Draw fox with children 5. Light ways to draw pencil fox

Draw fox with children 5. Light ways to draw pencil fox
Draw fox with children 5. Light ways to draw pencil fox

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Today I will tell you how to draw a child here such a cute fox in scarf and make it even better, brightly coloring. It is not difficult, good luck !!!

Draw and paint a chanterelle in scarfs in stages to children on the steps

  • Step 1

    First draw a horizontal line. This is the length of the fox head. Do not give a pencil very much!

  • Step 2.

    Now draw a droplet. This is a fox head. Pay attention: from the line of the head is symmetrical!

  • Step 3.

    We plan auxiliary lines. Then, relying on them, draw the foxes of the fox. Do not make them too big!

  • Step 4.

    Now draw a circle is the area for the nose. We draw it in the form of a triangle. By the way, if you draw correctly, as a result, the outer contours of the eyes and the nose, if you connect them, will resemble an inverted triangle.

  • Step 5.

    We wash unnecessary lines to not get confused. Below will schedule an arc - this is a chin of chanterelles.

  • Step 6.

    Excellent! Now draw a cervical cervical, as well as ears. They resemble triangles with rounded corners.

  • Step 7.

    We draw two circles at a short distance from each other. One circle should be more, the other is less.

  • Step 8.

    We connect circles with a wavy line. This is what should happen:

  • Step 9.

    Start drawing the thigh. It's just - we will supply a circle, but pay attention - I brought the line not to the end! We plan schematic paws - curves lines with circles at the end.

  • Step 10.

    Draw your paws, make them with your fingers.

  • Step 11.

    Draw a big, beautifully curved fox tail.

  • Step 12.

    Add details: draw a scarf, breast, draw the tail. Pay attention to changes in the ears!

  • Step 13.

    Make a clear dark fox loop and draw a fluffy fur instead. It is simple - on top of the barely erased lines in places draw zigzag lines. Draw the land at which Fox sits.

  • Step 14.

    Coloring a red fox, as shown in the picture.

  • Step 15.

    Brown flood paws and ears.

  • Step 16.

    Beige, paint the land on which fox sits. Tailing tail, breast and ears. If you have no beige, take orange.

  • Step 17.

    Take a black pencil and paint the spout and eyes so that they slaughter, and the look became alive. Dog foot.

  • Step 18.

    Collect scarf. Take a green pencil and cracked herbs. As needed to strengthen the color to make the drawing even better. Drawing ready.

It is often referred to as a red cheerful, and its image is used in fairy tales to show the cunning, smelting and cunning. Did you find out about? I think without much difficulty, we are talking about the fox, whose appearance is unique and many like. Some children say fox like a dog and squirrel. Foxes have red color with white elements, and on the legs there is a transition to a black shade. Today we draw Lisu. In full growth. Our Lisa will stand sideways so that she can see the whole body and tail, and the head turn left. She clearly looks out by someone away, perhaps - their prey. From this lesson for children we learn how easy to draw fox with a simple pencil stages.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. Simple solid pencil.
  3. Simple soft pencil.
  4. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Step 1. The basis of the fox body will consist of a large oval, which joins a small circle. The circle will serve as the basis for the head. Place the circle to the right of the large oval, and the connection will be below:

Step 2. Further, Dorisu, the paws of the animal, but their lower part is not visible due to the uneven surface, on which the fox stands. The tail is lowered down, but has a sufficiently bulky shape due to thick wool. The predator stands on the stones, so the surface lines make sharp and pointed:

Step 3. Go to the head drawing. We give the form of a face of fox so that the width is a little more height. In the middle of the muzzle draw a small oval, outdoor nose. From it, we will spend the lines on the sides that will connect it with your head. Ears raised up, but they are slightly turned to the sides:

Step 4. Detailing features. We draw a nose in the form of a drop that connects with the mouth closed. Two eyes are located at an equal distance. While we draw them in the form of spots, without drawing in detail:

Step 5. Note the darkest places on the face of the animal. It will be eyes, nose and mouth line. We divide the head horizontally into two parts, because the bottom of the muzzle will be much brighter than the top. According to the contour of the head, they will make wool:

Step 6. Add shade to the top of the head. Around the eye shade will be darker because of the bend. Draw still wool on your head:

Step 7. Fox's chest will be bright, so it is not worth it to donate it, and only light touches are applied to show wool. At the level of the paws there is a sharp transition to darker wool:

Step 8. We continue to apply a little chaotic strokes on the animal body to give the volume. The shadow will fall from the head, so we darken this area:

Step 9. The remaining paws handle like the front. By the way, one of the front paws will be only a bit visible due to the position of the body. Wool on the limbs will be pretty dark, but short:

Step 10. Add touches to the rest of the body. They are applied in the direction of growth (right to left). The closer to the back of the body, the lighter wool will be. Therefore, it is weakened by pressure on a pencil:

Fox is often found quite often, it lives both in Russian forests and in other countries, for example, in England. Predated painters who perfectly knew how to draw fox, depicted this beautiful animal on their canvases. The fact is that earlier the fox hunt was a favorite entertainment of rich aristocrats. To make a fox drawn with a pencil looked more or less realistic, it, of course, should be painted. For this purpose, bright markers, color pencils or some kind of paint fit well.
Before drawing the fox in stages, it is necessary to prepare the following stationery:
one). Pencil;
2). Black handle;
3). Eraser;
four). Paper sheet;
five). Colour pencils.

Prepare all those things that are listed a little higher, you can move to solving the problem on how to draw fox pencil stages:
1. First make a schematic sketch, indicating the basic details of the pattern. The head of the fox is depicting in the form of a circle, and its body is in the form of a rectangle. Light lines connect the circle with a rectangle, running out, so neck;
2. To the head, paint the front of the face, as well as quite large sticking ears;
3. On the fox's muffin, you will show your eyes, as well as draw the mouth and nose of foxes. Draw an outline of the neck of the animal. Please note that the fox neck seems to be quite thick due to the extraordinarily lush and thick wool;
4. Turn the rear and front paws to the body. Remember that the front paws are straight, while the rear paws have a characteristic bending. Draw wool on the body of the fox;
5. Turn the animal to the body quite a long and massive tail. Picture light lines of snowy drifts for which there is a chanterelle;
6. Using the handle, carefully circle the outline of the fox;
7. With the help of erasing gum carefully remove all pencil lines to prepare an image to coloring;
8. Now you understand how to draw a fox pencil. But to finish the drawing, it is required to carefully paint. The inner part of the ears shadow with pink color, and the nose is filled with black. A gray pencil is slightly podrich white pieces of face, breast, belly and tip of foxes. Orange and red-brown colors color fox wool. Then the black pencil dial some areas, especially the face, ears and legs;
9. Brown pencil fasten the eye of the fox. Blue and purple pencils slide snow drifts.
Figure Fox Ready! Now you know how to draw fox and can easily teach it your baby!

Our video tutorial "How to draw fox"! Enjoy your viewing to the meeting in the next drawing lesson!

Elena Tynyanya

Greetings you, dear colleagues!

We have this week on the vocabulary "Forest and its inhabitants" yesterday and children learned to draw Lisitsa. I am not a supporter drawing"Child's hand" or transforming a children's drawing in coloring. There are many species and techniques of the image at which hand drawn Adult contour is quite admissible. And so painting In the classic version (without which it is impossible to do without) Ensures independent creativity of the child. I do not know which techniques you use in work, and I drawing sophisticated objects I use the most tested reception: Papeted drawing. At the same time, I create my drawing on the board together with children. Who gets more beautiful, it is still a big question, but we create together and no need draw for children.

Drawing a fox in this way, in the first stages everything just walked! Already, our initial notes were not like a fox. Some simply doubted that in the end it would be exactly this animal. There were the most interesting assumptions: "This is a dog, sheep, horse."

And only when durable The ears of confidence in children was filled.

The sketches ended in full positive and gladly painted with oil pastels.

The next day drew background, also interesting, at the same time by four children, so he it turned out such a climbing. Then together added snow-covered silhouettes. And when they reached the location lisizers in Figure, too, have fun from soul: At first, the little foxes were decided to stick to the background, then ideas with families appeared, with friends. Finally, everyone arranged. And, even though the forest with so much fox looks slightly strange, we loved our creation and decorated the dressing room of the first winter work.

And today, as it does not rarely, many children already carry whole packs of drawings with chanterelles. When I see with what pleasure they draw in free activity, what has just been learned, I just die. These are touching, our little artists!

Each can draw a fox, the main thing to seek her photos on the Internet or, it is better to visit the zoo and watch the red animal in a natural habitat. Drawing a fox, pay more attention to drawing her body. It is a small, sophisticated. Distinctive, the feature inherent in all foxes is a large fluffy tail, thin paws in the elegant dark "socks", a pointed face and big ears. Carefully examine the lessons offered by us and you will definitely do to draw a fox.

Lisers live on all continents, except Antarctica and perfectly take root in cities, towns and countryside. But despite all those knowledge that humanity has regarding these red peasants, they invariably remain a mystery to us. Below are several facts about these elusive animals.

1. Lone foxes.

Foxes are part of the Pdovy family, which means that they are associated with wolves, jackals, and dogs. They are medium in size, their weight varies from 7 to 15 pounds, the muzzle in the foxes pointed, the ears are large enough and highly planted on the head, the tail is fluffy and long. But unlike his relatives, foxes do not belong to the artistic animals. With the upbringing of his cub, they live with small foxes in deep underground nera. Fox-free from their marital duties hunt and sleep alone.

2. Lisers have a lot in common with cats.

Like cats, foxes are most active after sunset, mainly at night. Thanks to the special vertical structure of the pupil, the fox can perfectly see objects even in dim light. Their process of hunting is similar to cat. The foxes will persistently wait and grab their sacrifice.

And it is only a slight similarity. As a cat, fox has sensitive hairs and spikes in the language. She walks on his fingers, which makes her gait elegant and light, on a cat's manner. And moreover, the foxes have the same retractable claws that allow them to climb on the surface, climb the roofs of houses or trees. Some foxes even sleep on the trees, as well as cats.

3. Redhead Fox The most common variety of foxes.

Redhead fox has the widest geographical range of accommodation. While its natural habitat is a mixed shrub and forest landscape, its flexible diet allows a fox to adapt to various habitats. As a result, the habitat of the fox includes all the northern hemisphere, from the Northern Polar Circle to North Africa, Central America and Asian Steppes. She is spread in Australia, where it is considered an invasive view.

4. Foxes use the magnetic field of the Earth.

As a managed rocket, a fox uses the magnetic field of the Earth to hunt. Other animals, such as birds, sharks, turtles have this special "magnetic ace", but Fox is the first beast that this uses this to catch prey.

According to research, Lisa can see the magnetic field of the Earth as the "Ring of the Shadow" before its eyes, which darkens when she turns his head to the northern, magnetic side. When the shadow and the sound of the victims are connected in 1 line, it means that it's time to pounce.

5. Foxes are good parents.

Lisens multiply once a year. In one litter, they appear from one to 11 young (on average six), which are born blind and eyes do not open until nine days after birth. During this time, they remain with the fox of Mom in Nore, while the Fal Father brings them food. They live with their parents until they are seven months old. Fox protects his lisate with an amazing self-dedication. Not so long ago in England was caught in a trap fox. He survived, because Lisitsa for two weeks brought him food every day.

6. The smallest fox weighs 3 pounds.

This is a fnequer. Its size is approximately equal to the size of the kitten. Phenox has elongated ears and cream coat. He lives in the Sahara desert, where he sleeps during the day to protect against the burning heat. His ears not only allow him to hear prey, they also emit the heat of the body, which helps to support the fox thermoregulation. Its paws are covered with fur, it allows the fox to walk along hot sand, as people wear snowshoes.

7. Foxes of playing.

Lisens are known for their friendliness and curiosity. They play among themselves, as well as with other animals, like cats and dogs. They love the balls that they often steal on the golf courses.

Despite the fact that the foxes are wild animals, their relationship with people go back. In 2011, researchers were excavated by the grave in the 16500-year-old cemetery in Jordan to find the remains of a person and his pet - Fox. It was 4,000 years before the first famous person and the dog were buried together.