The funeral of Michael Jackson's father: who attended the farewell ceremony and where it took place. Michael Jackson's funeral ceremony closed to the press Michael Jackson's funeral ceremony

The funeral of Michael Jackson's father: who attended the farewell ceremony and where it took place.  Michael Jackson's funeral ceremony closed to the press Michael Jackson's funeral ceremony
The funeral of Michael Jackson's father: who attended the farewell ceremony and where it took place. Michael Jackson's funeral ceremony closed to the press Michael Jackson's funeral ceremony

Michael Jackson has finally found peace. True, only on the condition that fans will not be allowed to his grave. To accompany the idol to last way Hundreds of people came to the Forest Lawn Cemetery in the suburbs of Los Angeles, about the same number of photographers and reporters.

The ceremony itself was attended only by relatives and close friends. However, there were also television cameras, everything that happened was filmed specifically for documentary about the life of the singer.

Report by Igor Riskin.

The dark saga, which lasted more than two months, first with clarification of the reasons for the death of Michael Jackson, then with the determination of the date of his funeral, he was going to be interred on his birthday, August 29, ended in the picturesque Los Angeles suburb of Glendale, in the Hollywood Hills. The famous memorial park - Forest Lawn Cemetery - became the site of final resting place the king of pop.

Celebrities have been buried in this cemetery for decades. Clark Gable, Humphrey Bogart, Nat "King" Cole, Jackson's idol Walt Disney - these names can be enumerated indefinitely.

Michael Jackson was buried on one of the terraces of the Great Mausoleum. It is a majestic building decorated with sculptures and stained-glass windows, including a copy of The Last Supper. When the golden coffin was lowered into the grave, the great Aretha Franklin sang a farewell song.

Jackson's father and mother sat side by side - the shots that surprised and moved many. That the singer's parents are extremely complicated relationship, has been written in every biographical book about Michael Jackson.

It certainly indicated that, idolizing his mother, Jackson practically did not communicate with his father. I could not forgive the cruel attitude towards myself and my brothers in childhood, which the future pop idol was, in fact, deprived of.

His close friend Elizabeth Taylor first announced that she would not be able to attend the ceremony because it would be difficult for her to attend. And yet she arrived. Reporters heatedly discussed all these details, remaining behind the cemetery fence.

Despite the fact that the ceremony was declared closed, Michael Jackson's funeral was still filmed. The fact is that even before his death, the Jackson brothers signed a contract with one of the American TV channels to create a film about the legendary family.

As far as we know, Michael Jackson did not want to take part in these shootings. Nevertheless, even after his death, the King could not be left alone with family and friends.

The coffin will be sealed in a special concrete capsule so that marauders won't get to it. This is an additional security measure.

The peace of the dead is guarded as strictly and vigilantly as many of them were guarded during their lifetime. And there are such tombs in the cemetery, to which it is impossible for anyone except the closest relatives to pass.

Lisa Burke, historian, journalist: "If you want to go to the terrace of the Mausoleum, you need to ring the doorbell. The guard will ask you who you are and whose grave you are going to visit. Only after that the door will be opened. There are cameras and sound equipment everywhere, so the service security will keep track of where and why you go. "

Increased security measures were taken both at the entrances to the cemetery and in Glendale itself. The police warned the fans of Michael Jackson in advance to restrain their emotions, to suppress the desire to be closer to the idol on the day of farewell to him, and did not appear at the cemetery. All entrances to Forest Lawn were cordoned off, and it was possible to pass through this cordon only with special passes.

Javier Ruiz, Glendale Police Sergeant: "This is a very big event, and we began to prepare for it in two weeks. Moreover, this is a plan not only for the time of the funeral, but also for the coming days."

It has been established that the death of a star, at least manslaughter, is the result of injections of potent drugs. Personal doctor Konrad Murray - it was he who injected Jackson with huge doses of propofol and other drugs that day, is under investigation and does not leave the house, fearing revenge from the fans.

The court decision, which was achieved by Jackson's mother, prescribes that all funeral expenses should be paid not from the family's funds, but from the inheritance of the singer, who left huge debts. However, after his death, sales of discs increased sharply, so that debt is no longer talked about.

Even a funeral required a trial. And it is not the last.

Shortly after the farewell ceremony for Michael Jackson - one of the most magnificent and pompous in US history - FOXnews suggested that an empty coffin was shown to those gathered at the farewell ceremony, and the singer's body was hidden in secret place... The journalists of the channel were prompted to such an idea by white spots in this story - both the fact that the cause of the death of the pop king remained undisclosed (perhaps not clarified), and the fact that the place and date of burial are carefully hidden, reports RIA News.

On July 7, 17,000 people watched the farewell ceremony at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, and more than 31 million people watched the farewell ceremony on television. On the Internet, the farewell ceremony was watched by twice as many users as the inauguration of Barack Obama - more than 3 million.

What was happening at the Staples Center was more like a colorful and expensive show than a farewell ceremony. Its viewers were able to see numerous clips and giant images of Jackson. For three hours, the gravestone speeches of the singer's relatives and friends, among whom were Mariah Carey, Stevie Wonder and Janet Jackson, accompanied by songs and jokes. The atmosphere changed a little after the appearance of the singer's children on the stage.

Jackson's 11-year-old daughter Paris Michael Catherine addressed those present with the words: “ I just want to say that since I was born, Daddy has been the best father that you can only imagine. And I just want to say - I love him so much". After that, the girl burst into tears and hugged her aunt, Janet Jackson.

Throughout the ceremony, the audience focused on Michael Jackson's coffin. Plated with 14-karat gold and crowned with luxurious flowers, the coffin was closed, and this also served as the source of further rumors.

According to one of the assumptions, the relatives of the king of pop hid his body until the excitement around the funeral subsided. After that, they plan to fulfill the will of the singer in a calm atmosphere - to bury him on the territory of the California estate of Neverland, although this is prohibited by the laws of the state of California.

Investigating the circumstances of the singer's sudden death, experts suggest that his funeral has been postponed because the relatives of the pop culture icon are awaiting the return of part of his brain.

Experts are now planning to use the brain for a series of neuropathological tests that could shed light on the cause of death of 50-year-old Jackson. Among the versions of the death of the singer, the media most often name drugs, medical error, as well as the consequences of numerous plastic surgeries.

According to another of the assumptions, the singer's relatives have already earned more on his death than on life, and are unlikely to soon part with such a source of income, writes TheMorningNews... Perhaps the mausoleum of Michael Jackson will be located on the territory of his Neverland ranch. Despite the fact that official information about this has not yet been reported, rumors circulate on the Internet that the entrance to the mausoleum will be paid.

According to rumors, those interested in Jackson's mummification began to actively make contacts with Russian doctors who possess these technologies.

11-year-old Paris and 7-year-old Blanket took the stage to say how much they miss their dad, Michael Jackson

The performance of the stars, the number with elephants and the sea of ​​flowers - the farewell to the pop king was more like him last show, rather than farewell to the last journey.

Michael Jackson's family consoles little Paris

Yesterday at Staples Center in Los Angeles, 17,000 fans and millions of fans around the world paid their respects to Michael Jackson. If it were not for the gilded coffin with the body of the pop king on stage and the mourning speeches of the guests, one would think that the fans gathered at the last show of the pop king.

Michael Jackson is missing most of all his children: 12-year-old Prince Michael, 11-year-old Paris and 7-year-old Blanket

The concert was opened by Mariah Carey and Trey Lorenz with the composition I’ll Be There. Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder, Jennifer Hudson and Asher also took the stage ... The stars followed each other, remembering Michael Jackson. Brooke Shields revealed how she was once Michael's girlfriend. Stevie Wonder lamented that he "hoped not to live to see such a difficult moment." And one of Michael Jackson's brothers, Jerman, sang the favorite song of the king of pop - Smile.

Mariah Carey and Trey Lorenz opened the farewell concert with the composition I’ll Be There

A surprise for everyone was the appearance on the stage of Michael Jackson's daughter, 11-year-old Paris. “Dad was the best in the world,” the girl cried, burying her face in the shoulder of Aunt Janet Jackson. "I loved him very much." Farewell to the king of pop ended with Michael Jackson's songs We are the world and Heal the World. The inscription on the stage " Blessed memory Michael Jackson (1958 - 2009) "was replaced by" I am alive, and I am here forever. "

Asher performs Gone Too Soon in front of the coffin

Queen Latifah recalls Michael Jackson as “ greatest artist the world "

Lionel Richie sings Jesus is Love

Stevie Wonder performing Never Dreamed You’d Leave In Summer

Jennifer Hudson dedicated a song to Michael Jackson Will you Be there

The eldest of the five brothers, Marlon Jackson, believes that "a piece of Michael's soul will always live with them."

17 thousand fans gathered at Staples Center to see Michael Jackson on his last journey

Brooke Shields with tears in her eyes remembered how she had once been Michael's girlfriend.

Music producer Berry Cordy said that "Michael will go down in history not only with his music, but also with unforgettable shows."

Brothers Randy and Tito Jackson support each other

Michael Jackson fans gather at Staples Center

Farewell to the King of Pop caused a huge stir

Girls sell T-shirts ahead of Michael Jackson's farewell ceremony

Mounted police guard the territory of the stadium

Elephants from the famous American circus Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey prepare to perform

Speculators are trying to sell at exorbitant prices not only tickets for the farewell concert, but also T-shirts with the image of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson: Last Chance To Say Goodbye

The two-week hype surrounding the sudden death of the pop king reached its climax. The speculators sell tickets drawn in the Internet lottery, the stars confirm their performance at the Staples Center, and the fans take seats - if not in the stadium, then in front of the TV screens.

Michael Jackson: 1958 - 2009

Today, July 7, the world will finally say goodbye to Michael Jackson. After endless controversy over the burial site, the King of Pop will be buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles. Only family and close friends will gather for a private ceremony. Michael Jackson will not rest in a crystal, but in a 14-carat gold-plated bronze coffin. The relatives decided to bury the body without the brain, the chemical analysis of which is necessary for pathologists to establish the real reason death (it will be clarified in a few weeks).

A public farewell to Michael Jackson will begin at 21:30 Moscow time at the Staples Center. On the Internet, 17.5 thousand tickets were raffled off, most of which, unfortunately, went to ... speculators. On the day of the funeral, the price for "goodbye to Michael Jackson" reaches 10 thousand dollars.

To commemorate Michael Jackson, thousands of fans will gather at Staples Center, including Brooke Shields, Jennifer Hudson, Mariah Carey, John Mayer, Stevie Wonder and many others. According to preliminary estimates, the Los Angeles authorities are preparing to receive 750 thousand people. There are almost no vacant rooms in the city's hotels. The farewell ceremony will be broadcast to the whole world. Among those who refused to attend Michael Jackson's farewell is his longtime girlfriend Elizabeth Taylor. The singer admitted that she doesn't want to put her feelings on display: “I don't think Michael wanted me to share my grief with the crowd. My suffering is too personal. "

Farewell to Michael Jackson, of course, is necessary for his fans. And you can say as much as you like that the king of pop would be happy with such a solemn funeral. However, is unpleasantly amazed that a show was made from the funeral of the pop king, the main objective which is money. And it doesn't matter how you get them: by selling tickets for a funeral or by sharing an inheritance. It is incredibly sad that after 2 weeks of death, Michael Jackson still cannot find peace.

Michael Jackson entrusted the children to Diana Ross

Passion for the king of pop does not subside. Relatives still have not decided where the funeral will take place and once again transfer them to the 7th, the singer's name has not left the front pages of the tabloids, album sales have grown more than 40 times, and the will of the pop was announced in the Los Angeles court -King, drawn up in July 2002.

Relatives of Michael Jackson postpone the date of the funeral for the third time

Michael appointed his longtime friend as the guardian of his children, famous singer Diana Ross

Michael Jackson's will sheds light on his relationship with his family. All his fortune, estimated at $ 500 million, the singer bequeathed to the Michael Jackson Family Foundation, which is appointed by his mother, 79-year-old Catherine Jackson, as its manager. Father Joseph Jackson and ex-spouse Debbie Rowe did not include the pop king in the inheritance.

The temporary guardian of his children - 12-year-old Joseph, 11-year-old Paris and 7-year-old Prince - Michael Jackson appointed mother Katherine. And in case of her disability, he asked his old friend, the famous singer Diana Ross, to look after the children.

Meanwhile, even though Michael Jackson's family has abandoned the public farewell ceremony, fans of the King of Pop are beginning to gather outside Los Angeles' Staples Center, where he rehearsed for his latest show, This is it. continues to follow the development of events.

Michael Jackson

Eight years have passed since the American singer Michael Jackson died. The unique demeanor on stage, the unique timbre of his voice made him a favorite of the audience. He constantly amazed others with something - he changed his skin color, changed his image. Close attention to the singer gave rise to a lot of rumors compromising him.

The singer was born in a large family... The father brought up his sons strictly, teaching them discipline. Like all his brothers and sisters, he possessed musical ability... WITH early age loved to perform in front of the audience. Together with the Jackson family ensemble he toured the country. Michael played different instruments, sang. A few years later, the ensemble won a prize at the talented youth competition.

Michael was no longer satisfied with his role in the ensemble, he felt that he could start solo career... He recorded his first solo discs. He starred in the film, where he met a musician who set him on the path to the highest success. The singer toured a lot, starred in music videos. Twice the singer flew on tour to Moscow.

Jackson was at the height of his stardom. But health problems began - the skin of the face began to lighten noticeably. Jackson underwent several plastic surgeries, took painkillers. In 2009, the singer died. He was fifty years old. The cause of death was the injection of an excessive amount of the drug.

The funeral took place more than two months later. It is assumed that all this time the brain of the singer was on the study. Michael Jackson's grave is located in ForestLawn Cemetery, near Los Angeles, where many famous people of America are buried. Like the singer himself, his last shelter looks unusual. This is a crypt depicting three angels who symbolize the singer's children mourning over their father's grave. There are 18 niches inside the crypt, one of them contains a concrete capsule with the singer's coffin. Benches made of concrete are used to rest the visitors. Photo of the grave of Michael Jackson available for every visitor to our portal.

Where is Michael Jackson buried?

Famous american singer Michael Jackson lived bright life... Having an extraordinary appearance, unique style of performance, he won the love of listeners all over the world. The singer's death was a tragedy for fans of Jackson's talent. Group American singers recorded a composition, and then a video, dedicated to the memory of Michael Jackson.

Place, Where is Michael Jackson buried?, is located in the Forest Lawn cemetery, where many famous people of America are buried. The cemetery is under round-the-clock video surveillance, guards are posted at each burial place.

The funeral of Michael Jackson took place in the funeral hall of the Forest Lawn cemetery, then the farewell ceremony of the public took place in the Central concert hall Los Angeles. The event was broadcast on television channels to all countries of the world. In memory of Michael Jackson famous singers performed his songs, mournful speeches, lines from a poem written on the occasion of the singer's death were read. Then the funeral cortege, consisting of nearly thirty cars, proceeded to the Forest Lawn cemetery, accompanied by police guards.

Michael Jackson was a real idol for many pop music fans. The cause of death of the artist became the subject of lively discussion in the media. The official version was overgrown with rumors and speculation. About the circumstances under which everyone's beloved singer died, where he was buried and what will he left, will be discussed in this article.

The day before

Before his sudden death, Michael Jackson was in high spirits. The cause of death for people who knew him closely seems obvious. The singer spent a lot of energy preparing for the next tour... The proposed concerts in London were to mark the artist's return to big stage... He had not performed for a long time, was in a bad physical form but set out to successfully overcome all obstacles. He had the strength to rehearse with dance group several hours a day. Literally the day before his death, the singer looked fresh and cheerful. He amazed those around him with his efficiency.

Ken Ehrlich (one of the producers of "Emmy") claims that before his death he experienced his better days Michael Jackson. The cause of the singer's death causes him bewilderment, because the artist felt great, talked a lot and joked. However, the very next day he was gone. Even after the second autopsy, the specialists could not determine the diagnosis. What was it? The result of numerous plastic surgeries? Sluggish, but fatal disease? A consequence of severe overwork? Overdose of potent drugs? Jackson was never afraid to experiment with his health. This carelessness played a cruel joke on him.


Michael Jackson, whose albums were sold in millions of copies, did not die immediately. At first, the singer fainted on the set in Los Angeles. Then the fainting was repeated. This time, the artist was in a house he was filming in West Los Angeles in Holmby Hills. Jackson's personal physician, Conrad Murray, told police that he found his patient in bed with a weak femoral pulse. He was between life and death. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation did not give any results. It took half an hour to find the guard, so that he heeded the requests of the frightened Aesculapius and called the emergency services from his phone. For some reason, Murray didn't want to use his personal cell phone. Thus, only at 12:21 pm, a call was made to 911. Information about the tragedy came from an unknown man.

Three minutes later, doctors discovered the lifeless body of the artist. Attempts to bring him back to life continued for another hour. They were unsuccessful. Michael Jackson died at the University of California Medical Center at 14:26. Date of death - June 25, 2009. The legend of the world show business, the king of popular music, a wonderful singer, unique dancer, the consummate showman died without making the last tour of his life.

Expert opinion

Michael Jackson was severely exhausted physically. The cause of death could have been the most unexpected. On examination, he was found to have many scars, including from surgery to stop skin cancer. In addition, they found several broken ribs and bruises on him, traces of heart injections. The singer had only pills in his stomach. With enough high growth(178 cm) its weight was only 51 kilograms. It is strange that this man had the strength to sing and dance at all.

The experts immediately had several assumptions. They referred to physical exhaustion, abuse of painkillers, the consequences of plastic surgery. The coroners continued their examination of the body. They did not find traces of violence, but they did not reveal the cause of death. Michael Jackson's doctor disappeared, and he certainly could tell a lot about the state of his ward before the tragedy. The toxicology tests took about six weeks. However, the experts did not come to a common opinion. Three main versions have been put forward.

Version number 1: potent drugs

Michael Jackson, whose biography, whose personal life was constantly covered in the press, took shocking doses of painkillers. He was no stranger to drugs. A man who sought to change himself beyond recognition drowned out the pain by all possible means. With age, the artist developed problems with the spine, and he became addicted to drugs. The Jackson family's lawyer, Brian Oxman, argues that there can be no other cause of the actor's death. He notes with bitterness that the people around the singer did not interfere with his destructive addiction. Did Michael Jackson use drugs? Experts say no. However, his body was overwhelmed with potent substances that eventually caused his heart to stop.

Version number 2: disastrous plastic

Michael Jackson, whose albums have broken all popularity records, has repeatedly gone under the knife in order to improve his own appearance. From some sources it is known that during the next rhinoplasty, the artist contracted one of the varieties of staphylococcus. After that, the virus began to gradually destroy his body. In addition, the artist's repeatedly deformed nose became much less functional - the nasal passages narrowed, which caused oxygen deficiency... This could lead to chronic hypoxia, which can provoke cardiac arrest. Doctors have invented for this phenomenon special term- apnea. Death comes in a dream when a person does not control breathing. By themselves plastic surgery not dangerous, but their consequences can greatly undermine the patient's health. Surgical intervention under anesthesia, taking medications during the rehabilitation period bring negative results. Michael Jackson suffered because of his fearlessness - he believed that he could change himself beyond recognition without any consequences for health and well-being.

Version number 3: high expectations

Michael Jackson, last years whose lives were not easy, took on very serious obligations. For example, he was supposed to perform on a huge stage in London in July 2009. The artist experienced tremendous overload and tremendous pressure. The impossible was expected of him - full recovery without interrupting grueling rehearsals. In preparation for the anniversary celebration, the singer worked practically without rest. A crazy work schedule killed him.

Version No. 4: beautiful care

In fact, the whole world was waiting for a miracle. It was expected that a weak and sick person would suddenly rise up, make a frantic leap forward and give the audience another incredible show - with flights on a trapeze, moonwalk and frantic energy. At first it was announced that the artist would give 10 concerts, then 50 at all, but it is quite obvious that he would not have survived even one. But what a grandiose death of an artist on stage in front of a multimillion-dollar audience would have been! Before performing at the London arena, the singer did not live only 18 days. The tour was called “farewell” long before the start. Michael Jackson was frankly dying. Among his diseases were called emphysema, stomach bleeding, vitiligo, skin cancer ... The death of an extravagant artist could be a continuation grand show for a lifetime. This would be the King's farewell to the spectator in love with him. It’s a pity that it never happened.


The world has parted with legendary singer July 7, 2009. The public farewell took place at the Staples Center stadium. 17,500 tickets were drawn on the Internet. The excitement was such that the price for them reached $ 10,000. Thousands of fans gathered to honor the memory of the wonderful artist, as well as the most famous people of our time - actors, singers, showmen. The event looked more like another show with world celebrities than a funeral ceremony. The singer's sister, Janet, tried to add a touch of soulfulness to the pretentious atmosphere. She talked about how the loss of her brother was a terrible blow for her. It was a surprise to the audience that Michael Jackson's daughter, Perris, took the stage. An eleven-year-old girl told the audience that she misses her father very much. The body of the world celebrity was buried in a gold-plated bronze coffin. It rests in the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles.


The artist's posthumous desire was unambiguous. Back in 2002, he drew up a will, in which he indicated that he was dividing his fortune between his mother, three children (including the daughter of Michael Jackson) and charitable organizations. Father - Joseph Jackson - is not mentioned in the will. The singer's assets at the time of his death amounted to $ 1 billion 360 million. The most valuable investment is considered to be a share in music catalog valued at $ 331 million. It contains compositions of the best artists of the twentieth century. In addition, Jackson took care of the future of his children. He secretly recorded two hundred songs and transferred the ownership of them to a special fund. Creditors can't get to it. And the artist has done a lot of debts. According to the most conservative estimates, their amount reaches $ 331 million.

The legacy that Michael Jackson left behind is hard to overestimate. The date of death of the world legend will forever remain in the memory of fans.