Native Anna Matison first talked about her relationship with Sergey Bezrukov. Service Novel: Sergey Bezrukov and Anna Matison is true

Native Anna Matison first talked about her relationship with Sergey Bezrukov. Service Novel: Sergey Bezrukov and Anna Matison is true
Native Anna Matison first talked about her relationship with Sergey Bezrukov. Service Novel: Sergey Bezrukov and Anna Matison is true

Sergey Bezrukov - an actor with a capital letter. He played a huge number of roles not only on the screen, but also on the stage of the theater, which all and not listed at a time. A successful person in his career is often in his personal life remains behind the scenes. However, in history with Sergey, everything is much more interesting and dramatic.

Reliable, as it seemed, marriage with Irina Livanova ended not the most joyful notice. But, Sergey Bezrukov For a short time walked in bachelors. His guide star in the new life became Anna Matison.Young people legitched their relationship, no one inviting to the celebration, and not even giving .

Remembering the first work of the actor, even then it was noticeable that he was too loving, so his early marriage with Irina did not leave doubts about the goals to the left. What was confirmed in 2014, when the extramarital children of the artist - daughter Alexander and Son Ivan were floating on everyone.

Family relations of Bezrukov ended in the fall of 2015. But after a few months, a well-known man began to appear in society a beautiful dark-haired stranger. She was a beginner director Anna Matsonand talented screenwriter.

Young people were represented by each other in the winter of 2011, and in 2015 they continued to familiarize themselves with Baikal's expanses when working on the film "Milky Way". Do not notice the magnetic atmosphere between these two it was impossible. Kinokartina came out on the big screen in December 2015, where the actor played a major role.

The case remained for small, the divorce with the former spouse actor experienced easily, as they were waiting for new family relationships. Sergey Bezrukov marriedOn March 11, 2016, quietly, calm, without a solemn ceremony, in the usual metropolitan registry office. Only a meager message about marrying one of the friends revealed all the games cards.

However, according to the assumptions of relatives and close couples, such public people were quietly and not noticeably, and most importantly, he suddenly suggests that the couple may have been waiting for replenishment. It is not surprising, since the new wife of Sergey Bezrukova Anna Matison has long wanted a child, and at the actor, though there are children, they are not from his beloved wife. Soon these assumptions were confirmed by the young spouses themselves.

Yes, Sergey Bezrukov and Anna Matison waited for the firstborn. Therefore, at the Festival "Kinotavr" a couple happily posed for photoOn which Anna was with a markedly rounded tummy. Last day quiet weddings Already nobody remembered.

Soon after the festival on the Internet, the latest news was swept from happy Sergey: " My daughter was born!" The crumb was told by the name Maria. The baby became the first lawful child of the actor. The girl was born on July 4, 2016.

To date, the actor is involved in the shooting of several films, namely, "Stublozhets" and "Hunt for the Devil", where Sergey will perform the main roles, as well as "Nishchebrudes" and the "mysterious passion". You can enjoy watching paintings in 2017.

However, young parents did not stop long with the baby in four walls and are actively engaged in their everyday affairs.

In this way, Sergey Bezrukov and Anna Matison (photo), overcoming all obstacles on the way to their happiness, without excessive hype and pompous weddingsfinally, they became a strong family and happy parents. We wish them long joint years, creative success and health of the little heir to Bezrukov.

Anna Matison is a rapid rising star of Russian director and drama. Today Matison is a popular film director, playwright and screenwriter. Anna wrote scenarios to a part of the films of the Russian popular comedy franchise "Christmas Trees", became the director of paintings "Milky Way" and. In addition, Anna Matson removes documentary paintings and puts the opera films. Parts of their own films Anna also executes the mounting function.

Anna Olegovna Matison was born in Irkutsk in July 1983. Anneous last name Anna raises questions from fans and ill-wishers who are interested in who the director by nationality. The theory is popular in the Internet that Anna Matison has Jewish and Ukrainian roots, but the director has not officially commented on this information and did not declare his nationality.

Anna has two brothers - Senior Timothy and Junior Leonid. Her mother Olga Mathison is a famous Irkutsk journalist. The daughter went in the footsteps of the mother and at the age of 17 on the announcement settled by a freelance correspondent on local television, rather rapidly doing the way from a simple correspondent to the editor of the program broadcasting.

In 2004, Anna Mathison, together with the director and producer Yuri Dorokhin, founded its own production studio "Rec.production", which is engaged in creating commercial video, audio and video advertising. Matson became the main producer, and then the director of the television company. By the way, the youngest producer in Russia. And this is without a separation from studies at the International Faculty of Irkutsk State University, where Anna acquired knowledge in the specialty "Commerce".

About 70 risks for the largest customers, such as the administration of the Irkutsk region, Transneft, Atomenergomash and many others, were created on "rec.production". At the moment, "rec.production" continues to be one of the leaders of the regional advertising market.

Anna Matison is a creative man, the framework of commercial advertising it was shy. Already according to the first commercials, the production studio has become clear that Anna wants to remove the cinema, and not advertising. Unfortunately, in Irkutsk it was impossible due to the lack of a technical base. That is why in 2008 the fate of Anna Matison made a sharp round: the young producer moved to the capital and entered the scenario Faculty of Vgika, to the workshop of Natalia Ryazantseva, who graduated from the Red Diploma in 2013.


Anna Matison's cinematic biography began in Moscow immediately after moving from Irkutsk in 2008. The director and scenic debut in the artistic cinema for Matison became the short film "Mood Improved" in the same product.

Evgeny Grishkovets became interested in the film and its creators and suggested Anna Mathison cooperation, which later resulted in the creation of the full-length film "Satisfaction". The scenario collaborated by the writer himself, who starred in the lead role. The film went out with a wide range and participated in the program of Festivals "Kinotavr", "Moscow Premier", "Meridian of the Pacific", "Holy Anna" and others.

Simultaneously with the work on the works of Grishkovets, Matson managed to write scripts to popular films "Tree-2", "Tree-3", "Christmas Trees 1914", "Milky Way", "Dog's Eyes". And in 2013-2014, Anna and her team shot a musical film for children "Big Adventures of Little Sasha Stupilkin".

Another significant layer of creative biography Anna Mathison is her job as a documentaryist director. In 2011, the First Channel was shown a full-length documentary "Musician" about the pianist.

The joint work of Anna and Evgeny Grishkovets continues. In 2014, the Writer and Writer together wrote the Piece "Weekend End" ("End of the Week"), which successfully goes to the Czech Republic MCHT.

Also in 2014, Anna Matison was simultaneously directed by the director and editor of the three film operas: "Lefty", "Semen Kotko" and "Trojans". In the same year, the premiere of the Comedy "Christmas Trees 1914", the next picture from the Christmas tree cycle, according to Anna's scenario. In this film, unlike previous paintings, the franchisees, Mathison also performed the role of creative producer.

Anna Matison on the filming of the film "Milky Way"

On January 1, 2015, the premiere of the film "Milky Way", the screenwriter and the director of whom Matson came down. The main roles in the comedies were played, and. New Year's film talked about the crisis of relations in the average Russian family. Tired of each other husband and wife decide to divorce and are going to celebrate the New Year together for the last time. Strange events begin to take place for the holiday, which forced the heroes to revise their relationship.

Critics negatively spoke about the script of the painting. According to feedback, the plot did not develop, the heroes were enough for scenario ideas, but did not move from the place, and the final remained unfinished, without showing no reconciliation or the final divorce of the characters.

Personal life

Recently, the personal life of Anna Matison is the subject of a very close attention of mass media. Anna Mathison's relations were the reason and then married to Sergey Bezrukov.

They say, the Bezruk-free family boat gave flow in 2014, when the omnipresent journalists quit the presence of another family on the side of the side. The media found out that Sergey grows two babies, whom the Petersburg actress Christina Smirnova gave birth to him. Couple got acquainted on the filming of the film "Milky Way."

After Anna began to go out into the world with an actor, Internet users are interested in personality and appearance of the director. Before that, Matson knew more by her professional work. The question of the parameters of the Anna Figure was popular. Information sites refer to the figure of the director of sports and model and have the following information: Anna's growth - 165 cm, weight - 59 kg.

Anna Matson now

In March 2016, the media appeared information that Bezrukov and Mathison. Rumors about the wedding officially confirmed: On March 11, 2016, Anna Matison became the wife of Sergei Bezrukov.

Already in June 2016, the spouses informed the joyful news in the family. July 4, Bezrukov and Matison became parents, they have Masha. Pregnancy and little child do not interfere with the creativity of Anna. In 2016, Mathison acted as director of a new picture "After you."

In July 2017, the director announced a new film. On Pitching Foundation Cinema, Anna Matison and Sergey Bezrukov presented a picture about the feat of the Soviet soldier during the Great Patriotic War, based on real events, is a project called "Big Earth".

In May 2018, Anna Matison and Sergey Bezrukov became known. This actor said in social networks. In November in the family, which was called Stepan.


  • The mood got better
  • Satisfaction
  • Rehearsal orchestra
  • Musician
  • Trees-2
  • Seven days of one city
  • Mariinsky Theater and Valery Gergiev
  • Prokofiev: during the way
  • Large Adventures of Little Sasha Stupilkin
  • Mariinsky Theatre. To be continued
  • Trees-3.
  • Christmas trees 1914.
  • Leftless
  • Semen Kotko
  • Trojans
  • Milky Way
  • After you

Sergey Bezrukov - Russian actor and cinema actor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation and the winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. The variety of roles played on theatrical layers and shooting sites of this actor is impressive.

Successful career, many awards, professional demands indicate the talent of the artist. The popularity of the actor led to the fact that the talent of Belakova made a subject of disputes and disagreements between critics, which does not interfere with the ordinary viewer to enjoy the films with the participation of the artist. The love of fans of Bezrukov brought a number of biographical roles of unlike in Sergey, nor on each other celebrities, which gave rise to jokes that the actor can reliably play anyone.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Bezrukov was born on October 18, 1973 in Moscow in the acting family. Father Vitaly Sergeevich Bezrukov - actor and director, worked at the Satira Theater in Moscow. Mom Sergey, Natalia Mikhailovna Bezrukov, worked by the head of the store. Sergey's name was in honor of the poet, whom the actor's father loved.

Father Bezrukov did not want the Son to go along his way and became an actor, however, when the boy played in school performances, it was his father who taught his son not to play, but to live a role. Sergey's lesson learned at 14, when he played in the play "My Poor Marat".

Sergey Bezrukov's biography since childhood is connected with incredible perseverance, which helped him graduate from school with almost the five in the certificate, as well as with a red diploma to leave the walls of Mkhat.

About childhood and youth, the actor told himself on the pages of the registered official site. In addition to the autobiography of Belakova, the site also contains theatrical and film recorders with the participation of the actor, the latest news from Sergei Bezrukov, feedback page and links to artist accounts in social networks "In contact with" , Facebook and "Twitter" And on the YouTube Channel of the actor. At the "Instagram" of Belakova on the official site indicates a special widget that displays the latest photos on the site.


After graduation, the actor entered the MCAT Studio School for the course, under the leadership of which he played on the stage while studying and continued to work in the theater after graduation in 1994.

Interestingly, MCAT was not the only educational institution in which an artist was received. Bezrukov was also tried to other theatrical universities and, according to him, passed easily, realizing that Mkate was already involved in the competition. An armed guitar, who learned to play music school, as well as a tape recorder, the future student read poems, sang, danced before the adoptive commissions.

During the period of work in the theater, the actor played a huge set of roles in such well-known productions as the "auditor", "Sailor Silence", "Anecdote", "Last". Thanks to his talented game for many theatrical roles, the artist was awarded numerous prizes.

One of the most famous roles of Bezrukova in the theater is the role of Yesenin in the play "My life, Ile you dreamed of me?" For which he was awarded by the state award. In 2013, the actor became a co-founder of the Foundation for Support Sociocultural Projects Sergey Bezrukov in conjunction with Irina Bezrukova.

In the same year, the talented artist becomes the artistic director of the Moscow Regional Art of Arts "Kuzminki", and from 2014 he is the artistic director of the Moscow provincial theater. Sergey Belakova Theater, created in 2010, stopped existence, and its production switched to the repertoire of the provincial theater.


In the period from 1994 to 1999, the actor worked on television in the satirical program "Dolls" devoted to the current issues of Russian politics. In this program, for all the time of work, Bezrukov voiced 11 characters, showing himself a beautiful parodist. His voice was spoken, and others. The transfer had tremendous success and high ratings. Despite this, Bezrukov leaves the project.

Sergey Bezrukov in the transfer of "Dolls"

Although by the end of 1999, the novice actor was already quite popular and had a lot of theatrical fans, but there were extremely few in movies of successful and noticeable roles. Of the 15 films with the participation of Bezrukov, the most successful and noticeable were the "Chinese service" and "Crusader - 2".

In 2001, after the release of the legendary series "Brigade", Sergey's "Star Hour" came. Huge popularity as if fell from the sky. Samples for the role of the White passed about 300 actors, but no one arranged the director for a long time, as a result, Sergey was invited to samples. The role of Sasha White he received immediately after the first samples.

Sergey Bezrukov in the series "Brigade"

After filming the film "Crusader-2", the actor wrote his future wife Irina note, where there were only the number of his phone and only one word - "Waiting." Irina was married for and long could not decide on such a desperate step. Finally, she called Sergey on some fictional pretext and heard enthusiastic "yes! Yes! Yes!". She understood how sincere feelings is experiencing an actor.

Officially, the couple got married in 2000 during the filming of the Brigade. From her first marriage, she had a son Andrei, whom Bezrukov took as a native.

According to information from the media, in 2013, Sergey Belakova had their children - twins Ivan and Alexander. According to rumors, their mother is actress Christina Smirnova. Allegedly actors got acquainted on the set of the film "Yesenin".

Sergey Bezrukov's personal life has become the main topic of tabloids in 2015. Irina and Sergey Bezrukov for a number of reasons broke up. Journalists called the main reason for the divorce of the extramarital children Sergei Bezrukov. In the fall of 2015 Andrei. This also had a negative impact on the family relations.

Shortly after these events, the actor increasingly began to see the director and the screenwriter. For a long time, the couple refused to comment on their relationship, but in March 2016, information appeared in the press that the lovers got married. The details of the wedding in the press did not appear. In June 2016, the couple reported soon to replenish in the family. And on July 4, 2016, the light named Maria.

Now the actor takes care of his figure and is afraid to gain extra kilograms. In eating, he prefers vegetable salads and meat in its pure form. Recently, the actor became interested in boxing.

Sergey Bezrukov now

From 2016, Sergey Bezrukov since 2016 works by the general producer of "Film Company Sergey Bezrukova". Despite enormous employment in the theater and film production, the actor annually participates in several TV projects. In 2016, the artist appeared in Saymenh, where he had a small, but a rather vivid role.

The picture is removed according to the novel of the same name. Characters both books and the series are fictional names, but by the characters and details of appearance and behavior the viewer easily guesses famous poets, writers and musicians of the 20th century. In this series, Sergey Bezrukov returned to the sensational role of Vladimir Vysotsky, although his character was the name of Vlad Vertikalov in the plot of his character.

In March 2017, Bezrukov appears in the drama "after you." The actor fulfills the role of a brilliant dancer who lost opportunities to perform after an injury that occurred 20 years ago. The injury progresses and threatens to deprive the dancer and the opportunity to walk. At the same time, the main character due to severely refuses to help others, driving himself into the trap of loneliness and illness.

In the same period, the actor plays a major role in the spy detective TV series "Hunt for Devil". Bezrukov plays the role of a former employee of Russian intelligence in Livitin, who in 1937 began to live peaceful life, hiding under the larvae of the Finnish film director. Livitin learns about a secret scientific project on the creation of super-hand and understands that the opening should not see the light. To achieve this, a former reconnaissance acts both against the native office and against the German, British and Japanese special services.

Epizodically, the actor is present in the Comedy "Myths about Moscow", the premiere of which was held on June 14, 2017 at the Kinotavr Film Festival. Bezrukov is among the celebrities, with whom the main character meets, who, repeating the swimming of Odyssey, accidentally falls into Moscow.

For 2017, another three premieres were planned with the participation of Sergey Bezrukov. The actor will play a major role in the drama "Studrosztz", talking about the tests of the fifth generation of the T-50, as indicated by the film soldiers and cinevic clopedia.

Internet users doubt the accuracy of this description, pointing out that the Su-34 aircraft is called "the thumbnail", and not T-50. The main characters of the film will be the pilots testing, who will have to face freelance situations and other hazards.

Another project with the participation of Bezrukov, scheduled for the same year, is also a military drama. The series "Anniversary Counter" shows a civil war in the nineties in the former Soviet Republic in Central Asia. The Soviet military unit was emergency evacuated, forgetting a military orchestra in place. So the musicians who, although they were crowned with the military, but for a long time led civilian life, find themselves in the center of the Civil War and become the only protection of the nearest village.

Bezrukov will also appear in the comedy "Nishchebrudes" about two MSU students who want to participate in the contest of Roscosmos projects and for this collect funny for Moscow and almost unreal for students themselves in 40 thousand rubles. Sergey Bezrukov performed as the director general of the picture, and the production of the film was engaged in the "Film Company Sergey Bezrukov".

In May 2018, Anna Matison and Sergey Bezrukov became known. This actor said in social networks.


  • "Chinese service"
  • "Brigade"
  • "Plot"
  • "Yesenin"
  • "Irony of Fate. Continued"
  • "Admiral"
  • "In June 41"
  • "High Security Vacation"
  • "Vysotsky. Thank you for living"
  • "Match"
  • "Myths about Moscow"
  • "Devil Hunt"
  • "After you"
  • "Mysterious passion"

New wife Sergei Bezrukov. Who is she?
And this is Anna Mathison.
Until the summer of last year, only the sophisticated connoisseur of theater and cinema could say who Anna Mathison.

But after several publications about Sergey Bezrukov, in which it was said that the new beloved actor and the director may be Anna Mathison, her fame began to grow like on yeast.

This was also facilitated by a chest photo report in the magazine "7 days" at the end of 2015 and the glamorous photo session of Belake and Mathison in the February issue of Elle.

And yesterday, unexpected news, like a thunder among the clear sky rolled for the media. Alleged on March 11, Sergey Bezrukov and Anna Matson registered his marriage in one of Moscow's regulations.

The situation is almost as in the legendary filmcoming "Caucanian Piece".

So who is this young woman who brought one of the most enviable grooms in the artistic environment of Russia in less than a year before the marriage crown.

Here is the brief biography of Anna Mathison or that you can learn about the selection of Sergey Bezrukov from the Internet.

Anna Matison is a director director, artist-director and artist in costumes.

Anna Matison was born on July 8, 1983 in Irkutsk. She graduated from a linguistic lyceum. While studying at the Irkutsk State University at the International Faculty worked on the local TV channel "Stork"; First, the leading and editor, then the general producer.

In 2004, Anna Mathison with a group of colleagues founded an independent Rec Studio and was its director until moving to Moscow in 2008. The most famous work of the studio has become a short film on the works of Evgeny Grishkovets "Mood improved."

In 2013, Anna Matson graduated from the All-Russian State University of Cinematography. S. A. Gerasimova (workshop Natalia Ryazantseva). In 2009, as a director and the scenario, together with Evgeny Grishkovts, he was withdrawn its first full-length Satisfaction film. The main roles starred Evgeny Grishkovets and Denis Burgazliev. At several festivals, the film was marked by prizes.
400 thousand dollars spent on the production of the film. Collected at $ 506 $ 205 and looked at about 80,000 spectators (data of the site Kinopoisk).

Cooperation with Evgeny Grishkovets continued on the theater scene: in 2009, their joint play "House" was published, which is currently playing at the school of modern play, MHT them. Chekhov and other theaters, and in 2014 - Piece "Weekend End", the premiere of which was held in November of this year at the School of Modern Plays.

As a scenario, Anna Matison took part in the work on the films "Tree-2", "Treki-3", "Christmas-1914", in the latter - was also a creative producer.
From 2009 to 2014, he worked as a director over a number of documentary projects on classical music: "Musician" (about Pianist Denis Matsueva), "Mariinsky Theater and Valery Gergiev", "Prokofiev: During the way," "continuation should be" Thirteenth, as well as over the operations-Operators "Levsh", "Semen Kotko", "Trojans", "Don Quixote".

In 2015, Anna Mathison, as a director, removed the artistic film-comedy "Milky Way", which was launched at the 2016 New Year's holidays and which gathered about 850 thousand $. True, we do not know how much it was deregular to the production of this highly flax comedy.

In the New Year's comedy, Anna acted as a scenario and director. Matyson saw Khabensky or Duzison, but fate ordered his own way. And it was a New Year's miracle, a well-deserved gift, spectacularly presented to a talented director and a beautiful woman of her majesty fate. Sergey Bezrukov's consent to fulfill the lead role in the "Milky Way" 3 weeks before departure to Baikal, where the shooting was taken - a sign over.

Anna Mathison and Konstantin Khabensky had different views on the history of the film "Milky Way" .Mamison twisted a script for him several times, and on the advice of the casting director invited Sergey Bezrukova. And the script, and Anna impressed the actor. Sergey promised to think, but knew that he would not agree because of the too dense schedule. But if two are destined to play their roles in life, the earth will twist in the opposite direction. So were on Baikal Anna Mathison and Sergey Bezrukov.

Local shamans consider Olkhon Island with a sacred place, where the bustle leaves man, revealing important things to him. The entire shooting platform has watched the development of the relations of Bezrukov and Mathison. Special views of two were impossible not to notice - real feelings are born. And the special relations of the director and the artist who are always accompanied by shooting, there is nothing to do with this - observers are sure.

On the pair of Bezrukov and Matson actively spoke after ROSE to Moscow. Sergey right and left handed out the interview in which Anna was enthusiastic. The actor called her a woman with a stunning feeling of taste, measures and an absolute director's sense of truth.

A few months later, Bezrukov divorced a woman who considered the perfect wife. Parting of one of the most beautiful couples fans in one voice tied with Mathison. Some fans of Sergei rejoiced, counting Irina Bezrukov too strict wife, while others argued to hoarseness, assuring that she was feminine and more beautiful than Anna. Any arguments were going to move: even age, the growth and weight of Mathis and Bezlessly discussed everything to whom not too lazy. And the couple itself took a circular defense and no secrets did not give out. But recently the barricades began to slowly nose ...

Mathison and Bezrukov increasingly began to appear in the public, at all embarrassed by curious paparazzi. The touching photo session for the magazine "Elle" and the revelation of Sergey about the new mutual love pound firewood into the fire. No one no longer doubted their feelings, only wondered about the future wedding and children.

And here is a regular one - March 11, this year. Hike to registry office. Sergey Bezrukov writes in his Instagram: "I still don't want to intervene in my personal life, but to avoid a huge number of robes and rumors I inform you about your new status! Yes! He married!"

Now in the new quality of Sergey Bezrukov, it completes participation in the filming of the next film Anna Mathison "after you," where our hero plays the famous ballet artist Alexei Temnikov, whose career was interrupted in the nineties due to injury. Twenty years later, Alexey learns that the injury progresses, and very soon he will not be able to walk that it seems to him equivalent death. The only chance to leave about myself memory is the premiere of the ballet in your own production ...

It should be added that Anna Mathison in this picture removes the supposedly 5-year-old Son Sergey Bezrukov - Ivan from St. Petersburg Actress Christina Smirnova.

We wish our heroes of creative success and long and happy family life!

Sergey Vitalyevich Bezrukov is the Russian actor and cinema actor, famous in the early 2000s after the release of the "Brigade" series, where he played the principal criminal authority to Sasha White. Subsequently, played as bright personalities (Jesus in the "Master and Margarita", Yesenin in the series "Yesenin", Vysotsky in "Vysotsky: Thank you for living") and "simple spiritual guy" like Lieutenant Kravtsov from the series "Plot". Now it can be seen in films of his wife, directed by Anna Melikyan. Also led by the Moscow Gubernsky Theater.


Bezrukov Sergey Vitalyevich was born in Moscow, in the family of actor Vitaly Bezrukov, who spent at the Satira Theater, and the Housewife Natalia Bezruek. The name of the boy was received in honor of Sergey Yesenin, the favorite poet of his father.

At six, Sergey went to comprehend knowledge to the Moscow Secondary School No. 402. He was the youngest and most low in the classroom, but diligently studied, although, as the actor recalled, "there was anything." Thanks to his stubbornness in the school certificate, Bezrukova had only four "four", in the rest of the columns, "five". In the graduation class, Sergey learned to play the guitar and received an "applied" profession - artist artist.

Sergey from an early age showed interest in the actor's profession, he was happy to participate in school productions, from the Gus-Swan's fairy tale to the dramatic play "My poor Marat." Of course, it was not without the influence of the Father, who tirelessly helped the Bezrukov-younger to master the stage skills.

Theatrical career of Belakova

After graduating from school in 1990, Sergey began to decisively storm theatrical universities. The first on the list was MCAT, where Bezrukov went to preparatory courses. The most talented guys who have manifested themselves during classes, selected Oleg Tabakov personally. The lucky ones, among whom and Sergey, had the right to go to the competition, bypassing intermediate stages. In the rest of the universities, Sergey came to the samples fully, with a guitar and a tape recorder. I read the poems of Yesenin under his own accompaniment, danced "Gypsy", recited the stories of Zoshchenko and Shalamov. And everywhere gained the highest passing score. But still stopped at the Studio School of Maschat.

Sergey with warmth recalled years of study under Tabakov's mentoring. The group rarely saw Oleg Pavlovich - he came mainly on independent shows and exams, hiding emotions in the dark glasses. To Bezrukov, the artist was well referred to, although once he was offended by an excellent student, putting "four" in the educational purposes with a plus on acting skills. In 1994, Sergey released from Mkat with a red diploma in his arms. Even before the end of the university, he participated in the performances of "Tabakcoque", and having received the highest acting education, officially entered the pipeline. At this stage, the theatrical portfolio of Bezrukov was replenished with more than a dozen roles. The participation of Bezrukov in the play "Marriage Figaro" forced the audience to unwittingly compare the actor with Andrei Mironov - due to the artfully embodied in the reality of Figaro, many found a performance with a worthy competitor for the classical setting of V. Khramov.

The game in "Tabakcoque" did not interfere with Bezrukov to participate in other theater projects. At the beginning of the two thousandths in assistance with the ART-partner of the XXI, he played the role of Bruno in the "temptation" and Emelyan in the "Witch". It is noteworthy that the scenario of the Witch wrote the father of the actor.

On the stage of Mkhat, Sergey reincarnated in Mozart (Amadi) and Maurice Table ("Holy Fire").

In the theater. M.N. Yermolova Sergey played a major role in another father's stage, "Alexander Pushkin", and first tried on the image of Sergey Yesenin in the play "My life, Ile you dreamed of me? ..". For this role, the actor in 1997 was awarded the State Prize. But the "Pushkin" criticism did not believe, too false and frivolous seemed to the audience the image of the poet. However, criticism concerned the script and director, rather than the acting talent of Bezrukov.

Career Bezruck on television

Almost in parallel with the first performances in Tabakcoque, Sergey Bezrukov got on television. True, the audience did not see the actor, but only heard. He took up the voice acting of the characters from the Carto Sitkom "Dolls" devoted to the topical problems of national politics. Sergey had an excellent parody's skills, and almost for almost 6 years (from 1994 to 1999), Bezrukov presented his voice to 11 characters, including Boris Yeltsin and Gennady Zyuganov, but his work with Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Anatolia Kulikov was remembered.

"Dolls" in the voice acting

The surname of Belakova was soon noticed in Ostankino - the highest ratings were collected in the NTV "dolls". However, in 1999, Sergey left the project, explaining that "rose from dolls."

Beginning of kinocaris of Belakova

To the two thousandth year of Bezrukov became a theater celebrity - after performing on the street, he was already waiting for the crowds of fans. Otherwise it was the case with a movie; Sergey starred in 12 full-length ribbons, but the audience noted only the roles of Sergeant Sukhoruk from the second Crusaders and the merchant of Sidichene from the "Chinese service". The last role of Bezrukov was particularly grateful for the ability to reveal the multifaceted image of the entrepreneur.

In 2001, Belakova was invited to samples of the series "Azazel", the scenario of which was written on the reasons of Boris Akunin's novel. Sergey received the role of the head of Fandorin and perfectly worked with Ilya Soskov.

Rapid tillery kinokarira

In 2002, the premiere of the series "Brigade" took place, which had a phenomenon at the Russian television with a phenomenon. In criminal saga, the harsh realities of the 90s were told and, at the same time, about real male friendship. To achieve maximum realistic, producer Anatoly Sivushov sent four main characters: Sergey Bezrukova, Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Dmitry Duzheva and Pavel Majkova for a joint holiday for entry into images of childhood friends. The sincere actor game has become the final stroke so that the Brigade will conquer the hearts of millions.

In Brigade, Bezrukov appeared in an absolutely unusual role of criminal authority for him. However, the leader of the criminal gang of Sasha White adopted the characteristic features of Bezrukov, a previously familiar viewer solely on the "sunny" hypostatas. The audience saw on the screens of all the templates of the character, who simultaneously was a cruel leader and a devoted friend, a cold-blooded killer and sensitive family man. Bezrukov excellently played a controversial role, remembering the audience, and teleproduces.

After the "brigade" invitations on the samples fell into Sergey one after another. In 2003, the series "Plot" was released on TV screens, in which Sergey played the village district police station Kravtsov and voiced the faithful partner of the policeman - Psa Caesar. The project was radically different from the previous one: Bezrukov played a very honest, vane and principled person. The audience loved the series with the participation of Bezrukov and Valery Zolotukhina is no less than the "brigade". Literally from the first episodes, the painting was painted "People's". In 2005, Bezrukov became the laureate of the prestigious Golden Eagle Prize. The image of the villagersal district won in the nomination "Best Male Role on Television".

In 2003, Bezrukov refused to shoot in the continuation of the "plot", declaring that the history of Lieutenant Kravtsov was completed, and giving way to Leonid Yarmolnik. Instead, Sergey starred in the comedy Ryazanov "key from the bedroom."

In 2005, Bezrukov received the role of Yesenin in the series of the same name. For an actor, it meant a lot: he had to play a person whose name was wary, and his favorite father's poet. He dreamed of this since childhood. The script for the project wrote Bezrukov-senior, who, besides, was to play Alexander Yesenin.

But, contrary to everything, the series suffered Fiasco. Critics accused the actor in distorting the image of the poet, clownade and anti-Sovetchin, and the director - in the free interpretation of historical realities.

Bezrukov plays Yesenin

The "Yesenin" was followed the series "Master and Margarita", in which Bezrukov played the role of Yeshua. The responses of the public were very controversial - many viewers were outraged by the fact that the actor who played White Sasha dared to fulfill the role of Jesus. But the number of positive feedback did not cause doubt - the role of Christ from Bezrukov turned out to be masterfully!

The actor's participation was followed by the participation of the actor in the remakes of the Soviet classics of cinema ("Carnival Night 2", "Irony of Fate. Continued", "Gentlemen, Good luck!"), The role of the White General in the historic blockbuster "Admiral" and Alexander Sergeevich in Pushkin's tape. Last Duel. In 2011, the actor fired in virtually unrecognizable actual role in the Bayopic Peter Buslov "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive".

Bezrukov played Vysotsky: actor recognition

In 2016, Bezrukov, together with Dmitry Dyughz, starred in the continuation of the comedy series "temporarily unavailable."

In the same year, the actor starred in a full-length picture "After you." The protagonist of the film is the famous dancer, whose life has changed dramatically after a serious injury.

"After you", trailer

Many spectators "After you", a question arose - who accounts for the actor of Young Anastasia Bezrukov, who performed the role of Chiara, the daughter of the main character in the film. We answer - no, the girl is not at all the daughter of Sergey Bezrukov, as it was possible to think, but simply the same name.

Personal life of Berophova

From 2000 to 2015, Sergey Bezrukov was married to Irina Livanova. The first acquaintance happened in the plane when they flew together on the shooting of the film "Crusader-2". At that time, the woman was married to actor Igor Livanov.

After the filming of the shooting, Bezrukov left Irina a note on which he scared his phone number and signed the only word: "Waiting!". Irina received a note, but I could not have decided to call for a long time - doubted that the man would be glad to call her. In the end, she decided and even imagine could not, as Sergey reacts. When a deafening "yes! Yes! Yes! ", Irina rejected the timidity and fully devoted himself to the" Star "novel.

With the official proposal, Sergey pulls not long. The proposal of the hand and hearts took place on January 26, 2000, in front of the play "Koyka", Sergey looked at Irina in the dressing room of the theater on Taganka and began to talk about something for a long time. The actress understood what Klonite Bezrukov, and said: "This is not done so." Then Sergey closed the door, stood on his knees and said: "Marry me."

Since then, anxiety rumors began to walk on the relationship of the sleeves. In the autumn of the same year, terrible truth was confirmed - in early September, the spouses announced that they no longer consider themselves a couple.

The main catalyst for the divorce of the media called the extramarital children of Bezrukov. Two children, a boy and a girl were born as a result of the long secret relationship of Bezrukov and Christina Smirnova, with which the actor met on the filming of Yesenin. The difference in the age of children was 2 years.

Sergey and Irina chose the reasons for the break, although both noted that they had retained friendly relationships and support.

Soon it became known about the novel of Bezrukov and the director of the film "Milky Way" Anna Mathison. Paparazzi randomly filmed them holding hands. Sergey and Anna refused to give up any comments for quite a long time, but in the fall of 2015 the couple first published together. Sergey Bezrukov with a newborn daughter Masha

Recently, Sergey spends a lot of strength not so much on shooting in the movies, how much to educate two children and on its own rock band, which is called "Great Dad".