What makes the story of the White Nights think about thinking. "White Nights" Dostoevsky Analysis

What makes the story of the White Nights think about thinking.
What makes the story of the White Nights think about thinking. "White Nights" Dostoevsky Analysis

FM Dostoevsky writes the story "White Nights" in recent months Autumn of 1847, soon, already in 1848, the work publishes the Magazine "Patriotic Notes".

Previously, the writer has already been interested in the theme of the "Petersburg Dreamers", on this topic in 1847 they were written by several Faken Articles, which entered the Big Watchon "Petersburg Chronicle". But these articles Dostoevsky published almost anonymously, signing fens with letters "F.M.". Later, criticism found that part of the material from Faketon was included in the story "White Nights" - a description of the life of the heroes, their characteristics.

The story is dedicated to A.N. Plescheyev, friend of youth of Dostoevsky, and some critics argue that Plescheev became the prototype of the main hero. Some, however, object to the fact that the image of the main character is the image of the youngest Dostoevsky, and the author no longer leads the story of the first person, hinting towards autobiographicity.

Analysis of the work

Genre features, composition, maintenance of the story

The writer accompanies the story with two subtitles: "sentimental novel" and "from the memories of the dreamer." Both subtitles talk about belonging a story to a certain genre and literary flow. The first - straight, the second - indirectly, because the common method of presenting in the sentimental literature becomes precisely diary entries, memories, retrospectives. The writer calls the story by Roman, also on the basis of sentimentalist views. For the same reasons the main character The story does not have a name, the author calls him just a "dreamer."

However, the genre "White Nights" is definitely not sentimentalism in its pure form, rather, "sentimental naturalism", because the place, and the heroes are quite real, moreover, there is deeply social and relate to the suspension of the Dostoevsky category of "small people." But in the story "White Nights" there are traces of utopia, because the heroes were too clean, too sterile, honest in their feelings.

The epigraph to the story served the poems I. Turgenev "Flower", lyrical hero Which broke the flower, peacefully growing in the shade of the trees, and pins it to the loop. Turgenev reasoning: beautiful flowers are growing for minute pleasure (they read people - they live), but a man takes them with the powerful hand, tears and circumsides the ambulance (read - seduces, first loves and exalt, then leaves). Dostoevsky several reincarnates the approval of Turgenev, making it a question from him: « Il was it created in order to stay although any moment, in your neighbor your heart? ".That is, Dostoevsky comes to the conclusion that sometimes touch love, go along the edge of irrelevant happiness - this is all life, this only memory can be devoted to himself, as the dreamer does.

Compositionally the story consists of 5 chapters, 4 chapters are dedicated to nights in St. Petersburg, the latter is called "Morning". Building symbolic: romantic nights - the stages of consistent love of the main character in the main heroineThe stage of its development, and at the end he, morally perfect, stands on the threshold of his morning - insight. He gained love, but undivided, while in the morning of his insight he is inferior to his love to another, get rid of dreams and, experiencing a real feeling, makes a real act.

The morning at the same time and dispels empty hopes, and breaks up a series of beautiful meetings, it becomes the beginning and end of the drama of the hero.

Plot story

The story story: a young man, from whose person is being conducted, came to St. Petersburg 8 years ago. He works, and in free time Considers urban landscapes and dreams. Once he saves on the sea embankment, which is pursuing drunk. The girl tells the dreamer that she is waiting on the embankment of his beloved, which was going to come for her exactly a year ago by appointing a meeting for these days. For several days, the girl is waiting for him, but he does not come, and it begins to cover despair. The dreamer communicates with Nastya, takes the transfer of the letter to her beloved, and he himself falls in love with the girl. Loves and Nastya, and they are even going to get married, as suddenly the old Beloved appears again and takes Nastya. It comes a cold drooping Petersburg morning, the dreamer feels sobering and emptying.

main characters

The main character of the story is the dreamer - the image of a lonely person who has fallen in love with the author, fully isolated from the outside world and living in a closed circle of his dreams.

Dreamer is a 26-year-old resident of St. Petersburg. It is formed, but poor, has certain perspectives, but does not have everyday desires. He serves somewhere, but does not converge with colleagues and other others - for example, women. He is not interested in no household side of life, no money, no girl, he is constantly immersed in ghostly romantic dreams and in periods of contact with the surrounding world is experiencing a painful feeling of alien to the world. He compares himself with a dirty kitten, who does not need anyone in the world and having a response and hostility. However, he would not be irresponsible if they needed in it - after all, people are in contrary, he would be ready to help someone, capable of empathy.

The dreamer is typical small man» ( social status, inability to act, immobility, imperiency of existence) and " overtime"(He himself feels like that, despising only himself for his unnecessaryness).

Main heroine, 17-year-old girl Nastya, opposed to the dreamer, as active, acting character. Despite the external fragility and naivety and young age, she is stronger than the dreamer in finding happiness. The writer uses many words with dimensional suffixes - "eyes", "handles", "premium", emphasizing the childhood and the immediacy of the image, his playfulness, foulness, like a child. Cooks child, heart it is - real woman: skillfully use the help of an adult man, but at the same time, by explicitly recognizing his sensitive and indecisive nature, persistently noticing his feelings. At a critical moment, however, when it becomes clear that her beloved threw it, alive oriented and finally notices these very feelings. At the time of the appearance of a potential husband, looks at the feelings of the dreamer as friendly participation. However, is it worth blaming a girl in changeability? In the end, the main happiness is rightly waiting for whole year, and in the fact that almost moved to the dreamer, there is no insincerity - the life of a lonely fragile girl in a large and hostile St. Petersburg is not easy and dangerous, she needs support and support.

Nastya writes a dreamer a letter in which thanks for participating in her story. Having received a letter, the dreamer does not feel sad - he sincerely wishes happiness to the girl and, repeating the idea of \u200b\u200bthe epigraph, says that a whole minute of bliss with Nastya is what is enough for life and human life.

The contemporaries of Dostoevsky saw the French utopian ideas in the story, which they were all passionate about. The main thesis of utopists of the 1840s was the desire for a silent feat, sacrifice, the abandonment of love in favor of other people. These ideas were deeply devoted to Dostoevsky, so the type of love described by him is so ideal.

Sentimental Roman Fedor Dostoevsky "White Nights" is not included in school Program For his "Nepiychism" for the creativity of this author. The summary of the story of the Dostoevsky "White Nights", unfortunately, is unlikely to give the poetic poetics of white nights, which is anthemmer and is this work. There is such corners in St. Petersburg, says the author, where the sun is not what shines with the other people. Sentimental novel "White Nights" - that is how it was positioned by the author - is a classic triangle. The main hero of the story of Dostoevsky "White Nights" loves the heroine, heroine loves the other. And although it is not applicable to Pushkin's "everywhere fatal passion", but there is still no protection from fate. "

The main character, the dreamer of twenty-six years old, asocial type, as they would say today, remains in St. Petersburg, when the society goes to the cottages. And although it does not particularly need society, it covers anxiety that, here, the people he is used to see on a walk will not appear here until the next season, and he will remain quite alone. And he goes to wander around the city, admiring white nights, dreaming and fantasizing. In such an excited state, he meets the crying girl on the bridge. Beauty in a yellow hat with despair looks at the water of the canal, which is rightly alarming our hero and makes it take care of her fate.

At first, the girl will keep by a stranger and even trying to leave him as soon as possible, but a drunk passerby met with his incorrect behavior forces her to agree to the proposal of a young man with an elevated soul to spend it to home. Hero is delicten. He comforts it, never mentioning about the seen tears, but it does it as if there were no tears, no despair in his eyes.

They get acquainted, talk about trifles, about St. Petersburg, about Nastya Babushka, who does not let her go anywhere and from which she taughtly ran away, and they are fun. They agree to meet the next night. Nastya offers the dreamer only friendship, even takes an oath from him that he won't fall in love with her, and he swear. But is the young man who is able to keep such an oath, who only does that dreaming about the ideal - a poetic warehouse man, is a romantic, dreamy? Of course, for the next meeting, he is already in love with the ears.

Is it possible to be friends so that this does not go into romantic relationships? Because of self-deception, many problems in relations arise in this area. And in this story, this also created problems for "participants" of such friendship. Second white Night It was noted that Nastya honestly told his new acquaintance as she was "nasil" two years ago, when she was only fifteen years old. She tells about her first love, and the subject was the vein, who removed them with her grandmother.

He gave Nastya to read Pushkin and Walter Scott, and once even invited to Opera on " Seville Village" The tenant knew that her grandmother would pinch the Nastya pin to his skirt, and because Nastya seemed to be so attentive to her only from pity. It was very injured and gradually, but gradually this annoyance turned into such a vast feeling that exactly a year ago, a young inexperienced girl made an offer to the subject of his love, was ready to run with him, even a knot was collected.

The tenant turns out to be a man noble, but poor. He did not accept her sacrifice, but he promised to come after her when his works would get better when the place would be good and so on. He asks for this year. And if after a year it will not return, then it is entitled to consider itself free and choose another. Now this year he passed, no longer, none, and Nastya wanders in the night in St. Petersburg in the excitement much more than our dreamer.

He agrees with a heavy heart to fulfill her request - to give a complete impatience of a letter for which she loves and is waiting. The following meetings become painful for our hero. He sees his ideal in heroine, he is ready to pray at her, and she thinks only about why there is no answer to her letter, she is in despair, crying and crushes. But at the same time the dreamer surprises the power of this girl when she finally takes himself in hand and makes a decision to live, leaving the old dreams. They even allow themselves to build joint plans: go, for example, on the "Seville Village" ...

Of course, the dreamer remains with his dreams, Nastya is reunited with his long-awaited knight, and in some way it is a happy ending, Usually the novels of Dostoevsky unusual. Perhaps it is for this atponality that does not include in mandatory listsBut this is just a dignity, not a flaw.

Analysis of the book

It is quite difficult to analyze the story of the White Night of Dostoevsky. The difficulty lies in the fact that this book is atypical for the author. In the book, the author practically does not give evaluation judgments, so it is difficult to understand on whose party. But still, a brilliant writer could not leave us valuable food For reflection.

More than one fine work of Dostoevsky White Nights, we were lucky to get acquainted today at the lesson of literature. Here the author touched upon the favorite theme of the dreamer, and the name itself transfers us to the beautiful city of Petersburg, because it is there you can observe it wonderful a natural phenomenon - White Nights. So, working on the homework, make an analysis of the story of Dostoevsky White Night, briefly studied his work.

White nights analysis

If you contact the plot, then here we are talking About two heroes dreamer and Nastya. They met by chance, and as it turned out, they were relative souls. During the meetings, the heroes revealed each other in front of each other and here we learn that Nastya is in love with the guest, which left, but promised to return. The dreamer himself understands that he fell in love with Nastya, only love is unrequited, so at the end, when her beloved came to Nastya, she chose him, because he did not order a heart.

The story is conducted from the first person, therefore the feeling of autobiographical work arises, such a retelling is similar to some confession. The work itself consists of five chapters, where four of them are nights, and the latter is called morning. The hero does not have a name. It's just a dreamer who lives in his world, without friends and beloved. And this is just white nights turned over everything, but rather a meeting with Nastya, which occurred in one of the famous nights of St. Petersburg. Meeting with a girl and love for her returned the hero from the world of dreams and allowed to experience the real feeling that he filled his life with paints. Let it be for a short period, but he was happy. His love is disinterested and clean, so he is not even thinking, helped meet Nastya with her beloved. But this meeting for the dreamer meant the loss of beloved. But he has no resentment to the girl, and although he stayed alone, but there is no disappointment in his heart. Moreover, the dreamer is happy for the girl and blesses her.


1. Acquaintance with the hero and his night meeting.
2. The second meeting of Nastya and the dreamer, the history of the girl.
3. The feeling of love that emerged from the dreamer to the girl.
4. Return of your beloved tenant.
5. Choosing Nastya.
6. Nastya leaves his beloved. Dreamer alone, but in his heart there is no disappointment.

1. The history of the creation of the novel.
2. The image of the main character of the work.
3. Psychologist of the novel "White Nights".

For the first time, the novel "White Nights" F. M. Dostoevsky saw the light in 1848 in the periodical edition of "Domestic Notes". The writer dedicated his work to a friend of youth - poet A. N. Plescheyev. Perhaps this man was a prototype of the main character of the work, since it was at that time he thought about his own version of the dreamer. According to many literary criticism, "White Nights" is from the brightest poetic works of the writer. Moreover, Dostoevsky himself wrote that "we all more or less dreamers." That is, to some extent, the novel is autobiographical, since Fedor Mikhailovich, like his character, repeatedly recalled his "gold and inflamed Gresses": "Formerly, I loved myself to imagine myself sometimes with a pericles, then Mary, then a Christian from The times of Nero, then the knight at the tournament, then Edward Glyndening from the novel "Monastery" Walter Scott ... and what I did not interfere in my younger ... ". The work of the work unfolds in the poetic atmosphere of romantic lyrics, the same sheaves and images of the main characters of the young official and the young girl. Each of them has clean soul. Everything that happens proceeds against the background of the St. Petersburg channels during the White Nights.

The novel "White Nights" includes five parts, in four of which the nights are described, and in the last morning. The main character of the work, a young man, the dreamer lived in St. Petersburg for eight years, however, could not find himself friends. In one of summer days He went for a walk, and suddenly it seemed to him that the whole city went to the country. Being a person lonely, the dreamer felt his convergence from other people. It pushed him to make a walk for the city. Returning late in the evening, the main hero saw a young woman who sobbed at the canal railing. Of course, he like a real man, Yes, and a romantic, could not just go past. He wanted to go to the girl, but she came to his senses and went fast in the embankment. The case helped young man Get acquainted and talk with a stranger, the girl promised to tell his story next night and asked for a new friend in no way fall in love with her. The unexpected meeting was so struck by the main character that the next day he came to the meeting place for two hours earlier. The ardent young man was ready to sacrifice anything to protect the Nastya from the trouble, if that was threatened with a new acquaintance. Finally, the expectations of the main character were rewarded.

Young people got acquainted with each other closer, and the hero introduced himself as a kill dreamer, who is simultaneously afraid, and seeks to communicate with others: "Dreamer - if necessary detailed definition - Not a man, but, know, some kind of state of the middle kind. He sits down more Party A somewhere in an impregnable corner, as if it was lurking in it, even from daylight light, and if I get to myself, it would take peace to her corner as snail ... ". IN evening time The main hero loved to wander around the city and dream. Dreams gave meaning his existence, and also filled him with joy: "He is now rich in its very life; He somehow suddenly became rich, and the farewell ray of the swelling sun was not in vain so much so much flashed in front of him and called a whole swarm of his swarm of impressions from the warmed heart ... Now the "goddess fantasy" ... Already the scolder whiminating his gold base and went to develop in front of him the patterns of an unprecedented bizarre life ... ". The girl's story could not not affect the soul of the dreamer, especially since she experienced serious feelings, and the whole story was shrouded in romance halo. The young man began to calm the Nastya and even agreed to transfer the letter to people who would deliver him to the addressee. The next date of new friends was scheduled the following night. During the third meeting, the toastful young man seemed to be a moment that the girl loves him, as she was gently cared for him, but the noble heart could not suspect Nastya in the manifestation of feelings. The dreamer quickly won herself, realizing that "her care, her love ... was nothing but the joy of a soon date with another."

Waiting stretched for several hours. At first, Nastya was having fun and even playful, but soon it became sad. As the girl's dreamer did not reassure, she became all sadder and sad. The main character so sincerely soothe his new girlfriendThat the thought came to her head: "I have compared both of both of them. Why he is not you? Why is it not like you? It is worse than you, even though I love him more than you. " Young people broke up and without waiting for the Nastynkin One.

The words of the girl agitated the dreamer that he barely waited for the morning to find her home. He sincerely loved the girl: "I went to their alley, but I was ashamed. And I turned around without looking at their windows. Without reaching two steps to their home. I came home in such a longing, in what never happened. " He suffered due to the fact that nothing could do anything. The fourth date was appointed nine in the evening, but when the dreamer came, the girl was already there. She hoped that the new acquaintance would bring her a letter from her beloved when the expectations were not confirmed, then the girl was flooded with tears. For the sake of Nastya, a young man was ready to go to her chosen one and demand a response, but the girl stopped him. Soon the dreamer could not help her love. The unfortunate girl asked only, could not wait for her new acquaintance while her heart would free from the old love. Of course, the dreamer was ready to wait as needed. Young people immediately began to walk along the embankment to build plans for the future. They decided that the dreamer, not a bag, moves to the girl's house, where her grandmother rejected the freed mezzanine. The mood of Nastya was constantly changing, she could not forget his humiliation and rejected love. A young man, as he could, tried to distract her.

Suddenly, they caught a man who looked at the girl intently, called it by name. Nastya learned in him his lover and rushed to him the dreamer did not dare to stop her. In the morning he received a letter in which the girl thanked him for their support and told that he was married to his chosen one. The dreamer suddenly saw his future when he was all over the age of fifteen in the same room with the same polinted walls and floors.

In his heartfelt novel, Fyodor Mikhailovich tried to comprehend the topic of St. Petersburg from a philosophical and historical point of view. He fully managed to reveal the image of a lonely intelligent person who feels a stranger and in big city. In search of the exit from the current situation, "the main character plunged into himself, he left reality with the help of dreaminess.

In his work, Dostoevsky more than once refers to this topic. In the subsequent works of the Writer, the reason for such a dreamability is manifested. The author considered it as a consequence of "gap with the people of a huge majority of the formed class." He conducts a serious psychological analysis of human relations. Dostoevsky's dreamers were eager for a living life, they tormented but looking for a point of contact with her. Many literary criticians were confident that art plan "White Nights" is much more advanced preceding works by Fyodor Mikhailovich.

"White Nights": brief content of Dostoevsky's story

The hero of the "White Nights", on behalf of which the story is conducted, is a young man, a small official, the annual complaint of which the size of just a thousand two hundred rubles is not enough to afford to marry. This is such a poor servant person who has no property or links in St. Petersburg is typical of the Dostoevsky inteligent. Dostoevsky and for some time some time led the life of a small employee - when he worked as a drawer in the St. Petersburg Engineering Team. For his life Fedor Mikhailovich wrote about thirty artistic worksIn a third of them, the main character of the official was derived - probably because it was a type, the most famous writer.

"Poor officials" of Dostoevsky are people of low status, their work is not interesting and boring. None of them love her, they are waiting for the end of the working day, as if schoolchildren. At the same time, these poor officials - like the most Dostoevsky and his friends - are not deprived of the soul of a poetic feeling, they are in power of beautiful and unrealistic dreams, and they need understanding friends who could fill out the soul. Starting with a small official Makar girl, the hero of the first work of Dostoevsky "Poor people", which dreams of becoming a poet, this paradigm does not change. The hero of the "White Nights" is also a "dreamer", he hates the service - sleeps and sees how to escape from her. After serving, he wanders late in full of loneliness And without any visible target for the summer St. Petersburg, over whom white nights are worthwhile - he dreams of finding a friend who would listen to his cherished thoughts. At the same time come to life from those with whom he is friendly relations, hero hears: "Hello; How is your health? And I, thank God, well, and I will add the second floor in my month "; "How is your health? And tomorrow I am in the repair ", etc. These are the" conversations "leads a young man in the depths of his soul.

In this type of a lonely dreamer, haggarding around the city, then readers - young Russian intellectuals - learned themselves, and he excited their sympathy.

And once in the evening, this young man who was accepted on a conversation with the "friend" suddenly accidentally acquainted on the banks of the canal with Nastya - a seventeen-year-old girl, clean and beautiful, which also requires "friend."

In the same place and in the same evening they meet the other day, and the next one. A young dreamer who had never had come to meet a person who would listen to him, with enthusiasm and without tired of tired of his dreams, thoughts and feelings. Nastya, as if dissolving in this monologue, forgetting everything in the world, sympathically listens to his recognition.

In the end, she herself begins to talk about themselves. She lives with her blind grandmother. Some time ago, in their house, I took a room of a young leaf, who promised to marry her. However, for some cases, he had to go to Moscow for a year. He promised immediately upon return to contact her. And now the year passed, she is just knowing that he is in St. Petersburg, but he does not appear in her house and does not even give himself aware of himself.

Dreamer, although he is passionately in love with Nastya, as if her older brother younger sister, I agree to deliver a letter to Nastya to her beloved. However, there is no answer from it anyway. And then on the fourth evening Nastya, it seems to be gone with him, offers a dreamer to settle in their home as a new tenant. Happiness of the dreamer no borders. But this very minute next to them is, like a black shadow, this very young man. And then Nastya immediately rushes him into his arms.
At the very end of the narrative, the dreamer, being in his room and staying in the very gloomy arrangement of the Spirit, receives a message from Nastya, in which she calls the dreamer with his friend and brother. The dreamer promises to pray for her happiness and remembers the happy moments spent beside her. "Oh my God! A whole minute of bliss! Didn't it ever do this for all my life? " - he exclaims.

"White Nights": analysis of the story of Dostoevsky

"White Nights" is a complete high lyric story, which I want to call the urban option "evenings on the farm near Dikanka." It is also a walk in St. Petersburg, this is also "recognition in love", characteristic of young Dostoevsky.

In the "White Nights" there is no taste of life; Although it is I. love story, There are no doubts and jealousy. It's like a guide on what should be hot and pure love and disinterested friendship. If you look at the dirty love emotions, described in the "Karamazovy Brothers", then we will ask the question: is one person who owns the authorship of these two works?

Love presented in the "White Nights" - this is the most ideal loveThe young Dostoevsky and his contemporaries dreamed about the young Dostoevsky and his contemporaries. For the sake of your beloved woman, you are ready to be a boy on the booms, you are ready to sacrifice yourself and from afar of praying for her happiness - this is such love, as if written off from novels for girls, and appeared as an ideal of love. Soviet literature Komarovich, answering the question why Dostoevsky bowed to such a well-known ideal, analyzes the ideological background of that time.

In the 40s of the XIX century. Russian intelligent youth, including Dostoevsky himself, was enthusized with French utopians, whose belief core was to become excellent donors, ready to refuse themselves for love for other people; They believed that her sacrifice had a sacrifice had a higher manifestation of love. These ideas were deeply smelled in the soul of Dostoevsky, they determined that the type of love he had the type of love, which he remained faithful from his youth and until the end of his life (see: V. L. Komarovich. "Youth of Dostoevsky").

After the Siberian reference, Fedor Mikhailovich wrote "humiliated and offended." In this work, he brought the writer who is undoubtedly its self-portrait. And here, too, Dostoevsky provided the writer the role of a donor who makes all the forces in order for the relationship between a woman who he himself loves, and another man, i.e. With his opponent. Because he sacrifice himself, the writer is experiencing a special secret sweetness. It turns out that the sacrifice is sacrificed is proof of the purity of a love feeling.

In Siberia, Dostoevsky fell in love with Maria Isaev, which was married. Subsequently, they were combined with marriage, but for some time their relationship developed under the specified love paradigm. Fyodor Mikhailovich completely seriously refused her in favor of the young teacher Nikolai Vernunova, who cared for her.

In the "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions" Dostoevsky is somewhat minimally writes about psychological aspects Love and emphasizes that anyone who does not understand the sacrifice is the highest manifestation of love that it is impossible to allow the slightest manifestation of egoism.

It is amazing that, despite the terrible ten-year link and two marriages, Fyodor Mikhailovich still remained faithful to his youthful ideal of sacrificial love. The reason for this constancy is, in all likelihood, the fact that the soul of Dostoevsky loved the suffering, which implies a worship before sacrificial love. As it appears from the "weak heart," he bowed before the ideal of excellent love-friendship, but was afraid of her exercise, he suffered from a certain "phobia" in relation to the realization of the dream. When the dreamer stands on the threshold of his happiness, is a black shadow, and Nastya leaves him. What is it, how are you not afraid of realization? Dostoevsky wanted happiness, but he did not want it to come true.

Dostoevsky was not a practical person who has a certain goal, and under the influence of experience and circumstances reworgers himself. No, he from the very beginning there is a certain dream or an idea, he sees the world only through the prism of his dreams, and this obsessive idea entails him.

The dreamer from the "White Nights" adopts in front of beautiful friendship-love, and he acquires a friend in the face of Nastya. But the same worship forces him to sacrifice him, and he remains alone. He is a prisoner of his ideas about friendship and love, and from this West can not get out.