Dana is the meaning of the name. The meaning of the name is given

Dana is the meaning of the name. The meaning of the name is given

When choosing a name for their daughter, parents try to dwell not only on a beautiful name, but also one that carries a deep meaning. To do this, they select a name based on its interpretation. What does the name Dana mean? What is the origin and history of the name Dan?

The meaning of the name Dan

Dana - received, given from above. This child is long-awaited and so beloved in the family that it brings everyone pleasure and happiness. The signs of the zodiac that the girl patronize are Pisces and Sagittarius.

They endow her with natural charm, deep intelligence. The planet that rules Dana's life is Neptune. The color that suits her more than others is blue. The stone that will protect her from trouble is lapis lazuli.

Origin and history of the name Dan

The name Dan has several versions of its origin. So, according to the first meaning of the name Dan - God is my judge. Based on this version, the name has Jewish roots. It comes from the male name Daniel.

What does the name Dana mean, according to the second version of the origin? It means given, given from above. The name is also considered an abbreviated form of the names of Doenitz, Danitsa. These names meant the morning star.

Historians claim that the ancient names used the form of the name Danut. There is also a version of the Celtic origin of the name Dan. It came from the name of the Goddess Dana. The goddess was a soothsayer and had tremendous power over the Celts. Dana does not celebrate her birthday, because in the church tradition there is no saint of the same name. The name is popular today in many countries of the world.

The character and fate of Dana

It is worth noting the positive character traits of Dana:

Strength of will;


Fast reaction;



The girl very quickly makes important decisions and can, in a matter of minutes, resolve those issues that others considered unsolvable. Dana is very curious, but she immediately begins to use all the knowledge gained in her everyday life.

The negative traits of the girl's character include:


Mood swings;


Dana is so principled that she can defend her innocence even at the cost of relationships or friendship. She works tirelessly, so she is in danger of a nervous breakdown or nervous exhaustion. Dan's name corresponds to the number four in numerology. She characterizes a person who is prone to scientific activity and technical innovations.

She is always surrounded by friends and admirers. Her dedication inspires many. But Dana does not consider herself unique in this. She just can't do otherwise. As a child, Dana is very mobile, she constantly plays with her peers, comes up with new entertainment for them and herself.

It is difficult for parents to cope with her changeable character. She is given everything and always strives to know first, therefore, she also gets mistakes and disappointments first. She is often sick in childhood, so she is very irritable and restless.

She very quickly expands her social circle and just as quickly breaks up with people from this circle. She has a subtle and always appropriate sense of humor. But not everyone wants to understand her jokes. Some consider her to be a superficial person who simply fills her own worth. Dana does not pay attention to such an attitude towards herself, because she always has her own personal opinion.

Dana is very hardworking. She takes on any job. She is also diligent in her studies, although she does not have enormous innate abilities. She tries more to comprehend the truth, to find out the truth, to draw the right conclusions, than to prove that she is smart.

It is difficult for her at school with her peers, at work with colleagues. Dana always sees several possible scenarios for the development of events, she always tries to be at her best. Dana really lacks the support and care of loved ones. She spends a lot of time helping the people around her.

Due to her fighting nature, Dana quickly loses touch with her mother, who believes that a woman should be affectionate, should be the keeper of the hearth, and not conquer the world. But Dana is trying in every possible way to prove to her mother that she is a worthy daughter. At the same time, she can flare up, allow herself too much.

Hot temper is Dana's main enemy. She suffers in many situations precisely because of her temper. If Dana chooses a creative profession for herself, she will achieve incredible success.

Dana is successful in business, but she spends money at lightning speed. Therefore, it is difficult to say that she will quickly put together significant capital. Dana is trying more to realize herself in career growth than in interpersonal relationships. She often yells at subordinates, can be too rude. It is difficult to work with her and this is one of the reasons why it is better for Dana to start a personal business.

With age, Dana understands that the risk is not always justified and is already trying to calculate her strength not to be nervous about work. Dana is difficult to please, so she only has faithful and proven friends over the years, whom she cherishes.

Dana's love

Dana's character and destiny determine her success with men. She is ready to change for the sake of the relationship, in many ways to yield to her partner. But at the same time, it is unnecessarily demanding. Dana can start a relationship with a man and after that demand the impossible, impossible tasks from him. It's not enough for her all the time.

Since Dana is successful, she also selects an ordinary man for herself. She does not like to associate fate with older men. She is impressed by men younger than not, who listen to her advice and fulfill her wishes. But Dana is not grateful, she does not know how to appreciate someone else's love and attention, so very quickly a bright union turns into an unbearable routine.

Dana loves children, but does not plan to stay at home and raise them for a long time. She has a huge number of plans for self-realization, she does not consider it necessary to devote her life to her children and her husband. Despite her difficult character, Dana is very understanding and affectionate. She is generous. There is a lot of love and light in her heart. It's just that Dana is more successful than many of her peers and therefore is not always understood by them. Dana herself does not consider it necessary to change something in herself.

What does the name Dana mean?: given, received (given name Dana of Hebrew origin).

The name Dan has several origins at once. So, according to the first version, the meaning of the name Dan is “God is my judge”. This is a Hebrew name derived from the male name Daniel. The second version says that Dana means "given" or "given", if we take into account the literal translation. Also, the name Dana is an abbreviated form of the names Danitsa and Doenitsa, meaning "morning star". In Serbia and Bulgaria, the name Dana means the planet Venus. In addition, historians say that previously, instead of Dan, the name Danut was used. It was especially widespread in Belarus and Poland, which means in translation from Latin "given, given" or from Lithuanian - "daughter of heaven."

Another version indicates that the name Dana was popular in Ireland, where the Celtic goddess Dana was revered, considering her the ancestor of the tribe of the same name. According to legend, the Danu tribe, after being defeated in the war with the sons of Mil, went to live in the underworld and over time turned into goblins, fairies, elves. So, Dana herself became their patroness. You can often find the interpretation of Dan's name as Dane.

Zodiac named Dan: Sagittarius, Pisces.

Angel Dan Day: not noted, since Dan's name does not appear on the church calendar.

Characteristics of the name Dan

Positive features of the name Dan: Increased intuition, strong will, Danuta's curiosity are manifested in the concrete embodiment of ideas. In the society of his peers, Danuta is trying to take a leading position. She has a quick reaction to events, turning them in her favor. At the same time, she retains openness and cordiality, a subtle sense of humor.

Negative traits of the name Dan: Risk addiction and mood addiction cause many conflicts when communicating with Danuta. When pissed off, she becomes dangerous. In his work, Danuta does not spare himself, therefore, more than once in his life he is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

The nature of Dan's name: What does the name Dana mean? The meaning of the name Dan is determined in numerology by the number 4, which indicates a person with abilities for science and technology. It also symbolizes stability, reliability, honesty. Dana, as a rule, has many friends, in life she achieves recognition of her merits and talents. She is also very useful in extreme situations, since she quickly reacts to various events or phenomena, and it is at this moment that all the traits of her character are best revealed.

The meaning of the name Dana often depends on the time of year in which her birthday falls. For example, if Dana was born in winter, then she will be stubborn and decisive, she will not allow herself to be offended. She is very amorous, but it takes a long time to choose her husband. Although, given that, under the influence of feelings, Dana is capable of rash acts, then her marriage may not last long. Danes born in the autumn are more calculating and pragmatic. This helps them build their careers. A girl with such a name likes noisy companies, but at the same time she practically does not drink strong alcohol.

Dana and her personal life

Male Name Compatibility: The union of the name with Artem, Vilen, Vladislav, Vladlen, Izyaslav, Martin, Sumorok, Cheslav is favorable. The complex relationship of the name is likely with Abram, Alfred, Babila, Herman, Parfen.

Love and marriage: Danuta is ready to concede in many ways, while maintaining her internal independence.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: As for the choice of profession, Dana often becomes an economist or accountant, programmer, music teacher, cook, hairdresser.

Danuta possesses a deep mind, occupied with vast designs. She is able to convince the interlocutor of her rightness, knows how to make an impression, and her lively, rich imagination and artistry help Danuta to achieve success in the field of creativity. She is capable of the most painstaking work, and if she was instructed to untie the "Gordian knot", she would have coped with the task. Danuta can also try himself in organizational work, politics, business, entrepreneurship.

Business and career: the name Danuta knows how to make money, although he often takes unjustified risks. Mostly luck and success accompany her, but she tends to spend earned money out of the blue.

Health and energy

Dan's health and talents: Danuta's health depends on her ability to control herself. Periods of imbalance, depression, heart and digestive tract diseases are possible. Stimulating and narcotic drugs, alcohol are strictly prohibited.

As a child, Dana is in poor health. As a rule, she is often sick, especially with a cold. Naturally, ailments are reflected in the nervous system of the name Danv, and in many cases it becomes too irritable. She is also known as a very mischievous child and brings a lot of excitement to her own parents. Dana converges with people simply and just as easily part with them if he loses interest in them. The company loves her, again, for her sociability and sense of humor. Although it is worth saying that sometimes the latter borders on sarcasm, which is why Dana can inadvertently offend a person.

Dana's fate in history

What does the name Dana mean for male destiny?

  1. Dana Brozhkova is a Czech Olympic orienteering champion who won the long distance gold medal in 2008. Plays for Scandinavian clubs.
  2. Dana Burke - known as Donna Burke. She is a private entrepreneur, announcer and singer. She studied vocals from the age of 10. Today he performs with songs at concerts of rock, jazz, classical, folk music. In addition, her voice is known on the Tokaido Line in Japan, where it sounds when announcing stations on shinkansen (high-speed trains).
  3. Dana International is an Israeli transsexual singer who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1998 with her song "Diva".
  4. Dana Borisova is a Russian TV presenter.

The short form of the name is Dan. Denichka, Denka, Dena, Danka, Dada, Danya, Datsa. Synonyms for the name Dan. Bogdan, Jordan, Yordan, Vladan, Loredan, Vidan, Danae, Denmark, Daniil, Danuta, Daniel, Denitsa, Danitsa, Dane. The origin of the name Dan. Dan's name is Slavic, Jewish, English. The name Dana has several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Dan is a Hebrew name, one of the forms of the male name Daniel, and means "God is my judge." According to the second version, the name Dana is a Slavic name, meaning "gifted" (literal, literal translation - "given"). The name Dan is the modern form of the names Denitsa, Danitsa, formed from the common Slavic "day", meaning "morning star". This name was popular among the people of the planet Venus. In this sense, the name Dana was used in Bulgaria and Serbia. It is also possible that the name Dan came into Russian as a short form of the female name Danut. The name Danuta was used in Belarus, Poland, possibly from the Lithuanian "daughter of heaven" or from the Latin "donata" - "given, given." According to the next version, the name Dana is an Irish name, comes from the name of the Irish (Celtic) goddess of creation Danu (Danu), who is considered the progenitor of the Danu Tribes (a tribe of gods). This divine people, according to legend, once ruled Ireland before the arrival of the Sons of Mile (people), the ancestors of the modern Irish. After the defeat in the battle with the Sons of Mil, the Danu tribes moved to the underworld of Ireland and eventually transformed into elves, fairies and goblins, and Dana became the patroness of elves and fairies. In this interpretation, Dan's name is pronounced as Dana. Also, the name Danna is found in the Kazakh language, it can also be written as Dana. The Kazakhs translate it as “wise, knowledgeable”. Most often, the name Dan is used as a short form of both female names (Bogdan, Jordan (Yordan), Vladan, Loredan, Vidan, Danae, Dayan, Denmark, Daniel, Danuta, Daniel) and male names (Daniel, Danakt, Bogdan). There is also a male name Dana. Dana as a child is a rather mischievous child. By his behavior, he often delivers a lot of experiences to his parents. With boys, she finds a common language faster than with girls. She quickly converges with people and also breaks up with them easily. Dana is athletic and courageous. Sharpness is not uncommon. If she doesn't like someone, she can make a joke of him. The winter owner of such a name is characterized by determination and stubbornness. She will never allow herself to be offended. This girl is an amorous person. Under the influence of feelings, he commits rash acts. Dana is not inclined to regret anything. She has been choosing her husband for a long time. As a result, marriage most often ends unsuccessfully for her. Dana celebrating her birthday in summer is usually softer and more tolerant. She is happily married. Autumn Dana is characterized by pragmatism and prudence. Such qualities help her in life. She's making a good career. The girl loves noisy companies, is the ringleader in them. She is not a fan of spirits. He prefers champagne and wine to them. By profession, Dana usually becomes an accountant, programmer, investigator, hairdresser, chef, or music teacher. On the one hand, this name gives the impression of something courageous. Rough and brave, but on the other hand, simple and beautiful. Its owners tend to think over everything. Despite the fact that Dana may seem modest at first glance, she will never allow herself to be forgotten. She is a fairly truthful person. Her character traits can be called contradictory. She seeks to please others, and at the same time shows restraint. In search of his own peculiarity and individuality, he can get confused and withdrawn into himself. She often lacks confidence and courage. At the same time, a strongly developed sense of duty helps her to cope with all difficulties and achieve visible results.

The female name Dana has two versions of its origin: one is an Old Slavic name meaning "given", and the other comes from the name of the Irish goddess Danu. On the territory of our country, the name Dan has not been popular in the last century, but now interest in him is growing.

Characteristics of the name Dan

The owner of this name is a real leader, she is energetic, open, who knows how to gather people around her, make them believe her every word, but at the same time she is ingenuous and honest, a real idealist. In childhood, Dana is a gentle and obedient child, but even then she was always busy with something, stubborn, very active. Adult Dana largely retains her temper: she can still cry if someone is rude to her, always tries to be in the center of socially useful affairs, but at the same time she no longer differs in special obedience, does not give anyone command or persistently advise her how better to do. It is unusual for the owner of this name to be cunning or to hide emotions - everything that she feels at the moment can be "read" on her face. At the same time, you can rarely see Dana in a bad mood, she is unable to be sad for a long time. Dana does not accept criticism, sometimes being overly confident in her abilities. That is why she suffers her failures painfully, she can commit an immoral act in order to achieve the goal.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Dana is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio or Aquarius. Scorpio (October 24-November 22) is similar to Dana in leadership qualities, he will endow her with mystery, decisiveness, courage, make her respected among colleagues and a stronger spirit. Aquarius (January 21-February 19) is a softer sign, under his influence Dana will be kind, imprudent, very perceptive.

Pros and cons of the name Dan

What positive and negative qualities can be noted in the name of Dan? Its advantages are in its beauty, solid and "strong" sound, unusualness and rarity, as well as the ability to choose for it several euphonious diminutive-affectionate forms, such as Danochka, Danka, Danusha, Danulechka. In addition, this name goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and its owners, as a rule, have a rather good character. There are no obvious disadvantages to this name.


Dana's health is strong, but usually she is often sick in childhood, especially with angina.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, the owner of this name loves to hold leadership, sometimes she even makes an offer to her beloved. But at the same time, she is devoted to her family, always takes care of loved ones, loves to cook, maintains perfect order in the house.

Professional sphere

In the professional field, Dana shows a strong will and a developed sense of duty. She can make a successful pediatrician, television or radio presenter, kindergarten teacher, dancer, social worker, psychologist.


Dana's birthday is not celebrated, since this name does not appear in the calendar.

The name Dan, like many other names, has several versions of origin and meaning. About these versions and much more in our review article.

The first can be called the version of the Jewish origin of the name. According to this version, the female name Dan is a theomorphic name, which is one of the versions of the male name Daniel. The names have the same meaning, and therefore the name Dana means "God is my judge".

The second version is the version of the Slavic origin of the name. Experts adhering to this version claim that the name Dana means "given" or "bestowed"... However, this is not the only Slavic version.

Another Slavic version says that the name Dan is a later version of the names Denitsa and Danitsa. If so, then the name Dana means "morning star", because this is exactly what the original names had. The ancient Slavs also called the planet Venus by this name, from which the semantic meaning of the name came.

There is also a version of the Irish origin of the name, according to which the name Dana originates from the name of the goddess Danu. In Celtic mythology, Danu is the goddess of creation.

And of course the name Dana is a short form of the name of Bogdan. Naturally, in the case of using the name Dan as a short form, the meaning of the name is inherited from the original name.

The meaning of the name Dana for a girl

Little Dana is a very different girl who combines completely incompatible character traits. She is both obedient and stubborn child. Dana either immediately agrees, or it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get what is required from her. It can also be noted that the girl is very kind and at the same time prone to impulsive behavior. She is very responsive, but regularly shows aggression towards other children. It is also worth highlighting the leadership traits in the character of Dana. She often becomes the informal leader of the company, even if the company will be mostly boys.

Dana is a good student, but there are not enough stars from the sky. Dana is very responsible for her studies and shows an enviable hard work. If Dana gets an excellent mark, it’s an earned mark. Surprisingly, Dana rarely finds a hobby to her liking. She regularly starts doing something, but soon gives up what she started. If Dana nevertheless gets carried away with something seriously, she will achieve significant success in this.

Dana's health can be called strong, although in childhood she is often sick. Already an adult Dana should pay special attention to her posture. The owners of the name often have problems with the spine, and therefore it is worthwhile to take preventive measures in advance.

Abbreviated name Dana

Diminutive names

Danchik, Danochka, Danushka, Danonka, Danusya, Danuska, Danusik, Danulya, Danulka, Danulchik, Danusha, Danushenka.

Dan's name in English

In English, Dana's name is spelled Dana.

Dana's name for passport- DANA.

Translation of Dan's name into other languages

in Belarusian - Dana
in Bulgarian - Dana
in Danish - Dana
in Norwegian - Dana
in Serbian - Dana
in Ukrainian - Dana
in Swedish - Dana

The name of Dana according to the church not defined, since it does not appear in the church calendar (saints).

Characteristics of the name Dan

Adult Dana is an energetic and self-confident woman. She knows how to achieve a goal and lead people along. Leadership is characteristic of Dana since childhood, in the adult Dana it manifests itself even more. At the same time, the inconsistency of her character will not go anywhere. She is very sensitive to any criticism. Reacts emotionally if the situation does not develop according to her plan. Dana is an ocean of emotions, though mostly positive. She rather looks at the world positively, although sometimes she allows herself to feel sad.

Dana will certainly work in a responsible position. Responsibility is the side of her character that will certainly be noticed and in demand. Dana is very conscientious about her job duties. It should be noted that Dana's motives for choosing a profession are quite diverse. For her, the material component of work is important, but Dana wants to get pleasure from work. Usually she can find something to do that will satisfy both of these desires.

Family relationships for Dana are a project of her successful life. She will certainly take control of the family in her own hands and will lead her to her idea of ​​the ideal. At the same time, Dana is ready to work on the "perfect picture". Unfortunately for Dana, her life partner is not always happy about it. She should think about whether there is love in her picture of an ideal family.

The mystery of Dan's name

The main secret of Dana can be called her ability to act low in order to achieve a goal. For the sake of success, she is able to "go over the heads", although she does this very rarely. Unfortunately, even loved ones are not immune from this. Life success is very important for Dana.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

Totem animal- Elephant.

Name color- Blue.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Beryl.