" and set its blend mode color burn. Let's adjust the opacity.

    The previous step can be repeated to add more details.

    So, we almost managed to make a drawing from a photo in Photoshop. Now we need to add some pencil shading.

    background and drag it to the top of the layers panel. Apply a filter to the new layer Filter / “Filter” → Stylize / “Stylization” → Find Edges ... / “Select Edges ...”.

    Now let's colorize it.

    Let's use the filter Angled Strokes from the set Brush Strokes on the menu Filter / "Filter" → Filter Gallery ... / "Filter Gallery ...".

    Adjust the stroke length, direction and detail.

    Set the new layer to blend mode. Multiply / "Multiplication" and an opacity of about 60%. It can be seen that strokes have been added to the image.

    We continue to add details. Let's make more strokes.

    Also duplicate the base layer background, apply the filter Crosshatch / "Slanted Strokes" from the set Brush Strokes / "Strokes" in the menu Filter / "Filter" → Filter Gallery ... / "Filter Gallery ...".

    We bleach it.

    Set the blend mode Multiply / "Multiplication" and adjust the opacity.

    At this stage, we have already managed to make a drawing from a photo in Photoshop. If your goal is a black and white sketch, then you can stop there.

    Create another copy of the base layer background and drag it to the top of the layers panel. Set the blend mode Color. The picture immediately "painted". It remains to leave the individual parts of the image colored according to the mask.

    Add a mask to the layer by clicking on the icon Add Layer Mask / "Add a mask" in the bottom menu of the layers panel. The mask will be added by default. white color, we need to invert it: click on the mask icon and press the key combination command + I.

    After that, choose a brush of your choice. It can be an imitation of a pencil, crayons or watercolors from standard set Adobe Photoshop or some additional brushes.

    With the selected brush on the mask, paint with white the areas where the color should be. You can experiment with the size and type of brush, its density.

    We got it like this:

    With the help of these simple manipulations, we were able to make a pencil drawing from a photo in Photoshop. Each step is on a separate layer, so you can at any time enhance or weaken this or that effect, add or remove something using a mask.

    Taking the principles of this method as a basis, you can come up with an algorithm with other filters from the set Filter / "Filter" → Filter Gallery ... / "Filter Gallery ..." and in Photoshop make a pencil drawing from the photo.