How to start a new life? What is a case? Can a chance change your life? Be honest with yourself and others.

How to start a new life? What is a case? Can a chance change your life? Be honest with yourself and others.

Remember: life is a journey, not a destination.

A hackneyed but relevant phrase. Living life to the fullest - feeling every day, learning new things, and not sacrificing everything for one goal. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work at first. This is fine.

Be honest with yourself and others.

Lying sucks energy and makes a person unhappy. Just imagine how many lies you need to remember in order not to accidentally blab out. What happiness is there. Moreover, if you are dishonest with yourself, you cannot grow and develop. And if you lie to others, then trust and intimacy disappear in the relationship.

People tell lies for a variety of reasons. Out of envy, because of unwillingness to offend, fear to open up or enter into. Being honest is difficult, but this is the only way to live life to the fullest.

Learn to accept yourself

We often think back to past failures and spend too much time thinking about our weaknesses. We think about what we don’t like about ourselves, how to change it and believe that we should become different. Spending your life on such reflections and events from the past means not noticing the present and being closed to the new in the future. Make a conscious decision to love yourself for who you are. Let go of the burden of memories and negative thoughts.

Define your values

Having formulated values, it will be easier for you to set goals in life that will not contradict them. Stick to your beliefs and don't let others confuse you. After all, living in accordance with your principles is much more pleasant than constantly following the advice of others.

Stop belittling yourself

Self-criticism is believed to help develop, but research How to Stop the Self-Criticism and Feel Better About You proved the negative impact of this approach both on the person himself and on his attitude towards others. The stricter you are with yourself, the higher your chances of treating others in the same way. Diminishing your merits will not help you get better and achieve your goals. Be kind to yourself.

Replace negative thoughts with attitudes. For example, instead of “I'm a loser,” say to yourself, “Things didn't go according to plan. But I will figure out why this happened, and in the future I will not make such mistakes. I will find a way to achieve what I want in another way. "

Analyze self-criticism logically. Instead of “I'm stupid, everyone in the group is smarter than me,” think about whether there are objective reasons to think so. Maybe you're just not preparing well enough for class. Maybe laziness is to blame, but not intellect. By analyzing the thought in this way, you will understand what steps you need to take without belittling yourself.

Be flexible

Life is full of changes. Be open to new things and learn to adapt to the changes taking place, even if you don't like them at first. Think of them as opportunities for new experiences. This kind of positive thinking will help you develop flexibility.

Getting fired from Apple is the best thing that has ever happened to me. The heavy burden of success was replaced by the lightheartedness of a beginner, less confident entrepreneur. I freed myself to enter one of the most fruitful periods of my life.

Steve Jobs, American entrepreneur, Apple CEO

Keep yourself in shape

Taking care of your body is another step towards a fulfilling life. You have one, and it is important to make sure that it is healthy. It is difficult to live a busy life when it hurts here and it hurts there.

Eat right. Eat as many fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates as possible. Try to avoid foods high in sugar, but spoil yourself from time to time with a slice of pie or a glass of wine.

Go in for sports. Regular physical activity will help you feel healthier and happier.

Stop forcing yourself

People often force themselves to do things that are at odds with their values ​​and desires. Compulsion causes irritation, frustration, and sadness. Getting rid of it makes it easier to live life to the fullest.

As soon as “I should” appears in your thoughts, think about why you think so. For example, "I have to lose weight." This could be the advice of a doctor or the desire of someone with a different perception of beauty. In the first case, changes are really needed, in the second they can even be dangerous. Do only what is important to you, not what others require.

Method 2. Go your own way

Leave your comfort zone

The more often you perform unusual actions for yourself, the higher Anxiety Can Bring Out the Best your performance. The more difficult tasks you set for yourself, the faster you get used to new things and the more calm you perceive life's difficulties. Getting out of your comfort zone helps you become more flexible, and we've already figured out how important that is.

Start small. Go to a place you don't know anything about. Take a spontaneous journey or do something at work that you haven't done before.

Be realistic

Set goals that you can, taking into account your skills and. Strive for what is important to you, and do not compete with others. Achieving what you want should depend only on your needs, but not on the desire to show off or prove something to someone.

Be prepared for something to go wrong

When a person lives life to the fullest, he takes risks. He makes decisions that have consequences. And sometimes they may not turn out as planned. It is important to understand that life is unpredictable and to take the unexpected calmly. The ability to be ready for anything makes it possible to be one step ahead and calculate the options for the development of events.

Look for opportunities to study

Don't sit still and let life just take its course. Be active, learn new things, put your brain to work. Analyze the experiences and experiences of others. This will help you to be calmer in difficult situations and will allow you to confidently move forward.

Know how to thank

Gratitude isn't just a feeling - it's a lifestyle. It will help you to relive the trauma of the past, if you consider them not as pain, but as a valuable experience, and be grateful to life for it. She will strengthen relationships with loved ones, and without them it is extremely difficult to live a full life.

Tell family, friends, and other important people how glad you are to have them. Share your gratitude, do not be afraid to express it, and life will be filled with pleasure and harmony.

Appreciate every moment and don't focus on the bad. Appreciate the beauty of everyday life, be grateful to life even for the little things: a beautiful sunset, fine weather and delicious coffee.

The more pleasant things you notice, the better life will be.

Keep a diary

Try not just to record the events that happened, but to analyze them. How did you react, why it happened, what you felt then and now and what you would do if this situation happened again. All this will show what is going well in life, and what is worth working on more.


Laughter is the best medicine. It lowers stress hormone levels and improves mood. Moreover, it is contagious. If you laugh, others will pick up, and this is the easiest way to create emotional and social connections.

Don't chase after material

A lot of things won't make you happier. Don't buy impulsively, or try to relieve stress through shopping. Buy only what you really need.

If there are already a lot of useless things accumulated, donate them to charity. Get rid of everything that you don't like and start living a life free of material values.

A person picks up the emotions of others as easily as a cold. Spending the day with happy people will make you feel better. If you communicate with gloomy and dissatisfied life, then this will affect the mood. Only negatively. Therefore, it is important not to waste time with toxic people.

Surround yourself with those who care about you, who respect you and others.

But this does not mean that friends and family cannot criticize you constructively. Sometimes you still need someone to point out mistakes. But it's important to feel that people are doing it with kindness, respect, and care. That they really help you get better.

Discuss your needs

Express your thoughts and needs with confidence, but remember that those around you have desires that need to be heard. Be open and honest, but don't blame or judge people.

It's good to be honest about telling the person that they hurt you. Explain exactly what touched you. It is bad to accuse him of inhumanity without a specific explanation of the reason.

To prevent people from taking your words as accusations, always say "I". For example, “I felt like my needs weren't important when you didn't meet me from work” instead of “You didn't even meet me from work, you don't care about me.”

Instead of judging the actions of others, try to understand why they did so. Ask for more details about the reasons, find out someone else's point of view. If you still disagree with the opinion, tell us why and suggest an alternative.

Be selfless

Oftentimes, the thought that we deserve more keeps us from moving forward. Giving, but not receiving in return, we are in people, life, justice. It's hard to live life to the fullest when your head is so dark. Therefore, it is important to share love, kindness, warmth and care unselfishly.

But this does not mean that you can be allowed to wipe your feet. Stop any attempts to take advantage of your good attitude.

Forgive yourself and others

Hard, but good for the soul. By forgiving, you will free yourself from stress, let go of the accumulated negativity and feel lightness. Learning to forgive people no matter how they behave can help wounds heal.

It is important to forgive not only those around you, but also yourself. Stop thinking about mistakes and blaming yourself for what you did. The past cannot be changed. Use this experience as an opportunity to improve. Show yourself the same empathy that you show for others.

Accept people for who they are

It can be difficult to communicate with a person who is so different from us. But do not try to change it and adjust it for yourself. Remember that each person is a unique person who can teach you something new. Be kind and polite in any company. Enjoy the company of others. Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.

1. Influence of environment or event.

2. The hidden "starting point" of the fateful event.

3. Fate and chance in the story.

"Chance" is such an incomprehensible and very familiar word. Quite often you have to deal with it even in everyday life. But it is precisely the case that has some kind of magical ability. Sometimes a lot depends on him in the life and fate of an individual. A chance, for example, may reveal a long-awaited veil of secrecy. Or it can drastically change a particular situation or a person's views on what is happening. But the strongest influence of chance is manifested in the change of destinies. The emptiness that remains after this brings poison to the soul, poisoning and interfering with further life in peace. Such an insidious case becomes the subject of close attention of Leo Tolstoy in the story "After the Ball".

In support of the fact that chance plays one of the decisive roles in a person's life, critic K. Lomunov says that the theme of the story was a real case. Here is what he writes: “One of the writer's brothers, Sergei Nikolaevich, living in Kazan, fell in love with the daughter of a local military commander and was going to marry her. On the eve of the day when Sergei Nikolayevich wanted to propose, he saw how the father of the future bride directed the punishment of the soldier with gauntlets and refused the marriage. " So one incident ruined the lives of two lovers. The hero of Tolstoy's story has a less tragic case. It did not come to a marriage proposal. However, the incident had a dramatic impact on the life and views of "all respected Ivan Vasilyevich."

When the main character wants to tell his story, the topic of the influence of the environment comes up in the conversation. After all, it is she who brings up a person. And therefore, when certain conditions are created, the lives of many people can be changed. But Ivan Vasilievich rejects the opinion that the new conditions are under the rule of man, and not chance. “You say that a person cannot understand by himself what is good, what is bad, that the whole thing is in the environment, that the environment is seizing. And I think it's all about the case, ”he tells his interlocutors.

However, in the course of the story, quite a lot of random incidents arise, but only one of them radically changes the life of the protagonist.

And the first case, about which he talks, is associated with the image of the beloved: "I fell in love many times, but it was my strongest love." How could a young man resist a regal appearance, an affectionate and cheerful smile, the charm of sparkling eyes! It’s probably hard to say for sure why the fateful coincidence of circumstances chose the most powerful love, and it just faded away from the picture of the execution. However, this happened, and in this case, it is simply not possible to change anything.

Another case helped the main character to see his beloved as often as possible. “I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but at that time we did not have any circles at our university, no theories, but we were just young and lived as is typical of youth: we studied and had fun.”

All the random events described above create a special atmosphere that contributes to the awakening in Ivan Vasilievich of the most beautiful feeling on earth - love. We see the highest manifestation of feeling “on the last day of Shrovetide at the ball at the provincial leader”, which is described by the author in the greatest detail. From this ball begins the "hidden" starting point of the fateful event, which radically changes the life of the protagonist.

At the ball, even while dancing with another, the lover "saw only a tall, slender figure in a white dress with a pink sash, her radiant, dimpled face and tender, sweet eyes." And new accidents only kindle the fire of love in the heart of a young man. The persistence of the "hostess in a diamond feronniere and with Elizabethan shoulders" gave the guests the opportunity to see the art of Varenka's father in the dance. “Waiting for the beginning of the mazur motive, he briskly stamped with one foot, threw out the other, and his tall, overweight figure, now quietly and smoothly, now noisily and violently, with the stamping of soles and feet on the leg, moved around the hall”. The colonel's gracefulness, Varenka's lightness filled the cup of the young man's love. “As it happens that after one drop poured out of the bottle, its contents are poured out in large streams, so in my soul love for Varenka released all the ability of love hidden in my soul.”

A chain of incidents took shape in the boundless love of the protagonist. This feeling overwhelmed him: "At that time I embraced the whole world with my love." It was enough for him that he loved her. And again, chance reinforces a young, newly formed feeling.

A new accident in the life of the protagonist now leads to a destructive rather than a creative beginning. Happiness did not allow the hero to sleep, the stuffiness "drove" him out into the street for a walk. And then "hard, bad music" attracted Ivan Vasilyevich's attention. The sounds of flute and drum heralded a new, but this time fatal event. "I began to look in the same direction and saw something terrible in the middle of the rows approaching me." This was a man who was beaten with sticks. And the sight was not pleasant. But what struck the protagonist was Varenka's father again. But now it was a completely different person. "The colonel ... sucked in air, puffing out his cheeks, and slowly let it out through his protruding lip." Varenka's father pretended not to recognize his daughter's boyfriend. He only said to serve fresh gauntlets. But the last chord of bad music was the colonel's words to one of the soldiers: “I'll anoint you ... Will you smear it? Will you? " Ivan Vasilyevich tried to escape from the horror, but could not do it. It seems that the drum roll has remained in his heart. Boundless longing, reaching the point of nausea, seemed to come out of the hero's soul and overshadow the whole world. The young man tried to explain to himself what was happening, but he could not do it.

One incident, which fit in just a few minutes, changed the fate of the protagonist. Perhaps this also happened because he did not manage to find out the true reasons for such an event. “And without knowing it, I could not enter the military service, as I wanted before, and not only did not serve in the military, but did not serve anywhere and, as you can see, was no good.” Not only boundless love for Varenka began to decline, but also self-confidence. "So these are the kinds of things that happen and from which the whole life of a person changes and is directed."

An accidental incident made the young man look at the world around him completely differently. This world is not only filled with love. There is both cruelty and rudeness in the world. And all these qualities, no matter how you hide them, over time, accidentally appear. All of this greatly affects the life of an individual. According to Tolstoy's story, it is clear that it is not people, not the environment, but chance that determine the life and fate of every person on earth.

.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball" Morning that Changed Life

Can a chance change a person's life?

Contrast as a technique allowing to reveal the idea of ​​L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball"

Slide number 2. Objectives of the lesson:

1.Educational: show how the technique of contrast helps to reveal the idea of ​​the story. Continue work on the analysis of artistic means that create pictures of the ball and execution.

2.Educational: develop a cognitive interest in fiction; ...
develop the ability to analyze images - characters, taking into account the author's position; the ability to highlight the main thing; compare and draw conclusions; develop a monologue speech. - to cultivate respect and love for a person.

3. Educational: to educate the ability to listen and hear attentively, the moral qualities of a person: mercy, humanity, a sensitive attitude towards a person, rejection of violence against a person, kindness.

^ Lesson type: combined lesson. Generalization and systematization of the studied. Basic concepts: worldview, problems of life, despotism, despotism of power, moral renewal, moral responsibility of a person for everything that happens around.

Equipment: computer, projector, presentation, comparative table, recording of music by I. Strauss "Vienna Waltz", basic notes for each student, texts of Tolstoy's story, notebooks. Reflexive card (self-esteem). What new have you learned? What have you learned?

Problem questions of the lesson:

^ 1. What did Ivan Vasilyevich understand that foggy morning?

2.How did his views and feelings change?

3. Why was this morning decisive in his destiny?

^ 4. What means and techniques, what words does Leo Tolstoy use to convey to the reader the answers to these questions?

During the classes. Knowledge update. Presentation.

^ I. Introductory remarks. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Slide number 3. Portrait of Leo Tolstoy. He wanted the truth he understood to become available to all people ...

From time immemorial, man has felt the inner struggle of evil and evil within himself.

Help or refuse help? - Sympathize or condemn?

What determines the outcome of this struggle? We continue to look for the answer to this question on the pages of Leo Tolstoy's story "After the Ball".

Slide number 4. The 40s of the XIX - the time of the reign of Nicholas I. The stick discipline raged in the troops. Soldiers for any offense were flogged or "chased through the ranks." The soldier was obliged to hit the punished with gauntlets on the naked body. A person was often beaten to death.

The writer was worried all his life by the idea of ​​the lack of rights of the Russian soldier. Back in 1855, he was working on a project to reform the army, in which he opposed the barbaric punishment - “driving through the ranks”. But the story goes far beyond a protest against the inhuman treatment of soldiers. The writer poses broad humanistic problems: “Why do some live a carefree life? And others drag a beggarly existence? What is justice? Honor? Dignity?"

In the story, the roll call of two eras can be heard. The one that Tolstoy directly depicts (40s of the XIX century, the reign of Nicholas I), and the one that is invisibly present, defining the main issues of life. Therefore, the writer reconstructs the past in order to show that his horrors live in the present. He speaks out against violence and oppression, against inhuman treatment of people. Studying the work, we will try to give a correct assessment of the characters and events, to determine how relevant the story is today.

^ II. Work on the content of the homework quiz questions.

Presentation of students on homework.

Slide number 5. Question number 1. How do you understand the words: "I was not me, but some unearthly creature that does not know evil and is able to do one good"? (text, p. 32).

The story is told on behalf of Ivan Vasilyevich, who begins it with a description of his beloved, Varenka. From the way he talks about her, we can conclude that even after fifty years he remembers her with tenderness, admiration, love.

"She was in a white dress with a pink sash and white kid gloves, which did not reach her thin sharp elbows, and in white satin shoes."

Before us is drawn an exalted being, almost an angel, and not a real earthly man. Especially in Varenka, tenderness, sensitivity, kindness admire. Everything that happens at the ball, our hero perceives with enthusiastic emotion. He is in love, fascinated by the atmosphere of a holiday, a dinner party. Ivan Vasilievich is next to his beloved Varenka: everything is filled with a feeling of happiness, youth, beauty. Our narrator is in the world of balls, holidays, falling in love with Varenka, not thinking about what is happening around, in the country in which he lives. He is kind and decent, with a good soul.

^ Slide number 6. Question number 2. Colonel and Varenka. Father and daughter.

How do you understand the words: "I involuntarily joined her and him in one love feeling"? (text, p. 35).

At the beginning of the story, we see a wonderful social evening. Everyone is happy, the hero is fascinated by Varenka, her wonderful, kind, quiet father - the colonel. Varenka gives Ivan Vasilyevich a feather from a fan and a glove, the hero is in seventh heaven with joy. Love for Varenka freed in the soul of Ivan Vasilyevich all the hidden ability of love. Varenka's dance with his father, a handsome stately old man with the rank of colonel, made a particularly vivid impression on the hero. This dance fascinated not only the young man, but all the guests present. The beauty of Varenka and her father is emphasized by this dance. They are beautiful together, and after the dance, Ivan Vasilyevich is more and more confident that Varya is his happiness. He is elated, he is in love, he is happy! He embraced the whole world with his love. He sees everything in rainbow colors. Full of such magical feelings, he returns home and does not find a place for himself there. He cannot sleep. He looks at the things dear to him, remembers the caressing eyes of the girl, hears her sweet voice.

“But most of all, he sees her paired with her father, when she smoothly moves around him and with pride, both for herself and for him, looks at the admiring spectators.” (text, p. 36).

Tolstoy emphasizes the portrait resemblance between the colonel and his daughter: they have an affectionate, joyful smile. Of course, the father of his beloved is noble and kind. a strong, handsome and decent person.

^ Conclusions on the content of the answers to the questions asked:

The first part of the story is devoted to the acquaintance with "all respected" Ivan Vasilievich. He talks a lot about himself, about his life, about his love for Varenka, which, undoubtedly, was her strongest love.

In the second part of the story, the actions develop at a ball at the provincial leader. Ivan Vasilievich is stunned by the beauty of Varya and falls in love even more and more. From such wonderful feelings, he is ready to love everyone and everything. Everything in this world seems beautiful and delightful to him.

Returning home, Ivan Vasilyevich does not find a place for himself. His soul in love requires action, his feelings are trying to escape. He should be next to his beloved! Even without seeing her, he wants to be close to the house where she lives. The hero goes out into the street.

^ III. Work on the content of the text. (Heuristic method: analysis of interrelated episodes, language and composition of the work, comparison of the behavior of the characters).

Slide number 7. Leo Tolstoy broke tradition in his story. Usually morning is a symbol of the beginning of something. In the story "After the Ball" this is the end of such a bright and strong love.

Events at the ball take place at night, with artificial lighting - that means everything is artificial, not real. In the morning the light is real, so you can see your true face. The truth may not be revealed in a noisy crowd, among masks and a sea of ​​champagne. A person must see this world, not covered with tinsel.

What happened in the morning? In the morning, the hero sees a terrible scene on the parade ground: the beating of an escaped Tatar by soldiers under the command of the "kind" and charming father Varenka.

How and why was the state of affection, delight, happiness that Ivan Vasilyevich experienced when he returned from the ball was disturbed?

The state of emotion, delight, happiness was destroyed by the sounds of “some other, cruel, bad music, then he saw“ something big, black, ”then“ began to distinguish many black people, ”then a soldier“ in black uniforms, and finally , I saw "something terrible."

Musical piece "Drum roll"

- What artistic technique is used as the basis for the composition of the story?

Slide number 8. Literary reference. work with an explanatory dictionary.

^ Contrast - opposition - stylistic device, opposition of phenomena and concepts. Group work. Find and read portions from the story that reflect this technique.

The story "After the Ball" is built on the principle of contrast: a bright, colorful picture of a merry ball in a noble assembly is replaced by a harsh scene of the agonizing punishment of a defenseless soldier who is driven through the parade ground.

With the help of contrast, the author creates a special atmosphere, or aura, of the story. The incident that changed the life and fate of the protagonist is based on contrast. The core of the work called "contrast" forms concentric circles around itself, thus creating a work of art.

In the center of the work, in the foreground, there is an event that played a decisive role in the fate of Ivan Vasilyevich. The story is constructed as a consistent and contrasting image of two episodes: a ball at the provincial leader's and a soldier's punishment.

Opposed to each other, these episodes are organically linked to each other, as they develop a single artistic idea. It is easy to imagine that without an episode of the soldier being tortured, the picture of the ball, although brilliantly drawn by the writer, would have lost all meaning. Likewise, the scene of the punishment of a soldier would not have looked so terrible, and the despair of a young student would not have been so deeply explained if this scene had not been preceded by a picture of a ball.

The main thing for the author was to show the inner world of his hero, the change of his feelings, his thoughts, his worldview in one morning: the shock of the hero from what he saw on a foggy morning. On the one hand, there is a feeling of endless happiness, joy, love; on the other hand, soullessness, duration and horror of what is happening. Although the part "After the Ball" is smaller in volume, it carries the main content of the work: behind the splendor and beauty is hidden cruelty, evil, which are committed according to the law. What the narrator saw changed his life.

^ IV. Episode analysis. Group work (application of the method of dialogue technology).

Slide number 9. Contrast:

in the composition of the story - in the system of images - in the descriptions - in the language means

^ Slide number 10. Contrast as a compositional technique. Generalization.

The story highlights the following main parts:

introduction - at the ball - after the ball - conclusion

What feature of the composition did you notice? (Framework composition, “story within a story.”) - What do we call contrast? (Opposition, antithesis).

What is the contrast in the story? (Description of the events of the ball and after, the psychological state of the characters).

The story is framed. This technique is called "story within a story" because the work is written in such a way that we learn about the events from the narrator. Conclusions.

^ Slide number 11. Contrast as a compositional technique:

Ball - execution night - morning gaiety - gloom happiness - sorrow

Let's analyze the antithesis: happiness - sorrow Vocabulary work:

- In what lexical sense is the word blessed used?

“I was not only cheerful and contented, I was happy, blessed, I was kind ...” (text, p. 32)

Blissful- 1. The definition of a person to whom God has given some kind of deed, on whom the blessing of God rested. 2. A laudatory epithet in relation to God. 3. The definition of a person who has acquired bliss or someone who expects a similar state of perfect happiness in the future.

What definition is right for our hero? The first definition fits our hero. The feeling of love for Varenka was strong and deep, so Ivan Vasilyevich felt like a happy man, blissful and kind.

- In what lexical meaning is the word "writhe" used?

“The procession began to recede, all the same blows fell from both sides on the stumbling, writhing man. The drums were still beating and the flute was whistling, and the tall, stately figure of the colonel was moving with the same firm step with the punished one ”(text, p. 38).

Writhe - bend in cramps, convulsions.

Ivan Vasilyevich's happy dreams were dispelled by the scene of the terrible punishment of a fugitive Tatar, who was passed through a line of soldiers armed with sticks. The execution was commanded by Varenka's father, that stately colonel, who until recently had danced so sweetly with his daughter at the provincial leader's. The harsh reality struck Ivan Vasilyevich. He could not and did not want to believe that there is pain, suffering, cruelty, injustice next to the holiday. The contrast helped the writer create an emotional atmosphere and show the turning point in the hero's soul. Conclusions.

^ Slide number 12. Contrast in the image system:

Colonel - Punished Guests at the ball - crowd in the street

The hero at the ball - the hero on the street

The colonel is punishable (text, p. 37, 38).

Tolstoy used the antithesis technique, which can be seen at different levels: the colonel at the ball and after him, in the first case a sweet and courteous person, in the second - a symbol of a cruel military machine, ruthless, caring about no one and not thinking about anyone.

Then the scene of the ball and the humiliation of the person.

The main character's happiness and disappointment.

Cheerful mazurka music and the sounds of a drum and flute, under which a soldier was tortured.

^ Analytical conversation with elements of a dispute: Can it be argued that the colonel is a hypocritical and double-minded person?

- How does Ivan Vasilyevich tell about the sufferings of the punished soldier?

(“Face wrinkled from suffering”, back - “something so motley, wet, red. Unnatural that I did not believe that it was a human body”).

- What does the colonel seem to be next to this tormented man?

("Walks with a firm gait, self-confident", "a ruddy face and a white mustache with sideburns ..."); ("... the Colonel puffed out his cheeks, taking in fresh air, then slowly let it out through his protruding lip ..."). - What was he doing? (doing morning exercise).

("A man stripped to the waist, tied to the guns of two soldiers, a wrinkled face, stumbles and grimaces in pain ...").

A bright, colorful picture of a merry ball is replaced by a harsh scene of the agonizing punishment of a defenseless soldier, who is chased along the parade ground through the ranks to the dry crackling of drums. The author shows the other side of the image of a magnificent and refined colonel. Conclusions.

^ Slide number 13. Contrast in the image system

Colonel. - What conclusions about the colonel's spiritual qualities are suggested by observations of his attitude towards his daughter?

- Why an attentive and loving father turned out to be cruel to soldiers? During the dance, the colonel shows spiritual qualities in relation to his daughter, he sincerely loves her, takes care of her.

- What qualities of an officer does the colonel show in the scene of punishment on the parade ground? Tolstoy uses the technique of mirror reflection, because the colonel was reflected as in a crooked mirror: the same ruddy face, the same white mustache, the same suede glove. Now everything is again according to the law. He undoubtedly believes in the need for a cruel reprisal against a fugitive Tatar. And as soon as the undersized soldier lowers the stick on the back of the punished not enough, the colonel punches the “culprit” in the face. The colonel's behavior was brutal. The colonel is sincere both in the ball scene and on the parade ground.

- What conclusions can be drawn from these observations? - What is the root of these contradictions in Tolstoy's opinion?

The colonel is convinced that everything must be done according to the law. He is what the narrator portrayed him: sincere in relation to his daughter, amiable with people of a certain circle. Perhaps, somewhere in the depths of his soul, while fulfilling his duty, he has a feeling of pity for the unfortunate, humiliated person. We know from the text how he, probably ashamed, pretends not to recognize Ivan Vasilyevich. But this does not absolve him of guilt, but only to some extent explains his actions.

^ Ivan Vasilievich. - What role did chance play in the life of Ivan Vasilyevich? - Was there a situation of choice before the hero? - How does his decision characterize the hero?

The contrast, which serves as the main compositional device, is also manifested in the image of Ivan Vasilyevich. After all, it is he who serves as a connecting link between two opposing passages of the story. If not for this figure, the two parts of one whole would never have been able to connect. Only this opposition, which is taking place not only before our eyes, but also in the soul of the vowel hero, influences his fate.

The contrast helped the writer to create the emotional atmosphere of the episode, to show the turning point in the hero's soul. Shame and horror replaced tenderness and delight. The hero changed his mind about being a military man. He had to accept these laws, this cruelty. But he could not participate in this horror, since he felt ashamed from one sight. Ivan Vasilievich, then still a very young man, saw that side of life that he did not know about. It was especially scary for him that the father of his beloved girl was involved in this horror.

The bright, joyful colors of the ball, the carefree fun of young people who are unaware of the existence of another, terrible world, sharply set off the gloomy picture painted in the second part of the story.

The contrasting image of the heroes, their psychological state, the environment in which they act, allow the writer to reveal the essence of their characters and at the same time to expose the contradictions of tsarist Russia.

Development of speech. Work in notebooks. Self-help answers to questions. Conclusions.

^ V. Individual task.

Slide number 14. Observations on linguistic means. At the ball.

Musical work by I. Strauss "Vienna Waltz".

^ The ball is wonderful, the hall is wonderful, the buffet is magnificent

The hosts of the ball are a good-natured old man, the rich man is a hospitable person, his good-natured wife

Varenka - in a white dress, in white gloves, in white shoes, she has a laughing, flushed face and affectionate cute eyes

The colonel is a handsome, stately, tall, fresh old man, with a white mustache, white whiskers, and shining eyes

^ Ivan Vasilievich - satisfied, happy, blessed

What epithets are chosen to characterize the ball? (The ball is wonderful, the hall is wonderful, the musicians are famous.)

How does Ivan Vasilyevich feel at the ball? (Satisfied, happy, kind.)

Why does the hero see everything at the ball in such rainbow colors? (He is happy because he is in love.)

What color scheme does Tolstoy use to depict this scene? (Warm colors.) - Which color is dominant? Why?

What associations does white have in you? What can he symbolize? (Good),

^ Vi. Student speech. Individual task.

Slide number 15. Observations on linguistic means. Execution.

The street is something big, black, cruel, bad music

Soldiers - many black people, in black uniforms

^ The punished is stripped to the waist, his back is something motley, wet, red, unnatural

Colonel - a tall military man, walking with a firm gait

^ Ivan Vasilievich - he was ashamed, lowered his eyes, there was an almost physical melancholy in his heart, reaching the point of nausea

Analytical conversation: - How and by what means does the author convey the dark picture of the second episode? (Use of epithets, colors.)

Tolstoy helps not only to see, but also to hear the events taking place. (Slapping his feet in the snow, he slapped him hard on the back.) - Why did the author choose the same verb?

How does the state of the hero of the story change? (Shame and horror.)

At what point do Ivan Vasilyevich's feelings change? (Scene with the colonel.)

Why did the colonel hit the soldier in the face? (For the fact that he weakly hit the Tatar.)

What piece of clothing does the writer draw our attention to in this scene? (White glove.)

Remember what he said during the beating? (“Everything must be done according to the law.”) Tolstoy uses the method of mirror reflection, because the colonel was reflected as in a crooked mirror: the same ruddy face, the same white mustache, the same suede glove. Now again “everything is necessary according to the law”.

What is the law of the colonel? By what law did he whip a soldier? (According to the law of military life.)

What side of military life did Ivan Vasilievich see? What traits manifested in the behavior of the colonel? (Cruelty.)

Why did Ivan Vasilyevich, seeing the scene of the execution, change his mind about being a military man? (He had to accept these laws, this cruelty, and he could not participate in this horror, as he felt ashamed from one sight.)

We figured out how and why the views of Ivan Vasilyevich changed. But something was revealed to the hero that morning yet. He found his place in life, because one of his interlocutors says: "No matter how many people are good for nowhere, if you weren't there."

Conclusions. The writer refers to a sharply social conflict, which is expressed at the level of a contrasting composition (ball is a punishment). The positive details in the first part of the story become negative in the second part. The beauty of the colonel evokes disgust in Ivan Vasilyevich, who watched the execution (protruding lip, puffed out cheeks).

The writer resorts to contrasting color comparisons (the dominant white and pink colors are opposed to the red, variegated, unnatural appearance of the Tatar's back), as well as the contrasting comparison of sounds (the sounds of a waltz, quadrille, mazurka, polka in the first movement are discordant with the whistle of a flute, drums, refrain repeating throughout the second part).

Ivan Vasilyevich's happy dreams were dispelled by the scene of the terrible punishment of a fugitive Tatar, who was passed through a line of soldiers armed with sticks. The execution was commanded by Varenka's father, that stately colonel, who until recently had danced so sweetly with his daughter at the provincial leader's.

The harsh reality struck Ivan Vasilyevich. He could not and did not want to believe that there is pain, suffering, cruelty, injustice next to the holiday. The hero admits that "love from that day began to wane", because the image of Varenka constantly revived in his memory the picture of "the colonel in the square."

(there was fog, it was dripping from the roofs, snow was melting on the roads, there was a walk, a deserted alley, pedestrians and drafts began to meet, shaking their wet heads with their wet heads, cabs splashing in their boots at home, which seemed tall - everything was nice and significant).

^ We select the same-root words (- zor - / - zr -):

Vision keen gaze spectator vision worldview contempt FOREIGNANCE

What is the lexical meaning of the word "insight"? What kind of fog has dissipated in Ivan Vasilyevich's head?

With the help of contrast, the author says that holiday and misfortune, happiness and tragedy coexist in the same world. By contrasting the two scenes, Tolstoy, as it were, rips off the mask from an outwardly prosperous and even elegant reality. The more festive, luxurious the student imagined the world around him at the beginning, the more unexpected and tragic his insight turned out to be. The sight that opened in the morning to the young man in love was truly monstrous. After what he saw in the soul of the hero, only horror remained. The writer reveals the contradictions of life in tsarist Russia and at the same time shows the power of Ivan Vasilyevich's experience, who saw the world from an unexpected angle.

^ Slide number 17 - Why is love gone? - Is Ivan Vasilyevich right when he considered Varenka involved in the evil committed by her father?

Formulate Tolstoy's point of view.

^ Development of speech. Written answer to the question.

The inhuman massacre of the fugitive soldier shocked Ivan Vasilyevich and influenced his attitude towards Varenka. What the narrator saw destroyed his dreams and dreams, the reverse side of reality invaded his intimate life, breaking the little world he had so carefully created. Ivan Vasilyevich gradually lost interest in Varenka, love faded away, he abandoned a military career, but was completely sure that the chance turned his life upside down. The hero lives in harmony with his conscience, instructing his neighbors on the path of good.

^ Slide number 18. Why did Tolstoy change the hero's life story?

Initial version Final version

Ivan Vasilievich differs from many representatives of his class not only in humanity, nobility, but also in his understanding of his responsibility for injustice in society and for everything that happens. We come to the conclusion that Ivan Vasilyevich at the ball and Ivan Vasilyevich, who had seen his sight, after the ball could no longer love Varenka, because he was already a person who directly faced evil, horrified by this evil and did not want to take part in this evil, in fact - after the morning we have before us another, deeper and more responsible person. Sometimes non-participation in evil is also an act and, moreover, no less important than the fight against evil.

^ Slide №19 Roll call of epochs in Leo Tolstoy's story "After the Ball".

40s of the XIX century (time of Nicholas I)

1900s - the time of Nicholas II (modern era for the author)

XXI century (the era in which the reader lives)

^ Slide number 20. - Do you think that Leo Tolstoy's story "After the Ball" has lost its relevance?

"Only honest anxiety, struggle and labor based on love is what is called happiness ... and dishonorable anxiety based on self-love is unhappiness ..."

“In order to live honestly, one must strive, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again, and quit again: and always fight and be deprived. And calmness is spiritual meanness "

Tolstoy is great not only as a genius writer, but also as a person, as a person. His whole life is a path of self-improvement, therefore he calls on a person to moral renewal, to struggle with his shortcomings, to the realization of moral responsibility for his actions.

Ivan Vasilyevich refused to live according to the "military laws" with their cruelty. He begins to understand the falsity of the laws of high society, to which Colonel B.

Tolstoy reveals to both the hero and the reader the truth: there is another law by which from time immemorial people have tried to live.

What is the law? (God.)

What day does the story unfold? (Forgiveness Sunday - Clean Monday.)

What does this holiday mean? (We must forgive everyone, repent.)

What phrase sounds in the memory of the hero throughout Clean Monday? ("Brothers, have mercy!")

What do you mean by mercy? (Willingness to help, forgive someone out of compassion and philanthropy.)

Who heard the prayers of the Tatar? (Ivan Vasilievich and a weak soldier who was immediately punished for his compassion.)

What simple but important truth is revealed to the hero of the story on this holy day? How should one learn to live? (According to God's laws, compassionate, forgiving, loving people.)

This Clean Monday morning changed the hero's life. He became disillusioned with military service, as he saw all its cruelty, the falsity of secular life and realized that one must live according to Christian laws.

- What can affect a person's life?

- Do you agree that chance, chance can determine the fate of a person?

^ Summing up the lesson. - We think about the meaning of life. What do you think, what does the author urge and push us and the hero to? - What simple but important truth is revealed to the hero on this holy day? - How should one learn to live? According to God's laws, compassionate, forgiving people.

The topic of human responsibility for what is happening around is relevant to this day. Unfortunately, in our life we ​​have to face injustice and determine for yourself what to do in order to look worthy in such situations.

Slide №21 Leo Tolstoy's Spiritual Covenants. Homemade mini - composition.

^ Good live by conscience love people be merciful

be kind, generous, patient

Badly act by inertia to be cruel, deceitful, despotic,

selfish, shifting responsibility to others

^ Work in pivot notes:

To supplement the words of Leo Tolstoy about the meaning of life, left to us by the writer as a testament:

The Purpose of Life in Ministry ________________________ ( people)

Live for oneself _________________________(it is forbidden)

It is spiritual _______________________(death)

I believe that the meaning of every person's life is to increase in oneself _____________________ (love, kindness)

The text has been restored. Reading text.

Development of speech. Answers to problematic questions.

Reflexive card (self-esteem)

What new have you learned? What have you learned?

Once a strange incident happened to me that changed my life. Now inexplicable phenomena occur in it: all my wishes come true! Absolutely everyone - both good and bad.

A life-changing event

This happened two years ago, on the feast of Epiphany. I was in the countryside. At night, I was awakened by the barking of a dog. I woke up and looked at the time, it was about three o'clock in the morning. The light from the lantern was shining through the window. I looked out into the street and saw a man who entered the courtyard and moved in the direction of the house.

I remember this incident as it is now.

The man went to the door, pulled the door handle, turned around and walked away, only not towards the exit, but towards the dog. I thought it was a thief, quickly got dressed and left. I turned to this man, asked what he was doing at night in my yard. In response, the man silently approached me.

I have never seen his face before. It was slightly stained with blood. This man looked at me, took out the key from his pocket and handed it to me with the words: "I brought you the key."

I angrily replied that I did not need any key, and told him to leave.

- Where am I going? The man asked.

I shouted, raising my voice, so that he would go back where he came from. The man shook his head and left. I went back to bed and tried to sleep. It took about ten minutes, when I suddenly remembered that the key that this man brought me was really mine.

I lost the exact same key with the same string a month ago. "How does this person know that this is my key, that I have lost it?" Until dawn, I could not close my eyes, thinking about what it was.

Global changes

This experience completely changed my life. Something pushed me to something that I had never done before - I began to read a lot - books on esoterics, the development of intuition. I began to take various courses.

Somehow, by itself, I began to practice meditation¹, started working with affirmations². Especially often I said the phrase: "All my wishes come true."

And then inexplicable phenomena began to occur in my life. All my wishes began to come true - absolutely everything and in any case.

Both good and bad. As soon as I thought about something, it immediately came true.

Since then, I have asked only the most intimate desires to be fulfilled, and I treat this with great caution. I often think about that incident and that person - who he was and where he came from. Perhaps the time will come and I will find out.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Meditation is a type of mental exercise used as part of a spiritual-religious or health-improving practice, or a special mental state resulting from these exercises (

An accident can happen at any moment in a person's life.

An incident is an act in which something happens or can be done.

Chance can change lives. Let's prove it like this ...

First, there are various pleasant, kind, and unhappy cases. An accident is a serious accident. for example: a traffic accident, the loss of a loved one and many other reasons that can change your life.

Secondly, the occasions can be pleasant. This can be an acquaintance and a first date with a loved one. from that moment on, life can change for the better.

Thus, chance can change not only life, but also character. In order not to spoil the future of people dear to you, you need to think about your actions.

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