An extensive analysis of the image of Katerina from the play "The Thunderstorm" with a detailed plan. (Unified State Exam in Russian)

An extensive analysis of the image of Katerina from the play "The Thunderstorm" with a detailed plan. (Unified State Exam in Russian)

In many of his dramas, Ostrovsky portrayed social injustice, human vices and negative sides. Poverty, greed, uncontrolled desire to be in power - these and many other themes can be traced in the plays "Our people will be numbered", "Poverty is not a vice", "Dowry". “Thunderstorm” should also be viewed in the context of the above works. The world described by the playwright in the text was called by critics “ dark kingdom". It seems to be a kind of swamp, from which it is impossible to find a way out, which sucks in a person more and more, killing humanity in him. Such victims " dark kingdom"In" Thunderstorm "at first glance, quite a bit.

The first victim of the "dark kingdom" is Katerina Kabanova. Katya is a frequent and honest girl. She was married early, but she never managed to fall in love with her husband. Despite this, she still tries to find in him positive sides to keep the relationship and the marriage itself stable. Katya is terrorized by Kabanikha, one of the brightest representatives of the "dark kingdom". Marfa Ignatievna insults her daughter-in-law, trying with all her might to break her. However, it is not only the opposition of characters that makes Katerina a victim. These are, of course, the circumstances. In the "dark kingdom" honest life a priori impossible. Everything here is built on lies, pretense and flattery. Strong is the one who has money. Power in Kalinov belongs to the rich and merchants, for example, Dikiy, whose moral bar is very low. Merchants deceive each other, steal from ordinary residents, seeking their own enrichment and increasing their influence. The motive of lies is often found in the description of everyday life. Varvara tells Katya that only a lie holds the Kabanov family together, and Boris is surprised by Katya's desire to tell Tikhon and Martha Ignatievna about their secret relationship. Katerina often compares herself to a bird: the girl wants to escape from this place, but there is no way. The "dark kingdom" will find Katya anywhere, because it is not limited to the framework of a fictional city. No exit. Katya takes a desperate and final decision: either live honestly, or nothing. “I live, I suffer, I don’t see a glimpse of myself. Yes, and I will not see, know! " The first option, as mentioned earlier, is impossible, so Katya chooses the second. The girl commits suicide not so much because Boris refuses to take her to Siberia, but because he understands: Boris turned out to be the same as the others, and a life full of reproaches and shame can no longer continue. “Here's your Katerina. Her body is here, take it; but now your soul is not yours: it is now before a judge who is more merciful than you! " - with these words, Kuligin gives the girl's body to the Kabanov family. In this remark, it is important to compare with the supreme judge. It makes the reader and viewer think about how rotten the world of the "dark kingdom" is, that even The Last Judgment turns out to be more merciful than the court of "tyrants".

Tikhon Kabanov also turns out to be a victim in the "Thunderstorm". The phrase with which Tikhon appears in the play is very remarkable: "How can I, mamma, disobey you!" The mother's despotism makes him a victim. By himself, Tikhon is kind and, to some extent, caring. He loves Katya and takes pity on her. But the mother's authority is unshakable. Tikhon is a weak-willed mama's son, whom Marfa Ignatievna's excessive guardianship has made to be twitchy and spineless. He does not understand how you can resist the will of Kabanikha, have your own opinion, or so on. “Yes, mamma, I don’t want to live by my own will. Where can I live by my own will! " - this is how Tikhon answers his mother. Tosku Kabanov is used to drowning in alcohol (he often drinks with Dikim). His character emphasizes the name. Tikhon is unable to understand the power internal conflict his wife, cannot help her, however, Tikhon has a desire to escape from this cage. For example, he is happy with his departure for a short 14 days, because all this time he has a chance to be independent. There will be no "thunderstorm" over him in the form of a controlling mother. The last phrase of Tikhon says that the man understands: it is better to die than to live such a life, but Tikhon cannot decide to commit suicide.

Kuligin is shown as a dreamer inventor advocating for the public good. He constantly thinks about how to improve the life of the city, although he perfectly understands that none of the residents of Kalinov needs this. He understands the beauty of nature, quotes Derzhavin. Kuligin is more educated and taller than ordinary people, however, he is poor and alone in his efforts. Dikoy only laughs at him when the inventor talks about the benefits of a lightning rod. Savl Prokofievich does not believe that money can be earned in an honest way, therefore he openly mocks and threatens Kuligin. Perhaps Kuligin understood the true motives of Katya's suicide. But he is making attempts to soften the contradictions, to find a compromise. In front of him, there is no choice either this way or not at all. The young man does not see an active way to resist the "tyrants".

Several characters act as victims in the play "The Thunderstorm": Katerina, Kuligin and Tikhon. Boris cannot be called a victim for two reasons: firstly, he came from another city, and secondly, in fact, he is just as deceitful and two-faced as the rest of the inhabitants of the "dark kingdom".

The above description and the list of victims of the "dark kingdom" can be used by pupils in grades 10 when writing an essay on the theme "Victims of the dark kingdom in the play" The Thunderstorm ".

Product test

Ostrovsky's drama "The Thunderstorm" is of interest even to modern readers. On the one hand, the Domostroevsky order is very far from us. So we perceive the drama as "a tradition of deep antiquity." But on the other hand, if we take a closer look at the tyrant merchants in Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm", we will see a lot in common with some of our contemporaries.

Dikoy and Kabanikha are representatives of the older generation. According to the house-building order, the elders must be respected and obeyed. This is exactly what everyone around does in relation to the Wild and Kabanikha. However, to be more precise, all of them are simply afraid and try to stay away. Wild and Kabanikha are disgusting, there is not a single positive quality... They are cruel, hypocritical. They hide behind sanctimonious words, but in fact sow anger and hatred around themselves. Dikoy is cruel even towards his relatives, who live in an atmosphere of fear and powerlessness. Kabanikha is no different from him. She tends to interfere in the lives of others, even in small things.

Dikoy and Kabanikha do not respect or fear anyone, and none of those around them dares to contradict them. The tyrant merchants feel themselves in a patriarchal society as the real masters of life. Ostrovsky portrays a merchant environment, to put it mildly, deserving of condemnation. We feel genuine disgust, learning more and more new details about Dick and Kabanikh, who are the embodiment of the older generation of merchants. Needless to say, everyone around us behaves the same way. Ostrovsky says nothing about this, but it is easy to guess about it. It is no coincidence that one of the inhabitants of the city of Kalinova, Kudryash, says: "This is such an institution in our merchants." This confirms our guess that Dikoy and Kabanikha are typical representatives of the patriarchal merchant environment.

Kabanova and Dikoy are very similar. Dikoy never holds back if it comes about the ability to show power over someone. Kabanova also does not miss an opportunity to demonstrate who is the boss in the house, or rather, the mistress. A wealthy merchant's wife, a widow, Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova is a full-fledged mistress of the house, and all family members are forced to follow her orders. Dikoy enjoys the atmosphere of permissiveness. For example, he replies to Kuligin: “Just know that you are a worm. If I want - I will have mercy, if I want - I will crush ”.

Kabanova is pious and religious, patronizes the poor and wanderers. But what is hidden under the guise of such philanthropy? Only hypocrisy and hypocrisy. Kabanova does not give life to anyone: neither her son, nor daughter, nor daughter-in-law. But if Tikhon and Varvara can still adapt to her, they have learned to hide, to get out, then Katerina is not capable of lying. She endures for the time being. And then he starts to protest.

The "piety" about which Kabanikha and others like her are so concerned, in fact, is nothing more than a lie. In the city of Kalinovo, everyone lies to each other. The atmosphere of bigotry and despotism - that's distinctive feature a society in which Dikoy and Kabanova run everything.

Dikoy openly shows his attitude towards everyone around him, he deliberately insults everyone around him. Kabanova does not openly offend anyone, she acts much more sophisticated. She subjugates everyone who gets in her way. Kabanikha constantly reminds that everyone lives and acts incorrectly, does not comply with laws invented by someone unknown. Kabanova is terrible in her despotism, she suppresses a weak-willed son, a timid daughter-in-law. Varvara knows how to dodge, only for this reason she does not suffer so much from her domineering mother. The behavior of Dikiy and Kabanova is the norm from the point of view of the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov. Indeed, in provincial town people all live in anger, drunkenness, envy, hatred, debauchery. It doesn't matter that they hide behind "piety" and the observance of "old traditions." In fact, they commit crime after crime, ruining everything that is pure, light, sincere that can arise in the soul of someone around them. The entire merchant town lives according to such laws that they might seem fanatical to an uninitiated person. However, it was so. But people far from the patriarchal merchants tried to communicate with them less. For example, Boris's mother, a noblewoman by birth, could not even spend several days with her husband's family. Boris's father, apparently, was significantly different from his brother, Dikiy, since he "married a noble woman." But we do not know anything about him, he died long before the events described. So, despite the prevalence of "Wild boars" and "Wild" in society, obviously, there were other representatives merchant class, more progressive and noble. However, in the city of Kalinov, we do not meet them. They were in the minority, so the domineering and aggressive tyrant merchants still find themselves in an advantageous position.

Years and centuries pass, customs and customs change. However, the images of tyrant merchants described in Ostrovsky's drama are still relevant to this day. The modern reader easily recognizes the Dick or Kabanikh as aggressive and ignorant representatives of the older generation who seek to subjugate their family, who are an aggressive force that makes unhappy those who do not find the strength to protest.

Essay text:

Look for such and such a scolder like ours Savel Prokofich! .. Kabanikha is also good.
A. Ostrovsky. Storm
In his drama "The Thunderstorm" A. N. Ostrovsky brightly and vividly depicted the "dark kingdom" Russian province the overwhelming best human feelings and aspirations. The author was not only the first to introduce the word "tyrant" into the literature, but also developed in artistic form the very phenomenon of tyranny, when people in power act arbitrarily, at their own whim, regardless of others.
In the drama "The Thunderstorm" the phenomenon of tyranny is described by the example of images " significant persons"the city of Kalinov Wild and Kabanikha.
For the Wild, the main goal in life, the only law is "money. Rude, greedy, ignorant, Wild cowards over every penny." He is the richest man in the city, but everything is not enough for him, because he is sure that money is power. And this attitude allows him to cruelly exploit people and put himself above everyone else: “So you know that you are a worm. In accumulating money, Dikoy does not choose the means: he appropriates the inheritance of his nephews, mocking them at the same time, shamelessly cheating on the poor peasants working for him: "he will not disappoint a single one." He acts on the principle: "I have a lot of people a year ... I will not pay them extra for a penny per person, but I make up thousands of this, so it is good for me!" Dikoy used to think only of himself.
No wonder they say about this merchant: "His whole life OCHQ-ia is on swearing." As a human being, Dikoy simply does not know how to speak: shout, swears, does not give life to those who live. Rude and unceremonious, he realizes his impassivity and the lyricist often insults the poor and the unqualified: "They must obey me ..." strong personalities or in front of people who have more money, Wild pours, retreats. Darkness, lack of culture, limited mental outlook are traits that characterize the merchant from far from the best side.
The boar is the ardent defender of the old foundations of life and customs of the "dark kingdom". Conservatism of views and hatred of everything new are her distinctive features: "This is how the old man goes out. I don’t want to go to another house. And if you go up, you’ll spit, and get out as soon as possible. What will happen, as the old people die,” I don’t know how the light will stand. ".
The strong, domineering, despotic character of Kabanikha in combination with the most serious attitude to the house-building order makes the life of the household in her family unbearable. She raised her son to be spineless, weak, devoid of independence, slavishly submissive
Shterin's will. But Kabanikha wants to make him a "master" in his family, whose wife is not only unquestioning
but he obeys, but he is also afraid. Therefore, she not only suppresses the will of her son, but also torment, finds fault, constantly reproaches her daughter-in-law.
The boar strictly adheres to customs and rituals, many of which are outdated and become ridiculous; for her, the main thing is observance of the form, despite the fact that living people suffer from her inertia and ignorance.
Hypocrisy and hypocrisy are typical character traits of Kabanikha. She knows how to cover up her actions with a mask of submission to God's will: "Prudish, sir. She dresses up the beggars, and ate her household." However, the religiousness of Kabanikha is external, a tribute to traditions.
The unlimited power of wild and boar souls is a city, about whose life Dobrolyubov wrote: "The existence of any law, any logic is the law and logic of this life."
Quite often we even today meet with tyrants in life. They can be distinguished by the fact that "the tyrant is all trying to prove that no one is a decree to him and that he will do what he wants." I think that the only way to combat tyranny is the development of the inner qualities of each person, the revival of true culture in one's own heart.

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The role of Ostrovsky in the history of Russian literature is extremely important. His plays are of the most important cognitive significance for us. Ostrovsky was not a calm, dispassionate writer of everyday life in Russia. It was a public tribune, a democrat. Through his plays we get to know the difficult, gloomy life of the "dark kingdom", with sympathy we follow the struggle of a free, freedom-loving personality with the deadening foundations of the past, we learn to cognize wealth mental strength man and hate the oppression that hindered the free development of the individual in the past. Among the themes put forward by life, there was one that required urgent coverage. This is the tyranny of tyranny, money and the Old Testament authority in merchant life, a tyranny, under the yoke of which not only members of merchant families, especially women, but also the working poor, suffocated. The task of denouncing the economic and spiritual tyranny of the "dark kingdom" was set by Ostrovsky in the drama "The Thunderstorm".

The drama "The Thunderstorm" is set in the provincial town of Kalinov, located on the banks of the Volga. Ignorance and complete mental stagnation are characteristic of the life of the city of Kalinov. Severe, gloomy morals are hidden behind the external tranquility of life. "Cruel manners, sir, in our city, cruel!" - says the poor man Kuligin, a self-taught mechanic, who has experienced all the futility of trying to soften the mores of his city and bring people to their senses. The play features two groups of residents of the city of Kalinov. Some personify the oppressive power of the "dark kingdom" (Wild, Kabanikha), while others - the victims of the "dark kingdom" (Katerina, Kuligin, Tikhon, Boris, Kudryash, Varvara). They equally feel the brute power of the "dark kingdom", but they express their protest against this power in different ways.

Despotism, unbridled arbitrariness, ignorance, rudeness - these are the features that characterize the image of the tyrant Wild, a typical representative of the "dark kingdom". The meaning of life for the Wild is to acquire, increase wealth, and for this all means are good. He is the richest and most distinguished person in the city. Capital unties his hands, makes it possible to freely swagger over the poor and financially dependent people. This is how the play's heroes talk about Dick. Shapkin: “Look for such and such a scolder like ours Savel Prokofich! No way will he cut off a person. "; Kudryash: “... his whole life is based on swearing ... And above all, because of money; not a single calculation can do without abuse ... And the trouble is, someone will make him angry in the morning. All day long to find fault with everyone. " The rude and unceremonious Di-Coy swaggers in front of his nephew Boris, in front of the house-mates. Boris remarks: “Every morning, his aunt begs everyone with tears:“ Father, don’t make you angry! Dear fellows, do not make you angry! ”; “But the trouble is when he is offended by such a person whom he does not dare to curse; hold on to your pets! " Frivolity and licentiousness are not purely individual qualities of the Wild. it typical features patriarchal merchants.

The image of the stern and domineering Marfa Ignatievna Kaba-nova allows us to get acquainted with another variety of representatives of the "dark kingdom", as typical as the Wild one, but even more sinister and gloomy. The boar loves unquestioning obedience, in her speeches there are constant reproaches, complaints of disrespect. The atmosphere of cruelty and humiliation reigns in Kabanikha's house. She tyrannizes her loved ones, “eats for food,” “sharpens iron like rust”; “Prude, sir! She clothe the beggars, but she ate the households altogether. " Kabanikha takes into account what is accepted, what the order requires, honors the traditions and rituals that have developed in her class. In her deepest conviction, a wife should submit to her husband, live in fear in front of him, as “order requires”. She admonishes Ti-Khon, who does not understand why Katerina should be afraid of him: “Why be afraid? Are you crazy, or what? They will not be afraid of you, and even less so. What kind of order will there be in the house? " Kabanova firmly holds on to order, to the observance of the form. This was especially evident in the scene of farewell to Tikhon. The mother demands that the son give orders to his wife for order: do not be rude to the mother-in-law, do not sit around, so that she does not look at other people's men. The wife is obliged to howl for a long time and loudly, having seen her husband off. Kabanikha not only observes the house-building norms, she fights for them. She looks pious and devout. But religion for her is only a means to keep those around her in obedience (“The whole house ... rests on deception”).

Evil, bigotry, lies - these are the features of the moral image of the "dark kingdom".

And how do the other characters in the play relate to the morality of Dikiy and Kabanikha? Kuligin condemns the merchants for their cruelty, dreams of "common good, of universal welfare," but these are only dreams. In dealing with tyrants, he considers it best to endure and please. Life philosophy of Barbara - "do what you want, as long as everything is sewn and covered." Kudryash gets along with the Wild, applies to the environment and finds opportunities to live happily among the Wilds. Tikhon, a kind person, but weak-willed, under the pressure of his mother, lost all ability to think and live independently.

And only Katerina was able to protest the world of cruelty and despotism. Katerina's protest, of course, is spontaneous. But he, in his own way, reflected discontent with social and family inequality, the tyranny of the haves. Dobrolyubov called Katerina "a ray of light in the dark kingdom." Her suicide, as if for a moment, illuminated the deep darkness of the "dark kingdom."

1) The drama "thunderstorm" - a sentence to the "dark kingdom":

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky in the play "The Thunderstorm" revealed the theme of the confrontation between good and evil. home heroine-girl Katerina, who, by the will of fate, collides with the "Dark Kingdom" of the city of Kalinov and the Kabanov Family. The critics describe the long-established way of life and way of life of the residents of the city of Kalinov as a "dark kingdom". In this world, tyranny, tyranny and cruelty rule everything. All goals are achieved by humiliating other people.

Most heroes extol themselves by exposing the failures of others. A striking, and one might say, the main representative of this kingdom is Kabanikha, who is trying with all her might to subjugate all members of her family, she establishes laws that no one has the right to violate. By humiliation, reproaches and other moral means of pressure, Marfa Kabanova builds her social status, makes you obey, not allowing you to go beyond what is permitted. Katerina strives for freedom, she knows exactly what she wants and will never obey tyranny and tyranny. We can say that the girl, by her opposition to all the laws of this kingdom, condemns the inhuman foundations of this society.

2) The image of Katerina

2.1) Traits of folk character:

Katerina is an integral image of a national character.

Everything in her, from appearance to inner peace, expresses the desire for justice, freedom and happiness. Katerina is a truly tragic heroine. From childhood, the best was brought up in her, the girl, who grew up in love and tenderness, simply could not come to terms with such a cruel life that reigned in the Kabanovs' house: “Was that how I was! Mamma doted on me, she dressed me up like a doll, did not force me to work; what I want, it used to be, I do. " The simplicity and soulfulness of the girl, inherent in all Russian people, sharply distinguishes Katerina from all other heroes of the play. The girl tries to treat everyone with kindness and understanding, wanting no harm to anyone, she lives with the hope of happiness.

A) External charm and modesty:

Speaking about the image of a girl, we must not forget that Katerina is an extraordinary beauty, a very modest and charming heroine. Simplicity, kindness, piety, naivety, honesty complement the image of an “earthly angel”. Katerina's speech is not the last in her image. The girl speaks fluently, beautifully, her speech can be compared to a song.

B) Aesthetic endowments:

The pure and light image of the girl suggests that Katerina personifies the ideal Russian woman. No other conclusion can be drawn here. Katerina, like no one else, knows how to love, for her this is the most important of feelings. She is ready for anything for her, and desperate to find this feeling in her husband's soul, she falls in love with Boris, he seems to her an ideal, perfect, dear person. But Katerina is burned again. Of all these failures, unjustified hopes, unfulfilled dreams a decision is formed that will free the heroine from everything that caused pain, and no matter how much she feels sorry for herself, the heroine is ready to pay for her mistakes. The girl loves the world, loves people, tries to treat everything with kindness. She is gullible and simple, dreamy and beautiful. Honesty and nobility are also very important for this girl. It is hard for her to hide her betrayal from her husband, and when she confesses to Tikhon of treason, it becomes easier for her, but she realizes that nothing can be returned. "Let everyone know, let everyone see what I am doing. If I was not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment?" - such is life position Katerina.

C) Disobedience and strength of character:

By humiliation, reproaches and other moral means of pressure, Marfa Kabanova builds her social status, makes them obey, not allowing them to go beyond what is permitted. Katerina strives for freedom, she knows exactly what she wants and will never obey tyranny and tyranny. Life in the house of an unloved husband, pressure from her mother-in-law - all this did not make Katerina happy, and she is trying with all her might to fight it. The character of Katerina cannot be called

simple, she does not allow herself to be offended, does not tolerate the attacks of her mother-in-law: "Someone is pleased to endure a lie!"

Katerina can be hot and emotional, which she herself says, telling Varvara a story from her childhood: “They offended me with something at home ...; I ran out to the Volga, got into the boat. ... The next morning they found it, about ten miles away! " The girl went against the system of tyranny and tyranny, did not obey the absurd orders of her mother-in-law and never once doubted her innocence. The girl did not betray herself, she remained true to her principles. Katerina was no doubt right when she followed the path that her heart told her. She remained true to herself, gained eternal freedom, soared over the entire "dark kingdom", exposing all its vices.

2.2) Katerina is a loving character, ideal

A) Poetic dreaminess:

It must be said that Katerina's suicide is her victory, this girl dreamed of a bright future, great love, happy family, but fate decreed that only this step became the deliverance of her from the shackles of the "dark kingdom"

B) Moral purity:

Katerina, like no one else, knows how to love, for her this is the most important of feelings. She is ready for anything for her, and desperate to find this feeling in her husband's soul, she falls in love with Boris, he seems to her an ideal, perfect, dear person. But Katerina is burned again. From all these failures, unjustified hopes, unfulfilled dreams, a solution is formed that will free the heroine from everything that caused pain, and no matter how she feels sorry for herself, the heroine is ready to pay for her mistakes.

C) Internal independence:

Many character traits helped the girl determine her destiny. Even if the play ends on such a tragic note, everyone understands that suicide has become a necessity for Katerina, thereby a means of achieving absolute independence and freedom from cruelty and tyranny.

D) Peacefulness:

The girl tries to treat everyone with kindness and understanding, wanting no harm to anyone, she lives with the hope of happiness. She loves the world, opens her soul to meet him.

E) Gullibility:

The heroine is gullible, because she believes in what is not in the world bad people she trusts all her innermost thoughts Varvara, trying to trust Tikhon, trusts Boris without memory because of his love.

E) Kindness, nobility:

No matter how others treat Katerina, her mother-in-law, the girl does not hate them, she hopes that the power of good will destroy the tyranny of the Dark Kingdom, she reaches out to everyone, tries to help, but no one understands the girl's good intentions. Whatever the daughter-in-law, Martha Kabanova with all her heart disliked her, and when the girl appeared in their house, disturbed the peace of their tyrannical conditions, Kabanikha decided to do everything possible to save her son from such a wife. Life in the house of an unloved husband, pressure from her mother-in-law - all this did not make Katerina happy, and she is trying with all her might to fight it. Katerina's nobility is manifested in her attitude to the current situation, she does not exacerbate conflicts, she remains true to her principles.

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