Elimination differently. Elimination in advertising

Elimination differently. Elimination in advertising
Elimination differently. Elimination in advertising

We will look at the lesson such a thing as an personification - an artistic agent, with the help of verses and prose become brighter and more beautiful, - we will see how inanimate objects are endowed human qualities.

Elimination - It is giving a phenomenon or subject to some individual, more precisely, personal signs.

Translated from the Greek personification is personification, that is, the endowment of a non-living subject or phenomenon by human qualities.

Together with this in literary dictionaries The personification is interpreted as an animation, which is a distortion of a literary term. For example, participants Basny I.A. Krylova "Quartet" (Fig. 2):

Fig. 2. Elimination of Sveti and ignorance in Basne I.A. Krylova "Quartet" ()

Mozyushka lean



Yes Kosolapy Mishka

We started playing quartet.

None of them need an animation, because they are all animate nounsAnd each of them and all of them together for the company - the personification of the nursing and none of those who are not suitable people.

The personification of A.A. is completely wonderful. Fet in the poem "Evening lights":

Tiredly everything around, tired and color of heaven,

And the wind, and the river, and a month that was born,

And night, and in the greenery dull sleeping forest,

And yellow that leaf that finally fell.

In this picture, in which the night fell on the threshold of the fall, truly everything personifies, even the color of the heavens, and with the words "and the yellow shelter" combs to the throat.

Elimination - artistic receptionbased on the endowment of inanimate objects with human qualities and feelings.

Find in the text personification:

And here begin whisper between themselves trees: birch White on the other berezoywhite from afar eringe; osinka Young out at the glade, like green SVOW, and callingto myself the same green candle-osinka, hacking branch; Cherryukha Chemechah submissivea branch with revealed kidneys.

Ompmixing: Trees whisper, birchs echoes, Osinka came out and calling, whaling, cherry serves.

Very nice the author endowed inanimate objects with human qualities, that is, they have yelled them. This artistic welcome writers and poets are used to make the text bright, beautiful, so that we can clearly imagine what the author says, causing our emotions, which he tells us, doing the items positive and negative qualities.

We met S. artistic Images - personification, learned that it is used so that the texts are bright, beautiful, so that we can clearly imagine the picture of what the author tells us.

"In a person, everything should be fine: both face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts."

A.P. Chekhov


1. Kalenchuk M.L., Churakova N.A., Baikova T.A. Russian language 4: Academkniga / Tutorial, 2013

2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronon O.V. Russian language. - M.: Balam, 2012

3. Lomakovich S.V., Timchenko L.I. Russian language 4: Vita_Press, 2015

1. Internet portal "To the lesson of literature" ()

2. Internet portal "Tolkslovar.ru" ()

3. Internet portal "Pycckoeslovo.ru" ()


1. What is an impersonation?

2. Where is the personification most often used?

3. What parts of speech are used as an personification?

An personification is called endowment of inanimate objects with features and properties of a person [... Star with a star says (L.); Sleeps the Earth in the radiance of blue ... (L.)]. Elimination is one of the most common paths. The tradition of his consumption rises to oral folk poetry (not with the noise, Mati, Green Dubrahushka, do not bother me, Dobro-good, Duma Duma ...).

Wrongs are used in describing the phenomena of nature surrounding the person of things that are endowed with the ability to feel, think, act

A special type of personification is personification (from Lat. Persona - face, facere - to do) - a complete approach of an inanimate subject of a person. In this case, items are endowed with non-private signs of a person (as in personification), and they acquire a real human appearance:


Allegoria (gr. Allēgoria - allegory, from allos - other, Agoreúo - I say) is called an expression of abstract concepts in specific artistic images. For example, in bass, fairy tales, stupidity, stubbornness is embodied in the form of a donkey, cowardice - in the image of a hare, trick in the form of fox. Allegorized sense can receive allegorical expressions: autumn came may mean "old age" ,.

Individually-author's allegories often take the character of the deployed metaphor that receives a special composite solution. For example, A.S. Pushkin Allegory underlies the shared system of the poems "Arion", "Anchar", "Prophet", "nightingale and rose"; M.Yu. Lermontov - poems "Dagger", "Sail", "Rock" and others.


Metonimia (from gr. Metonomadzo - renamed) is called the transfer of the name from one item to another on the basis of their adjacency. For example: porcelain and bronze on the table (n

Of interest is the metonymy of definitions. For example, Pushkin has a combination of a panched challenge characterizes one of the secular guests. Of course, in meaning, the definition of the earth can only be attributed to a noun, calling some details of the toilet of the fashionable shoe, but in the figurative speech such transfer of the name is possible. In the artistic literature, there are examples of such a metonymy (then a short antiquity came in amazed glasses. - Bun


A special type of metonymy - Antonomasia (gr. Antonomasia - renaming) - a trail consisting of his own name in the meaning of the nominal one. Hercules sometimes figuratively called strong man. In the language, the use of the words in the portable meaning of the words of Donkomotov, Don Juan, Lovelas, etc.

The names of famous social and political figures, scientists, writers [we are still looking to Napoleons are also nominal importance ... (P.)].

The inexhaustible source of Antonasia is antique mythology and literature.

However, Antonomasia, based on rethinking the names of historical figures, writers and writers and writers, remains its expressive strength. literary heroes. Publicists use this trail most often in headlines.


A type of metonymy is sync in the use of the name of the part instead of a whole, private instead of the general and vice versa. (With Bereza is not sick, the yellow leaf flies in weight). (Free thought and scientific audacity broke their wings about ignorance and ignorance of political

Epithetoma (from gr. Epitheton is an application) is called a figurative definition of an object or action (through the wavy fogs the moon is pierced, it pours sad light to the sad glade. - P.).

There are exact red Kalina

(golden autumn, glue windows),

Epithets are most often colorful definitions expressed by adit

The creation of figurative epithets is usually associated with the use of words in a figurative value (Wed: lemon juice - the lemon light of the moon; gray old man - gray fog; He lazily shook the mosquitoes - the river lazily rolls the waves).

Epitts expressed by the words protruding in portable values \u200b\u200bare called metaphorical (the tuchka's golden on the cloud-giant breasts spent the night, in the morning it was in early in the morning, the lazuries playing fun ... - L.).

At the heart of the epithet may be the metonimical transfer of the name, such epithets are called metonimic (... White odor of daffodils, happy, white spring smell ... - L. T.). Metaphorical and metonymic epithets belong to the paths [Cardboard love (G.); Motilla, tearful morning (Ch.); Blue mood (KUPER.); wet wind (shr.); Transparent silence (paust.)].

Elimination is an extremely frequent reception, which is used by many writers, prose, poets and people, somehow associated with creativity. This article will show examples of this example in real life.

The essence of personification

Sometimes, in order to give their thoughts and described in the work of a more emotional basis, the authors use personification. Simple wordsWhen we give an inanimate subject or complex of objects, which is inherent exclusively an animated creation (person, dog, etc.), this is called personification. With this reception, the work or some kind of separate process becomes more diverse and interesting. Accordingly than more diverse and more interestingThe greater its weight among ordinary readers and critics.

In addition, to use personification must be possessing some experience and skills in writing works of any form. The qualitative use of this literary tool speaks of the skills of the writer himself. Many theatrical performances Based on personification. Often they are resorted to the attachment of the person's properties of the person, thereby emphasizing the cold and worn nature of man.

Examples of personification

Example 1:

"The forest was awakened." This phrase is an impersonation, as the forest is a complex of trees inanimate. At the same time, he was given an action that is typical of only a living being. The author could not use this reception and simply describe natural processeswhich occur in the morning forest. But no, instead, he said "The Forest awakened," forcing us to imagine this picture In the most colorful colors and give will to your imagination. According to critics, those works that give the reader with the opportunity to think independently and draw all the process itself, without the help of the author.

Example 2:

"Cames whispers." As you could already understand, this phrase is an personification. After reading it, we can imagine a swamp, which is full of reeds and a little breeze that twisters them. From these small twitching, a rustling is created, which can be interpreted as a whisper.

If you ever begin creative activity In the literature or other similar field, take this tool to weapons. He will surely need it.

, attributing properties and signs of animated objects in an inanimate. Very often, the personification is used in the image of nature, which is endowed with those or other human features.

Elimination - This is the endowment of inanimate objects with living qualities!

Elimination - Verb, consumed in a figurative value that transfers the action of a living being to other items. For example, the nature of quiet; Sleep grass.

In the poem "Here the wind clouds hitting" A.S. Pushkin speaks of winter, as a person, about living creature. For example, she [Winter] came, lay down, counted, says. itelimination.

Elimination - this is the revival of a non-living subject

Elimination - Art technique, based on the endowment of inanimate objects with human qualities and feelings.

And so begin to whisper Between the trees : Birch white with another birch whiteechoes; Osinka young went out to the clearing like a green candle andcalling to me the same green oxus candle,having a branch; Cherryumuha Cherumukh gives a branch With uncovered kidneys. (M.M.Prishvin.)

To comparison and personification are closemetaphor . Metaphors can rightfully qualify for the dominant role among all trails.

The basis of any metaphor is an unnamed comparison of some objects with others.

Metaphor - a hidden comparison, which is based on figurative meaning Words, the Union (as if, as if) no, but meant.

In the garden burning firebird red fire, but no one can warm (S.A. Jenin).

Especially a bright picture of the presentation of speech aredeployed metaphors. They arise in the case when one metaphor attracts new associated with it in meaning.

Roschi dissuaded golden Berezovwelcome language (S.A. Jenin).

What is epitheet

Epithetics (OT dr. Greek. ἐπίθετον - "applied") -definition With a word that affects its expressiveness. Expressed predominantlythe name of the adjective , but also naschaim ("Hot love"),name noun ("Fun noise"), numerical ("Second Life").

Epitheet is a word or an integer expression, which, due to its structure and special function in the text, acquires some new meaning or semantic shade, helps the word (expression) to gain colorfulness, saturation. It is used both in poetry (more often) and in prose. Many writers use epithets (T.G. Shevchenko, I. Franco)

Epithet - this is a figurative definition that gives artistic characteristic phenomenon or subject. The epithet is a comparison and can be pronounced both with the name of the adjective and general, the verbal, the verb.

Epithet - This is a bright shaped definition, for example: Golden Autumn, Blue Sea, snow white winter, velvet leather, crystal ringing.

What is a comparison

Comparison - trope where there is an approach of one object or phenomenon to another for any common feature for them. The goal of comparison is to identify new, important, most advantageous to the subject to the subject of utterance.

Compared: comparable subject (comparison object), the subject with which is compared (comparison means), and their overall feature (comparison base, comparative sign,lat. tertium compararationis ). One of distinctive features comparisons are mentioning both compared subjects, and the general feature is not always a comparison should be distinguished frommetaphor .

Comparisons are typical forfolklore .

A variety of comparisons are known:

Comparisons in the form of a comparative turnover formed with the help of unions as if, like, exactly: "The man is stupid, like a pig, and a heter, like a damn." The non-union comparisons are in the form of a proposal with a composite name of the fag: "My house is my fortress." Comparisons formed with the help of a noun in the hardware case: "He goes Gogol." Denial comparisons: "Attempt is not torture"

Comparison - This is a figurative expression based on comparison of two items or states that have a general feature.

... black eyebrows, like mourning velvet,his pale features shall (N.V. Hogol).

Comparison may be

  • comparative turnover (reflected, as in the mirror; like a bird,he dived between the branches) joins with the help of allianceshow, exactly, as if, as if, like, like that;
  • complete proposal with additive comparatives (I will be freeze on the shores of the puddles,like a rock in heaven holds you, and below - blue.);
  • the combination of verb with a noun in the form of a cooling case (crawlingsnail);
  • form comparative degree adjectives, the adverbs (from the darkness of the bush crawls,mokhnatya Medvezhnka.)

Comparisons can be straight (and leaflets run along the track,like yellow mice from the cat ...) and negative:

Not the wind rages over Born,

Not from the mountains ran streams:

Frost Voivode Wort

Bypassing your own ...


We will look at the lesson such a concept as an personification - an artistic agent, with the help of which poems and prose become brighter and more beautiful, - we will see how inanimate objects are endowed with human qualities.

Elimination - It is giving a phenomenon or subject to some individual, more precisely, personal signs.

Translated from the Greek personification is personification, that is, the endowment of a non-living subject or phenomenon by human qualities.

At the same time, in literary dictionaries, personification is interpreted as an animation, which is a distortion of a literary term. For example, participants Basny I.A. Krylova "Quartet" (Fig. 2):

Fig. 2. Elimination of Sveti and ignorance in Basne I.A. Krylova "Quartet" ()

Mozyushka lean



Yes Kosolapy Mishka

We started playing quartet.

None of them needs an animation, because all of them are animated nouns, but each of them and all of them together for the company - the personification of the nursing and for nothing.

The personification of A.A. is completely wonderful. Fet in the poem "Evening lights":

Tiredly everything around, tired and color of heaven,

And the wind, and the river, and a month that was born,

And night, and in the greenery dull sleeping forest,

And yellow that leaf that finally fell.

In this picture, in which the night fell on the threshold of the fall, truly everything personifies, even the color of the heavens, and with the words "and the yellow shelter" combs to the throat.

Elimination - Artistic reception based on the endowment of inanimate objects with human qualities and feelings.

Find in the text personification:

And here begin whisper between themselves trees: birch White on the other berezoywhite from afar eringe; osinka Young out at the glade, like green SVOW, and callingto myself the same green candle-osinka, hacking branch; Cherryukha Chemechah submissivea branch with revealed kidneys.

Ompmixing: Trees whisper, birchs echoes, Osinka came out and calling, whaling, cherry serves.

Very nice the author endowed inanimate objects with human qualities, that is, they have yelled them. This artistic welcome writers and poets are used to make the text bright, beautiful, so that we can clearly imagine what the author says, causing our emotions, which he tells us by hanging out items with positive and negative qualities.

We met with an artistic image - personification, learned that it was used to make texts to be bright, beautiful, so that we could clearly imagine a picture of what the author tells us.

"In a person, everything should be fine: both face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts."

A.P. Chekhov


1. Kalenchuk M.L., Churakova N.A., Baikova T.A. Russian language 4: Academkniga / Tutorial, 2013

2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronon O.V. Russian language. - M.: Balam, 2012

3. Lomakovich S.V., Timchenko L.I. Russian language 4: Vita_Press, 2015

1. Internet portal "To the lesson of literature" ()

2. Internet portal "Tolkslovar.ru" ()

3. Internet portal "Pycckoeslovo.ru" ()


1. What is an impersonation?

2. Where is the personification most often used?

3. What parts of speech are used as an personification?