Prayer memorial for half a year. How to remember half a year from the date of death? Tips and recommendations

Prayer memorial for half a year. How to remember half a year from the date of death? Tips and recommendations
Prayer memorial for half a year. How to remember half a year from the date of death? Tips and recommendations

Acknowledged - a ritual committed to honor the memory of the deceased. The basis of the aplex - a joint meal, suitable in close people in the house of a deceased person or in the dining room.

Commemoration carry out:

  • on the day of death;
  • three days after the death - the day of the funeral when the soul goes into another world;
  • on the ninth day;
  • on a fortieth day;
  • the memorial meal is arranged six months after the death, and after all further anniversary.

As usual, relatives come to the commemoration, or close people of the deceased. It is important to remember that it is impossible to drive those who came to honor the memory of the deceased. As a rule, the commemoration is not organized for guests and not for the sake of the feast, but to recall the dead man, pray for its rest. It is especially important to read the prayer about the mustache before the memorial meal. The priests advise to read the seventeenth cafisis from the Psallet and the prayer "Our Father" before starting the trapes.

Shift of the date of the compensation

It happens that the memorial day comes to a church holiday, or on working days, when there is no opportunity to remove from work, due to the preparation of everything necessary for a memorable meal. As a result, the question appears: is it possible to move the date of the minute?

The priests believe that the meal can be arranged before, or later the exact date of the death. In the presence of good reasons that prevent a memorial lunch, you should keep a landmark, first debt, it is on them. However, if there are no good reasons to move the commemorative meal to another day, it is better not to do this, because in the afterlime world there are their rules. On this day, it is better to focus on good deeds, for example, to distribute the memorial treats to those in need.

Do not arrange commemoration during the bright Easter and the passionate week of the Great Post. On these weeks, everything rushes to the donation to Jesus Christ, as well as to the news of his return to life. Therefore, if the date assigned to the memorial dinner coincides with these periods, it is best to move the remembered meal on Radonitsa's Day - the day when they commemorate the departed.

If the day of remembating falls on the eve of Christmas holidays, it will be more correct if the commemoration will be transferred to January 8. Such an event is taken for a good admission, because the commemoration is devoted to the birth event in an endless life in another world.

The priests are also recommended to remember that about the departed, in the first cerebral, should be prayed. Because the day before the memorial meal is recommended to book a liturgy about the burial of the soul of the deceased and a memorial dirt on a memorial day. And the memorial meal can be postponed on one of the first weekend days of the subsequent anniversary of the death. However, it is not desirable to postpone the commemoration, arranged on a fortieth day after restoring, for an early term.

Memorial Day

In each religion, a certain date is assigned to the memorial day, when relatives, or just close people commemorated. If, in connection with urgent circumstances, it is not possible to honor the memory of closely deceased people on the day of their death, you need to do it in a memorial day.

  • In Orthodox religion, Tuesday of the second week after Easter is given to the commemorative day. However, this is not the only day when you can remember relatives. In addition to Radonitsy, there are five more days, allocated memory about the departed;
  • In the Catholic belief, the memorial day falls on November 2. Matching on the third, seventh and thirtie days may not arrange;
  • In the religion of Islam, the main task is to remember the sleeping prayer, to make good actions from his behalf: help orphans, poor people. In this religion, it does not matter, on what day after the restoration of the soul will be arranged for a memorial meal. It is important that no one needs to know from whose behalf these acts are happening;
  • In Buddhism, the day of obedience is the holiday of Wambana - comes from the first half of the seventh month in the lunar calendar.

Everyone knows that those who have gone into the world of other people should be remembered, but not often people understand for what purpose it needs to be done. Do not forget that the connection between alive and dead exists. Therefore, after the death of a person, his loved ones are restless, in their soul anxiety and sadness, they often dream the dead, who ask for food, or to give them any help.

It is believed that after such dreams, a person must pray, visit the temple, to accomplish any good matter (help with poor, orphans). All this benefactability has a good influence on the souls of the dead. If it is not possible to arrange a commemorative man in a laid day, do not be upset. You can leave the priest note, and he himself will hold it.

The spiritual state of man affects both the state of the departed in the afterlife, in a different world in order to assist them. To do this, begin to change, first of all, itself and society around themselves. To begin with, it would be nice to free yourself from harmful habits, forgive all your offenders, do not hide evil on them, start praying, attend temples, read the Bible, help others and orphans.

During the remembrance should be remembered about the goal, a kind, ritual. Giving a general prayer, it is better to ask the Lord God for him to endure the deceased kingdom of heaven and stopped his soul.

When after the death of a close man passes a certain time, relatives are asked about half a year from the date of death? The rules for carrying out PMAZA exist not only in the Orthodox tradition, but also relate to secular standards adopted in a certain culture.

How did you feel with Christians?

In church books there is no information on how to organize a commemorative table and whether it is worth going to the cemetery six months after the death of a relative. But the church rites for the departed still exist.

By tradition, six months old for a deceased person ordered prayers. A variety of prayers for rest are still read. In the church, a candle for the deceased can be placed on the memorial canon.

At home, the relatives who won can pray for the rest of his soul before the icon. Sometimes during this prayer next to the saint face, a photo of the deceased and the candle is lit.

The feast for commemoration can be organized both at home and in a special restaurant, where there is a special menu for such cases. In the cemetery on this day you can carry a bun and pancakes that leave on the grave.

All relatives and close friends of the deceased are invited for the commemorated table. Before the start of meals, prayers are pronounced. Then the stories are told from the life of the well-being person.

The menu for POMPAZ includes fish pies, salads, salads, pancakes, pickles. If a post is passed during this date, the table must be covered modest. This is especially true of those people who deceased relatives of whom in life were deeply believers.

Drinking alcohol during the commemoration, everyone decides himself. But it's still not to use it in large quantities. Remember the dead needed with light sadness. It is not advisable to indulge in strong grief, because he went to the best world to God.

Pomding with dates

How to remember half a year from the day of death, if there is no possibility to organize member exactly in this date? According to the rules, you can organize a comment in three days before this date, and after two days after it.

On the day of the avenue, you can distribute all the things of the deceased needy. Previously, this period is possible to produce such manipulations, but not everyone can do it. Sometimes they advise to wait and year to give someone personal items and the clothes of the deceased.

But if relatives are very much crying for their deceased, then it is necessary to bring his things from home after the onset of six months from the day of death.

In the morning on the day of the commemoration, it is necessary to distribute the alms with the beggar and ask them to pray for a well-being man. In the evening, you can visit the service and file a note there with the name of the deceased, in order to pray for him in the church.

What can not be made on the commemoration?

On the commemoration it is impossible to do the following things:

So, how to remember half a year from the day of death, if the emotional state leaves much to be desired? It is necessary to drink sedative. Ask native and friends to help in organizing a comment. And try to understand that the pain from loss will someday subsides, so bad will not always. Everything that is connected with the commemoration should be organized with all thoroughness and attention. After all, according to believing, the soul of the deceased in this date is near and observes, what degree of respect it is provided by alive.

What days do you remember the dead? Is it possible to avoid suicides? How to pray about the departed parents? Especially to Radonice Archpriest Igor Fomin answered the most common questions about how to remember the dead.

What days do you remember the dead? Is it possible to avoid suicides? How to pray about the departed parents? Especially to Radonice Archpriest Igor Fomin answered the most common questions about how to remember the dead.

What prayer to remember the deceased? How often do you remember the deceased?

Dead Christians commemorate every day. In each prayer, you can find a prayer for the departed, it is an integral part of the homely prayer rule. Also, you can remember, reading the psalter. Daily Christians read on one caphine from Psaltiri. And in one of the chapters, we commemorate our affinations (relatives), friends who moved to the Lord.

Why remember the deceased?

The fact is that life continues after death. Moreover, the final fate of a person is decided not after death, but according to the second coming of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, which we are all waiting. Therefore, before the Second Coming, we can still change this fate. When alive - we can do it yourself, making good deeds and believing in Christ. Diesers, we can no longer affect your own postility, but it can make people who remember us, sick with a heart. The best way to change the posthumous fate of the deceased is a prayer for him.

When do you remember the dead? What days do you remember the dead? What time of the day you can remember?

The time of the day when you can remember the deceased, the church is not regulated. There are folk traditions that go back to paganism and clearly prescribe, as in what time it is to remember the dead, - but they have nothing to do with Christian prayer. God lives in space without time, and we can reach heaven at any time of the day and night.

The church set special days to commemoration of those who are expensive to the world of others - the so-called parent Saturdays. There are several of them in a year, and everything, except for one (May 9 - the mismatch of the deceased warriors), have a rolling date:

 Saturday meat support (Ecumenical Parent Saturday) March 5, 2016.

 Saturday Troitskaya (Saturday before the Holiday Trinity). June 18, 2016.

 Saturday Dimitrievskaya (Saturday before the day of memory of Dmitry Solunsky, which is celebrated on November 8). November 5, 2016.

In addition to the parent Saturdays of the departed, they commemorate in the temple for every worship - at ambassading, part of the Divine Liturgy, which precedes it. Before the liturgy, you can submit notes "On Metting". The note is written the name with which the person was baptized, in the parental case.

How do you remember for 9 days? How to remember for 40 days? How to remember at all? How to remember for a year?

The ninth and forties from the day of death are special milestones on the way from the life of the earthly into life eternal. This transition is not immediately, but gradually. During this period (until the fortieth day), the deceased person gives an answer to the Lord. This moment is extremely important for the deceased, it is akin to childbirth, the appearance of a small little man. Therefore, during this period, our help is needed. Prayer, good deeds, change itself for the better in honor and memory close to us.

Half a year - there is no such church commemoration. But there will be nothing wrong if you remember for half a year, for example, having to pray in the temple.

Anniversary is a day of memory when we are those who loved man, are going together. The Lord bequeathed to us: where two or three are collected in my name, there I am in the midst of them (MF.18 20). And joint remembrance, when we read prayer about relatives and friends who are no longer with us, is a bright, sonorous testimony to the Lord that the dead are not forgotten that they love them.

Do I need to remember on your birthday?

Yes, I believe that the person's birthday is needed. The moment of birth is one of the meaningful, great stages in the life of everyone, so it will be good if you go to the temple, pray at home, go to the cemetery to remember a person.

Is it possible to avoid suicides? How to remember suicides?

The question about the funeral and church commemoration of suicides is very ambiguous. The fact is that the sin of suicide is one of the grievous. This is a sign of a mistrust of a person to God.

Each such case should be considered separately, because suicide is different - conscious or unconscious, that is, in a state of severe mental disorder. The question is whether it is possible to unsubscribe and commemorate in the temple of the baptized person who committed suicide with himself, lies with the responsibility of the ruling bishop. If the tragedy happened to someone from your loved ones, you need to come to the ruling bike of the area where I lived, and ask for a resolution for the funeral. The bishop will consider this question and give you the answer.
As for homemade prayer, you will certainly remember the person who committed suicide. But the most important thing is in his honor and memory to create good deeds.

What can be remembered? Is it possible to remember vodka? Why do you remember pancakes?

Trizns, remembered meals, came to us from the depths of the centuries. But in antiquity they looked differently. It was a treat, a feast is not for the relatives of the deceased, but for beggars, cripples, orphans, that is, those who need help and will never be able to arrange such a meal.

Unfortunately, over time, triction turned out of the case of mercy to the usual home feast, and often with abundant alcohol use ...

Of course, such inspirations do not have any attitude towards real Christian commemoration and can not affect the posthumous fate.

How to remember non-proven?

A person who did not want to join himself with the Church of Christ, of course, cannot fail in the temple. His posthumous fate remains at the discretion of the Lord, and we cannot influence the situation here.

Unresolved relatives can be remembered, praying for them at home and doing good deeds in their honor and memory. Try to change your life for the better, to be faithful to Christ, remembering all the good things that he did for his life who died unresolved.

How do Muslims remember? How do Jews come true? How do you remember Catholics?

There is no difference in this issue, Musulmanin Lee was a deceased, Catholic or Jew. They are not in the village of the Orthodox Church, so they commemorate as unresolved. Their names can not be written in the notes for prosomide (proscride - part of the Divine Liturgy, which precedes it), but in their memory you can create good deeds and pray at home.

How to remember the deceased in the temple?

In the temple, all those deceased who combined themselves with the Christ church in the sacrament of baptism are commemorated. Even if a person for some reason did not go to the temple during life, but he was baptized, it can be remembered. You can file a note on the Divine Liturgy.

Ancecry is part of the Divine Liturgy that prevasses it. At the ancesty, bread and wine are harvested for the future sacrament of communion - the delights of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. It is not only prepared by the future of the Body of Christ (Larnets - a big prosfora) and the future blood of Christ for the sacrament (wine), but also read prayer for Christians - living or dead. For the Mother of God, the saints and us, simple believers, the particles from the backup are removed. Please note when you give you a small backup after the communion - it's as if "someone squeezed the piece." This priest takes out particles from prosphorasis for each name, written in the note "to prosomide".

At the end of the liturgy pieces of bread, symbolizing the souls of the living or dead Christians, are immersed in the bowl with the blood of Christ. The priest at this moment reads the prayer "Omoe, Lord, sins of the sins of the blood of your honest prayers of your saints."

Also in the temples are special memorial services - Panhides. You can submit a single note on the package. But it is important not only to submit a note, but also try to personally attend the service where it will be read. You can learn about the time of this service in the servants of the temple, which is supplied.

How to remember the departed houses?

In each prayer, you can find a prayer for the departed, it is an integral part of the homely prayer rule. Also, you can remember, reading the psalter. Daily Christians read on one caphine from Psaltiri. And in one of the chapters, we commemorate our affinations (relatives), friends who moved to the Lord.

How to remember in the post?

During the post there are special days to remember the departed - the parent Saturdays and Sunday day, when complete (unlike abbreviated on other days of the post) of the Divine Liturgy. During these worship services, there is an ambitious remembrance of the dead, when the particle, symbolizing his soul, is taken out for each person from the big prosphora.

How to remember the new-promoted?

From the first day of the rest of the person over his body, a psalm is read. If the dead is a priest, then the gospel is read. The psalm must continue to read and after the funeral - until the fortieth day.

Also new-added comes to the funeral. The funeral is made to make on the third day after death, and it is important that it is not in absentia in absentia, and I have improped the body. The fact is that all those who loved the man come to the funeral, and their prayer is a special, cathedral.

You can remember the new-added victim. For example, to distribute the needy good, good-quality things - clothing, household items. You can do it from the first day after the death of a person.

When to remember parents?

Special days when you need to remember the parents, those who gave us life, no in the church. Parents can always remember. And on the parent Saturdays in the temple, and daily at home, and feeding the notes "to prosomedia". You can contact the Lord on any day and an hour, he will surely hear you.

How to remember animals?

Animals in Christianity to remember not accepted. The teachings of the church says that the eternal life is prepared only by a person, since the soul, which we pray, is only a person.published

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After a person leaves this world, you need to remember it. In this regard, there were certain traditions that need to be observed several times a year after his death. Remember the deceased in the church, it is desirable to do it more often so that there is no equalization to some of the dates.

It is very important that the prayer is observed about the mustache, his calmness. But very often, because of the everyday bustle, there is no time, there is absolutely time, even to go to the grave after death, go to church. By the way, they do not go to the church to remember the departed very many, as they do not know how to do it.

How to commemorate correctly

Early in the morning, a day, when half a year came from death, you need to pray for his soul. It is desirable that the prayer is at home in front of the photo of the deceased and icon. You will need to light and the candle that is pre-buy in the bench of the temple. Before you go to the grave to the mustache, it is worth entering the church, but that there is no service. Leave a donation there and buy another candle.

It is worth a note and a note that the name of the deceased will be written, it is to do it in a special window of the church, where they order a rite. To order a gland better at the ambassoy, it suggests that from a special prosphora for the deceased, it takes a piece of it and lowered in a certain bowl, sprung by holy water. It will be a sign of the ablution of sins of the deceased.

It will be necessary to defend the memoriality after liturgy, put a candle for rest. So, they say that prayer will be effective for the deceased, if on this day and the commemoration itself will be communal.

Measurement in the cemetery

Buy another candle, and take it to the cemetery, put it at the grave of the deceased. Going out in the cemetery stands immediately after the above procedure.

Neck need a candle. Cover near the grave of the table where the food will be kinda as with the departed to eat together. So they say that the spirit of the deceased will turn in the clouds, being near. Putting food is also on the grave. But remember that it is very important that all posts that are at this moment must be observed.

Say the prayer for the soul of the stop. And all those who came to visit him, invite home to yourself to sit behind the memorial table. Food must be prepared in accordance with post.

Remember that before remembering at the table, you need to spend a lithium by reading the prayer. And before the guests will start to eat, it is worth a bunch of rice and honey, raisins.

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In general, baptized or donate yourself with a godman - this is a personally yours, none of the clergy will condemn you, even if you do something wrong. Another thing is all knowing and all-seeing grandmothers. ...

Before joining official relations, people face a great many different issues. These questions can be both small and insignificant and very important and significant. For example, what date ...

What days do you remember the dead? Is it possible to avoid suicides? How to pray about the departed parents? Archpriest Igor Fomin answered the most common questions about how to remember the dead.

What prayer to remember the deceased? How often do you remember the deceased?

Dead Christians commemorate every day. In each prayer, you can find a prayer for the departed, it is an integral part of the homely prayer rule. Also, you can remember, reading the psalter. Daily Christians read on one caphine from Psaltiri. And in one of the chapters, we commemorate our affinations (relatives), friends who moved to the Lord.

Why remember the deceased?

The fact is that life continues after death. Moreover, the final fate of a person is decided not after death, but according to the second coming of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, which we are all waiting. Therefore, before the Second Coming, we can still change this fate. When alive - we can do it yourself, making good deeds and believing in Christ. Diesers, we can no longer affect your own postility, but it can make people who remember us, sick with a heart. The best way to change the posthumous fate of the deceased is a prayer for him.

When do you remember the dead? What days do you remember the dead? What time of the day you can remember?

The time of the day when you can remember the deceased, the church is not regulated. There are folk traditions that go back to paganism and clearly prescribe, as in what time it is to remember the dead, - but they have nothing to do with Christian prayer. God lives in space without time, and we can reach heaven at any time of the day and night.
The church set special days to commemoration of those who are expensive to the world of others - the so-called parent Saturdays. There are several of them in a year, and everything, except for one (May 9 - the mismatch of the deceased warriors), have a rolling date:
Saturday meat support (Universal Parental Saturday) March 5, 2016.
Saturday 2nd weeks of the Great Post on March 26, 2016.
Saturday 3rd semits of the Great Post on April 2, 2016.
Saturday 4th week of the Great Post April 9, 2016.
Radonitsa May 10, 2016
May 9 - Measure of the deceased warriors
Saturday Troitskaya (Saturday before the Holiday Trinity). June 18, 2016.
Saturday Dimitrievskaya (Saturday before the day of memory of Dmitry Solunsky, which is celebrated on November 8). November 5, 2016.
In addition to the parent Saturdays of the departed, they commemorate in the temple for every worship - at ambassading, part of the Divine Liturgy, which precedes it. Before the liturgy, you can submit notes "On Metting". The note is written the name with which the person was baptized, in the parental case.

How do you remember for 9 days? How to remember for 40 days? How to remember for half a year? How to remember for a year?

The ninth and forties from the day of death are special milestones on the way from the life of the earthly into life eternal. This transition is not immediately, but gradually. During this period (until the fortieth day), the deceased person gives an answer to the Lord. This moment is extremely important for the deceased, it is akin to childbirth, the appearance of a small little man. Therefore, during this period, our help is needed. Prayer, good deeds, change itself for the better in honor and memory close to us.
Half a year - there is no such church commemoration. But there will be nothing wrong if you remember for half a year, for example, having to pray in the temple.
Anniversary is a day of memory when we are those who loved man, are going together. The Lord bequeathed to us: where two or three are collected in my name, there I am in the midst of them (MF.18 20). And joint remembrance, when we read prayer about relatives and friends who are no longer with us, is a bright, sonorous testimony to the Lord that the dead are not forgotten that they love them.

Do I need to remember on your birthday?

Yes, I believe that the person's birthday is needed. The moment of birth is one of the meaningful, great stages in the life of everyone, so it will be good if you go to the temple, pray at home, go to the cemetery to remember a person.

Is it possible to avoid suicides? How to remember suicides?

The question about the funeral and church commemoration of suicides is very ambiguous. The fact is that the sin of suicide is one of the grievous. This is a sign of a mistrust of a person to God.
Each such case should be considered separately, because suicide is different - conscious or unconscious, that is, in a state of severe mental disorder. The question is whether it is possible to unsubscribe and commemorate in the temple of the baptized person who committed suicide with himself, lies with the responsibility of the ruling bishop. If the tragedy happened to someone from your loved ones, you need to come to the ruling bike of the area where I lived, and ask for a resolution for the funeral. The bishop will consider this question and give you the answer.

As for homemade prayer, you will certainly remember the person who committed suicide. But the most important thing is in his honor and memory to create good deeds.

What can be remembered? Is it possible to remember vodka? Why do you remember pancakes?

Trizns, remembered meals, came to us from the depths of the centuries. But in antiquity they looked differently. It was a treat, a feast is not for the relatives of the deceased, but for beggars, cripples, orphans, that is, those who need help and will never be able to arrange such a meal.
Unfortunately, over time, triction turned out of the case of mercy to the usual home feast, and often with abundant alcohol use ...
Of course, such inspirations do not have any attitude towards real Christian commemoration and can not affect the posthumous fate.

How to remember non-proven?

A person who did not want to join himself with the Church of Christ, of course, cannot fail in the temple. His posthumous fate remains at the discretion of the Lord, and we cannot influence the situation here.
Unresolved relatives can be remembered, praying for them at home and doing good deeds in their honor and memory. Try to change your life for the better, to be faithful to Christ, remembering all the good things that he did for his life who died unresolved.

How do Muslims remember? How do Jews come true? How do you remember Catholics?

There is no difference in this issue, Musulmanin Lee was a deceased, Catholic or Jew. They are not in the village of the Orthodox Church, so they commemorate as unresolved. Their names can not be written in the notes for prosomide (proscride - part of the Divine Liturgy, which precedes it), but in their memory you can create good deeds and pray at home.

How to remember the deceased in the temple?

In the temple, all those deceased who combined themselves with the Christ church in the sacrament of baptism are commemorated. Even if a person for some reason did not go to the temple during life, but he was baptized, it can be remembered. You can file a note on the Divine Liturgy.
Ancecry is part of the Divine Liturgy that prevasses it. At the ancesty, bread and wine are harvested for the future sacrament of communion - the delights of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. It is not only prepared by the future of the Body of Christ (Larnets - a big prosfora) and the future blood of Christ for the sacrament (wine), but also read prayer for Christians - living or dead. For the Mother of God, the saints and us, simple believers, the particles from the backup are removed. Please note when you give you a small backup after the communion - it's as if "someone squeezed the piece." This priest takes out particles from prosphorasis for each name, written in the note "to prosomide".
At the end of the liturgy pieces of bread, symbolizing the souls of the living or dead Christians, are immersed in the bowl with the blood of Christ. The priest at this moment reads the prayer "Omoe, Lord, sins of the sins of the blood of your honest prayers of your saints."
Also in the temples are special memorial services - Panhides. You can submit a single note on the package. But it is important not only to submit a note, but also try to personally attend the service where it will be read. You can learn about the time of this service in the servants of the temple, which is supplied.

How to remember the departed houses?

In each prayer, you can find a prayer for the departed, it is an integral part of the homely prayer rule. Also, you can remember, reading the psalter. Daily Christians read on one caphine from Psaltiri. And in one of the chapters, we commemorate our affinations (relatives), friends who moved to the Lord.

How to remember in the post?

During the post there are special days to remember the departed - the parent Saturdays and Sunday day, when complete (unlike abbreviated on other days of the post) of the Divine Liturgy. During these worship services, there is an ambitious remembrance of the dead, when the particle, symbolizing his soul, is taken out for each person from the big prosphora.

How to remember the new-promoted?

From the first day of the rest of the person over his body, a psalm is read. If the dead is a priest, then the gospel is read. The psalm must continue to read and after the funeral - until the fortieth day.
Also new-added comes to the funeral. The funeral is made to make on the third day after death, and it is important that it is not in absentia in absentia, and I have improped the body. The fact is that all those who loved the man come to the funeral, and their prayer is a special, cathedral.
You can remember the new-added victim. For example, to distribute the needy good, good-quality things - clothing, household items. You can do it from the first day after the death of a person.

When to remember parents?

Special days when you need to remember the parents, those who gave us life, no in the church. Parents can always remember. And on the parent Saturdays in the temple, and daily at home, and feeding the notes "to prosomedia". You can contact the Lord on any day and an hour, he will surely hear you.

How to remember animals?

Animals in Christianity to remember not accepted. The teachings of the church says that the eternal life is prepared only by a person, since the soul, which we pray, is only a person.

Man did not die - just came out ...

Man did not die, just came out ...
He left in the house everything is as it is ...
Just he does not see and does not hear
The bread of the earth is no longer ...

Just became not like people
He opened another ... Astral Way ...
Where a different life ... Other wisdom
Where is the salt ... Something ...

The bookmark will remain in the bookmark
On the page about his love ...
On the table a note ... very briefly:
"Remember, but only ... not s about in and ..."

Man did not die ... just came out
And divorced air bridges
Between the shores of the past life
And even invisible features ...
Elena Ghostroyev.