Nl diet diet. Energy diets - how to take, composition, reviews, results

Nl diet diet.  Energy diets - how to take, composition, reviews, results
Nl diet diet. Energy diets - how to take, composition, reviews, results

The Energy Diet complex helps you lose weight without hunger, calorie counting and intense workouts. This is a very tasty meal that is easy to prepare and even take with you anywhere. Find out how to use products to lose weight forever!

Nutrition is the basis of the foundations of health and proper functioning of the human body. In modern conditions, it is quite often defective, unbalanced, and sometimes harmful, if there are quick snacks, fast food, non-compliance with the diet, and other unhealthy eating habits. From a medical point of view, about 80% of human diseases are caused by malnutrition. The digestive system suffers first, and the failure of its activity leads to metabolic disorders, poor health, and the appearance of excess weight.

Food is the main component of nutrition. But those offered by manufacturers today have a lower potential for beneficial ingredients than all-natural ones. Indeed, after industrial technological processing, many vital substances - vitamins, minerals, trace elements, nutrients - are destroyed in them. Therefore, even with a seemingly balanced diet, the body does not receive everything necessary for its full functioning.

A way out of this problem was proposed by the nutritionists of the French company NL, who created full-fledged meal replacements - Energy Diet dry mixes, which, when mixed with milk, form a very tasty and healthy product that satisfies the needs of the body as much as possible. This alternative method of nutrition is suitable for both weight loss and rejuvenation, general health improvement, and obtaining all the necessary nutrients. The Energy Diet program allows you to restore your health in the shortest possible time, normalize body weight, maintain an excellent shape without any effort in the future.

Energy Diet is a natural raw material processed according to the latest technologies under strict quality control. All products of the line have certificates of compliance with Russian and European standards.

Description and properties

Energy Diet products are distinguished by high taste qualities and a variety of assortment. There are soups, scrambled eggs, porridge, mashed potatoes, cocktails, all kinds of teas, vitamin drinks, desserts. This is not just a functional balanced diet, but “smart food”, which optimally solves the problem of a complete low-calorie diet.

In addition, all products have a host of other advantages:

  • do not require the calculation of the balance or calorie content of the menu;
  • do not involve adherence to strict diets or starvation;
  • easy to prepare, do not require time;
  • have excellent, very diverse tastes;
  • quickly eliminate the feeling of hunger, saturate for a long time, provide appetite control during the day;
  • are completely absorbed by the body, spent on ensuring its work, and are not deposited in body fat;
  • are produced not only in jars, but also in portion bags, which are convenient to use, do not take up much space during transportation, and can always be at hand for healthy snacks.

Alternative food "Energy Diet" can not only saturate, but also give pleasure with great taste, cheer up, and provide a boost of energy.

The beneficial effect of mixtures is based on the following principles:

  1. Proper nutrition - the body receives the required amount of nutrients, the whole complex of amino acids, vitamins, microelements, biologically active substances, fiber.
  2. Balanced metabolism - there is a normalization of all metabolic processes, regardless of the initial state of health.
  3. Weight correction - with proper nutrition and normal metabolism, the body begins to work optimally, strives for balance, and launches a natural weight correction.
  4. Preservation of health - all processes proceed properly, the necessary substances are absorbed completely, but are not deposited in reserves, but are consumed in the form of energy.

Contraindication to use can only be individual intolerance to the components. It is also not recommended to switch to such a diet during pregnancy and lactation.

Energy Diet is a complete meal replacement that contains all the necessary components and is able to almost completely satisfy the requirements of a balanced diet. In addition, under this common name, NL International produces other types of products, in particular, a special complex for weight loss, sports nutrition, drinks, etc.

Product overview

The Energy Diet catalog includes the following categories:

  • for a balanced diet - Energy Diet Smart and HD;
  • for weight loss - Energy Diet Slim;
  • sports nutrition, protein bars - Energy Diet Pro;
  • teas, vitamin drinks - Enerwood.

There is also a fairly large list of items that this manufacturer offers to maintain health, beauty and youth. But the Energy Diet line is the main one in the company's assortment.

Category "Energy Diet Smart" - these are cocktails with different tastes (latte, melon, mango, vanilla caramel, irish cream). Dry mixes are packaged in portion bags. Each serving contains only 200 kcal, while it has a very rich composition:

  • proteins, fats, carbohydrates (simple and complex) in the correct ratio;
  • 18 essential amino acids;
  • 12 vitamins, 11 minerals;
  • vegetable enzymes;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • digestive enzymes, etc.

The benefits of drinking cocktails are provided by the beneficial properties of the components:

  • easily digestible proteins (soy isolate, milk and whey protein concentrates) provide fast saturation and a long-lasting feeling of satiety, and are also a source of calcium, the main building material of tissues, an activator of cell regeneration and the functioning of all systems;
  • phospholipids () slow down aging, promote weight loss, improve mental activity;
  • carbohydrates (complex - palatinose, simple - maltodextrin) supply energy, satisfy hunger for a long time;
  • dietary fiber, prebiotics, digestive enzymes (inulin, citrus and cocoa fibers) suppress appetite, improve the functioning of the digestive tract, remove harmful substances from it;
  • vitamins, minerals, trace elements are necessary for the life of the body, the quality functioning of all organs, a good physical and psycho-emotional state;
  • enzymes (bromelain, papain) are natural fat burners, improve protein digestion;
  • Griffonia extract relieves fatigue, improves the state of the central nervous system, increases activity, reduces appetite.

Energy Diet Smart shakes are not dietary supplements or nutritional supplements, but a complete, fully balanced diet.

  • puree soups (with chicken, with mushrooms, with vegetables);
  • oatmeal;
  • omelette;
  • the drinks.

The composition of these cocktails is somewhat different from the previous series. It includes:

  • proteins of animal (milk) and vegetable (soy, pea) origin, the combination of which is optimal, since it includes the entire set of amino acids and a large number of other useful substances;
  • fat (soybean oil) is a source of polyunsaturated (Omega 3, 6) and other essential acids, helps control appetite, is not stored in stocks;
  • dietary fiber restores the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses, reduces appetite;
  • carbohydrates (simple - maltodextrin, glucose, complex - starch) in the optimal combination, which allows you to saturate quickly and for a long time, but at the same time, competent dosing in the composition of the cocktail allows you to fully assimilate them without putting off "in reserve";
  • Barbados cherry (Acerola) a strong natural antioxidant rich in vitamin C;
  • royal jelly - a champion in the content of nutrients, promotes rejuvenation, improves immunity, improves mood;
  • digestive enzymes contribute to the rapid absorption of food, normalize digestion, improve intestinal microflora;
  • vitamins and minerals ensure the normal functioning of the body, strengthen the immune system, maintain health and youth.

In addition, depending on the type of cocktail, additional natural ingredients are added to give it taste and aroma:

  • "Vanilla" - dried vanilla, which is a powerful antioxidant;
  • "Strawberry", "Raspberry" - the corresponding berries in granules, thanks to which the composition is enriched with additional minerals, vitamins, trace elements, fiber;
  • "Coffee", "Cappuccino" - coffee extract, energizing and cheerful;
  • "Chocolate" - cocoa powder, containing a lot of calcium, iron, magnesium, and other elements.

Other ingredients are added to the concentrates of the "first" and "second" courses:

  • "Mushrooms" - real dried mushrooms containing a large amount of protein and other useful substances;
  • "Vegetables" - natural dried vegetables (potatoes, broccoli, onions, garlic), turmeric, parsley;
  • "Tomato" - tomato powder, garlic;
  • "Peas" - dry peas, onions, spinach, garlic;
  • "Omelet" - egg powder without artificial substitutes;
  • "Oatmeal" - crushed oatmeal.

In the entire line of these Energy Diet products, there are only natural ingredients that provide excellent taste and rich aroma.

The Energy Diet Slim program is designed to launch the body's own capabilities in order to correct body weight. It has a gradual effect on him, providing a systematic weight loss and preventing its re-gain.

The weight loss course is designed for 25 days, during which you need to take 4 drugs with different directional effects strictly according to the instructions:

  1. DrainEffect (1-10 days of the program) - awakens the body, prepares it for independent weight loss, provides a drainage effect, removes excess fluid, cleanses the intestines, due to which waist volumes decrease from the first days of use.
  2. FoodControl (6-15 days) - restores appetite control, reduces the amount of food consumed by 2 times, eliminates hunger for 5 hours, promotes a comfortable change in eating habits.
  3. Metabolic (11-20 days) - starts the process of fat burning, involves fat cells in metabolic processes, normalizes metabolism.
  4. BodyShape (16-25 days) - corrects the figure, tightens the contours of the body, prevents sagging and lethargy of the skin.

The drugs are taken alternately, but their methods are "overlapped" on each other by day, providing a joint action and a smooth transition.

Due to the complex phased impact, the program provides:

  • the most effective normalization of body weight in a natural way;
  • lack of stress and negative consequences;
  • 100% effectiveness, which is confirmed by independent studies;
  • purification, optimization of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening immunity, establishing all functions;
  • improving the appearance and condition of the skin.

Since the Energy Diet Slim complex provides appetite control, eating habits completely change in 25 days of taking it. In addition, during this period, it is possible to qualitatively cleanse the body, reduce volumes, correct the figure and lose weight, dropping more than 8 kg of excess weight.

Drink DrainEffect creates a drainage effect and starts the process of losing weight. It is available in sticks, the contents of which are dissolved in water before use.

Active action DrainEffect provides:

  • cleaning from slags;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • reduction in waist.

The main components are only extracts from medicinal plants, which act gently, do not harm the body, do not create stress, and provide excellent health throughout the course.

The composition includes extracts:

  • white tea - a powerful antioxidant with strong antibacterial properties that can slow down aging, strengthen immunity, lower cholesterol, saturate with useful elements;
  • lemon sorghum - an excellent body cleanser, which, along with a detoxifying effect, normalizes the function of the digestive system, activates metabolic processes, and provides fast and comfortable weight loss;
  • peppermint - a natural sedative that can significantly reduce appetite, reduce the amount of food consumed, especially when overeating amid stress;
  • aloe vera - an active fighter with body fat;
  • rhubarb - a mild laxative that improves intestinal motility, eliminates congestion in the pelvis;
  • prickly pear is the best natural immunostimulant that has a positive effect on metabolism, draws fat cells into energy metabolism, and improves skin condition.

The drink is taken from 1 to 10 days of the program at the stages "Start" and "Appetite control" 2 times a day (morning and afternoon) half an hour before meals. To do this, the contents of 1 stick are diluted in a glass of water. To achieve maximum effectiveness while taking DrainEffect, you should switch to the correct 5 meals a day in small portions or Energy Diet cocktails.

The product has a targeted effect on eating habits, forming the right attitude to food. This makes it possible to:

  • establish appetite control;
  • reduce single servings by 30-50%;
  • get rid of the debilitating feeling of hunger;
  • avoid unhealthy snacks.

After taking FoodControl, saturation is maintained for 5 hours, which allows you to easily withstand long eating windows. Due to the correction of nutrition, 1 course of this drug allows you to reduce the waist by 9 cm. In addition, cravings for sweets and other foods harmful to the figure are significantly reduced.

FoodControl contains natural ingredients:

  • carbohydrates (simple - maltodextrin, complex - palatinose) in the optimal combination, which allows you to saturate quickly and for a long time, but at the same time, properly selected dosing contributes to complete absorption without deposition in reserves;
  • konjac gum - a source of chitosan (insoluble fibers), which significantly improves intestinal motility and creates long-term saturation due to gelling properties;
  • hibiscus extract (hibiscus) contains a large amount of natural antioxidants that slow down aging, as well as vitamins, organic acids, has a diuretic effect, dulls appetite, improves immunity;
  • elderberries, which have a strong tonic, choleretic, anti-edematous effect, normalize metabolic processes, restore beneficial microflora;
  • lemon and orange peel - one of the best helpers in the fight against subcutaneous fat and cellulite, as well as a means to dull appetite, improve digestion and saturation with vitamin C;
  • rosehip berries - a natural diuretic, activates metabolism, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

FoodControl is used from 6 to 15 days of the program at the stages of "Appetite control" and "Metabolism acceleration" 1 capsule 2 times a day - at lunch and in the evening 30 minutes before meals.

The next stage of the course is the optimization of metabolism by taking Metabolic capsules. Their active components include fat deposits in energy metabolism, cause their active splitting, followed by the removal of decay residues.

  • natural loss of 4 kg of weight and 12 cm of waist in 10 days of the course;
  • restoration of metabolism;
  • improved digestibility of food;
  • maintaining the achieved weight.

At the same time, all functions of the body are activated, the normalization of body weight occurs without stress and negative consequences.

Like all products in this series, Metabolic contains only natural active ingredients:

  • green coffee extract - a source of chlorogenic acid, which is considered the most effective fat burner;
  • L-tyrosine is another active fat burner, most effective when combined with exercise;
  • ginger extract - activates almost all body functions, metabolic processes and fat breakdown;
  • white tea extract - antiseptic, antioxidant, immunostimulant, which contains a large set of vitamins and minerals;
  • green tea extract - accelerates metabolism, accelerates the burning of body fat;
  • cayenne pepper extract - dissolves subcutaneous fatty tissue, enhances blood circulation, removes fat breakdown products, activates metabolic processes, eliminates cellulite and sagging skin, improves skin;
  • black pepper extract - has a similar effect and enhances the properties of cayenne pepper.

Metabolic is taken from the 11th to the 20th day of the Energy Diet Slim program for weight loss, at the "Acceleration of metabolism" and "Silhouette" stages, 1 capsule 3 times a day - after the second breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack.

The comprehensive weight loss program ends with body shaping. Bodyshape prevents the appearance of sagging skin, and also promotes rapid fat burning, which speeds up the process of weight loss as much as possible.

The most pronounced results of taking Bodyshape will be:

  • improved skin characteristics;
  • a taut silhouette without sagging, stretch marks and other consequences of losing weight;
  • elimination of addiction to sweet and other junk food;
  • appetite control;
  • stable feeling of satiety;
  • reinforcing good eating habits.

The composition of the capsules includes the following components:

  • linoleic acid - provides fat burning, muscle growth, metabolism acceleration, blocking fat deposition, fixes the result;
  • raspberry extract - improves skin elasticity, accelerates cell regeneration, accelerates metabolic processes, slows down aging;
  • vitamins PP, group B - participate in many processes, support beneficial intestinal microflora, improve skin condition, participate in fat burning.

Take Bodyshape from 16 to 25 days at the stages of "Silhouette" and "Fixation" 2 capsules 2 times a day - after lunch and dinner.

In general, the Energy Diet Slim weight loss program, based on the intake of these products, is built according to the following scheme:

Days 1-5 - Launch Stage - DrainEffect 1 glass of prepared drink 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch.

Days 6-10 Appetite Control Stage:

  • DrainEffect 1 glass of prepared drink 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch;
  • FoodControl 1 capsule 30 minutes before lunch and dinner.

Days 11-15 - Metabolism Boost Stage:

  • FoodControl 1 capsule 30 minutes before lunch and dinner;
  • Metabolic 1 capsule after second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack.

Days 16-20 - Silhouette Stage:

  • Metabolic 1 capsule after second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack;
  • Bodyshape 2 capsules after lunch and dinner.

Days 21-25 - Consolidation Phase - Bodyshape 2 capsules after lunch and dinner.

For 25 days of the Energy Diet Slim course, you can get rid of 10–12 kg of excess weight and 10–12 cm in volume. At the same time, the figure will be taut and slender, and the body - without stretch marks and sagging.


The Energy Pro series of sports nutrition is a balanced complex of several types of protein, as well as protein bars, ideal for snacking. The use of these products gives a set of dry mass, provides a boost of energy, increases the effectiveness of training and supplies the muscles with the necessary nutrition.

The great advantage of the Energy Pro line is its adaptation to the characteristics of the female and male body. The product range includes multi-protein in different flavors (Butter Cookie, Coconut Cream), whey protein for women (Plombir, Strawberry) and for men (Plombir), as well as a variety of protein bars.


The "Multiprotein" formula uses a unique 5 Protein Matrix complex, which forms the basis of an active increase in muscle mass. It contains 5 types of protein:

  • whey isolate and concentrate;
  • collagen hydrolyzate;
  • casein;
  • milk protein concentrate.

The advantages of "Multiprotein" Energy PRO are:

  • the presence in the composition of proteins with different release periods, due to which continuous delivery of amino acids to the muscles is ensured, ensuring their rapid recovery after a heavy load;
  • ensuring recovery processes not only after physical activity, but also during the rest period, which leads to maximum muscle building;
  • no catabolism.

Sports nutrition "Multiprotein" is a delicious drink that is recommended to be consumed after a workout to get an incredible relief.

Whey Protein

There are two types of whey protein of the Energy PRO series - for women and men, and the female version has 2 flavors - "Plombir" and "Strawberry", and the male version - only "Plombir".

There are practically no carbohydrates, fats, additional calories in the protein. It is made up of high-quality protein and is formulated with the BioSlim matrix formula, aimed not only at saturating the body after training, but also at accelerating metabolism and burning fat.

Energy PRO whey protein benefits include:

  • the presence of only high-quality protein that has passed triple filtration;
  • formula optimally adapted to the needs of the body;
  • an ideal combination of 3 amino acids - leucine, valine, isoleucine (2: 1: 1), providing a quick increase in high-quality muscle mass instead of fat;
  • improved protein absorption due to the presence of prebiotics in the composition;
  • continuous saturation of muscles with essential amino acids;
  • accelerated fat burning due to the stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening collagen and elastin fibers, which ensures excellent skin condition after weight loss.

Whey protein is ideal for consumption not only during sports training, but also on a low-calorie diet, since 1 serving contains only 105-110 kcal.

Sports bars

In addition to protein, the Energy Pro series includes bars in two versions:

  • protein containing proteins with different release rates (fast and slow), which allows you to provide muscle nutrition in any state - during training or rest;
  • with L-carnitine, also containing fast and slow release proteins, but due to supplements, they contribute not only to muscle nutrition, but also to active fat burning, removal of their residues and excess fluid.

The bars also use the 5 ProteinMatrix formula, which contains 5 different proteins. In addition, they include other useful components:

  • 14 vitamins and minerals that support and improve the functioning of all organs;
  • a complete set of essential amino acids that contribute to the growth of high-quality dry mass;
  • creatine, which increases endurance and training results.

Such bars are presented in different flavors - Pineapple, Lemon, Cactus, Mango and Papaya. Any of them is the perfect snack that you can always take with you. Delicious and healthy bars provide long-term satiety, prevent the appearance of a strong feeling of hunger, especially after intense workouts.

Teas and drinks

The largest range of products is contained in the Enerwood teas and drinks category. It is represented by a wide variety of different combinations of green and black tea and all kinds of natural fortified supplements:

  • mint with lemon;
  • cinnamon with orange;
  • nuts with chocolate;
  • currants;
  • mountain ash;
  • cranberries.

There are also berry-herbal and other various compositions.

The composition of such drinks contains unique herbal ingredients that contribute to weight loss and significantly reduce the possibility of stress for the body. Among the many useful additives should be highlighted:

  • bran extract, which normalizes digestion;
  • Reishi mushroom is a powerful herbal immune modulator and antioxidant.

In addition, dried berries, aloe, sea buckthorn extract, and other valuable medicinal plants endow these drinks with powerful vitamin, mineral and healing potential. Due to this, strong support is provided to the body, thanks to which it itself begins to restore its strength and normalize body weight.

Weight loss programs

Eating smart food Energy Diet, you can achieve excellent results in losing weight. To do this, you need to go through 3 programs in sequence:

  1. "Start".
  2. "Fixing the result."
  3. "The control".

Each of them is based on certain rules and compliance with the appropriate diet.


The Energy Diet Start program provides:

  • daily caloric intake of 1200–1500 kcal;
  • 4-5 self-serve meals of Energy Diet products and 1 meal of raw or cooked non-starchy vegetables (no more than 1 serving) per day;
  • the duration of the stage is 3-5 days (in the strict version - 3 days, but with the use of only Energy Diet every 3 hours);
  • for better saturation before and after each intake of Energy Diet - 1 glass of water;
  • drinking regime - 2.0–2.5 liters of water, unsweetened tea, herbal infusions.

An example menu might look like this:

  • breakfast - 1 glass of water or unsweetened tea (immediately before the cocktail), 1 serving of Energy Diet Coffee, 1 glass of water or tea (immediately after the cocktail);
  • lunch - 0.5 portions of Energy Diet "Banana";
  • lunch - 1 glass of water or unsweetened tea (immediately before the shake), 1 serving of Energy Diet Mushrooms, 1 glass of water or tea (immediately after the shake) or - 1 glass of water or unsweetened tea (20 minutes before meals), 1 plate vegetables, 1 glass of water or tea (20 minutes after eating);
  • afternoon snack - 0.5 servings of Energy Diet "Chocolate";
  • dinner - 1 glass of water or unsweetened tea (immediately before the cocktail), 1 serving of Energy Diet Omelet, 1 glass of water or tea (immediately after the cocktail).

The regimen depends on the amount of excess weight:

  • 3 days - 5 meals of Energy Diet products;
  • light version: 1 day - 5 each, 2 days - 3 each.

over 10 kg:

  • 5 days - 5 meals of Energy Diet products;
  • light version: 2 days - 5 each, 3 days - 3 each.

To maximize the effectiveness of the Start program, you need to use Energy Diet products with different tastes. This will help to avoid choking, which often causes a breakdown.


In the second stage, the diet is gradually expanded with a gradual increase in calories, but weight loss will continue. The Consolidation program consists of 1-2 Energy Diet meals and 1-2 healthy meals per day until you reach your desired weight (usually 10-14 days).

Sample menu:

  • option 1 - a glass of water or unsweetened tea (immediately before the cocktail), 1 serving of Energy Diet Coffee, 1 glass of water or tea (immediately after the cocktail);
  • option 2 - a glass of water or unsweetened tea (20 minutes before a meal), 1 plate of vegetables, 1 glass of water or tea (20 minutes after a meal); lunch - 0.5 servings of Energy Diet Banana.

Lunch – 1 glass of water or tea (20 minutes before meals), 1 serving of protein foods with vegetables, 1 glass of water or tea (20 minutes after meals).

Snack - 0.5 servings of Energy Diet "Oatmeal".

Dinner - 1 glass of water or unsweetened tea (immediately before the cocktail), 1 serving of Energy Diet Vegetables, 1 glass of water or tea (immediately after the cocktail).

If there is a strong hunger in the evening, you can consume 0.5 servings of Energy Diet, but at least 3 hours before bedtime. The water regime is preserved - 2.5 liters.

When choosing a protein food, keep in mind that 1 serving is:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g of dietary meat;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 150 g of cottage cheese;
  • 150 g of fish or seafood.

With too much excess body weight (20–30 kg or more), then after the “Fixation” stage, you need to repeat the “Start”.

The control

At this stage, you need to control your diet and weight. The duration of the "Control" program depends on the number of kilograms lost - 1 month for each. For example, if at the stages "Start" and "Consolidation" it took 5 kg, then the control period should last 5 months.

Approximate menu of the program "Control":

  • option 1 - a portion of proteins, 200 g of useful (complex) carbohydrates;
  • option 2 - a portion of proteins with vegetables, tea.

Lunch - unsweetened and non-starchy fruits.

Lunch – 1 glass of water or tea (20 minutes before meals), 1 serving of proteins with vegetables, 1 glass of water or tea (20 minutes after meals).

Snack - unsweetened and non-starchy fruits.

Dinner - 1 glass of water or unsweetened tea (immediately before the cocktail), 1 serving of Energy Diet Raspberry, 1 glass of water or tea (immediately after the cocktail).

In case of failure or violation of the diet rules, you need to switch to the Start program for 2 days after that, replacing 2 meals with Energy Diet products. The amount of water needed per day remains the same - 2.5 liters.

How to use

Energy Diet shakes and soups can be diluted with water or skim milk. You can choose a specific product, which is tastier, or mix them together, getting completely new tastes. For example, "Melon" with "Banana", "Latte" with "Vanilla" or "Chicken" with "Mushrooms" goes well.

To prepare such a meal, you will need:

  • 250 ml of milk or water;
  • a serving of Energy Diet (1 sachet or 1 scoop);
  • shaker.

How to cook:

  • pour half of the liquid into the shaker;
  • pour in the dry mixture;
  • add the remaining liquid;
  • Shake vigorously for 15 seconds.

If it's a cocktail, then it's ready to drink. To prepare the soup, you will need one more of the following steps:

  • the contents are poured into a pan or pan, cooked for 5 minutes over low heat;
  • the contents are poured into a dish for a microwave oven, placed in a microwave oven, cooked for 2 minutes at medium power.

Energy Diet "Omelette" is best mixed with milk and cooked in a pan, like a traditional omelet.

In addition, you need to know how to drink Energy Diet products correctly:

  • you can’t take them at the same time as the main meals, as this can lead to weight gain - for weight loss, Energy Diet should be used as a complete replacement for regular food;
  • after stopping the use of cocktails, you need to find the best option for replenishing vitamins, minerals, and other useful substances that the body is used to receiving regularly;
  • at the end of the program, you need to eat rationally in order to maintain the result.

The Energy Diet is a complete, balanced diet that provides the body with the necessary energy and all the nutrients at a low calorie content. These products do not require time to prepare dietary dishes, calculate the balance or calorie content of the menu. All this has already been done by the best French nutritionists - it remains only to correctly use the opportunity provided for fast, easy and healthy nutrition.

Products price

Energy diet products are produced:

  • in portion bags (15 pieces each) - 2200 rubles;
  • in banks (450 g each) - 2200 rubles.

To compare how long one package lasts in both cases, you need to calculate how many servings are in the jar. Since 1 serving is 30 g, then 450 g is the same 15 sachets (servings).

The price of a pack of 15 sachets and a jar is the same, so you can buy what you like more in taste or more convenient to use. So, it is better to take bags with you, and a jar is more suitable for home use. Moreover, the mixtures in the jar are easier to combine with each other or measure out, if necessary, half a serving.

  • in sticks (FoodControl) - 1990 rubles;
  • in capsules (all others) - 770 rubles each.

In this case, it is more profitable to buy an Energy Slim light complex of 4 items for 3,700 rubles, because if you take the whole set separately, the price will be much higher - 4,300 rubles.

It should also be borne in mind that there are cheaper analogues of this product:

  • Total Soy - a mixture with an absolutely identical Energy Diet composition, but it costs several times less;
  • - also a cheaper protein shake, but unlike the Energy Diet, it has a poorer mineral composition;
  • Prana Food is similar in price and purpose, but differs in composition.

Given the action, properties and ease of use, we can safely say that such mixtures are the food of the future. The widest range of products, a balanced composition, a diverse range of flavors, an easy way to prepare - all this makes cocktails a full-fledged replacement for the usual diet. However, in the pursuit of fashion and comfort, one should not forget that it is much more pleasant to eat natural "live" food, bestowed by nature.


With the development of new technologies, the world of beauty offers us more and more interesting methods of losing weight. This article will discuss in detail products for weight loss Energy diets, its features, action, effect and much more.

Operating principle

Energy diets is one of the systems that allows you to lose weight by consuming specially designed products: smoothies, soups, etc. The weight loss process is slow but effective. Energy products promote weight loss by reducing hunger and forcing the body to use its own fat storage without reducing muscle mass.

This product contains the following components:

  1. Proteins (both animal and vegetable).
  2. Amino acids. There are eighteen of them. Among them are methionine, lysine, vanlin and threonine, which the human body does not produce on its own.
  3. Carbohydrates. They greatly contribute to the surge of strength.
  4. Fats.
  5. Enzymes. They help break down food and improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  6. Acerola (or Royal Caribbean Cherry Jelly). It contains a very high content of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant.
  7. Vitamin B, calcium, nickel, iron, chromium, colbat, magnesium together improve mood, increase brain activity and improve blood circulation.
  8. Iodine, phosphorus, copper, sodium.
  9. Fiber and gum removes toxins and normalizes bowel function.

The advantages of this method of losing weight:

  1. A person changes his eating habits and takes control of his menu, which has a beneficial effect on his health.
  2. When taking this product, taste preferences change, and there is less desire for high-calorie foods (sweets, fried and fatty foods).
  3. With these products, you can lose weight and also gain the desired weight.
  4. Cocktails are very convenient and can be drunk both at home and at work.
  5. There is an adjustment of the digestive system (products are better absorbed, metabolism improves).


  1. Expensiveness of products.
  2. Long period of admission (from three months to a year).
  3. The need for parallel sports to achieve a greater effect.
  4. No variety in cocktails.
  5. Such food products are difficult to acquire, since they are not sold everywhere.
  6. The presence of artificial additives.

How to Prepare and Take Energy Products

Mixtures are prepared in this way:

  1. Shake the closed bottle of powder slightly.
  2. Open it and take thirty grams of powder with a measuring spoon. Dilute the mixture with two hundred milliliters of one percent cow's milk.
  3. Beat well with a mixer or blender at low speed.
  4. You can also dilute the powder with kefir or just water. This can be done, but it is worth remembering that in this case the taste of the finished product will be different.
  5. It is better to prepare mixtures immediately before their use, so that all active substances are preserved and the product remains fresh.
  1. You need to drink them in small sips.
  2. Immediately after taking the drink, you should drink another glass of clean water to better satisfy your hunger.
  3. When losing weight in this way, you should drink about two liters of water per day to maintain normal water balance.
  4. These drinks should not form the basis of the diet, so besides them, you must also eat other foods.

Program stages


The first stage is called "Start". Its duration is five days. During this time, a person should consume only Energy diet products. In addition, to diversify your menu, you can drink cocktails of different tastes.

For breakfast, you need to drink a liquid cocktail, in the afternoon, half a serving of this drink. For lunch, you should eat an omelet from this company, and for dinner - a vegetable salad and a portion of a liquid cocktail. In addition, you can eat a lot of greens, drink water and unsweetened green tea.

This stage is the introductory and the most difficult. It is designed to adjust the body to and change human eating habits.


The second stage "Fixation" characterized as more diverse (according to its menu). Mixtures from Energy should be drunk twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

List of allowed products:

  • Green tea.
  • Vegetables.
  • Greenery.
  • Seafood (150 grams).
  • Boiled meat (no more than one hundred grams per day).
  • Boiled fish (150 grams).
  • Fat-free cottage cheese (130 grams).

In the second phase of weight loss, calorie intake becomes higher, but the body continues to lose weight. Its duration should be from one to two months. At the end of this stage, the person's weight should be normal.

The control

The third phase of this method is called "Control". It is recognized in order to finally tune your body to. The menu at this stage already contains berries, fruits and cereals. The amount of proteins and carbohydrates consumed increases, but this does not mean that you can eat as before, otherwise the previous weight may return. At the same time, Energy mixtures should be drunk every evening instead of dinner. The last stage lasts from one to four months.

Allowed products:

  • Beans.
  • Pasta.
  • Oatmeal and buckwheat.
  • Lentils.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Hard cheese.
  • Seafood.
  • Fish.
  • Meat.
  • Berries.
  • Fruits.
  • Vegetables.
  • Greenery.
  • Green tea.

Getting out of the diet

In order for the achieved result to be preserved and the lost kilograms not to return, you should adhere to the following rules for leaving the diet:

  1. Gradually remove foods from the Energy Diet from the diet.
  2. First you need to take one full cocktail for several days, then half.
  3. Also, along with this, you need to adhere to a healthy diet and exercise so that the body is in good shape.

Weight Loss Results

For a full course of weight loss with these drinks, you can lose from six to twelve kilograms of fat mass. With a shorter intake of these cocktails, you can lose up to five kilograms.

Reviews of losing weight

To better understand the effect of this weight loss technique, consider the reviews of people who have tried it:

  1. Mila, 26 years old.“After giving birth, I gained a lot of weight and went through a weight loss program with these cocktails. I clearly followed all the instructions and lost seven kilograms in three months. In addition, I began to feel more cheerful and fresh. In general, the result is very satisfied!”.
  2. Galina, 34 years old.“Two weeks ago I completed my weight loss course with Energy. I stayed on it for four months and managed to go through all three stages. My result was minus nine kilograms! In the first days it was hard, because the feeling of hunger prevailed, but I interrupted him with water and tea, so I soon got used to it. After another week, my clothes began to hang on me, as I lost weight in the hips. All in all, these are great cocktails and they really work!”
  3. Valentina, 35 years old.“I lost weight with such drinks for two weeks. She followed all the instructions exactly, even did exercises in the morning, but in the end she lost only one kilogram. Sorry for the effort and wasted money. Once again I made sure that the advertised products cannot be trusted.
  4. Veronica, 29 years old.“In a week of such a diet, I lost five kilograms. I couldn’t sit on it anymore, because in the very first days of taking it I lost sleep and didn’t feel like sleeping at all. In addition, I was hungry all the time and even two servings of cocktails did not saturate me. I can’t even imagine how you can sit on such a diet for months, because this way you can ruin your entire digestive system. ”
  5. Xenia, 25 years old.“I have always been overweight, but over the past year I have gained even more. My weight was 82 kg with a height of 175. I learned about this weight loss program from a friend, and decided to try it myself, since I didn’t have the strength to go to the gym. In three months of such nutrition, I lost twelve kilograms and acquired a completely new figure. In addition, I did not have saggy skin, as it happens on other diets. The whole body, including the abdominal area, is taut and slender. I am very satisfied with my result!”

As a result, according to the comments, we can say that slimming cocktails in most cases work and help people lose weight. However, like any diet, they may not be suitable for everyone.

The opinion of nutritionists

Most nutritionists around the world have a positive attitude towards the use of Energy Diet products. as a method for weight loss. They justify this by the fact that these drinks contain all the most useful substances, vitamins and trace elements that simply cannot harm the body. Their quality has been repeatedly confirmed by scientific research and the results of people who have lost weight.

Doctors say that these products should not completely replace the human diet, since this is an artificially created supplement, and not natural food that was grown or produced in a factory.

It should also be drunk in courses and take breaks, otherwise the body gets used to constantly receiving supplements outside of natural food, therefore, with a sharp break, a person's metabolism and absorption of products may deteriorate.

Despite many positive opinions, some nutritionists are more skeptical of Energy products and consider it only a successful advertising campaign that imposes expensive artificially created powders on their customers. They argue that naive people, taking them, set themselves up psychologically to lose weight, which is why they succeed in doing this to a greater extent.

As for the usefulness of cocktails, in addition to vitamins and minerals, they also contain chemical compounds that can harm the digestive system and provoke allergies.

Worth remembering

Contraindications for admission:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Age up to eighteen years.
  3. Heart failure.
  4. Diseases of the kidneys and urethra.
  5. Allergy to any of the components of the cocktail.
  6. Violation of the filtration of enzymes.
  7. Ulcer.
  8. Colitis.
  9. Hepatitis.
  10. Enteritis.
  11. Dysbacteriosis.
  12. Intestinal diseases.

When using Energy Diet products, side effects may occur, among which the most common are:

  1. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  2. Stomach upset.
  3. Stomach ache.
  4. The occurrence of an ulcer or its exacerbation.
  5. Nausea.
  6. Dizziness.
  7. Constipation.
  8. Bloating.
  9. Diarrhea.
  10. Pulse increase.
  11. Tachycardia.
  12. Dyspnea.
  1. Before you start taking such cocktails for weight loss, you should always consult with a nutritionist.
  2. If you experience nausea, abdominal pain or any other unpleasant symptoms during weight loss with this method, you should definitely stop it and consult a doctor.
  3. When preparing this product, you must strictly follow the rules and do not mix several mixtures into one, so as not to injure yourself.

The list of allowed foods will vary in different weight management programs, so keep an eye on the menu.

List of products allowed under the Start program


  • asparagus;
  • mushrooms;
  • cucumbers,
  • tomatoes, onions.

The drinks:

  • still water
  • herbal teas

So your first 3-5 days passed! Look at the table of your results, which you have started and maintain, admire the results achieved! Your volumes have become smaller, and the dream of a beautiful slender figure is closer. Take it easy, have a sweet and delicious Chocolate Shake or make yourself a healthy low-calorie treat that you can find in ED recipes, treat yourself, praise your achievement! You did! We continue further in the same spirit!

List of Foods Allowed in the Anchoring Program


  • eggplant, zucchini, pumpkin, turnip;
  • cabbage: broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, sea cabbage;
  • asparagus;
  • Greens: celery sprigs, parsley, dill, sorrel, lettuce (leafy), green onions;
  • mushrooms;
  • cucumbers,
  • spinach, soybean sprouts, green bean pods,
  • bell pepper, radish, green radish,
  • tomatoes, onions.

The drinks:

  • still water
  • Green, red or black tea
  • Decaffeinated or weak coffee
  • herbal teas

Remember not to add sugar to drinks. If you cannot drink tea without sugar at all, you can use a substitute that can be bought at any supermarket in the diabetic nutrition section.

So your 3-4 weeks have passed! And your long-awaited dream figure is already with you! If everything worked out for you right away and you got rid of 10 extra pounds that were your disadvantage, we control the results so that you never return to excess weight. If you need to throw off 20 or 30 - repeat the "Start" program, and after it "Fixation".

List of products allowed under the Control program


  • eggplant, zucchini, pumpkin, turnip;
  • cabbage: broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, sea cabbage;
  • asparagus;
  • Greens: celery sprigs, parsley, dill, sorrel, lettuce (leafy), green onions;
  • mushrooms;
  • cucumbers,
  • spinach, soybean sprouts, green bean pods,
  • bell pepper, radish, green radish,
  • tomatoes, onions.

The drinks:

  • still water
  • Green, red or black tea
  • Decaffeinated or weak coffee
  • herbal teas

Protein food, the amount of 1 serving, remember that it is enough to saturate your body. Everything else is a psychological pleasure that we can get from taking a sweet and tasty cocktail in due time:

  • Whites of 2 eggs, yolks should not be eaten
  • Lean beef, veal and liver in the amount of 100 g - 1 serving
  • Poultry, chicken, rabbit or turkey in the amount of 150 g - 1 serving
  • Low-fat cheese in the amount of 100 g - 1 serving
  • Low-fat cottage cheese in the amount of 150 g - 1 serving
  • Boiled fish or seafood in the amount of 150 g - 1 serving


  • Green peas, lentils, dry beans, red beans;
  • unpolished rice, buckwheat, oatmeal,
  • wholemeal pasta, wholemeal bread, cereals.

Fruits, the amount is indicated for 1 serving, which can be consumed as a second breakfast or afternoon snack:

  • Fresh apricot 3pcs - 1 portion;
  • 1 medium sized banana;
  • 7 fresh strawberries;
  • 2 handfuls of berries: raspberries, gooseberries, currants, blueberries;
  • 2 pieces of kiwi;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 apple;
  • 0.5 grapefruit;
  • 1 pear;
  • 1 peach;
  • 2 plums
  • 1 large piece of pineapple;
  • 1 large piece of watermelon.

Energy diets have recently become quite a popular method for losing weight. It is designed with a view to the fact that a person must replenish the reserves of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in his body. Energy Diet helps to maintain health and youth, thanks to this nutrition system, you can achieve the desired results in terms of weight without harm and problems.

What is Energy Diet?

The Energy Diet system is a method of losing weight through special foods:

  • cocktails
  • soups;
  • concentrates.

All these products are complete and balanced diet, which helps to cleanse the body, improve metabolism and give a slim figure. According to the manufacturers, a noticeable effect is visible within 10 days after you start taking these products.

The Energy diet brand appeared in France more than 10 years ago. But such a system was popular among athletes much earlier. They took such food as a specialized diet that helped them keep fit and strong in the conditions of training and competition.

However, then the technique went beyond sports nutrition and became available to everyone who wanted to put their body in order.

Product lines

To date, under the brand Energy diets, several product lines:

  • for a healthy lifestyle;
  • for athletes (allowing to gain muscle mass);
  • for weight loss.

Naturally, many are interested in the question of the naturalness of the ingredients that are offered. The product has a concentrated structure and contains in its composition all the substances that are necessary for losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. All of them are collected from different sources, such as:

  • plant juices;
  • herbal ingredients;
  • animal fats.

The composition is approved by numerous commissions from around the world, including Russia.

The products consist of many components that can be eaten on an ongoing basis instead of regular meals. All cocktails have a pleasant smell, color and taste, and can be taken in different consistencies. There are 11 different flavors that can be combined if desired.

Program "Start"

The Start program is great for beginners who want to lose weight through the Energy Diet system. You will gradually begin to change your eating habits, as well as make up for the lack of nutrients in the body. All this will allow you to start burning unnecessary fat. Program "Start" designed for three days for those who want to lose weight by a maximum of 10 kilograms and 5 days - if more, respectively. The daily calorie intake will be 1500.

According to the program, the menu will consist of Energy Diet products. You will take them 5 times a day, up to 400 grams of vegetables are allowed, and their list is also strictly regulated. Vegetables should be eaten raw, stewed, boiled or prepared in salads, dressing them with low-calorie oils. Energy diet products are seasoned with herbs. This stage provides for a plentiful drink, without which the process of losing weight will be impossible. When you complete the first stage, you can move on to the next.

Menu and eligible products

To control your weight and parameters, keep track of every day. Measure volumes:

  • waist;
  • hips;
  • hands in the forearm.

Initial menu will look like this:

  • breakfast - a cocktail with any taste;
  • second breakfast - Energy diet soup;
  • lunch - soup and scrambled eggs, vegetables;
  • afternoon tea - cocktail;
  • dinner - soup and vegetables.

In addition to Energy Diet products, the following are allowed:

You can drink pure water, tea, as well as decaffeinated coffee. Replace sugar with special tablets.

Program "Fixation"

The second stage of the method involves increasing the calorie content of foods that you will be eating. But despite this, you will still lose weight. In the diet you need to introduce a number of products, including protein. The stage lasts about a month. If at the end of it the weight is still overweight, you need to return to the Start program.

As part of this program, you need to take a mixture of Energy diets twice a day, while the rest of the receptions will consist of ordinary food from the list of acceptable products. If during the program you feel hungry in the evening, eat half a serving of any Energy Diet product a few hours before bedtime. As for drinking, everything remains the same as before.

The menu will be like this:

  • breakfast - cocktail, vegetables, tea or coffee;
  • second breakfast - cocktail;
  • lunch - a portion of a protein dish, vegetables, tea or coffee;
  • afternoon tea - ED soup;
  • dinner - soup.

As for acceptable products, the list of vegetables and drinks remains the same, and as part of the intake of protein products, we introduce the following:

Program "Control"

This program is for those who want to learn eat as much food as your body needs and choose exactly what is beneficial. You will get rid of bad habits regarding the wrong food forever. This stage goes on time at the rate of a month per kilogram of weight lost during the previous two periods. For example, if during the first two stages you lost 5 kilograms, then the Control program in your case will last 5 months.

The list of allowed foods includes slow carbohydrates, as well as fruits. Do not forget about the previous 2 liters of fluid during the day. We will take Energy Diet products only in the evening in the form of a cocktail or scrambled eggs.

Thus, The menu at this stage will look like this:

  • breakfast - carbohydrates (list below), proteins, tea or coffee;
  • second breakfast - fruits or berries;
  • lunch - proteins, vegetables, tea or coffee;
  • afternoon snack - berries or fruits;
  • dinner - cocktail or scrambled eggs, vegetables.

Vegetables at this stage remain the same, drinks - similarly. As for protein products, they include the following:

  • chicken protein;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • skim cheese;
  • boiled meat or fish;
  • seafood.

Carbohydrates are:

  • lentils;
  • pasta;
  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • cereal bread;
  • beans.

Allowed list of fruits:

  • bananas;
  • citrus;
  • pears;
  • watermelons;
  • pineapples;
  • apricots;
  • kiwi.

They can only be consumed fresh up to 300 grams per day. Can be replaced with berries (cherries, sweet cherries, strawberries).

Features of cooking

Products for weight loss Energy diets should be prepared properly. Regardless of the type of product, the concentrate is mixed with low-fat milk or water, which must cool to room temperature.

Close the container and shake. Then pour one measure of dry concentrate with liquid and mix quickly. You can do this manually, you can use a mixer or a shaker. If necessary, ready-made products can be heated in a microwave oven, and an omelet can be fried in a pan if desired.

Energy diet system: contraindications

The creators of the healthy diet for weight loss Energy diets say that it is designed for healthy people. Therefore, if you have certain health problems, it is better to consult a doctor before taking it.

There are a number of contraindications for this product:

  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • age up to 18-20 years.

The latter statement contrasts with the manufacturer's claim that the shakes can be taken as early as adolescence. However, the doctor believes that this should not be done until the end of the formation of metabolism in humans.

Allergy sufferers should be extremely careful with this product. Cocktails contain some allergens that can be dangerous in one case or another. Therefore, carefully study the composition of the product before you start taking it. With caution, you need to start losing weight on this program and those who have problems with the kidneys, biliary tract and pancreas.

It is worth noting that losing weight by taking products from the Energy Diet series is more suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to visit gyms and cook healthy healthy meals.

The risk of “breaking loose” is very high, especially since cocktails do not differ in terms of taste with a great variety and can quickly get bored. Also note that this food is very expensive, and losing weight in this way can be very expensive financially.

Also, before taking these products, do not forget to consult a general practitioner and, if necessary, another specialist, such as a gastroenterologist or nutritionist.

If you are ready and no health problems bother you, then you can start your difficult path to losing weight.

Extra weight brings any person has a lot of trouble.

Cocktails have been developed for effortless weight loss Energy Diet.

Energy Diet System was developed for athletes, as well as people who lead a little active lifestyle.

Energy Diet Shakes help cleanse body from toxins at the same time, you slowly lose weight and the skin has time to tighten, does not sag.

1. Start

2. Recovery

3. Fixing

1. Start - use within three to five days Energy Diet according to the scheme, controlling the ongoing changes. This program changes the rhythm of nutrition, improves metabolism, and gives impetus to weight loss.

Daily calorie intake - 1200-1500 kcal. Usual daily calorie content - 2800 kcal. That is, the necessary energy the body will receive from fat.

The “Start” stage lasts: with excess weight up to ten kilograms– three days, more ten kilograms - five d her.

Ration for the day:

    five tricks of the Energy Diet,

    couple of vegetables.

Breakfast em: portions Yu Energy Diet (for example, Strawberry, Coffee),

2-th breakfast: portion Energy Diet (for example - Hen),

Dinner amy: portion Energy Diet (for example - Omelette plus a plate of allowed vegetables

Snack: portion Energy Diet (for example, Chocolate).

Dinner: a portion of the Energy Diet (for example, Mushrooms and a plate of allowed vegetables.

Drinking mode: up to two liters of liquid.


    Every day we control weight and volume, because with the first success in losing weight, your motivation will increase. In addition, the weight can “stand” in place, and the volumes go away, and this dynamic needs to be monitored.

    If you drink a glassmore than twenty minutes after eating - you enhance the effect of saturation.

    You can eat up to four hundred grams of vegetables a day (b eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, asparagus, leafy beets, celery branches, parsley, dill, sorrel, lettuce, mushrooms, marrow, pumpkin, cucumber, green onion, onion, spinach, soybean sprouts, green pods beans, turnip, bell pepper, radish, green radish, tomato, seaweed). We eat vegetables: fresh, from Varna mi, stewed m and, also, you can cook from them salad, side dish, soup. Salad dressing: a little unrefined vegetable oil, lemon juice, or apple cider vinegar.

    You can drink: clean water, green tea, red tea, black tea, weakly brewed coffee, herbal tea. Everything drink without adding Sahara.

    Finely chopped greens (dill, parsley) can be added to Energy Diet soups. It reduces the need for salt.

2. Recovery

After serious physical exertion need to restore in the body, the level of fluid, the level of glycogen (a substance that which answers for performance, energy).

For a quick recovery organism we drink Energy Diet in 2 hours workout. AT given combination period proteins and carbohydrates will go to muscle building and will not be deposited in fat.


    three meals a day

    breakfast we definitely

    The last time we eat is three hours before bedtime.

We have breakfast: a portion of the Energy Diet cocktail, a plate of vegetables, a glass of tea.

2nd breakfast: any energy diet shake.

We have lunch: a portion of proteins, a plate of vegetables, a glass of tea.

Snack: a serving of Energy diet soup.

Dinner: a serving of Energy Diet soup.

3. Fixing

We have breakfast: a portion of carbohydrates, a portion of proteins, a glass of tea.

2nd breakfast: fruits or berries.

We have lunch: a portion of proteins, a plate of vegetables, a glass of tea.

Snack: fruits or berries.

Dinner: Energy diet cocktail, a plate of vegetables.

Drinking regime: up to two liters of water in a day!


    If you drink a glass water after drinking a cocktail after twenty minutes after eating will enhance the effect of satiety.

    If in the evening you want to eat no later than a couple of hours before bedtime) - you can drink half the dose cocktail.

    To consolidate the result, you need to track the quantity and quality of the products used. It is important to remove the psychological dependence on food, learn how to correctly assess the needs of the body and satisfy them with healthy products.

On the this stage process is in full swing with weight loss, the main thing is not to return to the old way of life.

The duration of this period- three to four weeks.

If a you need to lose fifteen pounds and more - drink cocktails again, as in the 1st stage of the diet.

Approved Products:

    150 grams boiled fish or seafood;

    150 grams of turkey;

    150 gram rabbit;

    one hundred grams of low fat cheese;

    100 grams of lean beef;

    one hundred grams of liver;

    one hundred grams of veal;

    150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;

    150 grams of chicken;

    two eggs (no yolk).

At this stage of the diet can be consumed dishes, which contain carbohydrates, but their amount must be limited:


    green green peas;

    cereal bread;

    Red beans;

    pasta and bread made from wholemeal flour;

    unpolished rice;

    oat groats;


Also, you can eat eighty grams per day fruits:

    three fresh apricots;

    one orange;

    a large piece of pineapple;

    a large piece of watermelon;

    one banana;

    half a grapefruit;

    one pear;

    a couple of kiwis;

    seven fresh strawberries;

    four tablespoons of fresh raspberries;

    one peach;

    a couple of plums;

    four tablespoons of fresh blueberries;

    four tablespoons of black currants;

    one apple.

Energy Diet Tips

The action of the Energy Diet cocktail for weight loss

With dieting with Energy diets you optimize daily calorie content, get the right amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber for the body.

These cocktails help normalize digestion, b thanks to contained in them fiber, enzymes. They are quickly digested, do not form toxins in the intestines.

Cocktails contain about the optimal amount of protein, dietary fiber, contributing to a lasting sensation satiety.

If a you will replace one of your meals with a cocktail - over time you can change eating habits to control cravings for unhealthy foods.

Energy diet - to how to take

To octails Energy diets need to be diluted with milk 1.5% fat. Milk can be substituted for ode, vegetable broth, low-fat kefir.

Cocktails are prepared before drinking, it can't be stored!

Energy Diet - composition

Energy diet - what is it? like this? According to manufacturers' advertisements, high tech product, which will give the body necessary micronutrients.

What is included Energy Diet products:

    Animal (milk protein concentrate) and vegetable proteins (soy, pea proteins). The cocktail contains eighteen amino acids, not synthesized the human body.

    Fats (soybean oil, containing thirty trace elements, even vitamin E1 and linoleic acid, which slows down development of cancer cells).

    Carbohydrates (instantly absorbed glucose, maltodextrin with starch - thanks to them, the body is provided with carbohydrates for a long time and you don't feel fatigue) .

    Fiber (gum, inulin - give a feeling of satiety for a long time oh help keep up microflora, cleanse the intestines).

    Eleven minerals + twelve itamines help to optimize the body's metabolism.

    Acerol (Caribbean cherry) contains a huge amount of vitamin C).

    Royal jelly (milk secreted by the bees to feed the larvae - thanks to his body tissue is good absorb oxygen, improve the body's resistance to adverse external conditions, stabilization occurs emotional state).

    Complex of enzymes (provides rapid and complete digestion of proteins).

Energy Diet - p contraindications


    pregnancy period,

    breastfeeding period,

    elderly age,

    increased nervous excitability,

    insomnia ,

    cardiac disorders,


Energy Diet - about reviews

Lisa : For cocktails Energy Diet was originally drunk by my husband before training to build muscle mass. I also tried- liked. Now I drink cocktails for dinner. It has already taken two kilograms.

Lena: For me, the Energy Diet cocktail replaces a full meal. He helped me get rid from food dependencies, and the body with its help receives the necessary substances, even if there is no time for a full meal.

Katya: I’ll say right away - the Energy Diet cocktail helped me lose weight, but not much, and it’s expensive, and, moreover, tasteless.

I replaced breakfast and dinner with these cocktails. I prepared them like this: I mixed thirty grams of the product and two hundred grams of milk with 1.5% fat in a shaker at a temperature sixty degrees.

A jar of cocktail is only enough for five days. Energy Fruit Blend is normal in taste. Thanks to her, I lost 1.5 pounds..

Have contentment from such nutrition did not receive. And then I realized - you can eat healthy, light food of the same calorie content and lose weight no cocktails! Therefore, I I switched to a healthy diet and chose foods that accelerate metabolism for the diet.

And the cost of the Energy Diet cocktail is high - almost two thousand for the bank. Cocktail price greatly overstated. With this money it is better to buy vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products and see what you eat. These are real products, not an incomprehensible powder.

I do not I recommend you to buy these cocktails. Just reduce the calorie content of the diet to the level of drinking these cocktails. And you don't have to spend a lot of money!