Make a photo of black and white sketch online. Photo: How to turn it into a drawn portrait

Make a photo of black and white sketch online. Photo: How to turn it into a drawn portrait
Make a photo of black and white sketch online. Photo: How to turn it into a drawn portrait

Turn your photo into an art masterpiece! Softorbits Sketch Drawer will help convert images into pencil drawings with multiple mouse clicks. Our program will create color or black and white pencil drawings from ordinary photos, generating neat pencil strokes. You do not need to be able to keep a pencil in the hands to be an artist. Sketch Drawer makes the creation of a photo from the picture is simple and cheerful things!

Surprisingly, but remade the photo in the drawing is quite simple, even if you are not an artist. To do this, you will need a computer with the installed program for creating a picture from the photo. Sketch Drawer is fast and easy to learn and use. Open the picture, select the type of drawing from the finished set and get a magnificent pencil drawing!

The program has many ready-to-use pencil effects to obtain different types of images. With the help of them you can create both drawings with a simple pencil, as well as colored pencils, as well as drawings with a handle, felt-tip pen, watercolor, coal. You can edit each templates by changing its settings to get those effects you want.

Creating a drawing with colored pencils has never been so easy. You do not need not only to be able to keep a pencil in your hands, but even have it. All you need to convert photos to a color pencil drawing is Sketch Drawer.

Sketch Drawer equally simply allows you to create both color and black and white pictures. To perform drawing with colored pencils, simply turn on the "Color Sketch" setting. You can also make a drawing from a photo, made not a simple pencil, but a pencil of a given color.

Want to convert a large number of images in drawings with the same settings? CJ Sketch Drawer does not matter how many source photos do you have. Available batch mode allows you to easily convert all your photos in drawings. You can add photos one or entire folders. Just check the settings on one of the photos and get excellent drawings from all photos in a matter of minutes.

In this simple lesson, I will show the technique, as from the usual photo using Photoshop, you can make a drawing, as if drawn with colored paints. The rate is made on the edges circled. The effect is obtained that first the drawing is painted with a pencil, and then it was painted, leaving the stressed circuit strokes.

Source image:

Final result:

Step 10.

Activate the lower black and white layer and set the overlay mode or, depending on what your photo looks like.

With regime Overlapping:

With regime Soft light:

To reduce the color intensity, you can on the second black and white layer or on the background layer to lower the value.


The finished result should look something like this:

When choosing a photo for processing, pay attention to the fact that this lesson allows you to stylize images with nature or with flowers. Also for the lesson, images made using macro photography are suitable. The processing of portrait photos or pictures with the image of animals is likely to look not so impressive.

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Many users want to somehow edit their photo, make it more beautiful or noticeable. There are many programs for editing photos and overlaying effects that everyone has long been known as the effects of them. In order not to repeat each time laying the picture similar on processing, you can convert a photo to a pencil drawing. This is undoubtedly immediately attracted attention to the image.

Do this operation you can in several ways. To begin with, you can use serious graphic editors that are installed on the user's computer and spend all actions through them. If this method does not like the user, you can use mobile applications or go to online services and turn everything with them. This article will be described about how exactly and with the help of which applications can be made from your picture photo with a pencil.

How to make a picture pencil drawing online

To begin with, it is necessary to disassemble the operation of online services that allow you to convert a photo to a pencil drawing, because they do not require the installation of additional software to the user's computer, which may be an important factor in the only conversion of the photo or if it is not so often. In this section, several services will be listed on which the required operation can be carried out.

Photo Phunia.

The service itself can find on the link. Immediately opens a page with a pencil effect. It is quite simple to use it, no special skillsAlso there is no need for a long and accurate setting of a variety of parameters. You just need to go to the specified site, after which you should upload a photo to it, you can do it from both the computer and a laptop or a mobile device. To select a photo should be pressed on Browse..

After that, it will only be left to choose a color drawing. The user wants to get himself or black and white. Now it follows click on creating, after which it is to wait for processing, look at the result and, if it suits the user, save a pencil drawing back to your device.


This service is located on the link. To make a photo pencil in this online photoshop, the user will need to bring to the point file menu, After that choose the desired option to load the source from the list and specify the path to the photo. Now it remains to find the section of the menu that will hold the desired transformation, in our case it is worth walking along the following points "Operations" - "Effects" - " Pencil" From above, a few new parameters will appear, which will be responsible for the ways to draw, you can "play" with them and decide which image is best suited.

Now it remains to click on ApplyAfter what to wait for the end of the transformation. At the final drawing, you can slightly change the contrast, after which you can download the photo converted to the picture to the picture with a pencil.

Programs for creating a picture from a photo

Now that the simplest and rapid ways are described, you can proceed to the description of the specialized software that you want to install on a computer.

How to make a drawing in photoshop

Pencil drawing from the photo in photoshop is simple enough. Unfortunately, one single filter that turns the photo to the drawing does not exist, so you need to follow the following procedure.

After the user sets the Adobe Photoshop program to its computer, you will need to run it and open the image there, and work will be performed. After that, you should find the tab " Adjustments."(Correction), which will be on the style panel, then click on the tool" Hue."(Tint).

After the actions in the list, which contains all the layers, will appear another, which allows you to change the tints palette. Called O. Color Tone / Saturation.

You need to go to it and move the slider Saturation.(Saturation) to the extreme left position.

This action will allow you to bring the image to black and white. Now it is necessary to go to the layers again and choose a background there.

Now it follows copy it. To do this, find the Layer (layers) in the main menu, click on it, then click on the "New Layer" - "Layer Via Copy" (new layer - copy).

Now you have to use the main menu again, it is necessary to find image (image), then click on "adjustments" - " Invert."(Correction - Inversion). These actions will allow you to display a photo in the form of negative. Now you need to choose a copy of the background layer and click on the item. Color Dodge.

Now you need to go to the layer menu.

In this menu you need to convert to " Smart Object."(Smart object). Now this is a smart object and it has a label.

Now you should apply a few more menu items. To start to click on Filter. (Filters), after which go to the Blur (Blur) point and click on " Gaussian blur" (Gaussian blur). Radius set 12.

On this everything will be completed, you can save the result.

If necessary, color pattern should activate the chroma item in the layers.


This is a free image editor that will help make a pencil portrait from a photo. Read more about it can be found on the official website. After installing the program, which makes the drawing from the photo, you will need to open the image over which the manipulation will be performed.

To make a sketch from the photo, you need to click on the "color", then click on " Discolored" Next, it is worth entering the layers and copy the background layer, after which it is already with this copy.

Now you should click on the "filter", and then click on " Selection of edge"-" Edge ". A window with settings opens, you need to install the same as in the figure. That is, "Svetlota", Laplace algorithm, the value of 2.0, "blur".

It remains the last action, you should click on the "color", and then choose the item " Invert».

Also, the whole process can be viewed on the video:

The main advantage of Paint.Net is its simplicity of use. Pictures before and after processing are presented in the figure.

For starters need view image, after which it is to highlight it, go to the effects and click on " Picture of oil" A window will appear with parameters. It is worth experimenting here and choose the meanings under which the drawing will like the user more.

After that, you can switch to effects, choose stylization and specify bas-relief.

Now it's worth moving to the layers, choose the one in which the work happened, after which you choose the option mixing mode And click on the overlap. This will remove gray from the final contour pattern.

Programs for android

For those who basically use mobile devices, programs were also invented. This section will indicate applications that can apply the desired effect, as well as instructions for their use.


Prisma is trained with each use, so there are no multiple identical images or effects. All you need the user is to download it from the store and install. After that, it will be possible to add photos and images.

After adding the user will be able to select below required filters, You can choose as style method of drawing one of the well-known artists.

Pencil drawing

In the case of a pencil drawing, everything is also quite simple. You need to download and install the program, after which you can add saved files to the application, or make a new photo.

At the top you can ask image type. For color drawings, you should choose a color pencil, and for a monochrome image it is worth choosing black and white.

Sketch camera

You need to install a sketch camera, download the photo, and at the bottom to choose color gamut. It can be configured in parameters, which are located just above. The effect of drawn photo is applied automatically.

After completion, it will be possible to click on shared and send a photo to social networks.

    Use photoshop too. There are appropriate filters that make a photo as it were drawn, and there are several portrait options, even watercolor. And it's easy to do it, although there are video tutorials for this.

    there are special editors for example Olympus Master there Have functions Drawing watercolor, oil paints, a pencil just need to set up a more real option in manual

    If the question concerns the creation of the painted picture from the photo in the photoshop editor, then I propose the following video selection (excluding video already answered):

    This question, this question implies the creation of drawn portrait using third-party programs (this method is especially good for those who do not know how to use Photoshop), then here is another story (and there is even an online program where you can make a photo of a hand-drawn portrait or still life - video Just about such a program):

    And there is such an option (using CorelDRAW)

    Well, I like to make a similar effect automatically on the site - (there is called cartoon)

    Even with the default settings, it turns out very well!

  • Make a picture of the picture is very simple.

    Posted by photos of drawing with a pencil or stylize any image under the picture of the painted watercolor, gouache, butter or using other materials can be in several ways.

    If you are not particularly important quality and realistic image, and you just need to do quickly - it is possible to do the online editors of the images that are enough on the Internet, for example, these: PhotoFania , Photo Pencil Sketch. or here on this site Free online services from There are still many other similar, but all of them have one significant drawback - the low quality image processing, and the choice of stylization effects is very small and the conversion tools cannot be configured. I do not use online services that is why it is monotonous, not qualitatively and not interesting. Elements of own creativity No completely.

    The second method is also very simple, but gives a chance to make some individual, author shades in every new image. This is a way using small special programs and applications. There are also a lot of such programs, from very simple, in which quality does not greatly surpasses online editors to quite professional. From very simple programs, I can advise Fotosketcher and Dynamic AUTO-Painter.

    In a programme Fotosketcher It is very simple to work, settings a bit and changing them can be achieved quite realistic result.

    In a programme Dynamic AUTO-Painter It is even easier to work, but more interesting, the whole process of changing the picture can be observed in real time and stop when you are satisfied with the result, there are quite a lot of profiles in her various painting styles. If you set additional programs to record screen and conversion, you can make animated gifs, for example, this:

    Another very good and powerful program, professional level - Akvis Sketch.. In use, this program is not complicated, but its possibilities in styling images under the drawing are comparable to capabilities. Photoshopbut. This programs can work as a plugin to many graphics editors. Sort out the tools and settings of the program Akvis Sketch. Very easy, but even if it is difficult to make it difficult to look at the office. The site of the developer, there are many understandable reference materials and lessons.

    From the same series and a program that is intended to simulate different artistic styles. Using programs Akvis Sketch. and Akvis Artwork. You can make very realistic stylization of photos in various artistic styles in a few minutes.

    And of course, the best quality in the processing of raster images can be obtained in the graphic editor of all times and peoples - in Photoshope ( Adobe Photoshop.). I use the version Adobe Photoshop CS6 13.0 Extended But earlier versions will achieve very high quality and realistic images.

    It is very difficult to master the entire photoshop yourself, but you can learn how to use some functions and filters can be quite quickly. Look at these video tutorials, it is on your question and you will not have any problems to make a picture drawing.

  • In order to change the real photo on the hand drawn, you just need a photo editor for this.

    I personally always use this site.

    Here you can change all your photos in the pictures, that is, on this site you can turn a photo into a drawn portrait.

    There are many ways, how to give pictures of the effect of the picture. The most common and, probably, the easiest way that I know is the use of the program Dynamic AUTO-Painter. This program will automatically make everything necessary to give pictures to them to imitate drawing with a pencil.

    You can do everything in manual yourself, having mastered photoshop. But it is a little long and requires some effort.

    Turn a photo into a drawn portrait or turn a digital image into a different pattern drawn by different styles, in several ways:

    • use Graphic Editors, Special Programs that need to be installed on your computer, these programs are used to edit images, including to transform photos in watercolor drawing, paints, pencil
    • take advantage of graphic editors online
    • use programs that are used to transfer photos from the camera to a hard disk of the computer, they can also be used to edit images and transform a photo into a picture.
  • You can do without photoshop, on the Internet a lot of free photo edits and photos of photos, in which simply load a photo, and on output; It is displayed with the need you need.

    One of them is (but their weight)

    The portrait effect will look something like this (but this is not the only portrait template, is and better)

    There are also a bunch of templates for postcards, but naturally you need to do your exclusive in Photoshop

    To date, this is no longer a difficult task, because there are many programs in order to turn the usual photo into a drawn portrait. you can use Photoshop, FotoSketcher, Paint, Dynamic AUTO-Painter. These programs can download free from the Internet.

    Everything is very simple:

    in Photoshop, there are special filters that will make your photo not only drawn but also embroidered and remembered and how much 🙂

    The main thing is that you have been installed photoshop, and we will understand easily

    Hello everyone! Nowadays, in order to find an answer to our same questions, you just need to go online.And to the question that you are worried about there are a lot of different and most importantly free photo editors, with the help of them you and you will learn to turn photos into drawn portraits! I myself often I use this siteand I do not have any problems. With the help of this site, you can turn your and other photos to the drawn portrait!

    Often, users want to learn how to make a drawing from a photo to print a photo and store it in the form of a picture.

    Consider the most effective ways.

    To begin, we will assert several popular services, with which you can quickly create a picture in the photo without installing additional software on your computer.

    Service Photo Phunia

    On this site, users can use the automatic effect by which the usual picture is converted into a picture.

    You can also choose the background texture of the source file: color, white or "special".

    To get started, select the file on your PC. To do this, click on the Browse Copk site.

    Then define the color gamut of the image (black and white or color).

    Click on the form of the texture you want to get at the output and click on the "Create" button to start the file conversion process.

    After a few seconds, a direct link to download pictures from the site will be generated.

    Croper service

    The next popular site to create a pattern from a conventional picture is a croper. This online editor allows you to apply additional effects to the photo.

    With it, you can create a unique image without loss of quality.

    One of the most popular features of this site is a pencil pattern feature.

    The file conversion occurs due to the creation of more dark images of the image, then the strokes are gradually superimposed on the layers of the picture, which, in turn, are made from the sketch image.

    The editor interface is very simple. Load the file to the site by clicking on the appropriate button.

    The picture will open in a new site of the site. After that, locate the main menu tabs - they are located at the top of the site.

    Click in turn on "Operations" - "Effects" - "Pencil".

    On top of page, select the tilt length settings and the level of inclination.

    Then press the Apply key to start the picture conversion process.

    It will take no more than one minute. If necessary, you can adjust the contrast of the final drawing.

    The result of the Croper is presented in the figure below.

    Creating a picture in Adobe Photoshop

    With the help you can also create a pencil drawing from a conventional picture.

    Using the built-in functions of the program, you can achieve a better display of all the strokes and the final picture will look natural.

    The effect of the pattern will be very well visible if you print it on the printer. For a larger effect, you can use white or crafting paper.

    All the actions below are executed in Photoshop CS6. Used features are available in earlier and in all new versions of the application.

    We will use the usual scanned photo.

    We recommend that you use small pictures during work in Photoshop, because after applying the "Figure" effect, some pixels can be blurred, which will worsen the quality of the final image of a small size.

    First, we need to copy the original image.

    To do this, open a picture in the program, wait for the toolbar download and press the F7 button. Then click on the combination of the Ctrl - J buttons.

    So you will create a duplicate layer.

    See also:

    To do this, click on the image (Main program menu). Click on "Correction" - "Inversion".

    Also, to apply discoloration for the layer, it is enough to press the Ctrl and I keys simultaneously.

    As a result of the discoloration, we get a negative image, and not its black and white version. All bright sections of photographs will become dark, and dark - light.

    On the layer panel, the resulting negative will be displayed in the form of a second copy of the original layer. Next, change the layer display mode.

    Click on the 2 layer 2 and in the "Mode" row, open the drop-down list. Click on "Lightening the Basics".

    After changing the mode of the project, the project will be fully or partially white. On the main menu panel, click "Filter" - "Blur".

    From the proposed list, select "Gauss Blur". In the window that opens, adjust the slider, creating the level of blur.

    The higher the meaning of this indicator, the brighter the picture becomes, acquiring the outlines drawn.

    Important! Do not overdo it with the use of blur filter, otherwise the photo can become too light and the effect of the pencil will be lost. The optimal value of blur is 12.5 - 13 pixels.

    This method of discoloration allows you to achieve maximum clarity of strokes of the picture, the pixels are not lost, the resolution of the picture is saved.

    As you can see, the picture acquired the outline of the pencil, but did not become too light.

    Go to the Works window with layers and select the very first layer, as shown in the figure below. Then incur pointer to the name of the layer and wait until the context menu appears.

    In it, click on the item "Combine Visible Layers". Hold the Alt button and select all three layers to select all three layers that need to be combined.

    Select the topmost layer (layer 1). You need to change the display mode to multiply. This allows you to darken each line of the sketch, giving the sketch more naturalness.

    Lines should not be too dark. If it happened, adjust the "opacity" parameter to 50%.

    It is necessary that the color of the "simple" pencil is preserved.

    This can be completed. As a result, we get a black and white sketch of the initial photo.

    If you want to add a sketch a bit of color, create a copy of the background layer by clicking on Ctrl - J.

    Now we only need to change the display color settings made by the duplicate layer.

    Select the "Color" mode and in the Transparency string, set the value of 65%, as shown in the figure above.

    The end result of converting the picture into the sketch will look like this:

    Creating a pattern from the usual photo in Photoshop will take you no more than 10 minutes, even if you are not an advanced user.

    This method allows you to achieve the most qualitative effect of the pencil painted.